#farm fresh fruits in Vadodara
fruitzu01 · 3 years
Top 6 Reasons Why You Should Eat Fruits Daily
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Fresh fruits are a great option for breakfast, snacks, or dessert. Most fruits are sweet and ready to eat, so no cooking or recipe preparation is required. Simply consume an apple, peach, or banana. Remember to always have fresh fruit on hand. You'll make better selections if you have a lot of possibilities.
Children are increasingly consuming highly processed snacks that are nutritionally poor and represent a risk to their long-term health. These items are high in calories and have artificial colours, flavours, and refined sugars. Children are consuming more processed sweets than ever before. You may improve and fix this by substituting fruit and homemade meals for many of these unhealthy snack options.
If you are looking for fresh & natural fruits in Vadodara, call Fruitzu and get them delivered within 24 hours of placing your order.
Consuming more fresh fruit will assist you in avoiding processed foods. Fruit is grown in the wild, not in a facility. Fruits are naturally low in fat and calories, and they include important nutrients that your child requires to grow. Fruit can help keep you healthy.
While there are dozens, if not hundreds, of reasons why you should eat fruit, these are unquestionably the top Six.
1. Fruit can lower the risk of disease:
Eating fruit on a daily basis lowers the risk of so many diseases that listing them all would be impossible! To begin, a study discovered that consuming fruits lowers your risk of acquiring heart disease.
Fruits are known to help you in controlling your blood pressure as well as lower your chances of developing some cancers, among other diseases.
Buy natural fruits online at Fruitzu, fresh & naturally ripened fruits guaranteed with speedy delivery.
2. Fruit makes you strong:
Fruit, when consumed as part of a balanced diet, can assist to build your bones and muscles. Eating dried plums in particular can help prevent osteoporosis. Avocados are also excellent for bone health. Another study discovered that vitamin C can help you keep muscle mass, and we all know that fruits are rich in Vitamin C content.
3. Fruit keeps you hydrated:
Certain fruits contain a lot of water, which helps to keep your entire body hydrated. While plain water is usually ideal, eating more fruit will help you fulfil your daily need, especially if you dislike plain water.
Watermelon, as the name suggests, is the obvious choice. But did you realise that strawberries contain approximately 92 percent water? Water makes up the majority of grapefruit and cantaloupe. Apples, which contain around 86 percent water, are also a fantastic alternative.
4. Antioxidants in Fruits help combat the free radicals:
Free radicals are harmful little unstable atoms that accelerate ageing, destroy healthy cells, and potentially cause cancer. To some extent, all fruits contain antioxidants; nevertheless, ripe fruits are especially abundant in antioxidants.
Order nutritious and naturally ripened farm fresh fruits in Vadodara only at Fruitzu.
5. High in Fiber:
One of the primary benefits of fruit is its high fibre content. Fruits help to lower blood cholesterol levels. That leads us back to the first point: it lowers your risk of developing heart disease. Fiber is also critical for gut health. It keeps you "regular," which can aid in the prevention of constipation, haemorrhoids, and diverticulosis.
Foods high in fibre and low in calories can also help you lose weight (or keep it off) by making you feel satisfied for a longer period of time. They also help to control your blood sugar, allowing you to eat less junk during the day.
6. Fruits are Dense in Nutrients:
Our bodies require a variety of vitamins and minerals to function correctly. Some of these elements, like calcium and potassium, are essential to our survival. Our hearts, for example, require both sodium and potassium to operate effectively. Avocados, figs, peaches, and kiwi are all potassium-rich fruits.
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book-my-crop · 2 years
Health benefits of Sugarcane, Bananas and Melons
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Eating foods with fewer calories per cup, such as fruits, rather than a higher-calorie food, may help to reduce calorie intake as part of an overall healthy diet.
As part of an overall healthy diet, eating a diet high in various vegetables and fruits may protect against certain types of cancer. 
Adding fruit to your diet will help you get more fibre and potassium, both of which are vital minerals. 
Book My Crop is an online platform that helps you get fresh fruits and vegetables. Buy Sugarcane directly from farmers in Gujarat via Book My Crop.
Health benefits of Sugarcane:
Sugarcane is a tropical grass grown all over the world for the production of refined sugar, sugarcane juice, and therapeutic remedies for a variety of ailments.
When ingested in moderation, sugarcane and its derivatives have a number of proven health benefits. Chewing sugarcane or drinking sugarcane water or syrup can assist alleviate urinary tract disorders and enhance antioxidant levels, as well as benefit pregnant women and diabetic patients. 
Buy Banana directly from farmers in Gujarat with Book My Crop and get guaranteed fresh produce.
-       Diuretic Properties
-       Disease Prevention
-       Boost Metabolism
-       Positive effects on Diabetic Patients
Health benefits of Bananas:
Bananas are a delicious and easy source of a variety of nutrients. This tropical fruit has been farmed since ancient times, and its health benefits have been touted for over a century.
Are you thinking to order Agricultural products in Gujarat in bulk quantities? Book My Crop is an advanced online platform that connects Indian buyers to Indian farmers.
-       Powerful potassium
-       Rich in fibre
-       Happy Belly
-       High in Energy
-       Quicker workout recovery
Health benefits of Melons (Watermelon and Muskmelon):
●   Watermelon:
Watermelon is one of the few summer snacks that are both delicious and nutritious. This fruit has long been famous for its sweet flavour and juicy flesh, making it one of the most refreshing treats for a hot day.
-       Improved Exercise Outcomes
-       Better Immune Function.
-       Improved Cardiovascular Health
-       Reduced Risk of Macular Degeneration 
If you are looking to buy melon directly from farmers in Vadodara, download Book My Crop mobile application, get registered as a buyer and get your order delivered to your doorstep.
●   Muskmelon:
Muskmelon has antioxidants that assist the body combat inflammation. They combat free radicals, which cause oxidative stress and cell damage, lowering your chance of significant health problems including diabetes, heart disease, arthritis, and more.
-       Improved Skin
-       Improved eyesight
-       Manage Asthma
-       Prevents heart diseases
-       Reduces risk of Cancer
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fruitzu01 · 3 years
Buy nautral fruits online vadodara
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Fruits are naturally low in fat and calories, and they include important nutrients that your child requires to grow. If you are looking for fresh & natural fruits in Vadodara, call Fruitzu to order nutritious and naturally ripened farm fresh fruits in Vadodara and get them delivered within 24 hours of placing your order.
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book-my-crop · 3 years
What makes Organic food better?
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Organic food, which was once solely available in health food stores, is now widely available in most supermarkets. As a result, there's a bit of a conundrum in the produce section.
 On the one side, you have an apple that has been grown in a traditional manner. On the other hand, there's one that's natural. Both apples are sturdy, lustrous, and bright red. Both are high in vitamins and fibre, as well as being low in fat, salt, and cholesterol. Which one should you pick? Before you go shopping, learn the facts.
 If you want to buy crop in Gujarat and get them delivered to your home, visit the official website of Book My Crop and download the BookMyCrop App today.
The Concept of Organic Farming:
The term "organic" refers to the methods used by farmers to grow and prepare agricultural products such fruits, vegetables, grains, dairy, and meat. Organic agricultural operations are intended to accomplish the following objectives:
 ●     Improve the quality of the soil and water
●     Reduce pollution and provide a safe and healthy environment for livestock.
●     Allow natural livestock behaviour to flourish.
●     Encourage a farm's resource cycle to be self-sustaining.
The following materials or techniques are not permitted in organic farming:
●     Synthetic fertilisers are used to enrich the soil with nutrients.
●     Fertilizer made from sewage sludge
●     For pest control, the majority of synthetic insecticides are used.
●     To preserve food or to eradicate disease or pests, irradiation is used.
●     To improve disease or insect resistance, or to increase crop yields, genetic engineering is applied.
●     For livestock, antibiotics or growth hormones are used.
Book My Crop offers an amazing service to buy vegetables directly from farmers, that will get you fresh veggies at affordable prices.
Materials or procedures used in organic agricultural cultivation include:
●     To increase soil quality, use plant waste (green manure), cattle dung, or compost.
●     Plant rotation is important for maintaining soil quality and interrupting pest or disease cycles.
●     When parcels of land are not in use, cover crops are planted to avoid erosion and to plough into the soil to improve soil quality.
●     Mulch to keep weeds at bay.
●     To control pests, use predatory insects or insect traps.
●     Natural pesticides and a few synthetic pesticides permitted for organic farming are used only in extreme cases and in collaboration with a USDA organic certifying agent.
Organic livestock production practises:
●     Healthy living conditions and access to the outdoors.
●     During the grazing season, pasture feeding should account for at least 30% of the nutritional demands of livestock.
●     Animals' organic foods
●     Vaccinations
What makes Organic food better?
Organic foods are known to provide a number of health benefits as compared to the food that is conventionally farmed. While these studies have revealed food variations, there is insufficient data to draw judgments about how these differences translate into overall health advantages.
 Buy crop online in Vadodara from Book My Crop and get the fresh vegetables and fruits delivered to your doorstep.
●    Nutrients:
Organic fruit has been demonstrated to offer slight to moderate increases in various nutrients in studies. Certain forms of flavonoids, which have antioxidant characteristics, provide the greatest evidence of a considerable increase.
●    Omega-3 fatty acids:
Organic livestock farming's feeding needs, such as the major use of grass and alfalfa for cattle, result in higher quantities of omega-3 fatty acids, a type of fat that is more heart-healthy than other fats. Organic meats, dairy, and eggs include higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids.
 Buy Peanut directly from farmers near Jamnagar via Book My Crop mobile app. Download now on your Android or Apple phones to get started.
●    Less Cadmium:
Cadmium is a poisonous toxin that occurs naturally in soils and is absorbed by plants. When compared to conventionally cultivated crops, organic grains had much reduced cadmium levels, but not fruits and vegetables. The use of synthetic fertilisers is prohibited in organic farming, which could explain the lower cadmium levels in organic wheat.
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fruitzu01 · 3 years
Why Organic Food is so Expensive?
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According to a 2002 article, 500 farmers in Andhra Pradesh perished as a result of pesticide exposure. When members of Parliament questioned the central government about what efforts it was doing to prevent these deaths, it stated that it was “promoting Integrated Pest Management (IPM) to reduce use of chemical pesticides.”
Farmers are urged to utilise natural pest management methods first, such as pheromone traps that attract male moths or planting marigolds along field borders to reduce nematodes, under the Integrated Pest Management approach. Chemical pesticides should only be used as a last resort and only at specified times in the cropping cycle to be effective. However, in India, Integrated Pest Management has had minimal success.
If you want to buy fruits online in Vadodara, contact Fruitzu to get the fresh & naturally ripened fruits delivered within 24 hours of placing your order.
The failure of the government's farm extension system, which is supposed to counsel farmers, is partly to blame for the uncontrolled use of pesticides. Chemical fertiliser plants receive massive financial subsidies (70000+ crores per year), but individual farmers/groups producing organic manures/pesticides, etc., receive no subsidies.
Private pesticide sellers have come in to fill the void, but they do not provide credible advise since they frequently have to achieve company sales targets. As a result, farmers use more chemicals than necessary. Customers pay for this in a variety of ways. It's all part of a cycle. The same businesses develop medicines to treat illnesses caused by toxins.
On our finite planet, where natural resources are becoming increasingly scarce, it is critical for producers to focus on doing more with less. Subsidies tend to weaken producers' incentives to improve efficiency and move their focus from crops to farming subsidies. As a result, many people wind up accomplishing more with less.
In India, for example, the cost of power needed to pump water for agriculture is subsidised, encouraging farmers to pump more water than they use. As a result, Indian manufacturers are among the world's inefficient water users. Given the scarcity of food and water, a more efficient approach to operate the system would be to promote those who produce more food with less water.
Fruitzu offers the best online fruit delivery in Vadodara, visit the official website to order fresh & naturally ripened fruits.
This is where community-supported agriculture and start-ups like communityfarm.in come into action. They bridge the gap between farmer and consumer, ensuring better agricultural pricing and protecting them from market swings. Helps him find other ways to boost his earnings and, most importantly, connects him with industry professionals to provide better counsel.
Cost Factors:
Labor and farming inputs: Organic farming requires a lot of work. The biofertilizers utilised are also quite costly. There is no government subsidy for organic fertilisers or pesticides. The cost of applying synthetic fertiliser and insecticide per acre per crop cycle is much under Rs. 2000/-. Organic manure, for example, cow dung, has a requirement per acre for organic farmers per crop cycle of 30 tonnes to 45 tonnes or more. The cost per tonne ranges from 1000/- to 1500/- Rs, depending on region. Their organic manure input cost per acre is in the region of 30000/- to 45000/- every crop cycle. This is around 15 to 20 times the traditional farmer's input cost. Organic pesticides and/or other similar methods are not included in this price.
Crop Rotation:
Organic farmers use sophisticated crop rotations instead of chemical weed killers to maintain their land healthy and avoid weed development. Following the harvest of a crop, an organic farmer may use that land to produce "cover crops," which supply nitrogen to the soil and benefit succeeding harvests. Conventional farmers, on the other hand, can maximise agricultural yield by utilising every available acre. Organic farmers are unable to produce the bigger quantities that are most cost-effective for conventional farmers since crop rotation lowers the frequency with which they can grow profitable crops.
If eating organic & healthy fruits is what you wish for, order fruit delivery service in Vadodara only at Fruitzu.
Furthermore, we customers reject their produce on a regular basis due to shape faults, pest damage, and so on. Many of us feel that because we pay a premium for organic produce, it should look much better than conventional produce; however, this is not the case; in fact, it may appear worse.
All of this adds up to increased costs for their produce. However, the survival of these farmers is critical for us and future generations. Because they have gone to great lengths to pursue the organic route in order to better serve us and future generations.
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