#fast tonsil stones system fast tonsil stones program
3hakisebooks · 5 years
Fast Tonsil Stones Cure Review (2019) - How To Get Rid Of Tonsil Stones ...
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the-feels-assassin · 6 years
I had a pretty bad day at work today partly because tomorrow is the IMPENDING DEADLINE OF DOOM for our entire program. We had to have everything done today for this deadline. AND on top of that I had to leave work early for a doctor’s appointment.
Why did I have a doctor’s appointment you ask?
Well let me tell you. In JULY of last year, I went to urgent care because my throat hurt so bad it felt like someone had stabbed me in the throat. I thought I had strep, even though I’ve never had strep in my life. Went to the doctor, they swabbed my throat and were like, “newp, no strep. Just a canker.”
Every since then I’ve had continuous like white patches on my tonsils. So I went to my general care doctor in October timeframe and she was like “you’ve had these continuously since August? Let’s send you to an ENT.”
Well turns out it takes six months to see an ENT. So today, after suffering since last July, I finally got to see the ENT.
He prodded my tonsils with a tongue depressor--which caused me to throw up, staining one of my favorite white sweaters--which made me upset. Add on top of that I was already pretty upset from work, I started crying. THEN to top it all of he was like “it’s just tonsil stones, gargle with salt water.”
EXCUSE ME. I waited NINE MONTHS for someone to tell me GARGLE WITH SALT WATER?
I became so furious, I went into full on tears and I was so upset that I started hyperventilating and therefore had a hard time explaining to the doctor why I was so upset.
And he just couldn’t understand why I was upset. Like I waited nine months--had seen two doctors previously--who were apparently incapable and unqualified to tell me to gargle with salt water? I had to take time out on one of the most important days of my career to come down here to have you tell me to gargle with salt water. And then when you were like “It’s just tonsil stones, look it up.” I was like “I did. WebMD told me that was a possibility and the solution was to gargle with salt water.” WHY DID I PAY A MAN FORTY BUCKS (the copay) TO TELL ME WHAT WEBMD TOLD ME? WHY DID I HAVE TO WAIT SIX MONTHS FOR THIS FIVE MINUTE APPOINTMENT? 
He just couldn’t understand why I was upset and was like “What do you want me to do take your tonsils out?” And then kept explaining how long and awful the recovery on a tonsil removal is, and I kept trying to explain to him that hell no I under no circumstances want surgery. I literally said as much to my husband and @concertigrossi earlier that very day--and at least one other of my coworkers. I am *terrified* of surgery. I was actually freaking out last night to  my husband because I was afraid that surgery was going to be the answer.
And then because I was LITERALLY HYPERVENTILATING and unable to explain myself properly he just kept like talking and then just LEFT ME ALONE IN THE ROOM. 
It took me like five minutes to calm myself down during which time I thought I was going to pass out.
Then I was like, “Am I waiting here for a nurse? What is the next step? He didn’t tell me what to do.” 
So I go out of the room and find a nurse like, “CAN I PLEASE LEAVE.” And she was like “I thought you already left.”
And then I may have angry ranted at her (stern tone, no yelling, perhaps verging on hyperventilating again because I was so upset). And I am CONVINCED that the doctor wrote me off as a hysterical woman who like wanted cancer or something BUT NO. I JUST DON’T WANT TO HAVE TO PAY FORTY DOLLARS (and goodness knows how much more when the real bill arrives) AND WAIT SIX MONTHS TO BE TOLD SOMETHING THAT SURELY THE TWO OTHER DOCTORS I SAW COULD HAVE TOLD ME.
And is it too much to ask for a doctor to have a little bedside manner? And like ask you if you’re hyperventilating or having a panic attack? Aren’t they literally doctors who are supposed to take care of us????
I AM SO ANGRY. I KNEW my husband should have come to this appointment with me. I asked him to. He accidentally scheduled something else over it because he confused the appointment time. But if he’d been there I just know that doctor would have taken me seriously and understood that I’m not really upset with him I’m upset with the system and my husband probably would have demanded they reimburse us the $40.
UGH. I’m just so pissed, tumblr. 
And if one more person on facebook or the internet says “but the American medical system is fast!” I’m going to be like, IT TOOK ME SIX MONTHS TO SEE A SPECIALIST TO BE TOLD TO GARGLE WITH SALT WATER.
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amirosebooks · 7 years
I got tagged in a thing
@iamalwaysaslutforcoffee tagged me, thank you!
1. Are you named after anyone? Jamie Lee Curtis. I also have part of both my parents’s first names in my name and both my first and middle name are versions of family names that have been passed down. Basically, I was named after a lot of people.
2. When was the last time you cried? A few weeks? A few days? Ten minutes ago? I mean, probably not that last one because my mascara isn’t looking like Alice Cooper right now, but I kinda forgot when I cried last.
3. Do you like your handwriting? Yes, I do.
4. What is your favorite lunch meat? Turkey
5. Do you have kids? Nope and I probably won’t have kids. If I do change my mind on that, I’ll likely adopt. I don’t see myself ever wanting to be pregnant all the way through.
6. If you were a different person would you be friends with you? I’d probably try. I’m not an easy person to be friends with because I suck at initiating contact 98% of the time.
7. Do you use sarcasm? No, definitely not. ;)
8. Do you still have your tonsils? Yes
9. Would you bungee jump? I hate the feeling of falling, but I am also an adrenaline junkie... with the right reward system and ten to twenty minutes of straight up panicking before I randomly jump when I am least expecting it* I’d probably do it. *-- I’ve learned the key to making myself do shit I’m terrified to do is to try to catch myself by surprise... which is as weird as it sounds.
10. What’s your favorite cereal? Corn Chex, which I like to eat dry from a plastic bag thoughout the day like a heathen. I don’t really do bowl of milk and cereal stuff anymore.
11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? With my converse or flats? No. With my Dr. Martens that I wear most of the time? I have to, so yes.
12.Do you think you’re a strong person? Yes
13. What’s your favorite ice cream? Cherry Garcia or tart frozen yogurt
14. What’s the first thing you notice about people? In my day job? Their car. Otherwise it’s their clothes/hair/makeup/whether they’re “in my way”  or not.
15. What’s your least favorite physical thing about yourself? Not really a fan of my teeth
16. What color pants and shoes are you wearing right now? Black pants and black Dr Martens
17. What are you listening to right now? "Simple Man” by Lynyrd Skynyrd is playing downstairs (I’m on my lunch break). “Night Moves” was playing earlier because 60% of the time the DJ here shares a brainlink with fucking Dean Winchester and it’s kinda awesome. (The rest of the time we listen to country, whether we want to or not.)
18. If you were a crayon what color would you be? Hot pink
19. Favorite smell? Forest fire smoke on the air
20. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My... husband? Or a customer at work. We’ll go with my husband though we both prefer texting.
21. Favorite sport to watch? Playoff hockey. Especially when it’s the last few weeks before the Stanley Cup games because omg it gets fast and fun at the end of the season. I haven’t watched a full game since college or maybe high school though.
22. Hair color? Naturally? Brown that goes blonde if I’ve been in the sun too long. Right now there is brown, red, black and gray in my hair because it can never decide to be one color and I dye it a lot. I miss my hot pink hair though.
23. Eye color? Hazel which I legit didn’t know until I was like 27 and a coworker thought my eyes were green and I got better lighting in my next house and went holy shit they do have green. ... I mentioned that my hair goes blonde naturally, right? Yeah.
24. Do you wear contacts? Nope, right now I have damn good vision. My mom and brother both needed glasses at a pretty young age and my dad started needing them for computer/reading work in his early 40s so I’m sure I’ll get there one day.
25. Favorite food? Burritos
26. Scary movies or comedy? Both are awesome, but it depends on my mood.
27. Last movie you watched? We started watching a movie called... Solace with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Anthony Hopkins, and Colin Farrel. It’s pretty damn good, but my husband lost interest in it halfway through and I haven’t gotten around to finishing it.
28: What color shirt are you wearing? A blue tank top with a black button up shirt over it because I need layers for sanity.
29. Summer or winter? Winter... though I do love some things about summer. Dammit, my inner optimist is showing again!
30. Hugs or kisses? Hugs
31.Book you’re currently reading? I started to reread On The Road by Jack Kerouac the other day, but I’m mostly reading fanfiction.
32. Who do you miss right now? My husband
33. What’s on your mouse pad? I don’t use a mouse pad because this isn’t 1995.
34. What’s the last tv program you watched? We just finished Wynonna Earp and started Into The Badlands. But I think the last thing I watched was the episode in season 1 of Supernatural where John shows up at Missouri’s at the very end.
35. What is the best sound? My husband laughing for real.
36. Rolling stones or The Beatles? I kinda hate The Beatles (but I love cover of their songs?) so I’ll say Rolling Stones by default. They have a few songs I love.
37. What’s the furthest you’ve ever traveled? ... I don’t so much travel as move so. The furthest from where I am right now that I’ve traveled was Mount Shasta, California when I was like 10 or something and I met a cute girl who I followed around the whole week were there like a creeper.
38. Do you have a special talent? I write and I can steer my car one handed (because my left wrist becomes a giant douchebag if I keep it where I’m supposed to for too long).
39. Where were you born? Northern California
Tagging: @malady579; @authorwrightnow (if you need the break); @procasdeanating; @punkascas; @morningstarcas and anyone else who sees this and would like to do it (tag me so I can see it!)
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harriscranshaw · 5 years
Cure Tonsil Stones Within Days With This Easy 2 Step Process
Do you have tonsil stones and want to know how to get rid of them and cure tonsil stones in just a matter of a few short days? If so, then keep reading, I’m about to give you a simple 2 step plan to cure your tonsil stones permanently within just 3 short days.
The following tonsil stones program works for anyone that has tonsil stones. I had tonsil stones for years before I used the method I’m about to share with you. Many other people have successfully used this method to get rid of their tonsil permanently as well. It works as long as you follow it correctly.
Step #1: Remove All Existing Tonsil Stones
Tonsil stones are the calcified (calcium) accumulation of mucus, bacteria and food particles. In order to eliminate the bad breath caused by tonsil stones you have to get the stones out. If the stones are large enough, leaving them in the tonsil crypts (pockets in your tonsils) will continue to cause the feeling of something being stuck in back of your throat, as well pain for some people.
Trying to take out the tonsil stones without using proper sterilization and safety procedures can results in causing an infection inside your mouth. As you probably know, an infection, especially an untreated infection, is a very serious matter. What’s the point in trying to cure tonsil stones when you generate an even more serious health problem for yourself?
It’s critical that you AVOID causing any kind of infection while trying to take out the stones.
The best way to avoid an infection while taking your tonsil stones out is to use proper sterilization procedures, and proper technique in removing the tonsil stones.
Remember, safety during the tonsil stones removal process is of the utmost priority.
To find out the best the sterilization procedures and the proper way to remove your tonsil stones, click here.
Step #2: Implement Effective Tonsil Stone Prevention Procedures
Tonsil stones is a chronic condition. What I mean by this is that for most sufferers, tonsil stones constantly comes back. At this moment, the EXACT precise cause of tonsil stones is still not certain; however, we do know that there are several things that seem to cause it, and they are: mucus, bacteria, infection and food particles.
Mucus can be generated from post nasal drip, as well as tonsils. Bacteria is present when there is bacteria inside the mouth. Infection leading to tonsil stones can be caused when a person has tonsillitis (infection of the tonsils). Food particles can also get stuck in the tonsil crypts, which eventually leads to oral bacteria.
There are many complex relationships between some of these causes of tonsil stones. For example, poor oral hygiene can result in food particles getting stuck in the tonsil pockets (tonsil crypts), which overtime will rott, causing bacteria. Whenever food accumulates bacteria follows; however, this is not the ONLY way bacteria is found in the mouth. Due to the the complexity of the problem, a multi-pronged approach to tonsil stone prevention is needed in order to successfully cure tonsil stones forever.
Here another example of the complex relationship, tonsillitis is the an infection of the tonsil, which can cause an infection in the tonsil cypts, and therefore forcing the body to fight back via calicify the infection along with bacteria and food accumulation in the tonsil crypts, resulting in tonsil stone(s). The body puts calcium around that infection in order to protect the rest of the body from the infection. However, it important to note that you don’t have to have tonsillitis in order to have tonsil stones! If you get an infection, that can be handled with a better immune system. Bacteria can be handled with oxygen. Are you starting to see the need for a multi-pronged approach in order to successfully cure tonsil stones permanently?
I’ve researched this topic to death, as well as experimented with many many different cures and remedies. What I have found is that there are a only a few things you need to do that takes care of 95% of the tonsil stones prevention.
One of this 95% is preventing oral bacteria. I’m not talking about an oral hygiene program, because most people with tonsil stones excessively brush and floss. There is something more scientific that is causing excessive bacteria to be produced in your mouth.
>>For more information on how to eliminate the oral bacteria that causes tonsil stones, as well as most effective tonsil stones prevention procedures to cure tonsil stones, click here.<<
Where Do I Go From Here?
The WORST THING that you can do is do absolutely NOTHING, and just hope that it goes away over time. You may not know this, but tonsil stones get BIGGER over time, and therefore they get smellier. The bigger the stones get the more likely it will start to really irritate the back of your throat. You are more likely to experience even more severe ear and neck pain.
I can’t stress how important it is to take matters into your own hands and to get this problem handled NOW. Don’t wait and do nothing!
I’ve had tonsil stones, and I spent two years researching and experimenting every “cure” out there for the condition. I know the condition better than most doctors.
Doctors just prescribe antibiotics, which is crazy. Tonsil stones is a CHRONIC condition. Antibiotics will help cure your TONSILLITIS, NOT TONSIL STONES!
Tonsil stones lasts a lifetime, and if you ask me, that not a fun way to live our precious time on planet earth.
The best advice and help that I can provide someone with tonsil stones is to recommend them to my Fast Tonsil Stones Cure e-book program, which cuts out all the noise for you, and teaches people like you how to cure tonsil stones in 3 days or less.
This program works, and I know this for a fact because it has already helped hundreds of customers. There is no tonsils stones program on the internet like this.
You deserve to live a better life. You owe it to yourself to try the program.
Click here for access to the Fast Tonsil Stones Cure program!
I wish you all the best in your life, and in your battle against tonsil stones.
P.S. The Fast Tonsil Stones Cure has a full 60 day money back guarantee. There’s no risk to you, only to me. So you can feel confident and comfortable in your decision to try the program today.
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supplementdoctors · 8 years
Banish Tonsil Stones Review – Diane Puttman’s Proven & Natural Method?
Tonsil stones, also called tonsilloliths, are lumps that form in the back of the throat and cause a number of deleterious and unwanted health effects.
Roughly 8% of the population experience tonsil stones at some point in their lives, a condition that is characterized by extremely bad breath, difficulty swallowing, sore throat, and ear pain.
Treating tonsil stones can be an extremely difficult, painful, and drawn-out process. Tonsil stones can become a chronic condition that plagues sufferers for their entire lives, and as the cause of this health disorder is unknown, it’s inordinately hard to predict.
The treatments used to treat tonsil stones often involve invasive tonsil removal techniques, which need to be performed by a trained medical professional and can cost thousands of dollars.
A new treatment program created by Dianne Puttman, called Banish Tonsil Stones, promises to change the method of treatment for tonsil stones entirely.
Offering individuals with tonsil stones a simple, easy, and fast acting method of removing tonsil stones from the body permanently, Banish Tonsil Stones claims to be able to help users clear tonsil stones out of their bodies in just two weeks.
In this article, we’ll take a look at the Banish Tonsil Stones process and find out how it works to help you decide whether it’s the right self-treatment method for you.
What Are Tonsil Stones?
Tonsil stones are calcified deposits of various minerals that build up in the tissue of the tonsils, or the two lumps of lymphoid tissue at the back of the throat.
These deposits cause an extremely uncomfortable sensation in diagnosed individuals, with many people reporting that tonsil stones cause the sensation of food being “stuck” in the back of the throat.
Tonsil stones invariably give off a putrid smell as decaying bacteria and food matter build up around them to cause halitosis. More extreme symptoms of tonsil stones include ear and throat pain, difficulty swallowing, tonsil swelling, and headaches.
The exact cause of these unwanted deposits is unknown, but recent medical developments have provided the insight that three-dimensional bacterial buildup in the tonsils that has become immune to antibiotic treatment is to blame.
Treating tonsil stones is a frustrating process, as they can’t generally be removed by individuals without assistance.
Many products are available on the market that promise to remove tonsil stones, but these products often cause more harm than good and cause secondary infections, such as oral irrigation devices.
Tonsillectomy, or the process of removing the tonsils from the body, requires at least 4 weeks of down time and can significantly impair immune system function, making it a drastic and dangerous option.
Banish Tonsil Stones Creator
Dianne Puttman’s Banish Tonsil stones offers an alternative to these ineffective and costly methods, allowing tonsil stone sufferers to treat their condition easily, safely, quickly, and in the comfort of their own homes.
Having suffered from tonsil stones for over three years, Puttman tried all kinds of solutions from herbal concoctions to powerful irrigation devices and nasal sprays, finding them all ineffective.
After an intensive investigation and research process, Pittman discovered that tonsil stones can be easily treated by addressing the root cause of the condition, instead of focusing on fixing the symptoms.
By following a simple dietary and lifestyle program, according to Pittman, the body is able to remove tonsil stones autonomously with no need for invasive surgery or powerful antibiotic drugs.
Banish Tonsil Stones promises to help users cease the constant embarrassment caused by tonsil stones and help sufferers of the condition take control of their body immediately with a 100% guaranteed natural method.
What Does Banish Tonsil Stones Include?
The Banish Tonsil Stones system includes the core Banish Tonsil Stones program as outlined by Dianne Pittman, which consists of a simple, easy to follow 4-step guide that will eliminate tonsil stones and keep them gone permanently.
The Banish Tonsil Stones system outlines the most common foods that promote the growth of tonsil stones and how to avoid them, as well as a breakdown of the reasons why some people get tonsil stones and others don’t.
Also delineated in the Banish Tonsil Stones program is comprehensive information on the health conditions that tonsil stones may be linked to, as well as the root causes of the condition.
Readers are provided with an explanation as to why drugs and surgery often only make tonsil stones worse, and how to identify the foods in the diet that contribute directly to the formation of tonsilloliths.
A major feature of the Banish Tonsil Stones program is the effectiveness guarantee provided by Pittman.
The program outlined in the Banish Tonsil Stones system is so effective that readers are provided with a 60 day 100% money back satisfaction guarantee that following the 4-step guide will, without a doubt, permanently remove tonsil stones from your life.
Banish Tonsil Stones Verdict
The root cause of tonsil stones has been linked to dietary intake and the antimicrobial ability of the body, so the scientific reasoning behind the program is logical.
If you’re looking for a cost-effective, fast-acting, and 100% guaranteed method of removing tonsil stones from your body, Banish Tonsil Stones is a highly popular and risk-free solution.
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