#faraday being a silly peedle
luminberry · 2 years
Chef of Gods?
so again..borrowing @stuffems new fun lad Faraday...along with two others you'll see later on. But rn cute stuffings
featuring a possible new oc, a aspiring chef known as Cori! (short for Coriander lol)
It was on a early saturday thrift shop dive that Cori found the oddly cute but no doubt older than dirt cookbook. It was clearly handmade, Cori couldn't find a publishing group or anything other than a very faded name and the title "An Adventure in Crafting Ambrosia", it sounded so odd but..the small and well loved book seemed to call to them in a way nothing else seemed to in that run down shop.
Paying the owner a measly two bucks, Cori took their odd prize home to try and clean it off and get a idea of what cooking secrets it held inside.
"With a title like that it should have some good recipes tucked away right? I'll see if anything looks good.."
Cori carefully flipped through the old pages, surprised at how well preserved they seemed to be overall. Several of the pages they'd have to reread..but one recipe seemed to jump out at Cori to try, they had everything needed on hand already even.
"Cloudsoft Macarons..Looks like a easy enough dessert to try out, but I've only made em once so..Hope it turns out alright."
Turns out the instructions were..oddly very exact and damn near foolproof to the letter. Cori felt like whoever wrote this cookbook really really knew what they were doing, little footnotes and excerpts helped them quickly understand the authors reasoning for certain steps. Cori felt confident these macarons would turn out perfect!
"hrm..maybe I can make two flavors? Always did love chocolate and vanilla..that'd be a good first test."
The batter split into two flavors, both Coris favorites and before long the two large trays were set into the oven to cook while they cleaned up the mess they made.
"If this cookbook is what I think it is, I might have to try and transcribe it into a newer version..would be a fun lil hobby outside of work maybe..Oh wow..wow those cookies smell fantastic so far!"
Cori was pulled from their thoughts as a outright heavenly smell started to fill their little apartment, they were certain if any of their neighbors were nearby they'd come knocking to steal a few treats for themselves. And honestly Cori wouldn't blame em, if it was them they'd definitely hunt down the source of such a delicious smell no second thoughts.
What they didn't know is that the smell wasn't just attracting their neighbors but someone else entirely. An almost sinfully good scent filled the air and the spaces between, catching the attention of a rather bored god, and their very empty stomach.
"Ohhh~! Ohh my what is that delightful smell? Seems like someone's cooking something utterly irresistible..perhaps I might pop in and see what it is? After all food is so much better being shared~"
Cori was finishing up the two batches of filling, their own stomach grumbling a bit at being teased for so long with the wonderful smells coming from their kitchen. The two batches of macarons had come out perfectly, and were currently cooling off to the side.
"I know it says to wait but..it doesn't seem fair to wait to eat something that smells that damn good..Surprised no ones kicked the door down yet..I'll finish the chocolate first then do the vanilla."
Cori talked softly to themselves as they got to work filling one half of the cookies and sandwiching them together as instructed, the finished cookies they sat aside on a dainty looking platter.
As they finished up and started on the vanilla, a soft delighted chirring noise reached their ears, making them stop for a second in confusion.
"..What was that?"
Cori looked around, finding nothing out of place let out a sigh before going back to finishing up the last of the vanilla macarons and moving to set them all on the small platter with the chocolate ones. As they moved the platter, something long and pale green moved among the cookies, making Cori let out a noise of alarm and nearly dropping the whole thing.
"AH! Wh-what the?? Oh god what was that.."
It was a bug, some sort of long pale bug..and it was hiding in the cookies of all things..Today had gone from good to horrible in seconds. At least until they heard a light voice..coming from the platter?
"My apologies darling for the fright! Just couldn't help myself, I do hope you don't mind if I have one or three of these decadent treats!"
"wh-? Who's there..? Am I losing my mind? ...cookies can't talk..can they??"
"Ahah~ Don't be so silly my dear, look closer why don't you? I won't bite~"
Cori could now clearly hear the voice, and soon got their answer as a long odd centipede-like being appeared and curled around the mound of macarons like it was a miniature mountain. Moving closer out of pure curiosity they saw it was humanoid..sorta, but well dressed in deep purple clothing and smiling up at them oh so cheerfully...Well this was new.
"You're not a cookie.."
Cori felt a blush creep up their face as the small being laughed merrily, an almost chittering noise..but somehow musical in tone..Cori found themselves slowly liking the sound oddly enough.
"Of course not my dear! I may look good but not quite good enough to eat~ No no, though as for cookies though, that's what brought me here my adorable little chef. Such a wonderful smell I couldn't resist seeing who was the cause of it, and here you are!"
Oh..well, you did think the smell was going to attract someone..just not whoever this very strange..but nice person was. They were big enough to use one or two of the macarons as a seat, well maybe sharing one or two of them with him wouldn't be bad right?
Cori had to admit having someone to share their cooking with might be nice..They pulled up a chair and sat down to be a little more at a comfortable speaking eye level with the odd newcomer in their kitchen.
"Well..uh I guess if it smelled that good then it'd be kinda rude not to let you have a few to try..I just finished the vanilla ones so..maybe we can try em both and see how they turned out?"
"Sounds like a lovely idea to me my dear~ Don't mind me then, a chef should sample their masterpieces as well!"
Cori had to admit they were right, and moved to grab one chocolate and one vanilla macaron..both were still faintly warm to the touch in their hands. They lifted the chocolate one to their mouth and did a little cheers motion to their strange new companion before biting into the confection.
Rich warm decadence erupted into Coris mouth, soft warm and fluffy chocolate in such a purely delightful taste sensation.. It made them hum in delight at the experience, the macaron seemed to just melt away on their tongue almost like eating a cloud they would say.
Looking down at their new guest, they watched as stars almost seemed to sparkle in their eyes at the taste. The large cookie didn't stand a chance against them after the first bite, making Cori laugh a bit as they went to try the vanilla one next.
The vanilla, much like the chocolate before it, melted into their mouth with a rich and damn near sinfully creamy taste unlike anything else they could make..they'd have to make these again..maybe soon because good lord. It was fairly certain the platter of cookies wouldn't last the night if Cori didn't watch themselves..but then again why not indulge? It was their hard work afterall.
Or..they would if they didn't look down to see their small guest polish off two, then four cookies back to back..It was almost mesmerizing watching the small delicate mandibles destroy each cookie they got their..many many hands on. They looked more and more like a well dressed centipede Cori thought..
It took a fair bit longer than Cori wanted to admit to realize their guest was well on their way to eating well over half the cookies somehow. Where they were putting it all in that thin frame of their was anyones guess but Cori had to stop them somehow.
"whoa whoa! Hey calm down, you keep eating like that you're gonna pop!"
"Oops..ahaha...my apologies my dear! It seems your cooking is a fair bit more delectable than I at first realized...I couldn't help myself..something so fantastic tasting -hic- deserves to be eaten -hic- don't you agree?"
They didn't look the least bit sorry about stuffing themselves like they did..looking down at the platter there was only a handful of either flavor left.. Cori was honestly more impressed than upset they managed to eat that much to begin with.
"Well..I mean, I guess you're right..better to enjoy it than let it go to waste? But you ate way too much, you look like you're gonna burst now.."
Cori, not being a particularly mean soul, gently pressed and rubbed at a particularly swollen section of their..long midsection, earning a few soft burps and relaxed sighs from their odd guest.
"Oh...please my dear, that feels so wonderful after I made a bit of a mess of myself..You're quite a delightful host I will admit..enough that I feel I should properly introduce myself! I go by Faraday my dear, and what of you?" "Oh...Well..you looked sorta uncomfortable and well..a few rubs always helped my stomach settle down if I ate way too much too quickly. You can just call me Cori, everyone else does. Nice to meet you Faraday."
Cori felt a little bit silly shaking one of the many delicate hands Faraday offered in formal greeting.
"A pleasure indeed my dearest Cori, it's been ages since I've eaten something so heavenly delicious..Tell me something my dear..are you by any chance under any superiors or benefactors?"
"wha- you mean like do I have a boss or job? Uh..n-not currently..I lost my job last week so..I kinda don't have anything goin for me at the moment...Why?"
Cori could swear they saw Faradays eyes flash, maybe it was a trick of the light? Faraday seemed a fair bit more animated suddenly, moving to sit themselves up along Coris arm and moving closer to their face with a excited smile.
"Well then..perhaps you'd consider my modest patronage darling! I'd be more than happy to ensure you'd be able to create such magnificent treats at your leisure, or whatever you'd need or desire to keep things afloat as it were. Whatever you'd desire I would be more than happy to ensure it would be a reality~"
"So..technically you'd be like my new boss?"
"Ohh something like that, Boss seems a bit inflexible..I do prefer the term "Patron" a fair bit more. I'd be happy to supply whatever you'd desire, such potential deserves to be nurtured don't you agree?"
Well.. the cookies turned out far better than Cori anticipated if it's technically already landing them a brand new job..
"Well..I don't see why not? I don't really need that much but..just having what I need to cook and eat would be enough for me to be happy honestly. Everything else I'll figure out as I go I guess. I don't wanna abuse your offer sir, if that makes sense?"
Faraday chittered once more, smiling at Cori brightly...ouhh he would enjoy this one..they were a solid find..Of course they'd bend the wording to suit them..They'd always have what they'd need to cook of course..He wouldn't want his new little chef to not be ready for him to drop by now would he?
"Oh that's more than fine my dear, you're quite a interesting find I must say. Most I make this offer to would try to take me for all I have and then some!"
"Well I don't think I'm like most here these days..I don't mind cooking for a friend now and then, you're welcomed by any time if you're sorta my boss now? Never worked for someone like you..uh do we sign paperwork or something?"
"Oh that is adorable..no no my dear, everything will be sorted out in time don't worry. But right now a hand shake will make things binding, and well if it's not to your liking we can always discuss the matter in private and confidence~"
"Oh..well alright then, sounds good to me?"
Cori had a minor worry but..what could go wrong letting something like Faraday think he's their boss..? A odd little creature sure but if they wanted to eat what they cooked now and then, well Cori could handle that, they had a small appetite anyways so it wouldn't be too bad.
The moment Coris hand closed around Faradays in a shake, they felt something tingle up their arm for half a second..Chalking it up to a nerve twinging, they sat Faraday back on the counter gently.
"Well guess I have a new job then? I'll make some tea to celebrate haha. Might make you some mint tea, could help your stomach....stomachs? settle down."
When Cori didn't hear any response they looked around and blinked..The counter was empty...
Both of the cookies and Faraday? Well all but two cookies, two chocolate and two vanilla were all that was left of the two dozen Cori had baked no more than a hour ago.
Elsewhere, Faraday was beside himself with landing such a lovely new chef..Of course he had to excuse himself to relax in his own realm and let his food settle...as well as tuck away a few more macarons for later. He was sure Cori wouldn't mind it.
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