#fargus revall
dddragoni-drabbles · 5 months
Fargus gripped the remote tightly, staring at the monitor with his thumb hovering millimeters over the button. On screen, a small dromaeosaur was poking its head out of a bush, sniffing the air as it examined the bait he'd laid out from a distance.A single bead of sweat ran down Fargus's forehead. "Come on, come on..."
The animal let out a small chirp, then slowly stepped out of the foliage, cautiously moving closer to the bait. A coat of slightly ruffled, mottled brown feathers covered it from head to toe, and its long tail feathers were raised and alert.
"Just a little closer..." Fargus whispered to himself, his hand trembling slightly. Just four more steps, and he could trigger the trap without risking hurting it. Three more... two more... one...
At the last moment, the dromaeosaur's head shot upward and swivled to the side. It let out an alarm call, then turned and sprinted off into the foliage again.
"GOD DAMN IT!" Fargus pounded the table with his fist, denting it and likely breaking a finger or two. As he gripped it and cried out in pain, a boar trundked into the camera's view, snapped up the bait after only the barest consideration, and continued on its way.
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