#fashion aesthetic 【thigh highs go with great swords】
twitchesandstitches · 5 years
MILF Fleet Weaponry
When it comes to battle, the fleet generally prefers cool and aesthetically pleasing tools, married to their low budgets and tendency to salvage what they can, for their personal defense needs. Utilitarian firearms are not as popular as, say, swords and rocket-shields. Part of it is a somewhat post-modernist disdain for warlords and imperial expansionists, who do tend to prefer such weaponry, as guns lacking in romantic culture and brutal bone-crushing weaponry.
The highly individualistic nature of the fleet means that everyone gets their own weapons to suit their tastes or loots particularly memorable pieces from fallen foes, but a few common bits of weaponry are as follows.
Due to the use of magic, programmable matter and other weirdness, non-lethal is always an option no matter how counter-intuitive it might be, and it is always there first option. They are doing their best to be the Good Guys, and the Good Guys do not kill! Not unless they don’t have to. One might wonder how they work this out with their preference for swallowing enemies whole, and the answer is: everyone has their bits of cognitive dissonance. That, and digesting enemies doesn’t actually mean they’re dead, most of the time.
Additionally, this list mainly refers to function, not origin. For instance, for practical purposes it doesn’t matter if a beam sword is a Star Wars style lightsaber, or if it is a Cybertronian flame weapon; the overall effect, barring the technological differences, comes out to pretty much the same, but the individual weapons here can vary hugely even among the same types for that reason.
Framework blades/other kinds of melee weaponry: Complex energy manipulation devices or programmable matter that reshapes into forms so violently they cut, so that they are effectively futuristic versions of weapons like swords, axes, and other cutting instruments of all sorts. Many extend energy fields that cut or impair, with the general effect of more mundane weapons and the same shape. A wide cutting implement on a long shaft works as well as a halberd or axe, and is called the same thing. They’re called ‘framework weapons’ because the device itself is a kind of framework that produces the actual cutting edge of blade, and is usually shaped pretty much the same as the recognizable versions of weapons.
Beamswords: your classic weapon that projects a blade of concentrated light, plasma or what-have-you that cuts through solid matter really well. An elegant weapon, for a more civilized way of duels and honor. These particular ones create blades by harnessing the wielder’s magical energy, so the stronger they are, the larger the blade and the more powerful it is. A weak user will be able to deflect, but a powerful one can cut through outright impossible materials and make a REALLY big blade, too. Variants include laser blade on a pile, double beamswords, laserswordchucks (two laser swords joined by a chain and flailed around in a really pretty fashion), and the outright ridiculous great beamsword, a huge power pillar with dozens of beamswords protruding from it. When powered up, they all ignite to full length, making a massive weapon that puts the air on fire, and is most popular among giant fleetmates.
Chainweapons: Imagine a chainsaw. Now imagine… it’s a sword. Now imagine that it comes in many different varieties and possible forms, for each variety of weapon that’s used in melee, and the technology adapted to be more useful in a fight than an actual chainsaw would normally be. Commonly the edge is a liquid metal that, when excited with a magical capacitor, explodes into frenzied razor-sharp action. Most popular among the crew are chainswords, chainfists and chain-axes… mostly among salvagers, since they’re really useful for cutting up loot and doing repairs.
Power weapons: a retrofit to a basic melee weapon that applies an offensive force field to the weapon, and combined with a magic capacitor, allows it to cut through almost anything, so even old school weapons can stay relevant. Rumors suggest one that’s dropped will go right through the planet’s core, but this is probably just hearsay.
Power fists and power boots: Amped up weapons that power punches and deadly kicks, though the latter are quite popular with the sheer number of crew mates who have massive thighs and would like to make use of their sheer leg muscle power. The boots universally offer enhanced jumping skills, too.
Laser weapons: A catch-all term for firearms that, despite the name, don’t actually shoot lasers. They make use of a container of magical energy that is charged all on its own as ammo, and the weapons shoot a concentrated beam that can stun, daze or pierce as needed. Generally the weapons can fire on full automatic for that good rapid fire DAKKA DAKKA effect, though they’re not exactly precise. A variant shoots long-range, high power and precision sniper shots. Much larger ones that venture on being cannons are way more accurate, but take longer to recharge between shots. And another has multiple rapid fire barrels to shoot hundreds of shots a second! A few models can morph into different varieties, depending on the situation; these are valuable and highly prized. Also you usually put bayonets on them. There’s not much reason for it, but it looks cool. Some, carrying on this notion, are designed to also function as melee weapons, often incorporating lances into their designs. They’re usually pretty dang big, too.
Retro Firearms: Rare treasures originally manufactured by mega-corporations that are now interstellar states unto themselves such as Vladof, Torgue and Maliwan, these legendary weapons were big during the pre-Collapse era and the technology of how they work isn’t well known anymore. Consisting of pistols, rocket launchers, shotguns submachine guns, assault rifles and sniper rifles, these weapons do all kinds of bizarre projectiles from explosive rounds, to bolts of electrical energy, to acidic bursts, and all of it is converted from otherwise ordinary ammunition places into them. Doesn’t matter what kind of ammo, somehow the guns know what to turn them into. (If you are familiar with Borderlands, assume that they have access to Legendary and higher weapons… but a very, very small amount of them. These are RARE among the fleet, very valuable weapons that have a lot of prestige to them.)
Rocket Weapons: Melee weapons modified to have thrusters built into them to give them an extra kick or boost, such as hammers that smash with a mighty explosion, or tremendous swords that got have a dozen boosters built into them. Most popular among the giants like Gems, Transformers or trolls, due to their sheer size. Rocket shields are also popular, boasting thrusters to repel nearby attacks or launch the wielder at foes like a cannonball.
Oversize Weapons: Ludicrously oversized weapons, like swords bigger than a man is tall, hammers with heads bigger than the wielder, and any melee weapon of similar dimension. These are astonishingly popular among the crew, since they’re surprisingly easy to make and result from magical processes; magic flows easier with these kinds of shapes, and their strange geometries demand BIG weapons to inhabit. By attuning with them, wielders can use them easily despite their cumbersome size, and by adding on other trait like rockets or power fields, they can become very nasty indeed.
Some favorites in this field include: shieldswords, blades so massive they can double as shields or physically transform into shields with an ingenious system of flexing internal hinges, gigantic firearms called mega-guns that combine the nastiest aspect of rocket launchers and assault rifles at the same time; mega-rocket hammers that can speed up cars all on their own, and ever more bizarre weapons.
EXplodey Ammo: The crew doesn’t use bullets. They’re mean, make nasty holes, aren’t really possible to make non-lethal, and anyway, who uses gunpowder weapons these days? Instead, they make use of something that replaces bullets in every possible way: TINY GRENADES/RPGs. These projectiles, distilled in the armories and ranging from grain sized to bigger than your head, are perfectly safe until they are launched from firearms and impact something, at which point they burst and explode. The exact effects of this are determined by the smart systems on the firearm itself; they can literally daze people through magical distortion, damage non-living materials but not people, or be more lethal when warranted. Assume non-lethal unless monsters are involved. At any point, unless specifically stated otherwise, the crew uses this ammo as their go-to projectiles for firearms.
Pushgun: Like a puntgun, but with rather more force. These massive weapons, easily as large as the person using them, are a wonder of the crew’s inventiveness and their signature firearm, and physically resemble a combination of a personal cannon and a siege engine. A magical capacitor provides a horrifyingly powerful launching effect superior to chemical propulsion, and any ammo they slot in is fired effectively, often the explodey sort or whatever trick ammo they might want. These weapons are hugely versatile; with multi-barrel options, they can have absolutely absurd rapid fire capability, incredible range, and excellent recoil. IT’s a combination of a minigun, a rocket launcher, and a sniper rifle all at once! ...With the slight issue of the maintenance being absolutely brutal; they require a LOT of careful clean up. Still, the design is being improved everyday. (If you’re familiar with the heavy bowgun from Monster Hunter, imagine that but with more magitech.)
Empowered weapons: Weapons treated to possess powers such as those given to crewmates; guns that shoot fireballs, hammers that literally shake the earth, power fists than turn whatever they hit into malleable rubber… the possibilities are many. However the resulting weapons MUST be massive in order for the power to take hold, and usually are incredibly complicated processes. The resulting weapons tend to be rather unpredictable, as well, and have even more drastic frailties than ordinary powers do, but they are a great deal more convenient than switching to a new power set.
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vixlenxe · 9 months
Me discovering Tiffanie is a sweater/turtleneck person by discovering this
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I mean, I shouldn't be surprised, anything with a high collar is Tiffaniecore.
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vixlenxe · 5 months
I need this for Ivy, but I'm upset knowing I never will.
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vixlenxe · 11 months
God is really trying to tell me to make pirate captain Tiffanie a thing, because Pinterest just gave me a lady pirate dress Tiff would so fucking wear.
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vixlenxe · 6 months
I've been like, looking around for some cosy outfits for Tiffanie(& probably Ivy) to wear in the more Thavnairian style, espically since one of the things that make Thavnair is it's fashion. It has a stapple on design & bright colors fashions. Because Tiffanie is in recovery, she would probably keep it light, & nothing heavy or constricting.
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Where as Ivy is more likely to try the more stylish stuff, like the bolero(which looks a lot like a lehengas to me). Tiff will likely be trying them later though when she feels more able.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Today is another day where pinterest gives me another bunch of dresses for Tiffanie for some reason.
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vixlenxe · 11 months
This is another Tiff outfit of all time.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
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Ivy made me find some wedding dresses, cause she is still feeling that certain kind of way
X | X | X | X | X | X
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Petition to get Tiffanie to turn her skills with makeup into painting.
Cause if she can do stuff like this with makeup, imagine if you handed her a blank canvas & some oil paint
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vixlenxe · 10 months
I'm also realizing the amount of Jackets, coats & blouses Tiffanie must have, because you know she already had a bunch of dresses with low backs before her scar became a thing. And when it did become a thing she must have scabbled to adjust her wardrobe however she could.
I mean, she would have already of had a lot of coats & jackets, living in a place that experiences winter 3/4 of the year. I mean more like the smaller ones you could wear at a party as like, an accessory, rather then something used to keep you warm.
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vixlenxe · 11 months
I didn't know what Ulliane would be wearing, & didn't even think about it, until this appeared
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It makes so much sense why they include corsets in all their outfits now, yes even for men sometimes if they're cool with that. They're always wearing one themselves, whether if they're in a dress or a suit that day(because they would 100% swap between both), they're wearing this corset for sure.
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vixlenxe · 11 months
Should do all my outfit browsing on the mod shops now. I just found this & I'm just like 'Ivy 100% owns this'. The day she needs to dress like a femme fatal, she is set.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Tiff honestly just puts on some basic cotton ones & calls it a day
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Tiffanie doesn't wear knee socks to be cute, she's trying to keep her fckn legs warm INACIBWNDS
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vixlenxe · 5 months
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vixlenxe · 11 months
The most Tiff outfit of all time.
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vixlenxe · 1 year
Yo I grabbed some outfits for the sisters & their spring outings
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