believeinthegems · 5 years
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Quartz Family Reunion 🌟
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allhailweegee · 8 years
Hey. SU DISCUSSION TIME. You said something in the tags about skipping over Amethyst's development - wasn't there a whole episode where she was competing with Steven because she didn't want to be 'the worst gem', and in the end she accepted her strengths and faults WITH him? And another ep where she met other 'reject' gems - and they were all GREAT and she loved them, and she learned where she came from? I feel like those established that her self-esteem was getting better.
*SLAMS HANDS DOWN* I’m always up for SU discussion!
With the first episode you mentioned, if I remember correctly, it mostly focused on the resolution and acceptance that they continue to compare Steven to Rose CONSTANTLY, and Amethyst understanding how much it hurt him with less focus on her and her feelings. It did talk about them but ended mostly on Steven. Which is fine too, cause he’s been struggling with his own shit.
And then with the Famythyst, it was a really, really nice moment for her to have gems like her! But considering how much of a staple it was for her to feel useless, and how ingrained it was (shown in a looot of episodes, to the point where she regrets even being made), I don’t think that seeing other people like her would instantly fix her self esteem.
Helps a shitton? Absolutely! But fix it entirely in the way was outright stated? Mmmm.
I think it can be argued that she decided to quit a habit of hers that served as a crutch maybe? Like instead of doing something that was aiding in making her think less of herself, she decided to not do it anymore? (And especially now that she has more freedom, as she mentioned) But the way it was stated so matter of factly TOTALLY caught me off guard.
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homelybiscuit · 8 years
i just watched the new su episode and i’m not sure how the crewniverse were making fun of the fandom? like i thought the general idea about ronaldo shoving himself into a cultural space and being a whiny pissbaby about how he wasn’t the center of attention was pretty good social criticism about when people shove themselves into a minority’s space? i agree with the comments about how the pacing was off and overall it should have been better or a more plot related episode. 
also people are bringing up how like the homeworld gems used to put people in zoos to make a point about how steven isn’t allowed to be upset that ronaldo called his family rock people? like i’m guessing its because the homeworld gems are the equivalent of white people enslaving p.o.c and him complaining about being called rock people is like white people complaining about being called cracker or mayonnaise? but like most of earth has no idea about the human zoo or the gem’s colonization of earth apparently because no humans seem to reference the gem war and how it was an awful colonization attempt from a foreign species like that’s not part of human history only gem history. so it doesn’t seem like p.o.c making jokes at the expense of white people because they did some really shitty things as a race in the past because the majority of humans seem to have no clue that the gem race even exist outside of like myths. unless that’s how it was coded or something i’m confused?
also i saw people criticizing how the humans in the zoo were p.o.c coded, exceptionally pretty, and ‘child-like’ or something but like i thought the idea was that as time moves forward humans as a species would be more mixed in appearance so I thought that’s why they looked like that because they were generations of humans created from a limited breeding pool so their ethnicitys would meld and they’d be mixed looking? as for the child like thing they literally were babied by the gems as seen by the famythyst coddling them when they start crying and how they were guided through the day by a cyber nanny program that told them when to eat and sleep. ultimately they have no concept of life on earth so of course they are ignorant and child like?
tldr i’m confused on some of the s.u critical tag stuff. if anyone actually reads this post i’m not complaining about people criticizing s.u i’m just confused and if anyone would like to explain it to me i’d appreciate it. also i’m white so if i said something that was not ok pls tell me this was just my attempt at putting my thoughts into words. its not very coherent. also i’ve haven’t seen storm in the room 
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