khetigaadi · 2 months
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किसान भाईयों, आपके खेतों के लिए सबसे मजबूत साथी - Farmtrac 6055! 🚜 Farmtrac 6055 ट्रैक्टर के साथ खेती को बनाएं और भी सरल और कुशल। 🌾 मुख्य विशेषताएँ: शक्तिशाली इंजन, सभी प्रकार के कार्यों के लिए उपयुक्त उन्नत हाइड्रोलिक सिस्टम, बेहतर लिफ्ट क्षमता के साथ आरामदायक और सुरक्षित ड्राइविंग अनुभव.
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tractor-overview · 1 year
Farmtrac Tractors Price in India 2023 | Farming Tractors in India 
Farmtrac Tractors is a brand that specializes in the manufacturing of agricultural tractors. It is a well-known name in the farming community, offering a range of reliable and efficient tractors for various farming applications. Farmtrac Tractors are designed to cater to the needs of both small and large-scale farmers. They are known for their durability, performance, and versatility in tackling…
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farmtracagri · 1 year
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With the power of 1500 kg heavy hydraulic lift, heavy to heavy equipment will now run comfortably.
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cmv360 · 1 year
Farmtrac 6075 Tractor
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Farmtrac 6075 is a model of agricultural tractor produced by the Farmtrac brand, which is known for manufacturing tractors for agricultural and rural applications. Here is a general description of the Farmtrac 6075 tractor:
Engine: The Farmtrac 6075 is powered by a 4-cylinder, direct-injection diesel engine with a displacement of 4.4 liters. It produces a maximum gross engine output of 75 horsepower (HP) and is designed to deliver efficient performance for various agricultural tasks.
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tractorkarvan89 · 2 years
In 2022, Farmtrac Will Introduce Tractorkarvan With Its Farmtrac Tractor
One of the well-known brands of the Escort Group is Farmtrac. Farmtrac maintained a lead in the Indian tractor business by concentrating on making high-quality tractors. In India, Farmtrac Tractor is the most reputable brand. It is well known for being inexpensive and easily fitting into farmers' budgets. Farmtrac tractors have a strong engine for great work in demanding conditions. They also cost a fair amount, have an exclusive design and trusted identity, and are simple to handle. The starting price of a Farmtrac tractor in India is INR 4.80 lakh*.
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One of the well-known brands of the Escort Group is Farmtrac. Escort tractors, Powertrac, Digitrac, and another four brands are all owned by the Escort Group. Escort Group is well known for its cutting-edge engineering and technology. India and Poland both host a production facility for it.
Farmtrac maintained a lead in the Indian tractor business by concentrating on making high-quality tractors. It makes tractors in accordance with the routine chores performed by farmers.
Farmtrac tractors have a strong engine for great work in demanding conditions. They also cost a fair amount, have an exclusive design and trusted identity, and are simple to handle. The starting price of a Farmtrac tractor in India is INR 4.80 lakh*.
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kisanofindia · 1 year
Farming Tractors: इन 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स का इस्तेमाल कर अपनी खरीफ़ फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ाएं
खरीफ़ फसलों के लिए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स
गेस्ट ब्लॉग: TractorKarvan | ट्रैक्टर, विज्ञान और तकनीक की एक ऐसी देन है, जिसने अपने शुरुआत से आज तक कृषि कार्यों को आसान और उन्नत तरीके से करने में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभायी है। जानिए ऐसे 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स के बारे में, जिससे आप उन्नत तरीके से कृषि कार्यों को कर खरीफ़ फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ा सकते हैं।
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Top 5 Tractors for Farming: (खेती से जुड़े कार्यों के लिए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स) | भारत एक कृषि प्रधान देश है, जिसकी दो-तिहाई आबादी आज भी अपने जीवन यापन के लिए कृषि पर निर्भर है। कृषि प्राथमिक क्रिया है, जो हमारे लिए अधिकांश खाद्यान्न पैदा करती है। इसके साथ ही कृषि पर कच्चे माल के लिए विभिन्न उद्योग भी निर्भर हैं।भारत में मौसम के आधार पर फसलों को तीन प्रकारों में बांटा गया है:
रबी (नवम्बर से मार्च)
खरीफ़ (जुलाई से अक्टूबर)
जायद (अप्रैल से जून)
तीनों प्रकारों में से खरीफ़ सीज़न का भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए सबसे ज़्यादा महत्व है। इस सीज़न के दौरान बोई जाने वाली फ़सलें खाद्य सुरक्षा, ग्रामीण रोज़गार और आय सृजन सुनिश्चित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं। चावल, मक्का, ज्वार, बाजरा, दालें, तिलहन, कपास, गन्ना और जूट सहित ये फसलें विभिन्न तरीकों से भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देती हैं।
अगर नयी तकनीकों का इस्तेमाल करते हुए खरीफ़ फसलों की खेती की जाए, तो उत्पादन की बढ़ोतरी होगी और इनका अर्थव्यवस्था में योगदान और भी बढ़ जाएगा। ट्रैक्टर, विज्ञान और तकनीक की एक ऐसी देन है, जिसने अपने शुरुआत से आज तक कृषि कार्यों को आसान और उन्नत तरीके से करने में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभायी है। फसल बुआई से लेकर कटाई तक के कार्यों के लिए आवश्यक हर प्रकार के इम्प्लीमेंट्स को चलाने में ट्रैक्टर का अहम योगदान होता है। आज हम इस आर्टिकल में ऐसे 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स की बात करेंगे, जिससे आप उन्नत तरीके से कृषि कार्यों को कर खरीफ़ फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ा सकते हैं।
खरीफ़ फसलों के लिए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स
खेती के लिए मिट्टी की तैयारी, बीज बुआई से लेकर अनाज को मंडी ले जाने तक ट्रैक्टर अहम भूमिका अदा करते हैं। ट्रैक्टर्स से जोड़कर किसान विभिन्न प्रकार के कृषि इम्प्लीमेंट्स जैसे कि कल्टीवेटर, रोटावेटर, एमबी प्लाऊ, पडलर और अन्य इम्प्लीमेंट्स चला सकते हैं। नीचे दिए गए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स, न केवल आपकी खरीफ़ फसलों के लिए आवश्यक हर ज़रूरतों को पूरा करेंगे, बल्कि ये कीमत के हिसाब से भी आपके बजट के अनुकूल हैं।
स्वराज 735 FE
स्वराज 735 FE (Swaraj 735 FE) एक पॉवरफुल और मल्टी-टास्किंग ट्रैक्टर है, जो खरीफ़ फसलों से संबंधित कृषि गतिविधियों के लिए उपयुक्त है। ये ट्रैक्टर 35-40 हॉर्स पॉवर इंजन के साथ आता है, जो जुताई, बुआई, जैसे भारी-भरकम कार्यों के लिए आवश्यक इम्प्लीमेंट्स को आसानी से चलाने में सक्षम है। इसमें 3-सिलेंडर इंजन है, जो ईंधन की बचत भी करते हैं। इस ट्रैक्टर का ERPM रेटिंग 1800 RPM है, जो सामान्य से अधिक है। यानी इसमें अधिक फ्यूल बर्न होगा और पॉवर भी ज़्यादा देगा। जहां तक इसकी कीमत का सवाल है, तो ये आपको 7 लाख* से 8 लाख* रूपये के प्राइस रेंज में मिल जाएगा।
और पढ़ें.......
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tractorlook · 2 years
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Farmtrac 45 is excellent tractor which is 45 HP tractor which is available at affordable price from other tractors. This tractor fits right in when you are thinking of buying an exclusive Exhibition tractor worth Rs. Price of this tractor is 6.35 - 6.75 Lakh. With take-off power of 38.30 HP. For more information contact tratorguru.
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gopalrasia · 2 years
Budget-friendly Tractor Brands In India with Overview
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Many trendy tractor brands are available in the tractor industry, producing best-in-class tractors for farming purposes. In the below section, we are showing the top 2 modern tractor brands and models in India. 
Popular Tractor Brand's in India
A. Swaraj Tractor 
Swaraj tractor is a widely used and trendy tractor brand in India, as it produces many useful and profitable tractors and farm attachments. The tractors of Swaraj come with sustainable crop solutions that provide work excellency in the farming field. And hp starts from 11.1 hp - 75 hp. Swaraj tractor price range is Rs. 9.90 - 10.50 Lakh*. 
Swaraj 742 FE 
Swaraj 742 is an advanced tractor model which is famous for its efficient farming. It's a 42 HP tractor model with 3 cylinders. Swaraj 742 Price starts from 6.35 lakh, which is nominal for farmers. 
B. Farmtrac Tractor 
Farmtrac is a popular tractor brand in India which produces great tractors and farming implements to perform all farm applications. Farmtrac hp range starts from 22 hp to 80 hp. Farmtrac tractor price range is Rs. 4.80 - Rs. 12.80 Lakh. 
Farmtrac 45
The Farmtrac 45 tractor model has all improved qualities such as single / dual clutch, fully constant mesh transmission and others. Also, its price range is economical for farmers. 
These are the top trendy tractor brands in India. In addition, you can search for Used tractors of various brands at Tractor Junction. Here, you can also find tractor dealers list in your locality.
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tractorjunc · 2 years
How will 5G change the future of Indian farming?
5G has been trending recently due to its introduction in the largest democracy, i.e. India. 5G is the dominant technology with a higher frequency with a short wavelength. Henceforth, this feature enables the technology to provide high-speed data-sharing facilities through the world wide web. In addition to this, it promotes the use of advanced technologies like AI, drones, CNC machines, robots, etc.
How is 5G related to agriculture?
While communication between the elements of the agricultural supply chain is necessary to maintain faster processing economies, it is also necessary to increase the use of mechanization in agriculture with the help of 5G-dependent technologies. For example, wouldn’t it be nicer if you just had to prompt your phone to further instruct your tractor about preparing your land for cultivation? And it would perform the task autonomously, understanding its ability to use the resources available in its favour.
In addition to this, tractors like Eicher 380, Farmtrac 45, and New Holland 3230 could be customised as per requirement. Furthermore, a quick data transfer will provide the tractors platforms like AI, CNC farming machines, robot-controlled fertilization, etc.
How will the use of 5G revolutionize agricultural technologies?
5G will ensure a better connection among smart technical devices such as robots, drones, etc. These robots use sensor-based software that can produce healthy crops economically with the least use of manpower. In addition to this, technologies like IoT need just fast commuting, and data transfer speeds to calculate the possibilities of successful agriculture.
In such scenarios, Eicher 380, Farmtrac 45 and New Holland 3230, if synchronized with technologies like IoT, will make it possible. Proceeding further in the segment, we will say the 5G technology will be a game changer for agriculture as it has got just apt data transfer speeds to make machines and information sync and produce real-time results. Adding further, the use of 5G in agriculture will also automatically pave new ways for new technologies like enhanced cloud computing, quantum computing for agriculture, etc.
Some final thoughts
5G being a modern-era technology, is one of the best technology ever invented. This is because it solves the prime problem of speedy data transfer. However, this technology is not cheap in many countries. This has rather created problems rather than solutions. But on research and development, this technology will get cheaper day by day. Thus, in conclusion, we can say that 5G, if not today, will change the future of Indian farming.
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khetigaadi · 3 months
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Farmtrac 45 Ultramaxx – Power and Precision Redefined! 🌾
Key Features:
🌱 Powerful 47 HP engine for maximum productivity
🚜 Advanced hydraulics for smooth operation
🔧 Ergonomic design for operator comfort
📈 Fuel-efficient to save costs in the long run
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farmtracagri · 1 year
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Farmtrack 35 champion's 35kmph maximum speed get more circulation power. So now never stop, never stop
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neelrajput5599 · 2 months
Comparing Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx and John Deere 5405 Tractors: A Detailed Review 
In the ever-evolving landscape of agricultural machinery, tractors play a crucial role in enhancing productivity and efficiency on farms. Among the plethora of options available, the Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx and the John Deere 5405 stand out due to their impressive specifications and reliable performance. This article delves into a comprehensive comparison between these two models, highlighting their features, capabilities, and the value they offer to farmers. We will also touch upon the aspects of implements, tractor price, and the relevance of mini tractors in modern agriculture. 
 Engine and Performance 
The heart of any tractor is its engine, and both the Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx and John Deere 5405 are equipped with robust engines designed to handle a variety of farming tasks. 
Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx: 
- Engine-rated RPM: 1850 RPM 
- HP Category: 50 HP 
- Number of Cylinders: 3 Cylinder 
- Air Cleaner / Filter: Wet Type 
John Deere 5405: 
- Engine Rated RPM: 2100 RPM 
- HP Category: 63 HP 
- Engine Capacity: 2900 cc 
- Number of Cylinders: 3 Cylinder 
The Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx, with its 50 HP engine and a rated RPM of 1850, is well-suited for medium-duty farming tasks. On the other hand, the John Deere 5405, boasting a more powerful 63 HP engine and a higher rated RPM of 2100, is designed for more demanding applications. The larger engine capacity of 2900 cc in the John Deere model further enhances its ability to perform heavy-duty tasks efficiently. 
 Transmission and Clutch 
The transmission system and clutch type significantly impact the tractor's ease of operation and versatility in the field. 
Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx: 
- Gear Box Type: 8F+2R Full Constant Mesh 
- Clutch Type: Single Clutch 
John Deere 5405: 
- PTO RPM: 540 
- PTO Power: 55 HP 
The Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx features an 8F+2R Full Constant Mesh gearbox, providing a good range of speeds for different operations. Its single clutch system, while simple and effective, may require more frequent maintenance compared to dual-clutch systems. The Farmtrac 60 price is typically more affordable, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious farmers. In contrast, the John Deere 5405 offers a power take-off (PTO) power of 55 HP and a PTO RPM of 540, making it highly capable of handling various implements with ease. 
 Weight and Steering 
Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx: 
- Total Weight: 2035 Kg 
John Deere 5405: 
- Brake Type: Oil Immersed 
- Steering Type: Power Steering 
The Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx weighs 2035 Kg, providing it with good stability and traction in the field. The John Deere 5405, equipped with oil-immersed brakes and power steering, ensures superior control and safety, especially during long hours of operation. The power steering feature of the John Deere 5405 makes maneuvering easier, reducing operator fatigue. 
 Implements and Versatility 
Both tractors are designed to work with a variety of implements, enhancing their versatility on the farm. Implements such as plows, harrows, seeders, and trailers can be easily attached, allowing farmers to perform multiple tasks with a single machine. The John Deere 5405, with its higher PTO power, can handle more demanding implements, making it suitable for larger farms and more intensive operations. 
 Tractor Price and Value for Money 
When considering the tractor price, it is essential to evaluate the features and capabilities offered by each model. The Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx, with its 50 HP engine and reliable performance, is typically priced lower than the John Deere 5405. This makes it an attractive option for small to medium-sized farms where budget constraints are a significant factor. On the other hand, the John Deere 5405, with its higher power and advanced features, justifies its higher price tag by offering superior performance and durability. 
 Mini Tractors: A Niche but Growing Market 
While the Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx and John Deere 5405 cater to medium and large-scale farming operations, the market for mini tractors is also growing. Mini tractors are ideal for small farms, orchards, and specialized farming tasks that require maneuverability and precision. They offer a cost-effective solution for farmers who do not need the power of larger tractors but still require efficient and reliable machinery. 
In conclusion, both the Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx and John Deere 5405 offer distinct advantages depending on the specific needs of the farm. The Farmtrac 60 Supermaxx, with its affordable price and reliable performance, is an excellent choice for budget-conscious farmers. The John Deere 5405, with its higher power and advanced features, is ideal for those who require more robust machinery for intensive farming tasks. Regardless of the choice, both tractors are capable of enhancing productivity and efficiency on the farm, making them valuable investments in modern agriculture.
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farmtrac · 4 months
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The Farmtrac Global Best Compact Tractor
Unveiling the pinnacle of efficiency and versatility with the Farmtrac Global best compact tractor. Engineered for maximum performance in tight spaces, this machine is a game-changer for farmers seeking power and maneuverability. Experience unmatched reliability and innovation, redefining agricultural standards. Discover the future of farming with Farmtrac Global.
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gaadi · 1 year
Popular 35-50 HP Tractors and Tractor Prices in India- KhetiGaadi
A tractor is a powerful agricultural vehicle designed to perform various tasks on farms, such as ploughing, tilling, planting, and harvesting. It typically consists of a large engine, sturdy tires, and a hydraulic system for operating attachments. The tractor price of tractors can vary significantly depending on factors like brand, model, features, and horsepower. 
Best & Popular 35 HP Tractors in India 
Semi-medium tractors are 35 HP tractors fall in Category. These tractors are popular among small farmers in India since they are reasonably priced and fit their requirements. Popular tractor models from several different brands that fall into the 35 HP category include the Mahindra Yuvo 275 DI, Swaraj 834 XM, and New Holland 3032 Nx. The following list of popular 35 HP tractor models includes their on-road prices: 
Pricing list for a 35 HP tractor 
The price range for the Swaraj 735 FE is 4.90 to 5.10 lakhs. 
Powertrac 434 Plus Loadmaxx price INR 4.90 lakhs. 
Sonalika MM 35 DI - 4.76 to lakhs to 4.95 lakhs. 
Best & Popular 45 HP Tractor in India 
In India, many farmers prefer 45 HP tractors as they are well-suited to meet their farming needs. These tractors come equipped with outstanding features and offer excellent performance, making them an ideal choice for agricultural activities in the country. Moreover, the 45 HP tractor price in India is reasonable, making them affordable for a wide range of farmers. Some renowned models in this category include the John Deere 5045 D, Kubota MU 4501 2WD, and Mahindra 575 DI. The on-road prices of these popular 45 HP tractor models may vary, but they are generally considered affordable options for Indian farmers. 
List of 45 HP tractor prices 
The price range for the Farmtrac 45 Classic Supermax is 5.75 to 6.20 lakhs. 
The price of an Eicher 485 Super Plus is 6.12 lakhs. 
Force Sanman 5000 price between Rs 6.10 and 6.40 lakhs. 
Best & Popular 50 HP Tractor in India 
Tractors in the 50 HP category are highly sought after in India due to their versatility and affordability. These fully organized tractors offer exceptional productivity and come equipped with a range of comfortable features. Popular models in this category include the Farmtrac 60, Massey Ferguson 7250 Power Up, and John Deere 5050 D - 4WD. These tractors are known for their robustness and reliability, making them ideal for various farming applications. In terms of pricing, the on-road price of these renowned 50 HP tractor models varies but falls within a reasonable range. 
Here is the price list for three 50 HP tractors: 
New Holland 3630 TX Super: The price ranges from INR 7.20 lakhs to INR 7.70 lakhs. 
Sonalika DI 745 III: The price ranges from INR 5.45 lakhs to INR 5.75 lakhs. 
Mahindra Arjun 555 DI: The price ranges from INR 6.70 lakhs to INR 7.10 lakhs. 
The 35 HP, 45 HP, and 50 HP tractors are popular choices among farmers in India. These tractors offer a range of features, performance, and affordability to meet the diverse needs of agricultural activities. With renowned brands like Mahindra, Swaraj, John Deere, and more, farmers have access to reliable and versatile machinery for their farming operations. 
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gopalrasia · 2 years
Best Tractor Models for Agriculture Purpose
Efficient Tractor models are manufactured with all advanced technology. As per Indian agriculture automobile industry many different kinds of tractors are available, which are used for different fields and crops. Here, in the section below, we are shown top notch tractor models according to your field. 
Best Tractor Model for Farming
New Holland 3230 TX Super
New Holland 3230 is the suitable tractor for all types of farming. New Holland 3230 is India's most popular 2 and 4 WD tractor. It is a 45 hp tractor that comes with 3 cylinders and a 2500 CC engine. The tractor model has a Single/Double clutch and Mechanical/power steering. It is loaded with Mechanical oil immersed brakes that protect the operator from accidents. The tractor price is Rs. 6.43 - 8.65 lakh.
Farmtrac 45
Farmtrac 45 is another top-rated tractor model in India. It is a 45 hp tractor with a 3-cylinder, 2868 CC engine that handles rugged and rough fields. This 2 wd tractor model comes with a single dual clutch, providing smooth functioning. Also, its price range is Rs. 6.45 - 6.70 lakh.
For more updates about tractor and farm implements stay with Tractor Junction. Also, you get proper agricultural information through blogs, news, web story and others. 
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Various companies Tractors are available
Tractor Gyan is a computerized commercial center for purchasing, selling, supporting, guaranteeing, and overhauling new and old work vehicles, farm hauler tires, and homestead carries out. On the Work vehicle gyaan stage, you will find all unmistakable producers like Mahindra, Swaraj, Eicher, Sonalika, New Holland, Massey Ferguson, John Deere, Powertrac, Farmtrac, Kubota, and numerous others. The slogan for TractorGyan reads, "Jankari Sahi, milegi yah! That is to say, the information on the Tractor Gyan portal is entirely accurate.
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Tractorgyan's slogan isn't simply a motto; it's likewise this present reality idea of offering everything about farm haulers, including new models, all work vehicle brands, scaled-down farm haulers, work vehicle models, farm trucks available to be purchased, contrasting farm haulers, work vehicles with estimating and exact qualities, etc. The work vehicle's on-street cost and other determination subtleties are, in actuality, challenging to track down. The search for tractor data takes a lot of time; consequently, this growl is settled by incorporating all of the farm truck data and realities on a solitary stage.
TractorGyan puts forth attempts to give certified and forward-thinking data on work vehicles, tires, and other ranch carries out. Having all of the information on one plate reduces the farmers' workload and makes their lives easier. In addition, TractorGyan's primary objective is to increase the enticement of farming and demonstrate its full potential to those who practice it as well as to the general public who are interested in learning everything there is to know about agriculture and farming.
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It is Tractor Gyan's top priority to provide farmers with accurate and complete information. TractorGyan (Knowledge), as the name suggests, has a comprehensive understanding of tractors, tractor implements, and equipment related to tractors. To know more insights concerning Tractorgyaan let us talk about a few vital elements beneath.
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