kingsandbastardz · 8 months
There was some sort of Sunday WIP thing that @randomingoftherandomness tagged me in but for the life of me, I can't find the post anymore. I'm just going to throw a piece of story on here as an incentive to continue writing lmao:
Mysterious Lotus Casebook: FangDi pairing in inception but not sure when I'll finish this because my brain's been mired in existential sadness and ghost stories and I haven't found anything fun enough to pull me out of that creative mode. As you can see, the tone of this thing is my 4am insomnia-drunk attempt at the romance genre. But... all I'm ending up with is goofy comedy.
Feel free to comment, but this is a first draft regurgitation, so keep that in mind.
Pear Blossoms In Spring
“Ah, this is the Iron Head Slave. Remember?” says Li Lianhua the Lying Liar gesturing to the tall, leggy beauty blocking their path. “His name is a-Fei.”
The iron head slave is still lying dead not too far behind them, his feet sticking out from under a bush -- but Fang Duobing isn’t about to argue. He is too busy feeling as if all the air is being sucked out of his lungs, causing his vision to narrow and the world to spark in bright white light. Is this what love at first sight feels like?
A-Fei sighs and stares off into the trees as Li Lianhua continues to babble. Fang Duobing doesn’t hear a word being said.
“—which is perfect, You’re taking Ge Pan to Baichuan Court, so I’ll be taking him to Pudu temple to find another old friend of his,” Li Lianhua says.
“You speak so much nonsense,” a-Fei mutters, his voice is grating and viperish - and dripping with a fascinating blend of resignation and arrogance. He turns on his heel and stalks away.
“So rude,” Fang Duobing says admiringly, entranced by the perky sway of a-Fei’s skirt as he strides down the path in front of them. Both Ge Pan and Li Lianhua look askance at him.
Fang Duobing loved wild, powerful animals. The more willful and temperamental the better. He'd grown up with needles stabbed deep into his meridians, the taste of copper blood and vomit on his tongue, and the acrid poison of immolated oil belched from the monstrous machines rolled out from his mother's workshop. Was it any wonder that the first thing his young fingers reached for would be the glimmering scales of a black python? Or the bloodied, silver fur of a chained, snarling wolf?
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difeisheng · 3 months
anyone got difang fic recs where fang duobing tops? or am i gonna have to make my own food here
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thesilversun · 10 months
WIP meme
RULES: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thank you @heyholmesletsgo for the tag ☺
If anyone wants to know about any of them, then ask away :)
DFS tries to escape - is rescued by FDB Peanut sauce Wuyan backstory idea short and silly SongXiao sequel fic SangCheng spanking Lay down to rest - scars etched sequel Fangdi to Fangdihua After 1000 miles nightmare headache memories SongXiao dom drop the sea in storm etc Beyond dmbj-dw crossover thing
(this is all my WIPs, but these are active ones - that may well get finished. If i dug out everything for all fandoms it would be a ridiculous long list)
I'll open it up as a free tag to anyone who wants to do it, as 14 is rather a lot of people to tag.
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zappybatz · 2 years
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programmingsolver · 6 years
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blowjobbrigade-blog · 9 years
yilunaiがあなたの投稿に返信しました:Someone ought’a just throw me into Tokyo Bay. With...
Man, Fangdi, let’s just sink together. You and me. Bros in the sea.
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kingsandbastardz · 7 months
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Oh. 💀 for all you fic writers out there, have some symbolic jewelry.
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kingsandbastardz · 8 months
WIP Title Game
Thanks for the tag, @bbcphile!
Rules: post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! and then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
(I'm going to include meta writing - but I guess it's up to everyone to interpret WIP how they like. TBH I think art and video content also counts.)
I'm coming out of a massive multi-year drought of creativity so currently have just the 2 fandoms.
Mysterious Lotus Casebook
為人不可有 無可求 As humans there cannot be those who wish for nothing
Pear Blossoms In Spring (fangdi bullshittery if im successful at anything)
SAMSARA Modern world transmigration rebirth AU
timeloop difanghua
You made the mistake of thinking words would finally be acceptable
囍 Marriage - genderfuckery life is hell difanghua
DFS' sparkly underpants srs fic
DFS' sparly underpants II bullshit fic
llh x wuyan 5x1 road to loooove
5 x 1 DFS is also a lying liar fangdi mebbe
5 x 1 DFS FDB stronk???
There is something wrong with the House
remove racism rewrite di fortress nanyin arc
dfs and The Narrative drunk depression writing
di feisheng parallelism to jiao liqiao in a pretentious essay about power structures (with a side dose of qwm)
di feisheng's outfit choices have a rhyme and reason
My Journey to You
gong family economics and their position in jianghu and regular society
LMAO... ok maybe including meta and art was a bad idea. I don't have enough people vs wips to tag so I'm going to just tag a bunch of people who I think miiiiight have a wip or two cooking in the oven.
@romchat @randomingoftherandomness @a-starry-teal @jinguangshanhateblog @redemption-revenge @tiny-breadcrumbs @peridot-tears @giyoonssi @hils79
And I guess anyone else that wants to do this?
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kingsandbastardz · 6 months
Writing Patterns
Thank you to @mx-myth!
This is supposed to be first sentence of my last 10 AO3 works.
But I'm modifying like... everything lol - I play with format with my writing and one thing I definitely do a lot is quote lines from the canon, so I'm going to be putting first few sentences/paragraph/sequence to work past those and for consistency. And like @mx-myth I'll also be adding a few last sentences for the few published works I have, just for fun. I'm including wips because I don't have a large body work. For WIP it'll be first sentence only. lmao is this the same tag challenge at all?
01. SAMSARA ( wip - Mysterious Lotus Casebook: FangDi - with past DiHuaDi - transmigration rebirth modern AU with a deeply traumatized actor Di Feisheng trying to both rescue this world's version of LLH while also running away from him and FDB with all his might.)
Imagine this: you live, you kill, you lick dirt from the shoes of your masters. You fail to die so many times you begin to wonder if you're immortal.
02. everything looks small - we gave up on those happy endings (wip MLC - This is the story I've been torturing myself with the past 2 months: Trio + Wuyan and a random Hulijing)
"Do you not remember me at all? Does the name Di Feisheng mean anything to you?" Li Lianhua smiles as he gathers his winnings. "Of course I remember you. You're my kind and rich friend." But that can't be right, Fang Duobing thinks as Li Lianhua tells him about his recently made acquaintance over dinner, his sightless eyes shining with a familiar brightness - just for a moment. That can't be right, because Di Feisheng has been missing for months.
03. 囍 Marriage (wip MLC - There are a lot of dead brides and ruined marriages in this series so I'm continuing the tradition. fanghua with possible difanghua and difanghuajlq. Sorta.)
He wakes choking, clawing free from the ropes binding his wrists to press trembling fingers to agonized lips that are sewn shut with some kind of fine thread. There is a golden ingot trapped behind his teeth, stretching his jaw open against strained stitching. He chokes as he struggles to breathe through his nose and the lump of metal presses against the back of his tongue to slip further against his throat. He's terrified the blackness means he's also been blinded.
04. flight is something done willfully (wip MLC - fangdi, immediately post-canon - something something about having to finally deal with fdb's trauma surrounding loss and abandonment and dfs having a fuckton of patience in dealing with fdb's prolonged panic attack that mobilizes a small militias, the Minister of the Treasury, and sigu sect leadership)
You made the mistake of thinking words would finally be acceptable. After all, you are now free. A potential cure for poison has been handed over. All is well.   You can relax and open your mouth and actually let real words come out. But the thing is, your tacit understanding only lasts as long as neither of you try to actually communicate.
05. The Universe of Us : When you lose a person, a whole universe goes along with them (wip MLC - timeloop and a battle between opposing spirits)
When Fang Duobing and Di Feisheng meet again, it is at the same time, on the same beach where they find nothing but the ocean, a pile of fermenting seaweed and their own memories. They are like strangers absorbed in their own grief. It's no matter. To Di Feisheng, they met because of Li Lianhua, so it’s fitting that they are both strangers now without him.
06. 羽化成蝶 Metamorphosis (DFS' core is untouchable - idk where I'm going with this but the main concept is internal vs external form)
A familiar dao thumps onto the table as a handsomely dressed giantess seats herself across from Li Xiangyi. "I have the list," she says with no introduction. Her voice is low and fuzzy, like someone who's spent a lifetime with a pipe in hand and smoke in her lungs - it wasn't unpleasant. "Di-mengzhu," Li Xiangyi greets politely as he pours her tea. A faint wildness in his eyes is his only acknowledgement that he is facing something unexpected.
07. Pear Blossoms In Spring ( wip - Mysterious Lotus Casebook: FangDi - meant to be a silly romance but turned into a comedy about a shaoye who keeps comparing the love of his life to his favorite dead horse)
“Ah, this is the Iron Head Slave. Remember?” says Li Lianhua the Lying Liar gesturing to the tall, leggy beauty blocking their path. “His name is a-Fei.”
08. the moon is as bright as it was before (my first finished and posted fic in many years and it's an experimental thought piece for Mysterious Lotus Casebook)
the existence of a torture chamber beside the wedding bedroom and its contents shouldn’t be a surprise at this point. and yet… it’s the redundancy you find offensive. she has a multi-chamber dungeon. she has a water chamber in her own quarters. why must it extend here as well?
under the moon’s blessing, you smile back and for the first time in your life, you hope for the future.
09. I, Augustus (Tour Of the Merrimack - gay space roman that can't decide whether he wants to kill or fuck an american and which is worse? who knows)
It was sound that went first. Eardrums deadened, he careened off the bridge, chest so full of metal he'd lost count how many times he'd been shot. He could see the flash-bang of incendiary rounds as they were fired from both his fellow 300 and the advancing Americans, the light momentarily coloring roiling black smoke with flashes of pink and yellow.
He dreams instead of possibility, of new worlds and unmappable futures, their patterns varied and far reaching as the ever expanding universe.
10. An Affair to Remember: The Commissar and His Snake (Warhammer 40k fandom - A Guant's Ghosts story in the style of Ciaphas Cain)
INQUISITORIAL DOSSIER: IIIX:4SE:A3ASF3S:XXX COMPILED BY INTERROGATOR ANTONIUS WONG CHAU-SANG UNDER THE AUSPICES OF INQUISITOR MABODABU, ORDO XENOS INQUISITORIAL DATA-LIBRARY DATE: 999.M41 FILE START// Editorial note: I am sure that most who read this are already familiar with the work of the esteemed Inquisitor Amberley Vail who compiled her eye-opening series based upon the famed Commissar Cain's private memoirs.
“Come along then,” I said as I began to walk. I lengthened my stride. My legs are, after all, longer.43 I felt Elim follow, his dark presence hesitating only a moment before he was half a step behind me, where he should be, sure and certain as any shadow. 43 I can only assume Colonel-Commissar Gaunt deliberately lengthened his stride to make it more difficult for the Major to keep up. This would be an ongoing theme in their relationship for many years to come.
For openings, whether it's with concept or actions/visual, I tend to drop the reader straight into the middle of a situation as a hook and then dial it backwards.
I favor punchy openings.
also like I said earlier, I like to quote or recreate a scene from the canon to quickly establish tone and position in the story
of the 3 endings I have here, all of them tend to be like the ending of a jdrama where it fades off toward a "and life goes on" vibe, rather than something stronger like "and then this happened". I don't forsee this changing much in the future. I tend to fade away by the time i reach an ending so either it's super abrupt or the wheel of life continues turning~~~
Tagging all writers and anyone else who wants to do this!
@the-wintry-mizzenmast @momosandlemonsoda @thesilversun @randomingoftherandomness @eirenical @difeisheng @busarewski @bbcphile
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thesilversun · 11 months
Please tell me about Fangdi to fangdihua :D
Set between llh’s letter and them all reuniting on the beach.
Fdb & dfs have rough drunk grief sex, which proceeds to be a thing they do each time they meet up to share any news/lack of news of their searches.
Then dfs doesn’t turn up to share information at the expected time and place. Fdb finds him pretty quickly - he’s not hiding, he’s just not well. It’s not serious, but he does feel awful.
They finally have to confront at what’s been growing between them over the last couple of months. And that Dfs hasn’t been dealing with potentially losing llh anywhere near as well as fdb though he had.
Eventually find llh on the beach and all return to the lotus tower. Later llh sees dfs kissing fdb. Fdb asks if he wants to join in, because they’d like it if he did. So he does.
They’ll still have a lot of working things out to do between them, but they are at least making a start on it.
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kingsandbastardz · 1 year
Additional stuff I post about:
Di Feisheng
Jinyuan alliance
My journey to you
Shui Long Yin - mainly Shen Langhun updates
Fighting/battle related shit
Found family
Bros being bros
dudes being dudes except there's no heterosexual reason for this
Any other kdrama and cdrama that catch my attention
Original content and meta tags:
my royal ramblings (my meta)
singing yaoyao (xiao shunyao music and performances)
bastardz are writing (prose/ fanfic)
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zappybatz · 2 years
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zappybatz · 2 years
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blowjobbrigade-blog · 9 years
yilunaiのコメント: //whisper; Put ‘em in the refrigerator before the next time you wear them, it will help prevent running~
... but they'll be cold when I put them on, huh.
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blowjobbrigade-blog · 9 years
yilunaiのコメント: You can’t rot! That doesn’t sound healthy, ge.
I'm already dead, Fangdi.
You're inheriting my cow.
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