wolf-bunny-writes · 5 months
Read Me!!
Hello there! this blog will be run by myself (Wolf) and my partner in crime (Bunny) as a creative outlet for us.
-Ageless Blogs and Minors DO NOT interact!! We are both in our late 20s and will block you (for our own safety and yours)
-We will posts blurbs, HCs, mini fics and possibly full fics
-This is a safe space so don't be a jerk to us or anyone else
-Feel free to send asks about things we post or us in general (we'll share what we are willing to) For now requests are not allowed, that may change in the future but we don't know
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nicephere · 2 years
chapter 2
day three
𓆩 Eleni 𓆪
The walls made of smooth rock were high and slightly caving around the room I was in. It wasn’t dark though, the soft gold faelights occupied every corner. It had been at least an hour since I’d woken up and found myself in a large bed within this room. The lack of windows was the first thing I noticed, so I had no idea what time of day it was. There was no door either, more a curtain covering an entrance at the other end of the room meaning to act as the door. 
I’d checked it of course. Eager to find a way out but it only led to an even bigger chamber with a pool of some sorts and what I could only assume was a washroom. Again, there were no windows here. Just faelights. So many that you could see how black the stone was and how huge the other room really was. Frankly I had no idea how to get out, even after trying to find it for the better part of the hour. 
Now I sat defeated. My arms wrapped around my knees as I swept my eyes over the bedroom again. There was a wooden desk here, with drawers and a chair. It was cream, much like every single piece of furniture here. So stark against the dark walls. From the four-poster bed hung sheer gold canopy curtains that had been let loose, I thought, while she was sleeping. There was a huge, gilded wardrobe stood in the corner alongside a matching dressing table with a mirror. And a cream-gold armchair tucked into the other corner beside a small table. The bedroom itself was spacious, large enough to fit a giant of a rug at the centre of the floor. Again, like the walls, the floor was made of a smooth rock. So smooth it almost looked like black marble- and like black marble it was cold. Though that was the only cold thing here. Everywhere was kept at a comfortable temperature, even the pool in the washroom. 
Not that anything about this situation could be comfortable. 
My mind had been so blurry since I’d awoken, and I couldn’t remember how I ended up here. I took a sip of the water on the bedside table, which after much contemplation, I’d caved and drank when the thirst was too much to bear. However, the fruits laid beside it remained untouched. I could go without eating for now. Though I knew they probably weren’t poisoned as the water definitely wasn’t. 
There was no way I was going back to sleep now. I was determined to stay awake and find out who brought me here. 
Was this some joke from my brother?
I hoped so, because the alternative was far too frightening. 
I’d had fallen asleep again. Against my mind’s wishes, my eyelids later began to droop, and a wave of exhaustion lulled me to sleep. Yes, I did feel more energised after this nap, but I still regretted falling asleep.
Because if I hadn’t, then maybe I would’ve seen the male enter the room, take a seat, then watch me with a stupid soft smile on his damn face. 
My back was pressed against the headboard behind me in a desperate attempt to stay as far from him as I possibly could from where he sat on the armchair at the other end of the room.
His smile grew when I’d woken up, and then grown even more when I’d sprung up, startled. He’d been doing this for a few minutes now. Not saying a word and just watching. 
I became all too aware of the way my robes were hanging low about my chest and shoulders. Especially when his gaze flicked to them when I scrambled to pull the sheets up to cover myself. I’d been too afraid to speak. All my anger at the person who brought me here melting into fear. 
I swallowed, “where am I?” 
He didn’t reply right away. My words lingering in the air.
The male crossed an ankle over his knee. “Somewhere safe.”
I frowned, disdain building in my voice. “Somewhere safe? Who sent you? Was it my father?” 
His smile dropped at my tone, and I hated to admit my heart dropped in fear too.
“You don’t remember. It’s understandable.” He was probably trying to be sympathetic but that did nothing to calm the dread creeping up my gut.
“Remember what?” I furrowed my brows, “To be honest, I can’t remember anything.” 
I could’ve sworn I saw tiny lights in his eyes when I said that, but he blinked, and they were gone. 
The male sighed. “It was tragic really. Such a terrible fire...” His striking blue eyes meeting mine. 
This time I struggled to look away. 
“A fire? Wha-” I cut my words off when the memories came crashing back. Like a dam that had just broke at the mention of ‘fire’. 
My villa burning, scarlet flames and black smoke encompassing my room. Someone, this male, screaming to get help before my head finally hit the floor. That was it. Then I was in this room. 
“It’s a miracle you survived, Eleni. We were afraid of this.” He shook his head. “They finally came for you.”
I blinked, a new fear igniting. “Who came for me?”
He’d gotten closer and was now at the base of the bed. “Assassins probably. Likely sent by enemies of your father.” 
I gasped, “Maria! My handmaid. Is she alright?” 
He raised his eyebrows before shaking his head again. Stray pieces of his dark hair falling in front of his eyes. “We were too late. By the time I’d gotten you out, the fire had engulfed the entire house. No one saw her escape.”
I broke my eyes away from his as a sob made its way up my throat. I couldn’t believe it. So much was lost in one night... And Maria. Another sob left me as tears wet my cheeks.
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry.” He shifted on his feet uncomfortably then sat down at the end of the bed. “But your safety is of utmost importance. You can’t go back and risk getting anyone else you care about hurt. That’s why you’re here.” 
I sniffed and looked around the room once more. “How long do I have to stay here?” 
“For as long as it takes.” 
I met his stare again, and held it, however intimidating he may be. “And I can’t see my family?”
He frowned deeply, “no. And you can’t go outside either. It’s much too dangerous. I need to keep you safe and the only way to do that is if you stay here.” 
I didn’t argue with him. Maria’s fate still weighing on my shoulders. I couldn’t be selfish. I had to think of my siblings and my father. This male clearly had a connection to my family. I remember him saving me in the fire. 
After mulling on his words, I nodded. “I understand.”
He stood from the bed, satisfied with my answer. He nodded to the fruits on the nightstand. “You aren’t hungry?” 
I ignored his question. “What’s your name?” 
Surprise flashed across his eyes but was gone as quick as it came. That small smile from earlier returned. “Nyx.”
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Midnight Fantasies
You lay back on the couch, mind completely lost in a world of its own, ignoring the realness surrounding you and loose yourself in an orbit of lust and love for your desiring l’amour. You flutter your eyes shut, hands over you head against the back of the couch as you imagine them dominating you with a fire of passion and protection glowing from them. You sigh in relief as you imagine them running their calloused hands roaming your chest and down your soft thighs, leaving butterfly kisses that burn with want and need. You feel them nip at your delicate skin, your thighs closing as you feel that burning sensation rippling through your stomach and through below. They open your legs wider, leaving an addictive touch of kisses so close you feel yourself slightly arching your back. You softly sigh, a moan almost escaping your soft lips as they start touching you with a fragile touch. You imagine them breathing, a ragged but soft breath shaking its way through their teeth as they contain themselves from ravishing you in one go, their touch so soft, their calloused hands feel oh so soft against the smoothness of your legs and their aura of heat glowing onto you as if they were here at this moment...
But you open your eyes looking at the darkness above, almost feeling empty. 
You try so hard not to feel, imagining their hand instead of theirs as you slowly slide your hand in between your shorts and your undies. You slightly jerk at the touch and it makes you want them so much. more, it hurts. 
You slowly rub against yourself, soft hands touching your bud, rubbing, up and down, tilting your head back in a painfully relieved way. Nothing will compare to their touch. Even the way you imitate the way they love to touch you. 
You sigh, one hand still above your head, the other down below, all you can think about is them luring over you in a dominant matter, a glowing passion of protection beaming off of them. You want them so bad, you want them touching you like everyday you see each other, you want them kissing your soft lips with a burning temper your lips feel like they’re on fire. You want them kissing down your chest, arms, legs, leaving that feeling of burn after every touch, and you want them inside of you pounding so hard you moan and scream their name like you never want to let them go. 
You feel yourself burn up, that familiar rise of bubbles rumbling in the pit of your stomach. You want to stop so badly, in case everyone else wakes up from your loud moans and sighs, but you want to release so badly.. Thinking about them too much has left you in a dirty mess of their need for touch. You roll your fingers across, that feeling feeling so good until you hit a spot, feeling yourself unstoppable. You can’t stop now. A greed of lust building in you grows like a disease and you can’t stop but keep moving as if they were there with you. You imagine them doing the same thing, touching you and kissing down your neck, biting those areas they know too well that’ll make you squirm and breath heavily as then continue to thrust into you. You can’t stop thinking about them. You want them so bad. So bad it hurts. Until you feel a rumbling explosion erupting from below and it takes all of you to keep your mouth shut. Squinting your eyes, eyes rolled back in relief and your back arched. Your breathing heavily and although your finished, sweating from that sweet, sweet release, you can’t help but still fill that twang in the pit of your heart. It twists and slightly turns every time your still thinking about them. You need to stop thinking about them. You can’t get too attached. What if something happens? What if they let go? But all you can do is sign in relief and be grateful for what you have now. Cause maybe, just maybe, this could last a lifetime...
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nicephere · 2 years
Chapter 1
day one
𓆩 Nyx 𓆪
I’d been fighting sleep, truly. During the strategy meeting my father had dragged me to discuss the growing threat of the autumn court and overseas tensions. My father thought it was about time I begin taking more of an interest in political matters, I’d be eighteen soon after all. Whilst I couldn’t argue, I still thought it a terribly boring endeavour. 
Nothing excited me anymore. 
We were in the Day court currently, as the meeting was conducted with it’s High Lord, Helion, hosting. It was only the Solar Courts today. Cauldron knows what would’ve happened if they’d dragged the seasonal courts in too. True, tensions were high with Spring and Autumn, with Summer, Winter and Dawn taking a neutral stance. Today’s location was purely for convenience, nothing more. 
I’d had opted to wander around the areas near the main buildings and explore the woods I’d often found my bored gaze drifting to during the meeting. Paying no particular mind to the direction I was going in, my attention peaked, however, when the sound of the most pleasant laughter reached my ears. My eyes snapped to the direction of the sound and my steps sped up towards it. 
Soon I neared the end of the woods where a charming villa of white stone stood. In what looked to be a garden that lead to the trees I was now behind, the source of the laughter was laying on the grass. She had the brightest smile on her face that seemed to bring a smile to mine too. 
Her gaze was lifted to the sky and her dark curly hair lay sprawled around her. It looked so soft under the sun, I longed to run my fingers along it. My heart beat faster from that thought alone. It was not as if she were out of reach anyway. The only other person with her was what looked to be a handmaid, who was arranging the flowers in their beds by the open back doors of the villa. 
My eyes were locked on the female, who’d by now calmed herself down and had gotten up to go back inside. The white and gold fabric of her robe-like gown hiking up bare her thigh for a moment as she did so. Something that didn’t go unnoticed by me.
She looked so unaware of her surroundings- of the dangers lurking around her. Perhaps that was what made me decide to pursue her or maybe the fact that for the first time in years, I’d finally found something to look forward too. 
Although I never anticipated just how far I’d go to have her.
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