#fanfiction trope fmk drabbles
snarkandsarcasmftw · 5 years
Hi I'm new to your tumblr I've read all your fake dating/slow burn/ enemies to lovers thing and was wondering if I can shoot 3 names out there Chad Gable Drew Gulak Pete Dunne
First of all, thank you so so so much for reading them. I hope you enjoyed them, they were fun for me to do. Second, omg, yes please? Bring it on. I’ve answered them below. I really hope you like what I came up with.
Tagging: @rampagewriting @heelsamizayn @andie01 @missjenniferb @kittysilver86 @vonschweetz @xwicker-manx @calwitch @writtingrose @wwe-fanfiction-queen @rollinsreginssupreme 
more fanfiction trope fmk | faq | add yourself to my tag list - if it won’t let you, dm me and I’ll be happy to add you.
Fake Dating:
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Chad Gable;
Baron caught Chad Gable staring at her again like she was on fire and he had the hose and Baron doubled over in laughter. “You’ve gotta be shitting me. Her? You really think you have any sort of a shot with her? She’s way out of your league. Besides, I already asked her on a date. She said she’d think about it. Bet that burns you right up, huh? Gonna go pout now, Shorty? Go on.”
“Fuck off, Corbin. I’m not in the mood today.” Chad glared up at Baron. At hearing that Baron had naturally asked Ana on a date, his stomach sank a little. There went that. Women had a hard time resisting Baron, he’d seen that for a fact. Baron also didn’t let anyone in back forget it, either. Chad’s gaze settled on Ana for a second or two and he turned his attention back to Baron, repeating himself. “Go on, Corbin. I said fuck off. Do I have to suplex you? Because we both know I can.”
“What’d you say to me, short stuff?” Baron squared up, flexing and ready for a fight. Chad rolled his eyes and stepped up, body to body with Baron, putting his chest into shoving at Baron, smirking a little when Baron growled. “I said, fuck off.”
“Now why the hell would I wanna do that? This is fun for me.”
“Because if you don’t, I’m gonna…” a throat cleared from behind them and Baron’s smirk grew. “You’re gonna what?” Baron asked calmly, this look on his face as if he’d done nothing to start anything. “Ana, hey.. You come over to tell me you’re gonna let me take ya on that date, darlin?”
Ana’s laugh had Chad resisting the urge to laugh himself and also had him raising a brow. Ana stepped in between the two men, looking from Baron to Chad as she bit her lip. “Baron?”
“Yeah, princess?”
“What was the name of the place you wanted to take me?” Ana asked, her eyes settling intently on Chad’s mouth. She was just so fucking sick of Baron messing with the guy. Chad didn’t deserve it. Chad was more of a man in his pinkie finger than Baron was in his entire body. It wasn’t Baron Ana wanted, it was honestly Chad. So Ana was about to do something to fix the whole situation and to show Baron once and for all that not every woman liked overgrown fuckboys with the mannerisims and the mentality of a 12 year old.
“Some barbecue place near the hotel. Why? Does this mean you’re finally gonna give in and admit you want me? I fuckin knew it.” Baron was gloating already, smirking, his chest puffed out. Ana gave a short laugh and shook her head no. “Not quite.” 
She turned to Chad and pressed her hand palm down against the front of his singlet, letting her fingertips brush against the straps, giving a playful tug to pull herself against him closer. Chad sucked in a sharp breath and eyed her with a curious glance.
What was she up to?
“You can take me though. You can take me anywhere, Chad. You can do anything.” Ana’s teeth grazed her bottom lip and the way her voice dropped real low as she told him he could do anything had Chad giving a smirk and slipping his arms around her as he stared down at her. “Anything, huh?”
“Mhm. See, what Baron’s failed to learn is that some women prefer men to boys. I think it’s high time he learned that lesson… So.. How about it, Chad? Gonna show me what being with a real man is like?” Ana bit her lip, voice taking on a flirty and giggly tone as she walked her fingers up and down his chest, staring up at him. Chad swallowed hard and sucked in a breath when he felt her rubbing right against him. His fingertips dug into her lower back as he cleared his throat.
“I’d love that, actually.” he answered, flashing Baron a smirk as he answered, watching Baron’s eyes cloud with anger. Ana grabbed hold of Chad’s jaw, guiding his gaze down to her as she gave a soft giggle. “You can pick me up at 6. I’ll be the one in the little red dress.”
“Red, huh?” Chad breathed against her lips as Ana rose to tiptoe slightly and brushed them against his while muttering, “Mhm.. I mean you are the one who said you liked my new red lipgloss..”
Chad’s fingertips dug into her lower back more firmly and his tongue slipped past her lips as he chuckled, “ You’re something else, you know that?”
Slow Burn:
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Pete Dunne;
“ Y’ can always call me. Y’ know that, right?”  
When Pete said it at the time, Alexandra honestly hadn’t ever thought she’d be considering it. But he was her best friend, they’d been best friends since he was 7 and she was 5, so she knew he meant it. She’d assured him she’d be fine and that she knew what she was doing and now, standing in the airport in Florida, where he’d relocated to, she just wasn’t sure how true that was anymore.
The only thing she was beyond sure of was that she missed him. Nothing felt the same without him. Despite having everything go her way for once and having pretty much everything she thought she wanted, she still felt this void. After thinking about it, she decided that she was sick of feeling that way and she realized that the only times she didn’t feel that way were the times she was with Pete.
The realization prompted her to break off her engagement, move out of her ex fiance’s loft and buy a ticket to Florida. She didn’t know if what she was doing was a huge mistake and while she knew Pete meant it when he said it originally, she didn’t know that calling him now would be a good idea.
What if he’d met someone?
The thought had her conflicted. As everyone on her flight rushed to meet the loved ones they had waiting on them at the airport, Alexandra powered on her phone and bit her lip as she realized that Pete had gotten the text she sent explaining that she wanted to visit and telling him she was actually en route.
Pete Dunne stood in the lobby of the airport. He glanced at the time, blue eyes darting to the gate she’d be coming out of when her plane finished unloading. Just as he started to tap his foot impatiently, he spotted her.
Trent and Tyler shared a look as he started to shove through the thickening crowd and headed towards one of the gates. They followed, Trent musing to himself, “I wonder if he’ll finally tell her how he really feels.”
“I wonder if she’ll finally open her eyes. Because she feels the same way too. Remember last time we went back? When he took us to meet her? The tension was so fuckin thick I couldn’t bloody breathe.” Tyler answered as the two caught up to Pete just in time to witness it all unfolding.
Pete spotted Alexandra right as she spotted him. He walked towards her quickly and she ran towards him, meeting him halfway, climbing into his arms, taking his face into her hands as she crashed her mouth against his and kissed him until he felt his lips starting to swell and bruise. Pete’s fingers dug into her ass and he growled quietly into the kiss while deepening it.
“I broke it off with Jasper.”
“Thank fuck. Was startin t’ think I was going to have t’ kidnap y’ before the wedding.” Pete let her slide down his body and stand on her own feet but he pulled her close, staring down at her. “Yer okay though… Right?”
“Better than okay, actually. I feel happier and free now. More free than I’ve felt in a long time. I had to come here because I missed you and it was driving me insane.” Alexandra admitted it shyly as her gaze settled on the stone tiled floor. Pete tilted her chin up, staring down at her intently. “Did y’ come here for me?”
“I did.”
The smile came before he could stop it and he leaned in, crashing his mouth against hers all over again, slower and deeper. She clung to him and whimpered quietly at the sheer need in the kiss as she asked, “Did you want me to come here for you?”
“ Just want you actually.” Pete admitted quietly, the kiss breaking as the two pulled apart, working to catch their breaths and straighten their disheveled appearances while laughing and staring at each other.
Enemies To Lovers:
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Drew Gulak;
“If that dress got any shorter, you’d be violating several dress codes in the handbook.” Drew’s gaze roamed over her body and Carmen fumed, looking up at him. Naturally, rather than spare her a compliment, he had to point out something she was doing wrong.
It felt like no matter what she did, Drew Gulak was going to find fault with it. The man was overbearing. The fact that he was also her biggest temptation went without saying. She preferred not to think about it, if she had to be perfectly honest.
“Oh? And what if I told you the higher ups like these dresses? I mean they must because this is what I’m told to put on every single time I have to do a segment or walk you to the ring, asshole.” Carmen stood straighter, her gaze still only meeting the center of Drew’s chest. She jabbed her finger into it, biting her lip when she felt the muscles beneath his bare skin ripple at the touch. Tilting her gaze slightly, she met his gaze and smirked. “ Tony also likes these dresses.”
“Tony’s easily amused and easily bored, as well.” Drew fumed at the remark. Every single time he was around Carmen, he felt his grip on his self control slip just a little more. Lately, being around her for any length of time was a challenge to his fading self control of epic proportions.
Especially when she made her little comments. Or when she openly flirted with their co workers. Or wore the revealing outfits and the little heels she seemed to enjoy wearing to flaunt her body to pretty much any man with eyes.
It was driving him fucking insane.
She raised her hand and Drew caught it with his hand around her wrist. He stepped closer and stared down at her intently. Carmen stepped closer, glaring up at him. “You’re an overbearing, uptight…” her words were cut off at Drew loosening his grip on her hand, letting his own hand boldly venture down to her ass, squeezing it hard through the fabric of her dress as he crushed her against him and buried his mouth in her mouth deep and mumbled simply, “Brat.”
Carmen started off with every intention of shoving him away, but she wound up gripping his tie and raising herself to tiptoe, one of her legs raising to his hip and his hand moving down to grip her thigh. She gasped into the deepening kiss when not only did he bite her lower lip, but she rubbed right against him and felt the way he was straining at his trousers already. “You do this on purpose. Now you know what you do to me.” Drew stated as his fingers slid through her hair and snagged in the ends, hand resting across the back of her neck as Carmen felt her lips swelling under the impact of the kiss he gave. “What I’m struggling to figure out is why. I know you’re not interested in Tony or any of the others.” the kiss broke and he stared her down, firm gaze as he waited on her answer.
Carmen’s mouth opened and closed as she tried to come up with something, with anything other than the honest to God truth.
“I.. Oh fuck you.” Carmen grabbed hold of his tie, pulling his mouth back down to her own as she gave back a kiss with twice as much force and passion as the one he’d pulled her into. When she rubbed against him, Drew groaned, his lips parting, her tongue slipping between them, massaging his tongue. 
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snarkandsarcasmftw · 5 years
hangman adam page, jake hager, and drew mcintyre!
Tagging: @heelsamizayn @rampagewriting @andie01 @missjenniferb @calwitch @vonschweetz @xwicker-manx @kittysilver86 @writtingrose @glowrioustrash @wwe-fanfiction-queen @dirrrtydeeds @robwiethoff @adamcolesteeth - if you wanna add yourself to my tag list  
more fanfiction trope fmk | faq
Fake Dating:
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Adam Hangman Page.
“You’re not dating anyone. Look, just do yourself a favor and give me a chance.” MJF stared down at Scarlet intently. Scarlet’s mouth opened and closed and she gave the softest of giggles as she shook her head, looking up to meet his intent gaze.
Guys like him were literally a dime a dozen. Scarlet didn’t want or need the hassle he’d bring to the table. Sure, she thought to herself, he was hot, but at the end of the day, he was merely that. Nothing more than a pretty face. Nothing more than literal arm candy. And she had no doubt in her mind that she’d pretty much be the same for him. Just another notch in the man’s bedpost.
If she were gonna be a notch in someone’s bedpost, she’d much rather have fun while doing it. 
“C’mon, I see you.  You’re thinking about it right now. We could be the next it couple on the roster. Forget Brandi and Cody. It could be you and me, princess.”
Scarlet placed the palm of her hand against his chest and shook her head. “I’m just gonna stop you right there before you keep going and this gets all sorts of awkward. Or your giant sized ego gets any fucking bigger and nobody can enter or leave the arena. I actually do have a man already. Not a boy, a man.”
“You’re mistaken on that. They don’t get much manlier than me, princess.”
Scarlet had been trying to hold back the fit of giggles and hysterical laughter but when MJF said that, she couldn’t any longer. She almost doubled over, laughing so hard she shook.
MJF pouted and cleared his throat. “I’m making the offer of a lifetime here.”
“Oh my god, no! Stop, MJF. Just… do yourself a favor and stop, please. Before the bullshit gets any deeper. I’m not wearin any boots to protect my feet.” Scarlet’s laughter died and her eyes darted around a little. Janela was out, MJF would never believe her if she said that they were a thing.
Mox was… Nope.
Darby Allin was considered, but only briefly.
Her eyes settled on Kenny briefly. Kenny was out too. Somehow, even pretending, Scarlet wasn’t prepared to settle for anything less than what she knew she wanted. She took a few deep breaths, trying again to pick her chosen target out of the crowd milling around in back.
MJF watched Scarlet’s desperate glance around the hallway and he smirked. “I knew it. You’re not seeing anyone! Offer still stands, princess.. But it’s a limited time offer.”
Scarlet continued to scour the hallway for the perfect boyfriend. Oh, she knew who she wanted, beyond a doubt, she just wasn’t seeing him at the moment. She pouted about it, tapping her foot impatiently.
“ I repeat.. They don’t get manlier than me.”
“Shut your mouth, MJF, I know for a fact you take two hours to get ready. I can’t date someone who ties up the bathroom all the damn time.” Scarlet didn’t even bother sparing him a glance as her eyes continued to roam the area.
Hangman had to be here.. Somewhere. 
“I do not!” MJF answered quickly, stepping closer as some of the crew came by with large trunks and the like, preparing to set up for the show. Scarlet stepped back quickly and when she had, she spotted him walking into the arena.
The perfect fake boyfriend… She’d be hard pressed to deny that he’d be the perfect real boyfriend, but Scarlet she wasn’t nearly that brave. 
She stared at Adam Page intently as he walked towards them, that bow legged gait making her swallow down the lump as it formed in her throat. He stopped to grab a bottled water and MJF cleared his throat again.
“There’s no way.. Hangman would’ve been rubbing it in my face by now. C’mon, just go on one date with me..” MJF blinked in surprise as Scarlet took off at a run towards Adam.
“This should be interesting.. I’ll give her an A, she’s committed to the act.” MJF mumbled to himself as he watched it all unfold.
Adam felt a tap to his shoulder. Before he got time to process, he was being climbed quite literally. His back met the front of the vending machine and he blinked in surprise as Scarlet took his face in her hands and said as loud as possible, “There you are, cowboy. God have I missed you so so so much.” while wrapping her legs around his hips and muttering in a quieter tone, “Just… don’t be weird, please?” as she crashed her lips against his. Adam nipped at her lower lip and mumbled back, “Long as I’ve thought about kissin you, I’m just gonna go with this.” deepening the kiss as he gave her ass a good squeeze and chuckled, speaking up louder, “Darlin, ya act like you haven’t seen me in a whole day.”
“I just really, really missed you.” Scarlet’s fingers tugged at the ponytail his hair was in and once she had it down, she tangled them in his hair, tugging, using her grip on his hair to deepen the kiss even more. By this point, they were both almost light headed and MJF was slow clapping as he stood there.
“Nice try, Scarlet, but there’s no way you two are a thing.” MJF stated, glancing from one to the other before adding, “But I’ll give you an A for trying. You almost had me fooled when you started biting each other’s lips. Scarlet, this guy is… You know he’s not gonna be able to give you the pull back here I will. Not to mention, we’d be so much hotter together… Do yourself a favor.”
The kiss broke and Adam eyed MJF, snorting in laughter. “Did you not just see that?” before turning his attention to Scarlet, an amused smirk playing at his mouth as she climbed out of his arms. MJF wandered over and Adam stood taller, staring down at the man, arms around Scarlet, who wound up between them. 
“How about you do yourself a favor and walk away now, MJF.. You know, before I get moody again and beat your ass? You’re going to stay away from my girl.” 
“I tried.” MJF shrugged and turned, making a hasty retreat and then Adam fixed his eyes on the brunette standing in front of him, fidgeting nervously as she looked up at him. He chuckled and smirked. “You owe me one, darlin… How about dinner? Tonight, after the show.”
“If this is your way of asking me on a date, cowboy, I accept.”
“This is just dinner, darlin. You’ll know it when it’s an actual date.” Adam stepped closer, a hand lingering at her hip, a teasing grin on his face. She pouted and he chuckled. “So you do have a thing for me..”
“Maybe just a little…” Scarlet gave a teasing grin as she held up her fingers like she was measuring. It was his turn to pout and he stepped even closer, shaking his head. “It’s a shame you said maybe just a little.”
“Because I definitely have a thing for you, darlin…. And it’s not little, either.”
“Well in that case,” Scarlet stepped up, closing the distance between their bodies completely as she giggled and rose to tiptoe, using the front of his black tee shirt to pull his mouth back down to hers before muttering, “Maybe I underestimated my thing for you.”
“Awww, she likes me.” Adam chuckled as their lips met again and his hands gripped her hips, pulling her up ever so slightly.
Slow Burn:
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Jake Hager.
“All I’m saying is the way you two look at each other is enough to melt titanium. If you ever get locked in a room with Jake, you’re as good as fucked. Or he is. Either way.. If one of you doesn’t make a move soon… Girl.. We’re all gonna combust.”  Allie mused aloud.
Mya shook her head, looking around quickly, just to make sure no one heard what was being said. She hurried to shut the door to hair and makeup and in her hurry, she may not have shut it completely.  She whirled to face her friend and held a finger to her lips. “You can’t say that, if he found out I…”
“Go on.” Allie tapped her foot, flashing a mischief filled grin at her friend before flopping down into the directors chair sitting in front of Mya’s workstation. “Nobody is going to hear you. And I’m not going to say a word. It’ll be our little secret, just like it always has been.”
“Okay, alright, fine. I’m in love with my best friend but every single time I come close to even attempting a move… I… How would I even do that?”
“Well, you could just waltz right up to him and push him against a wall or into a chair and kiss the hell out of him.” Allie giggled as she said it. She happened to glance at the door just in time to see a flash of platinum blond. Jake tended to linger where Mya was concerned, it was something that pretty much everyone in back noticed at one time or another.
Along with all the little touches, the way they seemed like they could hold an entire conversation without so much as one word passed. They were always together, huddled close. Hell, Mya was probably the only person who’d brought out a smile on the muscular surly Oklahoma native.
The story behind Mya and Jake was that the two had gone to college together and lost touch. But in college, they’d been best friends. The closest of best friends, at that, if Mya’s stories were anything to go by. Either way, they both wound up at AEW and it seemed like things were right back to the way they’d been before.
But Allie knew it was driving her best friend insane, because Mya wanted so much more than Jake’s friendship.
Allie found herself hoping that maybe Mya’s slip up of not closing the door to the room entirely would be a good thing.. That maybe Jake had been the one to hear her say what she’d admitted to.
Mya sighed and shook her head. “I’m probably like a kid sister to him. I just need to do what Britt said and go on the date with Joey. Because if I ever dared bringing up the way I felt with Jake…”
Allie sighed and grumbled. “You’re too pessimistic. How do you know it’d be this disaster you have it built up in your head to be?”
“Because I know, okay? I’m… Trust me, I’ve seen the women he normally dates. I’m not even remotely close to his type.” Mya’s tone was just a shade bitter and she dropped her voice to add, “ I mean… I’m me. Plain old me. Not flashy or giggly or anything like that.” she shook her head at it and turned away, turning her attention back to digging through her makeup kit for the new eyeshadow palette she’d picked up to try out at Nyla Rose’s suggestion.
Outside the door, Jake stood, leaning against the wall as his mind seemed to take off in a million different directions at once. It felt like the air got knocked right out of him and right now, he was going back over every single moment between the two of them in his head… Including all the guys she’d ever dated and the way he’d always liked to silently intimidate them.
“Oh hell…. Oh hell.”  he muttered to himself in shock as soon as it occurred to him exactly why he enjoyed intimidating the guys she’d dated over their time as best friends. Somewhere along the course, he’d fallen for her and he’d fallen hard.
And lately, it was hard to be around her because there had been this unexplainable tension there. Before now, he’d thought it was something else entirely. Maybe her being into Janela, for starters.
“Hager, there you are… Everything okay, man?” Sammy spoke up from beside him. Jake shrugged and turned to walk away. He needed to think. He had to do something. And he had to do it before she took Britt’s advice and agreed to go on the date with Joey Janela if he asked again.
It came to him, the perfect plan. He rubbed his chin and smirked, nodding to himself as he took a few deep breaths. One of them had to do something and now that he was aware of this, there was no way in hell he intended to just sit on it.
After the show, Mya stood in the hallway, eyes darting around for Jake. She’d been just about to walk out of the arena, but arms circled her hips, pulling her into a darkened room. Jake reached up, pulling the string on the bare bulb hanging overhead, shedding light on the two of them. After he’d done that, he reached out and clicked the lock on the doorknob.
“Jake? What on Earth?” Mya tilted her head slightly to look up at him, a confused look in her eyes. Her heart was racing, it felt like it’d beat right out of her chest at any second.
Jake leaned down, pressing the side of his finger against soft red lips. The closer his lips got to her lips, the faster her heart raced and Mya swallowed hard, staring up at him intently, wondering what he was up to right now.
“Darlin… I…” he went quiet again, crashing his mouth against her mouth hungrily, his teeth snagging and tugging at her lower lip as his hands roamed all over. Mya started out with her hand flat against his chest, but she wound up tugging at the front of the dark blue polo he was wearing, pressing herself completely against him as she breathed into the kiss heavily, “Oh.. Oh.” when it hit her what he was trying to show her without saying. What he didn’t seem to have any words for was perfectly expressed in the kiss he was giving her. Her knees felt so weak she almost couldn’t stand.
The kiss broke and they stood there beneath the gently swaying bare bulb, trying to catch their breath, staring up at one another. After a few seconds, Jake finally spoke up. “I love you. Just…. Didn’t realize it til now. Just hope this ain’t too late, I know you might be interested in Janela’s ass… But I had to do somethin.”
Mya’s hand raised to her mouth and she stopped the giggles that hit, shaking her head no, stepping closer to him, slipping her arms around his neck. “ Joey? Are you…. No. No, no and no.. I love you too, Jake. I was never going to say yes to Joey because like… He’s obviously not my type.”
Jake chuckled quietly, letting out a breath he didn’t know he held. “So you have a type, hmm?”
“Yeah, he’s tall and blond and most people don’t realize it, but he’s actually a sweetheart and not nearly as threatening or badass as he makes himself out to be… And I’m looking right at him, Hager.”
Jake chuckled, eyes darting around the room before pointing to himself and stepping closer, pulling her up his body. “Wanna get outta here, darlin?”
“God yes, my feet are killlling me.”
“Okay, fine. I’ll carry ya.”
“Oh so now that we’ve admitted to everything, the piggy back rides are suddenly just gonna stop? I’m hurt.” Mya teased playfully. Jake snickered and let her climb onto his back and started to walk out of the arena, towards the SUV they’d been sharing.
“Lucky I love ya. I don’t do that for just anybody, darlin.” Jake muttered as he stood her on her own feet and opened the door to let her in. Mya climbed into the passenger seat, pulling him in, stealing another kiss. “You better not, because now that I have you all to myself.. I’m not plannin on lettin go.”
“Good to know.” Jake mumbled as he deepened the kiss, finally pulling away to go around and get in on the driver side.
Enemies To Lovers:
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Drew McIntyre.
The two stared at one another intently, anger burning in their eyes and flushing their faces. Drew smirked down at Viv and chuckled. “Yer only mad because ah told ye th’ truth.”
“No, I’m angry because you’re an egotistical asshole.” Viv ground out through a jaw tightly clenched as she put a hand on her hip and took a long and deep breath. It didn’t work.
“This gimmick is never gonna work. I’m gonna go talk to the higher ups. I’m not some glorified play toy.”
“Funny, cos ‘at’s how ye were actin out at da ring, crossin and uncrossin yer legs and bein all distractin as fook.” Drew called out after her, taking a few deep breaths himself. He’d told management time and time again, he didn’t want any romantic angles. He was on the roster to fight. He didn’t need an alterior motive. Nor did he need a sexy little vixen valet mucking around at ringside, always underfoot and being loud as hell and giggly.
Deeper down, the man knew it was so much more infinitely complicated than that. It wasn’t Viv and her everything that bothered him, per se.. It was the fact that Viv was a flirt.
And that Viv had no filter or fear.
And this often resulted in Viv, getting in over her head into all sorts of assorted shit.  Shit that Drew, whether he wanted to admit it or not, he felt like she shouldn’t be in in the first place and shit that more often than not, he wound up sticking himself in the middle of.
And then there were the things she did during the match to distract his opponents. He knew it was scripted and that it was required for their whole valet / wrestler gimmick but damn it, that didn’t mean he had to like it. Or that it didn’t send a healthy rush of jealousy rushing through him or make him want to dismantle the nearest victim as a result.
If she didn’t look like she enjoyed it so much… the thought came and he shoved it out. The second he started admitting he felt a certain way, the second this became more than a gimmick. The second he was exposed to dealing with the emotional turmoil the 5’2 vixen placed him in constantly and the second he might be a little too tempted to do something about it.
And that.. Was eating away at him more than he personally cared to admit.
Down the hall, Viv was fuming, pacing the hallway as she vented on the phone to her best friend. After peeking out to make sure no one could hear, she sighed and turned her attention back to the conversation. 
“I’m telling you, the man hates me. I don’t know what the hell possessed the old crazy fuck who owns this company to put me in a gimmick with Drew when I approached and asked if I could shadow him… For obvious reason, but I really think I’m in over my head here. The man hates everything about me and there is absolutely nothing I can do about it.” Viv sank down, sitting on the floor with her back to the wall as she gave a hollow laugh. “And the crap they have me doing. He doesn’t need any of that. He’s amazing on his own. And not to mention I feel like a tramp every single time I have to flit around out there, half naked and giggly and shit. That’s… It’s not me.”
Her sister took a few deep breaths and after a few seconds of more ranting on Viv’s end, her sister spoke up. “Have you thought about trying to get to know him outside of work? Maybe build trust?”
“The man won’t even talk to me when we’re on the road between towns. He stares straight ahead at the road and keeps the radio on loud enough to discourage any kind of personal conversation. I knew when he looked angry after creative approached him I should’ve just said I changed my mind… It’s just… There’s something magnetic about the guy, okay? I feel safer around him than any of these other chucklefucks back here. I felt like I could trust him not to be a total entitled prick like the guy I valeted on ROH.”
“The one who kept trying shit?”
“Thank god you got out of that one.”
“I know, right? Only now, I’m in this and… I… It’s hard to keep pretending I hate Drew when we both know I don’t? I love him, okay? There’s just… Always been something about him and now, working with him, I’m always on edge and it’s making me miserable. Not to mention how angry he seems to be at me all the time… He knows this shit is scripted, yet he assumes I enjoy playing this whole “distracting temptress” bit when I truly don’t...” Viv trailed off mid sentence to think and as she did she  toyed with her hair and used the reflection given by the glass door propped open nearby to take a finger and work her lipstick back into place before continuing, “I’m just gonna talk to Levesque. I have to get out of this somehow. I’m driving the poor guy insane and it’s like every second we have to spend together doing press and promos and traveling…”
“Wild concept here, baby sister.. Maybe he pretends to hate you? Maybe he feels the same way?”
Viv laughed hysterically for a few seconds. She caught sight of someone just around the corner and she swallowed hard, getting a knot in the pit of her stomach because she just… She knew somehow Drew would be standing there.
“I’ll call ya back, Tasha.”
“Think about what I said. Some guys, particularly the ones like him.. They tend to be layered. Like onions.”
Viv hung up and took a few deep breaths, wiping at her eyes and surveying herself in the door’s reflection to make sure it wasn’t too obvious she’d been crying yet again.
And just around the corner, Drew McIntyre stood there, trying to process everything he’d just overheard.. She wandered out a few seconds into it and he didn’t think, he reached out, grabbing her by the hips, pulling her into the area backstage she’d obviously been hiding out in to have a cry and vent to family.
Viv gulped as she tried to meet his gaze but ended up dropping her eyes to the stilettos she’d worn for the night. “Look.. Just.. Say whatever you came to say and go. I’m gonna get in touch with the higher ups and I hopefully won’t be a problem anymore by the next episode.”
Drew chuckled, tilting her chin up. He saw the redness in her eyes and instantly felt like a complete asshole. Just the thought of her crying bothered him, in the current moment it bothered him so very much more than it usually did.
“Ah’m sorry.”
Viv blinked, mouth opening and closing in surprise. Drew’s gaze dropped this time and he stared at the tiles on the floor for what felt like an eternity, but was probably only a good eight seconds.
Enough time for Viv to sort of pick up on the shift between them. Things were still laced with heavy tension but now it wasn’t… Angry or explosive. Okay, so maybe it was still explosive, she found herself thinking, but not like they were on the verge of more shouting and insults. 
Drew stepped a little closer, hands lingering at her hips. “Did ye mean everything y’ said just now?”
Viv took a few shaky breaths. “How much did you hear I… I’m sorry, I just needed to get it out and my sister, she… She usually calms me down.”
“Et’s okay.. But y’ didn’t answer th’ question, Vivienne.” the use of her full first name and the tone in which he said it had her looking up at him, swallowing hard when she saw the look in his eyes. The grip he had on her hip tightened ever so slightly as if he were letting her know he expected an answer soon. 
“Ah ‘eard et all.”
Viv swore to herself under her breath and she took a few seconds to try pulling it together. 
“Yes, okay? I meant it. All of it. Can I just like… Can I go now, please? I kind of just want to crawl into a hole and die right now.”
Drew moved so that he filled the exit and shook his head no, teasing gleam in his eyes as he licked his lips. “Th’ reason ah’m always so bloody wound up, for yer information, is y’. Because et drives me fookin insane, th’ shit they ‘ave y’ doin.. More to th’ point, drives me fookin insane because until now, ah thought y’ enjoyed it.”
“Yeah? Well I don’t, obviously. If I’d known that taking this gimmick when it was offered was going to have me acting a glorified bimbo… I mean, I don’t even think the enticement of working with you, given my feelings.. I most likely would have shredded my contract and walked the fuck out. Went back to the small time stuff.”
Drew nodded, still in the midst of processing it all, still a little more than shocked that they felt the same way, to be honest. But he wasn’t so shocked by it all that he didn’t decide to take action.
He stepped closer, pulling her against him completely as he stared down at her mouth, fixated. “Fuck et.” he muttered, pulling her up his body and crashing his mouth against hers hungrily, nipping at her lips, his hands all over her.
Viv whimpered into the kiss, deepening it, tugging at his scalp, raking her fingers through his hair..
“We went about this all wrong.”
“Ah agree. Want t’ start over?”
“I’d love that, actually.”
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