franckyfoxart · 7 months
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Once upon a time, there was the kid of a couple of chairmakers who identified as neither boy or girl. Their parents respected their choices and loved them very much. But the town they lived in didn't like that idea very much! So they decided to burn the parents on the stake and attempted to indoctrinate them into the very beliefs that led to the burning of their parents. But the kid ran away and became a vampire, rejecting their humanity as a huge middle finger to their old holy light worshipping town.
Now Toots uses their chair handling and building skills for combat-driven entertainement as a wrestler in undead-friendly towns. It was through this career path that they met Fangogh who they fell in love with on first sight. They became both romantic and career partners and they lived happily ever after. And those who wished to stop that happiness would get a wooden chair broken on their skull. The end!
-Toots' story as told by Toots!
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franckyfoxart · 5 years
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Over the past couple of years i've made myself some really amazing LGTB+ friends, and given pride is a whole month i had absolutely no reason to not do something for the occasion. Hope you guys enjoy it!
Happy Pride Month 2019!
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franckyfoxart · 5 years
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Vincent: “Y-You know you can fly, right?” Lilith: “You know nobody asked for your opinion either?” Fangogh: “And besides, this is a good workout for me!” ------------------------------- Fangogh and Bianca @franckyfoxart Vincent and Lilith @zombirb
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franckyfoxart · 5 years
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When he is not wearing his "combat outfit" that his little sister Becky made for him (seen here), Fangogh is most often seen wearing the clothing you see right here. (I know the sleeves prolly doesnt fit him but he is aware, he claims that they are for "snuggles".) --------------------------------------------- Its not that i wasnt satisfied with Fangogh's previous outfit but i just felt like the times he would wear it would be more circumstancial... So i decided to make a more "casual" or "civilian" outfit he would wear a majority of the time.
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franckyfoxart · 5 years
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Fangogh and Dante in: “First Stage of Grief”
Lilith: "Your brain says no, but your heart says yes!~" Dante: "Oh, shut it..." ------------------------------------------------------------ Had the chance to discuss with @zombirb  and a result of some of our chat was this piece of artwork. Two fabulous men in denial with their feelings about eachother... (and its perhaps best kept this way Because if these two were to hang around togheter, the world would prolly go blind from all the fabulousness.) But hey... who knows what the future holds for them when they cross paths again :3c
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franckyfoxart · 5 years
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Fangogh Corvus is a vampire with the self-proclaimed title of "Blazing Flamingo of the deadlands".  He’s the older brother of Becky and Bianca.
Full description on DA
Also shoutout to @lethecreator for helping me with this guy’s colors!
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