brokentruths · 2 years
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𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐  ,  𝒉𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒐  !!  welcome  to  𝘣𝘳𝘰𝘬𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘵𝘩𝘴  ,  an  𝚒𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚎  ,  𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚟𝚊𝚝𝚎  ,  &&.  𝚑𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚕𝚢  𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎  roleplay  blog  feat.  a  variety  of  muses  from  various  media  ,  namely  𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐧𝐞𝐲  ,  𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬  ,  &&.  𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐞𝐭𝐡  𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐲  𝐟𝐨𝐱  ,  as  brought  to  life  by  𝒌𝒂𝒚  !
i  have  been  away  for  quite  some  time  due  to  university  work  taking  the  reins  ,  so  it  may  take  me  a  little  while  to  get  back  into  the  swing  of  things  .  please  be  patient  with  me  while  i  renavigate  this  new  editor  (  which  i  h8  w  a  passion  ,  btw  )  and  regain  inspiration  for  my  muses  again  .
blog  re-established  ;  october  11th  ,  2022  . previous  urls  ;  scmewhereibelcng  ,  melodichearts  ,  heartsaligned  ,  heartsfought  ,  &&.  fatesentangled  !
disc.ord  :  Jimitri Shipper#0391  !
tracker  ;
asks  ;  #010/010  . drafts  ;  #010  . interest  tracker  ;  in-depth  thread  tracker  !
rules  +  other  info  underneath  the  cut  !
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on  unfollowing  ,  follow-backs  ,  &&.  blocking  ;
please  ,  please  ,  please  break  mutuals  with  me  before  you  deactivate  your  blog  or  notify  me  so  i  can  break  mutuals  with  you  !  if  you  don’t  do  this  ,  tumblr  will  royally  fuck  my  following-follower  count  up  ,  &&.  i’ve  remade  many  a  blog  due  to  this  issue  alone  .  if  you  do  not  know  how  to  break  mutuals  ,  you  simply  block  someone  &&.  then  unblock  them  so  you’re  no  longer  following  one  another  .
i  do  not  ,  under  any  circumstances  ,  follow  sideblogs  ,  again  due  to  the  following-follower  count  issue  described  above  .  likewise  ,  i  will  not  rp  with  you  if  your  sideblog  is  attached  to  a  personal  blog  ,  as  i  like  my  mutuals  to  solely  be  main  rp  blogs  .  if  you  would  like  help  in  creating  a  main  rp  account  for  your  character(s)  ,  i  can  help  !  just  ask  .  ❤
i  will  hardblock  /  perma-block  anyone  who  :
excuses  best.iality  ,  inc.est  ,  pedo.philia  ,  nec.rophilia  ,  etc.
is  trans.phobic  ,  homo.phobic  ,  able.ist  ,  rac.ist  ,  pro-tr.ump  ,  cons.ervative  ,  or  uses  rel.igion  to  excuse  their  big.otry  /  hatred  .
reblogs  callouts  without  adequate  proof  of  behavior  .
constantly  badmouths  other  players  on  their  portrayals  ,  writing  styles  ,  etc.
i  will  unfollow  /  softblock  anyone  who  :
constantly  posts  ooc  stuff  /  doesn’t  have  any  threads  or  answered  prompts  /  asks  ic  (  at  that  point  ,  you’re  considered  an  ooc  /  personal  blog  to  me  )  .
is  rude  about  threads  not  being  answered  on  their  time  .
constantly  complains  about  not  receiving  anything  but  doesn’t  seem  to  make  an  effort  to  start  any  rps  /  answer  asks  .
harasses  /  badmouths  other  rpers  about  their  characterizations  /  portrayals  /  rp  partners  or  mutuals  .
i  just  don’t  feel  a  spark  /  connection  with  .
on  the  mun’s  overall  views  on  shipping  ;
i  ship  according  to  chemistry  .  if  i  think  our  muses  may  have  a  deeper  connection  than  just  friendship  ,  i  may  approach  you  with  a  proposal  to  ship  them  together  .
please  do  understand  that  ,  while  i  do  have  my  fair  share  of  favorite  ships  /  otps  ,  i  will  never  ,  under  any  circumstances  ,  force  a  personal  fave  ship  of  mine  onto  you  .  i  expect  the  same  of  you  towards  me  as  well  .  i  don’t  expect  everyone  i  interact  with  to  be  comfortable  with  /  willing  to  rp  my  personal  otps  ,  &&.  that’s  fine  .  just  don’t  expect  for  me  to  be  comfortable  with  /  willing  to  rp  a  personal  otp  of  yours  if  i  don’t  ship  it  .
if  any  ships  of  mine  that  may  be  featured  on  this  blog  make  you  uncomfortable  (  i.e.  dimitri  from  ‘anastasia’  x  jim  hawkins  from  ‘treasure  planet’  )  ,  i  will  make  a  conscious  effort  to  tag  the  ship  name  .  of  course  ,  though  ,  i  am  only  human  ,  so  i  may  slip  from  time  to  time  .  please  notify  me  politely  if  this  occurs  so  that  i  can  rectify  it  as  soon  as  possible  .  the  very  last  thing  i’d  want  is  for  people  ,  especially  new  /  future  rp  partners  ,  to  be  uncomfortable  on  my  blog  .
on  crossover  verses  /  aus  ;
for  those  who  know  me  well  by  now  ,  you  know  that  i  absolutely  adore  crossovers  /  aus  !  throw  my  muse  in  anything  as  long  as  i’m  familiar  with  the  world  or  universe  ,  &&.  we’ll  have  loads  of  fun  .
if  i  don’t  know  anything  about  the  universe  you’re  suggesting  ,  i  may  ask  for  more  info  or  look  into  it  myself  ,  &&.  if  i  like  or  understand  it  well  enough  after  doing  research  ,  i’ll  happily  accept  discussing  a  crossover  /  au  !
on  smut  ,  nsfw  ,  &&.  triggering  topics  ;
i  will  never  ,  under  any  circumstances  ,  roleplay  s.mut  in  its  entirety  .  i  am  not  comfortable  with  writing  s.mut  at  all  ,  it’s  a  personal  squick  for  me  (  not  a  trigger  ,  just  a  squick  )  .  we  can  do  a  timeskip  or  fade  to  black  ,  but  otherwise  ,  please  do  not  assume  i  want  to  rp  detailed  s.mut  .  please  understand  &&.  respect  this  .  also  ,  tag  your  s.mut  ,  please  !  ❤
other  forms  of  ns.fw  ,  including  vio.lence  ,  tor.ture  ,  &&.  b.lood  /  g.ore  are  more  than  okay  !  i  grew  up  on  hor.ror  /  sla.sher  films  ,  so  i’m  especially  not  aversed  to  this  type  of  stuff  .
if  you  have  a  trigger  &&.  i  forget  to  tag  it  ,  please  let  me  know  right  away  !  my  mind  is  sometimes  all  over  the  place  ,  so  i  may  unintentionally  forget  to  tag  something  that  may  be  a  squick  /  trigger  .  i  always  check  prompts  that  i  reblog  for  potential  triggers  &&.  try  to  tag  accordingly  .
on  asks  /  prompts  /  replies  ;
i  am  extremely  slow  with  replies  ,  especially  now  that  i’m  in  university  ,  so  i  ask  that  you  be  patient  with  me  if  i  don’t  reply  right  away  to  an  im  /  ask  /  prompt  .  do  not  rush  me  .  chances  are  highly  likely  that  i  don’t  have  time  to  check  tumblr  like  i  used  to  .  if  rushed  /  spammed  with  messages  ,  i  will  first  give  a  warning  ,  then  i’ll  softblock  ,  &&.  if  you  refollow  me  &&.  continue  harassing  me  ,  i’ll  perma-block  .
the  ask  limit  for  prompts  is  ten  .  i  do  these  one  at  a  time  &&.  will  close  the  inbox  once  the  ten  asks  limit  is  reached  .  this  is  to  ensure  that  i  do  not  get  stressed  out  &&.  lose  interest  .
if  i  find  that  some  muses  are  receiving  more  attention  than  others  ,  i  may  put  the  muses  receiving  the  most  attention  on  a  temporary  hold  for  asks  so  that  my  less  attended  to  muses  are  given  some  interest  .  this  is  so  that  i  don’t  lose  muse  for  those  characters  .
on  plotting  ;
i  am  always  down  for  plotting  threads  out  with  our  muses  !  plotting  is  a  really  good  way  to  get  the  ball  rolling  with  threads  and  establish  a  deeper  connection  between  our  muses  &&.  us  as  muns  .
though  i  do  prefer  a  bit  of  spontaneity  when  it  comes  to  memes  /  asks  ,  for  threads  ,  we  can  definitely  plot  things  out  in  ims  or  disc.ord  !
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@mythunderlegion​  (  dimitri  [  for  anya  ]  ;  vlad  [  for  dimitri  &&.  anya  ]  ;  sarah  [  for  amelia  &&.  jim  ]  ;  delbert  doppler  [  for  amelia  ,  sarah  ,  &&.  jim  ]  ;  félix  [  for  pepa  ,  julieta  ,  &&.  mirabel  ]  ;  agustìn  [  for  julieta  ,  pepa  ,  &&.  mirabel  ]  )
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tbu  !
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stcries-a · 3 years
❝ i want to hear your side of the story , bruno . ❞
julieta places a hand against her youngest brother's cheek , stroking it gently . she's calm now , after the argument between the triplets -- the first argument they've had in a while ...
the whole debacle had started with pepa making an offhand comment about their mother having been right in shunning the youngest triplet after the prophecy about mirabel , and julieta had snapped back at her sister ( without meaning to , of course ) . the argument escalated into the three of them shouting at each other , and it had ended with pepa storming out of the kitchen , the infamous storm cloud over her head .
julieta had made some arepas before the argument ensued , and she grabs one and munches quietly on it , finishing before urging her hermano to start .
❝ come on , tell me ... ❞ // from x !
50 dialogue prompts   //   accepting!
     Even if the argument itself had ended,  his mind was still flooded with thoughts,  and not of the positive kind.   Every family had their ups and downs,  it was all part of being human after all,  but this   ...   this was unexpected.  Bruno hadn’t meant to react the way he did,  raising his own voice,  but he simply couldn’t handle the way such comments reminded him of such tough times.   She wouldn’t understand,  they wouldn’t understand   ( it wasn’t my fault,  it wasn’t! )
When Julieta had returned to confront him,  Bruno had chosen to shrink away into the far corner of the room,  posture almost folding in on itself as he sat there trying to calm down,  breathing and heart rate still slightly elevated.
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“   ...   I was only trying to help that night, ”  he eventually began,  glancing towards his eldest sister slowly,  head resting atop his knees.     The past wasn’t something they could change,  no matter how much they wanted to forget all the tragedies they went through all these years.   They were healing,  very slowly,  but it seemed there were still some things holding them back.
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“ Maybe I shouldn’t have expected things to all be forgiven just like that.   I know you all are happy to have me back but   ...   sometimes it still doesn’t feel that way, ”   he said,  shifting his position lightly,  gaze moving away before a sigh was soon to follow.
“   ...   Should I maybe have just stayed away? ”
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ohtragedy-archived · 3 years
❝ it's beautiful ! thank you so much , tía pepa . ❞ mirabel's hands gently hold up the new dress that her tia had gifted to her for her quinceanera .
it really is beautiful , dark purple and blue with specks of green and yellow sprinkled on , with a ruffled hem and neckline as well as at the ends of the sleeves .
❝ i'll have papi and mamá bring by some arepas later as a thanks , ❞ she offers , hugging her aunt tightly , ❝ but really , thank you so , so much for this new dress , it's so gorgeous ! ❞
just then , abuela calls them down to the dining room for dinner . mirabel motions for her aunt to come down with her as she heads for the doorway , smiling .
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“I’m so glad that you LOVE it, Mira!”
Pepa’s SMILE is as bright as the SUN as her SOBRINA takes the dress gently in her hands. Pepa’s hands are FLAT against eachother, pressed to her cheek as she looks at Mirabel fondly, happy that she enjoys the GIFT she had made for her.
PEPA had out a lot of THOUGHT into the garment, making sure that it REFLECTED Mirabel’s personality. She was so BRIGHT and full of WONDER—Pepa HOPED that reflected in the garment.
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“You don’t have to do that. You GRATITUDE is thanks enough, mija.”
She BLINKS when the girl wraps her arms AROUND her and she laughs, hugging her back TIGHTLY before she hears the familiar voice call to them, watching as Mirabel MOVES to the door way, HAPPILY following after her.
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merveiilles · 2 years
                                        ☆|| @fatesentangled​​ liked!
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       “𝓗ow is this real right now? what is it?” Denahi asked, his eyes focused on what seemed to be a rather confusing device that was far from the life he knew. Everything around him seemed to be from another world that he couldn’t even comprehend. It seemed surreal, but the man beside him was real... so why weren’t the things around him.
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adveanture · 2 years
*    @fatesentangled​​    —    YOU’RE  JUST  LIKE  CINDERELLA,  ALWAYS  ESCAPING  IN  THE  MIDDLE  OF  THE  BALL    (   MARINA  &  PROTEUS   ) 
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HIS   FRIENDSHIP   WITH   MARINA,   BLOSSOMING   AS   IT   DOES   OVER   THE   YEARS,   ALWAYS   MAKES   THE   PRINCE   SMILE.         it   takes   some   time,   after   sinbad   leaves,   for   proteus   to   feel   even   a   fraction   of   himself   again.      and   marina   certainly   assists   in   that   endeavor,   taking   it   upon   herself   to   get   to   know   him   gently   and   carefully,   though   they   have   known   each   other   for   years   through   letters   alone   during   the   childhood   of   their   betrothal.      though   proteus   finds   it   difficult   to   leave   his   chambers   for   weeks   and   months   after   sinbad’s   departure,   marina   is   not   swayed   in   her   determination.      and   proteus   could   not   be   more   thankful   to   her   for   it.   
he   turns,   relieved   when   he   sees   marina   and   hears   her   voice      —      not   his   father,   not   anyone   else   come   searching   for   the   prince   at   the   party   just   through   the   door.      he   holds   out   his   drink   to   marina   as   she   draws   nearer   to   the   balcony   where   he   stands,   smiling   down   at   her.            “      and   you   are   the   prince   in   that   fairytale,   i   suppose?      always   able   to   hunt   me   down,   no   matter   my   attempts   at   quiet   escape?      ”            he   teases,   looking   out   over   the   starry   sky   and   cityscape   below   them.   
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crwnstole · 3 years
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“If we live through this, remind me to thank you.” ;; ( from rapunzel ? ) @fatesentangled
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"Oh trust me, Blondie. If we survive this I'll do more than remind you to thank me." Eugene quipped as they ran for their lives for the umpteenth time today.
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waitlifted · 3 years
“plots please” ;; for jim , rapunzel , anna , and aladdin ?? ^^'
send “plots please” for 3+ plot ideas (accepting)
so I don't actually know anything about Jim (I'M A SHAM I KNOW it's on my watchlist) but I'll give you one for each of the others!
for Rapunzel: -gestures at literally everything in the reversed verse- but also, I've always kinda wanted to see an idea where like. rapunzel was raised as a princess and casandra was raised to be her lady in waiting and the two are childhood friends??? but as they both reach adulthood and are preparing to fully step into their roles both are finding that it doesn't fit quite as right as they had hoped and now have to deal with that
for Anna: I have yet to do post series cass meets anna and that could be fun! cass seeing this bright soul, this cheerful princess full of love, and making a promise to herself to give her what she deserves and not to screw it up this time 🥺
for Aladdin: she'd have an uh. Interesting relationship with him to say the least lmao. meeting agrabah's own thief-turned-prince when she's made her opinion on corona's prince-to-be explicitly clear would definitely be an awkward and tense moment and I live for threads like that tbh
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nostalgiatm-aa · 3 years
❛  WOAH  ,  wait  a  second  —-  they  have  ROYALTY  in  the  sea  where  you’re  from  ?  ❜
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❛  get  out  of  here  !  i  —  i  thought  that  was  just  a  HUMAN  THING  !  ❜
@fatesentangled​  liked  for  a  ONE-LINER
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ohtragedy · 3 years
“ how bad is it this time ? ” pepa runs a cloth underneath the sink as she tries getting a good look towards camilo from over her shoulder . “ how many times have i explained , mi amor , that this … parkour or whatever was going to get you hurt ? ”
she goes over to her son after wringing out the cloth and dabs it gently on a cut . “ please , hijo, be more careful next time , okay ? ”// from x .
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“It’s not THAT bad—just a little cut, you KNOW? It’s BARELY bleeding!”
Camilo SIGHS as he sits, PATIENTLY waiting as his mother PREPARED a cloth to clean the new WOUND formed under his eye. To be HONEST, he thought that SLIDING down the RAIL is the staircase would get him downstairs FASTER when he was called to DINNER, but he ended up landing POORLY and on his face.
“I didn’t want to be LATE again, Mamí—“ Camilo TRIED to explain, hand moving to TOUCH the cut, a soft HISS leaving him. It STUNG. He FLINCHES when the cloth DABS the wound, shoulders SLUMPED as he rubs the back of his neck.
“I’ll be FINE, really—“
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miraclestitch-a · 3 years
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@fatesentangled​ asked: 💏 ;; do i even have to say who i want this for anymore ?? lmao
A SMOOCHIE / accepting 13 - discreetly
🦋 – It was RISKY. They were in the PUBLIC view, and they weren’t quite ready to reveal their relationship. But Mirabel was never one to be SUPER afraid. So when they both had a moment, Mirabel grabbed his collar gently and pulled him in for a VERY quick kiss.
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🦋 – She pulls away after a second, and gives him a smile. And like it never happened, they returned to normal. 
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seachant-moved · 3 years
❝ you're bleeding . ❞ sinbad takes a hold of the young mermaid's forearm , inspecting the wound .
he's gonna have to have a talk with rat about just shooting harpoons willy nilly into the sea , now that he knows about freaking mermaids living below the waves .
❝ here , ❞ he grabs a gauze strip from one of his pants pockets and begins wrapping up the woman's arm , ❝ it's waterproof gauze . ❞
as he looks back up to her , he finds himself staring for too long into her eyes ... and he clears his throat before standing back up . ❝ um ... so i guess i should apologize for my crewmate ? ❞ ;; from x .
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she   winces   at   the   touch.          well,   that’s   a   first.      she’d   never   been   hurt   by   a   human   before   while   at   sea,       even   on   accident,   usually   careful   enough   (   she   did   not   expect   a   harpoon   being   shot   down   the   sea   though   ).         the   wound   would   heal    within   an   hour    or   so   but   the   pain   is   still   very   much   like   a   human’s   !
❝       an   apology   would   be   nice.   that   could’ve   been   one   of   my   sisters   or   my    father.     ❞      and   daddy   would   create   an   entire   storm,         in   that   case.   she   ponders   turning   back   into   a   human,   but   there’s   nowhere   to   go   but   the   sea   so   she   sits   still,   fins   grazing   just   below   the   water,   meeting   sinbad’s   gaze.        perhaps   it’s   the   way   he’s   staring   into   her,   so   deep   and   vehement   -            𝐼𝑇   𝐵𝑂𝑇𝐻   𝑆𝐶𝐴𝑅𝐸𝑆   𝐴𝑁𝐷   𝐸𝑋𝐶𝐼𝑇𝐸𝑆   𝐻𝐸𝑅.
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her   hand    grips    his   sleeve,   attempting   to   pull   him   back   down,   excuses   lodged   in   her   throat.           ❝      i   can’t   go   back   with   my   arm   like   this,        daddy   would   come   back   up   and   drown   you   all.        so   keep   me   company   until   it   heals   ?       it’ll   just   take   an   hour.      ❞ 
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fatesentangled-a · 3 years
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fatesentangled  ;
an  independent  ,  semi-selective  ,  +  mutuals-only  multimuse  rp  blog  -  ft.  muses  from  disney  ,  dreamworks  ,  +  20th  century  fox  !  ||  as  brought  to  life  by  kay  .  ||  promo  template  -  ©  .
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fatesentangled · 3 years
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fatesentangled  ;
an  independent  ,  semi-selective  ,  +  mutuals-only  multimuse  rp  blog  -  ft.  muses  from  disney  ,  dreamworks  ,  +  20th  century  fox  !  ||  as  brought  to  life  by  kay  .  ||  promo  template  -  ©  .
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miraclestitch-a · 3 years
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@fatesentangled​​ asked: may i ask for jimira for the ship thingy ? ❤️
SEND A SHIP AND I WILL .... / accepting!
Who is a night owl: both of them Who is a morning person: literally none of her ships have a morning person so far Are they cuddlers: i think so. at least a little Who is the big spoon: jim Who is the little spoon: mirabel no questions asked What is their favourite sleeping position: intertwined + head on shoulders Who steals all the blankets: mirabel!!! What they wear to bed: pjs Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: jim absolutely. she has stolen his jacket Who falls asleep mid-conversation: mirabel but never on purpose Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: jim ... Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: mira punched him but jim kicked her  Who can’t keep their hands to themself: mira <3 Who said “I love you” first: uhhhhhhh Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: jim ... i can feel it Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: mira everytime bro Who buys the other cheesy gifts: mira !! Who initiated the first kiss: UHHHHHH Who kisses the other awake in the morning: mira !! Who starts tickle fights: mirabel starts them but jim finished them Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: jim DOES work in a restaurant so ... i feel like he wld Who was nervous and shy on the first date: both of them i thinks Who kills/takes out the spiders: jim has to do it  Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: jim
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