#agi tractors
kisanofindia · 1 year
Farming Tractors: इन 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स का इस्तेमाल कर अपनी खरीफ़ फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ाएं
खरीफ़ फसलों के लिए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स
गेस्ट ब्लॉग: TractorKarvan | ट्रैक्टर, विज्ञान और तकनीक की एक ऐसी देन है, जिसने अपने शुरुआत से आज तक कृषि कार्यों को आसान और उन्नत तरीके से करने में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभायी है। जानिए ऐसे 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स के बारे में, जिससे आप उन्नत तरीके से कृषि कार्यों को कर खरीफ़ फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ा सकते हैं।
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Top 5 Tractors for Farming: (खेती से जुड़े कार्यों के लिए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स) | भारत एक कृषि प्रधान देश है, जिसकी दो-तिहाई आबादी आज भी अपने जीवन यापन के लिए कृषि पर निर्भर है। कृषि प्राथमिक क्रिया है, जो हमारे लिए अधिकांश खाद्यान्न पैदा करती है। इसके साथ ही कृषि पर कच्चे माल के लिए विभिन्न उद्योग भी निर्भर हैं।भारत में मौसम के आधार पर फसलों को तीन प्रकारों में बांटा गया है:
रबी (नवम्बर से मार्च)
खरीफ़ (जुलाई से अक्टूबर)
जायद (अप्रैल से जून)
तीनों प्रकारों में से खरीफ़ सीज़न का भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था के लिए सबसे ज़्यादा महत्व है। इस सीज़न के दौरान बोई जाने वाली फ़सलें खाद्य सुरक्षा, ग्रामीण रोज़गार और आय सृजन सुनिश्चित करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाती हैं। चावल, मक्का, ज्वार, बाजरा, दालें, तिलहन, कपास, गन्ना और जूट सहित ये फसलें विभिन्न तरीकों से भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में महत्वपूर्ण योगदान देती हैं।
अगर नयी तकनीकों का इस्तेमाल करते हुए खरीफ़ फसलों की खेती की जाए, तो उत्पादन की बढ़ोतरी होगी और इनका अर्थव्यवस्था में योगदान और भी बढ़ जाएगा। ट्रैक्टर, विज्ञान और तकनीक की एक ऐसी देन है, जिसने अपने शुरुआत से आज तक कृषि कार्यों को आसान और उन्नत तरीके से करने में अपनी अहम भूमिका निभायी है। फसल बुआई से लेकर कटाई तक के कार्यों के लिए आवश्यक हर प्रकार के इम्प्लीमेंट्स को चलाने में ट्रैक्टर का अहम योगदान होता है। आज हम इस आर्टिकल में ऐसे 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स की बात करेंगे, जिससे आप उन्नत तरीके से कृषि कार्यों को कर खरीफ़ फसलों की पैदावार बढ़ा सकते हैं।
खरीफ़ फसलों के लिए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स
खेती के लिए मिट्टी की तैयारी, बीज बुआई से लेकर अनाज को मंडी ले जाने तक ट्रैक्टर अहम भूमिका अदा करते हैं। ट्रैक्टर्स से जोड़कर किसान विभिन्न प्रकार के कृषि इम्प्लीमेंट्स जैसे कि कल्टीवेटर, रोटावेटर, एमबी प्लाऊ, पडलर और अन्य इम्प्लीमेंट्स चला सकते हैं। नीचे दिए गए 5 बेहतरीन ट्रैक्टर्स, न केवल आपकी खरीफ़ फसलों के लिए आवश्यक हर ज़रूरतों को पूरा करेंगे, बल्कि ये कीमत के हिसाब से भी आपके बजट के अनुकूल हैं।
स्वराज 735 FE
स्वराज 735 FE (Swaraj 735 FE) एक पॉवरफुल और मल्टी-टास्किंग ट्रैक्टर है, जो खरीफ़ फसलों से संबंधित कृषि गतिविधियों के लिए उपयुक्त है। ये ट्रैक्टर 35-40 हॉर्स पॉवर इंजन के साथ आता है, जो जुताई, बुआई, जैसे भारी-भरकम कार्यों के लिए आवश्यक इम्प्लीमेंट्स को आसानी से चलाने में सक्षम है। इसमें 3-सिलेंडर इंजन है, जो ईंधन की बचत भी करते हैं। इस ट्रैक्टर का ERPM रेटिंग 1800 RPM है, जो सामान्य से अधिक है। यानी इसमें अधिक फ्यूल बर्न होगा और पॉवर भी ज़्यादा देगा। जहां तक इसकी कीमत का सवाल है, तो ये आपको 7 लाख* से 8 लाख* रूपये के प्राइस रेंज में मिल जाएगा।
और पढ़ें.......
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telodogratis · 2 years
Il calciatore iraniano Amir Nasr-Azadani rischia l'impiccagione
Il calciatore iraniano Amir Nasr-Azadani rischia l’impiccagione
AGI – L’ex calciatore delle squadre di calcio Rah-Ahan, Tractor e Gol-e Rayhan, Amir Nasr-Azadani, arrestato il 24 novembre scorso mentre partecipava alle proteste a Isfahan, la sua città natale, rischia l’esecuzione per impiccagione, per il reato di insulto all’Islam (il “moharebeh” in persiano). Lo si legge su Iranwire, una delle testate della diaspora iraniana, che riferisce anche delle…
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cowboyjen68 · 2 years
How do you older lesbians feel when you see younger lesbians? I'm always so excited to see older lesbians, especially when I'm serving one at work, I always want to say, I see you! Do you see me? I always go so above and beyond with service, see if I can get them something extra (for free). Especially as a 21 year old butch, I look up to you all so much.
I was driving they hay rack tractor at the Agi Amusement farm I work at last night. I saw at least two young lesbians with family and friends and two couples. I made sure to give big smiles and eye contact.
I hope they see in my face that I see and recognize them even if they are a bit unsure of themselves yet.
I am not alone in finding a certain joy in seeing other lesbians in the wild. And making that quick, unspoken connection to a younger generation of lesbian make me so happy. My other friends say the same. They definitely employ the butch nod or even a few words of "hello" if the opportunity is there.
Sometimes I say "I like your style" LOL That gets the point across. Often times at coffeeshops or other businesses a young person will notice my necklace. I ALWAYS say "Thanks, it was a gift when I came out as Lesbian in 1994, it really helped me to embrace who I am".
Saying the word Lesbian, often and confidently is my way of being visible because I just never know who is watching.
When I get to interact with a younger butch (and sometimes it is a bit of taking a chance because I can't know if she uses/likes butch) I can't help but give an extra smile, compliment something, tip a little extra, anything to let her know I see her.
When I was young I was always looking for someone "like" me to also look back and "recognize" me. I don't remember finding many in the crowds. I know it would have made my day to get that nod and probably helped me gain more confidence in they way my body moves and how I am perceived much sooner.
If you see an older butch, say "hi" and chances are she will say "hello" back.
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scifigeneration · 7 years
Star Trek's Holodeck: from science fiction to a new reality
by Fabio Zambetta
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Many of the technological advances predicted in Star Trek’s fictional universe have become reality, such as the mobile communicator and hand-held tablet computers.
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Others, such as tractor beams and warp drives, are still a work in progress. But what of the Holodeck?
The Holodeck first appeared in The Practical Joker, a 1974 episode of the Star Trek animated series. It was depicted as a recreation room containing a simulated, alternative version of reality. It featured heavily in The Next Generation series and in the 1996 film First Contact.
Anyone entering the Holodeck could interact with “solid” props and characters in any scenario based on whatever parameters they programmed.
These programs are not unlike the narrative-driven, cinematic videogames we have today, such as Grand Theft Auto, Red Dead Redemption or The Witcher.
The Holodeck was a narrative device that allowed Star Trek’s writers to experiment with philosophical questions in settings not available in a typical sci-fi context.
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From Holodeck ‘reality’ to just an empty room with Counselor Deanna Troi (Marina Sirtis, left) and William Riker (Jonathan Frakes, right). Star Trek/Screenshot/Memory Alpha, CC BY-NC
It inspired several generations of computer scientists who spearheaded research in artificial intelligence, computer graphics and human-computer interaction.
The convergence of these research areas has given rise to other forms of reality on the path to the construction of a real Holodeck.
A real Holodeck?
In virtual reality (VR) we are fully immersed in a synthetic, “virtual” version of reality, experienced through dedicated VR headsets such as the Oculus Rift or the HTC Vive.
A typical example of VR is an immersive war game that puts a user in charge of a Roman army as Caesar, battling Vercingetorix’s Gaul troops at Alesia.
But VR has a major drawback for some applications. Being isolated from the real world, it’s not easy to engage in social interaction or physical movement in a way that feels natural to most people.
Augmented reality (AR) blends synthetic, virtual objects with the view of our physical reality. In AR, we can interact with virtual humans inhabiting our physical space or we can work with our children, for example, to build virtual LEGO houses on real tables in our own living rooms.
Headsets are available that allow us to create AR in our office or lounge rooms, such as the Microsoft Hololens or the Meta.
But AR headsets still suffer from several technical limitations, such as a reduced field of view. The software that lets the virtual and real worlds interact believably and naturally still needs work.
Sensing humans
Real-world Holodeck programs would also need the technology to sense human actions. This would provide useful information that the virtual personas inhabiting the Holodeck programs would use to anticipate our human intentions.
Progress here has been fast and constant, with great improvements in speech recognition and language translation, such as Apple’s Siri, Google’s Assistant and Microsoft’s Cortana.
We now take almost for granted the ability to search for information with speech or to command our mobiles to schedule meetings and appointments. Other devices, originally conceived for entertainment applications, can track human gestures or even their full body posture.
For example, Microsoft Kinect can track a human body, and the technology is now included in the Hololens as its gesture-recognition component.
Lots of other sensing devices are now commonplace in mobile devices, such as accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, and temperature and pressure sensors.
The general trend is towards giving humans the ability to communicate using a combination of their body and their voice via hands-free or wearable user interfaces.
Enter the artificial intelligence
The key ingredient for Holodeck programs in the real world is the ability to equip virtual characters with sophisticated forms of artificial intelligence (AI).
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Attacking the Borg on the Holodeck in Star Trek: First Contact with Lily (Alfre Woodard, left) and Captain Picard(Patrick Stewart, right). Star Trek: First Contact/Paramount/Screenshot
AI and machine learning – the art of teaching a machine how to learn to perform a complex task – have seen advances in areas such as automated game playing, autonomous car driving and drone control, and deep learning.
These advances, while noteworthy, do not necessarily show strong progress towards general forms of artificial intelligence (AGI) exhibited by humans.
It has been argued that defining or providing general human intelligence may prove a very elusive problem for a long time, or indeed forever.
Fortunately, a restricted version of a Holodeck program may only require a slightly weaker, not fully general form of intelligence. This was exemplified by androids in the popular TV series reboot of Westworld.
Almost human? Close enough
The good news is that this may shorten the time needed to realise the hypothetical Holodeck programs. The bad news is that such a feat is still beyond us at this stage, although recent progress in machine learning will likely help us close the gap faster.
The question is then whether we shall ever be able to reach the level of sophistication in AR and AI needed to build a Holodeck? And if so, when?
Making predictions on such matters is not trivial, but I am inclined to think that current advances in VR and AR technologies will provide us with the required sophisticated headsets within the next five to ten years.
The question then is also whether we shall ever be able to achieve AR using alternative forms of projections that remove the need for a headset altogether.
This may be possible, eventually, but it would be irrelevant if headsets could be miniaturized and potentially implanted into human eyes, similar to what was suggested in other sci-fi classics such as Neuromancer or Snow Crash, and recently advocated by transhumanists.
The recent predictions about breakthroughs in general artificial intelligence by experts seem to converge around a date around 2040. This would put the sort of AI required for Holodeck characters somewhat earlier than that.
So I believe that one day humans will be able to experience some form of Holodeck similar to what was envisaged in Star Trek.
To paraphrase Star Trek's infamous Borg alien race, I will say that resistance to this technological progress is futile and it will be assimilated, one day.
Fabio Zambetta is a Senior lecturer at RMIT University.
This article was originally published on The Conversation. 
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aditi-us · 5 years
Market Opportunity and Growth Drivers of Agricultural Tractor Robots Market Till 2024
A Comprehensive research study conducted by KD Market Insights on ” Agricultural Tractor Robots Market - Agricultural Tractor Robots, Agriculture Internet of Things, Digital farming, Self-driving tractors, Robotic Tractor Advanced Sensors and Guidance Systems, Agriculture industry, Harvest Automation & Global Region Market Size, Trends, Share & Forecast 2018-2024” report offers extensive and highly detailed historical, current and future market trends in the global and regional/market. The Agricultural Tractor Robots Market report includes market size, growth drivers, barriers, opportunities, trends and other information which helps to find new opportunities in this market for the growth of the business through new technologies and developments. The global Agricultural Tractor Robots Market was held at USD $185 million in 2017 and is anticipated to reach USD $3.2 billion by the end of 2024. Further, the market is anticipated to flourish at a CAGR of XX% during forecast period i.e. 2018 to 2024. Request for Sample @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/sample/773 The market research report broadly covers analysis of all market trends, growth drivers, restraints, and other macro market scenarios. The report also offers qualitative and quantitative analysis in the terms of region i.e. North America, Latin America, Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East & Africa. Asia-Pacific captured XX% of market share in 2018 and is believed to capture a market share of XX% by the end of 2024. Global Agricultural Tractor Robots market also offers country level analysis and covers key countries in each region. North America, especially The United States, is believed to capture a significant market share of XX% in 2024. Further, United States Agricultural Tractor Robots market was held at USD XX Million in 2018 and is anticipated to reach USD XX Million in 2024. Asia Pacific also plays important role in global market, with market size of USD XX Million in 2018 and will be USD XX million in 2024, with a CAGR of XX%. This report focuses on the key global Agricultural Tractor Robots players, to define, describe and analyze the value, market share, market competition landscape, SWOT analysis and development plans in next few years. This report focuses on the Agricultural Tractor Robots in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application. This report covers major market players based in Agricultural Tractor Robots market: Competitive Landscape - GEA Group - DE Laval, - AGCO, - Autonomous Tractor Corporation, - Autonomous Solutions Inc., - Lely, John Deere, - Harvest Automation, - Deerfield Robotics, - Clear Path Robotics The report also offers analysis of major market segments: Market Leaders - John Deere - AGCO (Fendt) - CNH Global (Case IH) - Autonomous Tractor Corporation Key Topics - Agricultural Tractor Robots - Agriculture Internet of Things - Digital farming - Self-driving tractors - Robotic Tractor Advanced Sensors and Guidance Systems - Agriculture industry - Harvest Automation Customization Service of the Report: KD Market Insights provides customization of reports as per your need. This report can be personalized to meet your requirements. Get in touch with our sales team, who will guarantee you to get a report that suits your necessities.
Get the Complete Research Report with TOC @: Agricultural Tractor Robots Market
Table of Contents: Agricultural Tractor Robots Market Driving Forces 13 Agricultural Robot Self Driving Tractor Market Forecasts Dollars, Worldwide, 2018-2024 15 1. Agricultural Robot Market Description and Market Dynamics 18 1.1 Digitization of Agricultural Markets 18 1.1.1 Shift to Digital Agriculture 19 1.1.2 Digital Farms a Reality 20 1.2 Challenges of Agricultural Robots 26 1.3 Automation In The Agricultural Industry 28 1.3.1 Robots Find A Place in the Agriculture Industry 29 1.3.2 Agricultural Robots Make Production More Efficient 30 1.3.3 Use Of Industrial Robots for Agriculture 31 1.3.4 Agricultural Robotics and Automation 32 1.3.5 Precision Agriculture Info, Analysis, Tools 34 1.3.6 Automatic Guidance 34 1.3.7 Autonomous Machines 34 1.3.8 Drones 35 1.3.9 Breeding + Sensors + Robots 36 1.4 Swarms of Precision Agriculture Robots 37 1.5 RAS Agricultural Robotics and Automation (AgRA) Technical Committee 38 1.6 Farm Bots Pick, Plant and Drive 40 1.6.1 Relying On Illegal Immigrants Can Be A Legal Liability 40 1.6.2 Harvest Automation Labor Process Automation 41 1.6.3 The Growing Season Is Also The Shipping Season 41 2. Robotic Agricultural Self- Driving Tractors Market Shares and Market Forecasts 42 2.1 Agriculture And Turf Automation Market Driving Forces 42 2.2 Agricultural Tractors with Self Driving Features Market Shares 44 2.2.1 John Deere 47 2.2.2 Case IH 48 2.2.3 New Holland 48 2.3 Agricultural Robot Self Driving Tractor Market Forecasts Dollars, Worldwide, 2018-2024 49 2.3.1 Small, Medium and Large Agricultural Tractors with Self-Driving Features and Tractor Robot Market Forecasts, 53 2.3.2 Agricultural Tractors with Self-Driving Features and Tractor Robot Market Segments 57 2.3.3 Agricultural Tractors Installed Base and Self-Driving Tractor Robot Installed Base Market Forecasts, Percent Penetration 59 2.4 Agricultural Internet of Things (IoT) 60 2.4.1 Agriculture IoT Food Production Increases 62 2.4.2 Agriculture IoT: Global Shift to Use of Sensors 62 2.4.3 Agriculture Internet of Things: Venture Investment 63 2.4.4 Agriculture Internet of Things (IoT) Technology 64 2.4.5 IoT Crop Water Management 66 2.5 Agricultural Robotics 66 2.6 Harvests and Crop Production 69 2.7 Digital Farming 70 2.8 Robotic Agricultural Self Driving Tractor Regional Market Segments 72 2.8.1 Tractor Units with Self-Driving Features 77 2,4,1 Planting Equipment 80 2.9 Agricultural Tractor Robots Pricing 84 2.10 Agricultural Tractor Robots Regional Market Segments 85 2.10.1 AGCO 86 2.10.2 Japan 88 2.10.3 Sicily Tractor Harvesting 89 3. Agricultural Tractor Robots Research and Technology 92 3.1 Farm Tractor Auto-Steer Technology 92 3.1.1 The Future of Swarms 96 3.2 Technologies In Precision Agriculture 99 3.2.1 Robotic Tractor Advanced Sensors and Guidance Systems 100 3.2.2 Precise Control Provided by Autonomous Tractors 100 3.2.3 Autonomous Tractor Connectivity Made Practical 101 3.2.4 Mobile Devices 104 3.2.5 Robotics 105 3.3 Agricultural Robot Technologies 106 3.4 An Electronic System Improves Different Agriculture Processes 109 4. Agricultural Tractor Robots Company Profiles 111 4.1 Adigo Field Flux Robot 111 4.2 AGCO 112 4.2.1 AGCO Brands 113 4.2.2 AGCO Fendt GuideConnect System 113 4.2.3 AGCO Fendt Technology Ahead of The Legislation 114 4.2.4 AGCO Revenue 114 4.2.5 Arco Regional 117 4.2.6 2017 Global Harvest 118 4.2.7 ARCO Sales by Product 118 4.2.8 ARCO GuideConnect 120 4.2.9 ARCO Fendt GuideConnect 122 4.2.10 ARCO Future of Swarms 124 4.2.11 ARCO Fendt Farm Equipment 125 4.2.12 AGCO Agricultural Tractor Challenges 126 4.2.13 ARCO Valtra 130 4.3 Autonomous Tractor Corp. (ATC) 130 4.4 AutoProbe 132 4.4.1 AutoProbe Precision Agriculture High Quality Soil Sample 132 4.5 CNH Global (Case IH) 134 4.5.1 Case IH Seedbed 136 4.5.2 Case IH Seedbed, From Surface to Floor 137 4.5.3 Case IH Greater Convenience And Durability 139 4.5.4 Case IH Precision Disk 140 4.6 Chinese Agricultural Robots 142 4.7 Claas 143 4.8 Clearpath Robotics Grizzly RUV 145 4.9 John Deere 148 4.9.1 Deere & Company Revenue 149 4.9.2 John Deere Combines with Self-Driving Features 151 4.9.3 John Deere Commercially-Available Tractor Machines With Autonomous Features 152 4.9.4 John Deere Autonomous Mower 153 4.9.5 Deere Smaller Tractors Autonomous Driving in Groups 154 4.9.6 John Deere Autonomous Tractor 156 4.9.7 John Deere Crop Spraying 158 4.9.8 John Deere Autonomous Tractors 159 4.9.9 John Deere Acquires ‘See & Spray’ Robotics Startup Blue River Technology for $305m 161 4.9.10 John Deere / Blue River Technology 161 4.9.11 Blue River Remote Sensing Technology 163 4.9.12 Blue River Technology High-Throughput, Field-Based Phenotyping 164 4.9.13 Blue River Technology Zea 166 4.9.14 Blue River Technology Drone-Based Phenotyping 167 4.9.15 Blue River Technology Agricultural Robot 170 4.9.16 Blue River Precision Lettuce Thinning - 80/84" Beds 173 4.9.17 Lettuce Bot, Blue River Technology 174 4.9.18 Blue River Technology Investors 177 4.9.19 Blue River Technology Revenue 177 4.10 Iseki & Co 178 4.11 Kubota Tractor 179 4.12 Lovol 180 4.13 Mahindra Tractors 182 4.14 Bayer / Monsanto / Precision Planting 182 4.15 New Holland 183 4.14.1 EZ-Pilot 184 4.16 Nogchui Autonomous Tractor 185 4.16.1 Professor Nogchui Agricultural Tractor Robot Uses Navigation Sensor Called AGI-3 GPS Compass Made by TOPCON 189 4.16.2 Professor Nogchui Agricultural Tractor Robot Mapping System 189 4.16.3 Nogchui Autonomous Tractor Robot Management Systems 192 4.29 Sicily Tractor Harvesting 193 4.30 Yanmar 195 4.31 Agricultural Tractor Companies 196 WinterGreen Research, 198 WinterGreen Research Methodology 198 WinterGreen Research Process 200 Market Research Study 200 WinterGreen Research Global Market Intelligence Company 201 Abstract: Agricultural Equipment Robots: Markets Growing Through Implementation of Digital Farming 1 Continue…. Check for Discount @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/discount/773 About Us: KD Market Insights is one of the leading providers of market intelligence products and services. We offer reports on over 10+ industries and update our collection daily which helps our clients to access database of expert market insights on global industries, companies, products, and trends. Our in-house research experts have a wealth of knowledge in their respective domains. With KD Market Insights, you always have the choice of getting customized report free of cost (upto 10%). Our support team will help you customize the report and scope as per your business needs. This ensures that you are making the right purchase decision. Our clients list includes various Fortune 500 companies and leading advisory firms. 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sophiajhon-blog · 6 years
Global Agricultural Tractor Robots Market Size, Share, News, Demand, Opportunity During 2018-2023
KD Market Insights has published a research report about global Agricultural Tractor Robots market that envisions boost for this market with XX% CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) for this market between 2018 and 2023. In terms of value, the market that is worth the USD $185 million in 2017 is expected to be worth the USD $3.2 Million in 2023. The market research report demonstrates market dynamics which includes growth drivers, restraining factors and opportunities and trends spearheading current nature and future status of this market. In addition to this, the report includes market size, Y-O-Y growth analysis and structure of the overall industry based on a unique combination of industry research, fieldwork, market sizing analysis, and our in-house expertise. Our general approach is to target several individuals with specific questions that we believed would satisfy our research objective. Further, to speed up the data collection process, we employed an online survey, delivered via email. Also, the research team analysed the results to identify potential opportunities and risks for the market. Request for Sample @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/sample/773 Segmentation: Market Leaders John Deere AGCO (Fendt) CNH Global (Case IH) Autonomous Tractor Corporation Key Topics Agricultural Tractor Robots Agriculture Internet of Things Digital farming Self-driving tractors Robotic Tractor Advanced Sensors and Guidance Systems Agriculture industry Harvest Automation Regional Outlook. The report analyses the market by geographies i.e. North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America & Middle East & Africa. Further, the geographies are fragmented into the country and regional groupings: - North America (U.S. & Canada) - Europe (Germany, United Kingdom, France, Italy, Spain, Russia and Rest of Europe) - Asia Pacific (China, India, Japan, South Korea, Indonesia, Taiwan, Australia, New Zealand and Rest of Asia Pacific) - Latin America (Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Rest of Latin America) - Middle East & Africa (GCC, North Africa, South Africa and Rest of Middle East & Africa) Competitive Landscape: The competitive landscape analysis provides detailed strategic analysis of the company’s business and performance such as financial information, revenue breakup by segment and by geography, SWOT Analysis, key facts, company overview, business strategy, key product offerings, marketing and distribution strategies, new product development, recent news (acquisition, expansion, technology development, research & development and other market activities). The study also provides company’s positioning and market share in Agricultural Tractor Robots market. Competitive Landscape - GEA Group - DE Laval, - AGCO, - Autonomous Tractor Corporation, - Autonomous Solutions Inc., - Lely, John Deere, - Harvest Automation, - Deerfield Robotics, - Clear Path Robotics. Browse Full Report With TOC@ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/product/agricultural-tractors-robots-market-2018-2024 Table of Content Agricultural Tractor Robots Market Driving Forces 13 Agricultural Robot Self Driving Tractor Market Forecasts Dollars, Worldwide, 2018-2024 15 1. Agricultural Robot Market Description and Market Dynamics 18 1.1 Digitization of Agricultural Markets 18 1.1.1 Shift to Digital Agriculture 19 1.1.2 Digital Farms a Reality 20 1.2 Challenges of Agricultural Robots 26 1.3 Automation In The Agricultural Industry 28 1.3.1 Robots Find A Place in the Agriculture Industry 29 1.3.2 Agricultural Robots Make Production More Efficient 30 1.3.3 Use Of Industrial Robots for Agriculture 31 1.3.4 Agricultural Robotics and Automation 32 1.3.5 Precision Agriculture Info, Analysis, Tools 34 1.3.6 Automatic Guidance 34 1.3.7 Autonomous Machines 34 1.3.8 Drones 35 1.3.9 Breeding + Sensors + Robots 36 1.4 Swarms of Precision Agriculture Robots 37 1.5 RAS Agricultural Robotics and Automation (AgRA) Technical Committee 38 1.6 Farm Bots Pick, Plant and Drive 40 1.6.1 Relying On Illegal Immigrants Can Be A Legal Liability 40 1.6.2 Harvest Automation Labor Process Automation 41 1.6.3 The Growing Season Is Also The Shipping Season 41 2. Robotic Agricultural Self- Driving Tractors Market Shares and Market Forecasts 42 2.1 Agriculture And Turf Automation Market Driving Forces 42 2.2 Agricultural Tractors with Self Driving Features Market Shares 44 2.2.1 John Deere 47 2.2.2 Case IH 48 2.2.3 New Holland 48 2.3 Agricultural Robot Self Driving Tractor Market Forecasts Dollars, Worldwide, 2018-2024 49 2.3.1 Small, Medium and Large Agricultural Tractors with Self-Driving Features and Tractor Robot Market Forecasts, 53 2.3.2 Agricultural Tractors with Self-Driving Features and Tractor Robot Market Segments 57 2.3.3 Agricultural Tractors Installed Base and Self-Driving Tractor Robot Installed Base Market Forecasts, Percent Penetration 59 2.4 Agricultural Internet of Things (IoT) 60 2.4.1 Agriculture IoT Food Production Increases 62 2.4.2 Agriculture IoT: Global Shift to Use of Sensors 62 2.4.3 Agriculture Internet of Things: Venture Investment 63 2.4.4 Agriculture Internet of Things (IoT) Technology 64 2.4.5 IoT Crop Water Management 66 2.5 Agricultural Robotics 66 2.6 Harvests and Crop Production 69 2.7 Digital Farming 70 2.8 Robotic Agricultural Self Driving Tractor Regional Market Segments 72 2.8.1 Tractor Units with Self-Driving Features 77 2,4,1 Planting Equipment 80 2.9 Agricultural Tractor Robots Pricing 84 2.10 Agricultural Tractor Robots Regional Market Segments 85 2.10.1 AGCO 86 2.10.2 Japan 88 2.10.3 Sicily Tractor Harvesting 89 3. Agricultural Tractor Robots Research and Technology 92 3.1 Farm Tractor Auto-Steer Technology 92 3.1.1 The Future of Swarms 96 3.2 Technologies In Precision Agriculture 99 3.2.1 Robotic Tractor Advanced Sensors and Guidance Systems 100 3.2.2 Precise Control Provided by Autonomous Tractors 100 3.2.3 Autonomous Tractor Connectivity Made Practical 101 3.2.4 Mobile Devices 104 3.2.5 Robotics 105 3.3 Agricultural Robot Technologies 106 3.4 An Electronic System Improves Different Agriculture Processes 109 4. Agricultural Tractor Robots Company Profiles 111 4.1 Adigo Field Flux Robot 111 4.2 AGCO 112 4.2.1 AGCO Brands 113 4.2.2 AGCO Fendt GuideConnect System 113 4.2.3 AGCO Fendt Technology Ahead of The Legislation 114 4.2.4 AGCO Revenue 114 4.2.5 Arco Regional 117 4.2.6 2017 Global Harvest 118 4.2.7 ARCO Sales by Product 118 4.2.8 ARCO GuideConnect 120 4.2.9 ARCO Fendt GuideConnect 122 4.2.10 ARCO Future of Swarms 124 4.2.11 ARCO Fendt Farm Equipment 125 4.2.12 AGCO Agricultural Tractor Challenges 126 4.2.13 ARCO Valtra 130 4.3 Autonomous Tractor Corp. (ATC) 130 4.4 AutoProbe 132 4.4.1 AutoProbe Precision Agriculture High Quality Soil Sample 132 4.5 CNH Global (Case IH) 134 4.5.1 Case IH Seedbed 136 4.5.2 Case IH Seedbed, From Surface to Floor 137 4.5.3 Case IH Greater Convenience And Durability 139 4.5.4 Case IH Precision Disk 140 4.6 Chinese Agricultural Robots 142 4.7 Claas 143 4.8 Clearpath Robotics Grizzly RUV 145 4.9 John Deere 148 4.9.1 Deere & Company Revenue 149 4.9.2 John Deere Combines with Self-Driving Features 151 4.9.3 John Deere Commercially-Available Tractor Machines With Autonomous Features 152 4.9.4 John Deere Autonomous Mower 153 4.9.5 Deere Smaller Tractors Autonomous Driving in Groups 154 4.9.6 John Deere Autonomous Tractor 156 4.9.7 John Deere Crop Spraying 158 4.9.8 John Deere Autonomous Tractors 159 4.9.9 John Deere Acquires ‘See & Spray’ Robotics Startup Blue River Technology for $305m 161 4.9.10 John Deere / Blue River Technology 161 4.9.11 Blue River Remote Sensing Technology 163 4.9.12 Blue River Technology High-Throughput, Field-Based Phenotyping 164 4.9.13 Blue River Technology Zea 166 4.9.14 Blue River Technology Drone-Based Phenotyping 167 4.9.15 Blue River Technology Agricultural Robot 170 4.9.16 Blue River Precision Lettuce Thinning - 80/84" Beds 173 4.9.17 Lettuce Bot, Blue River Technology 174 4.9.18 Blue River Technology Investors 177 4.9.19 Blue River Technology Revenue 177 4.10 Iseki & Co 178 4.11 Kubota Tractor 179 4.12 Lovol 180 4.13 Mahindra Tractors 182 4.14 Bayer / Monsanto / Precision Planting 182 4.15 New Holland 183 4.14.1 EZ-Pilot 184 4.16 Nogchui Autonomous Tractor 185 4.16.1 Professor Nogchui Agricultural Tractor Robot Uses Navigation Sensor Called AGI-3 GPS Compass Made by TOPCON 189 4.16.2 Professor Nogchui Agricultural Tractor Robot Mapping System 189 4.16.3 Nogchui Autonomous Tractor Robot Management Systems 192 Continue…. Check for Discount @ https://www.kdmarketinsights.com/discount/773 About Us: KD Market Insights offers a comprehensive database of syndicated research studies, customized reports, and consulting services. These reports are created to help in making smart, instant and crucial decisions based on extensive and in-depth quantitative information, supported by extensive analysis and industry insights. Our dedicated in-house team ensures the reports satisfy the requirement of the client. We aim at providing value service to our clients. Our reports are backed by extensive industry coverage and is made sure to give importance to the specific needs of our clients. The main idea is to enable our clients to make an informed decision, by keeping them and ourselves up to date with the latest trends in the market. Contact Us: KD Market Insights 150 State Street, Albany, New York, USA 12207 +1 (518) 300-1215 Email: [email protected] Website: www.kdmarketinsights.com
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riyasharma24mr-blog · 6 years
Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025
This report studies the global Energy Downstream Retail Sector market, analyzes and researches the Energy Downstream Retail Sector development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, like Andeavor
Sahil Sharma's insight:
This report studies the global Energy Downstream Retail Sector market, analyzes and researches the Energy Downstream Retail Sector development status and forecast in United States, EU, Japan, China, India and Southeast Asia. This report focuses on the top players in global market, like
Andeavor (ANDV)
Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC)
Phillips 66 (PSX)
Ultrapar Participacoes S.A. (UGP)
Valero Energy Corporation (VLO)
Hollyfrontier Corp (HFC)
NGL Energy Partners L.P. (NGL)
PBF Energy Inc. (PBF)
SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Company
World Fuel Services Corporation (INT)
Indian Oil (IOCL)
Bharat Petroleum (BPCL)
Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL)
M/s Reliance Industries Ltd
M/s Essar Oil /Essar Retail
M/s Shell India
Market segment by Regions/Countries, this report covers
United States
Southeast Asia
Market segment by Type, the product can be split into
Download FREE Sample of this Report @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/report-sample/global-energy-downstream-retail-sector-market-size-status-and-forecast-2025
Market segment by Application, Energy Downstream Retail Sector can be split into Transport Sector(Cars& UV Private, Cars& UV Commercial, HCV/LCV, Bus, etc) Non-Transport Sector(Tractors, Agi Implements, Agri Pumpest, Industry- Genset, etc)
Get the Complete Report & TOC @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/ict-and-media/global-energy-downstream-retail-sector-market-size-status-and-forecast-2025
Table of content
Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Size, Status and Forecast 2025 1 Industry Overview of Energy Downstream Retail Sector 1.1 Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Overview 1.2 Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Size and Analysis by Regions (2013–2018) 1.3 Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market by Type 1.4 Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market by End Users/Application
2 Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Competition Analysis by Players 2.1 Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Size (Value) by Players (2013–2018) 2.2 Competitive Status and Trend 2.2.1 Market Concentration Rate 2.2.2 Product/Service Differences 2.2.3 New Entrants 2.2.4 The Technology Trends in Future
3 Company (Top Players) Profiles 3.1 Andeavor (ANDV) 3.1.1 Company Profile 3.1.2 Main Business/Business Overview
Key questions answered in this report:
What will the Energy Downstream Retail Sector the growth rate be in 2025?
What are the key factors driving the Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector with a focus on the Chinese market?
What are the key market trends impacting the growth of the Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector market?
What are the challenges to Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector market growth?
What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the vendors in the Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector market industry?
What are the key outcomes of the five forces analysis of Energy Downstream Retail Sector?
If You Have Any Question Related To This Report Contact Us @ https://www.grandresearchstore.com/enquire-now/global-energy-downstream-retail-sector-market-size-status-and-forecast-2025
What our report offers: 
Strategic suggestions and proposals for the beginners to understand Assessments of the market share from different countries and regions were conducted Top key market players, market share analysis included. 
The market observations such as constraints, drivers, threats, opportunities, investment opportunities, challenges, and recommendations are added. 
The competitive landscaping mappings of the ongoing trends are discussed. Based on the market estimations, the strategic recommendations are made in the business segments The competitive landscaping mappings of the current trends are detailed. Various companies detailed profiles are included. 
The latest technology advancements are mapped with the trends of the supply chain. The analysis of competitiveness between different markets players are added to provide
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vishakhaposts-blog · 7 years
Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Professional Survey Report 2018
Worldwide Market Reports added Latest Research Report titled “Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Professional Survey Report 2018”.
This report studies Energy Downstream Retail Sector in Global market, especially in North America, China, Europe, Southeast Asia, Japan and India, with production, revenue, consumption, import and export in these regions, from 2012 to 2016, and forecast to 2022.
Request Sample Copy of the Business Report @ https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/sample/103189
This report focuses on top manufacturers in global market, with production, price, revenue and market share for each manufacturer, covering
Andeavor (ANDV)
Marathon Petroleum Corporation (MPC)
Phillips 66 (PSX)
Ultrapar Participacoes S.A. (UGP)
Valero Energy Corporation (VLO)
Hollyfrontier Corp (HFC)
NGL Energy Partners L.P. (NGL)
PBF Energy Inc. (PBF)
SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Company
World Fuel Services Corporation (INT)
Indian Oil (IOCL)
Bharat Petroleum (BPCL)
Hindustan Petroleum (HPCL)
M/s Reliance Industries Ltd
M/s Essar Oil /Essar Retail
M/s Shell India
On the basis of product, this report displays the production, revenue, price, market share and growth rate of each type, primarily split into
By Application, the market can be split into
Transport Sector(Cars& UV Private, Cars& UV Commercial, HCV/LCV, Bus, etc)
Non-Transport Sector(Tractors, Agi Implements, Agri Pumpest, Industry- Genset, etc)
By Regions, this report covers (we can add the regions/countries as you want)
North America
Southeast Asia
Get discount on this report :https://www.worldwidemarketreports.com/discount/103189
Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Professional Survey Report 2017
1 Industry Overview of Energy Downstream Retail Sector
2 Manufacturing Cost Structure Analysis of Energy Downstream Retail Sector
3 Technical Data and Manufacturing Plants Analysis of Energy Downstream Retail Sector
4 Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Overall Market Overview
5 Energy Downstream Retail Sector Regional Market Analysis
6 Global 2012-2017E Energy Downstream Retail Sector Segment Market Analysis (by Type)
7 Global 2012-2017E Energy Downstream Retail Sector Segment Market Analysis (by Application)
8 Major Manufacturers Analysis of Energy Downstream Retail Sector
9 Development Trend of Analysis of Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market
10 Energy Downstream Retail Sector Marketing Type Analysis
11 Consumers Analysis of Energy Downstream Retail Sector
12 Conclusion of the Global Energy Downstream Retail Sector Market Professional Survey Report 2017
If you have any special requirements, please let us know and we will offer you the report as you want.
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Mr. Shah
Worldwide Market Reports
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financevisionary · 7 years
Where do the highest earners in the U.S. live?
If you were a high earner, where would you live?
Since birds of a feather group together, it might not be unusual to discover that there are some geographic areas that draw in the affluent. Nonetheless, exactly how you measure incomes might make a distinction in where these high-income areas are located.
AGI, wages and also salaries, and reward income
The Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC), housed at Syracuse University supplies information regarding income tax return in the Usa. Utilizing information from 2013 (the work offered year, given that tax-year 2014 merely finished), it's feasible to get an idea of where the top earners live.
One of the actions you can getting to identify where top income earners live is Changed Gross earnings (AGI). When looking at AGI, the info from TRAC asserts that the top locations to live include:
Connecticut ($91,417)
District of Columbia ($86,334
Massachusetts ($79,868)
New Jersey ($77,684)
New York ($74,799)
These state standards can be as compared to the average AGI for the entire Usa in 2013, which was $62,645. (It's important to bear in mind that these averages consist of super-high earners, which skew the average far from the average revenue, which the Census Bureau secured at $51,017 in 2012.)
However, the region with the greatest AGI was Teton County in Wyoming, with a typical AGI of $296,778 (Wyoming was the sixth-highest state in regards to ordinary AGI). This isn't really as surprising as you might believe when you keep in mind that Jackson Opening, which is referred to as an affluent enclave, lies in Teton County, Wyoming. Furthermore, it likewise makes sense when you check out the information from TRAC that suggests this region also has the highest ordinary revenue from dividends and also passion. These high income earners are obtaining their cash from investments - not salaries as well as salaries.
When you consider wages and also salaries, the photo changes a little bit. The leading 5 locations for salaries and also salaries, baseding on TRAC, are:
Connecticut ($60,024)
District of Columbia ($57,296)
New Jersey ($56,116)
Massachusetts ($54,223)
Maryland ($52,167)
In the step of earnings and wages, Wyoming doesn't also split the leading 10, although some of the average incomes as well as incomes in individual regions are in line with some of the higher state averages.
The details from TRAC indicates that where you live concerns, in regards to earnings as well as salaries, which a specific region or city may provide a greater typical earning capacity than the state average.
Another procedure: portion of houses earning over $100,000
Perhaps where the highest income earners live isn't nearly AGI. Nerdwallet just recently launched a report that has a look at the cities with the highest percent of homes earning over $100,000. Baseding on Census Bureau information, homes earning greater than $100,000 are in the top 20 % of all earners in the United States.
When you look at the TRAC information, the high income earners in particular locations most likely skew the numbers higher. Points change when you take a look at the percent of families in a location that gain more compared to a specific quantity. Given that several folks consider the $100,000 mark a line that suggests "high revenues," that's the line that was gettinged. Below are the top 10 cities with a higher portion of households gaining even more than $100,000, according to the Nerdwallet analysis:
Sammamish, Washington (73.7%)
La Cañada Flintridge, California (73.4 %)
University Park, Texas (73.4%)
Saratoga, California (71.4%)
Southlake, Texas (71.2%)
Colleyville, Texas (67%)
Los Altos, California (66.6%)
Manhattan Beach, The golden state (65 %)
Brentwood, Tennessee (65.7%)
Lake Forest, Illinois (65.5%)
When you consider the kinds of works readily available in some of these areas, the numbers make good sense. For instance, Sammamish is a suburban area where the workers of Microsoft, Amazon.com, and Boeing live. In La Cañada Flintridge, high incomes originate from work at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Caltech, and Los Altos is the the home of lots of workers of LinkedIn and also Google. Brentwood could seem an uncommon selection, but after that you consider that it is a suburban area of Nashville. Numerous of those with high-paying tasks in Nashville doubtless live in the 'burbs, seeking even more space. Not only that, yet some companies, like Tractor Supply Co., are situated in Nashville because of its reduced costs.
However, prior to you think about evacuating relocating to one of these high-earning areas, it is essential to think about the cost of living. Nashville has a fairly reduced cost of living, with Nerdwallet reporting that average house worths are best around $552,400. Compare that with the typical residence value of $682,100 in La Cañada Flintridge as well as a mean house price of $1.4 million in University Park. You may be making more compared to $100,000 a year, however it might still be challenging to afford to reside in a few of these enclaves.
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