wolf-of-stormwind · 2 years
Lyndra'thel Dawnstar, Ranger Lord and second in command of the Farstriders
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losteventide · 2 years
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Vel's dad!
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erena-lightblood · 2 years
[ ❌ ] is there something your muse struggles with that they might never overcome? what is it? why do they have so much trouble with it?
//Honestly? It's probably the fact that she doesn't know if she's walking the right path, doing the right things. Walking the path of a Paladin, the Blood Knights, pursuing a path of relative recklessness in general.
She'd had self-doubting thoughts about her decisions with joining the Blood Knights on a few occasions, but since meeting a certain somebody, the thought has been weighing on her mind, enough so that she's even lingered through shops selling bows. Considering.
She probably struggles so much though because as young as she is, she's concerned that she won't be able to experience the things she wants to, and being bound to duty also doesn't help the feeling.
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faepaintings · 2 years
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Vaeral Zornlohe
Do not repost/reuse.
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lyzerne · 2 years
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Commission on Twitter, a bit saturated but it's on my prouder side.
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azerothslegacy · 11 months
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To piggy back off my last post, Im now sharing my WIP of Mavryne on the blood elf side, in which he is a farstrider ranger, in admiration of the Ranger general Sylvanus and Lor’themar.
Then of course because I can’t help myself he becomes a Dark Ranger, even more loyal to the Dark Lady.
I’ve even began figuring out the details to the events of Shadowlands and how he would’ve reconciled all that happened. And what would he do after.
Still a very much WIP, but as I’m not going anywhere and neither is he, I’m sharing this as it evolves.
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wot-tidbits · 29 days
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ronaestrider · 6 months
The Magister's Report
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"Silvermoon Ranger says: "Straight and true, that's the way," repeats the dutiful Silvermoon ranger in Farstriders' Square.
Ruthar offers some advice to the young recruits. "Just a little firmer in the hand is all, and a touch higher. Once again."
“Or, set that silly stringed stick aside and study magic,” Bey'ron adds, smirking.
Ruthar looks over his spectacles to Bey'ron. "Ah, Lord Everblaze. Arcane shot comes a little later on, I'm afraid." He gives the Farstrider a pat on the shoulder. "Excuse me," he offers softly, shifting away from the training ground.
Bey'ron follows wordlessly, stepping aside and out of earshot of the fledgling Farstriders.
Ruthar nods respectfully in greeting. "I didn't expect to see you quite this soon, Magister. I hope all is moving along well?"
“Mm, quite well. Magistrix Starfrost finished her analysis of the ruby communicator.” Bey'ron holds out his hand, palm up. It's...empty. But not for long, as a flash of emerald flame briefly engulfs his hand, then vanishes leaving a miraculously un-singed scroll.
Ruthar watches as the scroll appears in the Magister's hand. "Lady Starfrost continues to amaze with her talents and expedience. Do send her my most sincere thanks for what must have been a laborious task." He looks down to the scroll. "Is this the full account or a summary of the findings?"
Bey'ron lifts and lowers the scroll, as if weighing it. It's... quite a roll of parchment. "I'm told it encapsulates everything. From the moment of desertion, to my encounter with her in Valdrakken."
Ruthar raises his hand. "May I?"
“I insist. I grow weary of holding it.”
Ruthar smirks at that, taking hold of the report. It is indeed a hefty heap of parchment. He gently removes the seal and takes a look at the first page to find the smallest of writing squeezed onto the pages. "Well, this will take some time to digest. I don't suppose the Magistrix offered you a summary before handing it over?"
“From what she told me... it's a rather boring read. Our wayward Farstrider friend spent most of her days wandering the wilderness. Restocking supplies every now and then, but nothing even remotely hinting at Alliance sympathies or connections.” Bey'ron shrugs, idly inspecting his gloves. "Four years of camping under the stars and drinking water from streams. Can you imagine such mind-numbing monotony?"
Ruthar doesn't seem as elated as one may expect at the news, his mind moving quickly. "It is hard to imagine, to be honest. A Farstrider of such skill and dedication shifting to a semi-nomadic lifestyle for an extended period." He holds the parchment up. "This report certainly holds the truth, in any case."
“Indeed. The mundane, boring truth. With how contrite and self-depreciative she was, I expected -something- compromising, if I'm being honest. I suppose her guilt really does stem from a betrayal of her sense of duty.” Bey'ron sighs, as if disappointed. "But not any -actual- betrayal."
Ruthar looks down to the scroll. "If one admits to defecting, you would think there would be a strong reason for it."
“Stronger than turning her back on her people? Her friends? Her mentor?”
Ruthar nods. "Indeed. I would expect there to be something truly weighty to cause such an act." He sighs. "Alas, here we are. She will still have to testify, of course. If, for some reason, these contents don't match her statements, that could be an entirely different situation."
Bey'ron raises his brow. "You think she may be lying about having kept the ruby on her person at all times?"
“I merely posit that there are many possibilities and factors to take into account. If she agrees to a hearing and her testimony matches the contents of the report quite effectively, then I think this matter could be resolved quite quickly.”
Bey'ron nods slowly. "Mm. So be it. I'll bring her to you this week, and we'll put this matter to rest once and for all."
“Is she currently in residence at your manor? I will have the Farstriders draft up a notice that will need to be sent her way informing her of next steps.”
“My manor? Certainly not. She's rather free-range, going where she pleases. I have my man Kynlea Sunstriker escorting her, keeping me apprised of her movements and locations. Last word I received this morning, she was in the Twilight Highlands.”
Ruthar nods. "Of course, though should I assume you have a way to get a missive into the hands of your agent Sunstriker?"
Bey'ron smirks. "Naturally."
Ruthar nods. "Very good, I'll have the missive sent your way for proper forwarding. Do you have the gem with you as well?"
“Mm, I do. Would you like to keep possession of it as well?”
“It could be considered evidence, so best to keep it paired with the report if possible.”
Bey'ron nods once. He snaps his fingers-- and a rift of darkness tears open beside him. Thannos materializes from the darkness, holding a small decorative box. The creature holds it out for Ruthar to take.
Ruthar looks to the formerly-bartending minion with a small hint of disappointment before reaching down to take the box. He lifts the lid to ensure that there is indeed the necklace in question within.
Bey'ron snaps again. Thannos emits a hollow echoing groan... before vanishing from sight! The box does, indeed, hold the ruby necklace in question.
Ruthar gently closes the lid. He opens to thank the creature but realizes it is now gone. "Excellent, it looks like everything is in order. Your work has been and continues to be of great service, Magister."
“Mm, I'm well aware. Magistrix Starfrost helped as well, of course. I'll pass along your appreciation.”
Ruthar nods. "Please do. I would imagine that you would both be encouraged to participate in the proceedings considering your involvement, should you be willing."
“I expected nothing less. In truth... I worry Miss Li-Mei will flounder and panic on her own before a Farstrider court. Given how generous and invested I am... I'm of a mind to serve as her Counsel in this matter.” Bey'ron sighs. "She's very obviously wracked with guilt. I've seen even the most stoic of Spellbreakers crumble and break down in testimonials. It's for the best, I think you'll agree. I imagine you'd wish to yourself, but... given your history with Miss Li-Mei and position among the Farstriders, such would appear... improper, hmm?”
Ruthar raises an eyebrow at that. "She would of course be welcome to include someone to serve on her behalf, though I'm not sure the Farstriders will see the one who reported her return and assigned her protection as impartial. Not to mention that she is in your service, now.”
Bey'ron smirks. "You're only pointing out further reasons it would be -prudent- for me to serve as her Counsel. She came to me, seeking guidance. She works under my employ. Counsel isn't meant to be impartial, Ranger Captain. That's the duty of those passing judgment.” Bey'ron chuckles, and shakes his head. "I'd be poor Counsel indeed, if I didn't argue from the grounds of her presumed innocence, don't you think?"
Ruthar taps his lips at that. "Perhaps," he offers. "I will pass such an offer along with the evidence. Should Li-Mei reply to the missive with a request for you to serve as her representative, then I am sure it will be fairly considered. Certainly your status in Silvermoon speaks volumes as well.”
“Of course. The decision is, ultimately, hers. Should she wish to represent herself in this matter, I'll merely attend.”
Ruthar nods. "We shall see how she replies to the proceedings. If her return to the ranks is truly what she desires, than I would expect nothing less than her full cooperation."
“Certainly so. I'll be sure to pass the summons along to her, through Sunstriker.”
Ruthar nods. "Excellent. I will get all this submitted presently. Is there anything else I can do for you this evening, Magister?"
Bey'ron shakes his head. "Nothing at present, no. But should something arise requiring your expertise or guidance, I'll not hesitate in asking." he smirks.
Ruthar removes his glasses. "Within reason, of course," he says, returning the smirk.
“Mm, of course. For now, harmonious cooperation between us is its own reward, don't you agree? Exemplary, even. If only it were so that the Magistry and Farstriders all worked together so well.”
“I do, and I do mean that sincerely. It is indeed great what can be achieved beyond the unfortunatley common pettiness.”
“All for the good of Quel'Thalas. Perhaps in time, such cohesion will be the rule, rather than the rare exception.” Bey'ron waves his hand, chuckling. "Ah, but we can wax philosophical another time. We both have much to do, yes?"
Ruthar nods. "We've come a long way, but there is always more work to be done. I appreciate your work setting such a strong example. I greatly look forward to continuing in kind. But yes, you are correct." He holds the report aloft with the box atop. "Much to do, indeed."
“I'll leave you to it, Farstrider Captain. Best wishes in reviewing that... verbose report.” Bey'ron stifles a chuckle. Barely. "Until we meet again, Sunwell guide."
Ruthar chuckles at that. "I've read worse. Sunwell guide, Magister. Do be on the lookout for the courier within the next few days."
Bey'ron bows his head politely, before turning to depart.
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lemonaera · 2 years
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the long awaited #5 ship - lor'themar & airlia
i wanted to do something pre-fall when they actually went to fancy galas and he would ask her to dance when he was definitely not supposed to (she always said yes)
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idiciart · 2 years
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more sage tings!! i think this is? the rest of the ffxiv art that i have left to show from 2022
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tyrian-sexual · 1 year
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the addon that replaces your player name, race, and class with your custom TRP content continues to be my new favorite thing while questing.
finally anthias can be called anthias and not fucking sugardaddy in quest text
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deathweaved · 2 years
it's the fact thass is so certain there's only the path ahead and koltira continues to dwell in what ifs and how it could have been and what was
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ooc-miqojak · 2 years
[ 🐱 ] does your muse have pets? did they have pets as a child? how do they feel about animals?
Well, she always wished she'd joined the Striders rather than the Knights, so yes she very much likes animals! Hilariously, I've been thinking about this lately since I came back - she adopted a calico cat and named it Bunny (because things - especially predators - are rarely what they seem) probably the first year I started playing her, and now the cat is older than Lily's own daughter, lol. But I like to imagine that Bunny has had several litters over the years, and not only is Lily's big ol' estate pleasantly covered in cats, but everybody gets one. Nobles don't just strut around, after all; one imagines that a big noble name comes with answering petitions, settling disputes, and otherwise assisting those on 'your' land - and I'm just saying that not only is she just and fair... there's a free kitten in it. (I like to think both estates have a legion of kittens - the Plaguelands estate also houses lots of shaman and druids, so I bet they accept gifts of kittens pretty readily too, or just adopt them from the many around. XD)
But she also, in one of her like 2 healthy relationships (go figure the healthiest relationships she had were with others who also loved animals, lol) - this one with a Farstrider she still regrets not getting her shit together for, shh - she was given a white hawk/the tickbird pet ICly and named her Eos (which I chose bc that's the Greek goddess of dawn, and I love naming things after goddesses/it was thematic for a Whitedawn >_>). That bird is still with her as well, and has no doubt raised some clutches over the years too. And as her character info mentions, she donates to animal shelters around SMC - her only other somewhat healthy relationship having been with a half elf paladin who worked at an animal shelter in Farstrider Square... and though they didn't work out, I like to think that out of both a love for animals, and for him, she still donates to any local animal welfare kind of place.
Growing up... well, if trolls hadn't snatched up her father while he was on patrol, there likely would have been a lot more animals in her life! She vaguely remembers him working with hawks, but he went missing when she was still young and Lily ended up being raised by her spinster aunt, her father's acerbic sister, who cared very little for wildlife of any kind, and was regularly stressed about this young girl ruining her noble finery mucking about in the woods like her father.
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thasdorah · 2 years
the farstriders excelling with bow and arrow but fighting just as well is important to me because one may think they are less dangerous up close when they, in fact, are not
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tenebreashember · 22 days
Lucky ones - Part 4
[See @wynilthyrii for part 3, @graceintheshadows for part 2, and @lordaeronslost for part 1]
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Tankards and glasses clinked quietly against each other as the barkeep on duty at Kistren’s cleaned up, dutifully ignoring the knot of Farstriders-turned-Watch still clustered near the fire.  The topic had been on their lips for the last day and a half: the call for volunteers.  Word had begun to leak out of the reason.
“It can’t be you, Captain,” Avander said, regarding his glass of mead with a level of contemplation usually reserved for the bows he crafted during his off hours.  “You’re needed here.  You know that, right?  Watch doesn’t function without your hand.”
“Holly can handle it,” Tenebre said, leaning back in her chair with a faint frown.  “Kyara hasn’t given any indication that she’s considered volunteering, has she?”
“Hasn’t said anything,” Avander admitted.  “Doesn’t mean she’s not considering it.”
“You’d likely be the first to know,” Ardus observed, settling back into the chair next to his wife’s and settling his arm across the back of Tenebre’s chair.  “He’s right, though, Ash.  It’s not just the Watch that needs you.  You’re heir to one House already and in line for another.  What if something happened?”
“What if something happened?”  Tenebre’s brow furrowed as she looked at him.  “Ardus, what are you getting at?”
“What if they order your father to take command of one of the contingents deploying?  What if something happens here?”  He shook his head.  “Above and beyond that, Arius and my cousin need folks they can trust to have their backs here.  Just in case.”
“In case what?” She straightened in her chair, half turning toward him.  “Ardus.”
He shook his head.  “Just in case, Tenebre.  That’s all.  Besides, if you went, I’d have to go, too, and then everyone would be in some kind of right mess, wouldn’t they?”  He sighed and shook his head.  “But I am going.”
Avander rocked back in his chair.  “You, Ardus?  The favored gate guardian, the backup lieutenant?  You?”
He made a face.  “I was her second for more than a decade,” Ardus said, gesturing to Tenebre.  “And I’m not a backup lieutenant.  I’m nothing special for the Watch except for not being afraid to draw duty at the keep.  And someone who steps up when needed—much like present company.”
Avander went a shade paler and gulped down a mouthful of mead.  “Didn’t have to go dragging me into it, Ardus.”
“You left yourself open for that, Avander,” Tenebre said, then sighed, eyeing Ardus for a few moments.  “When were you going to tell me?”
“Your father was going to test the waters for me tomorrow morning,” Ardus said.  “I suppose I’ve ended up deeper in my cup than I thought since I’ve gone and spilled it now.”
“Then you’ve already told him?”
“If he goes, he needs a second,” Ardus said slowly.  “And if Kyara volunteers, then someone has to watch her back or risk your cousin’s heart being broken and some kind of explosion out of Ravenhall.”
“He has a point,” Avander muttered, staring into his half-empty mug.  “Though I suspect that second reason is a big if.”
“Do you?”  Tenebre said, studying the last surviving Dawnchild in the Everlight.  “You don’t think she’ll volunteer?”
“I don’t think she’ll risk it,” Avander admitted.  “But she might surprise us.”
“She might,” Ardus agreed.  He motioned to Avander’s.  “Another?”
The ranger contemplated his tankard for a few moments, then nodded.  “I think so.  I’ll get another round.”  His chair scraped quietly as he stood.  “What about you, Cap?”
Tenebre stared into the fire for a few seconds, watching a log collapse onto another, sending sparks spiraling up the chimney.  “You’re both right.  I can’t.  Not without making a lot of arrangements, which means even if I wanted to, I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.”
Avander toasted her with his mug and tossed off the last of it, wiping his lips with his sleeve.  “Guess we’ll see what shakes loose with that, huh, Cap?”
“Yeah,” she said softly.  “Guess we will.”
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wot-tidbits · 2 years
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