#family law attorneys in anne arundel county
colbertlawcenter · 6 months
Navigating Family Dynamics: Unraveling the Essentials of Family Law in the USA
Family Law in the USA encompasses a spectrum of legal issues crucial for familial stability. From divorce to child custody, it addresses complex matters with the goal of fair resolution. This legal framework delves into spousal support, property division, and parental rights, aiming to safeguard the well-being of all family members. As a vital component of the US legal system, Family Law ensures a structured approach to disputes, promoting fairness and justice. Understanding its intricacies becomes paramount for individuals navigating the challenges of family-related legal matters, offering a pathway to equitable resolutions and the preservation of familial harmony.
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manleycollins · 2 years
Journal Entry 62 - My First Arrest - State of Maryland
JOURNAL ENTRY #62 – My First Arrest – State of Maryland
Name: Manley M Collins
Social Security Number: 5 7 9 – * * – 6 5 4 1
Date of Birth: 06/21
Place of Birth: Washington, District of Columbia
Country of Birth: United States of America
Date:  November 1, 2008 (Note Previous Experiences will be posted, this is posting of significance covering a time period from 2008 to 2012).
The Maryland arrest was alluded to in Journal Entry 29.
The date and time was October 30, 2008 to November 7, 2008. 
As my head was spinning out of control and blackouts were occurring while at 3222 Theodore R Hagans Dr NE, Washington, DC, I had a flight moment to leave 3222 Theodore R Hagans Dr NE and head up Route 1 to New York City.  I only made it as far as Halethorpe, Maryland on foot because it was the I-95 and Route 1 junction. 
I was on Interstate 95 hitchhiking, but my mind was spinning out of control and I could not speak for some reason in which depression took a hold of me.
A white female Maryland state trooper stopped and was asking questions.  I was not in a frame of mind to respond.  My head a spinning along with my vision of seeing everything fast.  While on Interstate 95, I wandered into the road like supposedly a suicide, but all the cars and trucks slowed down.  Men got out of their trucks and cars.  Everyone was asking me questions, “Was I alright?”, “What is my name?”, etc.  They were talking among each other.  Then all I remember fast was all four (4) men took a long time to pin me down.  Then, I was still being asked the same questions and no response from me.  The officer ask the men were they alright.  The officer asked one of the men whose arm was across my mouth during the pin down, “Is your arm alright?”  All I know, I had my Invisalign retainers on and my mouth was closed.
The white female officer called the ambulance while I was handcuffed and I went to MedStar Harbor /Franklin Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland.  While at MedStar Harbor /Franklin Hospital, I remember seeing on television the election of President Barack Obama.  I could not vote that year.  I was still handcuffed to the bed while screaming similar to my panic attacks, anxiety, etc.  The hospital made the classification of schizophrenia and the doctor used some dye to ensure no aneurysms or brain damage.
The white female officer was still by my bedside making her report.  I remember the handcuffs came off before transported to Sheppard Pratt Adult Inpatient Care in Ellicott City, Maryland.  Nothing else heard of since then.
I moved to Connecticut in February 2012.  As leasing companies were doing criminal background checks, Maryland arrest charge appeared stating Second Degree Assault (a felony).  I hired David Krum, Attorney at Law, to get the charge dropped.  The actual report stated I bit someone.  We were successful and got the charge expunged.  If you pull any criminal background and it states Anne Arundel county equals blank, then the charge was Second Degree Assault (a felony).  Maryland did state I could not sue the state for any problems occurred during expungement.  I went through the entire process of expungement, but lost the original paperwork and kept an electronic copy on my storage drives which was lost in Chicago, Illinois – April 3, 2016.
Family members that found out what happened is the Nelson Family, Washington, DC family.
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stuartgrozbean · 5 years
Rockville, MD Family Law Attorney & Divorce Lawyer
Located in Rockville, MD - The law office of Stuart Grozbean provides the legal advice in matters of divorce, adoption, separation, child support, child custody, domestic violence, divorce mediation in Montgomery County, Frederick County, Prince George's County, Howard County, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Washington  County.
Contact us now to get a free consultation if you are looking to hire the best lawyer in Maryland.
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ortegalaw62-blog · 5 years
5 Tips on Locating the Best Criminal Defense Attorney
If you've had an unfortunate run-in with the law, you're going to need all the help you can get. Choosing a criminal defense lawyer you can count is probably one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, so it's crucial that you choose wisely. Here are some things to consider as you search for your criminal defense attorney in Anne Arundel County.
1. They Must Be Responsive
As you seek to defend yourself, you're in a very vulnerable position. If you need help with something — or you're looking for some answers — it's imperative that your lawyer be there for you. When you call a lawyer, you want their whole team to jump on the case. They should respond immediately to your call and set up a meeting within a day. If you find they're unresponsive or difficult to reach, then they're probably the wrong lawyer for you.
2. They Must Be Experts in Criminal Law
Now is not the time to screw around. If you have a friend or a cousin who works in labor or entertainment law, they are not the right choice. You need an attorney who specializes in criminal law (although they don't have to practice criminal law exclusively). They need to be used to the nuances involved in this particular area of law to give you the defense you need.
3. Local Experience
It's to your benefit to choose someone who understands the local courts. Any connections or relationships they have can only work to your advantage. Furthermore, every judge has their own quirks and ways of managing a courtroom. An experienced local lawyer will be cognizant of these peculiarities and can use them to help craft a winning case.
4. Seek Out Referrals
Do you have a friend or family member who required the services of a criminal lawyer. If so — and they were successful — then that's the first place you should look. Once you've found some lawyers you're considering, do some research on the internet and with the state bar to gather more information. You never know what you might uncover, both good or ill.
5. Demand a Clear Fee Structure
From the outset it's important that you an understanding of how they're going to bill you for their services. If you have trouble getting this information from the outset, then consider it a warning sign to look elsewhere.
Choosing your defense attorney is not to be taken lightly. While you'll need to act swiftly, you can't cut corners when it comes to selecting a criminal defense attorney in Anne Arundel County.
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deniscollins · 5 years
‘I Will Not Say His Name’: Police Try to End Notoriety of Gunmen in Mass Shootings
Some law enforcement officials believe that the most important information they could provide to the public following a mass killing was the identity of the suspected perpetrator. Others believe doing so provides the killer fame, and disrespects families of the victims. If you were a law enforcement executive in Virginia Beach following a mass killing of 12 people, would you: (1) provide the killer’s name once and then always refer to the killer as “the perpetrator” or (2) continually use the killer’s name in public announcements? Why? What are the ethics underlying your decision?
The city manager has not said his name in public. The police chief snarled it just once.
They have called him “that 13th person,” “the suspect” and “the perpetrator.” But since DeWayne Craddock killed a dozen people when he opened fire at a Virginia Beach government office on Friday, top local officials have observed a self-imposed, near total silence about his identity.
“We’re going to mention his name once, and then he will be forever referred to as ‘the suspect’ because our focus now is the dignity and respect to the victims in this case and to their families,” the police chief, James A. Cervera, said on Friday night, hours after the attack.
The intentional effort to deny killers attention represents a sharp departure from how information about mass shootings was disseminated in the era before they became so common. It reflects the growing evidence that perpetrators are driven by a desire for fame. And it is also one of the few concrete steps public officials can take to avert what is known as the copycat effect, especially as new data confirms that many assailants are influenced by information about previous attackers.
The refrain has echoed in the ritual news conferences held in the wake of mass shootings across the country in recent years. While law enforcement officials once believed that the most important information they could provide to the public was the identity of the suspected perpetrator, the attention now is on not humanizing someone who may inspire another.
“I will not say his name today,” Timothy Altomare, chief of the Anne Arundel County Police Department, said last year at a news conference after the shooting at the Capital Gazette’s newsroom in Annapolis, Md.
“I refuse to do it. I wish you wouldn’t do it. But I know better,” he said. “He doesn’t deserve us to talk about him one more second.”
The gunman’s name also went unspoken at the initial law enforcement news conference about the 2017 killings at a church in Sutherland Springs, Tex. “We do not want to glorify him and what he has done,” said Freeman Martin with the Texas Department of Public Safety. And the authorities there vowed to continue to refrain from saying it.
The district attorney in San Diego County, Summer Stephan, has also intentionally held back from publicly citing the name of the man accused of bursting into a synagogue in Poway, Calif., in April, killing one and wounding three on the last day of Passover.
“We want to be clear that this sort of hate, and hateful crimes, will not be tolerated,” Ms. Stephan said. “And this is why I’m not going to even mention his name.”
The approach reaches beyond the United States. New Zealand’s prime minister, Jacinda Ardern, has vowed never to speak the name of the white supremacist charged with killing 51 people at two mosques in her country in March.
“He is a terrorist. He is a criminal. He is an extremist. But he will, when I speak, be nameless,” she told Parliament.
It is hard to pinpoint when some law enforcement officials started to push back against naming killers. After the 2012 Aurora, Colo., theater shooting, the parents of one of the victims, Alex Teves, began a social media campaign to urge people not to use names, called #NoNotoriety. The group’s message has been endorsed by the International Association of Chiefs of Police and the International Police Association.
In 2015, a sheriff in Oregon refused to speak the name of the man who killed nine people at a community college. The next year, James Comey, the F.B.I. director at the time, refused to say the name of the man who killed 49 at a nightclub in Orlando, Fla.
“You will notice that I’m not using the killer’s name and I will try not to do that,” Mr. Comey said, before explaining his reasoning: “Part of what motivates sick people to do this kind of thing is some twisted notion of fame or glory. And I don’t want to be part of that for the sake of the victims and their families. And so that other twisted minds don’t think that this is a path to fame and recognition.”
The refusal to repeat a suspect’s name is not universal. At the newsconference following the shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue last fall that left 11 people dead, for instance, the authorities said the suspect’s name multiple times. And some people believe that decisions by law enforcement to avoid naming assailants make little difference, particularly for relatives of the victims.
“Not saying his name is not going to take away anything that happened,” said the Rev. Sharon Risher, whose mother died in the attack on a church in Charleston, S.C., in 2015. Ms. Risher said that she makes certain to mention Dylann Roof, the gunman who was sentenced to death in January 2017, during speeches because “you need to know who he is and when this name comes up, the evil this person caused.”
But the approach to not name suspects has recently been more widely embraced, said Chuck Wexler, the executive director of the nonprofit Police Executive Research Forum, as chiefs and sheriffs have come to recognize that mass shooters often kill for the sake of attention.
“The sense is that is part of the reason these people do this, so let’s not feed into that,” Mr. Wexler said.
Explicit evidence of “fame seeking” exists for nearly half of the deadliest mass shootings since 2010, according to Adam Lankford, a criminology professor at the University of Alabama, who presented his data at a National Science Foundation workshop in April. His research found that 90 percent of high-fatality shootings have some circumstantial evidence of a desire for attention.
“The evidence supporting these types of strategies is stronger than ever before because we have more cases and more data,” Dr. Lankford said. “And law enforcement is also increasingly desperate to do something that would make a difference.”
Several law enforcement officials said that their departments have no official policy to avoid uttering a suspect’s name. But it has become the custom, or in some cases, an instinct. At a news conference following the shooting at a manufacturing warehouse in Aurora, Ill., last February that left five people dead and five officers wounded, Kristen Ziman, the city’s police chief, avoided naming the killer more than once.
“My thought was that he’s not deserving for his name to come across my lips and to anyone else’s ears,” Chief Ziman said. “So many people that we have seen in the past have done this for notoriety, or to try to one-up the last body count, for lack of a better terminology. And so it becomes this thing to become notorious, and I don’t want any part in giving notoriety to any human that is going to commit these heinous acts.”
Even inside her own police department she doesn’t say the name during meetings or debriefings.
“I call him ‘the shooter’ or I call him ‘the killer.’ Everyone knows who we’re talking about,” she said.
In Virginia Beach, law enforcement officials released the suspect’s name the morning after the attack.
By then, Rick Smith, the chief of police in Marysville, Wash., noticed the city’s approach immediately when he watched the news conference on Friday. He has lectured other law enforcement officials on the practice since implementing it himself in 2014, after a school shooting in his city that left five people dead, including the gunman.
“In the past, we were trying to do all the right things, cooperating with the media to get information out there, and a certain shooting would get associated with a certain individual’s name,” Chief Smith said. “But there is now a consensus that that is not the appropriate route to go.”
“I absolutely agreed with it,” he said of Chief Cervera’s statement in Virginia Beach. “It was the right approach.”
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janicecpitts · 5 years
Calvert County Maryland Circuit Court Bushwood
Foccus facilitators (
Docket report (pdf). view
Parish anglican church
Calvert county adult treatment
International zip code
Directory of Appellate, Circuit, District and Orphans’ Courts. Calvert County. Circuit Court. Hours of Operation … Prince Frederick, MD 20678. General Information …
Waterfront Property Calvert County Maryland Coltons Point Waterfront property that cheap … In the early 1970s, he bought Maryland Inn, where he created King of France Tavern. He soon added four more
A circuit court judge in Maryland is accused by a former staffer of sexual … all of the judges in the 7th Judicial Circuit–which includes Charles County, St. Mary’s County, Calvert County and Princ…
Conditions will be re-evaluated in the morning, and any changes to this status will be made by 8 a.m. UPDATE (7:45 p.m.): Calvert County government offices and the circuit and district courts will … …
FOCCUS, Inc. USA offers both online and in-person training courses for foccus facilitators (to help couples prepare for marriage) and FOCCUS Trainers (to teach and certify FOCCUS Facilitators). You may also bring a National FOCCUS Trainer to your area for customized training just for your organization.
Search Maryland criminal and public records access statewide. Free arrest, police reports, open warrants and court searches.
Two brothers were sentenced Monday in Calvert County Circuit Court for their involvement in an armed robbery and shooting incident that occurred June 2, 2014, in North Beach. Jeramey Bradshaw, 27, of …
Current docket report (pdf). view past docket reports by week. County Seal. Contact. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678. Phone: 410-535-1600
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Calvert County Maryland History Helen This is the history of Lynnhaven parish anglican church, today known as Old Donation Episcopal Church, a church that has survived the rising river, the
Under Judicial supervision, the mission of the calvert county adult treatment … Treatment Court Judge; Treatment Court Coordinator; Treatment Court Case …
to the Calvert County Courthouse and the Office of Clerk of the Circuit Court. Rich in the tradition and history of Maryland, the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit …
Complete Domestic and international zip code list by Douglas Boynton Quine. Links are provided to other Philatelic / Postal Web Sites by Douglas Boynton Quine.
More than a year after the pair filed their suit, retired Maryland Court of Special Appeals Judge James P. Salmon, sitting in Calvert County Circuit Court, handed down the decision Dec. 22 in response …
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St Mary’s County; 10/06/2018; By St. Mary’s County Circuit Court. 0. SEPTEMBER 4, 2018. KELSEY … JENNIFER DAWN CONNELLY, 39, BUSHWOOD, MD
A Marbury man pleaded guilty to first-degree rape last week and was sentenced in Charles County Circuit Court … least three other times in Maryland, court records show. At age 16, he was charged wit…
Circuit Court for Calvert County, MD … matters (see Domestic/Family Law), there are not many forms available for use in circuit court by self represented parties.
Anne Arundel County Launch Sites Anne Arundel County has 533 miles of shoreline, according to Volunteers get the nearly forgotten Franklin State Park ready to open.While it may seem like there are a lot of public launch sites in the county, the truth of the matter is that if you look at the ratio of the number launch sites to the number of miles of shoreline, the resulting value is quite low.
Ensor, of Baltimore County Circuit Court; and E. Gregory Wells, of Calvert County Circuit Court. The eight attorneys are Assistant Maryland Attorney General Cathleen C. Brockmeyer; Gardner M. Duvall, …
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via Check This Out More Resources
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Calvert County Maryland Circuit Court Bushwood
Foccus facilitators (
Docket report (pdf). view
Parish anglican church
Calvert county adult treatment
International zip code
Directory of Appellate, Circuit, District and Orphans' Courts. Calvert County. Circuit Court. Hours of Operation … Prince Frederick, MD 20678. General Information …
Waterfront Property Calvert County Maryland Coltons Point Waterfront property that cheap … In the early 1970s, he bought Maryland Inn, where he created King of France Tavern. He soon added four more
A circuit court judge in Maryland is accused by a former staffer of sexual … all of the judges in the 7th Judicial Circuit–which includes Charles County, St. Mary’s County, Calvert County and Princ…
Conditions will be re-evaluated in the morning, and any changes to this status will be made by 8 a.m. UPDATE (7:45 p.m.): Calvert County government offices and the circuit and district courts will … …
FOCCUS, Inc. USA offers both online and in-person training courses for foccus facilitators (to help couples prepare for marriage) and FOCCUS Trainers (to teach and certify FOCCUS Facilitators). You may also bring a National FOCCUS Trainer to your area for customized training just for your organization.
Search Maryland criminal and public records access statewide. Free arrest, police reports, open warrants and court searches.
Two brothers were sentenced Monday in Calvert County Circuit Court for their involvement in an armed robbery and shooting incident that occurred June 2, 2014, in North Beach. Jeramey Bradshaw, 27, of …
Current docket report (pdf). view past docket reports by week. County Seal. Contact. 175 Main Street Prince Frederick, MD 20678. Phone: 410-535-1600
www.pier2pier.com Alabama Arizona California Connecticut District of Columbia Georgia Idaho Indiana Kansas Louisiana Maryland Michigan Mississippi Montana Nevada
93561. 98052. 92802. 12345. 13345. 34786. 12345. ID Contact Address City State Fields Zip Laguna Niguel Tehachapi CA Anaheim Orange Santa Maria Zipcode 50001 Milo IA 62662 Waverly
Calvert County Maryland History Helen This is the history of Lynnhaven parish anglican church, today known as Old Donation Episcopal Church, a church that has survived the rising river, the
Under Judicial supervision, the mission of the calvert county adult treatment … Treatment Court Judge; Treatment Court Coordinator; Treatment Court Case …
to the Calvert County Courthouse and the Office of Clerk of the Circuit Court. Rich in the tradition and history of Maryland, the Office of the Clerk of the Circuit …
Complete Domestic and international zip code list by Douglas Boynton Quine. Links are provided to other Philatelic / Postal Web Sites by Douglas Boynton Quine.
More than a year after the pair filed their suit, retired Maryland Court of Special Appeals Judge James P. Salmon, sitting in Calvert County Circuit Court, handed down the decision Dec. 22 in response …
Calvert County Maryland Board Of Elections Coltons Point North Beach Calvert County Maryland Helen Calvert County Maryland Homes For sale scotland beck index Maryland, Virginia, Carolinas, and Georgia 1663-1744 by Sanderson Beck Maryland
St Mary's County; 10/06/2018; By St. Mary's County Circuit Court. 0. SEPTEMBER 4, 2018. KELSEY … JENNIFER DAWN CONNELLY, 39, BUSHWOOD, MD
A Marbury man pleaded guilty to first-degree rape last week and was sentenced in Charles County Circuit Court … least three other times in Maryland, court records show. At age 16, he was charged wit…
Circuit Court for Calvert County, MD … matters (see Domestic/Family Law), there are not many forms available for use in circuit court by self represented parties.
Anne Arundel County Launch Sites Anne Arundel County has 533 miles of shoreline, according to Volunteers get the nearly forgotten Franklin State Park ready to open.While it may seem like there are a lot of public launch sites in the county, the truth of the matter is that if you look at the ratio of the number launch sites to the number of miles of shoreline, the resulting value is quite low.
Ensor, of Baltimore County Circuit Court; and E. Gregory Wells, of Calvert County Circuit Court. The eight attorneys are Assistant Maryland Attorney General Cathleen C. Brockmeyer; Gardner M. Duvall, …
Calvert County Maryland Real Estate Lexington Park CSM can prepare you to sit for the maryland real estate salesperson … Real Estate Commission website at www.dllr.state.md.us/license/mrec/mreclic.shtml. Why use Zillow? Zillow helps you
via Check This Out
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colbertlawcenter · 6 months
Professional Bowie Injury Attorney
Accidents are a side effect of life. They happen. If you are injured in a car accident, or if you are injured due to the negligence of someone else, you should promptly seek legal help for compensation. Bowie Injury Attorney can also review your claim to make sure you’re filing for everything you’re entitled to. They know the experts to hire and the evidence to gather to help you build the strongest case possible. Call us today at 301 576-6200.
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This story is adapted from an episode of The Impact, a podcast about how policy shapes our lives.
Alethea never liked her apartment on the western edge of Baltimore — and for good reason. (We’re only using her first name for her safety and to protect her privacy.) Water leaked through the roof every time it rained. Mold grew across the bedroom wall. Her landlord took months to fix the leak, but he left the mold where it was. He just painted over it.
The 41-year-old mother of three spent a lot of time worrying about safety, especially for her 3-year-old son, Jeremiah. Baltimore’s homicide rate hit an all-time high last year, and the city has one of the highest rates of violent crime in the country.
“I was always coming down throughout the night checking out the house making sure nobody broke the glass to get in,” she says. “I would keep most of the lights on because I used to be scared to be in the house.”
So in October, Alethea packed up and left.
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“I see women who lost kids. That’s why I want to get out of here,” Alethea says.
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Alethea’s granddaughter has a snack on the packed truck.
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She signed up for a program that moves longtime residents out of the city’s poorest, most dangerous neighborhoods and gives them vouchers to settle in nearby, more affluent suburbs.
It’s called the Baltimore Housing Mobility Program (BRHP). It started in 2002, and has since moved more than 4,000 people out of the city. Some see it as a way to give low-income Baltimore residents new opportunities in neighborhoods that would otherwise be out of reach.
Barbara Samuels, the managing attorney for fair housing at the Maryland ACLU, helped file the lawsuit that led to this program. She remembers one woman who testified on its behalf, a client who had moved with her children from a public housing complex Baltimore to a suburb.
“She talked about her nephew who had lived in the same public housing development that she had lived in and who had been killed on his way to the grocery store,” Samuels says. The mother who moved felt that her sons had been spared. “She felt like it was life and death, that the program had saved lives.”
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But others question whether money spent to move residents out of Baltimore ought to be invested in repairing the city’s core.
“They should not have to uproot their whole lives just for the opportunity to have a better house or even a better school,” says Bishop Douglas Miles, a longtime community organizer from Baltimore’s Koinonia Baptist Church.
Baltimore gets a lot of attention for its problems. In addition to its crime rate, nearly a quarter of its residents live in poverty. Baltimore and its surrounding suburbs are starkly segregated by race and class — a pattern set in motion by policymakers in the early 20th century that continues to this day.
In 2005, a federal judge found the government liable for segregating public housing in Baltimore, in violation of federal civil rights law — and ordered the agency to fix it.
Samuels and her team negotiated with the federal government on a settlement, which included funding for the housing mobility program that moves longtime residents like Alethea out of Baltimore.
The vast majority of BRHP participants live in Baltimore, often in public housing, and always in neighborhoods with a great deal of poverty. Nearly all of them are black. They’re moving to “Opportunity Areas,” determined by the program through a mix of census data and other metrics. These areas have a lot more wealth, including job opportunities and resource-rich schools. Residents tend to be white.
Over the past few decades, research from economists like Raj Chetty has found that where children grow up is integral to their success as adults. BRHP’s administrators know this, too, and that’s why so many of the program’s participants are moms like Alethea, with young children like Jeremiah. Growing up in his new neighborhood, Jeremiah is much more likely to escape poverty as an adult.
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Alethea arrives at her new home in Anne Arundel County, a suburb of Baltimore.
That’s one of the reasons demand for this program is so high. It vastly exceeds what BRHP can provide: Nearly 15,000 people are on the waitlist, and BRHP decided to close its waitlist last year because administrators didn’t want to give Baltimoreans false hope that they’d eventually get a voucher.
Alethea started in the program last May.
BRHP includes a series of workshops, on goal-setting, banking and budgeting, dealing with landlords, and searching for an apartment on the private market. The workshops are led by a dynamic trainer named Alnita Sherrill. She guides participants through downloading credit reports, setting goals, finding an apartment, and reams of paperwork.
The program is restricted in some ways: No one with violent or drug-related criminal convictions in the past five years is allowed. There are also a lot of requirements. Participants are assigned to attend seven workshops, two hours each on weekdays, in the morning or afternoon. Clients can reschedule if necessary, but Alethea had to rearrange her schedule to be there.
Even so, she finished all of her workshops in two months. When she finally got her voucher, she told me, “I guess I was the happiest person in the class. I said, ‘Y’all don’t understand, I been waiting for this. This is a breakthrough for me.’”
She decided on a new place in Anne Arundel County. It’s only 20 minutes southeast of her old apartment in Baltimore, but there are a lot of differences.
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I compared Alethea’s new neighborhood to her old one on the Opportunity Atlas, a mapping tool from the Census Bureau, Harvard University, and Brown University. It uses census data on class, race, employment, and other metrics, to find the neighborhoods that give children the best opportunities to escape poverty.
Alethea’s new neighborhood has people with higher incomes, a much lower poverty rate, and a lot more job growth, compared to her neighborhood in Baltimore.
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Her new neighborhood is also much more mixed, racially. It’s about 50-50, white and nonwhite. Her old neighborhood was 95 percent nonwhite.
Alethea feels much safer in her new neighborhood. She doesn’t wake up in the middle of the night, worrying someone might break in. When we talked at her new apartment, she told me, “I just love to just sit here like I’m sitting here now; I love to just unwind, just relax. I am comfortable.”
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“The neighbors come and introduce themselves, welcome you to the neighborhood,” Alethea says.
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Stefanie DeLuca, a sociologist at Johns Hopkins University, has studied BRHP and its graduates. She found that most of the participants are really happy with the opportunities provided by their new neighborhoods, especially the quality schools. They also feel safer and much less stressed in their new homes. And the majority of participants have stayed in Opportunity Areas, even after the two years required by the program.
Still, the program has its detractors. Bishop Miles wanted the city to build affordable housing inside its limits with the settlement funds from the lawsuit against HUD. And he worries that the program doesn’t prepare participants enough for life outside the city.
“I do not think that many people who have been relocated out of Baltimore have been prepared to face the level of discrimination they receive,” Miles says. “One of the most dominant issues in the Baltimore region is race.”
BRHP’s administrators know this.
“We deal with discrimination in the neighborhoods, police officers that profile — you hear it all,” Sherrill, the workshop trainer, explains. “That’s why these workshops are really good because I get a chance to prepare them for it. To let them know, your children may be looked at differently at times.”
She mentioned one client in particular, a woman who had lived in the same suburban house for more than a decade.
“She said it wasn’t always easy, but it was worth it,” Sherrill says. Especially “when her children got to the age where they’re off to college.”
Alethea is happy with her decision to move. So far, she hasn’t encountered the racism that Miles’s congregants have seen in the suburbs. But the program can only provide so many vouchers. In the meantime, there are lots of families like Alethea’s, waiting for an opportunity.
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“I feel more safe here. Jeremiah seems like he loves it. I love it,” Alethea says.
This story is adapted from an episode of The Impact, a podcast about how policy shapes our lives. Listen on Apple Podcasts | Google Podcasts | Spotify | Stitcher | Overcast | ART19.
Original Source -> Baltimore is starkly segregated by race and class. A housing program is trying to change that. 
via The Conservative Brief
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Think About Motorcycles and Look Twice
The lovely spring weather encourages those who have motorcycles to hit the road. You may be thinking that, as a motorist in a passenger vehicle, the matter does not much concern you, but you’d be wrong. Just one brief moment of inattention or not checking before you change lanes could be fatal to the person operating a motorcycle. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), in an issue statement, had this to say: “When motorcycles and other vehicles collide, it is usually the other (non-motorcycle) driver who violates the motorcyclist’s right of way. There is a continuing need to help other motorists ‘think’ motorcycles and to educate motorcyclists to be aware of this problem.”
May is Motorcycle Safety Month—and Maryland’s Motor Vehicle Administration (MDMVA) reminds you that you can help save a life by keeping motorcycles uppermost in your mind and checking twice before you change position in traffic.
The Numbers Don’t Lie
Motorcycle deaths are on the rise. In 2015, 4,976 persons died in crashes, up 8.3 percent from 2014. The age of the average cyclist in a wreck has increased as well: it’s gone from 39 in 2006 to 42 in 2015. Injuries from motorcycle crashes were roughly 88,000 in 2015.
During 2015, 40 percent of motorcyclists who were killed were not wearing helmets. Of all the things you can do to protect yourself and your passenger, wearing an approved helmet is one of the easiest and most effective. By the way, Maryland law requires all those on motorcycles to wear helmets.
In our state, about 70 persons die in motorcycle wrecks every year, with another 1,400 injured. Concentrated traffic areas experience more wrecks: over 40 percent of crashes in our state occur in the City of Baltimore as well as in Baltimore, Anne Arundel, and Harford counties.
Almost half of motorcycle crashes do not involve another vehicle. If you are a motorcyclist, it’s up to you to drive sober, wear a helmet, and operate within the guidelines of the law.
Share the Road and Save a Life
However, much of the time, the crash is not the motorcyclist’s fault. The passenger vehicle’s driver simply doesn’t see, or doesn’t bother to look for, the motorcyclist. The reasons that drivers infringe upon the motorcyclist’s right of way are often the following ones:
Drivers don’t see motorcyclists because they are smaller.
Drivers don’t bother to anticipate movements on the part of motorcyclists.
The driver’s view is obstructed, either because of other vehicles or because of blind spots.
The driver is distracted or otherwise simply not paying attention.
Drivers, think twice, look twice, and save lives.
Motorcyclists Must Do Their Part
Of course, it’s not all up to passenger vehicle drivers. If you’re going to ride a motorcycle, be sure to obey the rules:
First of all, obtain the proper training and licensing.
Watch out for road hazards. Motorcyclists can go down because of potholes, gravel, wet pavement, uneven road surfaces, animals or debris in the road, oil slicks, and railroad tracks, just to name a few. Two-wheeled vehicles are much less stable than four-wheeled ones.
Drive defensively and be courteous always. It could save your life.
Be especially alert when an oncoming driver is planning to make a left turn. Left-hand-turn crashes involving a motorcycle and a passenger vehicle create 42 percent of accidents.
Wear protective clothing and the proper helmet.
Experienced and sensible motorcyclists don’t take risks and they obey the rules. We hope you have a safe and happy summer riding your motorcycle!
How Can We Help You?
It’s a sad fact that often the person riding the motorcycle is not the one at fault for the accident. A skilled motorcycle injury attorney can help you begin the process of recovery. We urge you to find out more by discussing whether you have a case with Baltimore personal injury attorney Steve Heisler. With over 25 years of experience helping thousands of injured people, Steve can provide the approachable and professional guidance you need to recover financial reimbursement for your losses. If you or a family member has been the victim of a personal injury in Maryland, you should keep in mind that there is a statute of limitations – or a time limit – for filing personal injury claims, so please don’t delay. Contact “The Injury Lawyer,” Steven Heisler, for a free initial consultation by calling��1-855-396-2637 today, or by using our online contact form.
The post Think About Motorcycles and Look Twice appeared first on The Maryland Injury Lawyer.
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marylandaccident · 7 years
Maryland Car Accident Lawyers
Maryland Personal Injury Lawyers
CAR ACCIDENT attorneys
Our team is ready to help you obtain a full and fair recovery right now. If you have been involved in an accident and need direction or if the insurance company is giving you the run a round we can put a stop to that. We have been fighting the big corporate insurance companies and helping injured victims of accidents in Maryland since 1993. We know the tricks the insurance companies and their lawyers like to play and we do not let that happen to our clients.
Bruce Robinson & Associates aggressively pursues full and fair recovery in all forms of personal injury cases including car, motorcycle and truck accidents. We also handle matters such as bicycle, pedestrian and wrongful death whether resulting from vehicular negligence or medical malpractice. Click here if you were injured by Medical Malpractice. We have built an experienced and highly successful team of devoted medical negligence lawyers to help you recover fair and appropriate compensation for malpractice and birth injury cases. Our Malpractice team* has achieved some of the highest verdicts in Maryland and surrounding states. We also have a board certified physician and nurse on staff.
accident? Watch this short video then Call Us for Help!
In addition to the successful recoveries we achieve for our clients, one of the reasons for our growth over the last two decades is the fact that we are available to help accident clients when they need help, including evenings and weekends. If you need guidance about what to do next or how to handle the insurance company, don’t hesitate to contact us because there is never a cost to you as personal injury cases are handled on a contingency fee basis meaning there is no fee or expense to you until we win your case. We know you have many questions so we have answered many of the most common ones directly underneath, simply click on the question for detailed information, then call us to discuss your case- we are ready to answer your questions and provide effective, aggressive representation against the insurance company right now!
5 Things to do after the accident
What is my case worth
Do I need a lawyer to help me recover money
What if I don’t have money to hire a lawyer
How long will it take to resolve my case
What is PiP insurance & do I need it
What’s if insurance adjuster low balls me
—Click Your Question—
Should I speak to the Defendant’s insurance
What if the Defendant has no insurance
How is a “total loss” car determined
How long do I have to go to the ER
Can I make a claim if I don’t know who hit me
Do we handle motorcycle accidents
Do I need a Maryland lawyer for my case
If you don’t see your question, click here. Read our client testimonials here.
The trial lawyers at Bruce Robinson & Associates have been maximizing recoveries for injured victims of Maryland car accidents for over 20 years. Whether injured by car accident, medical malpractice or nursing home neglect, our experienced trial lawyers are committed to protecting our clients legal rights anytime day or night.
We represent accident victims in all forms of motor vehicle accidents including car, motorcycle and truck accidents. We also handle personal injuries resulting from bicycle and pedestrian accidents.  Our seasoned litigators represent wrongful death cases whether resulting from vehicular negligence or medical malpractice. We are available to help on your schedule, including evenings and weekends. Call us anytime. There is no cost to you as personal injury and negligence cases are handled on a contingency fee basis meaning no fee or expense to you until we recover for you and your family.
If you were involved in a serious accident we know you have many questions. Here are a few questions we answer routinely for our clients. Additional questions are answered here. Please contact us right away with additional questions or concerns.
Why select Robinson & Associates to pursue your car accident case? There are many reasons, beginning with-we are available to help you right now. Our trial attorneys and staff are available anytime, including evenings and weekends to discuss your accident case. We can come to you if you cannot get out. In addition to being accessible, our experienced and proven lawyers demand full compensation from the insurance companies. Unlike many law firms, our attorneys are trial oriented and enjoy going to court in order to force the insurance companies to meet their full responsibility to our clients. Bear in mind that the insurance company rarely pay fair recovery for injuries caused by their insured; therefore, we are quick to file suit and take them to court to protect your interests.
Importantly, our commitment to our clients consists of a board certified physician and nurse on staff to assist in the preparation of personal injury, car accident and medical malpractice cases. Additionally, our paralegals understand that they work for our clients and work diligently to resolve issues and answer questions. You will find them to be knowledgeable, courteous, and eager to assist. Give us a call and discover the Robinson and Associates difference for yourself.
Our litigators were groomed at Maryland’s largest law firms. Our extensive trial experience is important because it provides our trial lawyers and clients a leg up on the insurance companies in terms of knowing the defense strategy. Additionally, having medical professionals directly on staff also provides an important benefit for maximizing your recovery. When Robinson & Associates represents an injured accident victim, we are able to prepare both sides of the case, as a plaintiff and defendant in order to maximize a fair and appropriate recovery. We have a thorough understanding of the defense trial strategies, their tricks and strategy and we put that knowledge to work for our clients.
We are prepared to go the distance for you. You might be surprised at the number of lawyers who will not to go to trial, electing instead to settle cases for the quick buck which is generally not in your best interest. At Robinson and Associates we are a trial firm and from the moment you visit our office, we are developing your case for trial in the event the insurance company refuses to fairly compensate your losses. Insurance companies are not in the business of giving money away, therefore we must be prepared to advocate for you in court to maximize a fair and appropriate recovery for you. This is one of the major differences between us and other Maryland accident law firms. Because of our willingness and ability to try cases effectively throughout Maryland’s courts, our injury litigators have achieved some of the highest verdicts in Maryland.
Never a cost to you until we win your case. Contact us for a free consultation. We are conveniently located off Beltway 695 at exit 20 in Baltimore County, plenty of free parking. If you cannot get in to see us, we can visit you. Please click to schedule an appointment.
Meet our Lawyers…
Bruce Robinson
Bruce Robinson has been successfully recovering compensation for victims of car, motorcycle and truck accidents for over two decades. Mr. Robinson and his team of experienced trial litigators, including a physician and nurse, work diligently to prepare cases for full and fair settlement in and outside the courtroom. Mr. Robinson has countless trial verdicts and settlements to his credit in the six and seven figures and aggressively advocates for his clients no matter the size or nature of their case.
Bruce Robinson and his trial partners have secured countless 6 and 7 verdicts throughout Maryland including record trial verdicts at the time they were won. Mr. Robinson attributes the firm success to being quick to file suit and take the insurance company to court. We know insurance companies are frugal and only understand litigation and verdicts. We are more than happy to oblige them one jury at a time!
Profile Page
Michael Fecik
Mr. Fecik brings well over a decade of complex civil trial experience from Maryland's largest defense insurers. With his significant experience defending motor vehicle accidents, premises liability and lead paint cases, Mr. Fecik is both an asset and a protector of victims rights. The Defense industry knows Mr. Fecik and as such when they play insurance games, we are quick to stop them and to file litigation to protect and advance our client's legal rights.
Prior to joining the firm, Mr. Fecik defended complex premises liability matters involving toxic exposure . In addition, he also defended the Maryland Transit Administration in accident litigation. He also represented injured plaintiffs in serious personal injury matters. Mr. Fecik also worked as House Counsel for the Maryland Automobile Insurance Fund (MAIF). There, he defended personal injury cases on behalf of MAIF policyholders, as well as uninsured matters against the company. He also prosecuted subrogation claims on behalf of MAIF. Mr. Fecik is licensed to practice in all courts in the State of Maryland.
Profile Page
Matt Kunka
Mr. Kunka was a trial lawyer at the Public Defender's Office in Anne Arundel County for years where he honed his trial skills as a criminal defense attorney. He aggressively protected and enforced the Constitutional and Fourth Amendment rights of Maryland's most vulnerable citizens. He is now a seasoned trial lawyer at Robinson & Associates practicing DUI defense and personal injury.
While at the Public Defender's office Mr. Kunka spent many years learning how to defend Maryland's most vulnerable people. He learned how to effectively represent criminal offenders in a system with few resources. Mr. Kunka spent his later years at the Defender's office training younger attorneys how to successfully defend and to force the state to prove their case. Mr. Kunka is now an effective DUI/Criminal defense attorney at Robinson & Associates.
Profile Page
I have been a client of Robinson & Associates for many years. I come back to these attorneys because in my view they are the best in the business. They are always available when I need to talk, they are able to solve complex legal... Read More
I have been a client of Robinson & Associates for many years. I come back to these attorneys because in my view they are the best in the business. They are always available when I need to talk, they are able to solve complex legal issues and their tenacious fight and no quit attitude always results in significant compensation.
I was in a very serious auto accident which landed me in the hospital for several days and a long painful period of recovery. The insurance company refused to acknowledge or compensate me for the seriousness of my injuries. The defense hired the most aggressive... Read More
I was in a very serious auto accident which landed me in the hospital for several days and a long painful period of recovery. The insurance company refused to acknowledge or compensate me for the seriousness of my injuries. The defense hired the most aggressive defense firm they could find in Frederick County. I retained Robinson & Associates. We Won! The Judge ended up awarding me well over a quarter million dollars. Evidently the insurance company hired the wrong firm!
M.D. Frederick, Maryland
I am a disability lawyer in Maryland. I know the injury attorneys in town and I choose to refer my personal injury and accident cases to Robinson & Associates. I know my clients will be taken care of and the firm will work relentlessly to... Read More
I am a disability lawyer in Maryland. I know the injury attorneys in town and I choose to refer my personal injury and accident cases to Robinson & Associates. I know my clients will be taken care of and the firm will work relentlessly to obtain significant results.
Karen Levian, Esq.
I am a bankruptcy and corporate attorney practicing in several states including Maryland. As I do not practice personal injury law, I refer my seriously injured clients to Robinson & Associates. My clients appreciate the immediate caring assistance they receive and they love the six... Read More
I am a bankruptcy and corporate attorney practicing in several states including Maryland. As I do not practice personal injury law, I refer my seriously injured clients to Robinson & Associates. My clients appreciate the immediate caring assistance they receive and they love the six figure results.
Ron Dresher, Esq.
I lost my husband of 30 years in a tragic motorcycle accident. He was my entire world. After the accident I realized he was my entire financial world and that I was in financial trouble. I interviewed many attorneys in Maryland and ultimately chose Robinson... Read More
I lost my husband of 30 years in a tragic motorcycle accident. He was my entire world. After the accident I realized he was my entire financial world and that I was in financial trouble. I interviewed many attorneys in Maryland and ultimately chose Robinson & Associates. Mr. Robinson was always available to me and he was very supportive during my dark days. He assured me throughout that I would be fine and in the end, he got me over a million dollars which is now my retirement. Mr. Robinson promised me and he delivered! He got me a new lease on life, avoiding financial ruin and allowed me to retire in Florida. I cannot thank him or his firm enough. This IS the firm you want.
Retired in Florida
Dear Bruce: Thank you for taking my case and winning BIG! My case sat for several years because nobody would take it. You took it shortly before limitations ran and got what I am told is one of the largest verdicts in Queen Anne’s County... Read More
Dear Bruce: Thank you for taking my case and winning BIG! My case sat for several years because nobody would take it. You took it shortly before limitations ran and got what I am told is one of the largest verdicts in Queen Anne’s County [well into six figures]. I am grateful for the late night and weekend meetings. You are a caring and skilled attorney.
-Queen Anne's County
The post Maryland Car Accident Lawyers appeared first on Auto Website.
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colbertlawcenter · 7 months
🕊️ **Achieving Peace: Understanding Peace Orders in Maryland** 🕊️
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In Maryland, fostering a sense of security and tranquility is a priority, and that's where Peace Orders come into play. 🌐✉️
A Peace Order is a legal tool designed to protect individuals from harassment, threats, or harm. 🛡️ It provides a legal remedy for those seeking relief from actions that disrupt their peace and well-being. 🤝
Whether it's a case of domestic disputes, stalking, or general harassment, a Peace Order can be sought to establish a legally mandated distance between parties involved, ensuring a safer environment. 🚧💼
Understanding the process and your rights is crucial. If you find yourself in a situation where a Peace Order might be necessary, consult with legal professionals or visit the Maryland Judiciary website for comprehensive information. 📚🏛️
Let's work together to cultivate a community where peace is not just a goal but a tangible reality. 🌍💙
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colbertlawcenter · 7 months
Colbert Law Center: Advocating Justice and Order for a Secure Maryland
The Colbert Law Center is a pillar of legal advocacy, fostering justice and order. Committed to community well-being, the center employs strategic initiatives, collaboration with authorities, and proactive legal interventions, making a lasting impact on peace in Maryland. Colbert Law stands as a dedicated force for a secure and harmonious society.
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colbertlawcenter · 8 months
Contempt Orders in Family Law: Enforcing Court Orders
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Contempt orders in family law are crucial tools when a party deliberately violates court orders, ensuring compliance in matters such as child custody and financial responsibilities. In Howard County, Maryland, securing the assistance of a family law attorney is essential when dealing with such issues. These attorneys guide clients through the complex process of initiating contempt proceedings, helping them understand the nuances of civil and criminal contempt. If you find yourself facing non-compliance, consulting a family law attorney in Howard County, Maryland, is vital. They navigate the legal intricacies, ensuring your rights are protected and facilitating a fair resolution of family disputes.
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colbertlawcenter · 1 year
What do personal injury law attorneys in Maryland do
It is important to know what to do if you are injured in a car, bus or train accident. Find out what personal injury law attorneys in Maryland do
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colbertlawcenter · 1 year
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Howard County Family Court provides comprehensive case management services for a variety of family-related legal matters. Our experienced staff and judges are committed to providing quality service in a timely manner. Contact us today to learn more about our services.
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