#faulty writes: tenya iida: one shot
faulty-writes · 2 years
hello!! i wasn't there for a long time. i hope you're doing good!! i saw that your request are open so can i request something. warning:you don't have to write it if you are uncomfortable with it!!! so iida x reader(f! or not specified) where reader have a bad relationship with (her) mom(my mommy issues acting up sorry). reader is kinda introverted and distanced from class(they both in 1A) but can be sarcastic so she can throw sarcastic states at her mom.(bonus if you add scene were they fighting over the phone/face to face and iida witnesses it. reader isn't most emotional one so i really want see how he will deal with it. some part of reader inspired by secret alliance so if you want you can read it but if you don't it's okay) again feel free to ignore this, I don't wish to make you uncomfortable
[ So, I started reading Secret Alliance and finished it, and I don't know whether to thank you or curse you out. I LOVED it. I have daddy issues so I can sympathize. This story is about 17 pages long, so I apologize for answering it a little late. But I hope you enjoy it, I put a twist on the mother. ]
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You tensed up when Eijirou approached and took a step back out of instinct. Your hands curled by your sides, and you felt uncomfortable enough in social situations, let alone when people stood just a little too close to you.  
Of course, you were conditioned this way due to your mother's insistence that you never trust anyone. So, you learned to keep your distance from others and keep to yourself. But deep down you knew this was wrong.  
Since you were a child, you felt the need for adventure and freedom, but your mother denied you this. She claimed that her overprotective ways were for your own protection, but you couldn't keep a bird caged all its life.  
You needed to feel the wind underneath your wings and see the world from a fantastic new point of view. That's why you had tried so hard when it came to choosing to enroll at Yuuei High and pushed yourself to pass the entrance exam.  
This was your only chance at freedom, at being who you were for once in your life. Even if you didn't know how to make friends or even talk to others, you wanted to change yourself and your life for the better.  
Although, you could hardly believe you were viewed as one of the "cool kids" at school. Not that you paid much mind to such things, considering high school labels only lasted so long. "Hehe, hey!" Eijirou greeted you with a smile.  
"Mm..." you mumbled in response, waiting for him to say what he needed to so you could move on with your life. "Do you wanna join us, we're going to do some training exercises!" he exclaimed, gesturing to his group of friends which consisted of Katsuki, Kaminari, Hanta, and Ashido.  
You knew he was only trying to be friendly, and you couldn't fault him for that. "No thanks," you said, "maybe next time," with that you turned and continued walking. You needed to get back to the first-year dormitory.  
You latched onto your lip and pulled out your phone to check the time, your mother usually called you multiple times a day to make sure you were okay, and most would agree that you never wanted to miss a call from your mother.  
This was especially true in your case because your mother tended to panic when you didn't answer and had the power to do as she desired to find you, which was scary. Although your conversations with her were usually mentally exhausting and because of this, you preferred to speak to her in private.  
You panted softly after you had jogged up the few steps that led to the front of the dormitory and opened the door frantically. Kicking off your shoes, you scurried past Izuku, Ochaco, and Tenya who happened to be sitting on the couch in the living room.  
"Hm?" Ochaco was the first to notice you, "Y/n!" she exclaimed, waving her hand but you either ignored her or didn't hear her calling you. Her smile dropped as you disappeared down the hallway and she turned to look at her friends.  
"Hey," she said, curling her hands in her lap. "Do you think Y/n is lonely?" she asked, now tapping the tips of her index fingers together with her gaze turned to the side. Tenya and Izuku exchanged glances before she continued speaking.  
"I mean, she doesn't seem to have any friends and she is kind of distant from others," she had noticed that for the longest time, even though everyone in Class A had made countless attempts to try and connect with you, nothing seemed to work.  
Izuku frowned, "I g-guess that's true, but maybe she just n-needs time to…open up?" he suggested before looking at Tenya who pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. "Perhaps she lacks the proper social skills needed to engage in conversation?" He suggested chopping one hand through the air.  
"We do not know of her past nor her previous endeavors," he pointed out, although he assumed such information was obvious. "Then let's help her!" Ochaco declared, jumping up from the couch with her fist raised in the air triumphantly.  
Tenya knit his eyebrows together while Izuku just looked scared as if interacting with you was some sort of death sentence. "Let's see…" Ochaco tapped her chin, looking between her friends. "Iida, go to Y/n's room and ask her to join us for movie night!" she demanded, stomping her foot against the floor.  
Tenya raised one of his unusually shaped eyebrows and cleared his throat, "Pardon?" he replied, failing to understand why Ochaco chose him for this task. "You're the class president!" she replied, "she'll have to listen to you!" He found her reasoning to be illogical, but she did bring up a valid point.  
He couldn't confidently call himself the class president or even a hero if he failed to make others feel that they were safe and belonged. "Perhaps you are correct!" he suddenly exclaimed with his hand furiously chopping through the air.  
"Yeah, yeah!" Ochaco cheered him on as he continued. "I cannot allow any form of judgment to blind my duties as class president and as a future hero! I will gladly take it upon myself to perform this task accordingly!" he finished, admiring the way she clapped in response to his rather noble words.  
"Go get'em Iida!" she yelled as he turned and began down the hallway intent on completing his newfound mission. He smiled as he approached your bedroom door and lifted his hand to knock. However, he paused when he heard something. It sounded like you were disagreeing with someone.  
"I don't need you to tell me what to do!" you screamed into the phone with an angry scowl. You fisted your hand into your hair, it was so suffocating speaking to your mother. Part of you knew her overprotective nature and view on trust was because of her career.  
But what happened to you after you were born wasn't your fault! Yet, she made you feel as if it was. Since you were little, she insisted you stay away from everyone, and that you couldn't trust anyone. This grew even worse after you told her you were going to enroll at Yuuei.  
Every day leading up to the entrance exam, she went on and on about how being a hero was too dangerous and that it'd end your life, that you needed to stay with her because she was the only one that could protect you.  
Your hand curled into a fist, and you clenched your jaw, grinding your teeth together. It was irritating that she was trying to keep you in a locked cage. "I told you already!" you suddenly snapped, "He only asked if I wanted to train with him and his friends, I said no!"  
Your head was beginning to throb, was a stress headache coming? You were getting sick of hearing her go on and on about trust and insisting that you return home immediately. "Yeah, everything is fine! Goodbye!" you sighed before hanging up and taking a deep breath.  
Maybe you could relax with a hot shower or something, yeah that sounded good. Another sigh escaped as you reached for the doorknob and stepped through only to find yourself face-to-face with Tenya. Your noses were almost touching and although you didn't exactly want to, you found your eyes locked with his.  
You could feel his hot breath against your face and his musky scent, almost like a citrus fruit wrapped in an old library book filling your nostrils. It was comforting and would have put you at ease if not for the fact that your face was flushing and your heart accelerating.   
Then, you suddenly jolted your arms out and pushed against his chest. He stumbled back, eyes wide with surprise and shock. Luckily, he was able to catch himself on the wall and snapped his head up to look at you although you hadn’t moved from your position.   
You expected him to snap and ask what was wrong with you. But instead, he cleared his throat and reached up to adjust his tie, he had yet to change from school. He was more concerned than angry about the way you had reacted, what caused such a drastic response?   
He wanted to walk over to you and directly ask if you were okay or needed assistance, but there was a certain tension in the air that prevented him from doing that. His stare caused a tinge of fear and your stomach twisted to the point where you felt nauseous. 
'Breathe, breathe!' You screamed inside your head, but your body didn't want to respond. He opened his mouth to speak but ended up clearing his throat. He needed to remain calm and composed, "Apologies," he said, pressing a hand to his chest. "I did not mean to startle you, are you injured?" he asked, forcing his legs to stay put.   
"I...I um," you pressed one hand to your face, letting out another frustrated sigh. Your skin was scolding hot, were you flushing that much, and why? You clenched your jaw, and hesitantly looked back at Tenya who appeared overly concerned, it must be killing him that you weren't responding.  
Why did he ask if you were all right? It's not like he cared that much, right? The pressure of your teeth pressing together caused a soft ache to course through your mouth, and your hands curled into tight fists. You couldn't trust him...or at least that's what your mother said.  
'Everyone is the same,' her words echoed in your head, 'Especially heroes and villains.' You swallowed the lump in your throat and looked Tenya in the eye, "I'm fine," you replied with your best poker face. "Now if you'll excuse me," you walked over to the door, ready to shut it.  
But Tenya spoke up as soon as you grabbed the doorknob. "Pardon," he said with a raised finger, making you stop and glare at him. He noticed this, but given his own intimidating nature, he resumed speaking.  
"Are you well? I am quite knowledgeable of the rules regarding eavesdropping, but I heard you conversing with someone, and I do not believe you were content," he explained. Part of you was angry he had eavesdropped but then again, you couldn't really blame him.  
You were shouting after all. You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. "That was just my mother. She's a real winner..." you commented sarcastically causing Tenya to narrow his eyes, he knew that your relationship with your mother was not his concern nor his business to know.  
But he raised one hand and began to, yet again, furiously chop it through the air. "Pardon, but I am most certain that your mother has cared for you since your birth, and to speak ill of a parent who has provided you with home and food is unjust!" he nobly stated.  
You growled softly and stepped out into the hallway, jabbing him in the chest with your finger. "You don’t know anything," you replied trying to keep that calm and cool composure you were apparently known for. It was so easy for others to say you were the one who was being ungrateful.  
But as far as you were concerned, it didn't matter what she had "provided" you with, she was ill-tempered and had ruined your life. Tenya looked horrified and pressed a hand over his chest, feeling his skin tingle from where you had repeatedly touched it.  
When you realized what you had done, your expression dropped, and you pressed your hands over your mouth. "Mm..." acting quickly, you turned around and hoped he didn't see you had broken your composure. You took a deep breath and gave a soft, "Hm," before walking back to your door.   
"Goodbye," you said, half-heartedly which made him frown. "I'm afraid I cannot leave until you have answered my question," you paused and looked at him from over your shoulder. "What?" you hissed in reply, who the hell did he think he was? He sensed your slight hostility, but he was not going to back down.  
There was something about you. A certain sadness or frustration seemed to cause a tremendous burden on your shoulders, and he would not let it crush you. Even if you refused his help, he would continue to try and reach out to you, for that's what true heroes did.  
"I insist that you accompany Midoriya, Uraraka, and myself in the activity of watching movies," you knitted your eyebrows together, slowly turning your body to face him. "Are you asking or demanding?" Or was he only asking to make fun of the fact you had no friends?  
No, he wasn't like that. It wasn't in his nature. So then why...you clenched your jaw again, feeling your eyes slightly water over. 'Don't trust anyone' your mother's words echoed in the back of your mind and you almost wanted to grasp your head and scream for her to shut up.  
But you couldn't, at least not in front of Tenya. 'Should I...' you looked into his eyes, wanting to see deceit. But instead, you saw honesty which caused a heavy feeling in your chest. "I..." you grasped your opposite arm and shyly glanced away.  
It was amazing how quickly you could bounce between emotions, but despite everything your mother taught you, that feeling of wanting to change, of wanting to prove her wrong continued to burn furiously. You crossed your arms and glanced up.  
“Guess it would pass the time,” you replied, turning your head to the side in hopes he couldn't see your now red-tinted cheeks. “Do you do this with everyone?” you questioned, "Why of course!" he replied, pointing his hand toward the ceiling.  
He rapidly moved it as he continued to speak, “As class president, it's my duty to ensure that all students effectively communicate and connect with one another,” he explained, “and I do not wish to see you continue to avoid attempts at creating new friendships," his hand came to a sudden stop.  
'Avoid attempts?' your eyes widened, so he noticed your behavior. No doubt others did as well, but they didn't directly address it as he had. "Oh..." you replied, glancing away from him. The tension in the air seemed to grow thicker, making you feel as if you were suffocating.  
You needed to answer his question, but how? "Um…" you latched onto your bottom lip, nervously chewing it before replying. "I uh, yeah movie marathon sounds good." You wanted to smile, but you couldn’t fake emotions.   
Not that you showed many to begin with, but regardless Tenya seemed overjoyed that you accepted his invitation. "Very well!" he suddenly exclaimed, straightening his posture. "Please follow me." You noticed how bubbly his voice sounded and wondered if he was actually that happy to be able to spend time with you.   
"Okay..." you said, feeling a tinge of guilt. Was it because you were going against what your mother taught you to believe? You weren't sure, but you could feel your stomach twist the nearer you got to the living room, and almost felt nauseous when you saw Izuku and Ochaco.  
"Y/n!" she called happily waving her hand. You stopped a foot or two from the couch, wondering if it was too late to turn back and run. No, you couldn't do that. Even if you couldn't trust them, what harm did watching movies with them do?  
Still, you couldn't help but freeze up, how were you supposed to respond? You glanced at the floor, biting your lip hard enough to draw blood. "Huh?" Izuku was the first to notice this and hesitantly raised his hand.  
"Uh Y/n," he shyly said, "a-are you alright?" His question caught Tenya's attention and he turned around. Biting your lip that hard couldn't be good and once again he felt the urge to address what was wrong. But he was yet again stopped, this time by your subtle nod.  
"Mm..." his body felt tense, but he pushed any negative feelings aside. "Would you favor sitting on the couch with us?" he questioned, gesturing his hand to the piece of furniture. You shook your head, "I..." you hesitated when a dull ache coursed through your bottom lip.  
Lapping your tongue over it, you felt the indentation from your teeth and tasted a slight iron-like flavor. "I can sit in the chair, thank you," with that, you quickly shuffled past the couch and plopped down into the said chair.  
An awkward tension filled the air and continued to suffocate you even after the first movie started, and throughout the hours that passed you avoided any attempts at conversation, and even when you replied to a comment or question, you kept it brief and to the point.  
When the marathon finally stopped, you got up and proceeded to walk toward the hallway. "Wait!" Ochaco shouted, leaning over Tenya to stretch her hand out to you. He looked bewildered and almost offended by her actions.  
You stopped and looked over your shoulder at her. You said nothing in response, believing that she would take the hint you were done for the day. "Um..." she felt her cheeks flush and leaned back. "Do you...wanna hang out with us tomorrow?" she asked, and both Izuku and Tenya looked at her confused.  
"Forgive me, did we have a scheduled activity planned for tomorrow?" he questioned only to receive Ochaco's glare in response. "Shh!" she said before leaning down to whisper, "This is our chance to find out more about her! Just go with it!" She turned to Izuku, "You too," she added before focusing her attention back on you.  
"We were planning to go to the mall! Why don't you come along?" your eyes widened and once again your mother's words echoed inside your head. "I..." Tenya stood up from the couch and began to approach you.  
You gasped softly and curled your hands up to your chest, taking a step back. He noticed your hesitancy and stopped in his tracks, "Apologies, I did not mean to frighten you," he said sincerely. Once again in the back of his mind, he felt the urge to want to know what caused you to react in such a way.  
"But I believe it would be a wonderful opportunity for you to continue to expand your social skills if you were to accompany us on our scheduled trip to the mall," he knew that Ochaco had lied given the fact he would recall scheduling time to hang out with his friends.  
"Um…" you glanced at the floor, did he really want you to go with him? With his friends? Tenya frowned, sensing your uncertainty. "Perhaps you can join us if you so desire," he suggested, causing your head to snap up.  
"W-what?" you asked in disbelief. Although his expression said it all, and you felt your stomach twist into knots at the nobility that shined in his eyes. "Oh...right," you said, turning to walk down the hallway and back to your room.  
"Iida, why did you say all that!?" Ochaco cried out with her hands balled into fists. He turned to her, raising his hand in the air. "If we wish to form a friendship with Y/n, then it cannot be forced," he concluded, chopping his hand through the air rapidly.  
"She must come to us when she only chooses to and when we have established a proper bond of trust with her," he explained causing Ochaco to frown and tilt her head to the side. "I...I agree with Iida," Izuku suddenly spoke up and shyly turned away when she looked at him.  
Curling his hands in his lap, he continued speaking. "If we want Y/n to t-trust us or anybody then we can't...we can't force it on her. We must show her how much she means to us and to the r-rest of our class," he explained, and Ochaco glanced to the side thinking over both of her friend's words.  
Then she sighed and slumped her shoulders. "I guess you guys are right," she said, looking down the hallway. "Do you think she'll accept our invitation to the mall?" she asked, obviously worried. "Perhaps it's best if we do not overthink it," Tenya stated before pulling out his phone.  
"It is now 10 minutes to curfew," he said, sliding the phone back into his pocket. "I believe it's best if we begin our bedtime routines now," Izuku and Ochaco looked at him with disbelief, but this was Tenya, and he was very strict about scheduling. "Fine," they replied in unison.  
You took several deep breaths as you sat on your bed with your knees pulled up to your chest. The only light source in your room was your phone screen and you were mindlessly scrolling through the text messages your mother had sent you.  
It was the same thing repeatedly, lines upon lines of messages telling you not to trust anyone and you felt your heart sink further and further into your chest before you locked your phone and slid it under your pillow.  
A long sigh came before you allowed yourself to fall sideways and nuzzled your head into the pillow. 'What am I going to do tomorrow?' you thought, squeezing your eyes shut and praying that you could get sleep tonight.  
The next morning, you woke up to find your phone missing and began frantically searching for it. You must have been making a bit of commotion because you heard knocking on your door and opened it to find Ochaco, Tsuyu, and Momo looking concerned.  
"What's the matter, are you okay?" Ochaco was the first to speak up and you trembled in response, wondering if you should lie and leave well enough alone. But without your phone, you'd miss your mother's calls and that was just asking for trouble.  
"I can't find my phone," you replied, looking away from them. "Where did you last put it?" Tsuyu questioned, peeking her head inside your room. "I..." you latched onto your lip and curled your hand into your hair. "I put it under my pillow before I went to sleep..." you said, pointing to your bed.   
"But when I woke up, it wasn't there," you explained, feeling your stomach twist. How was that even possible? No one could have come into your room without you hearing them, right? "Maybe it fell under the bed?" Momo suggested before stepping into your room despite the fact she had not asked permission.  
"Why don't we help you look?" she suggested, "I'm not sure-" they ignored you and began searching around your room which made you feel just a tad angry. An hour passed, and after a thorough search of your room, you concluded that your phone was nowhere to be found.
You groaned and sat on your bed with your face covered, trying to fight back the tears forming. Ochaco frowned and crouched down in front of you. "Hey," she said in a soft voice before reaching over to lay her hand on your knee.  
You flinched, looking horrified that she had touched you. "Heh, um...sorry," she rubbed the side of her head, "maybe you'll find your phone later? In fact, maybe you can come to the mall with us today...you know to get your mind off your phone?" she suggested.  
You narrowed your eyes, feeling a tingle of suspicion but what other option did you have? Maybe your mother wouldn't freak out if you missed a call or two? You weren't sure, but you knew you couldn't let her rule your life forever.  
You sighed, "Fine," you said crossing your arms. Ochaco squealed and jumped to her feet. "Great!" she exclaimed, practically beaming. "I'll go tell Midoriya and Iida," with that, she ran out of your room. "Mm..." you glanced to the side and Momo and Tsuyu looked at each other.  
"We'll see if anyone else knows where your phone is while you’re gone," she assured, and you sighed. "Thanks..." you muttered, not that you trusted her to tell you when and if your phone was found. "Why don't we leave so you can get ready? Ribbit," Tsuyu suggested, guiding Momo over to your door.  
"I hope you have fun at the mall," Momo said before the two of them finally left. You fisted your hands into your hair. "I don't even have anything to wear!" you exclaimed, clearly panicking. But you didn't dress to impress so it didn't really matter what you wore.  
You felt your stomach twist when, yet another person walked by and gave you a strange look. "Mm…" you crossed your arms, wondering why you had even agreed to come to the mall in the first place. It was ridiculous to think you had tried to fit in with Izuku, Tenya, and Ochaco.  
"Hey, come on Y/n! We're going to try this new ice cream place!" you frowned, wondering how Ochaco appeared so happy all the time. Didn't she get tired of that? "I h-heard it's really...um really good!" Izuku exclaimed nervously, and your eyes drifted to Tenya, who was wearing a smile.  
How is it that his facial expressions seemed more sincere than others? "Yes, I took the liberty to read all the present reviews and have determined what are the most preferred flavors," you felt your chest lighten for a moment.  
"Mm..." maybe it was your lack of judgment now, but you decided to join them. Although the line was rather long and by the time you made it to the front there were very few flavors to choose from. "Well, at least we got something!" Ochaco said before resuming eating her ice cream cone.  
"Mmhm," Izuku said before taking another lick of his. Tenya would take one lick and dab the corners of his mouth before continuing. Unlike them, you hadn't touched your ice cream cone because you suddenly felt your appetite vanish.  
"Is there something wrong with your frozen dessert?" Tenya spoke up causing you to snap your head at him, strangely you felt your heart speed up when you looked at him and shook your head. "No, it's just-" a loud alarm echoed, and you nearly dropped your ice cream.  
"What's going on?!" you shouted and then a voice blared over the alarm, instructing all citizens to evacuate the mall. "Huh, what?!" You looked at the ceiling as people began to walk past you which caused you to panic. You wanted to scramble to get away from them, but there was nowhere to go.  
"Ah, help me!" you shouted, feeling several individuals bump into you and you stumbled as you got lost in the wave of people. You felt like you were being suffocated and your vision went blurry, where was Tenya or Ochaco or Izuku!?  
You just needed someone familiar right now, someone you could maybe trust for the moment. That was okay to trust someone for one measly moment, right!? You took a dramatic inhale and began to push others out of the way.  
Making your way through the crowd despite the angry comments you got in return. You stumbled forward when you finally broke free of the sea of people and caught yourself on a nearby directory. You pressed your hand to your chest, feeling how rapid your heart rate was.
'Breathe, breathe, just breathe!' you thought, hearing as the last of the crowd left. You then leaned your head against the directory, feeling the anxiety and panic slowly fade. But an after feeling of self-pity came. You closed your eyes and slowly turned around, looking at the floor.
"I lost my ice cream...I lost...any potential friends," you glanced to the side, recalling how you shouted for help when you were swept into the crowd. "I guess I really can't trust anyone," you muttered, feeling your eyes water over.  
Your hands curled into the front of your shirt. 'Maybe Mom was right...' you thought before hearing an all too familiar voice scream, "There you are!" which caused you to lift your head. Your eyes widened at the sight before you.  
A middle-aged woman with slicked-back blonde hair and cold lifeless turquoise eyes stood before you. She was wearing a black suit jacket, with a purple shirt underneath it and a matching purple skirt with a strange, almost pearl-looking necklace.  
"M-Mo-" you were interrupted when someone landed beside her. He had large red wings and messy blond hair. He wore a yellow-tinted visor and a tan high-collar jacket lined with white fur. He also had yellow headphones draped around his neck and black gloves on his hands.  
You also noticed he had square earrings which were almost as red as his wings. "Alright, the place is secure. Will that be all Madam President?" he asked, and your mother kept her eyes locked on you as she responded, "That will be all Hawks, resume your regular duties," she instructed, and he nodded in response.  
"Can do," he said with a smile before turning to look at you. "Good luck kid, sorry about that alarm and all. But I can't go against orders," he said gesturing to your mother before spreading his wings and taking off, leaving a few feathers to flutter through the air before hitting the floor.  
Your eyebrows knitted together, and you looked at your mother who continued to scowl. "Y-you made the alarm go off?" You questioned and felt your anxiety begin to rise as she walked over to you with her heels echoing through the now-empty mall.  
"Just what did you think you were doing?" she asked, keeping her hands folded in front of her. A moment of silence came, and you opened your mouth, "W-well I..." she narrowed her eyes. "You didn't answer my calls," she said.  
"I c-couldn't find my phone," you replied, your voice cracking slightly. "And just what happened to it?" she demanded, closing the distance between the two of you and making you feel suffocated again. "I...I don-" you yelped when she reached out and grabbed your wrist.  
"You don't know?" she repeated before turning her head and sighing. "I knew it was a mistake to let you enroll at Yuuei," her words made your heart sink and you wanted to tell her she was wrong, but somehow your voice was frozen in your throat even as the grip on your wrist tightened.  
She yanked you forward and leaned down to be face-to-face with you. "This world is full of people that will betray you! Has my career taught you nothing!?" she hissed out, and you opened your mouth to speak but nothing came out.  
Yes, you knew of your mother's career. She was the head of the Hero Public Safety Commission, with a lot of burden on her shoulders. But beyond that, you weren't familiar with the inner workings of what she did. You were not aware that she allowed the heroes under her command to murder and kill in certain circumstances.  
All you knew is that all your life, all you ever heard was to never trust anyone. "Come," she said before turning around and forcibly dragging you along. "W-wait!" you stuttered out, trying to pull away from her, but it was of no use.  
"You are going to drop out of Yuuei and enroll at I-Island Academy," it felt as if your heart stopped beating when she spoke those words. "W-what!?" you exclaimed, trying to press your feet into the floor but to no avail. She didn't respond, and you clenched your jaw.  
You had a feeling she only wanted to enroll you at I-Island because you couldn't escape, it was like a prison. She never listened to you and whenever you tried to do something on your own, she always found a way to ruin it. Then again, you hadn't exactly made any friends and it was highly unlikely that they'd miss you.  
'What was I even thinking?' You frowned and once again focused your attention on the floor. 'None of them really tried to connect to me and even when they did it felt like fake sympathy,' the image of Tenya suddenly came to your mind, making you gasp.  
Wait...that's right, he wasn't like that. The way he looked at you wasn't with pity or sympathy. He had your best intentions in mind and didn't force you to do anything, he gave you a choice. Surely, he wouldn't want you to leave or give up, right?  
"Hold on!" you exclaimed, finally finding the strength to rip your arm away from her. She looked shocked, "Y/n!" she snapped, but you ignored her. "I..." you curled your hands into fists, "I don't want to enroll at another school," you paused, shifting your eyes back and forth.  
What else could you say? Actually, what had you always wanted to tell her? "I want to stay here at Yuuei and m-make friends and-" you stumbled back when she growled. "Are you going against my orders?" she questioned with a snarl.   
"I..." You felt your courage disappear and she must have sensed this because she reached out to grab you again. "Do you know everything I have done for you? The things I have done with the hero commission to keep you safe?! I only ask you to do one thing, do not trust anyone!" she snapped and dug her nails into your arm.  
You winced and tried to pull away, feeling tears build in the corners of your eyes. "I've done everything you wanted! I never had a choice in the matter, but now I want...I want to have a choice. I want to stay here and learn to trust everyone, heroes, villains, it doesn't matter!" you snapped, and her eyes darkened.  
"I've never given you a choice?" she repeated before leaning down to be face-to-face with you again. "I allowed you to make this choice all by yourself, and you choose to do foolish things like try to make friends," she hissed out.  
"I do not know who those three you were hanging out with are, but I'll ensure you never see them again," she said, before continuing to drag you toward the nearest door. "No!" you screamed, trying to claw her hand. "I don't want to go!" you gasped when someone suddenly shouted your name.  
Your mother came to a stop, and you turned your head. "Iida!" you said, ignoring the few tears that rolled down your cheeks. "And just what do you want?" your mother questioned, making that brief smile on your face fade.  
He stepped closer and you noticed his eyebrows were slit and he wore an angry scowl. "My name is Tenya Iida, and I believe you are forcing this young lady to do something she does not wish to," he said boldly which made your mother's eyes widen.  
"How dare you…" she replied before releasing your arm and stomping over to him. "You're one of the hero students poisoning my daughter's mind!" she declared, crossing her arms. He remained standing tall and kept his eyes locked with hers.  
"I am afraid I do not know what you are speaking of. Your daughter is fully capable of making her own choices and as class president and her friend, I assure you that even if a mistake is made, I will be by her side to help her through it," he announced nobly, and you smiled yet again only to hear your mother chuckle in response.  
"Foolish, all young heroes are foolish," she responded before shaking her head. "What if her choices end with her death or a grave injury? Would you be there to nurse her back to health, take care of her for the rest of her life like I would!?" she snapped, but Tenya remained unphased.  
"Ma'am," he said, "I understand that as her mother, you only wish to protect her to the best of your ability. But when you are not present, I will ensure that she remains protected. Regardless of what consequences it brings," he replied causing your mother to scowl yet again.  
You swallowed the lump in your throat, feeling more hot tears run down your cheeks and hit the floor below. Did Tenya really care that much about you? No one had ever stood up to your mother before, and it was as if he were putting his life on the line for you.  
She bared her teeth at him, "And what if you were assigned to kill her?! Would you protect her or fulfill your orders!?" your breathing came to a stop and your eyes widened, wondering if you had heard her correctly.  
Tenya looked at her bewildered before clearing his throat. "A hero does not kill," he stated, although he understood the mindset. When a villain drives you to a certain point and you allow your emotions to cloud your judgment, then it is possible to commit such an atrocious act.  
But as a hero, he intended to keep his heart noble and continue to do good as opposed to harm. Your mother chuckled, pressing a hand to her chest as her laughter grew louder and louder. A shiver ran down your spine at the sound of it, and you found yourself running past her and toward Tenya.  
He looked confused, but he too was slightly unsettled by the way your mother was reacting. "A hero does not kill" she mockingly repeated, "You hero students are so ignorant!" she snapped. "She's the reason that heroes started killing!" she accused with a pointed finger in your direction.  
"W-what?" you replied, stepping away from Tenya. "I advise you to avoid lying ma'am!" he replied, trying to block you from her view. "That's right since the day you were born and your father allowed a villain to kidnap you, to try and take you away from me," you looked at her confused, you never knew your father.  
"That's when I ordered heroes to kill, not just villains but anyone who is an absolute danger!" She looked more demented by the second and you suddenly felt the realization hit you. "T-that means...D-Dad was..." you trembled, feeling utterly horrified.  
What on Earth was wrong with her? You knew a little bit about the incident that happened when you were a baby, but you assumed everything was taken care of legally. You didn't know your mother had ordered your kidnapper and father to be killed.  
"Now come Y/n, you see why I tell you not to trust anyone? Come home with me, and I'll keep you safe," she insisted holding out her arms, but you took a step back. "I advise you to leave," Tenya said, clearly irritated and ready to charge into action if necessary.  
She paused and gave a subtle growl, "Move!" she snapped and lifted her hand. You didn't see what had happened, but you heard a slap echo followed by the sound of Tenya's glasses hitting the floor with such force his lenses broke.  
You gasped and looked up, seeing that his head was turned, and a deep red hand mark imprinted his cheek. You trembled, feeling useless. What were you supposed to do or say? Your mother smiled and walked around Tenya and stood in front of you with her hand held out.   
"Let's go, Y/n," she demanded, and you looked at her hand before taking a step back causing her eyes to narrow. "Y/n" she repeated sternly, but before you could respond, a loud bang sounded followed by a billow of smoke.  
"Huh!?" before you could blink, Tenya scooped you into his arms and took off running. The doors to the mall flew open and the world became a blur as he shifted his gears to gain as much distance between you and your mother as possible.  
Your stomach twisted, and you felt nauseous by the time Tenya stopped. He was panting, but surely that wasn't because he exhausted himself, right? When he put you down on your feet, you began to tremble, and it wasn't due to the bitter air around you.  
Rather it was because of the scary interaction you had just experienced. You weren't sure what was going to happen, but all your thoughts vanished when you looked at Tenya and noticed that the red handprint on his face remained.  
You frowned and reached up, gently cupping his face. You felt an immense amount of guilt fill your heart and this caused tears to begin to stream down your face. "D-does it hurt?" you asked as he glanced down at you.  
"Please do not worry about me, I am quite glad I was able to act as a hero should and save you from any unwanted danger," he stated, though his cheek did hurt and more than likely would bruise. But that was a mere scratch in comparison to the injuries true heroes received in the line of duty.  
You knitted your eyebrows together, looking at him confused. He ignored this and reached into his pocket to pull out a handkerchief which he used to gently dab your tears away. Your eyes widened, and your bottom lip trembled.  
"W-why are you…" he paused, looking at you with concern. "Forgive me, am I making you uncomfortable?" he asked before you shook your head and hiccupped. Then in a broken stutter, you said, "W-why are you being…so nice to me…a-after everything I've done after everything m-my mother has done to you?"  
That concerned look turned to one of confusion and he looked at you with his eyebrows slanted and his mouth slightly agape. "I'm afraid I do not understand," he replied, and honestly, what did you expect. "W-what just happened with…a-and the way I've been-" you sobbed and frantically wiped your eyes.  
Tenya grasped your shoulders seconds later. "Please do not do that, it's liable to cause more irritation," he advised before once again wiping your eyes with his handkerchief. "I was merely acting as a hero should, as far as your mother is concerned, please accept my apologies," you looked at him confused.  
"W-what do you mean?" He had nothing to apologize for. He frowned and took a step away from you. "I believe I had stated that it was unjust for you to speak about your mother in any ill manner, but I did not realize she treated you in such an unjust way, I apologize," he said, bowing in front of you.  
Your eyes widened, and you gave an awkward chuckle. "Oh that, well..." you frowned and folded your hands in front of you. "It's okay, it's just...she's always been like that and..." you shook your head. "Enough about that," you said, trying to turn the spotlight on him once more.  
"We need to get your face looked at," you insisted, stepping forward when he leaned back up. But he seemed intent on continuing your current conversation. "I am uncertain why your mother would act in such a manner, but it's clear she is the reason you act rather introverted and secluded," your frown deepened.  
"Um well..." you tapped your index fingers together, unsure of what to say. Maybe he was right, but it was also your fault. "I let her have too much power over me..." you explained, slumping your shoulders with a sigh. "I'm so weak..." you whispered, feeling your chest grow heavy.  
"I'm afraid I must disagree," he stated, catching you by surprise. "What?" you asked, looking back at him. "You are quite strong for displaying such caring nature despite having grown up in the negative environment your mother created," he stated as he took a step closer, tucking his handkerchief back into his pocket.  
"Um..." you felt the urge to take a step back but forced yourself to remain where you were. No, you were going to trust him. Trust someone for once. "I know very few who would continue to care for others more than themselves when in your position," he said, glancing down.  
He swallowed and held his hand out, "May I?" he asked, and your heart accelerated. Did he want to hold your hand and if so, why? You latched onto your bottom lip and, despite trembling, slowly raised your hand and gasped when he took hold of it.  
Then he smiled at you, despite the small ache he felt radiating from his injured cheek. "I believe that makes you a true hero and I find your personality to be very attractive and attentive, I do not wish for you to believe otherwise," he stated, causing you to flush furiously.  
"And to see you become so overwhelmed with emotion to the point where tears stain your face, I…I cannot help but want to be the cause that allows you to smile once more," he said, and once again that heavy feeling in your chest seemed to lighten.  
You sniffled softly, giving him a brief smile that apparently seemed to mean the world to him, then you opened your mouth to speak only to be interrupted when Ochaco yelled, "Guys!" and caused both your heads to turn.  
She had her hand held up, waving it like mad with Izuku trailing right behind her. "Oh heh," you pulled your hand away from Tenya's and folded both behind your back as your friends approached, could you call them friends?  
"We were looking for you everywhere after the alarm went off, what happened?" she asked, pressing her hands to her chest. "Y-yeah, I mean I got a text from Iida saying he was s-still inside the mall even after the alarm w-went off, is everything okay?" Izuku asked, clearly worried.  
Tenya turned to face them and ignored the way they flinched. "Iida what happened!?" Ochaco exclaimed when she noticed the red handprint on the side of his face. Izuku was just as surprised, and in addition to the mark on his friend's face, he noticed he was missing his glasses.  
"D-do you need some help getting back to the...the d-dorm because your glasses..." he gestured to his face and watched as Tenya closed his eyes. "It's quite alright," he replied, "I am afraid I did have a small confrontation within the mall, but it is resolved for now," he said before turning to look at you.  
Your smile had faded, and you were now wearing another frown. He stepped closer to you and laid his hand on your shoulder. "Y/n was involved in the confrontation as well," you jumped and looked at him bewildered, just what the hell was he trying to do?  
"However, she acted with courage and fair judgment, even when I had received this trivial injury," he said, reaching up to run his fingers down his cheek. He could feel how his skin recoiled and throbbed dully with pain, but once again he reminded himself that this was nothing compared to the injuries some heroes receive.  
"What, really?" Ochaco turned to look at you and her face was twisted with concern. "Are you okay?" she asked, "Are, are…you both okay?" Izuku corrected her. Tenya kept his gaze on you for a few more moments before turning to look back at them.  
"Perhaps it would be best if we returned to the dormitory," he suggested and Izuku nodded. "Y-yeah, um...we should probably get some ice for your f-face, right?" As amusing as the question was, Tenya replied with a simple nod.  
"Please go ahead of us, I believe Y/n would be more comfortable walking by my side," he suggested and ignored the look of surprise that came to his friend's faces. "Oh um, s-sure," Izuku replied before turning to Ochaco who nodded, and with that, the two of them took a head start.  
"Hey," Ochaco said when she believed you and Tenya were a far enough distance away not to hear her, "What do you think actually happened between Y/n and Iida?" she asked in a whisper. Izuku clasped his chin in thought, "I'm not sure..." he replied, before glancing over his shoulder.  
You and Tenya seemed awfully close now, and the way you were holding his arm indicated that something frightening had happened. You never previously allowed anyone near you, which meant maybe..."Did Iida help find her phone?" he suggested, only to hear Ochaco laugh.  
"No, that couldn't be," she said, shaking her head. Izuku raised his eyebrow, "W-what do you mean?" he asked, clearly not understanding the situation. She smiled and reached into her pocket, flashing your phone at him.  
"You took…h-her phone?" he asked, slightly panicked. Ochaco nodded, "Mmhm!" she replied. "B-but how did you-" she grinned and slipped your phone back into her pocket before holding up her hands to show her unusual fingertips.  
"It's kind of easy to go undetected when you're lighter than air," she replied with a giggle. "I'll give her the phone later," she smiled and looked over her shoulder. "I'm glad they seem so close now," she said and Izuku nodded.  
She continued to smile, even as she turned back to look ahead of her. "Now maybe Y/n will open up to more people, I knew Iida could be the one to break down her walls," she said cheerfully. "Yeah, Iida is amazing and I'm sure Y-Y/n is amazing too," Izuku said, and she nodded in agreement.  
"Yeah, I can't wait to see what they do together," although you were unaware of the conversation taking place, you didn't miss the way both turned back to look at you and Tenya several times. Then again, could you blame them?  
You and Tenya were probably a strange sight, but you didn't want to think about that. You didn't even want to think about your mother or what was to come. You just wanted to enjoy the moment, enjoy knowing that you could trust someone for the time being.  
Regardless of what happened, you were grateful that Tenya had made you realize that despite your mother's opposing ways, you were strong no matter what and it was that strength that you could use as a weapon. Even if you ended up trusting someone you shouldn't, you could overcome the hurt.  
"H-hey," you said, tightening your grip on his arm. "Hm, yes?" he replied, turning to look at you. "I just w-wanted to say thanks, for everything a-and um...if...if my mother gets her way and I h-have to go to another school I just w-wan-" Tenya came to a sudden stop.  
"I would not allow that," he stated in a deep and authoritative voice. You wanted to believe his words; you really did. "But…" you glanced away, "s-she's the head of the Hero Public Safety Commission and-" you stopped speaking when he raised his hand in the air.  
"I understand that your mother is in quite a powerful position, but a hero is as well and at times, if needed they will do whatever is within their power to help others even if they must break the rules and guidelines of society to do so," he explained, lightly chopping said hand through the air.  
The corner of your mouth twitched, and a few seconds passed before you gave a half smile, it was noble of him to think that way. But you didn't peg him as someone capable of breaking rules. "I do not believe I can forgive her for what she has done to you," honestly, you weren't sure if you could forgive her either.  
You gasped when he leaned down to your height causing you to flush and your heart to speed up again, especially when you looked into his deep red eyes. They were full of such determination and fury; it was rather intimidating.  
"I will do what is within my power to keep you here," he promised, and once again you felt yourself becoming overwhelmed and your eyes watered over. "T-thank you," he frowned and reached into his pocket for his handkerchief, handing it to you.  
"You are quite welcome, I am certain the rest of Class A feels the same," he assured, and you nodded while wiping your eyes with the soft cloth he had given you. "Perhaps after we have taken care of everything, we can relax and watch a movie?" he suggested causing you to chuckle.  
"L-like a date?" you teased, and he leaned back, feeling his cheeks heat up. "I...I suppose that is one way to describe it," you snickered before smiling. "I'd like that..." you said, "Hey!" Ochaco shouted. "Hm?" you turned your head to see that she and Izuku had stopped.  
"Are you guys coming?" she asked, waving her arm in the air. "Yes, of course," Tenya replied before he resumed walking, and you trailed right beside him with your heart fluttering in your chest. This was the change you were looking for and although it was scary, you would keep on smiling because you knew you were going to be fine. 
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faulty-writes · 2 years
[ So, I saw this picture and I instantly thought of a one-shot I could write. So this is my contribution to the fanfiction world for the holiday season. So let us all rejoice at the holiday miracle that is me publishing this before December 25th. ]
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[ You knew Tenya had a knack for getting into the perfect mindset of characters, but when he decided to dress up as Santa in hopes to enlighten Eri's holiday season and your classmates insist you be the one to sit on his lap to show her he isn't scary, you make the mistake of telling him what you truly want for a gift this year. Can he grant your wish, or will this season turn sour? ]
“Um, Iida are you sure this is a good idea?” Izuku questioned with a pointed finger while Uraraka covered her mouth to suppress her giggles. “Why of course!” he replied, holding out one of his gloved hands before chopping it furiously through the air.
“As heroes, it is our responsibility to ensure that Eri experiences the holiday season accordingly, this includes the traditions that have been associated with it!” he said, hearing Izuku’s nervous chuckle in response. “Uh, r-right. But um…a-are you sure she’ll be okay with…” he paused, scanning Tenya’s outfit.
He was wearing a red hat that had white trim around the bottom of it and a small exhaust pipe made up the end tip of the tail. In addition, he had fake eyebrows that looked bushy and matched with the equally as bushy fake beard he was wearing which concealed the bottom half of his face.
The rest of his outfit consisted of a red pullover jacket that was trimmed with white fur on the ends of the sleeves and a trail of it going down the center. The trail of fur was lined with several black buttons, and he was wearing matching red pants with black boots.
“I’m most certain she’ll enjoy learning about the childhood fable of Santa Claus and what better way to execute it than through demonstration!” he announced, curling his hands in front of himself and swaying his hips back and forth.
Uraraka snickered and laid her hand on Izuku’s shoulder. “I-Iida sure d-does look f-f-funny!” she hollered out, causing the green-haired boy to panic. “Pardon!?” Tenya replied, once again chopping his hand through the air while Izuku looked between the two of them nervously.
Tenya was a sight to see on a normal day and was slightly overkilling it now. Then again, it was sweet to know he cared so much about making Eri’s holiday season magical. But you didn’t get much time to continue to admire his costume because Eijirou shouted, “Here she comes!” from his position at the front door.
Tenya had requested he inform everyone of when Eri arrived so he could properly execute his plan. He frantically waved his arms about before pressing a finger to his lips to signal Uraraka to stop laughing, but she seemed to be having trouble.
“Um…” you walked over, knowing that getting a lecture from the class president wasn’t exactly the best experience even though your heart sped up whenever you were around him even in the ridiculous outfit he was currently wearing.
“Oh hi, Y/n,” Izuku said shyly as you approached and grabbed Uraraka’s arm. “Hi, Midoriya,” you greeted with a friendly wave. “I’ll just take Ochako,” you guided her away from the two boys just in time for the front doors to open.
There stood Eri, who was wearing a holiday-themed dress and a pink colored Santa hat. “Uh…” she glanced around nervously before looking at Shota who had accompanied her. Apart from the Santa hat, he too was wearing, he didn’t look all that happy.
You knew this was normal, but the man could at least crack a smile. After all, it was the glorious holiday season. But maybe Mr. Aizawa just viewed things as being bleak no matter what time of year. Regardless, he stepped through the door and glanced around as if making sure you were all behaving.
Then he leaned back and asked, “Where’s this surprise?” before sighing. “Oh, Iida has something special planned for Eri!” Ashido spoke up with a smile, as she was one of the few that weren’t afraid to directly address your teacher. Shota blinked in response and looked around.
“And where is he?” a loud and slightly obnoxious “Ho, ho, ho!” echoed through the room, making Shota raise his eyebrow. “Mm…” Eri subconsciously stepped closer to Mr. Aizawa and grasped onto his pant leg. His response to this was leaning down to pick her up, believing she’d be more comfortable in his arms.
He sighed again as Tenya walked over, dressed as Santa Claus, nonetheless. Then again, one of Tenya’s strengths was being able to adapt to the mindset of a certain character when needed and he did it in an almost flawless manner which would be useful if he were to ever go undercover during his hero career.
“Hello!” he said in a deep and over-exaggerated voice, “My name is Santa Claus, it’s quite a pleasure to meet you Eri!” he announced while chopping his hands through the air rapidly. Eri tightened her grip on Mr. Aizawa obviously frightened by this strange new person in front of her.
“It’s okay!” Ashido said, stepping in front of Tenya. “Santa isn’t scary! In fact, he’s here because he wants to know what kind of gift you want this year!” she explained quickly and Eri frowned. “G-gift?” she repeated, watching the pink-haired girl nod.
Shota shrugged and lowered her back onto the floor as Ashido continued to speak. “Mmhm, that’s right. You’ve been such a good girl this year, you get to ask Santa for one thing you really want, and he must give it to you!” Eri’s eyes lit up and she clasped her hands together.
“Really?” she asked. “Yup, but you have to sit on his lap and whisper what you want into his ear,” she explained before holding out her hand. “We’ll go see him together!” she offered, and Tenya took this as his cue to go sit in one of the living room chairs.
Eri looked at the offered hand with uncertainty before glancing up at Shota who simply nodded. She latched onto her lip and nervously looked back at Ashido, “O-okay,” she replied before grabbing her hand. You smiled and waved at Eri as she walked by you and Uraraka who pulled on the sleeve of your shirt seconds later.
“What?” you said jerking your arm away from her. “Why don’t we follow? I need to get another good look at Iida in that outfit,” she said with a cheerful giggle, and you raised your eyebrow. You were unsure how Eri would feel if she had too many people watching her try to interact with Santa.
“Mm…” you chewed on your bottom lip, thinking it over before turning to Uraraka and nodding. “Great, let’s go!” she replied, reaching down to grab your hand. She dragged you to the living room and stood just a little way away from Ashido and Eri.
“See?” the pink-haired girl said before crouching down and placing her hands on the little girl’s shoulders. “This is Santa!” she said with a smile, although Eri's face was twisted in slight horror at the sight of him and she flinched when he leaned down and exclaimed, “Ho, ho, ho!”
“Eri! I’ve heard you’ve been quite the good girl this year!” her bottom lip trembled, and her eyes misted over. “Huh?” Ashido blinked as the little girl proceeded to hide behind her. “Wait, there’s nothing to be afraid of! Um…” she glanced around, and low and behold her eyes landed on you.
“Y/n!” she shouted, pointing her finger, and making you jump out of your skin. “What?!” you responded frantically, failing to notice that you had latched onto Uraraka in the process of being scared. “Oh oops,” you said, giving an awkward chuckle as you released her.
“Heh, sorry about that,” you rubbed the back of your head with the slightest flush. However, before she could respond Ashido walked over and grabbed your arm, dragging you away. “Hey!” you cried out only to be silenced when she shoved her finger in your face.
“Shhh!” she demanded before gesturing her head toward Eri who still looked frightened, and Tenya shifted in his seat awkwardly waiting for something to happen. “Show Eri that Iida, I mean Santa isn’t scary!” she demanded, now pointing her finger at him.
You slumped your shoulders, looking at her with wide eyes and a distorted expression. “Uh…what?” she huffed and stiffened her posture before walking behind you and grabbing your shoulders. “Come on! Do it for Eri!” she said, beginning to push you closer and closer to Tenya despite you digging your feet into the floor.
“Just sit on his lap and tell him what you want! It’ll be just like when you were a kid,” she said with a smirk, and you frantically shook your head. Sure, you might have sat on Santa’s lap when you were a kid. You honestly couldn’t remember, but this was entirely different.
This Santa was someone you happened to have feelings for, the person that made your heart accelerate and butterflies grow in your stomach whenever he looked at you. “W-well I…t-the thing is-” before you could finish, you were startled by the sound of Tenya laughing and turned to look at him.
“I’m quite sure I have the appropriate amount of time to listen to what you would like to receive as a gift as well!” he exclaimed, and you narrowed your eyes. How was he okay with this or was he just too far gone in his portrayal of Santa to realize how weird this was?
“I’ve heard you’ve been quite the good hero this year!” Well...that answers that. The corner of your mouth curled and despite the awkwardness beginning to consume your very soul, you were partly thankful no one had commented on your reddened cheeks.
Were you really this embarrassed at the idea of sitting on Tenya’s lap? Then again, knowing that some of your classmates were going to witness this ordeal made it that much more embarrassing. “Um…” leaning back, you uncomfortably shifted on your feet.
“C-can’t someone else-” you let out a yelp when Ashido proceeded to punch you in the back. “Come on! It’ll be fun telling Santa what you want,” you growled and turned around. “I swear to-” you were interrupted when Eijirou came over and laid his hand on your shoulder.
“Of course, Y/n will sit on Santa’s lap!” he said before turning to Eri with a smile, despite his teeth being a slightly frightening sight to her. “Then you can! Don’t worry, if he tries anything you’re surrounded by heroes so it should be easy breezy lemon squeezy!” he declared with a chuckle.
You’d try to hit him, but it was the holiday, and considering his skin could harden it would probably be pointless to try and inflict pain on him. You tilted your head back, sighing loudly. “Ahhhh, fine!” you exclaimed before crossing your arms and shyly looking away.
“I’ll…I’ll do it...” you muttered and Eijirou smirked, “That’s the spirit, go get’em!” he said before pushing you toward Tenya. Ashido smiled and looked at Eri. “See? Just watch how Y/n interacts with Santa!” she said and Eri nodded in response before looking at you and Eijirou.
“Ah hey! Okay, okay!” you replied, wiggling your body this way and that to get his hands off you. Then you looked at Tenya, feeling slightly pathetic because of the way your heart raced. “Um…so yeah uh…” you rubbed the back of your head. “Come closer young one! Do not be afraid!” Tenya replied, and you almost rolled your eyes.
That Santa voice of his was going to get old quick. “Um…” you glanced away, feeling your friend's and Eri's stares beginning to burn a hole through you. Sighing, you stepped closer and watched as Tenya gestured to his lap to signal you to sit down, but you hesitated.
“Come now!” he said before leaning closer and pressing his hand to the side of his mouth despite the beard making it a little difficult. “This is a required demonstration for Eri, I advise you to perform it accordingly,” he whispered before leaning back.
You frowned and balled your hands into tight fists, “Fine!” you replied before awkwardly sitting on his lap. Those butterflies began to twist knots in your stomach, and you tried to ignore the fact that your cheeks were now as red as the suit he wore.
You could feel the way he shifted his legs, trying to adjust to your weight which caused you to wrap your arms around him out of instinct considering you didn’t want to fall. You gasped and felt tingles course through your body when his hand came to rest on the small of your back.
“Uh, I-Iida,” you said, but he was too far gone and tilted his head back, giving another obnoxious laugh. “Hello, Y/n! What would you like to request this year? Please do not hesitate to whisper it into Santa’s ear to ensure it remains a secret!” your eyebrow twitched, and you were tempted to get up and leave.
Then again, you didn’t want to ruin Eri’s holiday. “Um, well I…” you paused, what did you want? Not much. In fact, there was only one thing you thought you wanted, and Tenya was the only one that could give it to you.
Of course, you couldn’t directly say you wanted this thing from him. So instead, with some courage, you leaned forward and hovered your lips next to his ear only to hesitate like earlier. You heard Tenya mumble a soft, “Hm?” and took a deep breath, it was now or never.
“I want a kiss from…t-the boy I like,” you almost immediately felt his body stiffen in response. He found himself speechless at your request or rather confession. He blinked a few times before clearing his throat, “I…S-Santa will try his best, but now I believe it is Eri’s turn!” he said, trying to usher you off his lap.
“Oh um…” you went to move, but Ashido grabbed your shoulder. “Wait you forgot to take a picture with Iid-Santa!” she said, but you were feeling too embarrassed now to even care about something like taking a picture.
“Mina, I really need to go…” you said, prying her hand off your shoulder. “Huh?” She looked surprised but allowed you to slide off Tenya’s lap. “Hey, is everything alright?” Eijirou asked as you passed him with your face covered, intent on running to the safety of your room.
Shota was watching your interaction with Tenya from his position near the front entrance. He was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed. “Mm…” he mumbled before kicking off the wall and walking after you.
“Keep watching Eri,” he instructed as he passed Eijirou and continued into the hallway. ‘What was I even thinking!?’ you frantically screamed inside your head, running down the hallway with your hands pressed firmly to the sides of your cheeks which felt as if they were set ablaze.
‘I’m so stupid! Who asks for a kiss as a gift!?’ you let out a soft whine when you reached your door and quickly entered your bedroom. You sighed, pressing your back against the door and your nails dug into the wood as your thoughts continued.
‘M-maybe I can just go back and tell him it was all a prank. Yeah, hey Iida wasn’t it funny what I said? I got you good, didn’t I?! Hah hah haaaaaah…I’m pathetic…’ you groaned and slumped against the door, wanting to slide all the way down to the floor, but a gentle knocking distracted you.
You froze and your eyes widened. Was Tenya at your door? No, that couldn’t possibly be. He was with Eri, or he should be? Well, either way, it would be rude not to answer. You drew your bottom lip into your mouth, sinking your teeth into it as you turned and nervously opened the door.
“Huh?” you blinked when you saw who was standing on the other side. “M-Mr. Aizawa?” you questioned, watching him close his eyes and nod in response. “Uh, what are-hey!” you frowned when he proceeded to walk into your room without permission.
Then again, he was your teacher, and he didn’t quite seem to follow the rules of proper manners. You rolled your eyes and decided to keep your door open but crossed your arms and turned to see him take a seat on your bed with the tips of his fingers pressed together and his elbows resting on his thighs.
“Uh…heh,” you looked confused before flashing him a smile. “I-is there something you need Mr. Aizawa, sir?” you asked, it was no surprise that many of your classmates were intimidated by this man, and it caused you anxiety thinking over all the possible reasons he might want to talk to you. Was it bad, good, or neither?!
“Calm down,” he said, making you jump in surprise. You glanced to the side, damn it…did he only say that because you looked frightened or something? “Uh…” you folded your hands in front of you, twiddling your thumbs together. “So…why are you here?” maybe if you were more direct, you’d get a clear answer.
He stared at you for a minute or two, making you more uncomfortable than you already were before lifting one hand in the air and motioning you over with his finger. You tilted your head to the side with your eyebrows knitted together but did as he asked.
“What happened?” he inquired once you were close enough and you trembled in response. “W-what happened with what? I d-don’t know-” you stumbled back when he stood up and leered down at you, even without his quirk activated those eyes of his were a frightening sight.
“Don’t say you don’t know,” he said flatly and while his words weren’t intimidating, they still made you feel small. You sighed and slumped your shoulders. “N-nothing happened I just-” he stepped forward, making you stumble back again.
“Y/n,” he said, and you could hear the annoyance in his voice. Throwing your head back, you groaned before stomping your foot. “I said something stupid, okay!?” you suddenly snapped before covering your mouth. “I-I’m sorry!” you did not want to risk igniting his wrath.
However, he seemed unphased by the way you snapped at him. “And what exactly was this stupid thing?” he questioned, crossing his arms. You frowned and slowly curled one hand into the front of your shirt, “I…uh…I’m not sure if I’m comfortable-” before you could finish, he interrupted you.
“What happened with Iida?” he asked bluntly and impatiently tapped his foot against the floor. Your heart accelerated at that moment, and you looked at him with flushed cheeks which you knew he noticed given the fact his eyes narrowed.
You sighed heavily and looked at the floor, even though it was rude to avoid eye contact when speaking to another individual. “Mm…” you groaned and placed your hand on the back of your head, rubbing it awkwardly as if that would help anything.
“I told him what I…w-wanted…that’s all,” you muttered under your breath, and cringed when Mr. Aizawa responded with a “What?” You whined before shouting, “Why are you so dense!?” Yes, you had forgotten that your door was open, and others could possibly hear you.
But considering everyone was in the living room, or was supposed to be, that was unlikely. He kept that same unhappy expression on his face as you continued to snap at him. “I told Iida that I wanted a kiss from the person I like, okay!?” You moved your hands rapidly through the air which ironically resembled Tenya.
“But that was-ah! B-because he’s the one I like and now I must live with the fact I told him that I wanted a kiss from the person I like when he’s the person I like, and I don’t know what to do now and-” you knew you were acting frantic and repeating yourself.
Your eyes watered over, and you quickly wiped them with the back of your hand believing that Mr. Aizawa wouldn't notice. However, they only watered over again. “I’m so stupid,” you whispered, looking away from him.
He suspected something had happened between the two of you given the way you dismissed yourself from the room, and while he knew the policy Yuuei had about dating and that heroes didn’t typically involve themselves in romance.
There wasn’t much one could do when it came to matters of the heart, except maybe break their own. “Well,” he said, dropping his arms. “I won’t stand in your way if you try to pursue him,” if it didn’t interfere with your hero studies, that is. You blinked, “Huh?” Was he being serious?
Before you could ask him anything, he brushed past you and toward your door. Laying one hand on the doorframe, he kept his back to you and said, “You shouldn’t be afraid to say how you feel about someone because it’s often said too late,” and although you couldn't see his pained expression, there was a certain burden to his words.
You knew nothing about Mr. Aizawa’s past nor the fact he was referring to a friend he lost when he was a student. “I…uh…” you shifted uncomfortably, wanting to ask if he was okay but he grabbed the handle of your door and shut it when he stepped out into the hallway, leaving you alone with your thoughts again.
You sighed and slumped your shoulders, maybe Mr. Aizawa was right. Even if you sort of made a fool out of yourself and possibly got rejected by Tenya, it was better to have at least faced your feelings head-on or face the consequences of having already attempted to confess your feelings? Jeez, this was complicated.
“Ahhh, but what am I going to do or say when I see him again!?” you exclaimed falling onto your bed and burying your face into your pillow. You needed some time to think this over, but at some point, in your thought process you ended up falling asleep and hours passed before you suddenly jolted awake.
“Hm?” you blinked, noticing that your room was now pitch black and everything was quiet. “What time is it?” you asked, yawning as you leaned over to look at the digital clock that sat on your nightstand. It was past curfew, which meant everyone was either sleeping or quietly watching movies in the living room.
“Hm…” you placed your hands over your stomach, feeling it rumble. ‘Guess I’m hungry,’ you thought before scooting to the edge of your bed. Bending one arm behind your head, you stretched the other toward the ceiling and cracked your back before opening your door and walking down the hallway.
However, you came to a stop when you reached the darkened living room and glanced at the tree that illuminated the room with different colored hues every few seconds. But that’s not what initially caught your eye, rather it was who was standing in front of the tree.
“Iida?” you asked, shyly approaching him with your hands folded behind your back. He turned around, and your heart skipped a beat when you noticed he wasn’t wearing his glasses which made his gorgeous red eyes stand out even in the semi-dark room.
The blue and white striped pajama set he was currently wearing almost made you chuckle. He even had a matching sleeping cap with a white puff ball at the end of it. Somehow, he had to outdo himself even with sleeping wear.
“Oh, hello Y/n,” he said, concerned about why you were up and felt the urge to address the way you had acted earlier. But perhaps he should tackle one problem at a time, regardless of what had happened earlier, he was quite happy that he had positively impacted Eri’s holiday season.
“Do you require assistance? It’s damaging to one’s physical and mental health if they do not receive the required hours of sleep needed to function properly,” he explained, and the way you chuckled in response caused him to frown.
As class president, he was used to others laughing at his suggestions and continuing their rebellious ways even after he politely asked them to stop. But he had expected better behavior from you considering you weren't the type to act in such a disrespectful manner.
“I could say the same thing to you,” despite the fact your heart was racing, you were slightly thankful he couldn’t see your flushed face given his lack of glasses and the lack of light in the room. “Heh,” you flashed a smile, but it quickly faded.
“Uh…Iida…” ducking your head in shyness, you glanced to the side not exactly willing to speak your next words but if you wanted the awkward tension from earlier to disappear, you needed to address what had happened.
“Yes?” he replied, stepping closer to you which only caused your flush to deepen. “Um…so,” you looked at him nervously. “About earlier,” you said, feeling your chest grow heavy. “I didn’t mean to…uh, I’m sorry if…if I made you feel weird or awkward or-” you stopped speaking when he stepped even closer.
“Please do not apologize, I had not anticipated such a request. However,” he paused and the way he leered at you sent a shiver down your spine. “I believe it would be rather poor if a hero did not attempt to do what is possible within their power,” he stated before holding his hands out.
“May I?” he questioned, and you looked confused for a moment. “Uh, do you want me to?” you motioned with your hands, and he nodded. Another shiver ran down your spine when his fingers closed around the tops of your hands, and you dared to lock eyes with him despite the way your heart continued to race in your chest.
“I wish to grant your holiday request,” he said. “W-what!?” you exclaimed before rapidly shaking your head as butterflies exploded in your stomach. “Oh n-no, you d-don’t have to do that I-” he interrupted you, “Mr. Aizawa had spoken to me,” your expression changed to horror.
“H-h-he did what?” you asked in disbelief and Tenya took a deep breath, given that he didn’t exactly favor repeating himself. “I understand that perhaps your request was due to my failure as I did not realize you harbored feelings of affection for me,” you groaned.
‘I feel like killing that teacher now’ you thought bitterly, why did he even say that stuff about not standing in your way and confessing your feelings if he was just going to tell Tenya how you felt behind your back!? Well, maybe the fact he wanted to give you what you had asked for meant he felt the same way?
“I…” for a split second, you had thought about declining. After all, it was late, and you were hungry. Then again, you had dreamed of this moment for so long and it would be foolish to pass it up. You tightened your grip on his hands and with a soft sigh, you closed your eyes and balanced yourself on the tips of your toes.
Although he was a tad nervous, he would feel a great deal of satisfaction knowing that he had given you the very thing you wanted. “Happy holidays, Y/n,” he stated before leaning down and pressing his lips against yours, hoping the kiss would be satisfactory.
He noticed your lips felt soft, and a certain, indescribable warmth washed over him causing his knees to grow weak. Those butterflies multiplied, making your stomach twist with delight. His lips were firm, and you could taste the faint linger of spearmint.
It was almost like time had stopped, and the world around you went silent. It wasn’t until you found yourself pulling away and panting did you realize how sweet, but passionate the kiss was. Your lips were tingling, and you heard the quiet but slightly uneasy pants coming from Tenya.
Before you could say anything, your stomach growled causing you to wince in response and rip your hands away from his. “Hm?” he blinked, trying to regain his composure. His overall body temperature seemed to have risen, given the fact he felt slightly warmer than previously.
His heart was beating at an unusual rate, and he noticed that a faint feeling of nervousness was causing his stomach to twist into knots. But he also felt happy, and he assumed it was because he had fulfilled your request but in the back of his mind, he knew it was for another reason entirely.
Yet, he couldn’t properly address it now seeing as he was more preoccupied with the way your stomach had growled indicating you were hungry. He cleared his throat, finally regaining his composure and catching your attention.
“Perhaps we should find sustenance, I believe there are numerous baked goods in the kitchen from earlier in the day,” he suggested, and your eyes widened, you hadn’t expected him of all people to insist on eating sweets so late at night.
“However, we must ensure to brush our teeth accordingly after we have finished consuming the baked goods,” ah, there it was. Still, you couldn't help but smile. Tenya was always so caring and responsible. It was no wonder you fell for him.
You giggled softly and nodded. “Very well, please follow me,” he insisted, before walking toward the kitchen and you trailed right behind him. Even if you happened to get a stomachache, this was the best holiday season you’d had in a long time.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Alright @ladycoleigh requested me to make a Tenya x reader. This particular request is as follows:
"Tenya Iida x reader with wings like hawks but can't fly. The reader and Tenya's relationship dynamic is best friends, "they secretly have a crush on each other" dynamic. They are both childhood friends and one-time reader save Tenya when he was falling off a small cliff (they glide down) and ever since then, they were friends. Oh, the reader has like, late bloomer wings oh their wings are too small so they can't fly, but can glide with style. Oh yeah, she's not in UA just a regular high school but Tenya wishes that reader would join him there since she has the "heroic" actions of a hero."
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He failed to notice that the picture had fallen out of his binder, luckily Eijirou who happened to be walking behind him, watched as it fell to the floor. "Hm?" he tilted his head in curiosity and picked it up, narrowing his eyes as he examined it.
He immediately recognized one of the individuals was Tenya, although he looked younger and somehow still the same. But the second individual was unfamiliar and had Eijirou scratching his head trying to figure out if he had seen her walking the halls of Yuuei.
Examining it further, he noticed that the two of you were covered in dirt which made him think that something had happened prior to the photo being taken. Yet, the smile the two of you were wearing indicated that whatever had happened was fine.
"Hey Iida!" he called, making the man stop in his tracks. "Hm?" he turned, looking at the redhead curiously. "Is there something you need assistance with?" he asked. "Uh, no it's just..." he rubbed the back of his head before holding out the photo.
"You kind of dropped this," Tenya's eyes widened. "Oh, I see," he said, taking the photo back. "Thank you, if I were to lose this I would likely be in distress," he carefully tucked it back into his binder. "Sooooo, mind if I ask who is in the photo with you?" his question made Tenya smile.
"That is my dearest friend, Y/n. The photograph was taken shortly after they had saved me from falling off of a cliff. Although the cliff in question was rather small, given my age in the photo it was enough to cause panic," he stated, chopping his hand through the air.
"Yet, Y/n bravely jumped after me using their wings to aid them," he explained. Eijirou tilted his head, his eyes slightly wide. "They have wings?" he asked, having not recalled seeing anything of the sort when looking at the photo.
"I'm afraid their wings are rather small in comparison to such wings you'd see on the pro hero, Hawks. However, they are able to glide when needed. That is how they saved me from any potential injuries as a result of falling off of the cliff," he explained with the same smile on his face.
It was strange to think that you brought him so much happiness, but the story he was sharing with Eijirou was the very one that started your friendship. While Tenya cherished you as a friend, throughout the years he came to the conclusion that his feelings went beyond what one would feel in a normal friendship.
He held a sense of affection for you and he wished more than anything that he could find the courage to break the barrier that separated you as friends and yet he knew this was a tricky and rather dangerous thing to do.
He did not wish to make your friendship awkward or worse, lose you altogether. Yet, he continued to find himself wishing he could be yours. "Iida," Eijirou said, taking a step closer. "Are you okay man?" he asked, noticing that the other's expression turned into something of pain and concern.
"Hm?" Tenya refocused his attention on Eijirou, then he cleared his throat. "Yes, forgive me I was merely..." he paused, tempted to pull out the photo once more just so he could look at your face. But, he decided against it. "Thinking..." he finished causing the redhead to frown.
He opened his mouth, wanting to yet again ask if Tenya was okay. But, his attempts were interrupted. "Pardon me, I believe I have to make a call," he turned to walk down the hallway and to his room. He placed the binder onto his shelf, making sure it was in the correct alphabetical space before grabbing his phone.
Quickly unlocking the device, he held it up to his ear and listened to the dial tone. Anxiously, he shifted back and forth on his feet. He had long since accepted that wanting to hear your voice was normal and that something so simple brightened his day.
As the dial tone continued, he worried you might be busy. But then a soft click sounded and he held his breath as you said, "Hello," in the sweetest voice. His lips hung open a moment and you repeated, "Hello?" before pulling your phone back to see the screen.
You knew Tenya had called you and for him to be so quiet on the other end was unusual. You raised your eyebrow and pressed the phone back to your ear. "Greetings Y/n!" his voice was loud and clear and made you wince.
You should be used to how Tenya spoke by now, but sometimes he still made your ears ache. "Uh, hi Tenya," you said, chewing on your bottom lip. "Is anything wrong? You usually don't call this late in the afternoon," then again there had been some late-night calls lately.
It was nice to hear his voice before bed and wake up to his usual good morning text. Tenya cleared his throat, absent-mindedly pulling at the collar of his shirt. "I assure you everything is fine!" he announced, chopping his hand through the air.
"I simply...wished to hear your voice and perhaps convince you to spend the remainder of your evening at the Height's Alliance. I am most certain I can receive Mr. Aizawa's approval," you knew that Mr. Aizawa was Tenya's teacher.
You often wondered what it would have been like to go to Yuuei High, Tenya had tried to convince you time and time again to enroll. But, your quirk wasn't very useful for anything but gliding, and even with his constant encouragement, you knew you couldn't be a hero.
Yet, he always seemed to see you in that light and you knew it was because you just so happened to save him when the two of you were kids. But even if you didn't, the most that would have happened was a nasty tumble and possibly some bruising, maybe a broken bone.
"Uh...." you nervously chuckled, rubbing the back of your head. "I...I don't know Tenya, you're surrounded by heroes and...I wouldn't want to be a bother," you said, despite knowing what Tenya's response would be.
"Fear not! You are not a bother in any sense of the word, I assure you that my fellow classmates would be astonished to meet you," he responded in a cheerful manner that made your heart twist in your chest. Your eyes glanced to the clock on your desk, knowing that there was plenty of daylight left.
"Mm..." your small wings flapped against your shoulder blades, the tiny feathered ends brushing against the fabric of your shirt. You did miss being in Tenya's presence and the two of you had been so busy lately, you barely had time to hang out.
"O...okay," you responded, hearing his cheerful laugh through the phone. "Excellent, do you need an escort?" the question made you raise your eyebrow before shaking your head. "No, I know where Yuuei is," the school was popular enough anyway.
"Very well, please inform me when you are five minutes away and I shall come out and greet you," silence filled the air for a few moments before you nodded. "Okay, see you then," with that, you hung up the phone and looked outside.
You briefly wondered what would happen when you arrived, more than likely Tenya would finally introduce you to everyone in his class. A sigh escaped as you grabbed your backpack, making sure you had all the necessary items you'd need before leaving.
Slipping your phone into your pocket, you made your way outside and began to walk down the street. The leaves falling from the trees almost seemed to drown out the sound of your shoes against the sidewalk.
You couldn't help but allow your eyes to drift toward the sky, part of you felt a small tinge of sadness tug at your heart as a few birds flew by. At times, you were jealous of them. They could fly freely wherever they wanted and you, well you were stuck on the ground.
Your feathers puffed up ever so slightly when you passed Yuuei High, but you shook this feeling off and pulled out your phone to send Tenya a quick text. It didn't take long for him to find you and as usual, you noticed he was dressed prim and perfect.
"Y/n!" he shouted causing you to jump in response. "Hi Tenya," you said after a long pause, needing a few moments to shake off the fact that he had unintentionally surprised you. "I'm quite glad to see you have arrived safely, please allow me to escort you to the Height's Alliance," he stated, offering you his arm.
You took it with no resistance, feeling your heart speed up. Tenya was always like this...sweet, caring, and putting others ahead of himself. It didn't take long for you to notice the heat flowing to your cheeks and the fact that your wings remained puffed up.
'I hope he doesn't notice...' even though it was a little pointless to hope for such a thing considering that Tenya was observant by nature. But as he guided you up the stairs and to the door of the Height's Alliance building, a loud explosion immediately shifted his attention elsewhere.
Slamming open the door, he clenched his jaw. "What is the meaning of this!? There are strict rules regarding quirk usage in the confines of the student housing buildings!" he snapped, narrowing his eyes on Katsuki who as usual, looked pissed.
His hands were fisted into Eijirou's shirt and Kaminari had his arms around the redhead's waist, more than likely trying to pull him away from harm. "Eh?" Katsuki responded, turning his full attention to Tenya with a scowl.
"What the hell is it to you, four eyes!?" he snapped, pushing Eijirou away as he marched up to Tenya. Out of instinct, you reached out and grabbed the back of his shirt. "Hm?" he paused and glanced over his shoulder at you.
His gaze lingered on you before he turned back to Katsuki. "This is a very poor introduction for my guest," he stated, making Eijirou instantly perk up. "Guest!?" he said, jogging over to Katsuki to lay his hand on his shoulder.
"Come on Bakubro, you can at least be civil for Iida's guest," he said, receiving Katsuki's growl in response. "Shut the hell up!" the blond snapped, prying Eijirou's hand off of his shoulder. "I don't give a damn about a useless extra!" he said, proceeding to stomp away.
You blinked, staring wide-eyed at this strange and angry individual. His words somewhat hurt you, but you couldn't really argue considering you knew that some heroes did view themselves as being above others.
However, the redheaded boy's words distracted you. "Don't worry about him!" he said, stepping closer to you and Iida. "Hi! My name is Eijirou Kirishima!" he announced, holding his hand out before another blond boy bounced on him.
"Annnnnnnd I'm Kaminari Denki!" he announced with a bright smile, taking the time to trace your figure up and down. "It's kind of funny, I didn't expect Iida to know a hottie like you," he winked, obviously trying to flirt.
"Uh..." you took a step back, but Tenya held his arm in front of you. "Please do not speak to Y/n in that manner!" Eijirou's eyes widened, remembering the event that had taken place earlier. "Wait...Y/n? From the photo?" he asked as he pointed a finger at you.
Your eyebrows knit together. "Photo?" you repeated, looking at Tenya confused. However, this was short-lived when you felt someone tug on your arm causing you to gasp. You stumbled past Tenya whose jaw was hanging open in disbelief and nearly crashed into Eijirou who was the one that pulled you.
"That's unacceptable behavior, Kirishima!" he hissed out while chopping both hands through the air frantically. "Please apologize at once and treat them with the utmost manners!" it was clear that he was angry over how you were being treated even though Eijirou meant you no harm.
"Aw, come on Iida!" he responded before Kaminari nodded. "Yeah, we're just trying to get to know your friend," he said before turning to you. "Let me guess...you're a hero too, right!?" he exclaimed excitedly, making you step back despite Eijirou's hold on you.
"Oh yeah! Iida told me a story about how you saved him when you guys were little! That's super manly! You must be enrolled in another hero school, huh!?" you couldn't help but frown, and swallowed hard trying to find your voice.
You ended up shaking your head, feeling a little anxious because of the attention you were receiving. "You're...not?" Kaminari responded, exchanging a look with Eijirou who chuckled nervously and finally released his hold on you.
"Oh...heh, sorry. After Iida told me that story I kind of assumed and-" his words were interrupted when Tenya laid his hand on your shoulder. "Kirishima, Denki...perhaps this is not the best topic to discuss," he said in a stern tone.
He knew that this topic made you uncomfortable and that was his own fault. He had continuously praised you for your heroics and still tried to convince you to enroll at Yuuei knowing that you could get special recommendations.
But your answer was always the same. "I-it's fine," you said, trying to reassure Tenya. "I just...don't think I'm much of the hero type," nervously scratching your head, you looked at all three boys before clearing your throat.
"A-after all," you cursed the fact you were stuttering. "There's not much I can do with my quirk," you turned, showing off your small red wings which nervously fluttered against your shoulders. "That's your quirk?" Kaminari questioned with a pointed finger.
"I mean...heh, my skin can harden and I didn't think that was much of a quirk but here I am! After all, it's not so much the quirk but how you use it, right?" Eijirou said, offering you a smile. "Mm..." you glanced to the side before hearing Tenya clear his throat.
"Perhaps Y/n can meet the rest of our classmates," he said, his voice deepening to that all too familiar authoritative tone. "I am most certain you'd enjoy meeting my friends, Izuku Midoriya and Uraraka Ochako," with that, he once again offered you his arm.
You looked at him with a furrowed brow but took the offered arm. Failing to notice the way he looked at Kaminari and Eijirou as he passed by. "I would like to speak to the two of you privately," he informed them before continuing on his way to the kitchen where his friends stood.
"What does that mean?" Kaminari asked as he turned to Eijirou who shrugged in response. "Who knows what Iida means," he said, folding his hands behind his head. "But Y/n is important to him so...maybe he just wants to make sure they feel welcomed," he suggested, but something told him it was more than that.
"Ohhh, your friend?!" Uraraka cheerfully exclaimed, clapping her hands while Izuku got red in the face. "H-hi um, I d-didn't know Iida had f-friends outside of um...Y-Yuuei. It's nice to m-meet you!" he said, bowing nervously.
You took a step back, somewhat bewildered by his actions. But, a chuckle left your mouth. "It's nice to meet you too?" you said, somewhat uncertain. Uraraka laughed while you nervously shifted on your feet.
"Don't mind him, Deku is just a little shy," she said, making you tilt your head. "Deku?" you repeated. "Oh!" she giggled, scratching the back of her head. "Sorry, that's his hero name!" your lips hung open slightly as you nodded.
'That's right, Tenya is called Ingenium...should have put two and two together,' you thought before suddenly realizing that Tenya wasn't standing by your side as usual. "Huh!?" you whipped your head back and forth, feeling your heart accelerate.
Uraraka noticed this strange movement and frowned. "Is something wrong?" she questioned, blinking her big brown eyes at you. "Did...I mean, w-where's Tenya?" you asked, a little nervous to be without him. You rubbed your arm awkwardly as Izuku looked past you, he seemed as concerned as you were.
"Um...m-maybe he had to do something? I-Iida always seems b-busy," you knew this made sense, but you couldn't help but wonder back to the two boys you met earlier. Eijirou and Kaminari and how Tenya mumbled something to them before introducing you to his friends.
"Come on!" Uraraka said enthusiastically as she grabbed your hand, you jumped in response before looking at her confused. "I'll introduce you to the girls! I'm sure they'll be interested in hearing all about you and Iida," she said and before you had the chance to protest, she began leading you away.
"Uh, Ochako..." Izuku said, following behind you two. "If you like Y/n you should tell them!" Eijirou said, backing Tenya up against the wall in the hallway. "Yeah, man! If what Kirishima said is true then maybe you really could convince them to come to Yuuei so you wouldn't need to deal with the distance!" he suggested.
While Tenya appreciated their kindness, he couldn't just force you to do something. Though he had been quite persistent when it came to you becoming a hero, eventually he'd have to accept that you had your own life to live.
Yet, he refused to allow you to live a life without him by your side. Yes, he knew this was selfish, but he didn't care. You were always different and he wasn't going to let you go. After all, the hardest thing he had to do thus far, was separate himself from you when making the decision to go to Yuuei.
He hated to admit that perhaps he was also jealous that someone else might take you away from him. That he'd be one day too late in finally telling you how he felt. Of course, he didn't know or failed to notice that you felt the same exact way about him.
That you too had developed a crush on him, or perhaps more. His hands balled into fists and a sigh escaped him. "Thank you, but I am afraid it's too soon to confess anything," he said before turning his head to look at you in the living room.
"I am quite content having them as I do now," he said, before walking away. "Eh!?" Eijirou exclaimed, holding his hand out. "W-wait man!" he said but was utterly ignored by Tenya. He winced and looked at Kaminari. "Uh...maybe he just wants to be near Y/n super bad right now?" he suggested with a shrug.
"Your wings are so cute!" Tsuyu said, reaching out to pet them. You trembled in response but didn't say anything. You didn't really like people touching your wings, but you knew most of them meant no harm when they did.
You tried taking a deep breath to remain calm and turned your head toward the hallway when you heard footsteps. Immediately a sense of calm filled you when your eyes landed on Tenya. You gave a smile and waved your hand at him. He stiffened but returned the gesture before someone grabbed his shoulder.
"Seriously man! We got your back if you wanna tell her-" Tenya shook his head at Eijirou's words. "Perhaps this confession could take place at a later date," he suggested before continuing on his way. "Hello," he said, greeting you and the rest of the girls.
Kyoka smirked and leaned back against the couch, twirling one of her elongated lobes between her fingers. "So Prez...didn't peg you as someone to have such a cool friend," she teased. "Hey!" Uraraka replied, somewhat pink in the face but Kyoka just offered her a smile.
"Kidding," she said, raising her hands in surrender. "Hm..." Tenya mumbled before clearing his throat. "May I sit next to Y/n?" he asked, making Tsuyu pause and look up at him. "Ribbit, sure Iida," she responded before standing from the couch and offering her seat to him.
"Thank you very much," he said, giving her a small bow of appreciation before taking the offered seat. "I hope you have been having a pleasant interaction," he stated, nervously lifting his hand to place over yours.
You jumped slightly, noticing that his hand was warm and though he made no move to grab your hand, the fact that he placed his over yours was surprising. Then again, you used to hold hands all the time as kids. 'Maybe he's feeling nostalgic today?' you thought, but ultimately shrugged it off.
"So, what school do you go to?" Kyoka asked, making you frown in response. "Well, I...I just go to a regular school..." you responded, making her chuckle. "Being friends with Iida, you'd think he'd force you to be a hero," she teased making Tenya clench his jaw.
"I assure you that I do not force individuals to perform actions or otherwise that they do not favor!" he exclaimed, chopping his hand through the air. "While I believe that Y/n would-mmm!" before he could finish, you clasped your hand over his mouth. He looked absolutely offended by this but said nothing as you pulled your hand back.
"Tenya..." you sighed, shaking your head. "Sorry, it's just...a lot of people say I look like Hawks because of my wings and that I should go to hero school and it gets a little tiring," you explained, feeling your face grow warm with embarrassment.
"You don't have to be a hero," Uraraka's gentle voice came as she laid her hand on your knee. "There's more than one way to save someone!" she exclaimed with a smile while the rest of the girls nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, don't sweat it," Kyoka said. "I'm sure Iida would agree too," Tsuyu said pointing her finger at him, you could feel his hand tighten around yours, and turned to look at him. "Tenya...are you okay?" he seemed almost angry, his body stiff and his lips pressed tightly together.
After a moment, he responded. "Yes," he said, before looking you in the eye. Then he guided your hand up to his lips, giving the top of your knuckles a soft kiss. This action caused you to instantly flush and you heard several of the girls "aw" in response to witnessing this.
'Though you may not be a hero and continue to decline going down such a path. I will give it my all on my journey to become one so you may always look at heroes in a positive light,' he thought, guiding your hand back down.
"Does that count as a confession?" Kaminari asked, he and Eijirou had watched the whole thing from their position in the hallway. "Well...I guess it's a start," Eijirou replied before smiling. "But one day, I'm sure Iida will confess and Y/n is bound to feel the same way!" he said, excitedly.
"You think so?" Kaminari asked making Eijirou nod. "Yup!" he exclaimed. "And when that day comes, we'll be right there for them if they need it!" after all, that's what friends did. Kaminari smiled, "I guess we will," he replied before once again focusing his attention on you and Tenya.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
iida x fem reader go to the carnival (including the rest ) and his reaction to y’all kissing on top of the ferris wheel please 💖💖
[ Ah, yes. Field trip to the carnival. I just love writing for Tenya and he gets a kiss in this one, hell yeah! This sounds super cute, I apologize for taking so long to do your request. But it's Tenya, so maybe it's worth the wait especially given how I write him. Ashido is once again acting like the wingman in this fic. I hope you enjoy. ]
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"Whoo carnival!" Ashido shouted, walking alongside Katsuki, Eijirou, Hanta, and Kaminari. "I'm planning on riding the manliest rollercoaster here!" Eijirou declared with his fist raised in the air. "There's no such thing here dumbass!" Katsuki snapped.
"I hate to say it, but Bakugou may have a point," Hanta said, while Kaminari tapped his chin. "How many rides can we actually go on? Some of them are for kids," you covered your mouth, trying not to chuckle at their conversation as you passed by them.
You were walking with Uraraka, Izuku, and Tenya. "This is going to be great!" she declared excitedly. "Don't you think Y/n?" she questioned, turning to look at you with her big brown eyes. "Um..." you glanced around, feeling a little anxious because of the crowd.
Then again, you should have expected that parents would bring their children here. You were never a big fan of social events, but everyone in Class A seemed to collectively agree that they wanted to come here. Personally, you didn't see anything special about it.
"It's kind of crowded?" you replied, giving Uraraka an awkward smile. Tenya glanced at you, uncertain as to why you would make such an obvious statement. "Uh...I think Y/n is r-right...maybe we should have c-come at a later time," Izuku chimed in, being his usual shy self.
"I believe this is the ideal time of day to participate in the carnival, we have a curfew to keep, and arriving any later would result in breaking said curfew," Tenya replied just before glancing down at a small pamphlet. You furrowed your brow, leaning to the side to try and see what he was looking at.
"There are several safe and age-appropriate rides we can participate in," he paused and pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose, raising his unusual-looking eyebrow when he noticed how oddly close you were to him.
"Oh heh..." you leaned back, gently bumping into Uraraka. "Sorry," you muttered before Tenya cleared his throat. "I believe it would be of use to go over the precautions I had previously-" his words came to an abrupt stop when Uraraka suddenly grabbed Izuku's wrist and proceeded to run.
"Goodbye Iida!" she shouted, waving her hand with a smile while Izuku turned red in the face. Tenya's body stiffened and he raised his hand, chopping it furiously through the air. "Do not run in a crowded area! It's quite rude to leave without properly finishing a conversation!" why did no one listen to reason?
Were rules and safety precautions not meant to be followed? It disappointed him, but this was more or less how he was always treated. "I suppose it cannot be helped," he said, folding the pamphlet up before tucking it into his pocket.
Your heart raced at the realization that you were now alone with him. You had developed feelings for Tenya recently and only you and the rest of the girls knew about it, or so you thought. On occasion, you would get paranoid believing that your feelings for him were obvious to everyone.
But, even if that were the case nobody said anything. "Y/n," came Tenya's smooth voice, causing a shiver to course down your spine. "Uh..." your mouth felt dry and you knew you couldn't possibly act normal when you were alone with him.
"Uh y-yeah!?" you exclaimed with a nervous laugh, startling him in the process. He took a step back, looking concerned and bewildered. Blinking once or twice, he leaned over and asked "Are you well?" and you mentally slapped yourself. It hadn't even been a minute and you were already making a fool of yourself.
You latched onto your lip, nodding in response. "Hm..." he leaned back up and grasped his chin, studying you for a moment. He wasn't certain why you always seemed to display such odd tendencies around him. The obvious explanation failed to come to him.
After a few seconds of silence, he spoke. "I see," turning his head, he placed his hand against his forehead to shield his eyes from the sun. You looked at him confused, but quickly assumed he was looking at something in the distance.
"I believe the safest and least crowded ride would be the Ferris wheel," he said, and you took a step back. "F-Ferris wheel?" you repeated, feeling your cheeks flush at the thought. Weren't Ferris wheels usually romantic?
Tenya noticed the discoloration of your cheeks immediately. "Perhaps you would favor a drink first?" he asked, having noted that the nearest concession stand wasn't crowded. "Um, s-sure!" you replied, once again raising your voice by mistake.
But, he seemed to ignore this and nodded. "Very well, I do not believe that would alter our schedule negatively," he said, walking over to the concession stand he previously spotted and you were quick to follow. Maybe a drink would help you, or at least help your body physically cool down.
For a moment you wondered where Shoto was because you could sure make use of his ice quirk right now, but more than likely he had met up with your other classmates. This was turning more into a group trip rather than a school one. You glanced over, taking the sight of Tenya in.
'Why is he so handsome?' you thought, shifting your gaze to the sky and the few clouds that floated by. Tenya insisted on paying for your drink, although you had settled on getting water as opposed to one of the many sugary-drinks that took up a majority of the menu.
"Do you have a fear of heights or any heart conditions I am not aware of?" he asked while the two of you waited in line for the Ferris wheel. You looked at him with a furrowed brow, then again you should have expected him to ask something like that.
"Um, n-no..." you responded, yeah sometimes heights were scary but they were better when someone else was by your side. "Very well, I am glad to know that," he responded in an almost robotic way. 'Why do I like this guy again?' you thought, giving a nervous chuckle.
It was like a switch, one day he was just a normal classmate, and the next he was a love interest. Jeez, no wonder they say feelings are complicated. You were distracted from your thoughts when you heard the sound of Ashido's voice.
"Ohhh Y/n and Iida!" she called, rushing up to you with Kyoka, Momo, and Tsuyu trailing behind her. "Oh, hi Mina," you responded, somewhat thankful that she and the other girls had shown up. Ashido smiled and folded her hands behind her back.
"Is this a date?" she teased, making you blush furiously while Tenya just looked plain confused. You stepped forward, covering her mouth with your hand. She mumbled something in response and began moving her arms frantically, but you ignored this and looked at Tenya from over your shoulder.
"I'll be r-right back!" you said, dropping your hand from her mouth and grabbing her wrist to drag her away. Kyoka, Momo, and Tsuyu looked at each other with concern and were quick to follow behind you and Ashido who you dragged around the nearest corner.
"What was that about!?" she demanded, placing her hands on her hips and impatiently tapping her foot against the ground. "Yeah, I've never seen you act that way before Y/n," Tsuyu said, placing her hand on your back.
"She's got a point, you haven't been so chill lately," Kyoka pointed out, twirling one of her elongated lobes around her finger. Momo nodded in agreement and approached, leaning down to be face-to-face with you.
"Why don't you tell us what's going on?" she said, leaning back and crossing her arms. "I understand that you have a crush on Iida but-" she was silenced when you hissed out "Shhh!" and glanced around in a paranoid fashion.
"Wait...you haven't told him yet?" Kyoka asked, tugging on the sleeve of your shirt. You turned to look at her, "W-well I..." Tsuyu then tugged on the back of your shirt. "Is there something wrong? Ribbit, are you afraid Iida will reject you?" Of course, you were afraid of being rejected!
Tenya was so focused on being a hero, he probably didn't even notice you had feelings for him or maybe he had and was waiting for the right moment to put you down gently or worse! He was ignoring the fact you had feelings for him until he knew they no longer existed.
Your head was beginning to hurt with all this paranoid thinking. You frowned and focused your attention on the ground, kicking a pebble. "Is it that obvious?" you asked with a slightly disgruntled voice making all four of the girl's frown. "Sorry," Tsuyu was the first to speak up.
"I didn't mean to upset you it's just..." Kyoka paused and looked at Momo who pressed her hands against her chest. She was good at giving advice when it came to academics but romance, not so much. "Uh...well..." she shifted her eyes back and forth, trying to come up with something to say.
"It's just that...there's nothing wrong with liking someone," she concluded, "Iida is very intelligent and sweet and-" her words were cut off when Ashido grabbed your shoulders and proceeded to shake you. "Kiss him already!" she demanded, making your face bright red.
"What!?" you squeaked out while Tsuyu, Kyoka, and Momo looked at her with just as much disbelief. "Um, Mina is that a good idea?" Momo asked only to have Ashido glare at her in response. "Of course, it's a good idea!" she concluded before turning back to look at you.
"The only way you're going to figure out what you really want is to go after it!" she exclaimed with a pointed finger. "The Ferris wheel is your perfect chance," she said, but the thought of kissing Tenya was more than you could bare. "B-but-" you tried to argue but Ashido shook her head.
"No buts! We'll support you, right!?" she said, referring to herself, and the three other girls. "Wait a min-" Kyoka tried to argue but was interrupted by Ashido who threw her arms around each of them, pulling them close in somewhat of a forced hug.
"We'll take a ride on the Ferris wheel too, and we won't be too far away if you need us!" she declared and for a moment, you could hardly believe you were actually considering going through with what she said. Then again, maybe it would be better for you to rip the bandaid off.
To see if your feelings would grow or wilt away. Taking a deep breath, you curled your hands into fists and raised one in the air. "I'll do it!" you declared, despite the butterflies growing in your stomach. Momo and Tsuyu looked shocked, Kyoka just raised her eyebrow and Ashido smiled.
"Yes!" she declared, throwing her arms into the air. "We'll go stand in line, and you go back to Iida before it's too late!" she said, urgently grabbing your shoulders and forcing you to turn around. You weren't expecting to be shoved forward, but you imagined the way you stumbled to regain your balance was amusing to some.
"Hey!" you snapped, grateful you hadn't fallen to the ground and ruined your outfit. The last thing you needed was for Tenya to complain that you had gotten dirty. You cast a glare at Ashido who only smiled and motioned for you to go.
You frowned and crossed your arms in a huff. "Fine," you said before taking a deep breath to regain your composure. Of course, this did very little considering your heart sped up as soon as you saw Tenya who was now standing at the front of the seemingly short Ferris wheel line.
"Sorry!" you said, running up to him just as the ride operator opened the gate. "Hm?" he turned, glancing over you once. His gaze made you tremble, but you prayed that wasn't noticeable. "That's quite alright," he said before gesturing to the ride with his hand.
"I believe it is our turn to board," you looked over, seeing the ride operator motioning you forward. "Oh, sorry!" you said, walking up the short ramp to one of the pods of the Ferris wheel. "Pardon," Tenya said, walking past you and into the pod.
Then, he turned and offered you his hand. "Please be aware of the small gap, I do not wish for you to misstep and injure yourself," your heart sped up and you stared at his offered hand before hesitantly grabbing it.
You felt tingles run down your arm as he helped you climb inside and you could hardly believe that you were sitting next to him, all alone. Silence filled the air and you felt the gentle breeze against your face when the wheel began to move.
You looked around, watching as the ground became smaller and smaller. As you neared the top of the Ferris wheel, you grasped the edge of the pod and leaned over. "Pardon my touch," Tenya said, laying his hand on your shoulder which caused your heart to skip a beat.
"Uh..." when you turned your head to look at him, you felt the butterflies in your stomach multiple. "Leaning over any open space can result in serious injury," he said with his normal serious expression on.
"Oh, uh, r-right," you said, taking your seat once more and folding your hands between your thighs. You frowned and looked away from him. Everything was so small, but the colors that painted the ground below seemed to stand out.
"Mm..." you glanced back at Tenya, who was sitting straight in his seat. His shoulders squared and his gaze was fixated forward. "Um...I-Iida," you said, hoping to get his attention. The Ferris wheel moved once again and you felt a little uneasy knowing you were at the very top of it.
The pod rocked back and forth, and when Tenya turned to look at you, the realization of what you were determined to do finally sank in. "Yes, Y/n?" he said, and you couldn't help but focus on his lips. How would you go about kissing him?
You had limited time left and you knew it was now or never. "Can I..." you scooted closer causing him to raise his eyebrow. You draped your arm against his shoulder and grasped the back of his neck with your hand. Almost smiling when you felt how he trembled at your touch.
"I..." Tenya cleared his throat, "may I ask what you are doing?" he certainly was unfamiliar with such affectionate touches. For a brief moment, you thought about backing out. Tell him that it was all a joke and that his expression was laughable and that you were only teasing him.
But instead, you mustered the courage to place your opposite hand against his cheek noticing that it was warm. Were you making Tenya nervous and if so, how? He was the calmest and most collected person you had ever seen. Well...as long as you didn't hit a sore spot of his.
"I...w-want to t-tell you something," you replied nervously which made his unusual eyebrows raise. "I...I'm afraid I do not know what you need to verbally express that involves physical touch," he said, he was not used to someone being this forward with him.
Your heart was beating frantically, and in a split-second decision, you reached up and snatched his glasses off. "Excuse me!" he exclaimed, unexpectedly leaning forward. His chest collided with yours and you instinctively leaned back, trying to keep the glasses out of his reach.
The hand that was pressed against the back of his head was now fisted into the back of his shirt and you heard the gears to the Ferris wheel roar to life and the seat tilted backward signaling that you were about to move again.
'The Ferris wheel is your perfect chance,' Ashido's words echoed in your head and you closed your eyes, feeling Tenya's hand grasp onto yours in an effort to retrieve his glasses. You leaned forward, roughly pressing your lips against his.
He wasn't expecting to feel your warm and slightly fruity-tasting lips against his. A chill ran through his body and all at once he froze, eyes wide in disbelief. Yet, there was a certain excitement that filled him and caused his heart to speed up to an unusual pace.
He failed to notice his breathing had halted until he jolted away and gasped violently. That's when he noticed he felt slightly hotter than usual and reached up, tugging at the collar of his shirt. Then he proceeded to press one hand to the side of his neck, feeling just how high his pulse rate was.
Your face remained equally as red as his, but unlike him, you didn't need to question why you were blushing. "Uh...s-sorry," you stuttered out, feeling the way your lips tingled. He looked at you, his eyes still full of disbelief but he said nothing.
"Ahhhh!" Ashido squealed, leaning halfway out of the pod with Tsuyu desperately clinging onto the back of her shirt. She was holding her phone up and grinning happily at the picture she had taken of you and Tenya kissing.
"Was it really necessary to take their picture?" Momo asked, sounding almost bored and Kyoka was sitting to the side of her, seemingly in her own little world. Tsuyu pulled Ashido back into the pod, "I think it was a little weird to take a picture of their private moment," she replied but Ashido waved her off.
"Y/n will be so happy I took her picture with Tenya!" she announced, making Momo sigh and Tsuyu press a finger to her chin, tilting her head in confusion. "Do you think that means she finally told Iida that she likes him?" Ashido asked with a smile, but Tsuyu remained silent while Momo merely shrugged.
"I just...I mean I w-wanted to tell you that I...I l-like you," a long moment of silence followed your confession and you handed him his glasses back. After he cleaned them with a cloth, he put them back on and looked at you. His face was still colored red and you were almost certain he was going to reject you.
But instead, what he said surprised you. "If one has feelings for another, it isn't proper to kiss until the two consent and agree to a date," you blinked in response. "Huh?" what the hell did that mean? He grasped his chin and leaned back in his seat with his eyes closed.
The Ferris wheel continued to move and you frowned. "So does that mean-" you jumped when he suddenly turned to look at you. "I believe I can rearrange my schedule to reserve two hours of time on Saturday," you furrowed your brow.
"Wait...so...you want to go on a date?" you asked and watched as he raised one eyebrow. "I believe that is what one does when they wish to perform such actions as kissing, correct?" he responded, making you flush again.
"Uh, r-right!" you said before realizing that you were back where you started. The Ferris wheel had stopped and the ride operator walked over and motioned for the two of you to get off. Once again Tenya walked ahead of you and offered his hand to help you step off the pod.
"Perhaps we can enjoy the rest of these rides and discuss what we would like to do on our official date," he suggested. "Mm..." you nodded in response. In the back of your mind, however, you worried about what crazy thing Ashido would convince you to do on your future date.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
[ This was partly inspired by a role play scene I had created with one of my dear friends that involved my Tenya comforting their Shoto when it came to the subject of being different. So I thought I could adapt that scenario to a Tenya!Villain story because let’s face it, we need more villain au’s. ]
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[ Being born quirkless, you were always at a disadvantage and most students at Yuuei continuously bullied you. You’re almost at the breaking point, but with graduation, just around the corner, you couldn’t afford to quit now. No matter how different and isolated everyone made you feel. Well, almost everyone. Who knew that you’d eventually find solace in a former student turned villain. ]
What he did was broadcast over every news station in Japan. ‘The famous hero school, Yuuei High, has just been attacked by the villain known as Ingenium, a former student turned villain. There are a number of reported injuries and one student is reported to be missing.’ That student happened to be you.
The only quirkless individual at Yuuei, how you got into the school without a quirk was complicated. But it boiled down to you having to get particular recommendations, and from there you had to follow strict rules regarding your academic grades.
Luckily you had been interested in support gear since you picked up your first wrench and you had made many successful pieces of support gear and hero suits. You were often referred to as the second Mei Hatsume and you were damn proud of your work.
But even with this outstanding skill, you were harassed by your fellow students. At first, you tried to ignore it and keep a positive mindset, although this wasn’t easy. Especially because you were reminded each and everyday about your quirkless status. 
How you weren’t “normal” and how you didn’t deserve to be a part of Yuuei because of it. Many nights you cried because you were starting to believe what they were telling you. But with graduation just around the corner, you were trying your best to hold on until you could properly bid Yuuei goodbye.
You had woken up just like every morning and walked to school, ready to work on whatever projects the hero students handed you. You happened to be hunched over your workstation when a loud bang, almost like a bomb going off rumbled through the school causing you to fall off of your work stool.
This was followed by frantic screaming and the sound of an alarm going off. “What’s going on?!” you shouted from the floor, helplessly watching your fellow students scramble. You quickly pushed yourself up, trying to ignore the ringing in your ears due to the alarm.
“Hey!” you tried to get the attention of one of your classmates but ended up stumbling forward when someone else shoved you aside. “Excuse me!” you turned around, wanting to address the one who had just shoved you, but ended up getting shoved again and fell to the floor for the second time.  
“Get your head straight quirkless kid! We have to get our equipment to help with whatever is going on!” someone shouted and your hands balled into trembling fists while that familiar ache coursed through your chest.
You had half a mind to scream, but that’s when the floor beneath you started shaking violently. “What the hell!?” you exclaimed just before one of the walls to the Development Studio blew up, causing chunks of foundation to fly and the blaring alarm to finally cease. 
Your hands immediately shielded your head, but you could feel said foundation chunks create small cuts along the length of your arms. You ignored the discomfort and immediately zoned in on a mechanical-like humming. “Huh?” you dropped your hands and looked toward the now demolished wall.
You gasped when you realized the source of the noise was coming from Ingenium who proceeded to climb through the wall. His suit was littered with various dark scratches and dents but seemed to function fine though be it a tad slow and movement clunky.
Your blood ran cold when he fixated his gaze on you. “Y/n,” he said, his voice coated in a twisted robotic overtone. "I require your assistance, please come with me or I am afraid I will have to use more forceful means of persuasion," he walked over, casting you in his shadow. 
You scrambled back on the floor, wanting to distance yourself from him. Although this was foolish considering there was no possible way you could escape. Despite being filled with fear, you couldn’t help but glance over his suit. Several panels had wires sticking out of them, some even appeared to be sparking. 
Your glance slowly crept to his eyes or rather the slits in his helmet where his eyes were. Part of you couldn’t believe what he had done to the suit that you helped create, especially given his attitude on proper appearance.
Then again, he had turned into a villain. Maybe his mannerisms changed too, but it was hard to believe that someone could change that much. You slowly tried to get on your feet again. “I...I...” you pressed your hands to your chest, only now wishing that you had created a ‘fail safe’ for his suit. 
Why was he even here and why did he want you? Being born with a quirk would have made this whole situation less terrifying. He narrowed his eyes, normally he would be concerned when someone stuttered or had trouble speaking. 
But, he assumed it was due to you being rather frightened and he knew that unfortunately, he’d have to use that fear against you. “I see I must persuade you,” with that, he brought one foot up and forcefully slammed it down causing the floor to crack which made you lose your balance. 
Once again you were on the floor and just seconds later, Ingenium’s foot impacted the space next to your head causing you to freeze. Suddenly one of your classmates shouted, “There he is!” and several frantic footsteps echoed behind you. 
The expression in Ingenium’s eyes told you more than enough and it was safe to assume that your classmates were holding various self-made weapons. Foolishly prepared to face off with a villain despite having no proper hero training experience. 
“Figures he goes after the quirkless kid,” one classmate commented, making you frown. You slowly sat up and for a split second, you almost didn’t care what Ingenium would do to you, your classmates, or Yuuei. Your classmates were ignorant for still caring about your quirkless status in a situation like this. 
“We’ll teach those hero students whose really in charge! Don’t move Ingenium!” another classmate said, stepping in front of the group with a weapon that looked like something out of a Syfy movie. They hoisted it over their shoulder and pointed it in your and Ingenium's direction.
You could feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up when Ingenium chuckled in response. “I’m afraid your weapons are rather useless,” he stated, making you wonder what he was planning to do and how he was going to go up against a weapon he didn't know.
Scratch that, how he was going to go up against several weapons he didn’t know. You couldn’t help your curiosity and turned your head, hoping to catch a glimpse of what weapons your classmates chose to use. This was interrupted when you felt a painful yank on your arm, causing you to stumble to your feet.
You cried out when you hit the metal chest of Ingenium’s suit and were forcibly twisted around with his wrist pressed underneath your chin. Your hands immediately grasped onto said wrist but it did very little to distract him as he seemed intensely focused on the group of students in front of him.
“I will be taking Y/n and I would advise against using your weapons,” your eyes widened when your classmates began to converse with one another. “Come on, man,” one of them said. “Come on, what? Y/n wouldn’t be that missed, would they?” you felt your heart sink and your hands dropped to your sides.
Ingenium noticed this, but wouldn’t allow himself to look away from the students. Instead, he removed his wrist from underneath your chin and stepped in front of you. “I see that Yuuei has not changed, the students within it fail to uphold the qualities that make up a true hero," his voice held that same authoritative tone you remembered.
Funny how some things never change. "Yet, I saw through this facade long ago after your so-called ‘heroes’ failed to save the life of my brother,” you gasped. ‘That’s right. There was an incident at Hosu City that involved the original Ingenium,’ how could you have forgotten that?
You knew that Tenya looked up to his older brother and was close to him. You weren't exactly sure what had happened years ago during your first year at Yuuei, but you heard rumors that accused Tenya of going mad after losing his brother. Accused him of wanting nothing but revenge. 
That was partly understandable, who would want to lose a family member? But having known Tenya before the incident, having seen how professional and passionate he was about justice you would have never guessed that he would become the man standing in front of you.
“What are you talkin’ about man!? Heh, no wonder you lost it!” one of your classmates mocked and you glanced down just in time to see Ingenium’s fists curl and the engines in his calves spark with fire. The next thing you knew he was gone, leaving behind a trail of smoke that caused you to choke.
The conjoined screams of your classmates echoed hauntingly through the air and although you wanted to be brave, you couldn’t muster up the courage to look at what happened. What Ingenium had done. Instead, you covered your face with your hands, feeling utterly useless.
Your eyes began to overflow with tears when the screaming stopped and you swallowed the lump in your throat before uncovering your face. Your body was trembling as you glanced over your now unconscious classmates who lay scattered across the floor. 
You could see the collective of blood splattered across what remained of the floor. Your breathing came to a stop and you felt that same lump form in your throat. More than likely it was from holding in your scream. You took several steps back, keeping your eyes locked on the horrific scene until your back hit something.  
You hesitantly looked over your shoulder finally letting out that scream when your eyes fell on Ingenium and the blood stains that now painted his suit. You stumbled back only to fall over a piece of debris and land on a pile of leftovers from the blown-up wall.
“Ow…” you hissed before hearing the sound of Ingenium’s heavy footsteps. “I’m afraid I would prefer you in one piece...forgive me,” he stated before pulling out what looked like a small spray bottle. You opened your mouth, intending to tell him to stop. 
But you were too slow and he sprayed a strange substance in your face. Almost immediately, you felt lightheaded and your body went limp. Your head tilted back and your vision grew black. When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was the cool tile you were laying on. 
The second was the fact that your wrists were tied behind your back and the rope was digging into your skin. The third was the odd sensation of medical tape, securely wrapped around each arm. The fourth was the sound of a keyboard clicking which caused you to lift your head. 
You clenched your jaw, blinking a few times to get your vision straight. You could see him sitting at an oversized desk with various monitors that all seemed to show specific locations with several red dots. “Huh?” your mouth hung open, trying to make sense of it. 
“Hm?” Tenya paused and turned in his chair. “Apologies,” he said, slowly getting up. He was taller and slightly more muscular than you remember. You noticed he had a few scars across his face and neck, but his hair and glasses remained the same. 
“I assume your arms are in discomfort due to the medical tape as well as the rope. I’m afraid you received several small injuries that I needed to address. I cleaned each cut accordingly and applied ointment before wrapping your arms up,” he walked over, crouching in front of you. 
“Do you require assistance sitting up?” he questioned, knowing that he had perhaps been a bad host. He knew that despite “kidnapping” you, there was no excuse for treating you without proper manners. However, you didn’t respond rather you glared at him. 
“Hm, I see,” he replied before standing on his feet. “Perhaps you need convincing,” he stated, walking behind you before roughly grabbing your underarms and forcing you to sit up. “Let go of me!” you screamed, kicking your feet frantically. 
This behavior was completely ignored by Tenya, he was more concerned about getting you into a proper sitting position. “Apologies for the rough treatment,” he stated, ignoring your continued glare. “I am in need of your assistance,” he folded his hands behind his back and kept his gaze locked on you. 
Another lump formed in your throat and you glanced away, but still felt the pressure of his stare. Despite this, your mind drifted back to Yuuei. To all the negative words and bullying you experienced for being quirkless.
“You..." pausing, you nibbled on your lip. "You should have found someone else," you stated in a low voice before hanging your head. To say you felt defeated at the moment was an understatement and a long sigh came. Tenya raised his eyebrow and shook his head. 
“I’m afraid you misunderstand,” he stated, crossing his arms. “I chose you for a reason,” you rolled your eyes but knew it wouldn't do any good to let your emotions get out of control. You remained quiet, refusing to say anything and he picked up on this.
“Perhaps you need further explanation,” he walked back to his desk, grabbing a small remote before pointing it at a nearby wall. You heard him click a button and suddenly the wall opened to show his suit, but it was broken down into separate pieces and each of those pieces had it’s own compartment. 
“I’m sure you are well aware of the current state of my suit,” he stated, gesturing to it with one hand. “Mm...” you mumbled as he lowered his hand. “I’m more than certain you recall crafting this very suit and making various repairs to it when Hatsume was unavailable,” you ground your teeth together. 
“Then why didn’t you kidnap her!?” you snapped before realizing your mistake and Tenya immediately frowned. “Forgive me, did I not already state my reasoning?” he snarled, clearly annoyed. “Where am I!?” you demanded with a hiss, but his expression remained unchanged. 
“You are in an undetectable location,” he replied, crossing his arms. “I realize that you do not wish to work on my suit, but I’m afraid I am giving you no choice,” you growled. “I wouldn’t work on your suit no matter what you do to me!” you snapped before attempting to lunge at him.
Unfortunately, you lost your balance and fell chest-first onto the floor. Tenya crouched down, grasping your chin to make you look at him. “While I hold a disdain for heroes, I do not wish to inflict harm on you. But, I will if you continue to be difficult,” he said with a slight snarl. 
At this moment, you weren’t sure if you were afraid or angry or both. “I brought you here to fix my suit, nothing more,” he said, glaring down at you with his piercing red eyes. You locked your gaze with his and found that you were beginning to feel more angry than scared. 
“And I told you to kidnap Hatsume instead!” he released your chin, knowing he was beginning to lose his patience with you. But perhaps he could find out why you thought Hatsume superior. “Why do you hold such importance in relation to Hatsume? Do you not find your skills adequate?” your eyes widened. 
Of course, you found your skills up to the task to create and or repair, well anything! But that wasn’t the issue bothering you right now, rather it was something deeper. Something that Tenya didn't need to know about, but you had the feeling he would continue to pry until he got what he wanted. 
“What did you do to my classmates!?” you demanded, attempting to change the subject. Tenya raised his eyebrow as he watched you struggle with the bonds that kept your wrists together. “Why do you insist on changing the subject?” he questioned before walking behind you. 
"Pardon my touch," he said seconds before grabbing a handful of your hair. You cried out when your head was forced back. “I would advise against trying to break those bonds, I know you are without a quirk,” his words were the final nail in the coffin. 
You would have hung your head if not for the fact that Tenya still had a hold on your hair. You felt your heart sink, and negative thoughts once again entered your head. Echoes of the hurtful things your classmates and fellow students had said to you playing on repeat. 
Then, it finally happened…you felt a single tear run down your cheek. “Hm?” Tenya released your hair and reached into his pocket, pulling out a handkerchief. “Forgive me, did I upset you?” he attempted to wipe your face, but you turned away and refused to answer his question even as more tears came.
You should have expected this, no matter how much you accomplished it meant nothing if people continued to point out that one flaw. That one single flaw that made you so different. You slowly maneuvered yourself into a sitting position. 
Part of you felt embarrassed for crying in front of someone else, much less a villain. “Y/n,” he reached out to place his hand under your chin but you leaned back, indicating you didn’t want his touch. “I c-can’t believe you’d point that out too,” you whispered in a broken voice.
“I…I am uncertain what you are referring to,” he replied, clearly confused or perhaps oblivious to your feelings on the matter of being-“Quirkless!” you snapped, looking at him with a twisted expression of anger and ignoring how his eyes widened.
“I…” he tried to speak, but you interrupted him. “Quirkless, quirkless, quirkless! That’s all I ever hear!” you choked out a sob, ignoring the mucus that was now dripping from your nose, it’s not like you could wipe it. “I’m afraid I…” once again your screaming interrupted him. 
“It doesn’t matter what I accomplish, they’ll always bully me. Everyone will just remind me that I’m too different, that I don’t belong anywhere!” you snapped before yet again glaring at Tenya. “Why don’t you just kidnap someone who has a quirk if you care about it so much?!” you screamed at the top of your lungs. 
“Too…different?” he repeated, taking a step back from you. He remained quiet and although he was at a loss as to how to respond to you, his chest grew heavy as he recalled a certain memory from his childhood. Back when his brother, Tensei was alive. 
When ‘Ingenium’ was a name associated with a hero instead of a villain. “Big brother, I have something to ask you,” he said as he grasped the edges of the table, his little legs hanging in the air as he continued to watch his brother disassemble and put away his hero suit.
“Sure! Anything for my favorite little guy!” the older sibling replied, walking over to affectionately ruffle Tenya’s hair. However, his little brother reacted as he expected…with a pout. “Big brother, I asked you not to do that,” Tensei couldn’t help but laugh in response.
“Alright, alright,” he said placing both hands on his knees before crouching down to be at eye level with Tenya. “So,” he said, “what’s your question?” he tilted his head, giving a smile. “Is it about me being your hero again?” Tenya shook his head. “No,” he responded bluntly. 
“Oh…” Tensei chuckled. “Then what?” he asked, clearly confused. “Mother had insisted I play with the other kids at the park today,” he said. “Uh huh,” he knew that his little brother wasn’t the most social butterfly. “What happened?” he hoped Tenya hadn’t gotten into some type of fight with the other children. 
“Well,” he hesitated a moment, but he trusted his brother and he didn’t wish to tell their father as he was a rather strict man who tended to give rather poor advice, or at least in Tenya’s opinion he did. “The other kids stated I wasn’t ‘normal’ and…” Tensei’s brow furrowed as he leaned back, partially covering his mouth. 
“I don’t understand what ‘normal’ is big brother,” he said, somewhat growing concerned as Tensei replied with a simple, “Mmhm,” before going quiet. He frowned and leaned forward. “Big brother?” he was somewhat uneasy due to the abnormal silence. 
“Were you acting like a robot?” the sudden question made Tenya’s body stiff up. “Big brother that has nothing to do with-” he was interrupted when Tensei held his hands up and noted that his brother seemed aware not to get into the path of his hand that was currently chopping through the air. 
“Okay, okay!” he exclaimed before lowering his hands. After a moment, he gestured to Tenya’s hand which continued to move through the air. “See?” he said making his little brother somewhat self-conscious of his strange hand movement. 
He frowned and rested his hand in his lap. “Tensei…” he said in his all too familiar annoyed tone which caused the older sibling to once again ruffle his hair. “I wouldn’t worry about what those other kids say,” he said, continuing to move his fingers through his brother’s hair. 
He gave a large grin. “I think you’re fine just the way you are! After all, we’re all unique, and normal is different for everyone. Okay, little brother?” he said, pulling his hand back. However, his answer didn’t completely satisfy Tenya who replied with a simple nod. 
“Okay.” The sound of your crying brought his mind back to the present and he looked down. You were hanging your head and looked rather uncomfortable with the rope securing your wrists. He frowned and crouched down. “Forgive me,” he reached into his pocket yet again, pulling out a strange-looking tool.
He was slightly ashamed about his rude behavior toward you and the fact that he had caught himself daydreaming of his late brother. But, the issue you had brought up caused his mind to think of the past. You could hear slight clinking followed by an odd vibration that coursed through the ropes binding your wrists together. 
It was strange how even at Yuuei, bullying was an issue. You had tried your hardest to conceal the fact you were quirkless, but somehow or another, your secret was exposed and since then, you were always harassed. Downright taunted for not having a quirk, for not being ‘normal’ like everyone else.
Constantly reminded that you weren't good enough because you lacked a quirk. Yet, you tried to be good. You tried to put your best foot forward and create support gear for individuals that had what you could only dream of. You knew that once upon a time, it was completely normal not to have a quirk. 
To be without such unique powers and those that seemed to have strange or unusual abilities so long ago were the ones treated like outsiders. Now, it was the opposite. Those that had strange abilities were praised and those without were treated like underclass citizens.
You were constantly told why you didn’t belong. Why the thing you lacked made you a freak and how you couldn’t be considered a functioning or even important member of society because of it. The saddest part was that you couldn’t be ‘normal.’ 
It hurt. 
It hurt more than you could properly express, yet you partially blamed yourself for allowing their harsh words to get to you. For allowing your nights to be sleepless and filled with hopes and wishes that you would wake up in the morning and by some miracle have a quirk. 
You were too afraid to tell anyone because you were too paranoid that they would treat you the same way your bullies did. You had tried to tell yourself this was ridiculous and that someone someday would see past your quirkless status to the true person that laid underneath. 
But your own paranoia prevented you from reaching out to anyone. Of course, you knew that you could only bottle up your feelings, your depression, anxiety, and hatred for so long before you either exposed yourself or just exploded. That day, happened to be today. 
With Tenya Iida, the villain that kidnapped you. That actually sought you out personally for your talent and while he had mentioned your quirkless status, he hadn’t outright bullied you because of it. Another sob came and you brought your now free wrists to your lap. 
But seconds later you attempted to wipe your eyes and nose to no avail. “Perhaps this would be of better use,” he said, using the handkerchief from earlier to wipe your teary eyes. You remained quiet for a moment before you sniffled and reached up to grab the piece of cloth. 
“Thanks,” you muttered before blowing your nose. “I…I just wish I was…normal…” you whispered, once again feeling completely defeated. Tenya narrowed his eyes. “Pardon my touch,” he said for what felt like the hundredth time. 
Despite his warning, you still jumped when he wrapped his arm around you and proceeded to pull you against him. Maybe it was the fact that you were a stranger to affection, but you found yourself melting into his touch and gently laid your head against his chest. 
You ignored every fiber in your being screaming out you were being held by a villain, that you felt comfort and safety within their arms. “Normal is subjective,” he said, catching you off guard. “I…w-what?” you responded, lifting your head to look at him and ignoring the few stray tears sliding down your cheeks. 
He already assumed your tears and outbursts were due to having held in your emotions about this particular issue for far too long. He recalled the dark circles that would constantly be present underneath your eyes and shamefully mistook them for having spent long nights crafting support items. How foolish he was not to see the truth.  
“I understand that our personal experiences may alter our perspective in many situations including what is considered to be ‘normal’ by society,” he explained with a stern expression. “I was not aware that you were going through such disdain at Yuuei,” he was almost thankful he had taken you away from that situation. 
“However, there is nothing to fear when you are in the presence of an unfamiliar situation rather it's a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow and I believe you have done such,” he said with a smile. "If you so desire, I would favor you staying with me in this safe environment," he glanced down.
“Pardon my touch," he said just seconds before taking your hand in his and giving it a reassuring but gentle squeeze. “S-stay with you?” you asked in disbelief, watching Tenya nod. “Correct,” he said, keeping his hold on your hand.
“A hero's purpose is to protect, yet it is the heroes that remain ignorant to the individuals that truly need help,” you immediately recognized his passionate yet stern tone as it was the same one he used years ago, when being a hero was the most important thing to him. 
“While villains are often depicted as monsters without empathy. We are willing to sacrifice the very world that heroes poorly attempt to protect if it meant the one we love smiled once more,” you knew his words weren’t meant to be romantic, and yet, you couldn’t help but look at him with amazement. 
“I do not find your quirkless status to be an inaccurate quality, rather as I previously stated I chose you due to your skills in crafting support equipment, and though I know you may desire to return to Yuuei. I cannot allow that,” he said, squeezing your hand so hard it made you wince. “Apologies…” he said, releasing his grip. 
“I wish to have you by my side always, in addition to repairing my suit and crafting various items I require for my villainous attempts. I swear to you, I will not treat you in any foul or demeaning manner, nor will I allow anyone to treat you in the manner you have been accustomed to,” he then stood up and offered you his hand.
“If you refuse, I am afraid I will have to respond appropriately and ensure that all your efforts in trying to escape or reveal what you have learned today are ceased,” in other words, he’d kill you and that thought alone had you frozen in fear. “Take my hand,” he demanded, flexing his fingers impatiently. 
You stared at his hand before swallowing the lump in your throat. “D-did you really mean what you said?” he raised an eyebrow at your question. “T-that you don’t care if I’m quirkless?” you heard him sigh, obviously annoyed by your behavior.
“I would not have stated such words if I did not believe them to the fullest extent,” he replied and a moment of silence filled the air before you laid your hand in his. Maybe being a villain’s accomplice would be a better career for you anyway.
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faulty-writes · 7 months
hi hi! i’m the anon who asked for the sir nighteyes daughter!reader x iida a while back, and i want to say i felt honored to have a fic, let alone a two-parter!
i was wondering if you could do and iida x fem/gn!reader where the reader helps him when he has to pull out his engines in order to grow new ones (if you didn’t know it’s a thing in their family and ripping them out means they’ll grow back stronger) just fluff and comfort!!!
Oh yes, I’m glad you enjoyed it. Sorry, there wasn’t much mention of Sir Nighteye, but I figured it was best to have the piece start after his death. Still, I always love a good Sir Nighteye request. As for this new request, I think I remember reading that in the manga. Tensei tells him about it because their grandfather or someone else did it and it’s like some Iida family secret. Anyhow, that sounds good. I love fluff, comfort, and a little pain. It’s been a while since I’ve done a Tenya piece, so let’s get started.
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You didn’t expect Tenya to stop you at the end of the day to ask you something like this, and your lips were spread out in a thin line, processing what you could say in response. You shifted on your feet, adjusting your posture slightly before tilting your head to one side.
Yeah, this was awkward but there was only one way to make it…less awkward. “Uh, heh heh…” you chuckled, and sweat beads began to form across your forehead. It was one thing not to understand Tenya when he was talking about everyday things.
But this…this was not that. In fact, you were a little unclear as to what he was asking, why he was asking it, and why he wanted your assistance with it. Not that you could deny a fellow hero and friend’s request, but you had one little question.
“C-can you explain what you want me to do again, Iida?” Despite knowing that he hated repeating himself, you just wanted to make sure you 100% accurately understood what he was asking in the first place. He took a deep breath, sighing softly, and you frowned.
It wasn’t hard to tell he was annoyed with you, but even so, you knew he would be polite. “I see,” he replied, clasping his chin, “your lack of understanding is quite acceptable.” Well, he didn’t have to point that out so bluntly. Regardless, you remained quiet as he continued to speak.
“I do realize that my request is rather strange, and under normal circumstances, I do not believe I would ask for assistance,” although he was aware he would be invading your personal space, he took a step forward. “Uh,” your eyebrows knit again, and the faintest flush filled your cheeks.
You weren’t shy about others invading your personal space, but Tenya towered over you. In addition, despite knowing him well, he still had an intimidating aura about him. This was evident from the serious glint in his eye as if he were staring straight into your soul.
“However, I find your presence rather comforting, and I understand you have a history of helping others similar to Midoriya and Asui,” he explained, chopping his hand lightly in the air. “Um…” you took a step back and turned your head to the side.
It was a little weird that he had come to that conclusion. Then again, you had taken the time to train yourself under Recovery Girl, learned a few things about first aid, and enjoyed helping your fellow hero students heal their wounds when needed.
This mostly involved patching them up with bandages or wraps after having properly cleaned their scrapes and bruises. Still, you didn’t think that Tenya paid that much attention to you. Granted, he was class president and tended to take that role too seriously. As such, he probably observed everyone and categorized them in his head.
“Please,” his voice snapped you out of your momentary thoughts and you glanced back at him. Your throat tightened and your mouth felt dry when you noticed the expression he was wearing. His eyes sparkled with that same unwavering seriousness, and his square and masculine jaw was set firmly.
Although his shoulders appeared tense, his posture was upright and composed, contributing to the sense of authority that dripped from him like a rapid waterfall. You weren’t sure if the rush of warmth that once again illuminated your cheeks was because of his appearance or the sense of masculinity that surrounded him.
“Hm!?” You flinched when he suddenly bowed, his hands pressed firmly at his sides. “Uh,” you blinked again, your lips parted in awe. “I wish for your assistance with this task,” he stated, “I am quite aware this will cause a moment of discomfort,” perhaps for the both of you.
“However,” he leaned back up. “If I am to reach my desired goal as a hero, this is necessary. Once my mufflers are extracted, my body will provide new ones,” he explained, even though it pained him to see that pitiful and concerned look on your face.
He clenched his hands into fists. Yes…he knew that you despised seeing others hurt, especially if it was self-injurious or self-inflicted. But he was not doing this to have some short-felt relief from his troubles. Rather just as he stated, he was doing this to reach his goal of becoming a worthy hero.
“I will become stronger, and more reliable,” he stated, his voice growing deeper, and his eyebrows slanted. “Just as a worthy hero should be,” his goals and the lengths he was willing to go to achieve them were admirable and, in a way, made you feel insignificant.
However, you knew this was not his intention, and as he stepped closer, you could feel the heat radiating from his body. Your heart began to beat wildly as you looked at him, not daring to break eye contact. Why was it that he could draw you in so easily?
“I wish for you to assist me in accomplishing that goal,” your breath hitched, and your eyes widened yet shined with such warmth a smile came to his face. He knew your answer, however, he remained quiet and waited patiently for your response.
You swallowed hard, trying to rid yourself of the lump in your throat. Your heightened heart rate echoed in your ears like a melody, urging you to speak before time was up. His eyebrows raised when you let out a slow, deliberate exhale as if you were trying to gather your thoughts in anticipation of the response he was waiting for.
Your stomach twisted knowing that what you were about to agree to help him with would cause him pain. Yet, you gathered your courage as a hero should. “Okay,” the word felt heavy on your tongue, and you glanced toward the floor, finding your shoes more interesting than Tenya right now.
However, despite your momentary shyness, he continued to smile and leaned down. “Pardon,” he said, gently laying his hands on your shoulders. “Huh?” Your eyes widened, his gentle grip was comforting and compelled you to raise your head.
The smile he was wearing illuminated his face, like the sun kissing your skin with its golden rays, his happy expression bathed you in security. “Thank you,” he said, causing you to chuckle and turn away from him. He really didn’t have to thank you, or at least you didn’t think so.
Then again, that was Tenya for you. Always kind and considerate. “Um…” the rubber sole of your shoe created a soft squeaking sound when you grazed your foot along the floor. “You’re welcome?” You’d regret helping him with this, wouldn’t you?
That thought aside when Tenya dropped his hands from your shoulders, you looked back at him. “Um, so w-where are you going to do this?” You asked, noting that his eyebrows rose at your question. “Hm…” he hummed lightly, clasping his chin in contemplation.
“I had planned to perform it at the Iida Estate,” he replied, feeling as though doing it at his home would be ideal and less risky than doing it on student campus grounds. “Huh?” You knit your eyebrows, his house? It’s sad to think that you haven’t been to any of your classmates’ houses before.
Not that you weren’t friendly, you had plenty of friends. Some in the hero course, some in general studies, and even in the support department. But maybe there was no need to visit one another’s houses because the students of Yuuei lived in the provided student housing.
“O-oh...I mean uh,” you tapped your lips, your eyes shifting back and forth. “If…that’s what you want, that’s fine,” even though you were worried about how well his family would react to your presence. If they were anything like Tenya, social class didn’t matter.
“Hm?” He narrowed his eyes, sensing your discomfort. “Apologies,” he said, pressing a hand to his chest. “Hm? What are you apologizing for?” You asked, placing your hands on your hips. “You seem rather hesitant. Would you prefer this…activity be performed in another location?” he asked.
“No, no, no!” You held up your hands, waving them like mad. “I-it’s just that I h-haven’t been to anyone’s house since enrolling at Yuuei, hah hah!” You rubbed the back of your head awkwardly despite the pathetic smile on your face. His eyebrows lowered as he stared at you, finding your reaction rather strange.
“I see,” he replied before taking a breath. Perhaps you were nervous, as one should be when entering unknown territory. “I can assure you that you do not need to be anxious,” he stated, lifting his hand to rapidly chop it through the air again.
“The Iida family prides itself on mannerisms and heroics!” He announced proudly. “As such, I can assure you that you will not face any judgment nor criticism while at the Iida Estate,” honestly, if being a hero doesn’t work out, Tenya could easily make a living as a motivational speaker.
“Heh, i-is that right?” You replied, your cheeks colored a soft red. Tenya certainly had a way with words, and it made you happy to see someone so passionate about something, even if it was considered insignificant by most.
Knowing he was saying all this to make you feel comfortable in his house was also very sweet. “Yes,” he said, smiling. “I do hope we are in agreement then,” you closed your eyes, feeling a smile come to your face. “Yeah,” you said, chuckling.
“I’ll help you, and we can…do, uh, what you wanna do at your house,” you replied before making sure your locker was shut. “So, when did you want to do this anyway?” You asked, turning your attention back to him before you walked toward the exit.
Your classmates had already left, but you knew Tenya’s friends, Izuku and Uraraka, would no doubt ask you questions when the two of you returned to the first-year dormitory. Not that you minded, even if it was a bit annoying, they were only looking out for Tenya’s best interest as friends should.
“My schedule is quite clear on Saturday, perhaps yours is as well?” He suggested, and you couldn’t help but snicker. You can only imagine what he’d sound like if he tried asking someone on a date. The crisp air caressed your skin as you stepped outside, and the earthy aroma of damp soil and fresh flowers filled your nostrils.
A certain tension seemed to roll off your shoulders, more than likely your body relaxing from a hard day’s work at school. “Yeah,” you replied, tilting your head to look at the sky. It was bathed in a soft blue color with seldom clouds that floated along without a care.
You paused and turned to Tenya who was diligently following you. “Hm?” He stopped short, and the sound of gentle birds chirping, and distant traffic enveloped the air for a moment. “I can do Saturday,” you confirmed before resuming walking.
Tenya was certainly someone to be admired, and although the rest of the walk was done in silence, there was an odd comfort that lingered between the two of you. Knowing what he wanted to do but that he was doing it for selfless reasons made you wish you could be that selfless.
Of course, while it’s good to admire someone, you shouldn’t try to be like them. Rather you should use their kind acts as a source of inspiration, and if helping Tenya with this task was your way of performing a kind act, then you’d do it to the best of your ability.
That’s right, Tenya won’t know what hit him! You’ll be the greatest source of comfort for him when he…pulls out his engines. Yikes, that does sound painful, but there was no backing down now. Luckily you had a few days to compose yourself, even though the closer Saturday came, the more nervous you felt.
Still, time stopped for no one, and when the day finally arrived, you tried your best to gather courage when you found yourself standing at the front doors of the Iida Estate. Tenya was by your side, and he turned to you, offering a kind smile.
“Heh…” you awkwardly chuckled and tried your best to return it. Luckily the sound of a lock clicking, and the loud squeak of the front door distracted you. “Hm?!” Your body tensed up, and you slowly turned to look at who was standing in the doorway. You expected a butler, a servant of some kind.
Instead, you were greeted by the sight of an older woman. She had soft, coal-colored eyes and like Tenya, wore glasses although they were oval-shaped. Her hair was ear length and dark with bangs that fell perfectly across her forehead.
You noticed the smooth white top she was wearing matched perfectly with her soft blue cardigan. A dark-colored skirt with Mary Jane’s completed her outfit. She had a kind and gentle aura, and her eyes sparkled with recognition when she looked at her son.
“Tenya,” she said, embracing him in a hug. He returned the gesture, wrapping his arms protectively but carefully around her. “It’s wonderful to see you,” she said, smiling as she leaned back. “Yes, it’s wonderful to see you as well, mother,” he stated before looking at you.
“This is Y/n,” once again, you chuckled awkwardly before lifting your hand. “H-hello,” you said, half-heartedly waving. Mrs. Iida’s eyes widened, almost like she was misunderstanding your greeting, but she soon smiled and approached.
“Yes, Y/n,” she stopped in front of you and reached out, gently taking your hands. “Tenya has informed me about you,” she said casually, making your eyebrows knit. “O-oh?” You glanced past her to Tenya who seemed to be standing as confidently as ever.
“That’s correct,” he said, walking over to the two of you and laying his hand gently on his mother’s shoulder. “I do hope that is alright, I believed it would be most appropriate to inform mother about you beforehand,” he confessed, and she nodded in agreement.
“Yes, it’s so wonderful that Tenya has someone like you to help him with this task,” she said cheerfully. “Uh, r-right,” you replied, wondering if you were just making a fool of yourself. But you did promise you’d try your best to be a source of comfort for Tenya, and if his mother approved of you, that was a good thing, right?
She continued to smile even as she released your hands, then she turned to Tenya. “I also informed your father. He won’t disturb the two of you,” she assured, and he nodded. “Very well, thank you,” he said before looking in your direction.
He then walked around his mother and stood in front of you. “I will show you to the courtyard,” he said, and your eyebrow twitched. ‘This house has a courtyard!?’ You were used to living in such small spaces, you couldn’t imagine if you ever owned property with a courtyard.
Nevertheless, you followed Tenya and as the two of you walked away, his mother exclaimed, “Lunch will be ready soon!” You couldn’t imagine yourself having an appetite after this venture was over, and that would probably double for Tenya considering he’d be in the most pain.
Then again, he did have a stubborn underlying nature about him and more than likely would feel it appropriate to eat so he could give his body strength after putting it through such an ordeal. Regardless, your stomach was twisted into enough knots right now, and it was unlikely that you’d be able to keep food down.
The sun was shining, bathing everything in its gentle glow. Like before, the sky was clear apart from the few clouds that passed by. The courtyard was rather large with lush green grass that crunched underneath the weight of your foot.
“Wow,” you said, feeling a soft breeze kiss your skin and ruffle your hair. “It’s beautiful,” you turned to Tenya smiling, and he nodded. “Yes, I suppose it’s quite pleasing,” he replied, although having grown up in the Iida Estate, he knew that at times he was blind to the treasures he had.
However, that was not his primary concern now. Rather it was what he had set out to do, what you had agreed to help him with. “Please follow me,” he instructed, motioning with his hand. “Huh, oh…right,” you said, slumping your shoulders.
Regardless, you did as requested and noticed that he had guided you to the spot where a large tree and a wooden box sat. You raised your eyebrow when you noticed that a first aid kit rested against the tree and looked at Tenya who was rolling the legs of his Yuuei gym uniform up.
“Um, what’s the…” you lazily pointed at it, and Tenya paused, following your pointed finger. His eyes lingered on it before drifting back to you. “You are skilled in first aid, correct?” He asked, making you tense up. “Uh…” you rubbed your opposite arm.
“Y-yeah, but…” How intense would this be if he had a first aid kit on hand?! Your stomach was now overwhelmed causing you to feel nauseous, but you squeezed your eyes shut and swallowed, forcing the unpleasant sensation down. ‘This is a good thing,’ you tried to remind yourself.
It means he trusted your abilities to patch him up if something went wrong. He raised his eyebrow. “Yes?” He replied, urging you to continue. “Mm…” you mumbled and looked at him with half-lidded eyes. “N-nothing,” you said, shaking your head.
“Uh, thank you for trusting my abilities, I won’t let you down,” you promised and although Tenya found your words strange, he nodded. “I did not expect your abilities to be inferior, rather I believe you were the best choice in such a matter,” your heart skipped a beat at his words.
Best choice!? “Heh, uh, right, yeah,” you replied before taking a deep breath to calm your racing heart. Tenya lowered himself to a sitting position and propped one leg onto the wooden box. You watched his calve expand, and six exhaust pipes appeared.
‘Just how far are those things embedded into his body?’ You shuddered to think about it and shook your head, clearing your mind. ‘Well, I guess that doesn’t matter, he’s going to do this whether either of us likes it,’ you gazed at him, his tense expression, the anticipation of pain he was awaiting.
More specifically, you noticed the way he was clenching his jaw, and more than likely that would result in more pain when he began removing his exhaust pipes. His fingertips grazed the bottom of one, and his body tensed up when he slowly wrapped his fingers around it, making sure he had a good grip.
He could feel his teeth giving slight resistance, aching softly as they were forced to press against one another. Of course, this was ignored by him, and he was prepared to pull when your hand grasped his shoulder. He jumped in response and turned to look at you.
“Wait a minute,” you said, holding one finger up. “You can’t just start pulling those things out without taking a few precautions,” you pointed out, trying to reason with him. “Give me a moment,” you urged, walking to the first aid kit.
You carefully opened it and took out a chuck and a white cloth. “I know it’s just grass, but I’d prefer any blood get on the chuck,” you said, laying it underneath his leg. “It will absorb any blood that comes and make less of a mess,” you clarified before folding the cloth into a small square.
You crouched down and presented it to him. He raised his eyebrow, and you couldn’t help but laugh. “It’s for you to bite down on,” you explained, “so you won’t hurt your jaw.” Or at least not as much. He seemed hesitant, but after a few seconds, he took it from you.
“Thank you,” he promptly placed it in his mouth, allowing his teeth to sink into it like an animal into a fresh kill. You smiled and walked around him. You wanted to bring him comfort, but how would you do that while he was ripping those pipes out?
“Mm…” you tapped your foot against the ground a few times as a couple of ideas floated through your head. Tenya wasn’t one to refuse affection, although he was one to respect another’s personal space, at least most of the time, and more than likely he expected the same.
But he asked for your help, right? So, did that give you the right to supersede his personal space boundaries? You were so lost in your thoughts that you failed to realize that he, yet again, had grasped one of his exhaust pipes securely.
His body resumed its tense stance, and a small amount of saliva began to drip from the corner of his mouth, no doubt a natural reaction from how intensely he was biting into the cloth. His muscles strained and a muffled scream sounded when he began to pull said exhaust pipe out.
As expected, blood began to drip down the metal structure, staining Tenya’s hand and landing on the chuck. Your heart ached when you heard the muffled scream, and the sight of the blood-stained chuck sent your worries spiraling.
Your knees gave out, and as if acting on their own accord, your arms wrapped around him. You made sure your grip was secure, but not restrictive in case his body jerked. Still, you hoped your embrace was comforting even in his moment of pain.
You swallowed thickly, wondering what else you could do. Yes, hugging was fine. But there had to be something else, you couldn’t just hug him and patch him up after everything was over. Your lip trembled, forcing you to press your teeth against it before drawing it into your mouth.
You nervously chewed on it, feeling Tenya’s body tense up when another painful groan came after he finished pulling out the first exhaust pipe. Crimson lines continued to drip from its metal surface, further staining his hand.
His jaw was aching, and his eyes overflowed with tears, he certainly underestimated the pain this would cause him. But now that he had begun, he couldn’t stop, and your warm embrace only reminded him of why he was doing this.
Yes, he needed to be stronger. A better hero for you and everyone. You heard him audibly swallow accompanied by the sound of him dropping the exhaust pipe onto the chuck. His body relaxed for a few seconds before tensing up again when he wrapped his fingers around the second pipe.
‘What can I do…’ you thought. ‘He’s done so much for everyone, and whenever he talks he-’ Your eyes widened. Wait…that was it! Of course! Why didn’t you think of that before? Your nails dug into the front of his uniform, and you brought your lips to his ear.
“Focus on my voice, okay?” You whispered, your tone gentle and inviting. His eyes widened, and he couldn’t help but tremble when your hot breath brushed against the skin of his neck. Although he was currently unable to speak, he nodded.
Your heart began to quicken, and instead of a nauseating feeling, you felt a burst of butterflies in your stomach. You could hardly believe what you were about to say, but if it helped him then you had no choice. “You’re strong,” you whispered, “I know you can get through this and be an amazing hero.”
Cheesy, yes. Effective, also yes. You could feel his body relax, and although you couldn’t tell, your words struck a chord in him. “I believe in you and your ability to overcome this obstacle,” despite having the cloth in his mouth, Tenya gave a twisted smile and began pulling out the second exhaust pipe.
Like before, blood began to spill but he continued to the next one. “Remember, every challenge you face makes you stronger, more resilient…” you said, cheering him on with positive affirmations. However, this didn’t cease the tension in the air, and for good reasons considering this was a very intense situation.
Tenya managed to push through and as he was removing the final exhaust pipe, you smiled. Was it strange to feel a sense of pride watching your friend finish what he was doing? You decided it was best not to think about it, and instead, nuzzled your face against the top of his head.
Your hands were now firmly placed on his shoulders, and with one final affirmation of, “You’re my hero Tenya,” the task was complete. He pushed the cloth which was now damp with saliva out of his mouth and his soft pants came.
His muscles finally relaxed, and his shoulders slumped, more than likely he’d need some time to recover. You firmly pressed your head against his for a few quiet minutes. “Let me get some supplies from the first aid kit,” you said, breaking the silence when you leaned away from him.
“I need to patch up that leg of yours, okay?” You offered him a smile when he turned to look at you and proceeded to get disinfectant, another chuck, bandage wraps, and so on. “Here,” you rolled the bloodied chuck up before placing the new one down.
“Now…” you smiled and slipped a pair of medical gloves on before you instructed Tenya to lower his leg from the box. Once that was done, you carefully wiped the blood off his lower leg and hand before disinfecting the fresh wounds on his leg.
Finally, you dressed it and carefully gathered your used materials up before throwing them away. “There,” you said, now sitting next to him. It felt like hours had passed, not that you minded. While this experience was a little intense, you were glad he asked you to help him.
The two of you sat in silence again, and you looked up at the sky, watching the clouds pass by. You seemed oblivious that Tenya was staring at you with a smile on his face. He was truly grateful to you; surely, he’d need to repay your kindness.
“Heh,” you chuckled, making him raise his eyebrow. “Did my positive affirmations work wonders for you?” He knit his eyebrows, somewhat confused by your question, and focused his attention forward. “I suppose they did,” he replied, feeling almost nervous about the next set of words he was going to speak.
“But…that is not the only thing you performed that aided me,” he clarified. “Huh, what do you mean?” You asked, turning your attention to him. Although you were a little worried when he placed his hand on the grass next to you and leaned forward.
“Uh,” you leaned back instinctively, but that’s when Tenya’s arms shot out. “Pardon,” he said, and your breath hitched when he embraced you, pulling you into his chest. Your eyes widened, and your nose was immediately filled with his musky scent that resembled a warm blend of cedarwood.
Although your body was tense as you were not used to this kind of embrace, you found yourself relaxing after a few moments and brought your arms up, half-heartedly returning the hug. Your breath hitched again when his hand tangled itself into the back of your hair.
Your eyes widen at the realization that he could be this affectionate. “The way you embraced me,” he said, almost hesitantly, “helped greatly as well.” Your heart fluttered at his words, and you lifted your head, locking eyes with him. You noticed they held as sincere of a glance as ever and smiled.
You lowered your head down and resumed nuzzling your face into his chest. Sighing contently, you said, “I’m glad.” His hands slipped through the back of your hair again. “As am I,” his voice was soft, just above a whisper, but he could not deny the happiness he felt at this moment.
If you were being honest, you could probably stay in Tenya’s arms forever. Unfortunately, this was unrealistic, and your head popped up again when you heard a door sliding open. You looked past Tenya toward the veranda where his mother stood, her lips parted in awe.
To think she’d see her son embracing another was certainly a sight to behold, but she tried to remain calm and folded her hands in front of her. “Apologies,” she said, trying to hold back laughter. “I wanted to inform you that lunch is ready,” with that, she turned and walked back inside.
“Huh…” you blinked, somewhat confused by her reaction, and looked at Tenya. “Perhaps it is best if we have sustenance,” he stated, dropping his arms from around you. Although he winced some when he stood up thanks to the dull ache that coursed through his freshly dressed leg.
However, it was nothing compared to the pain he felt when he removed his exhaust pipes. You frowned when you heard him wince but knew that he would put up a brave front. You were also disappointed that the hug ended but quickly shifted your focus to his outstretched hand.
“Shall we?” he asked, making you raise your eyebrow. “Are you sure you can walk with your leg bandaged up like that?” You asked, pointing to it. He frowned in response to your question, not that he wasn’t grateful for your concern. But you had helped him enough today, and he did not wish for you to worry any further.
He also knew this was impossible. So, he took a deep breath. “I…am certain I can walk. However, I would not be opposed to further help,” he confessed, flexing his fingers slightly to indicate you to take his hand. “Mm…” you hummed in response and allowed him to help you stand up.
Once you were on your feet, you placed your hand on his back. His steps were slow, but you were happy that he wasn’t pushing himself that hard. Especially after what had just happened. As you walked inside, the sweet scent of rice and charred fish skin filled your nostrils and made your stomach growl.
“Wow smells good. Let’s go,” you said, laughing as you began to walk down the hallway toward the dining room. However, before you reached it, Tenya asked, “Will you perhaps perform the same set of actions when I remove the exhaust pipes from my opposite leg?” You stopped and looked at him with your head tilted to one side.
“What?” You replied. Unlike before, he didn’t seem annoyed by your response or the fact that he had to repeat himself. Rather he smiled. “When I remove the exhaust pipes from my opposite leg, will you embrace me as you did and whisper positive affirmations into my ear?”
It was such a strange request, but could you honestly deny him? You chuckled. “If that’s what you need,” you replied. “But why don’t you give your body a day to rest before putting yourself through that again?” You suggested, and to your surprise, Tenya nodded. “Yes, perhaps that is best,” he replied, and your heart fluttered.
It was nice to know that he appreciated your insight and would do what was best for himself now. “Great, now let’s go eat. I’m sure you’re hungry after that fiasco.” Before he could say anything, you resumed guiding him to the dining room and helped him sit on the provided floor cushion.
“There, now make sure to eat all your food,” you said, sounding more like a mother than anything. Mrs. Iida, who happened to walk into the room, chuckled. “Removing his exhaust pipes was successful?” she asked, and you offered her a smile.
“Yes,” you replied cheerfully, “I’m glad I was able to help him, but he agreed to rest before removing them from his other leg,” you turned to Tenya. “Right?” he nodded and looked at his mother. “Yes, Y/n was quite helpful, and I am grateful they are willing to help me again,” he said, smiling at you.
“How wonderful,” Mrs. Iida said before walking over to the counter and preparing some tea. “I’m so glad Tenya has someone that will help him with this,” even though Tensei, Tenya’s older brother, could have helped. It seemed like you were better equipped for the job.
Once the tea was done brewing, she placed two mugs on a tray and carried it over to the table where you and Tenya sat. “Here you are,” she said, placing them in front of you. “Your father is eating his lunch in his office,” she informed him before walking away.
“Thank you, Mrs. Iida,” you bowed your head before turning to Tenya. “Wow, your father is a busy man, huh?” You asked, taking a bite of rice, and chewing it greedily. “I aspire to gather such dedication for my future endeavors as a hero,” he confessed.
“I’m sure you will, especially knowing the lengths you’re willing to go now,” you said before grasping your mug of tea. It felt warm in your palm and the earthy, bitter aroma made you smile. Then you turned to him, holding said mug out to him.
“To your future heroics,” you said, proposing a toast. Tenya raised his eyebrow, finding your antics rather odd. But nonetheless, gently grasped his cup of tea and carefully clinked it against yours. “I do believe our future efforts are quite commendable,” he replied.
“Uh huh,” you took a sip of the tea before taking another bite of your food while heplaced his tea back on the table and grabbed his chopsticks. His eyes gazed over the food in front of him, and he tried his best to ignore the faint throbbing of his leg.
He thickly swallowed before looking at you. “Y/n,” he said, and despite having pieces of rice sticking to your lips, you gave him your attention. “Yeah?” you replied, lapping your tongue across your lips to collect said pieces of rice.
“May I ask you something?” You raised your eyebrow, you always hated when people asked that. Was there any harm in asking anything in general? Still, you knew better than to respond sarcastically, and so you nodded.
“Yeah, of course,” you said, taking another sip of your tea. “Forgive me if this is out of your expectations, but…” he paused, attempting to gather the right words. “I would be grateful if my future heroics featured you,” he said, making you raise your eyebrow. He sensed your confusion and cleared his throat.
“Please allow me to explain more clearly,” he stated. “I believe what I am attempting to communicate is simply that I wish for you to be a part of my life,” he said, “your kind and helpful nature in addition to medical knowledge would be most useful in the future.” Well…guess that was a good thing.
“You can just say you want my support always Iida,” you replied nonchalantly and snickered when he appeared flustered, his cheeks filling with a soft red color before he looked away from you. “I…I suppose that is…a more accurate description of what I desire,” he admitted.
“Heh,” you smiled and reached over, gently laying your hand over his. “Of course I will,” you responded, and once again chuckled when seeing his eyes widen, and his lips part in shock. Was he not expecting you to say that? “I…I…” he quickly shifted his gaze from you to his plate of food and cleared his throat.
“I see…” he replied, almost feeling shameful that he was acting in such a way. Still, he couldn’t help but feel happy knowing that you would be there when he needed you. He lowered his head, “…thank you,” he said in a soft voice, and you smiled. “You’re welcome.”
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faulty-writes · 11 months
Can I have some iida fluff please (flowers for you because you’re the best iida writer 🌺🌸💐🌹🌷🌼)
[ Hello, thank you so much. I try to write him to the best of my ability, he's my favorite baby. *Takes flowers* Okay, so you can't tell me to write Iida fluff in October and expect me not to write something Halloween-related. So enjoy my stupid little pumpkin-themed Iida-based story! ]
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Tenya wasn't known for engaging in messy activities, except for hero training. It wasn't that he was opposed to the activities that frequented the All Hallows Eve season. He merely assumed that you knew you were too old for certain activities such as pumpkin carving.
Your constant persistence led him to agree to take part in it, however, and to begin carving pumpkins. You must select them first. There was crispness in the air, and his hand felt warm as it cradled yours. Much like you, he wore a light sweater and scarf.
You believed that it didn't matter which pumpkin you picked, unlike Tenya who carefully examined every one in the patch. "Does this one look okay?" You asked, letting go of his hand to pick up it up and he was quick to follow you. "Hm..." He grasped his chin and observed the pumpkin you held.
"I'm not quite certain if this is the ideal one," he replied making you sigh. "Come on Tenya!" You whined, nearly dropping the pumpkin but he grabbed it quickly. "Please be more careful. I do not wish for this particular pumpkin to receive any damage nor break," he said, returning it to its original location.
You pouted, "Why are you so obsessed with getting the perfect set of pumpkins?" The question may sound silly given that you knew Tenya better than anyone, and you could confirm that he was a perfectionist in a sense.
After ensuring the pumpkin was perfectly placed, he leaned up, pushing his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose. "I believe if you wish to engage in the activity of pumpkin carving, the pumpkins we choose must be ideal," he replied before clearing his throat and holding out his hand.
"Let us continue to look," you pouted, somewhat wishing that he'd just let you pick out the pumpkins and be done with it already. Once again, you took his hand and resumed walking through the pumpkin patch. You considered it a miracle when he finally managed to select pumpkins that he thought were worthy of carving.
Once the two of you returned to your dorm, he set up the kitchen area to carve said pumpkins. "There we are," he stated, wiping his brow as he looked at the kitchen counter. The table was covered with two tablecloths and pumpkin carving tools were arranged as if they were surgical instruments in a hospital.
Turning to you, he smiled proudly, obviously pleased with his work. "Pardon my reach," he said, and before you could raise an eyebrow, he shoved something over your head. "What the!?" You replied, looking down. "Please do not raise your voice inside the dormitory building," he naturally replied.
"Furthermore, I believe it was imperative to wear protection while carving the pumpkins," he stated, putting on his apron. "Do you require assistance tying yours?" he asked, easily reaching behind himself, and tying his. Despite your desire to glare at him, you shook your head instead.
"Not at all," you replied before attempting to tie it but found yourself struggling. You grunted, and brought your arms forward, cracking your knuckles before reaching behind yourself and once again tried to tie your apron, but once again you failed.
"Come on…" you muttered. A smile spread across Tenya's face as you sighed. "Would you like assistance?" he asked again, making you glare at him. "…yes," was your reply, and he tried not to laugh, since he believed that was rude.
As he walked behind you, he grabbed the strings you were struggling with and wrapped them around your waist once. "Is that adequate for you or do you wish for more space to breathe?" he asked. "It's fine," you replied, and he proceeded to tie your apron in the back after hearing your confirmation.
"Now, shall we begin the pumpkin carving?" He asked. "Mmm," you mumbled in response. "Wonderful, please ensure that you place the selected tools back where they were aligned on the table after you have finished using them," he stated. "Seriously?" You replied, and Tenya stiffened.
"Yes, it's rather appropriate and imperative that an activity such as pumpkin carving remains organized," he cleared his throat. "I also took the liberty of placing a first aid kit nearby in the unlikely event one of us receives an injury during this activity," he explained.
The way he thought of everything was just like him, and you couldn't help but smile. "Right," you said before grabbing the knife and proceeding to gut your pumpkin. It was no surprise to find Tenya intently focused on his pumpkin and carefully scooping out its insides.
"Hm…" after cutting an opening at the top of yours and scooping out a spoonful or two of its guts, you found yourself staring at Tenya, your mind swirling with a devilishly delicious idea. With a smile you put down your scooper and then discreetly scooped up a handful of gooey pumpkin innards with your hand.
Indifferent to what was about to happen, he continued to scoop out his pumpkin. Each time he scooped; he looked inside as if to determine how much was left. Your grin spread out to a full-on smirk and your hand moved.
When the sticky mass of orange and seeds hit the side of his face, he stumbled back in surprise. After regaining his balance, he glared at you and his face was tinged with anger. He lifted his hand and began chopping it through the air.
"Kindly explain why you felt the need to not only create a mess but to project such an unjust action toward me!?" he demanded, his voice a little louder and frantic. You responded by laughing and pointing at him. "Y-you should have seen your face, hah hah!"
The more you laughed, the more Tenya became irritated. He greatly disliked anyone laughing at him. It was admittedly a hit to his pride and despite his attempts to maintain a professional and academic attitude, a rare and rather mischievous event occurred at this point.
During your laughter, he glanced at his pumpkin and then at the bowl with fibrous strands and seeds, or "pumpkin brains" as some called them. A teachable lesson would be to replicate the antics you had inflicted on him. With that in mind, he gathered an acceptable amount of pumpkin brains using his scooper.
When your laughter finally subsided, he made his move. Much like him, you stumbled back in surprise when the sticky orange substance landed on you, completely unaware that you were about to hit the opposite wall of the kitchen.
While some might look at this scene with amusement, Tenya unfortunately couldn't because his inner hero called him to save you, or rather prevent you from getting hurt due to his actions. After hearing his engines roaring, he appeared behind you in a matter of seconds.
You collided with him, causing him to stumble into the wall and grunt. Clenching his jaw, he forced his engines back into his calves. Your hands instinctively reached up, grasping the arms that were now tightly encircling you.
A shiver coursed down your spine as his panting filled the air and you felt his hot breath against the crook of your neck. Your heart pounded as you turned to see that his glasses were no longer on his face and his eyes, those beautiful red eyes were locked on yours.
As the heat spread through your cheeks, you snapped your head forward. "That was a rotten thing to do," you said after a few seconds, trying to hide your embarrassment and the fact that his arms were still around you.
"Yes, perhaps you've learned that was quite an immature tactic to perform," he replied, and his deep voice in your ear made you shiver. "W-well I…" you huffed, your eyes shifting back and forth rapidly as you tried to think of a comeback.
"I didn't e-expect you to do something like that in return! A-aren't you supposed to be the mature one!?" You frantically stated, but Tenya remained unphased and leaned back, dropping his arms. "Yes, I apologize," he said, making you turn around to face him.
"W-what?" you replied. "Why are you apologizing?" After all, hadn't he just said you were the one that started this…whatever this was? He looked at you, puzzled by your question. "I believe I misinterpreted the result of my actions in my attempt to teach you a lesson," he explained.
"Huh?" You tilted your head to the side. "My actions," he said, touching his chest. "They could have resulted in injury. I do not wish to harm you in any manner, even if in the event of attempting to teach you a lesson," he hoped he was being clearer, but that puzzled expression remained on your face.
"Uh...right," you replied as you glanced away. Then you looked around the kitchen, then at your pumpkins. "Should we finish?" you asked, and Tenya nodded. It was awkwardly silent for the rest of the pumpkin carving session, and when you thought about what you had done, you were embarrassed.
However, being who you were, you were unlikely to apologize to him in return. Instead, you finished your pumpkin and helped Tenya clean up the kitchen. Then, you two took your pumpkins outside and placed them on the top step of the student dorm building.
For safety reasons, Tenya placed them on the left and right sides of the top step. "I believe these candles are the most appropriate for our pumpkins," he said, briefly showing you the small tea light candles, he had which he proceeded to place inside each pumpkin.
The thought that he was too serious came to mind as he instructed you to stand back while he lit said candles. However, you had to admit that the pumpkins looked really cool. The luminous orange-yellow hue gleamed in the shadows and showed off the triangular-shaped eyes and jagged mouths you and he had created.
Despite the chilly October air, your smile couldn't be contained when Tenya stood next to you with an equally happy expression. Perhaps he was pleased with your "pumpkin creations." Still, you couldn't help but step closer to him.
There was a moment of silence, apart from the soft crackle of candle wicks and the distant cries of insects. Then you made your move, and slowly reached for his hand, causing him to jolt. "Hm?" He looked at you, knitting his eyebrows together.
The air was filled with tension, and even Tenya was nervous when your fingers slipped between his. "They sure look beautiful, huh?" you commented, catching him by surprise. He quickly turned away, feeling a strange heat course through his cheeks, and cleared his throat.
"Y-yes, it's quite astonishing to see the labors of our creation for All Hallows Eve," he agreed, making you look at him with a raised eyebrow. "All Hallows Eve?" you asked with a snicker. "Pardon, but do you protest the use of such a phrase?" he asked, looking at you defensively.
You shook your head, trying to silence your snickers. "That's just so like you to refer to Halloween that way," you pointed out before smiling at him and leaning onto your tippy toes. "Hm?" He widened his eyes and wondered what you were doing.
It was understandable that his defenses would be heightened following the earlier incident. As soon as your lips touched his cheek, he realized what you were doing. In disbelief, he cupped said cheek, his face now darkening into a luscious red.
"It's hard for me not to kiss you in front of the Jack-O-Lanterns," you teased before walking to the front door. You reached for the doorknob and peered at him from over your shoulder. His expression was shock and confusion and it made you smile.
"I'm going to tell the others we made Jack-O-Lanterns," you said. "Don't wait up," you teased walking inside and shutting the door behind you. Tenya remained standing there and slowly lowered his hand from his cheek, the skin of which still tingled because of your kiss.
It was evident that you were a rather...impulsive individual. Perhaps he would have to discuss personal space and public displays of affection with you. But he couldn't shake the feeling of knots in his stomach. Perhaps your small token of affection stirred something inside him.
While he did not regard All Hallows Eve as romantic in any way, perhaps he could return the kiss to you when the time came. "Hm..." he clasped his chin, tapping his finger against it a few times. Yes, when the moment was right. As he thought about this, he walked up the stairs to the front door.
You already stated that you were going to tell everyone that the two of you made Jack-O-Lanterns which meant he would have to ensure everyone knew the rules regarding them. Oh yes, his duties as the class president never ended, not even during the holiday season.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Do you think you could write a really soft REALLY flustered kind of iida x gn(or fem) yn, who knows full well how in love iida is with them? And I mean like iida has steam coming out of his ears (engines?) kind of flustered. I just adored super soft iida!
[ Yes, hello! Fluff seems to be my specialty and I think this request is adorable. So yes, I can write a really soft flushed Iida and reader. I apologize for taking so long on this. ]
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The first time you met him was...awkward, and you'd never forget how those eyes widened when he looked at you nor the way his cheeks turned an unusual red color. Of course, given the events that happened just prior to meeting him, his reaction was normal.
It happened in the Development Studio when one of Mei Hatsume's inventions went haywire, not that such a thing was surprising, and a loud explosion sounded followed by the room billowing with smoke and fire. Of course, you hardly had the time to pay attention to that considering the force of the explosion sent you flying.
Then again, you hadn't expected to collide with someone, but it happened and when your vision stopped spinning and the smoke cleared you noticed something soft underneath you and quickly realized that you were lying on top of someone.
"Huh?" was the first word that left your mouth when you lifted your head and looked down to see one of the more handsome hero students underneath you. Then your hands curled into the front of his uniform jacket, and you realized the rather compromising position you were in.
Your chest against his and your legs entangled together, not to mention how your heart raced when he finally came to and looked at you. Of course, you assumed the fast pace of your heart was because your body was still getting over the shock of what had just happened.
His eyes lingered on you for a long moment, and you swear you felt something making your legs vibrate. It wasn't too far-fetched to say it could have been a side effect of whatever quirk he had, but you could also hear a faint thudding sound as if a tiny engine were sparking to life.
The next thing you knew, his hands were on your shoulders, and he sat up while saying, "Pardon, my apologies but I believe I must check on my friend's," politely. Although you noticed that his gaze was turned away and his face remained flushed.
Ever since that day, he acted strange around you, well maybe 'strange' wasn't the right word. It seemed that he always tried to catch your attention when he came to the Support Department, although you understood why most students tended to avoid talking to Hatsume.
Despite her gift in crafting support gear, she was a tad too unhinged for most. But what you didn't understand was the fact that Tenya came to you for the littlest of things like a scratch on his hero suit, or in some cases, he only came by to try and start a conversation with you.
Of course, his conversations were usually full of stutters, which as far as you knew, was completely unlike him. Normally he was confident when he spoke to others. Not to mention that his face would turn the faintest red just like the day you had collided with each other.
You had come to discover that the thudding sound was indeed produced by his quirk and that it only occurred when he was in your presence. You would have loved to run a diagnostic on his engines but tried to restrain yourself from asking him. After all, that would be a huge invasion of personal space.
Still, it wasn't that hard to figure out he had feelings for you and as time went on you wondered if anyone or even his closest friends knew about it. But that wasn't necessarily your concern. After all, Tenya was upfront and honest, or at least you believed he was?
Logic dictated that if he had something to tell you, he would. But you never expected you'd have so much fun teasing him about it, much less on a Saturday afternoon in the park. You normally tested out your more dangerous inventions outside or those you were currently working on, and the park was the perfect place to do just that.
You usually positioned yourself by the lake, just in case something caught on fire, and packed a large lunch. Your favorite part of the day was eating on the nearby bench and staring at the birds that played in the lake while admiring the way the sun and the clouds reflected off the surface of it.
The faint sounds of children playing and couples talking to one another as they walked along were all around you, and while you normally would block them out one sound seemed to catch your attention. "Hm?" you paused and turned your head to look down the paved road that surrounded the lake.
You should have known that Tenya of all people would be out running on a Saturday. His mind felt clouded as of late. It was unlike him to daydream or become so unfocused with his academic studies. But he found that on those late nights of sitting at his work desk inside his dorm room, thoughts of you continuously entered his mind.
Then his body would react in the strangest way. His stomach would feel uneasy, and his cheeks would grow in temperature. His engines would begin to produce the faintest steam and unlike when he used his quirk for heroism, this steam was the faintest gray color and did not smell of burning.
But even he knew why this was happening and why you were the cause. It seemed that he was in love with you or at least his symptoms were that of love. Then again, there were many qualities that you possessed that he adored.
The fact that you crafted such wonders, your intelligence, the kind way you spoke to everyone. The way you'd jump at the chance to help someone in need. You were undefinable and the light that shined through you made him almost intimidated to approach you. He knew this was silly given the fact that he had faced many dangers.
Yet, he hadn't seemed to summon the courage to walk up to you and attempt to convey the emotions that rained deep within his heart. 'Perhaps I am being rather foolish' he thought as he continued running down the path before him, carefully avoiding the passersby.
'Y/n is quite...well perhaps indescribable, but I cannot deny the way they cause me to feel and-' his thoughts suddenly came to a halt when he turned his head as he passed by a bench. His eyes widened, and all at once his world seemed to slow when he saw you.
Your eyes were just as wide as his and you were standing up with your hand held out as if you wanted to greet him hello. Oh, why did that simple gesture cause his heart to race!? For a moment he contemplated if he should stop or simply keep going and calm himself before speaking to you.
It was clear that you had already seen one another, and it would be rude not to speak to you. "Huh?" you blinked a few times as Tenya passed, even without the use of his quirk it seemed he was faster than the average individual.
You pondered for a moment if you could study just how fast he was both with and without the use of his engines, but that was highly unlikely. Especially after Hatsume made a fool of him during the Sports Festival. Would he agree to be part of any study that was presented by the Department of Support?
"Okay bye I guess?" you said, watching as he continued down the path before slowly coming to a stop a mile or two away. You knitted your eyebrows but shrugged and quickly took the last bite of your food before wiping your hands clean and returning to your makeshift workstation.
You had set yourself up with a foldable table and a blanket. Various bits and pieces of metal and inventions lay scattered around you and on the table, there were power tools and a half-finished support item you were making for one of the hero students.
"Let's see..." you tapped your chin, trying to decide if you wanted to continue working on your current invention or test out one of the ones laying on the blanket. Glancing between the two, you sighed. Decisions, decisions.
"Maybe I should finish this one first," you moved the device on the table closer to you. The way his heart was racing was not normal and the heat that came to his cheeks was making his glasses fog up. He pressed his hand to his chest, feeling the subtle thump of his heart.
His mouth suddenly felt dry, as if he hadn't drunk anything for days when he turned to look over his shoulder at you. His engines vibrated and he knew it was only a matter of time before that steam began to billow from them.
Yes, he knew staring was rude, but he couldn't help himself. You always looked so beautiful when you were lost in your work. He almost felt hesitant to walk over, but once again reminded himself that it would also be rude to avoid speaking to you.
So, with a deep breath, he attempted to regain his composure before slowly walking over to you. His hands felt clammy, and his engines continued to spark to life despite his attempts to consciously stop them. By the time he approached you, he was a flushing mess and took note that you seemed to be ignoring him.
He waited a few moments as he watched you work, seemingly oblivious to the world around you or so he thought. You knew he was standing there, and part of you was surprised considering you thought he would have said something by now.
Of course, it was also safe to assume he didn't know what to say given his feelings toward you. It wasn't until he cleared his throat that you addressed his presence. "Hm?" lifting your head, you tried to hold back the smile that threatened to come when you looked at him.
"Oh, hi Iida," you said as casually as possible, taking note of his flushed cheeks and the dull sound of his engines. He swallowed hard and cleared his throat before answering. "Yes, hello Y/n, I hope you are well this afternoon!" his voice was slightly raised, and he was chopping one of his hands rapidly through the air as per usual.
You chuckled softly, despite knowing that Tenya wasn't someone that enjoyed being laughed at. But you couldn't help it, you found his small ticks to be rather endearing and yet strange. "I'm fine, just testing out some inventions..." you gestured to the one that currently sat on the table and then to the ones that lay on the blanket.
"Ah, yes!" he blurted out, once again raising his hand in the air. "Your craft is quite admirable! I am pleased to have been given an invention of your design!" he stated, a little too loudly you noted and on top of that his voice was shaky. Then when you glanced down you could see that familiar steam seeping from his calves.
"Heh," you smirked, deciding to have a little fun, and folded your hands behind your back, looking at him with a poutful expression. "You know..." you said, walking around the table and toward him. He took a step back out of instinct, and you noted his cheeks grew a darker shade of red when you stopped in front of him.
"I could use someone to help me test some of these inventions today, I get a little bored on my own," you batted your eyelashes and slowly placed your hands on his chest, feeling the way his skin tensed up from beneath the fabric of his jogger suit.
The slight scent of metal burning filled your nostrils and even without looking, you knew that his engines were sparking more and more to life with each passing second. In addition, you could feel the way his heart pounded in his chest.
He seemed at a loss for words, but even so, you couldn't help but smile. You weren't trying to manipulate his feelings for you, in fact, you found the way he was reacting to be just as cute as his hand-chopping. But maybe if the two of you got closer, it would help motivate him to finally tell you how he felt.
"Please, won't you help me...Iida?" you said, purposely extending your bottom lip out. Those eyes of his seemed to sparkle as he looked down at you, and despite the slight sweat that was beginning to form across his brow he answered, "I...I s-suppose I c-can be of assistance if you wish!" he responded, quickly turning his head away.
You grinned in victory and decided to take advantage of the moment. "Thank you, Iida," you said, daring to get onto your tippy toes and place a kiss on his cheek which felt warm against your soft and slightly moist lips.
His engines suddenly backfired and a loud 'bang' echoed through the air, catching you off guard. You stumbled back, looking at him with wide eyes. A massive amount of smoke now surrounded him, and with his cheeks still red and his head turned away from you he stuttered out an apology.
He had not expected you to go as far as to kiss him, even if it was on the cheek. He knew that typical signs of affection such as that could be viewed as both platonic and romantic and though he had his hopes, he could not interpret what you had implied through it.
Yet, he turned his head back, daring to look you in the eye. "S-shall we begin? I would be honored to...assist you with your inventions..." he stated, despite being a tad nervous due to his past experience, but surely your inventions were less destructive than Hatsume's.
"Heh...right, um stand over there," you said, gesturing to a spot near the lake. He nodded in response and as he walked over he thought, 'Perhaps Y/n and I may be...closer one day,' and when that day came, he desired to be able to speak to you, to express himself more properly around you without having his nerves get in the way.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
heyyy do you think you can write more knight!iida x princess!reader please 🌺🌺
[ Hello dear anon! *Takes flowers* I can most certainly make more Knight!Tenya x Princess!Reader content. I hope you enjoy it, this was so much fun to write. Since I love Tenya this has a somewhat romantic end to it. The summary is below the banner. ]
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[ Summary: The Kingdom of Yuuei has many wonders, but none was more fascinating to you than Tenya Iida, a young knight serving under the royal family. As the Princess, you were far too used to getting what you desired, this included demanding he teach you the ways of swordsmanship. Unfortunately, this training session results in an injured ankle, and he insists on caring for you. ]
You cried out when his sword collided with yours, and your feet desperately dug into the ground to steady yourself. However, this was of no use as Tenya continued to push you back intent on following your orders despite them clashing with his own morals.
As a knight, it was his duty to serve and protect the kingdom, its citizens, and its rulers. This, of course, included you. The fair princess. He had grown to know you well throughout these many years serving the kingdom, and as such, he understood your fierce and yet kind nature.
You were very caring and always did what was within your power to help your citizens. But they did not know of the determined and chaotic side that demanded outrageous and furthermore dangerous requests like him teaching you swordsmanship.
While he agreed that everyone should know the basics of self-defense, it was a knight’s job to ensure that the kingdom was always protected no matter what evil arose to challenge it. Obviously, he couldn’t refuse a command given to him by a member of the royal family.
However, he tried to convince you there was no need to learn how to defend yourself. This is because he vowed to never allow harm to come to you, or so he thought. Unfortunately, you weren’t convinced and refused to listen to his logic and reason.
Eventually, you threatened to throw him into the dungeon if you did not get your way. This would effectively end his knighthood and his goal of becoming Grand Commander as his eldest brother was. So, with some regret, training began.
Despite your swordsmanship skills improving over the past few weeks, Tenya refused to use his full strength against you. This, of course, bothered you given that during training sessions with his fellow knights, he was quick on his feet and defeated them with intense fury.
You wanted fair and equal treatment. Just because you were royal didn’t mean you couldn’t hold your own or at least try to. “Pardon?” he asked, lifting his helmet visor. You crossed your arms and impatiently tapped your foot against the ground.
“As Princess of the Yuuei Kingdom, I order you to use the extension of your strength against me,” you explained with an unhappy scowl. Tenya frowned knowing there was an increased chance of injury if he didn't hold back. However, he was not willing to lose his position nor was he in the mood for another one of your idle threats.
He removed his helmet and knelt down. One hand was pressed against his chest plate, while the other was pressed against the ground to steady himself. “Very well, Your Highness,” he replied, “I shant hold back,” and he was true to his word.
‘Damn it,’ you clenched your jaw. He was like a mountain, unable and unwilling to move. The sun shined down on both of you, causing sweat to drip down your forehead and neck. It also shined off Tenya’s armor which somehow looked new and polished.
However, he was known for taking care of his armor and often spent hours cleaning it. This was because of his insistence that “a knight must always look proper and in accordance with the royal family.” The fact that he was without a helmet was a distraction.
Even with dirt patches coloring his skin and sweat dripping down his face, he was handsome. His hair stuck to his skin, giving him an animalistic appearance. This was only intensified by his glistening red eyes, which were slit in anger and determination.
You briefly looked over your shoulder, noticing that you were inching closer to the end of the training ground marked with wooden poles connected with a sturdy rope. You refused to be thrown over that makeshift fence, despite knowing you were going to lose.
You tightened your grip on your sword and used all your strength to move Tenya’s sword to the side. The sound of metal scraping together echoed through the air and your arms trembled without the weight of the other sword to hold yours up.
The relief you felt only lasted for a few seconds before Tenya brought his arm back and clashed his sword against yours in a sideways swipe. You stumbled back, only to feel your foot get caught on something and pain shoot through your ankle when you hit the ground.
You didn’t see or hear where your sword landed. However, you heard Tenya drop his and immediately kneel by your side. “Princess!” he exclaimed in a panic, angry at himself for following through with your orders despite not having a choice. You groaned, slowly pushing yourself up.
“Are you injured?” he questioned, glancing at your body. Your once white dress was now stained with dirt and your hair was a tangled mess. The tiara that normally rested atop your head was now lying in a patch of grass, some ways from where you had fallen.
“My ankle...hurts” you hissed behind clenched teeth, trying to ignore the pain. “Pardon, but I would favor examining your ankle in order to assess the type of injury or damage that has occurred. This will determine which kind of medical attention you require.”
You glared at him but knew you didn't have the right to be angry because he followed through with your orders. Still, you hadn’t expected to get hurt, at least not like this. You frowned and hesitantly moved your hand away.
“I believe it would be best to remove your shoe, Your Highness,” he suggested. “May I have permission to do so?” he asked, and you frowned in response. Your fingers curled into the dirt beneath you and with a huff, you said, “Fine.” He nodded and grasped your ankle with one hand.
He ensured to keep his grip loose but firm as he took your shoe off with his opposite hand. You winced and pulled your leg back. Although it was a normal reaction to want to get away from the source of pain, he tightened his grip and finished removing your shoe. He then tossed it to the side.
You continued to wince, trembling as more pain coursed through your ankle causing your toes to curl. “Apologies,” he did not wish to cause you more harm but knew it was necessary. You growled in response but said nothing as he lowered your ankle onto his knee.
Each touch of his gloved fingertips brought a small jolt of agony, but you clenched your jaw to silence any further whimpers. “You appear to have some swelling and the skin around your ankle is red indicating possible future bruising,” he explained, making you pout. “Oh good,” you said sarcastically, making him knit his eyebrows.
“Forgive me, Your Highness, ecchymosis is not something one usually finds happiness in as it's bleeding that occurs under the skin due to trauma, and in some cases, can be a rather serious condition.” He was as sincere as ever and somehow it was annoying and endearing at the same time.
You looked at him monotonously. Your eyebrows were lowered, and your lips were pressed out in a thin line. “May I carry you to your bed chamber? I believe that would be the most appropriate place as you are in need of a change of clothes.” You crossed your arms and rolled your eyes.
“After which, I will tend to your injured ankle,” he said before placing his hand on his chest and bowing his head. “Are you saying you want to undress me?” you asked, teasing him. But as usual, your jokes flew over his head or were completely ignored. “Please allow me this honor to redeem the injury I have caused to you.”
Despite the slightest flush washing over your cheeks, you were used to being treated like a flower. People were afraid to touch you in fear of your petals wilting, although this was typical for those lucky or unfortunate enough to be born into royalty.
While Tenya kept this in mind, he was not afraid to touch you or argue with you. This made him different from most of the Kingdom’s population and was one of the reasons you were drawn to him. You spread your arms out so that he can carry you as requested.
He carefully removed your ankle from his knee, laying it gently back on the ground. Then he placed one arm underneath your legs and leaned over. He allowed you to wrap your arms around his neck before placing his opposite arm behind your back.
His armor clinked when he stood up, but he didn’t appear to have trouble lifting you. The sound of his metal boots against the grass brought you comfort, and you stared at him the closer you got to the castle. Like before, you thought he looked handsome.
From his dark, undercut hair to his sharp jawline. “Hm…” you reached up and threaded your fingers through that hair. He tensed up but continued walking and glanced at you. “Please refrain, Your Highness,” he said, making you pout again. While he knew you wouldn't listen, public displays of affection were not permitted.
Especially given the difference in social status between you two. He could feel your glare burning a hole through him and assumed you were unhappy that he had refused your touch. “Knight Iida,” you said, trying to sound as sweet as possible which caught his attention yet again.
He stopped and after a few moments of hesitation, he replied “Yes, Your Highness?” You smiled and threaded your hands through his hair again. This made him frown but he remained still as you had yet to give him an order or tell him what you intended.
Your hand continued brushing through his hair, making him tremble in response. “Your Highness, I am about to resume walking,” he stated. Yet again showing his willingness to disregard certain rules or orders from you such as not moving until told to do so.
“Wait a minute,” you protested, but he ignored you. “Fine,” you replied, grasping the top of his chest plate to pull yourself up and kiss his cheek. Although it tasted of salt, sweat, and dirt. He stopped again, clenching his jaw to avoid shouting your name.
His face was flustered, and he looked at you with wide, yet still angry eyes. You snickered, finding his reaction amusing. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his anger as he knew acting solely on emotions was dangerous. “Please do not do that,” he stated.
His voice deepened and a serious tone accompanied it. “It’s not appropriate behavior for one of royal status to partake in nor is public affection proper social behavior for anyone to display,” he explained. “Why should I care about proper behavior?” you asked, rolling your eyes.
“I’m just thanking my royal knight for everything he does for me,” you said, brushing your fingers along his cheek. “If the King and Queen witnessed their daughter treating one of the lower classes in such an affectionate manner, it would surely cause a problematic situation. I do not believe I would favor that.”
You frowned at his words, feeling both angered and ashamed, not of your actions, but rather of the belief that royals were above others. Everyone should be treated equally, regardless of their social status. You thought Tenya of all people would realize that.
“Mm…” You frowned but chose not to address it further. Instead, you rested your head on his shoulder as he resumed walking. His eyes widened when he saw Tenya carrying you. “I-Iida!” he shouted, running up to him. “Greetings Midoriya,” he stated.
“I was worried when Your H-Highness ran off! The King and Q-Queen were too. Where was she!?” he frantically asked ignoring how you glared at him. Izuku was your valet and assisted you with whatever you needed. You knew he was of the lower class as well.
He had originally wanted to become part of the knighthood as Tenya was. However, he didn’t quite fit the requirements and was given the option of caring for you instead. Some may say that’s more challenging than being a knight.
“I’m afraid that is my own fault. I insisted that I overlook Your Highness’s self-defense training. However, the session ended early due to an injury,” he explained, and worry immediately enveloped Izuku’s features.
“Injury!?” he exclaimed, and you leaned forward, shushing him. “You have the biggest mouth!” you hissed, not wanting the whole damn kingdom to make a fuss just because you hurt your ankle. “Uh, u-um,” he flushed and bowed. “I-I’m sorry, Your Highness, I just um…” He glanced to the side, trying to stop his panicked thoughts.
“I-is there anything you need? I c-can get it for you while you continue to t-tend to the Princess!” he offered, leaning back up and looking at Tenya with determination. It almost saddened him that Izuku hadn’t been considered knight material.
He imagined that if given the chance, he would be a worthy knight. You growled softly, annoyed by Izuku’s words. He was an excellent example of one of the many people who treated you like a flower. He worried about every small scrape and bump you received.
“Thank you, Midoriya,” Tenya replied. “I would favor a wash basin, preferably with warm water if available,” Izuku nodded, continuing to listen. “I believe I will also require two washcloths,” he explained. “R-right!” the green-haired boy replied, you could never fathom why he was so shy around others.
“I’ll b-be back!” he promised and Tenya smiled as he watched him disappear down the hallway. “Can we go to my room now?” you asked flatly. “Yes, Your Highness,” he replied, and a rush of relief came when he opened the door to your bed chamber.
As expected, it was large and spacious. Natural light filled the room thanks to the large windows on the opposite side which were decorated with purple silky drapes. Outside said windows, one could see the beautiful courtyard and flower garden.
The walls were painted white with gold trim. A large white wardrobe with diamond-shaped handles and elegant carvings was next to your bed which was constructed of an equally as elegant bed frame with a large canopy. Much like the wardrobe, it too had carvings.
The only difference was that they resembled flowers, as absurd as that was. The bed itself was covered in silky white and purple sheets and blankets. A mountain of pillows was piled against the headboard, each specially crafted for maximum comfort and arranged in an array of colors.
He carefully sat you down on the edge of your bed and stepped back, the sound of his armor clanking echoed through your room. Once again, he pressed a hand against his chest and kneeled before you. Unlike the many others who bowed at your feet, your heart raced when he did.
Of course, that was understandable considering he was one of the more attractive individuals within your kingdom. “I am going to select another article of clothing for you,” he knew that was normally the job of your lady’s maid, Uraraka Ochako, who happened to be another one of his close friends.
She too was of the lower class and wore patched-up clothing when not working. He understood that she had originally been dismissed when she fell at the King and Queen’s feet and begged them for a job so she could support her parents.
It was only because of your persistence that you convinced them to make her your lady's maid. She helped you with dressing, make-up, and hair care. She also kept your room neat and tidy. Tenya assumed she was absent because, like Izuku, she was ordered to find your whereabouts.
In any case, you needed to remove your dirty clothing as it was improper for royalty to have such an unpleasant appearance. “Hmm?” You tilted your head. “But I-” You leaned up, making the mistake of moving your injured ankle, and hissed when another jolt of pain came.
Tenya noticed this and frowned. “I would advise against moving your injured ankle,” he stated, although, at this point, he believed it was sprained. He stood up and walked over to your wardrobe, glancing at the various dresses you had available.
He tapped his chin, deciding which one suited you perfectly, and walked back to you. “Here we are,” he said, laying the dress on the bed beside you. “I will turn my back. Inform me when you are done or if you require assistance,” he stated before turning around. You pouted, seeing your reflection in his armor.
Your hair still looked disheveled, and you could see the dirt patches that stained your dress. ‘Well guess I could look worse,’ you thought before shifting your glance to the back of Tenya’s head. You tapped your cheek, debating about teasing him and why shouldn’t you? He was the reason your ankle hurt.
Okay, maybe that wasn’t necessarily true. While he had shut down your advances before, he could not refuse you this time. “Knight Iida,” you said, your voice holding that familiar authoritative tone that caused him to turn his head slightly. “Yes, Your Highness,” he replied. “I need help,” you said.
“What do you require assistance with?” he asked, refusing to turn around for fear he might see your exposed body. “Take off this dress,” you replied and found amusement in the way he flinched. “P-pardon?” he replied. Yes, he said he would provide you with assistance but didn't expect you to order him to disrobe you.
“I order you as my knight to take this dress off me!” you said before tilting your head. “After all, my Lady’s Maid isn’t here to help me and I can’t do it on my own,” you lied. However, Tenya was gullible so maybe he'd believe you.
A lump formed in his throat, making it difficult to respond, as did the rush of warmth that flowed through his cheeks, turning them a soft red color. He hesitated when he turned to look at you. Perhaps he didn't think this through thoroughly.
Yet again the thought that he couldn’t deny a royal’s request came to mind. However, like before, he wished to try and talk some logical sense into you. “Are you most certain you cannot perform this task?” he asked. “Yes, I'm sure!” you replied in a huff, and much like before he could feel your glare burning through him.
“I do not recall you complaining of any pain in your hands and your arms are free of scrapes or cuts,” he crossed his arms and your glare intensified. “Take. My. Dress. Off. Now.” you snarled, and he sighed. Upon second thought, perhaps he would be wasting time if he intended to argue with you.
The sooner he helped you, the sooner he could address and care for your ankle. “Very well,” he said, stepping closer. “Please raise your arms above your head,” he instructed, and you smiled, doing as he requested which was quite unusual. Princesses don't tend to take orders, but you made a special exception in Tenya’s case.
He grasped your wrists and closed his eyes before slowly tracing his hands down your arms. You trembled when he caressed your sides and hip curve. Your breath caught when he reached your thighs as he moved his hands to caress the back of them.
You latched onto your lip when his hands moved down and stroked the back of your legs before finally grasping the bottom of your dress. In one swift motion, he pulled the garment off you and allowed it to drop to the floor.
You shivered when the cool air hit your exposed skin and wrapped your arms around yourself. “Your Highness, shall we put on your fresh dress now?” he questioned and before you could answer, your door opened, and in stepped Uraraka.
She smiled and carried a clean pile of clothes for you. Tenya snapped his eyes wide open, turning his head toward the door. “Hello, Your Highness, I brought you-” she stopped talking when she realized what was before her.
A man was alone with you, and you were sitting on your bed completely bare apart from your undergarments. But the man wasn’t just any man, it was Tenya. A knight who served the royal family and was one of her closest friends.
“U-uh,” she looked mortified, and her face turned red. What an embarrassing sight to see. “O-Ochako!” Tenya stuttered; his face red as hers. “I c-can assure you this is not what it appears to be and I-” he turned when he heard your bed creak and immediately covered his eyes when he realized you were attempting to stand up.
You winced as soon as you put weight on your injured ankle and reached out to grab Tenya to steady yourself on one foot. You then hopped behind him to hide your exposed body from Uraraka. Although she had seen you like this many times, Tenya's presence made it different.
She shook her head and stumbled forward, throwing the pile of clean clothes onto the nearest chair. “I-I’ll j-just put this h-here, s-sorry!” she squeaked before rushing out of your chambers. Her heart was beating so fast she felt faint as she leaned against your now-closed door.
“Hm?” Tsuyu, a maid, walked by and noticed Uraraka’s unusual expression. “Are you okay?” she asked, but Uraraka wasn’t sure if she could speak at the moment, and even if she could, it wasn’t her place to share personal information, much less intimate information about a royal’s life.
Your heart was still racing and your face, along with the rest of your body felt hot. But Tenya’s armor was cool, and you pressed yourself against him, slinking your arms under his to keep him where he stood. “Y-Your Highness, may I…may I ask what you are doing?” His shaky voice was unusual to hear.
But that didn't stop you from nuzzling your cheek against the back of his armor. You waited for your embarrassment to fade before uttering the words, “Thank you.” Tenya raised his eyebrow, uncertain of what you were thanking him for.
However, he appreciated such words. He cleared his throat. “Y-you are quite welcome…Your Highness,” he said, his words lingering in the air for a moment. “Perhaps…” You lifted your head, your eyes wide with curiosity.
“We should put on your fresh dress now?” he suggested, making you realize or rather remember that you were still in your undergarments and yet again your face heated up. “Oh um, r-right,” you replied, lowering your hands.
“Please take your seat and I will assist you as ordered,” he said, pointing a gloved finger toward your bed. You pouted before carefully hopping over and pulling yourself back onto it. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes before facing you.
“Please hand me the dress.” Your lips curled but you did as he requested. “Thank you, Your Highness,” he stated, bowing respectfully before turning once more and opening his eyes. He made sure the dress was facing the right way and rolled it up to make it easier to slip over your head.
“Please raise your arms,” he instructed, turning to face you again. His eyes remained closed even as he slipped the dress over your head. He tried his best not to allow his knuckles to brush against your bare skin. “It is rather rude and inappropriate to look at a bare woman of your status,” you growled.
“My status?” you repeated, as he tugged the bottom of the dress over your legs and sighed in relief before opening his eyes. “Yes, of your status, Your Highness,” he replied, noticing the confused but angered look in your eye. “Royal, young, and unmarried,” he clarified.
“You could change that you know,” you shot back, and he stiffened in response. “I…I…p-pardon?” he questioned, and you snickered as his cheeks turned red. While marriage crossed his mind occasionally, you were untouchable and likely would be betrothed to another royal.
However, he was unwilling to entertain the idea of you being handed over to a stranger. Surely no one else could protect and care for you as he did. Regardless, his personal feelings should not interfere with royal dealings, nor his knighthood or so he would try not to allow them to.
He cleared his throat and opened his mouth to speak when a knock sounded. Like before, he snapped his head toward your door, thankful that you were clothed this time around. “Yes?” he said, and seconds later Izuku walked in.
“Uh, h-hello Your Highness…I-Iida,” he stated, being careful not to spill the water that filled the basin. “Sorry it took a while, I had to help O-Ochako fold the l-laundry and-uh…” he shook his head, guess the rest didn’t matter. “It is quite alright, please allow me,” Tenya replied taking the basin from him.
He could feel the warmth of it and the two requested washcloths hung off one side of it. Tenya placed the basin on the floor in front of you and turned to Izuku. “Thank you Midoriya,” he said. “Oh, i-it was no trouble, um…” He turned to you and pressed his hand against his chest, bowing.
“I…I hope you feel better, Y-Your Highness,” he stated. “You may leave,” you said, shooing him away with your hand. He lifted his head, looking at you before nodding. “Um, y-yes,” he said turning to walk out the door, leaving you alone with Tenya again.
He kneeled, removing his gloves before taking one of the washcloths and dipping it into the water. He twisted it to allow any excess water to drip back into the basin before standing again. “May I wash your face, Your Highness?” he asked.
“Hm?” Your eyes widened and you brushed your fingers against your cheek, feeling the rough texture of dried dirt. Oh yeah, you had almost forgotten about that. “Um…y-yes,” you replied, pressing your hand against your chest.
“Are you well Your Highness? There is little reason to be embarrassed about your appearance. You are rather alluring, pulchritudinous. No amount of dirt nor darkness can collapse such beauty.” Your bottom lip trembled at his words, and you leaned back, turning your head to hide your blush.
‘Why did he have to say it like that?!’ As a royal, you were used to compliments but none felt as personal as Tenya's. “Hm?” He blinked, noticing your odd response. “Forgive me, did I…perhaps Your Highness did not wish to hear such things?” Your eyes widened, and you snapped your head back.
“I apologize and if you wish so, I will refrain from-” he stumbled back when you shot your arms out and frantically screamed, “No!” Your eyes widened and you clamped your hands over your mouth. You weren’t sure if you were more embarrassed over your own actions or the fact that anyone walking by heard you.
Luckily you didn’t hear knocks or frantic footsteps, so you assumed you were safe. You looked away from Tenya and lowered your hands. “I-it…your words were fine just…unexpected,” you replied nervously. “And a-anyways, w-wash my face already!” you exclaimed, crossing your arms.
You knew you were like a spoiled child, but Tenya didn’t comment. “Very well, pardon my touch,” he said as he stood up and gently placed his hand underneath your chin. You closed your eyes as the washcloth touched your skin and collected the obscene dirt.
Tenya carefully cleaned your face in one swift motion, watching the once-white towel surface turn brown. “There you are. I do hope this helps your discomfort,” he said before kneeling again. “Please present your ankle. I wish to clean it and apply a warm compress to ease the pain,” you chuckled.
Tenya certainly had a way about him. You caught your breath when you lifted your injured ankle. That same shooting discomfort made you tense up. “Forgive me, I do not wish to cause you further pain. I will wash it in a quick and tidy manner,” he assured and laid the clean side of the washcloth on your ankle.
The warmth brought some comfort, but you winced as he moved said washcloth around. “There we are,” he said after a minute and looked at you. “Apologies for causing your displeasure,” he stated. “It’s…fine,” you said sighing, angry at yourself for allowing this to happen.
He folded the dirty washcloth and hung it on the side of the wash basin before standing up again. “Your Highness,” he said, bowing. “I would favor moving you toward the front of the bed as I believe it would increase your comfort if you laid against your pillows with your injured ankle elevated,” he explained, and you frowned.
Was he going to leave after this? “Mm…” you tapped your lips a few times as he removed your remaining shoe. You should properly thank him if that were the case. “Okay,” you replied and wrapped your arms around him when he leaned back up.
He nodded and carried you toward the headboard which was partially hidden by the mountain of pillows. He gently positioned you on the silky sheets and guided your head onto the said pillows. Then he grabbed a few spare ones.
Honestly, he wasn’t sure why you had so many pillows, to begin with, but assumed it was due to your status. One must ensure the Princess is happy as she is the ideal representative of the kingdom and sets the atmosphere for her citizens.
He carefully stacked the pillows next to your injured ankle and looked at you. “Please move your ankle slowly,” he said. “I will assist if you so desire,” he added, keeping a respectful and kind tone of voice. “I think I can do it,” you replied, clenching your jaw when you lifted your leg.
You pushed through the pain and slowly lowered your ankle onto the stack of pillows, sighing in relief. “Very good, allow me to prepare the washcloth,” he said, walking back to the foot of the bed. You leaned your head back and focused on the ceiling.
You could hear water swishing, followed by rapid droplets. “Here we are,” he said, approaching you again. “I will be gentle, Your Highness,” he promised before laying the second and more importantly, clean washcloth over your ankle. He then tucked it behind your heel making you wince.
“Apologies,” he said, standing up and bowing again. “But the warm compress should alleviate the pain temporarily. I will inform Ochako to provide you with a fresh one every hour,” he stated. “Are you leaving then?” you asked with a frown, reaching out to him, but he remained where he stood.
“Yes, Your Highness,” he replied, placing his hands firmly at his sides. “There are no further duties to perform here, and I must return to the training ground to retrieve your shoe and tiara. I will ensure both get properly cleaned and polished before returning to you,” your frown deepened.
The last thing you thought about was your shoe and tiara. They weren’t significant, or at least not to you. You opened your mouth to speak, but Tenya lowered himself onto one knee. “Huh?” you blinked, wondering what on Earth he was doing.
“I am afraid I must apologize for my actions. I am aware I was following orders. But an act of violence toward the Princess, even in training, is an act of war against the Kingdom. I wish to abide by my duties as a knight. I wish to serve and protect you above all else.”
Your eyes widened and you pressed your hand against your chest, feeling your heart's gentle thumps. “Um…” you glanced away, with the faintest blush dusting your cheeks. You looked back after taking a deep breath and leaned over, placing your hand on his head.
“Hm?” He blinked, startled by your touch. “I’m glad you followed my orders today, and…” you paused, retracting your hand. “Stand up,” Tenya raised his head. “Pardon?” he asked, making you sigh in response. “I said, stand up,” you repeated, motioning with your hand.
He looked reluctant but stood up and placed his hands by his sides again. You smiled and traced him from head to toe. He was a well-trained knight, and you were sore you wouldn’t see his training session today, but you could still leave a long-lasting impression on him.
“Come here,” you said, beckoning him closer with your finger. Once again, thanks to his gullible nature, he approached and leaned over. “Closer,” he glanced away, looking uncertain, but leaned down further to be face to face with you.
He gasped when your hand rested on his cheek and your fingertips caressed the ends of his hair. “Y-Your Highness, may I ask what you are-” his voice faded when you leaned closer causing his cheeks to turn red and his body to tremble when you laid your forehead against his, then you slowly leaned in.
“Let me thank my knight for all he’s done for me,” you muttered. Every rational thought in his head urged him to pull away, or else he’d break the unspoken rule between social classes and intimacy. But his mind and heart were on different wavelengths.
Despite his thoughts, his body remained still even as you tilted your head and pressed your warm lips against his trembling ones. His breath hitched as if he had just received a blunt hit to the stomach, and tingles ran through his body.
This was a sensation he had not yet known. It was different from the adrenaline rush he gets when in combat or clashing his sword against another. It was more intense, more needy, and yet in the back of his mind he couldn’t help but fathom the reason why this moment. This instance of lips against each other was wrong.
He panted desperately when you pulled away, and your cheeks matched his in color. “Y-you…” he could not form the words and found little comfort in your smile. He ducked his head and scurried to the door, remembering to grab his gloves.
“I…I must leave now,” he stuttered, trying to ignore your laughter. When he closed your door, he tried to focus on breathing. You…you were the only force in this world that caused him to react in this manner. Never had he faced a more challenging foe.
He swallowed thickly and pressed his fingers to his lips, still shocked that you had dared to kiss him. While he would long to experience a relationship, his personal goals would no doubt clash with any possible romantic endeavor.
He lifted his head, glancing at the ceiling with hope flowing through his chest. Although it seemed impossible for royalty and commoners to mix. Perhaps the two of you could blur the lines between human decency and love within the kingdom.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Could you please do a follow up to that one story with the super flustered Iida? The one where reader worked in support and knew he was in love with her? Maybe the follow up includes him finally confessing
[ I hope you mean this one dear @mommyfw3nd requested because that's the one I'm going with! I'm sure they won't mind me tagging them since this request is a continuation of the request they requested. Anyways, this was fun to write. ]
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"I don't care, it has to be done! It's obvious how he feels about Y/n!" Ashido said, ignoring the fact that Uraraka was clinging to the back of her shirt to prevent her from marching down the hall to Tenya's room. Uraraka pleaded, "B-but you can't force him to admit his feelings for Y/n!"
Izuku nodded and walked in front of Ashido to block her. "I...I agree, Iida is...well it's difficult to..." he glanced away, scratching his cheek. There were so many thoughts in his head, and deciding the right course of action in this situation was tricky.
"I think...maybe if he c-could be put in t-the right situation with Y/n that would h-help" he explained. "Well, how can we get that to happen?" Ashido asked with her arms crossed. Uraraka sighed in relief and let go of Ashido's shirt, before tapping her lips in thought.
It was challenging to match Tenya's intellect, let alone help him be with the one he clearly loved. "What if we tried to set them up on a date but don't tell them it's a date?" she suggested, feeling shy when her friends looked at her.
"A date!?" Ashido exclaimed, but her smile faded seconds later. "How will we convince Tenya to go on a date but not date, with Y/n?" she asked. "Maybe Deku and I could ask Iida to hang out and convince him to invite Y/n to come along, then from there we can get them alone," she explained.
"That always works in the movies, and I don't think Iida could refuse, right Deku?!" she asked, looking at him with a smile. "I...I don't know if t-that's the best idea, I um..." he rubbed the back of his head, glancing at the ceiling.
"Oh, come on!" Uraraka said, approaching him. "It'll be fun!" she exclaimed before Ashido pointed her finger at his face. "We will help Iida whether you like it or not! He and Y/n deserve to be together!" she proclaimed, crossing her arms again.
"Besides, they spent the whole day together in the park before!" she shouted before pressing her hands against her chest. "And Iida came home lovestruck!" A soft flush tinted her cheeks as she sighed contentedly. "That's the kind of magic we need to recreate, but this time with a little PUSH!" she shouted with a grin.
"But how are we going to get Y/n to come? They're always so busy with their work?" Uraraka replied. "Hmm..." Ashido grasped her chin, tapping it lightly with her finger. "Maybe we can get Hatsume to convince them," she suggested, making Izuku and Uraraka flinch.
"Hm, what's the matter with you two?" she asked with her hands on her hips. "N-nothing!" Izuku replied, holding his hands up. "It's just..." He paused, how could he explain that he was terrified to see Mei considering the many incidents that have occurred in her presence?
Izuku nodded in agreement when Uraraka remarked, "Hatsume is just a lot to handle!" Ashido rolled her eyes. "I don't care!" She said, pointing at them. "This is for Iida! Talk to Hatsume and tell her that Iida is interested in hanging out with Y/n and you guys...and convince Iida to ask them out or whatever!" she explained.
Gritting her teeth, she pointed to herself. "I'll choose the restaurant," she said. "B-but..." Izuku sighed, there was no point in arguing with Ashido and maybe she was right, if Tenya needed their help, they had to do this.
Izuku turned when Uraraka laid a comforting hand on his back and smiled. "We'll go together," she said, but his uneasiness didn't change. The walk to the support department's first-year dormitory wasn't that long, but when he saw Mei outside, he froze.
She had a table set up with several tools and metal pieces across it. He couldn't determine whether she was fixing or inventing something. "Uh, H-Hatsume," he said, trying to ignore Uraraka's hands grasping onto his shoulders.
She popped her head up, leering at him with an unsettling smile that he had long ago learned to fear. "Uh, w-we need your help," he uttered, and in the blink of an eye, Mei invaded his personal space making him cry out in response.
"What do you mean, Deku?!" she exclaimed excitedly and glanced at Uraraka who couldn't help but feel jealous, something she usually dealt with whenever the pink-haired girl got too close to Izuku. "Look," she said, stepping in front of him.
"You're close with Y/n right?" she said, leering at the other female with determination sparkling in her eyes. "Hmmmm?" Mei responded, tapping her cheek. "Yeah, what do they need!?" she asked, trying to remember if you had warned her anything was amiss.
Then again, the two of you were so busy with your support careers that you barely had time to talk lately. "Huh, oh well uh..." Uraraka's confident expression dropped, and she looked over her shoulder at Izuku, silently pleading for help.
"Hatsume," Izuku said walking past Uraraka. His hands hung at his sides, and he took a deep breath, trying to calm himself and find the courage to continue speaking. 'This is for Iida,' with that thought, he locked eyes with Mei.
"You need to convince Y/n that Iida is interested in hanging out with them! W-We'll be there too!" he said, gesturing to himself and Uraraka. Mei knit her eyebrows. "Hm, nah not interested in doing that!" she said, turning her back on the two.
"What!?" they screamed in unison. "B-but you have to," Uraraka urged with clenched fists. "Hm?" Mei paused and looked over her shoulder. "You messed with Iida before, you owe him this much. He likes Y/n a lot!" she shouted angrily, not caring who heard her.
"Uh...Ochako..." Izuku said, hesitantly reaching out for her. Mei frowned and turned her head forward. "You know I really need to work on my babies today!" she said, placing a hand on her hip. Uraraka stepped forward, prepared to yell again.
"But I'll see if I can squeeze talking to Y/n in between my work," she replied and resumed working on her gadget. "Mm..." Uraraka turned to Izuku, clearly unhappy. He smiled sympathetically. "I'm s-sure she won't let us d-down," he said before walking toward their dormitory.
"Now all we need to do is convince Iida," Uraraka nodded. "Right!" she cried out, raising her fist in the air. This was unexpected. You leaned up from the table to look at her with wide eyes. "What?" you replied in disbelief. Mei shrugged.
"Don't know, that's just what they told me to say to you. So, what do you think!?" Unlike most, you weren't bothered by her leaning over and invading your personal space as she normally did. Of course, since you were her closest friend, you were used to it.
You glanced away and tapped your chin. You couldn't imagine Tenya finding the courage to ask you to hang out. You suspected that his friends were asking you for him, which was disappointing, especially after the time you spent in the park with him.
You chuckled at the memory. He was so willing to try your inventions. When the day ended and the two of you were covered in sweat as the sun set, you recalled looking into his eyes. There was so much confidence and love in them, and you thought he would confess but...no.
He politely asked if he could "provide assistance" and "aid" you in cleaning up your workspace. While you appreciated the help, you still expected some kind of confession when he walked you to the door of your dormitory building. But alas, he only gave you a heartfelt goodnight and left.
You frowned and turned away from Mei. "Should I?" you asked, seemingly dissatisfied. "I know Iida likes me, but he hasn't made a move yet." You sighed and propped your elbow onto the table, resting your hand underneath your chin.
"Now his friends are involved," you weren't sure how to feel about that. "I don't want anything to happen between us unless it's natural but..." you looked back at the pink-haired girl. "How long do I have to wait, scratch that. How long should I wait for him to make a move by himself?" you asked.
"Hm...don't know!" she said, turning around. "I have to get back to my babies now!" she declared, but you reached out and grabbed her arm. "I could use some help, you know!" you hissed, annoyed. She paused and looked back at you.
"Romance isn't my thing," she replied, shrugging. "But if you want to create something, you gotta take action!" You knit your eyebrows. 'Take action huh?' That advice was actually...helpful but how could you put it to practical use?
"Pardon?" Tenya asked, curiously looking at his friends. "It's just, we thought it'd be fun to go out together, and since you and Y/n seem so close lately we thought you could ask them to come along," Uraraka explained, and Izuku nodded.
"Uh yeah...I mean, y-you don't mind asking Y/n, right Iida?" His expression became blank, and he grasped his chin. "Well, I..." he paused. Yes, he knew very well and accepted that he had feelings for you. But was this the correct way to establish a romantic relationship?
He almost detested the way his stomach twisted into knots at the very idea of asking you to join him and his friends in a simple social interaction activity. "I am uncertain as to what their presented reaction will be when I inquire about requesting their companionship on this social activity," he explained.
Naturally, his friends were confused by his words and exchanged glances before Uraraka ruffled the back of her head, nervously laughing. "Well, um..." Izuku stepped forward. "I...I don't think you n-need to worry about that Iida!" he declared, determination coating his words.
Izuku's courageous heart was quite mesmerizing, but it also served as a painful reminder of what he lacked. How could he keep up with someone who was true hero material while he stumbled with this very simple issue or one that should be simple?
"Y/n is nice and even though...t-they're always busy with their work, they m-make time for others and I know they'll make time for you," Tenya's eyes widened and he looked away, subtly tapping his chin. "Perhaps you are correct," he replied.
"Very well, I will request Y/n to join us in this social bonding activity!" he exclaimed, rapidly chopping his hand through the air. Izuku chuckled, relieved, while Uraraka smiled and cheered Tenya on. "I will make it a priority to ask them promptly in the morning before classes begin," he said, smiling at his friends.
"Mmhm," Uraraka replied before leaning closer to Izuku. "Do you think he'll be alright?" she asked. "I'm s-sure it'll be fine!" he replied. "Besides...Iida...w-well if he really likes Y/n then he...he w-wouldn't leave until they accept," and boy did he hope you would.
Tenya made his way to the Development Studio the following morning after spending extra time ensuring he looked presentable in his Yuuei uniform. "Excuse me!" he declared, making you jump unexpectedly. You were working on yet another support item and while you hated being interrupted, you turned to face him.
After thinking over what Mei said, you concluded that she was right. If you knew that Tenya liked you, then you should act, maybe even manipulate situations just as you manipulated parts and bits to make your inventions work to get him to confess.
"Hi...Iida," you said, waving half-heartedly. "Apologies," he said, placing one hand on his chest and bowing. "I do hope I am not interrupting, but I wished to inquire about something," you blinked, and for a split second felt hope.
Was this it, was he going to ask you out or rather to hang out? "Oh yeah?" you replied, leaning toward him, and trying to contain your excitement. "Yes, I..." He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the nervous feeling that made his stomach twist.
He took a deep breath, raising his hand in the air. "I wish to invite you to spend an evening with me and the provided company of my friends," and although you already knew his friends were going to be there, you couldn't help but frown.
Then again, they could be there for support like Mei was there for you. There was also the possibility the two of you could find yourselves alone at any given point during the evening. "Hm..." You tapped your lips, thinking about it. "Okay," you said, crossing your arms.
"I'll go out with you and your friends," you muttered. "Pardon?" Tenya replied, leaning closer to better hear your response. "Nothing, nothing!" you exclaimed, waving him away, and while he found the gesture somewhat rude, he leaned back.
"Very well," he replied. "I believe my friends wish for this to occur on Saturday," he stated. "Does this otherwise conflict with your schedule? If so, I am more than certain-" You held your hand up. "That's fine Iida, really," you replied.
Confusion washed over his features for a few seconds before he nodded. "I guess I'll see you then," you said, returning to your table. "I believe it's customary to arrive at a person's house when an activity is scheduled," his words made you pause.
"What?" you replied, and he cleared his throat. "Forgive me," he said. "I merely wanted to establish that I insist on escorting you to the scheduled activity." Did he mean he would pick you up? You took a deep breath, sighing.
Well, that was something people did on dates, but you weren't sure if he fully understood that. "Okay, sounds good Iida," you said, slightly disappointed but grateful nonetheless. He sensed your uncertainty but ignored it for now.
After all, it was quite understandable to feel uneasy around those you were merely acquainted with and perhaps you were experiencing a bit of anxiety in anticipation of what was to come. "Thank you," he said, walking away. A strange warmth filled his chest. Perhaps this was another reminder that he loved you.
As promised when Saturday came, Tenya was waiting on the doorstep of your dormitory building. "Hm? Who are those for?" you asked, pointing to the bouquet of roses he was holding. He stepped forward, holding it out for you.
"I took the liberty to conduct research regarding the proper protocol and acceptable gifts to present to the one you admire when requesting their time at a social event such as spending the evening with them" he explained, and you raised your eyebrows.
'Admire?' You thought, placing your hands on your hips. "I believe these were the most acceptable to present to you in relation to this social activity we will be participating in," he explained, making you sigh. "So...you're saying you're giving me roses because we're going on a..." you paused, unsure if you wanted to use the word "date."
It might confuse him more and if his friends were also attending, then how much of a "date" could it be? You shook your head, reminding yourself to make the best of this. After all, you were still spending time with Tenya and something was bound to happen by the end of the night or at least you hoped.
"Um, nevermind," you said, taking the roses from him. You smiled and sniffed them, enjoying their floral scent. "Thanks," you then noticed the outfit he was wearing. It consisted of a blue suit with a white button-up shirt and a dark blue tie to match. His shoes, as expected, looked polished and new.
His hair was also slicked back, making him look older but still attractive and his glasses were absent from his face. "Heh," you smiled, catching Tenya's attention. He noticed you staring at him and felt the slightest bit of heat color his cheeks.
"I...I do hope I look rather presentable," he said, trying to hide his nervousness. You nodded. "Yeah, you look handsome," he appeared taken aback by your compliment. "Uh..." was he really confused? "Not used to being complimented I take it?" He sensed your teasing tone and frowned.
"Perhaps not," he replied, pressing a hand against his chest. "However, I believe it's natural to thank one for their kind words," he said, bowing. "Thank you very much," he leaned back up and offered you, his hand. "Shall we depart?" His tender smile made your stomach flutter with butterflies.
The clinking of glass was heard in the distance and soft chatter surrounded you. The restaurant atmosphere was calm, and the dimmed lighting contributed to it. The savory scent of food lingered in the air, making your mouth water.
"Uh so..." you propped your arms onto the table, catching Tenya's attention. He sat across from you and Izuku was next to him while Uraraka was next to you. "Did you guys choose this restaurant?" You might as well start a conversation or try to.
"Hm?" Izuku perked up and looked at Tenya, almost as if he expected him to answer but he didn't. "Mina suggested we come here," Uraraka replied, smiling. "Mina?" you asked, trying to recall what she looked like or if you had made any support gear for her.
"Yeah, she's one of our classmates," Uraraka said, making you scratch your head. Why would a classmate suggest this restaurant? "Oh, well I'm sure she's nice," you replied. "Excuse me," Tenya interjected, making all three of your heads turn.
"It's rather rude to put one's hands, elbows, or arms on the table when in polite company," you raised your eyebrow and looked at Uraraka who smiled sympathetically. "Wow Iida," you said, pulling your hands into your lap.
Your fingers curled into your thighs, eager to feel metal and tool handles. Yes, you could be creating more support items right now but as most would argue, it was good for you to get out. The bouquet Tenya gave you lay on the floor by your chair.
"Uh hey! Why don't we order some appetizers?!" Uraraka suggested, nervously laughing as she picked up the menu. "Y-yeah, that sounds like a good i-idea!" Izuku agreed nervously. "Hmm..." You glanced at Tenya. "I suppose that would be beneficial," he stated, taking a sip from his glass of water.
"I'm fine with whatever," you replied, shrugging your shoulders and turning your head to glance across the room. There was a small dancefloor, and one couple circled around with their arms entangled around one another.
Uraraka noticed you staring off into the distance. "Hm?" she closed the menu and leaned over the table, trying to gauge what you were looking at. "Do you want to dance?" she asked, leaning over to place her hand on your shoulder.
"Hm?" you shook your head, turning in your seat. "No, it's alright, uh..." You paused when you noticed her frown. Did you make her angry? "Iida," she said. "Yes?" he responded, lowering his menu to give her his full attention.
"Do you wanna dance with Y/n?" she asked. "Huh!? Hey, wait a minute-" You protested, but Tenya spoke over you. "I was not aware dancing was permitted in this establishment," he replied before looking at you.
"Well, that settles it!" Uraraka declared. "What settles what?" you asked. "Deku and I can order the appetizers and Iida and Y/n can dance," she insisted with a bright smile. "Uh, Ochako is that-" Izuku trembled when she fiercely glared at him.
You raised your eyebrows as you stood looking at Tenya bewildered. Did his friends always act like this? You shook your head and turned to Uraraka, prepared to yell but Tenya spoke yet again. "Do you wish to dance Y/n?" you froze. "Uh, w-what?" you replied.
Honestly, you were surprised he asked that, although this could be your chance to manipulate the situation. Something had to make him confess. "I believe dancing is considered an appropriate activity to engage in during social activities and I would be honored if you wished to-" You held your hand up.
"Okay," you said before running your hand through your hair. "I mean...I guess a dance wouldn't hurt," you replied with a sheepish smile. "Very well," he said, pushing his chair in and walking around the table. "Are you certain you can order the appetizers correctly?" Uraraka nodded.
"Now go dance!" she urged. Tenya smiled and offered his hand to you. "Hm? Oh right," you chuckled and took the said offered hand. He guided you to the small dance floor and turned to face you. "Please ensure you have a secure grip on my hand and place your non-dominate hand on my shoulder," he instructed.
"Okay Iida," you replied, almost rolling your eyes but doing as he wanted. "Pardon my touch," he said prior to laying his hand on your hip, looking a tad nervous. Although in the dim light of the dance floor, his slightly flushed cheeks were hidden.
You smiled as he took the lead and circled the two of you around. The light music drifting through the air put you at ease and your eyes focused forward. Tenya looked content if unfamiliar with dancing and you couldn't help but once again think about how handsome he was.
The thought of having him to yourself for a moment made you excited. Now, what was the easiest way to get someone to admit they liked you? One idea came to mind, but you wondered if it was too forward. Then again, you could just initiate it and see what happened.
He liked you, so he would surely comply. You locked eyes with him and leaned forward with your lips slightly out, indicating you wanted a kiss. "Hm?" He tilted his head, and although you couldn't tell, his heart beat faster than ever before.
His mind turned blank, it was obvious what you were silently conveying to him. He swallowed hard and paused, contemplating how to engage in a kiss. Yes, it seemed simple, but he had not bothered with romance, and pursuing you seemed to present a challenge.
He could blame himself for that. He seemed to yet have the courage to confess his feelings of affection toward you, and he wondered if this was the best time. Well, maybe there was no right or wrong time to engage in a heartfelt confession.
He glanced at your lips and slowly leaned forward only to pause, and second guess himself. He then leaned back. "Pardon," he said releasing his hold on you. "I believe it would be best if we returned to the table," so he could sort out the thoughts in his head.
"Huh?" you replied, feeling embarrassed for your actions and angry that Tenya didn't reciprocate them. 'What just happened?' You thought, standing still. "Are you well?" Tenya asked, noting your strange reaction.
You hummed in response. "Do you require some form of assistance?" he asked more sternly, and you shook your head. "No...nothing," you replied, feeling defeated. You walked past him and toward the table. Once there, you slumped in your seat.
The delightful scent of the appetizers that now lay on the table did nothing to brighten your sour mood. "Hm, did something happen?" Uraraka questioned worriedly. You glared at her in response and once again the thought that you could be working on support items instead of doing this came to mind.
You curled your hands in your lap. Maybe it was your fault for expecting something to happen. Have you been misreading Tenya this whole time? Was it possible that he wasn't as into you as you thought? Either way, you've been pushed past your limits.
"I'm afraid I concluded our dance early," Tenya explained, taking his seat. "Y-you what?" Uraraka replied, and you weren't sure if she was concerned or worried or both. "It doesn't matter," you said, sliding your chair back. "Sorry Ochako," you looked across the table.
"Sorry Midoriya, but I think I'm going to call it a night," You ignored the shock on everyone's faces and reached for the flower bouquet on the floor. Tenya immediately stood up, "Y/n I insist you-" he was taken aback when you shoved said flowers into his chest.
"Thank you for these, but I don't think I need them," your words were cold, and you ignored the look of hurt on Tenya's face. Yeah, maybe you were acting childish, and maybe you let your own expectations cloud your sense of judgment.
But it was too late now. You walked away from the table intent on leaving as promised. The bouquet slipped from Tenya's fingers, and he frantically shot his arm out. "I insist you wait!" he cried after you, but you ignored him and continued walking.
What a fool you were for thinking he would admit his feelings and yet deep down you knew it was your fault. You couldn't force something to happen, despite what Mei said. Feelings were entirely different from creating something physical.
You couldn't force him to do anything if he wasn't ready and honestly, it hurt. Maybe you should focus on your inventions from now on. "Oh no..." Uraraka turned to Izuku, desperation and worry written across her features.
"We have to do something!" she insisted. There was no way she could let this night be ruined. "Hold on Iida!" she said, grasping his arm. "I'll talk to them!" He frowned, believing it would be most beneficial if he handled the situation as he felt it was caused by his own fault.
But perhaps it would be helpful if you spoke to someone else first as there was a chance he'd only escalate the situation. "Very well," he replied reluctantly and Uraraka nodded, immediately chasing you. "Y/n!" she called, but like Tenya you ignored her. "Hey!" she hissed, picking up the pace to scurry in front of you.
"Hold on!" she exclaimed with her hands up. You stumbled to a stop and placed your hand on your hip. "Yes?" you replied, clearly annoyed. She frowned. "What's going on? Did something happen between you and Tenya?" she asked, too innocently for your liking.
You appreciated her concern, but you couldn't tell her everything. Could you? Well, if your intuition was incorrect there was no reason to keep it a secret anymore. You crossed your arms, glancing away. "I just thought...maybe Iida liked me..." you said, your voice hushed.
You sighed. "I thought he asked me to spend the evening with him and you guys, to tell me how he felt," you explained with your hand on your forehead. "But maybe I was wrong? It's hard to believe that," you said rolling your eyes.
"You weren't wrong!" she urged, stepping closer. "Hm?" You looked at her in disbelief and lowered your hand from your forehead. "Uh Iida," Izuku said, but Tenya's attention was focused on you and Uraraka. He did not wish for you to leave, and yet he did not want to force you to stay either.
"Uh um..." Izuku twiddled his thumbs together. "Mina told us that...t-that you liked Y/n," Tenya's eyes widened and he glanced at Izuku with his lips slightly parted. "Is...that true?" he asked, curling his hands into fists.
He knew he shouldn't have gotten carried away, but what Ashido said made sense. Tenya frowned, glancing at the floor. "I am afraid I..." He paused, and his throat tightened. "I cannot...gather the courage to admit such a thing to them," he replied shamefully.
Izuku looked at him with wide eyes, his heart yearning to help somehow. "Well..." he glanced away, thinking over his words carefully. "I think...it's m-more important to show...someone y-you care through your actions..." he suggested.
Tenya frowned, "I....I believe they wished to..." he paused, feeling his stomach twist into knots. "I am uncertain if I can perform the actions they desire accurately," he explained, and Izuku mirrored his frown. "Um...well,'' he scratched his head, trying to think of how to convince Tenya to gather courage.
"Heroes don't ask for fans," he said. After all, he didn't ask to be a fan of All Might. "They show the world w-what they can do, and w-why they should be a fan of them in...in the first place." Tenya raised his eyebrows at those words.
"Forgive me, perhaps I was acting rather foolish. I should not be afraid to express my feelings of affection even in the face of rejection," he stated, proudly chopping his hand through the air. Izuku smiled, silently cheering Tenya on when he walked toward you and Uraraka.
"Are you sure about that?" you asked but grew distracted seconds later. "Hm?" You leaned over, looking past Uraraka to see Tenya approaching. "Huh?" she blinked and turned to see what caught your attention.
Panic washed over her when she saw Tenya and turned back to you with her hands clenched into fists. "He's coming!" she exclaimed, although you didn't need her to state something so obvious. You flinched when she laid her hands on your arm.
"Do you trust me!?" she asked frantically, and you knit your eyebrows. "Uh yes, but what are you-" Your words stopped when she pressed all five of her fingers against you and activated her quirk. You trembled in response, feeling an odd warmth radiate through your body.
A knot tightened in your stomach when the floor underneath your feet disappeared. "Ochako!" you yelled, holding your hand out to her as you ascended further into the air, but she smiled. "Iida will save you!" she called back.
Tenya stopped suddenly, watching you float helplessly through the air. His head snapped toward Uraraka and his engines fired up in the panic of the moment. "Kindly explain what happened this instance!" he demanded chopping his hand through the air.
"I'm sorry Iida! I guess my quirk kind of slipped," she lied, rubbing the back of her head. A growl rumbled in his throat, although he highly doubted that Uraraka was the type to lose control of her quirk. He stepped closer to her. "Pardon!" he said, roughly grabbing her shoulders.
"If you do not deactivate your quirk, Y/n is reliable to injure themselves if they impact the ceiling!" He urged, and Uraraka while surprised turned her head to look at you. Many people in the restaurant were pointing at you, and some even tried to reach out to you.
You felt so nauseous you were likely to throw up. As you looked at the floor and the people spectating you, your body trembled. If there was one thing you hated, it was heights, and the lack of solid ground beneath your feet only made it worse.
'What am I supposed to do!? I didn't bring any support gear! Damn it!' You leaned forward, grasping your head, and your eyes watered. 'I didn't bring anything, what is wrong with me!?' You squeezed your eyes shut, allowing tears to fall.
Tenya clenched his jaw, tensing up as he watched you drift further and further away. He looked back at Uraraka and leaned over, pulling his pants legs up to his knees. He leaned back up and pressed one hand to his chest and extended the other out to her.
"I insist you use your quirk on me," he pleaded, knowing there was no time to lose. "I am most certain I will be able to properly control the anti-gravity atmosphere associated with it and ensure Y/n remains uninjured," he stated, somewhat suspicious as to why Uraraka smiled in return.
"You got it Iida!" she declared, brushing her fingertips across his palm. Much like the first time he experienced the effects of her quirk, his stomach twisted, and he tried to adjust his body as it lifted off the floor. He turned midair, trying to focus his eyes on you.
The way you curled into yourself made his heart sink and guilt washed over him. He was responsible for allowing this to happen, and he needed to be honest with himself and his feelings toward you. He stretched his arms out, replicating a swimming movement to get closer to you.
A soft rumble sounded when he activated his quirk. This helped propel him forward, but he kept in mind to control his speed to ensure he wouldn't collide with you. You heard the distinct sound of his engines and slowly lifted your head.
Tears still flowed down your cheeks, but you wiped them away, clearing your vision just enough to see him reaching out for you. However, you recoiled in anger and tried to kick him. He instantly pulled his hands back and angled his legs so he could hover just above you.
"Please remain calm," he instructed, but you shook your head in frustration. Why was he trying to save you? Why did he chase you? "Are you injured?" he asked. "Do I look injured?!" you snapped, your voice broken.
"I can't do this anymore!" like before you curled into yourself, somewhat accepting your fate that you'd either plummet to the floor or be stuck against the ceiling forever. Tenya frowned, trying to ignore the small flashes of light from the bystanders below.
He should have expected such behavior, but that wasn't his main concern at the moment. Once again, he activated his quirk, closing the gap between you. "I...I apologize," he said, slipping his hand through your hair.
He anticipated you jerking your head back, refusing his comfort even though his only wish was to de-escalate your anxiety. Instead, you remained still, and he waited until your sobs were barely audible to wrap his arms around you.
He hesitantly pulled you close, hoping to be your source of comfort. Perhaps there was one thing that would ease you. It was foolish and irresponsible, but it was also overdue, and he was willing to accept the consequences it would bring.
"I insist you look at me," he stated, reaching over to grasp your chin and guide your head up. You resisted for a moment, feeling your heart race. You hated heights and you'd certainly be having a word with Uraraka after this. "Iida..." you hissed out, digging your fingers into his suit.
"I understand you are scared, but I...I wish to do something to ease your fears," he replied, leaning close. You knit your eyebrows together. "What?" you replied, doubting that anything but the sweet touch of the solid ground underneath your feet would do the trick.
"Close your eyes," he insisted, and while you wanted to argue, his tone was stern. "Mm..." You sank your teeth into your bottom lip but closed your eyes despite the fact that you didn't know how this would help. Tenya pulled his hand away from your chin and caressed your cheek.
"Forgive me, I believe this may be too forward but I..." you noticed his hesitation and peeked one eye open. He looked uncertain. "Perhaps I should have confessed this earlier," your eyebrows raised, and although your heart continued to beat fast, a new joyful melody coursed through it.
"I...I was certain of what you were attempting to convey earlier. However, I found myself absent of the courage to give you what you desired," you opened both eyes, looking at him stunned. Wait...he was afraid to kiss you?
You hadn't anticipated a hero student being afraid of anything. For a moment, you forgot that you were helplessly floating upward with nothing to grab onto. Instead, you were coming to the realization that you may have set your expectations too high.
Even Tenya wasn't immune to the fears that were associated with romance. "W-wait so you knew I wanted to..." you trailed off, closing your eyes and seconds later, a sigh passed your lips. He frowned. "I...did," he said, remembering Izuku's words.
"But I believe that actions speak more than words, so allow me to show you the words and feelings I have been holding back," he said. However, he was feeling the tiniest bit nauseous because of Uraraka's quirk, and the butterflies that formed the closer he leaned toward you didn't help.
Your eyes widened. Could this be...was he really confessing? You smiled and slowly lowered your eyelids. All you were focused on was Tenya's lips pressing against your own and felt a pleasurable and long-awaited tremble course through you.
His lips were soft, and you could faintly taste spearmint on them. The soft coos from below fell deaf to your ears and the flashes from several phones were ignored. Young hero students making a scene and kissing in a restaurant were bound to make an excellent social media story.
But Yuuei couldn't expect their students to not cause trouble or fall in love, right? You curled your fingers tighter into his suit and leaned forward causing the two of you to float askew through the air. Tenya's body stiffened in response, and just as before he hesitated, uncertain of what to do next.
However, he felt his stomach drop and quickly realized the two of you were descending. "And slowly release!'' Uraraka muttered to herself, trying to channel her quirk the best she could so you wouldn't plummet back down. "Hm?" you broke the kiss, feeling relief wash over you the closer you got to solid ground again.
As soon as your feet touched the floor, a soft round of applause came. You stumbled while trying to adjust to the gravity change. Uraraka smiled, happy that everything worked out...sort of. She placed her hands behind her back and looked at Izuku who nervously returned her smile.
"Um..." you realized your hands were still curled into Tenya's suit and pulled back, giving a nervous laugh. "Thanks for...you know," you said, shyly glancing away. "Hm?" He blinked, looking perplexed before nodding.
"Yes, I'm...I'm quite happy to have...assisted you in such a manner," he replied, chopping his hand through the air with pink-tinted cheeks. You smiled, took a deep breath, and noticed your lips tingled. Likely the aftereffect of the kiss you shared with him.
"Heh, so...do you want to return to the table?" you asked. After all, you were the one that kind of ran away from it and Tenya deserved a good night out. He looked at you with a kind smile, and nodded, extending his hand out for you to take which you happily did.
He then guided you to the table and pulled your chair out for you. The rest of the night went fine, and you got to know his friends a little better and learned more about the hero department. It was interesting to hear about Tenya's classmates, some of whom you made support items for.
When the night ended, much like before, Tenya insisted that he walk you to the door of your dormitory building. The only difference was that you stole a kiss before bidding him goodbye. The following Monday, Tenya requested that he walk you to Yuuei.
You gladly accepted, even though you didn't need him to. "You could have just told me that you liked me from the start you know," you teased, walking past the front gates with him. "I am aware of that," he replied, making you chuckle. "Even if you were scared," you added.
"I am aware," he repeated, slightly annoyed. "Well, it's still sweet of you to offer to walk with me" he nodded, although he had an alternative motive for walking you to class and that was to ensure no paparazzi or members of the media disturbed you.
Given the pictures and or videos others took of the two of you at the restaurant it was slightly astounding and suspicious that no one had bothered the two of you during your walk as was the lack of paparazzi outside the gates of Yuuei. "But," you came to a stop and turned to face him.
"I promised Hatsume I'd do something for her. So sorry if you also wanted to walk me to class, but I gotta go," you said, walking up to him and laying your hands on his chest before leaning onto your tippy toes to peck his lips.
"I'll see you later," you said, trying to suppress your chuckle when he turned away to hide his obviously flushed face. He cleared his throat. "Uh, y-yes!" he replied, raising his hand. "I do hope you have a wonderful day!" he cried out, chopping said hand through the air.
"Mmhm," you said, walking away with a smile. He pressed a hand to his chest, feeling the rapid and uneasy pace of his heart. Then a sudden thought occurred, and he shouted "P-please halt!" causing you to stop in your tracks and look back at him.
He ran up to you, tugging at the collar of his uniform before nervously uttering the words, "I...I love you." He knew that perhaps it was too soon to speak such words, but he would never allow fear to prevent him from expressing his love for you or anyone again.
As soon as you recovered from the shock, you giggled. "I love you too," you replied, smiling before walking into the school. Yeah, it felt good to know he finally confessed even though it took a while. But if things went according to plan, you and Tenya would have a very happy relationship.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
Hey faulty, it’s currently 4am and I’m feeling really sick rn aha. Could you maybe do a oneshot of Iida x fem reader where she gets sick at night? Like they’re on a camping trip with the class 1A and they end up having to share a bed? (Cliché ik but I love this trope sue me) and she gets sick at night. I’m talking fever keeping her up until 3am then going to the restroom in the bedroom to puke. She doesn’t want to wake up iida and tries to just deal with it alone.. but she ends up waking iida up anyway when she goes to the restroom. She got so hot that she had to take off her t shirt but left the sweats on. She’s in a white tank top btw. (For plot you’ll see) Iida knocks on the door bc like he’s worried ya know? She says it’s open and then a few min later after talking, she asks him to bring her a black tank top from her luggage bc the one she has on is kinda see through. She’s red from the fever btw. Iida brings it and she turns her back and just slips it off to replace it with the black one. Normally shy but friendly reader would feel embarrassed in changing in front of him (and even being in a tank top) , but at this point, she feels like dog water so she doesn’t care. When she quickly slipped the white tank over her head, iida gets flustered (you know naturally bc u know girl he likes). He’s gonna turn around (or act how iida acts) but he sees some scars on her back for just 2 seconds. This leads to late night caring and reader opening up about trauma from rich parents. (Think like Killua from hxh just for the abuse he went through- parents wanted to make reader really strong and we’re obsessed over it-she’s in a better home now tho with a relative)
iida and fem reader are in the “I kinda like you a lot but I’m not going to do anything bc I love our friendship rn phase.”
Could you make it cute and fluffish and domestic? (I think that’s how u use that word lol) Reader and iida grow closer through it too. I’m sorry this ask is so specific lol, I have a vision in mind. I also think sweet shy fem reader x iida is really cute. (This is not self indulgent at all aha😂)
It’s ok if ur not up to it.. tho I would be really happy if u did write it up. I love ur fanfics!! Been a fan for like 3 years even before I had tumblr!(❁´◡`❁) just lemme know if ur busy rn or don’t wanna write it! No pressure. :)
Thank you!
[ Alright! Sorry this took a bit, but I hope you're feeling better and I hope I did this story justice. It was kind of fun to write, I like the whole "I like you but need to stay friends" trope because it can always grow into something more. Anyways, I tried to make Tenya flustered just enough in this fic. I love embarrassing him. ]
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“Are you most certain you’re correct?” Tenya urged, and Izuku held up a piece of paper muttering under his breath. “That’s w-what I counted,” he replied before yelping when Katsuki grabbed the back of his head. “Shut the hell up already!” he snapped before glaring at Tenya.
“Who the hell cares if two of us have to share a damn bed!? It’s your fault for not accounting for this, four-eyes,” he growled, making Tenya frown in response. “I am afraid that I did not anticipate the weather causing our pre-scheduled camping trip to be postponed,” he explained, slightly annoyed by Katsuki’s behavior.
He wanted to make graduation special and insisted that Class A take a camping trip. However, due to the rainy weather and the persistence of his female classmates, the choice to pull over and book hotel rooms for the night was made.
“Yeah yeah, whatever,” Katsuki responded, releasing his hold on Izuku. “Come on you spikey-haired idiot!” he growled at Eijirou who nervously chuckled. “Well, I guess that means Bakugou and I are taking the first room,” he said.
“Best of luck figuring out who shares the one-bedroom suite for the night!” With that, he waved goodbye and chased after Katsuki. “Mineta and I can share a room!” Kaminari announced. “Yes, and Jirou and I can share a room,” Momo said.
“Mm, very well,” Tenya replied, looking at Izuku and Shoto. “I assume you two wish to share a room,” he said. “Oh w-well uh…” Izuku tried to reply but Tenya ignored him. You were sitting on one of the provided chairs in the lobby of the hotel, remaining quiet as you watched the scene unfold.
You coughed and cleared your throat a few seconds later. “Are you okay Y/n?” Tsuyu questioned laying her hand on your back. You nodded. “Uh, yeah just a bit of a sore throat,” you replied, rubbing it to ease the discomfort.
“Everyone please, pair up in groups of two and take a room key!” Tenya announced, and you looked at Tsuyu. “Go ahead,” you said, waving her away. “I don’t care who I spend the night with,” you soon regretted those words when only Tenya and you were left.
“Forgive me,” he said, unlocking the hotel room and turning on the light. “I hope this accommodation does not cause discomfort for you,” he said, gesturing you into the room. He could hear a steady stream of rain hitting the window and vicious thunder rumbling outside.
“I guess this camping trip turned out...s-sour, huh Iida?” you tried to joke, but he didn’t seem to find any humor in your words. Your smile faded and you folded your hands in front of you, focusing on the floor. ‘Well, that didn’t turn out the way I wanted’ you thought with rosy cheeks.
You moved out of the way when Tenya walked into the room, placing the bags on the floor by the bed. He insisted on carrying yours, and it didn’t come as a surprise considering he was a gentleman. “Are you feeling well?” he asked, noticing your reddened cheeks.
“Uh…w-what?” you replied, snapping your head up and trembling when he glared at you. “Are you feeling well?” he repeated. “Um, I uh, y-yeah I’m f-fine,” you choked out, thinking that your sore throat was nothing more than the rain irritating your allergies.
“I see,” he walked over to the bed and asked, “Do you prefer sleeping on the left or right side?” You knitted your eyebrows, unsure what he meant. “Uh, w-whichever side is fine,” you replied but knew your answer wouldn't satisfy him, so you thought of a diversion.
“I wanna take a...a shower!” you exclaimed, trying to ignore his now suspicious glance. The worst part was that you could barely stand looking at his gorgeous eyes. “Very well, you are welcome to freshen up in the shower. I trust you have the appropriate slumber wear, yes?” he asked, adjusting his glasses.
“Uh, y-yes,” you said. Maybe taking a relaxing shower would alleviate your throat soreness. “I’ll um, just g-get them from my s-suitcase,” you said, pointing to it. “Um, t-thanks for carrying it for me, uh, b-by the way,” Tenya nodded.
“I do not believe it would be appropriate to expect a lady to carry her luggage,” he explained, watching you open the suitcase and look through it for your sleeping clothes. Once you gathered everything, you scurried to the bathroom and shut the door behind you.
“What is wrong with me!?” you hissed, walking to the large tub, and turning on the water. You stripped your clothes off and carefully climbed inside, sighing in contentment as the water eased your body’s muscles. You lay there for what felt like hours before carefully climbing back out.
Droplets of water fell from your body, creating a rhythmic pattern as they hit the floor. You drained the tub before walking to the sink. You placed your hands on the counter and looked at your reflection in the mirror. You felt a bit odd and wondered if you had spent a little too much time in the tub.
Well, maybe you’d feel better when you lay down. Once you had dried off, you slipped on a white tank top, a short sleeve shirt, and a pair of sweatpants. “The b-bathroom is free,” you said, walking past the bed. “Hm?” Tenya was sitting on the right side of it reading a book.
“Oh, I see. Thank you,” he replied, closing his book, and placing it on the nightstand near the bed. You closed your eyes, feeling an overwhelming urge to lie down. You pulled back the blanket and sat, pressing one hand against the mattress to feel its firmness.
You looked up when Tenya stood, although he didn’t say anything when he gathered his sleeping clothes and headed to the bathroom. You took a deep breath, coughing softly when you laid your head down and pulled the blanket back over you.
The sound of running water accompanied by the rain and thunder that still bellowed outside helped you drift off to sleep, but a few hours later you woke up sweating. “Ah…” you blinked, feeling exhausted, and reached up to touch your forehead. ‘Why am I so hot?’ you thought, wiping your face dry.
Hearing soft snoring, you turned your head. Tenya was lying beside you in blue pajamas and a matching sleeping cap. His face looked content and part of you wondered what he was dreaming about if he was dreaming about anything at all.
‘Maybe this fever will go down if I keep resting’ you thought as you closed your eyes and tried to relax your body. Unfortunately, you found yourself restless and your fever grew more severe, making you whimper on occasion. This combined with the nauseating feeling growing in your stomach finally made you sit up.
“I’m gonna barf…” you muttered, turning to look at Tenya to ensure he was still asleep. The last thing you wanted was to wake him up, especially after all the planning he had put into this camping trip. Besides, maybe it was better you dealt with this by yourself as you never wanted to burden others. You winced, holding your stomach as you stood.
You swallowed hard, tasting acid on your tongue. You turned to look at Tenya one last time before scurrying to the bathroom quietly. Your breathing was heavy and sweat dripped from your skin so profusely that your clothing stuck to your skin making movement uncomfortable.
As you swallowed again, you slowly pulled your arms inside your shirt. You intended to take it off despite being hunched over the toilet. You sighed in relief when the cool air hit your skin, somewhat thankful you made the choice to wear a tank top underneath said shirt.
At the moment, it didn't matter to you that it was white and see-through. You closed your eyes and wiped the sweat from your brow, your mouth salivated so much it dripped down your chin. You dry heaved, feeling your stomach twist until its contents splashed into the toilet.
When you coughed, Tenya's eyes fluttered open and he turned his head, noticing you absent from the bed. He sat up slowly and grabbed his glasses. He was more than certain the noise that had woken him was you.
It was natural that he wanted to check you were okay, so he stood up and walked to the bathroom, noticing that the door was closed. He pressed his ear against it growing more concerned when he heard heavy breathing, followed by sniffles. He frowned and paused before knocking three times.
You snapped your head up, eyes wide but vision blurry as you looked at the bathroom door. “Y/n, do you require assistance?” he asked, and you latched onto your lip to suppress the gag threatening to come. The inside of your mouth tasted sour, and your throat burned.
You shifted your eyes back and forth, knowing if you didn’t answer soon, he’d likely do something drastic. “I…” Your voice was weak, but you tried to push through it. “I…I don’t know,” you replied, before wiping your eyes with the back of your hand.
Your answer alarmed Tenya, and seconds later he heard a toilet flush followed by running water. “What is the matter? Are you feeling ill? Are you injured?” he questioned, feeling ridiculous for talking to you through a door. You took a deep breath, resting your hand on your stomach.
You looked at your reflection in the mirror, noticing your hair was disheveled and your cheeks red. Your eyes looked swollen and irritated, in other words, you were a mess. “I…just…” Maybe it would be better if he saw for himself.
“Um, t-the door is open,” you said reluctantly. “Very well, may I enter now?” came his reply. “…yeah,” the door squeaked, and you wrapped your arms around yourself before turning to face him. His eyes widened upon seeing you, noting your irritated-looking eyes and reddened face.
He didn’t want to assume anything, but you certainly looked ill. “Forgive me, but you look rather...ill and I do not believe I have a thermometer so I cannot take an accurate measure to confirm or deny any possible fever,” he replied, tapping his chin. “I…I’m not running a fever,” you lied.
He narrowed his eyes and reached out. “Pardon my touch,” he said, pressing his hand against your forehead. Yes, it was a rather outdated method to use, but it would allow him to feel your temperature regardless. “Hm,” he raised his eyebrows and lowered his hand.
“Your forehead is rather warm,” he noted. “May I check your pulse?” You blinked in response, hissing softly when you noticed how dry your eyes felt. “Um…okay?” you replied and gasped when he took your wrist, pressing his thumb against it.
The seconds ticked by awkwardly as you clenched your bottom lip. “Your pulse appears slightly elevated, suggesting possible sickness,” he said, lowering your wrist. “Oh um…” you wrapped your arms around yourself again, suddenly anxious, and self-aware of your see-through tank top.
“Hey Iida,” you said, glancing away shyly. “Yes?” he replied. “Uh…c-could you…get me another tank top? The black one from my luggage?” you asked sweetly, nervously rubbing your upper arms. Tenya knitted his eyebrows together, uncertain why you asked for a tank top when you already had one on.
However, out of curiosity, he glanced down, and his eyes widened. He covered his mouth when he noticed that the fabric of your current tank top was rather…well perhaps it was rude to continue to stare at someone's exposed body.
“Y-yes!” he suddenly shouted, immediately looking away from you. His cheeks glowed a furious red color which was accompanied by a feeling of shame. He knew he should not look at a young lady in such a disrespectful manner. It was improper!
After all, he did not mean to look at you that way, but it seems his mistake caused him a bit of embarrassment. “I would be honored to…” He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the unfamiliar heat that ran through his cheeks.
“I would be honored to assist you, please give me a moment,” he said, promptly turning around and scurrying out of the bathroom. He took deep breaths as he opened your suitcase, searching for the black tank top you requested.
Despite his concern about his fast-paced heartbeat, he believed it to be a natural reaction given his feelings toward you. Of course, he didn't want to ruin your friendship by acting on said feelings. “Here we are,” he said, neatly folding the article of clothing before returning to the bathroom.
“I do hope this is the correct item,” he said, hesitantly holding it out. “Yeah,” you replied, taking it. Unless you were in a relationship or classified yourself as a free spirit there was a certain level of modesty when it came to changing in front of the opposite or even the same sex.
However, given how horrible you felt now you didn’t think twice about turning your back on him and removing your current tank top. Tenya’s eyes widened when he realized what you were doing. His cheeks flushed, and he immediately raised his hand, intent on scolding you, but no words came out.
Despite not anticipating activating his engines, his nervous state made them spark to life and a soft rumbling echoed through the air. “P-pardon!” he stuttered and turned to face the door, feeling his heart accelerate again. “Hm?” You paused and briefly looked over your shoulder at him.
‘Weird…’ you thought, before dropping the white tank top to the floor. A groan escaped your lips as you slipped the black tank top over your head. While he knew it was rude to look at you when you were topless or changing, your groan concerned him enough to make him turn his head.
That's when he noticed the scars on your back, and instead of flushing yet again or feeling embarrassed, he grew concerned. Although your scars looked old and healed, he wanted to know what caused them. It is natural for heroes to receive injuries which then created long-lasting scars.
But yours almost looked…well perhaps it was more appropriate he didn't assume where they came from. He turned his head back, feeling the slightest amount of sweat drip down his face and he almost regretted not having brought a handkerchief to bed.
He cleared his throat, tugging at the collar of his pajama top, and was tempted to undo the first few buttons to cool himself. His cheeks were a deep rosy color, and his engines continued to rumble softly although he hoped they were not too audible.
Just as you finished putting your new tank top on, you heard Tenya clear his throat. “Huh?” you raised an eyebrow when you turned only to stare at his back. “Um...” you stepped closer to him, hesitantly reaching out to touch him.
You stumbled back when he trembled in response and turned to face you, his eyes wide and his face red. You blinked, unsure if you had scared him or if he was beginning to feel sick as well. “Um…a-are you okay?” you asked, your heart pounding in your chest.
“I…” he glanced away. His mind filled with images of those scars, and he lowered his eyebrows in thought. Frankly, he wished to address what he had seen but did not want to appear strange or alarming. Furthermore, he did not wish to force information out of you or make you feel uncomfortable.
He cleared his throat once more and raised his hand, chopping it through the air as he said, “P-perhaps it would be best if we retired to the bed to further address your question.” You knit your eyebrows, not fully understanding him. Then again, did anyone understand Tenya?
Maybe his closest friends, but even they seem baffled by his antics sometimes. You placed your hand on your stomach, somewhat relieved you were feeling better. You shrugged. “Okay?” you replied, following him out of the bathroom. Your fever was still high, and you wiped your brow.
For a split second, you debated running to the ice machine. However, the thought of walking down an empty hotel hallway made you feel uneasy. Come to think of it, you didn’t know how late or early it was, not that it mattered because who knows how long Tenya could take to answer your question.
“Please sit,” he said politely gesturing to the bed. You looked between him and the bed before sitting down as requested. The bed gave a soft squeak when he sat down next to you. The two of you exchanged glances before he cleared his throat.
“I…do not wish for you to think I am being disrespectful when I ask this as I understand personal matters are quite difficult to speak about with those you are not close with,” as painful as it was to admit, despite the many challenges Class A went through together, there was still distance between all of you.
Yes, a few classmates had admitted their personal matters and remorse over certain things or times in their lives. However, he noticed that you tended to keep to yourself. While you were kind and compassionate, there was a shy nature about you, and he had noticed you struggle in social situations before.
“W-what do you mean?” you asked, your voice trembling and your anxiety rising. He was silent for a moment, and you noticed his shoulders were stiff. He shifted his legs almost as though he were uncomfortable, but you swear you heard a soft rumbling.
Was his quirk acting up? You quickly glanced at his face, his eyebrows were lowered and there was an uncertain glance in his eyes. His cheeks were slightly reddened, and his hands were in his lap, but you noticed his fingers were interlocked.
“Forgive me, I believe it would be beneficial if I were to explain more clearly. I…” he took a deep breath, laying his hands flat on his thighs. He cleared his throat again and reached up, tugging at the collar of his pajama top.
“I noticed that there were…rather severe-looking scars on your back.” A chill ran down your spine and you leaned away from him. Your eyes were wide, and he expected you to be angry, but instead a look of hurt and dread spread across your face.
You fisted your hand into your chest and the other into the blanket, keeping silent. Tenya frowned. “I…apologize,” he said, carefully placing his hand over yours but immediately jerked back when you gasped. “I…pardon I did not intend for my touch to-” You shook your head.
“N-no, it’s f-fine Iida,” you replied, despite your heart racing in your chest. “It’s just…” you glanced away, “no...n-no one has asked that b-before.” Then again you weren’t exactly the type to flaunt your body and usually changed in the locker room stall.
You latched onto your lip, the thought of your parents made your stomach twist, and you suppressed a dry heave. “Are you well?” Tenya asked, slightly alarmed, and though you nodded, he wasn’t fully convinced. “Forgive me,” he said, standing up from the bed.
“Perhaps I should not have inquired. I did not wish to make you uncomfortable,” he said, turning with the intent of walking to his side of the bed. “N-no!” you cried out, grabbing his arm. He stumbled back and looked at you bewildered.
“Uh…” You blinked, and your cheeks grew red. You felt so hot you were liable to faint, but you shook your head trying to fight through your anxiety. “S-sorry!” you said, quickly letting go of his arm. You swallowed hard, groaning out of embarrassment.
“Um…I…the s-scars are…” you looked away, rubbing the back of your neck. You felt the bed dip when Tenya sat down again. He wanted nothing more than to comfort you and once again extended his hand, placing it on your shoulder.
Your head shot back, looking at him with wide eyes and parted lips. “Please do not be afraid,” he said, his voice hushed and full of concern. Oddly enough, you smiled and nodded. “Right, s-sorry,” you said, glancing at your lap.
Your throat felt tight, but you forced yourself to speak. “The scars…are from the training m-my parents put me through,” you explained, refusing to lift your head to look at Tenya's expression. You expected him to be worried and maybe even feel sorry for you.
Instead, you gasped when he leaned forward and wrapped his arms around you. He knew it was irrational, and he did not know how you would respond. Although he could not confess the feelings he had for you deep down, he would not stop trying to physically prove it to you.
A part of you wanted to push him away because you weren't used to this type of affection, and because you didn't want him to catch whatever you had. But you couldn't help but melt into his touch. He was aware of the training that was deemed necessary in order to become a worthy and true hero.
However, there were other, unethical training methods such as the ones that Shoto went through that proved to leave long-lasting emotional and physical scars. He could not fathom why certain families pushed their children so hard during training.
Yes, a villain would not be easy on a hero, this much was certain. But to inflict such pain that it left physical scars was unacceptable, and it made righteous anger burn deep within him. However, he took a deep breath, calming himself.
“Forgive me,” he said, pulling away. “I…I do not believe I could help myself,” he stated, bringing his hands to his lap. He knew very well that he let his emotions get the better of him and at this moment, he needed to remain focused.
“Would you favor continuing our conversation?” he asked. “Um…well, my p-parents aren’t heroes but…t-they’re rich and w-when my quirk manifested they...” you paused and curled your fingers inward, ignoring how your nails dug into your palms.
He leaned closer with a serious expression on his face. You closed your eyes, sighing. “They…saw promise in it and…wanted to u-use me as a tool. If their daughter c-could be a hero…then it would boost my family‘s name and...r-reputation.” That spark of anger ignited again, but he held himself back from speaking.
You frowned and opened your eyes. “T-they forced me to train...every day. P-pushed me to my limits, and t-that's why I have...scars on my back. They always t-told me heroes don't feel...pain, they just do whatever it takes to gain f-fame.” Your eyes watered over, but you quickly wiped them.
“The...the m-more pain you can withstand, the more l-love you will receive,” you said, continuing to wipe away the tears on your cheeks. “I-I'm sorry,” Tenya frowned, uncertain how to comfort you. “Please do not apologize,” he said, reaching over to gently grab your wrists in order to pull them away from your face.
“You are likely to irritate your eyes further if you continuously rub them,” he explained before cupping your hands in his own. “I am quite honored that you have shared such memories with me, but are you physically and mentally well?” You glanced down, nodding.
“Yeah…” you replied, tightening your grip on his hands. “I live with a r-relative now….” and you hoped it would remain that way. He leaned closer, making you stiffen out of shyness. “Uh…” you dared to look back up and your face flushed when you locked eyes with him.
“I am…grateful to hear you are safe. Please know that I would never allow anyone, not even the fiercest villain to subject you to such injuries or pain.” While you assumed he was lying, the heroic and loving look in his eyes said otherwise.
And the way he embraced you further convinced you. His arm was tightly around your waist, and when he pulled you close, his opposite hand tangled itself in your hair. Whether it was the fever talking or the fact you were a little touch starved, you wrapped your arms around him in return.
His eyes widened and his heart accelerated. Being this close to you was something he always desired, but knew he could not have. At least not now, but there was always hope for the future. After taking a deep breath, he reluctantly pulled back.
His cheeks burned pink, and he cleared his throat, lifting his hand into the air. “Perhaps it would be best if we retired to sleep,” he suggested, and you turned away shyly. “Oh, uh…” How many hours passed anyway? What time was it? You were tempted to look at your phone but decided against it.
“Please allow me,” he said before standing and walking over to your side of the bed. He pulled back the blanket and shifted the pillows. “Hm,” you looked at him with a blank expression but walked over and sat down.
“Place your legs under the blanket,” he instructed and for a moment, you felt like a young child being tucked in but knew you shouldn’t take it that way. Tenya was just trying to be kind and after everything that happened tonight, it felt comforting to be taken care of by someone.
Once your legs were underneath, Tenya pulled the blanket over you and ensured you were comfortable before walking over to his side. Your face was glowing, and you closed your eyes, wishing your fever to go away. When you felt the bed dip, you mumbled and turned on your side so your back faced Tenya.
He glanced at you but said nothing and removed his glasses, placing them on the nightstand by the bed. Then he lay down with his arms by his sides. His attention was focused on the ceiling for a few minutes, allowing silence and your breathing to ease him to sleep.
Morning came too quickly, and the blinds didn’t stop the sunshine from leaking in. You groaned, fluttering your eyes open. Your head ached softly, and sweat droplets trailed down your forehead. You reached up, intent on wiping it but noticed your arms were stuck.
“Huh?” You looked down, and heat rushed over your face when you noticed a pair of arms wrapped around your waist. Your eyes widened and you turned your head, seeing Tenya’s sleeping face, and realized how heavy his body felt against yours.
You snapped your head back and panicked as you thought of the ways you could get out of this situation. You also thought of how to wake him up without making this awkward. Then again, maybe there was no way you couldn’t make this awkward.
You moved your body and wiggled your arms to jolt him awake. “Iida, Iida!” you hissed out, and he moved his head with a soft mumble in response. A deep breath sounded before he slowly opened his eyes. “Are you…a-awake?” you asked nervously, and he nodded.
“Yes…” he replied, lowering his eyelids. “What is the matter?” You shivered at the sound of his raspy voice. “Uh…y-you um…” How could you explain that his arms were wrapped around you? Sucking a breath in, you tapped his arm with your fingers.
“Hm?” He glanced down, and upon seeing the rather inappropriate position you were in, he immediately pulled his arms back. He stumbled out of the bed, and you jolted up when he hit the wall. “Iida!” you cried out, your eyes wide with concern and your hand extended in his direction.
“P-please accept my most humble apologies!” he frantically pleaded, placing his hands on his thighs, and bowing. His sleeping cap slipped off his head and fell to the floor. However, he resisted the urge to pick it up until you responded.
You blinked, and slowly pulled your hand back only to fist it into your hair. Your forehead still felt hot, but somehow you felt better than last night. Your cheeks burned red, and you glanced away, unsure how to respond to Tenya’s frantic exclamation.
“I-it’s fine,” you said softly before pulling the blanket back and hanging your legs over the side of the bed. “Um…t-thanks,” you said as Tenya leaned back up. “Hm?” he responded, looking at you despite your back facing him.
“F-for last night um…” you rubbed the back of your head, “I t-think it helped,” as talking things out usually did. He looked taken aback but smiled, “I am very honored to have assisted you in such a way and I do hope to be of more assistance in the future,” yes, he wanted you to run to him whenever you had an issue.
But he supposed only time would tell whether that type of trust strengthened between the two of you and despite no longer being the class president, he still wanted to be your closest friend. You turned to look at him, slightly surprised before looking at the floor. “Oh um…s-sure, maybe?” you replied, standing up and stretching.
“I suggest we change our outfits and relocate to the lobby as breakfast is served promptly from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Then perhaps we can depart and resume this scheduled camping trip,” he said, reaching for his glasses and slipping them onto his face.
“R-right,” you replied, walking over to your suitcase, and laying it flat on the floor before opening it. You tapped your lips, deciding what outfit you wanted, unlike Tenya who more than likely already had something picked out.
As the two of you walked to the lobby, there was an awkward silence. Part of you wondered if it was your fault, and your anxious thoughts began. What does he think of you now? Is he going to look at you differently? You clenched your jaw, squeezing your eyes shut.
It was almost like something was about to burst out of you but then you heard a familiar voice. “Y/n!” Ashido called, running up to you. “Excuse me Iida!” she said, looping her arm through yours and dragging you away before you could say anything.
Out of instinct or panic, you held your hand out to Iida. However, due to his past experiences with Ashido, he thought it best not to interrupt whatever conversation she wanted with you. “Hey, Iida!” Uraraka called, she was currently sitting at one of the tables available in the lobby with Izuku.
He smiled and looked at you one last time before walking over. “How was your night with Y/n?” she asked when he approached. He paused, recalling last night's events, and cleared his throat. Uraraka tilted her head, noticing the flush on Tenya’s cheeks.
Izuku noticed this as well and they both exchanged a glance before Uraraka smiled. “What happened between you and Y/n last night?!” she questioned excitedly, and Tenya stiffened. “I…I believe I will gather my breakfast,” he stated, quickly walking away from the table and toward the breakfast area.
“Mm…” Uraraka pouted and scanned the room, easily spotting you and Ashido. “I’ll be right back,” she said to Izuku before walking away. “Your flushed face says everything! So, spill it!” Ashido shouted, raising her arms above her head. “Iida was flushing too!” Uraraka said, approaching your table.
You shivered when she turned to you and smiled. “Is everything okay between you two?” she asked suspiciously, and you shook your head. “N-no, I m-mean yes, I...I mean...” you groaned out of embarrassment. You took a breath, trying to gather your composure.
“I was just a-about to tell Mina t-that nothing happened just…” you rubbed the back of your head, glancing at your lap. “We just h-had a talk,” the girls leaned forward, eager to hear more. “A-and well…” you nervously chuckled. “I’m g-glad that he’s my f-friend.” Ashido sighed. “Seriously!?” she cried out, clearly disappointed.
Uraraka frowned and leaned closer to you. “Nothing happened between you two?” she asked, pouting. You nodded and shrugged, “Sorry?” you said before turning your head to look at Tenya who had gathered a plate of food, and happiness washed over you. ‘Yeah...just a friend’ you thought with a bright smile.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
hello can i request iida x reader where iida and reader have relationship dynamics like Mulan and Li Shang from mulan?(i like their dynamics because they are istp and estj and iida is estj and I'm istp so yeah). thank you!!!
[ Alright, I'm so sorry this request got published so late. My mind apparently wanted to run with the theme of Mulan II and well...long story short, this story is long! 13 or so pages actually. But, I hope you like it nonetheless! ]
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You and Tenya had the ideal relationship. Each one of you was a natural-born leader and calculated your moves accordingly. Of course, Tenya was more particular than you were, and you tended to break the rules when you saw fit.
Because of this, Tenya limited his lectures regarding the safety of following rules while you tried to be more honest whenever you broke one. Many of your classmates would agree that when the two of you collaborated on a project, things ran efficiently.
While Tenya was the class president and took care of organizing any class-related event alongside Momo, the vice class president you eventually came along to help and turned it into a project exclusively for yourself and Tenya to accomplish.
Sometimes you felt bad for pushing Momo out of the loop, but on occasion, it was necessary especially with graduation coming. You and Tenya tasked yourselves with planning the farewell party. But it wasn't actually a farewell.
You knew that every single member of Class A would stay in contact and hang out whenever they had the chance. "Hm..." you tapped the tip of the pen against your lips, glancing around the living room. There were exactly two streamers running along each wall, two snack tables, and one table exclusively for drinks.
The music from the playlist you and Tenya created was at the appropriate volume and the party was about to begin. You hummed, checking off the last item on the list before looking at Tenya who was across the way, talking to his friends.
You smiled at the sight of him. He stood tall, with his shoulders back and his hair in that same undercut style. His bangs hung in his face and brushed over the lenses of his glasses. His red eyes stood out, and his smile still caused your stomach to squirm with butterflies.
"Hm?" he blinked and turned, more than likely feeling your eyes on him. Most would shyly look away when the one they loved locked eyes with them, but instead, you smiled and waved at him. He returned the gesture and looked back to his friends.
"Pardon," he said before walking over to you who welcomed him in a tight embrace. "Mm..." you enjoyed public affection, although Tenya had strict rules about it seeing as he preferred to do more intimate actions such as kissing in private.
Hugging and holding hands was okay. Sometimes you'd tease him with a kiss on the cheek and this would usually set him off. "Pff, look at those two," Kaminari commented, gesturing to you and Tenya. "Hm?" Eijirou paused and glanced over before shrugging.
"So? I'm happy for them, they're both pretty lucky to have each other!" he said with a pointy-toothed smile. "Yeah but..." Hanta paused, tapping his chin. "Aren't they a little too..." he trailed off, almost as if he wanted someone else to finish his sentence. Kaminari looked at him with puckered lips.
"A little too what?" Eijirou asked and Hanta shook his head. "I don't know...compatible?" Kaminari knitted his eyebrows. "Compatible?" he repeated, tilting his head. "Aren't couples supposed to be?" he asked. "Yeah," the redhead answered, "besides I, for one, am pretty happy for them!" he repeated.
"It was about time Iida found himself someone, and they are pretty efficient together," he added, but Kaminari frowned. "Yeah...but don't they push Momo to the side a lot?" Eijirou's happy expression dropped. "Um, I mean..." he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head.
His hair had grown a touch longer since his first year at Yuuei and he was still getting used to the length of it. "We should test it!" Hanta exclaimed, making both males look at him with cocked eyebrows. "Test what?" Eijirou inquired, making Hanta smirk.
"Their compatibility, there has to be something that will make them argue!" he explained with a pointed finger. "Wait, your plan is to make them argue?" Kaminari questioned, trying to follow along with his friend. Hanta nodded.
"What do you say? Let's have a little fun on our last day together," Eijirou clenched his teeth, drawing in a long breath. "I don't know man, I'm not comfortable with that. Besides they're so happy, why ruin it?" Kaminari tapped his chin.
"Well, maybe it would help them..." he suggested, making Eijirou look at him cockeyed. "Hear me out!" he urged, holding up his hands. "What if things are going too good for them? Like wouldn't they come to a point where they stop appreciating each other?" Hanta nodded at his words.
"Yeah, think about it," he said, approaching Eijirou and placing his hands on his shoulders. "We'll be helping their relationship grow! One little argument between them will boost their appreciation for each other!" he exclaimed, raising his arms above his head.
"Mm..." Eijirou drew his bottom lip into his mouth, thinking over the other's words. "I guess that makes sense," he concluded, although his stomach was in knots which indicated there was a chance he'd regret going along with this charade.
"But..." he paused and looked at Kaminari and Hanta. "Maybe we should ask Bakugou first," he suggested sheepishly. The two boys narrowed their eyes and exchanged a glance before grabbing Eijirou by the shoulders.
"Ah yes, I'm quite pleased that our accurate planning has proved to be beneficial," Tenya said, chopping one hand through the air while yours remained around his waist with a smile. "Jeez, even after all these years you're still talking that way," Ashido stated, placing one hand on her hip.
You couldn't help but smile, you enjoyed the fact that Tenya remained the same. He was transparent, honest, and as true as someone could be, and you loved it. "Would you want him any other way?" you asked, leaning toward the pink-haired girl.
"Hm," she cupped her chin as if thinking over her answer carefully then she shrugged. "If that's how you like him," she responded before reaching out to grab Tenya by the collar of his shirt and you by the wrist. "Now come on!" she said, pulling with all her might.
"What!?" you exclaimed partly out of shock while Tenya's eyes remained wide and his lips slightly parted. You were surprised he didn't say anything, mainly because Ashido had messed up his shirt collar and thus ruined his coordinated outfit.
Seconds later, you heard him clear his throat and turned to see he now sported a frown and a severe glint in his eye. "Pardon," he said, "but I believe you can garner our attention in another manner," in other words, he was indicating that he would have liked Ashido to elaborate on what she wanted.
She frowned in response and turned her head. "Ochako!" she cried, catching the girl's attention. "Hm?" she raised her eyebrow but nonetheless raced over. "What's the matter?" she asked with a deep sense of concern.
"Help me separate these love birds so they can join the rest of us for some fun!" she replied although Uraraka tilted her head as if she didn't understand. "Uh," she blinked and glanced at you and Tenya. "Why don't we just...let them dance with us?" she suggested with a nervous chuckle.
"Midoriya said he was finished setting up the dance floor, it's outside," Ashido grinned. "Perfect then!" she said, finally releasing her hold on Tenya. "Then let's go, if you want your special someone back Iida you gotta come outside and show us your dance moves!" she warned, successfully pulling you away from him.
"Excuse me!" Tenya stated with a deep and slightly angry-sounding tone. "Uh, Iida..." you quietly said, holding your hand out to him as you continued to get dragged away. "Mm..." he frowned and narrowed his eyes, feeling a strange warmth radiate from deep within. Was this jealousy or anger?
He didn't find it appropriate that anyone touched you in such a manner, let alone treat you with such disrespect. His hands curled into fists which caught Uraraka's attention. "Iida...are you okay?" She asked, slightly concerned and a tad bit frightened.
Tenya normally kept his emotions in check, and the only time he allowed his anger to get the best of him was when he believed some form of injustice was being done. He glanced at her, nodding. "Yes," he responded, though his voice sounded forced.
"I believe I will be quite alright, and I suppose I have little choice but to accommodate Mina's wishes," he stated before following you and Uraraka followed him, somewhat worried he might do something hasty. Then again, she couldn't really blame him for feeling that way.
She even had to admit that Ashido was being somewhat forceful and nobody, especially someone like Tenya wanted to see their loved one getting treated in a disrespectful way. "Quick follow them!" Kaminari declared with a pointed finger, while Eijirou crossed his arms.
"Did Mina say they were heading outside to dance?" he questioned, and Hanta nodded. "Did you guys see how peeved Iida looked when Y/n was dragged away?" he asked, and Kaminari nodded. "Yeah, that gives me an idea!" he declared, surprising his friends.
"Huh?" he blinked when he noticed the expression they were wearing. "What? It's a good idea this time!" although he knew he wasn't exactly the smartest around, he could have his moments of brilliance too. "It'll totally get an argument started between them!" he added.
With that, he ran toward the front door causing Eijirou and Hanta to chase after him. "Are we really going to dance out here?" you asked, unable to remember if you gave regulations regarding the makeshift dance floor. "Well yeah! Come on!" she urged, dragging you onto it.
Music started blasting from the speakers making you hiss. Did you give permission for this to be played!? Ashido smiled, finally releasing her hold on you before raising her arms above her head and moving her feet like mad.
You couldn't help but smile at the display, she was so free-spirited, and it was contagious. "Alright," you smiled and lifted your arms, easing yourself around the dance floor but your eyes continued to glance around, wondering where Tenya was.
"Heh, heh," Kaminari snickered, pausing a short distance away from you. "Just stand back and watch the pro at work!" he declared, pointing at himself. Eijirou frowned, remaining skeptical of what his friend was going to do while Hanta smirked.
"Go get'em!" he cheered, slapping Kaminiari on the back and while surprised, he turned to Hanta and nodded before walking to the dance floor. As if on cue, Tenya appeared with Uraraka. "Hm?" she noticed the way the other's unusual eyebrows were slanted and his jaw tightened.
His anger lessened when he laid his eyes on you and as if feeling his stare, you paused and looked at him. A smile came to your face, and you lifted your arm, waving. He nodded and began walking over, eager to hold you once more.
However, his attempts were blocked when Kaminari suddenly charged and slipped between the two of you. "Hiya there Iida!" he said before turning to you. "Y/n," you didn't quite trust that smile he was wearing. "Mind if I cut in!?" he exclaimed.
Before you could respond he grabbed your hands and spun you around, causing you to stumble. Tenya's jaw hung open, and his face contorted at the way Kaminari rudely took you away from him. 'Ashido, now Kaminari,' he clenched his jaw.
'I'm not quite sure what is the reasoning behind all of this,' he thought, cupping his chin and trying to contain his composure. Every bit of him wanted to grab Kaminari by the back of the shirt and force him away from you.
But that would be rude and if this was truly the last time you would see one another then he had no right to separate you two. So, he remained with his arms crossed and that all too familiar intimidating expression on his face.
'Perhaps it is best if I allow this to pass rather than intervene,' although watching Kaminari dance so close to you with one hand on the side of your hip and the other daring to slip past the spaces of your fingers that were made for him did make him feel jealous.
"Uh..." Uraraka blinked, having witnessed the odd behavior Tenya was displaying, and shifted her attention to the dance floor. She couldn't help but frown at the way you were dancing with another man. "Um..." Kaminari was nice and everything but you couldn't help but feel a little strange.
Although you knew he meant well, and maybe you were being too judgmental. After all, it's not like Tenya had jealousy issues, right? So, you might as well enjoy the moment and return to the man you loved after. The soft melody playing through the air seemed to fade when you felt him move his hand from your hip to trace along your back.
You narrowed your eyes, clearly suspicious of what he was doing, especially when he tightened his hand around yours. Then he dipped you, and although you were capable of keeping a straight face and could defend yourself if needed, this position was weird.
You blinked, unsure of how you felt about the smirk he was wearing. Turning your head, you focused your attention on Tenya who appeared to be frozen in place, and yet there was a look of righteous anger across his face as if he were waiting for Kaminari to do something wrong.
This occurred a few seconds later when Kaminari dared to brush his lips against your cheek. This made Tenya's hair stand on end, and that burning jealousy finally ignited into a furious flame. "Iida..." Uraraka said, holding her hand out but he ignored it and stomped his way onto the dance floor.
"Pardon," he said with a slight growl and while he would normally mind his manners, he didn't hesitate to lay his hand on Kaminari's shoulder. His fingers purposely dug into it and his hand was slightly trembling. "Hmmmm?" Kaminari responded, turning his head with a large smirk.
"Oh, hey Iida," he casually said, as if he had not done anything wrong. "Kindly place Y/n on their feet once more," he stated with a glare. "Ohhh Y/n, we were just having a little convo that's all," he replied but obliged with what Tenya wanted.
Your eyes immediately locked with his, and you were ready to explain yourself if need be. In the back of your mind, 'Did he see what had happened? Is that why he walked over?' echoed. But you knew better than to jump to conclusions. Tenya remained standing there, pressing his lips together before breaking eye contact with you.
"I believe the song has ended and I would favor having a moment with Y/n alone," he said, almost possessively grabbing your hand. You immediately squeezed his in return, trying to give him silent reassurance. It was very rare to see Tenya like this, even without asking you could tell he was agitated over what had just happened.
"Heh, sure thing," Kaminari replied before taking a step forward and grabbing your shoulder. "Hm?" you looked at him with a raised eyebrow when he leaned close. "Goodbye Y/n," he said, daring to peck your cheek one last time which yet again made Tenya's hair stand on end.
He scurried away before Tenya had the chance to scold him for his impolite and furthermore inappropriate manners. Kaminari ran to Eijirou, wrapping his arms around him while Hanta hovered over his shoulder. "How did it go?" he asked.
"What did you do?" Eijirou added, ignoring how Kaminari nuzzled into his chest. The blond grinned and leaned back up. "I danced with Y/n!" he announced proudly. Eijirou blinked as if he didn't understand what was just said while Hanta raised his eyebrow.
"And?" he expected more than that, Kaminari grinned once more. "I stole Y/n from Iida and..." he paused, leaning closer to his friends. "I kissed them on the cheek when Iida was looking!" Hanta chuckled while Eijirou clenched his teeth, looking more distraught than anything.
"What happened?" he asked, trying to ignore the continued chuckles from Hanta. "Well, Iida looked pretty mad. Not really sure if it'll cause an argument, but he definitely knew something was up when Y/n let me kiss them," he explained, rubbing the back of his head.
Hanta paused, taking a few needed breaths. "Ah," he said, finally regaining his composure before he addressed his friends. "Well, that might do something, but I got a better plan. Anyone can cause arguments between a couple if romance is involved," he pointed out.
"Huh?" Kaminari blinked before raising his eyebrow and wrinkling his nose. "What's that supposed to mean? My tactic to start a fight between them was good!" he exclaimed but Hanta shook his head. "Nah, I'll get them to fight. Just stand back and watch boys," he declared with a smirk.
"Please remain still," Tenya urged after he dragged you away from the dance floor and back into the house. He instructed you to sit on the couch while he retrieved something from his room although he was somewhat hesitant to leave you alone after the events that had just occurred.
He knew he couldn't allow his emotions, even this jealousy seeping deep within him to cloud his mind and sense of judgment. Not again. He had already learned his lesson when he tried so foolishly to chase after The Hero Killer during his first year at Yuuei High.
He couldn't risk losing you either, despite the fact he was more than certain you wouldn't leave him. Still, part of him wanted to take charge and address what had just happened, but he knew you tended to avoid drama and yet, ironically, always found yourself a part of it.
Yet, you managed to keep a level head unlike him. He was more realistic, tied to reality, and logical while you. Well, you were also practical, but you found yourself stumbling into every challenge and conquering it somehow or another.
He assumed it was due to your ability to perfect whatever skill you chose, and it was through that hard work that you accomplished your goals. "Mm..." he narrowed his eyes, scanning his room before finding the item he was looking for.
Quickly snatching it, he turned and walked back to the living room. He was relieved to see you were still alone and walked over. "Forgive me," he said, although you weren't sure why he was saying that. But a few seconds later he reached over and lightly grabbed your jaw in order to turn your head.
Then a cold and slightly citrus-scented substance was sprayed onto your cheek making you jump. "Please remain still," he stated, carefully wiping away the sanitizer he had just sprayed onto your skin. "Uh..." you paused, briefly glancing at him but he seemed to either be oblivious or ignored your stare.
This made sense considering he was too busy wiping your cheek off with a paper towel. "Mm..." you hummed. You should have expected Tenya to react this way, he needed to "clean" the area Kaminari had touched as if you were soiled now.
Of course, he hadn't even given you the chance to explain yourself. After all, communication was a crucial part of any relationship and as far as your relationship was concerned, the two of you were honest with one another, or at least were supposed to be.
You remained there, with your hands curled into your lap and once you felt him pull his hand away, you turned to look at him. He locked eyes with you before standing up to throw the dirty paper towel away. You latched onto your bottom lip, debating to tell him your side of the story, but instead, an alarm sounded.
Quickly reaching into your pocket, you pulled out your phone to silence it and check the time. "The food should be ready," you commented, and Tenya turned, looking at you from the kitchen. "Mm," he responded, that small flame of jealousy still brewing and yet, he smiled.
Surely, he should not fear the possibility of someone taking you away from him. "Perhaps we should confirm that the food is ready," he suggested, walking back over to you. "Okay," with that, the two of you walked outside where the sound of music continued, and you chuckled when you saw that Ashido was still dancing.
Then a little way away, Uraraka was next to Izuku who seemed to be flushing furiously as he tried to dance but he looked stiff and somewhat uncomfortable. You tried holding back your snickers and continued to the opposite side of the yard where several grills were spread apart.
Tenya lifted one of the tops to reveal several thin slices of meat sizzling alongside vegetables and the savory scent made your mouth water, but you quickly swallowed and instead shifted your focus back on Tenya who reached for the meat thermometer.
You knew he had to confirm it was safe to consume even if it looked fully cooked to you. He pierced the meat and waited to see if it was at the appropriate temperature. At this moment, he was unaware of the peering eyes on him.
"What is he doing?" Kaminari asked and Eijirou shrugged in response. "Checking the food? About time, I have a manly appetite!" he announced before Hanta tapped his chin with a soft hum. "I think I have another idea," he shared. "What is it?" Kaminari asked.
He was particularly curious since the other had insulted him in his attempt at causing an argument between yourself and Tenya. "Y/n hates spicy food, right?" he asked, making his friends knit their eyebrows. "Are you gonna mess with their food?" Hanta nodded in response.
"Yeah…that doesn't sound very manly. Plus, wouldn't that make Y/n uncomfortable?" he questioned, pointing a lazy finger at you. "Exactly!" Hanta said with a smirk. "Is that a good idea?" the redhead asked, he wasn't comfortable with this plan.
"It'll be fine, and it'll start an argument for sure!" he said firmly but excitedly. "Everyone please line up in alphabetical order to organize your food plates!" Tenya announced with one hand chopping through the air and the other pointed at the grills.
You snickered again at the expressions your fellow classmates wore, although this was more or less normal. After three years, you'd think they'd be used to Tenya but unfortunately, a round of sighs came as did defiant grunts.
Regardless, they did as Tenya requested. You smiled, standing next to him, and observed everyone getting their food. "Alright!" Hanta announced, wrapping his arm around Eijirou. "You understand the plan?" he questioned, even though the redhead continued to appear uncertain.
"I guess," he replied. "Are you sure about this?" he asked, making Hanta sigh in reply. He hung his head and patted the redhead's chest. "Kirishima, you're thinking too much. We're doing this for their benefit, remember?"
Eijirou took a deep breath, focusing his attention on you and Tenya who remained standing near the grills. The two of you appeared to be talking and then you turned away from Tenya for a brief moment to grab a plate more than likely prepared to get yourself some food.
However, when you turned back to face Tenya, he shook his head and took the plate from you. "Hm..." Eijirou raised his eyebrow, wondering just what was going on when he saw Tenya gesture to the dormitory. He blinked, slowly putting the pieces together.
More than likely Tenya insisted he could make you a plate of food which would make sense given his nature. Even if you were capable of doing things by yourself, it was natural for a loving partner to want to take care of you and do simple things to make you smile.
His concentration was shattered when Hanta once again patted his chest. "You go ahead, and I'll come from behind!" he instructed before running away. "Huh!?" Eijirou blinked in response and felt his stomach twist as he looked back at Tenya who was busy transitioning the meat and vegetables onto the plate for you.
"Mm, guess I have no choice," he muttered before approaching Tenya. "Hey, Iida!" he greeted. "Hm?" he paused and looked at the other male with his lips pressed in a thin line. "Hello Kirishima," he replied. "I trust you are well," the redhead nodded.
"Yup," he said, grabbing a plate. "You don't mind if I get some food, do you? Smells super good," he said, licking his lips and rubbing his stomach. Tenya lowered his eyebrows, not quite understanding Eijirou's body language.
"You are quite welcome to the selection of food, I hope it pleases your appetite," he replied and Eijirou chuckled. "It sure will!" he exclaimed, somewhat forcing himself to smile before he glanced to the side seeing Hanta's shadow slowly move across the ground from the opposite side of the grills.
He needed to make sure Tenya wouldn't see him and the only way to do that was to crouch down behind the grills while Eijirou acted as a distraction. Then he'd creep up behind Tenya and use his 'special weapon' on the plate of food he was more than likely making up for you.
"Oh hey!" Eijirou suddenly shouted when Tenya attempted to turn back to the grills. Slightly startled, he looked at the redhead with narrow and suspicious eyes. Honestly, that look was a little intimidating even though Eijirou should be used to the many facial expressions Tenya could pull by now.
"Uh..." once again his eyes shifted to the side which somewhat irritated Tenya, he wanted to ensure that the food remained hot and fresh for you. In addition, he didn't want to make you wait too long. Surely you were famished after the immense amount of planning that went into this celebration.
"Do you require assistance? Your actions are rather uncalled for, but you do not appear to be in any distress or pain," he noted. "Oh uh...well," he nervously laughed, rubbing the back of his head. "Yeah, um, about that..." he paused when he noticed some movement behind Tenya and leaned over to look past him.
Some relief came when he saw it was Hanta. Tenya, of course, questioned this odd behavior and turned to look over his shoulder, curious as to what had caught Eijirou's attention. The redhead quickly realized his mistake and Hanta froze, worried that he'd be caught before his plan could be properly executed.
"Hey, Iida buddy let's put our plates down for a second!" Eijirou nervously exclaimed, dropping his to the ground and snatching Tenya's away before placing it onto one of the shelves of the nearby grill. "Kirishima!" Tenya scolded, making the other hiss in response.
Yeah, maybe Tenya wasn't a scary individual, but he didn't like getting yelled at regardless. But he had very little time to think about this because he panicked once again when Tenya turned with the intention of picking up the plate that he had just placed down.
He grasped Tenya's shoulders, forcing the man to face him before he leaned down and hovered his face a little too close to his. "Kirishima..." Tenya said, finding not only the lack of respect for his personal space strange but the other's continued behavior.
"Uh, heh..." he chuckled nervously, resisting the temptation to glance over Tenya's shoulder once more to see what Hanta was doing. "I um, read something online that said uh..." his eyes shifted back and forth, "l-locking eyes with a male you respect can increase your overall manly bond!" he exclaimed, tightening his grip on Tenya's shoulders.
Tenya raised his eyebrow, uncertain of what scientific data was behind the particular piece of information Eijirou spoke of. Hanta's heart was pounding, even though Tenya was distracted at the moment he knew he only had a short time to work.
He glanced at the plate which remained sitting on the shelf of the grill, he swallowed hard before looking at Tenya, or rather his back. Eijirou's grip seemed to be growing tighter on his shoulders and Hanta curled his hands into the soft grass underneath him before slowly rising to his feet.
His eyes remained locked on the plate of food which continued to seep steam into the air. He quickly glanced at Tenya and Eijirou before reaching into his shirt to pull out a bottle of hot sauce. He turned it in his hand, so the label was facing up and grinned.
'If this doesn't work then nothing will!' he snickered softly and unscrewed the cap before pouring the hot substance over the meat and vegetables. He watched it melt into the dish with a satisfied smile and quickly recapped the bottle and gave Eijirou the thumbs up.
"Furthermore, it's rather illogical to take any source of information that is claimed to be scientific and believe it without first conducting your own research regarding-" Eijirou released his hold on Tenya's shoulders and nodded.
"Yeah, sounds good Iida! Well see ya!" he announced before pushing past him and toward Hanta. Tenya raised his eyebrow, witnessing the two running away. "Walk at an acceptable pace!" he yelled, although he wondered what Hanta was doing and why he hadn't heard him.
However, Katsuki and his group of friends were a tad unhinged and a little less mature than Tenya would like. But he had very little time to address this because his mind shifted to you, and he smiled. 'Yes, of course, it would be rude to continue to allow them to wait,' with that, he grabbed the plate and turned to walk into the dormitory.
"Mmhm! I'm pretty happy everything is going so well between them," you said with a chuckle, Ashido's story about Izuku and Uraraka dancing was entertaining. Of course, most of you expected the two of them to end up together.
Ashido nodded and propped her elbow onto the arm of the couch. "Yeah, you said it!" she grinned. "But I guess you don't have to worry about anything like that, you and Iida have been going steady for a while now, right?" the question, while not surprising, made you pause and think.
"Well, Tenya is very-" Your head turned when the sound of unmistakable footsteps echoed, and smiled when your eyes settled on the one you were just talking about and then on the plate of food that he held. Your stomach twisted, giving a soft growl when you inhaled the savory and slightly spicy scent that filled the air.
But Tenya was very attentive and surely, he wouldn't have added any spice to your dish without your knowledge so you shrugged off your worries for the moment. "I thought perhaps we could share a dish," he suggested, appearing slightly flushed at the thought.
"I understand that is one of the many benefits those in a platonic and or romantic relationship partake in," he said, making you snicker. You stood up, placing your hands on your hips. "How romantic," you teased, and felt some amusement when Tenya narrowed his eyes.
Regardless of your close relationship, he didn't favor being teased to any degree. "Perhaps it would be best if we transfer into the kitchen to eat," he stated, and you knew that he was only saying that because he detested people making a mess in the living room. "Mmhm, alright," you said, following him.
"Pardon," he said, casually crossing in front of you to pull out your chair. You smiled, "Thanks" you replied before taking the offered seat. It was nice when Tenya acted like a gentleman, he placed the plate of food in front of you before walking over to one of the kitchen drawers and grabbing a utensil for each of you.
"Here you are," he said, carefully handling it to you who gladly took the presented fork and used it to pierce one of the pieces of meat that were on the plate. It pulled apart easily and you didn't hesitate to shove it into your mouth, chewing happily.
Tenya smiled and took the open seat next to you before properly folding his napkin across his lap. He raised his fork, ready to take a bite himself but stopped when he noticed you struggling to breathe. "Hm?" he also noted the way your cheeks were turning red and your eyes watering.
"Y/n?" he questioned, immediately sliding off his chair to grasp your shoulders. "What is the matter!? Do you require medical attention, are you experiencing asphyxiation?" his questions, while concerning meant very little to you at the moment.
As soon as you bit into the piece of meat you could feel something splatter across your tongue. It was hot and burned your mouth and irritated your nose which started dripping mucus. You brought your hands up, rapidly fanning your mouth as if that would cool it.
Tears were beginning to stream down your face, further concerning Tenya who was currently thinking about what to do. "Mot! Mit's mot!" you said, now standing up and attempting to run to the sink. Tenya stumbled back but was quick to be at your side when you turned the water on and drank your fill.
The water soaked through the front of your shirt, but you could care less. A loud gasp erupted, and you leaned back, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. "Damn it..." you growled, ignoring how Tenya placed his hands on the sides of your arms.
"Are you well?" he questioned, and you looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Tenya..." you said, ignoring how numb your mouth felt at the moment. "Did you put spice in the dish?" you questioned, placing your hands on your hips.
"I am well aware of your dislike of spicy sustenance," he replied with slightly slanted eyebrows as if he couldn't believe you inquired about such a thing. "Well, it was spicy," you said, clearing your throat. "I'm afraid I can't explain why..." he trailed off, and his eyes slightly widened.
He clasped his hand around his jawline. 'Kirishima was acting quite strange and he proceeded to elope with Sero. I was not aware he was standing behind me...and the dish, Kirishima placed it down without my permission,' he thought. However, he could not accuse his fellow heroes of a misdeed.
But it was certainly a strange coincidence. "I...apologize," he took a step back and bowed respectfully. "May I escort you to your room? I believe it would be wise to exchange your current shirt for another," then perhaps the two of you could find something else to preoccupy your minds.
"Hm, I didn't see or hear any arguing," Kaminari said, continuing to dig his fingers into the back of the couch as he watched you and Tenya leave the kitchen and walk down the hallway. "What!?" Hanta said, placing his hand on top of Kaminari's head as if to get a better look.
"Hey!" the boy responded, trying to get the other's hand off his head. "Hm," Eijirou tapped his lips, "maybe we're not using the right angle," he thought out loud, making his friends pause and look at him. "Huh, what do you mean?" Kaminari asked, and Hanta nodded.
"Yeah, I mean we've been using all the tactics we can think of," he pointed out, but Eijirou shook his head. "I think Iida needs to be challenged, I mean he's smart, right? So, if Y/n beat him in something that takes smarts-" Kaminari jumped up from the couch. "Oh! He'd be sore!" he concluded.
"Uh...yeah..." the redhead confirmed. "How are we going to pin them against each other like that?" Hanta asked. "Hm..." Kaminari hummed, glancing around before looking at Eijirou. "Doesn't Iida like chess?" he suggested. "Yeah, but how would we fix a game of chess?" Eijirou replied, scratching his head.
"Distract them?" he suggested with a shrug and Hanta shook his head. "I think Iida would get suspicious if we tried to distract him," Eijirou nodded in agreement. "That's true, but..." he paused and turned to Kaminari then exchanged a glance with Hanta.
"Huh? What?" Kaminari asked cluelessly. "We'll convince Iida to play a game of chess against Y/n but you have to distract him!" Hanta explained, grasping the blond's shoulders. "What, why me!?" he shouted back and looked at Eijirou.
"Well, I think he'd be suspicious if Sero and I tried to distract him after what happened earlier," he noted making Kaminari frown. "Well..." he glanced to the side, thinking it over. "I could try, but I don't see how that will work," he said, after all, Iida and he hadn't had any real conversations before.
"I apologize," Tenya said for what felt like the thousandth time, even though you two knew each other well enough and had crossed the relationship line of being comfortable watching each other change, Tenya insisted on waiting outside your room.
Unfortunately, it seemed you were taking too long for his taste, and he ended up knocking a few times before entering your room only to see you topless. Not that you were embarrassed by any means, you were just having trouble picking out a new top that would match the rest of your outfit.
"Tenya it's fine," you replied, laying your hand on his shoulder with a smile. He looked uncertain about your response but nodded. "Perhaps I can be of assistance," he suggested, and when the two of you finally agreed on a new shirt and walked back to the living room, Eijirou and Hanta came rushing up to you.
"Hey, Iida! Y/n!'' the redhead cried out, waving his hand like mad. You tensed up, ready to strike both down but managed to restrain yourself. Instead, you took a deep breath and stepped closer to Tenya who also seemed a little tense.
"Eijirou," he said with a cold stare. "Hanta" he added. "Heh, hi Iida. Sorry about that weird stuff before," he said, waving his hand lightly. Eijirou nodded. "Yeah," he said before smiling. "Guess we were a bit weird because we hadn't eaten," he hoped his explanation would satisfy Tenya.
"I see..." he replied, although you could sense some hesitation in his voice. "What happened earlier?" you asked, tilting your head. "Hm? Oh, nothing!" Eijirou responded, but you weren't sure how much you believed that especially if it seemed to bother Tenya.
"So uh Iida, Y/n...you two are pretty smart, right!?" he said, but before either of you could reply, he continued speaking. "Because we were thinking how cool it'd be to watch you play chess together!" sure Tenya and you both loved a challenge, but against each other?
"Well, I..." you went to speak, but Tenya stepped forward adjusting his glasses. "I suppose that would be a rather interesting challenge," he replied, somewhat surprising you. Then again, it was rare he got an opportunity like this. "Great!" Eijirou cried out, raising his fist in the air.
"We'll get the board! Why don't you guys play in the kitchen?" Tenya pressed his lips together, turning his head toward the kitchen while grasping his chin in thought. "I'm not certain that's the most appropriate-" Eijirou and Hanta turned, leaving Tenya's words hanging in the air.
"I found it!" Eijirou exclaimed a few minutes later, running into the living room holding the cardboard box above his head. Tenya and you were sitting on the couch, and you both turned your heads to look at the overenthusiastic redhead. "Heh, guess you guys wanna play it out here instead, right?" he asked.
"Let's set it up!" Hanta suggested in a cheerful voice, snatching the box from Eijirou and slamming it onto the table. You couldn't help but giggle and look at Tenya who was currently crossing his arms with that all too familiar look of disappointment on his face. "Don't be so sad," you teased, making him want to sigh.
Despite your smiling face putting him at ease, he couldn't shake the feeling of annoyance. Perhaps a game of chess would distract his mind. "Very well, but I do not favor how strange they are acting," he stated before looking at the chess pieces being laid out.
"Heh," you shrugged. "Do you want to go first?" you asked once the board was finally set up. "I believe that engaging in tactical movements such as performing the first move is only valid during heroic acts," he explained.
"Was that in English?" Hanta asked, pointing his finger at Tenya with a raised eyebrow. "Heh...can't say I understand you sometimes Iida," Eijirou commented, feeling a tad awkward. Tenya closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. "You may go first, Y/n," he stated, making you smile.
"Alright," you replied, leaning over to move one of the chess pieces while ignoring how Eijirou and Hanta stared. You understood Tenya's suspicions of them, but they didn't mean to cause trouble...right? "Your turn," you said. He glanced at you, appearing a little hesitant as he leaned over and moved his chess piece.
Tenya would more than likely become competitive once the two of you really got into this game, it was in his nature. You tapped your lips before deciding to move your second piece which happened to be your Queen. His eyebrows raised, "Forgive me," he said glancing at the board.
"Why did you move that particular piece? It's a rather unstrategic move," you resisted the urge to laugh when you noticed Hanta and Eijirou scratching their heads. Maybe they weren't familiar with how to properly play the game.
"Just making sure you were paying attention," he didn't find amusement in your words. "It's your turn," you said, continuing to smile. It was funny how much you missed doing simple things like playing board games with Tenya, although the two of you were always busy with school and your future hero careers.
The chess pieces were now scattered across the board, and Tenya had already cornered a few of your pieces. "Hm..." you tapped your lips, scanning the board to see what moves you could possibly make. "Dude, where's Kaminari?" Hanta whispered and Eijirou shrugged in response.
"Maybe we should distract them ourselves and hope for the best?" the redhead replied, and Hanta nodded in agreement. "Uh hey!" Eijirou exclaimed, stepping in front of the two of you and blocking the view of the chessboard. You knitted your eyebrows, turning to look at Tenya who shared your confusion.
"Uh...Kirishima, what are you doi-" you squeaked when he leaned forward, invading your personal space and for a moment, you had to restrain yourself from hitting him in the throat. Tenya shot his arm out, grasping your shoulder and pulling you close to him.
Kaminari was having second thoughts about this, but he knew he couldn't let his friends down. So, he decided to do what he did best, make a mess of everything. "Heeeeeey guys!" he shouted, jumping onto the back of the couch before wrapping his arms around you and Tenya.
You screamed in surprise. "Kaminari!" you growled while Eijirou blinked at the sight before him and glanced over his shoulder, looking at Hanta who was currently crouched down in front of the chessboard.
"What are you gonna do?" he whispered, and Hanta paused, looking up at him before motioning him to go away. "Mm..." Eijirou crossed his arms before turning back to you, Tenya, and Kaminari. "Excuse me!" Tenya cried out, trying to pry Kaminari's arm off of him.
"Okay, I did it!" Hanta said, grasping his hands onto Eijirou's shoulders. "Hm, oh good!" he smiled before quickly walking around the couch and wrapping his arms around Kaminari. "Okay, I think it's time for us to go now! Right, Sero?" He asked, grinning like mad.
"Uh, right!" he replied back. "What? Wait a minute!" you tried to stop the three of them from leaving, but they scattered away like frightened kittens in a bush. You knitted your eyebrows, looking at Tenya who sighed.
"I am uncertain what aspects have caused them to act in such a way," maybe it was the fact that graduation was around the corner. "Perhaps it's best we continue our game," he suggested, and you nodded in agreement.
However, you noticed something off when you leaned forward and scanned the board. It appeared more of your pieces were on Tenya's side. 'That can't be right,' you thought. Sure, you were good at chess, but not that good.
"Tenya..." you said, tapping your chin. "I'm not sure if this looks right," he leaned up, brushing his shoulder against yours. "Hm..." he studied the board for a moment and frowned. "I...do not believe this is correct," he replied. "I swear I'm not trying to cheat," you joked, but Tenya wasn't in the mood for humor.
"I'm afraid I don't believe that partaking in such a dishonorable-" you held your hand up. "Okay okay," you didn't need his lecture. "Hey Tenya," you'd hate to accuse your classmates of wrongdoings, but it was the only explanation you could think of.
"Do you think they messed with the board?" Tenya's reaction was about what you expected, he remained silent for a few moments. Thinking over his response carefully. "Perhaps it would be best if we confronted them with our suspicions," he suggested, but you shook your head.
"No, you stay here," you said, standing up from the couch. Tenya had done enough for you today. "Are you most certain you wish for me to wait here?" he asked, looking at you with concern in his eyes. "Yes," you said, leaning forward to press your lips against his forehead.
"I'll be back quick," you promised before walking in the direction you suspected the three boys had gone. Although you didn't hear any noise from the hallway or inside the rooms of the boy's side. "Where could they be?" you muttered, scratching your head.
"Hm..." well, it was clear they weren't inside so you might as well try looking outside. "Hey," you said, approaching Ashido who was currently sitting in the grass talking to Uraraka and Kyoka. "Have any of you guys seen Sero, Kirishima, or Denki?" Kyoka raised her eyebrow and motioned toward the side of the building.
"Oh, they're over there?" you asked, curling your hands by your sides. "Did something happen?" Uraraka asked with a frown, and you turned to look at her, offering a reassuring smile. "I just need to ask them something," you explained, hoping to calm any worries she happened to have.
"They were laughing about something when they came out," Ashido said and you crossed your arms. "Is that so?" you asked, frowning. Before anything more could be said, you turned and marched toward the side of the building.
You were determined to give the boys a piece of your mind but stopped short when you heard their laughter and instead, pressed yourself against the side of the wall. Tenya would lecture you about the dishonesty of eavesdropping, but you didn't care at the moment.
"I bet that helped them!" Came Hanta's voice. "Yeah! But I'm sure my distraction brought up some bad vibes for them!" Eijirou announced. Kaminari smirked. "Yeah, but this was all my idea!" he claimed, jabbing his thumb into his chest. "Oh really?" you said, finally having heard enough.
All three of them froze and turned around to see you. Your arms were crossed, and you were wearing a furious glare that was enough to send fear through the most vicious villain. "Oh...uh, Y/n...w-what are you doing here? Heh..." Kaminari stuttered out and flinched when you smiled and proceeded to crack your knuckles.
"Iida!" Ashido cried out, barging through the backdoor of the dormitory. He immediately stood on his feet. "Yes? Do you need assistance with something!?" he said in a slightly panicked voice. "It's Y/n, they're..." she clenched her jaw, glancing to the side.
"They're currently brawling with the three idiots of Class A," Kyoka said, squeezing past Ashido to look at Tenya. His face dropped and his body instantly stiffened, why on Earth would you engage in an act of violence toward your fellow students?
"I will handle this, thank you," he said, marching past the two girls. Once he stepped outside, he could hear the distant sounds of distress which seemed to be coming from the side of the building. However, when he began to approach, they died down and he heard footsteps rounding the corner.
He paused, and his body tensed up. You wiped the sweat from your brow and raised your eyebrows when you noticed Tenya was standing in front of you. "Oh hey," you said, giving a smile. "Before you ask, they were doing all those things to cause trouble between us," you informed him.
"I'm afraid I need further explanation," he said, moving to stand in front of you. "Mm..." you resisted the urge to sigh. "Tenya they had made plans to try to break us apart, all those weird and strange things that have happened to us today were because of them," you said, laying your hands on his chest.
He looked at you, obviously having a hard time processing that his fellow classmates were capable of such a horrendous thing. "That still does not provide you the right to engage in violent acts toward them," he stated, reaching up to grasp your hands.
Although he knew you fought quite well, and perhaps the three of them learned a valuable lesson from this as did he. "But...I do not excuse their actions and...perhaps you were only acting in response to the injustice they created," he said, tightening his grip.
You noticed this but addressed his words first. "That's right, even if it wasn't them. I don't want to let mistakes or mishaps tear us apart," you admitted with a frown. Tenya gave a half-smile and gently cradled your chin, forcing you to look at him.
"I do not believe such a goal is viable whether or not we or another has caused it," he said, leaning down to press his forehead against yours. Although he'd need to speak with the three boys in private, perhaps it would be best to give them time to recover first.
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faulty-writes · 1 year
[ I have no excuse for why I made this other than since I lost my cat I've been going to a cat cafe so I figured, fuck it...make a cat cafe story featuring Tenya. Also, I've been rewatching Bee and Puppycat so the reader's personality is based on Bee. I'm trying to get back into updating my blog so thank you all for your patience. ]
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[ Thanks to Mei Hatsume, you scored a date with the president of Class A. Of course, you always found him interesting, and you have the perfect idea of what to do for your date. Unfortunately, Tenya doesn't seem to be as thrilled as you are. ]
"I'm afraid I do not see the potential or thrill in participating in such an activity," he stated, lowering his phone to look at you. Yes, it was rude to be staring at one's phone when having a conversation. But you had just texted him the link that held the information regarding where you wanted to go on your date.
"Aw come on!" you whined, stomping your foot like a child which made him frown. Honestly, he wasn't entirely certain why he had agreed to go on a "date" with you or rather, why he had allowed Mei Hatsume to convince him to go on a date with you.
Granted he knew your close relationship with her and the tendency the two of you had to create rather destructive pieces of support gear. Still, he supposed that Hatsume had quite an interesting way of persuasion and he found himself unable to refuse. Yet, he did not find the idea of going to a "cat cafe" fitting for a date.
While he had nothing against animals, he dreaded the idea of getting cat hair on his clothing and or in his food or drink. 'I suppose I have no choice,' he thought sighing. 'Even if Y/n has the tendency to act like a child, they hold great skill over their craft and I suppose I have not done an accurate job as class president,' he thought.
'Yes...I should extend Class A's friendly nature toward other students, and other departments even, for that is what a true hero would do! Bring others together no matter what their differences!" He looked at you, noting your frown and slightly misted-over eyes.
"Very well," he said, crossing his arms. "Really!?" you squeaked out, smiling. Tenya said nothing, only nodded in response which made you giggle. "I knew you liked me enough to go there!" you responded, folding your hands behind your back, and swaying on the tips of your toes.
Your eyes scanned Tenya from head to toe, despite the fact his body appeared stiff, he was dressed rather nicely. He was wearing a white shirt with a blue long-sleeved button-up shirt over it and his jeans were matched nicely with black sneakers.
"I'll ensure that we have the proper transportation to this...cafe," he stated, completely ignoring your earlier comment as he tapped his finger against his phone. But your smile remained because you knew you were right.
Tenya was...strange, but that's part of the reason you liked him. "Forgive me, would you prefer to take the bus or a private form of transportation?" His question made your smile grow, and somehow, he felt there were sinister intentions behind it.
He was by no means spoiled. Yet, he would have preferred private transportation as opposed to a noisy, rather overcrowded one. It baffled him why someone would choose to take the bus over a compact vehicle. "Mm..." he turned his head when he felt your hands tighten around his arm.
He would have normally scolded you for the way you so tenderly nuzzled the side of your face against his shoulder. Instead, he took a breath through his nose and resisted the urge to sigh. Then he turned to glance out the window, watching as the world zoomed by in a blur.
It reminded him of when he used his quirk and oddly enough made him feel relaxed. 'It's only a short ride,' he reminded himself. The look on your face when you finally stepped off the bus and made your way to the cafe was one that Tenya was familiar with, that certain look of happiness and joy.
It was the same expression he hoped to make others feel through his heroic actions. But there was something different about your happiness, it was almost childlike and worry-free. "Yay!" you said, giggling as you clapped your hands.
He focused his gaze on you for a few moments before looking at the "cat cafe" you seemed to favor. It looked rather small and made from wood, which resembled more of a cabin than an actual business. It had a red roof with a matching door and the strangest-looking cat statue standing near it.
The statue was colored white and looked to be carved out of marble with a rather unsettling smile on its face. It was positioned next to a blackboard and Tenya reached up, adjusting his glasses to get a better look at what was scribbled across it.
"Mm..." he frowned, somewhat irritated at the individual who wrote on it considering it was illegible. He turned, focusing his attention on the building once more and the one display window it had. He noted the sleeping felines that were pressed up against the interior side. "Let's go!" you cried, startling him in the process.
But he barely had the time to scold you considering you proceeded to drag him through the front door. He could hear a bell ring as the two of you stepped inside and immediately noticed a hallway with two doors. One led to the cafe where you could order food and drink and the other, he assumed, was where the cats were.
"You're going to love it here! The food is kind of eh, but it all goes to support the cats!" you informed him, although more than likely he already knew that. "So, what do feel like having?" you asked, after you had dragged him into the cafe.
The smell of burnt coffee and overcooked eggs filled his nostrils and he swallowed hard, suppressing a dry heave. It was a little overbearing to believe that someone was that neglectful with their cooking. This was a business, a silly one at that, but still very much expected to present itself professionally.
He turned to you, raising one of his unusual eyebrows. "Are you most certain this is the ideal location for our date?" he asked, watching you stare at him dumbfounded. "Of course, it is!" you replied, what prompted him to ask such a question?
"Oh, I forgot to mention you can order a hot latte and ask for a kitty on top!" Tenya knitted his eyebrows. "A kitty on top?" he repeated, clearly uncertain of what you meant. "Mmhm!" you responded with a nod. "They make a kitty using the foam on top of the coffee or whatever," you said, waving him off.
"I don't like lattes, but they taste good with a kitty on top," you said, once again confusing Tenya. "Pardon, but if one has a certain disdain for something they should not force themselves to consume it!" he urged, chopping his hand madly through the air.
"You are liable to cause yourself to grow ill that way-" It wasn't uncommon for others to ignore him when he got like this, but somehow the way you bluntly ignored him and walked up to the counter and started ordering made him a little more irritated than normal.
"Pardon!" he said, walking up behind you with his hand chopping right above your head. "Oh, and um..." you tapped your lips, looking over the menu to decide what else you wanted, and turned to look at Tenya who paused and glanced back at you with uncertainty.
"Oh Iida," you said as if what he was doing was normal. "Did you want something too?" he blinked, somewhat baffled by your question. He slowly retracted his arm and clasped his chin in thought, he hadn't anticipated ordering anything.
Then again, it would be rather rude not to assist a local business. "Oh, I didn't mention this earlier, but I forgot my wallet so you're going to have to pay," his body jolted, and he looked at you with a heated expression. Granted he was going to insist on paying simply because that was the correct and moral thing to do.
The gentleman should always pay, but he couldn't resist the urge to inform you of the wrongs you committed yet again. "Are you not aware of the dangers of leaving your wallet behind? It contains a various amount of information regarding-" his voice was drowned out when you turned to the cashier, twiddling your thumbs.
"Make that another hot latte with a kitty on top and he'll have a sandwich too, not sure what kind he likes just whatever you have is good," you said with a shrug before Tenya screamed "Excuse me!?" from over your shoulder.
You hummed softly, happily drinking your latte while your feet swayed underneath the table. Tenya was sitting across from you. His body was stiff, and he was trying his best not to flinch whenever one of the cats came to rub itself against his leg.
He also tried to ignore the fact that cat hair was floating through the air making his appetite lessen. "Is something wrong?" you asked. "You're not eating or drinking, but if you don't want your latte or sandwich, I'll take them. I don't care if you've already bitten or taken a sip," you explained only to hear Tenya sigh in response.
"The food and beverage are not the issues," he replied, crossing his arms. "I'm afraid I do not favor the...cleanliness of this establishment nor the feline that is continuously brushing against and scratching at the back of my legs," you blinked, tilting your head to one side before placing your hands on the table and looking underneath it.
"Oh yeah," you said, smiling as you watched the feline rub against Tenya's leg yet again. "He's one of my favorites," you commented, leaning up once more. "So don't make fun of him," you added crossing your arms.
He stiffened once again. "I...I do not believe I was-" A surprised yelp came when the cat jumped onto his lap. You smiled, watching your favorite feline turn and lock eyes with him. Tenya blinked in response, opening his mouth to speak before the feline's paw contacted his face and knocked his glasses off.
You chuckled, "See? He likes you!" Tenya clenched his jaw and immediately stood up, forcing the feline off his lap. "Do you find this amusing!?" he demanded, ignoring the small scratch he now had on the right side of his cheek.
"Hm?" you blinked in response to his words and glanced away. "Well part of me does," you admitted, "but other parts are confused," Tenya raised his eyebrow in response to your words. "I'm afraid I do not understand," he responded, although you knew from experience simple things tended to go over his head.
"Perhaps we need to discuss how to properly regulate your emotions," he stated, leaning over to pick up his glasses. "Regulate my emotions?" you repeated, tilting your head to one side while Tenya adjusted his glasses and proceeded to narrow his eyes at you.
He knew you were brilliant, at least when it came to crafting support gear but like him, you seemed to lack knowing how to properly engage in social interaction. While it was his duty as a hero to help others when needed, emotions and social interaction were somewhat personal, and he could not rightfully tell you what to do.
Still, he found you confusing and childlike, and yet, that was somehow charming at the same time. It drew him to you, and made him wish to help you but did you truly need help or simply guidance? It was a thin line, and he was unsure if he wanted to cross it.
"Perhaps we should take our leave," he stated, taking his latte over to the trash. He had only taken one sip, and while he hated the idea of wasting it, he could see the pieces of cat hair that stuck to the opening of the lid. More than likely said hair got into his drink making it inedible.
"Hm?" you knitted your eyebrows, watching as he threw away his drink and placed your hands on your hips. "I said I'd drink that if you didn't want it," you reminded him. "I'm afraid that 'latte' was inedible," he replied, turning to look at you.
"Why? A little cat hair never hurts you know!" you shouted as he walked past you and toward the exit. "I believe it would be best if we departed now," he said, using that all-too-familiar stern tone. "What? But we just got here!" you whined, making him frown.
Was he being too harsh? He knew it was rude to refuse to continue an activity that brought another joy, and he understood this may make him look like the villain. But he simply could not fathom why one would insist on having a date in a location that clearly did not practice cleanliness.
He stared at you for a long moment before reaching into his pocket for his phone and briefly glancing at the screen. "Very well," he said, slipping the phone back into his pocket. "I suppose we have spare time," he grew slightly confused when your face lit up.
"Really!?" you squealed, happily stomping your feet against the floor before rushing over and embracing him in a hug. You ignored how his body stiffened at the unfamiliar contact, but in a way that made you want to squeeze him even more.
"Thank you, Iida!" you said after nuzzling your face into his chest. "You won't regret it!" He narrowed his eyes but said nothing, only nodded in response. Perhaps it was better to remain quiet in situations like this as there seemed to be a rather odd gap between you and him when it came to understanding one another.
Or so he assumed. You were somewhat of a mystery to him, and perhaps he was a mystery to you. "Come on, I'll show you another one of my favorite kitties!" You didn't think twice about reaching down to grab his hand, and his eyes widened at the strange sensation coursing through his body because of your touch.
Your hand was warm and caused his skin to tingle even as you dragged him over to one of the beds that stuck to the glass display window. Oddly enough, his heart rate increased slightly when you turned and smiled at him causing the oddest warmth to rush through his cheeks.
Was this why you were so different and mysterious? You treated everyone as if you knew them personally and while you paid no mind to personal space, your actions were that of kindness. Perhaps you too had a hero's heart, and you weren't aware of it.
Still, he knew he couldn't let himself get too lost in thought especially because you began speaking when you reached the window and picked up the cat that was currently laying down in the bed. You began to tell him the cat's name and its personality, how you had bonded with him since visiting the cafe months and months ago.
Oddly, he found himself beginning to smile. You were rather informative when you chose to be, and it was charming. However, he continued to keep track of the time and when an hour passed and you had finished introducing him to a few more favorites of yours, he once again insisted the two of you leave.
Although you weren't sure what you were expecting out of this date, you assumed Tenya would at least stop for dessert or another bite to eat. This did not happen, but he was kind enough to walk you to the door of your dormitory building.
"I'm afraid that my opinion is rather firm in disapproving of a date, or romantic time spent together taking place in a 'cat cafe' as it's a rather inappropriate setting," he explained continuing to chop his hand through the air.
While you were somewhat sour about his opinion, you couldn't help but notice how the outside light reflected off the lenses of his glasses and how he looked rather handsome in the semi-darkness of the night. "Hm..." you hummed in response, letting your eyes trace along his cheek where you noticed that small scratch from earlier.
It looked less irritated, but you stepped forward, invading his space without care. His eyes widened and his lips were slightly curved as he looked down at you much like a child would. You took another step closer and cupped his cheek, noting that it felt slightly warm against your palm.
Your thumb slowly grazed his cheek, feeling the slight indent of the scratch. "Mm...I almost forgot about that scratch," you said, and his eyes softened. "Oh...I see," he glanced away, trying his best to ignore the urge to step back as he knew that would be rude.
His scratch slightly burned when you touched it, but he ignored the slight discomfort. However, he completely forgot about it when you closed the small amount of space between the two of you and pressed your chest against his. "P-pardon!" he exclaimed with bright rosy cheeks.
You ignored him and got onto your tippy toes and ever so gently leaned forward, pressing your lips against that scratch in a tender kiss. "There," you said before leaning away from Tenya who despite having a red face, also had knitted eyebrows.
"I..." he cleared his throat, trying to regain his composure. "I do not understand why you-" a snicker interrupted him, and you looked at him with a smile before folding your hands behind your back. "Your mother never kissed your boo boo's better as a kid?" you questioned continuing to snicker.
"I...I am afraid I do not understand the logic behind such an action, wounds heal on their own or through medical intervention. It would be unethical to-" You held your hand up, walking past him to open the door. "Well thanks, Iida!" you said cheerfully before stepping inside, somewhat eager to tell Mei how your date went.
Tenya's jaw hung open, and his stare remained on the now-closed door. He was in slight disbelief as to how this 'date' ended with you. 'Perhaps I was too intimidating,' he thought, feeling the smallest amount of guilt fill him before he forced himself to turn away.
He felt some relief when he returned to his own dormitory building, but a sigh left him when he stepped through the door which caught the attention of his friends, Uraraka and Izuku who just so happened to be sitting in the living room.
"I-Iida?" Izuku looked over from his position on the couch. "We were wondering where you went!" Uraraka said, springing to her feet. Tenya stopped and turned his head. "Oh, I apologize," he said, feeling more guilt spread through his heart. He hated making others worry about him.
"Y-you don't have to-" Izuku paused and stood up. He knew that it wasn't exactly worth arguing with Tenya seeing as he was set in his ways. So instead, he walked past Uraraka and toward the other male. "Um, s-someone told us Y/n asked you out on a date?" he inquired, hoping he wasn't overstepping his boundaries.
Tenya pressed his lips together but nodded. "Yes, Hatsume convinced me," he explained briefly and Uraraka's eyes lit up. "Really!? How was it? Y/n is super friendly, and they make amazing things just like Hatsume, right?" she said, smiling at Izuku who blushed in response and nodded frantically.
"They are...quite interesting," Tenya responded. "Where did you go on your date!?" Uraraka asked excitedly, taking a step toward him. "I believe it's called a cat cafe," he replied and Izuku knitted his eyebrows together.
"C-cat cafe?" he repeated, "I didn't know you...l-liked that sort of thing I-Iida," although it made sense. Cats were independent and clean, but as far as he could remember Tenya didn't speak of any favoritism toward any animal.
"I...I am not certain if I would return to that place of business," he replied, but his voice was laced with confusion. Uraraka frowned and tilted her head to one side. "Did the date go wrong?" she asked with the innocence of a child.
Tenya frowned and grasped his chin. "I...am not quite sure how to respond to your inquiry," he didn't dislike the date, yet at the same time he was not certain if he'd want to go on another date with you. Overall, his date with you was pleasant and you did make him experience a feeling he was unfamiliar with.
Whether that was a good or bad sign was still unknown to him, yet he wouldn't mind continuing to get to know you. "What do you mean? Do you like Y/n or not?" Uraraka asked, almost sounding offended by Tenya's previous response.
"I believe Y/n is rather childish but admirable, and perhaps if I was given the chance, I would favor getting to know them more," he said with a sigh, hoping this answer would satisfy her. "Well...if you really like them...I t-think you two would be good for each other," Izuku responded.
"Hm?" Tenya looked at him with slight surprise. "You would support our future relationship, whatever it may be?" he asked, mostly for confirmation. Izuku nodded, "I do too! After all, it would be useful to have connections to the Department of Support!" Uraraka added.
"Hm...I see," he said before taking a deep breath. "I believe I will begin my bedtime routine, please be aware it's past curfew and lights are strictly off at nine," he said before walking past his friends. His mind drifted to thoughts of you as he walked down the hallway to his bedroom.
He was slightly surprised by today's events and his stomach twisted at the thought of seeing you again. But knowing his friends approved of a possible relationship with you meant more than he wanted to admit and perhaps he would be lucky enough to be the one to initiate a date next time.
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faulty-writes · 6 months
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Hello everyone.
My name is Faulty-Writes and welcome to my fanfiction blog. I write for the fandoms Sk8 The Infinity, Trigun/Trigun Stampede, Mr. Villain’s Day Off, and Jujutsu Kaisen. Below you'll find my Masterlist for all my 2024 creations including requests and other helpful links.
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Mr. Villain's Day Off
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My Hero Academia
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All Fumikage Tokoyami pieces
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Hitoshi Shinso Broken Heart Series (Complete)
Tensei Iida
Tensei Iida Holiday Series (Still In Progress)
Tenya Iida
All Tenya Iida Pieces
One Shots
Tenya Iida Sir Nighteye!Daughter Short Series (Complete)
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Trigun/Trigun Stampede
All Trigun/Trigun Stampede Pieces
All Vash Pieces
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faulty-writes · 2 years
No request? 😳
Than could I have more Monama(? I think that's his name) and Tenya iida fighting over reader? It could be any scenario, I just enjoy love the thrill of two guys fighting over me 😤☺️☺️☺️
But in, the end I choose Tenya lol.
[ Ah, it's my cute friend Cole! I was wondering where you went, don't go leaving me now. Haha. His name is 'Neito Monoma' so you were close! But I enjoy verse stories! So this will be fun to write. I made a new banner for this. I also stole the idea from this really cute Webtoon comic called Boyfriends, I love that series so much. <3 ]
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It was a brutal winter, and while there wasn't any evidence of snow on the ground. You woke up one morning to find your room as cold as an ice box and wrapped yourself in your blanket before going to the living room to see your fellow classmates.
They were huddled together, trembling due to the cold temperature and you couldn't help but notice the way Uraraka and Izuku were pressed against Shoto. You assumed he was the greatest source of warmth at the moment given that his left side possessed a fire quirk.
"What the heck is going on man?" Eijirou questioned as he continued to rub his arms. "I don't know! The heat must be out!" Kaminari exclaimed, proceeding to wrap his arms around the redhead who gladly welcomed sharing his body heat.
Tenya seemed to be the only one besides Shoto who wasn't shivering. "Perhaps we should check the surrounding buildings to ensure our fellow students aren't suffering through the same conditions we are," his suggestion was responded to with groans.
You frowned, Tenya could be high-strung but he only had the best intentions in mind. "I don't think that's a bad idea..." you said quietly causing your fellow students to turn their heads. "Oh yeah?" Katsuki said, stomping over to you.
He had a menacing glance in his eye and you took a step back before Tenya rushed over. "Enough Bakugou," he stated in his all too familiar stern tone. Of course, Katsuki didn't take his words kindly and instead, glared at him.
"What the hell are you gonna do about it four ey-" before he could finish, the door to the front entrance was kicked open with such force that it scared a majority of the students present, yourself included. There stood Neito, looking as furious as ever.
"What the heck is he doing here?" Eijirou questioned, his arms still tightly around Kaminari who replied, "I don't know man, but it can't be good," he could already feel the annoyance as Neito stepped inside. Placing his hands on his hips, he glanced around before laughing.
"How pathetic! The great Class A's heating is out too, how awful," he mocked, pressing his hand against his forehead and the other to his chest. "What do you want man!?" Eijirou demanded, whatever it was couldn't be good.
"Me? Well, I..." he paused and allowed his gaze to linger on you. "Hm!?" you felt slightly uncomfortable and Tenya seemed to sense this because he gently pulled you behind him. "May we assist you in any way, Monoma?" he asked, crossing his arms.
Neito huffed, looking rather unhappy. "I came to steal your heat, what else?" he replied before Tenya raised his eyebrow. "I believe you already took notice that we do not have heat," he pointed out before Neito smirked and began to approach him.
"Then perhaps I could borrow someone's body heat, surely you don't think you can keep Y/n all to yourself," he commented in a sly manner making Tenya tremble in response. "I...I beg your pardon?" he replied, somewhat confused by the other's words.
Granted he had somewhat of a rivalry with Neito when it came to you, and had small quarrels with him in the past in an effort to gain your affection. "What do you say Y/n? Surely you'd like to cuddle with someone from the superior class," Neito held his hand out to you.
"Um..." you stepped out from behind Tenya and looked at that offered hand before reaching out for it. But, ended up jumping when Tenya clasped onto it causing you to look at him bewildered. "I'm afraid that Y/n already has a prescheduled plan with me," he said firmly.
You raised your eyebrow, knowing that he was lying. But you said nothing and looked back at Neito. Annoyance spread across his features. "You still can't keep them all to yourself!" he repeated, reaching over to grab your free hand to try and pull you towards him.
"Do not treat them in such a manner!" Tenya responded, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders and forcing you back against him. "You Class A clowns truly believe you own everything, don't you?" he said, once again pulling you against him.
After a few minutes of back and forth, you ended up agreeing to cuddle both of them. You were in the middle, Neito was to your left, and Tenya was to your right. Your blanket was thrown over their shoulders and you were happy to finally feel some warmth.
Of course, the cold atmosphere had triggered your allergies and in the midst of cuddling, you sneezed. "They must be allergic to you," Neito replied before getting up to get a tissue. However, Tenya reached into his front pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. "Here you are," he said, politely handing it to you.
"I do hope you find more use out of my handkerchief than a mere tissue," he stated which caused Neito to growl. "L-like I could even find a tissue in this poorly designed Class A dorm!" he snapped, crossing his arms with a visible pout.
His words caused Eijirou, who happened to be passing by to stop in his tracks. He turned to glare at Neito and pointed a finger at him. "All the buildings are designed the same man," Neito stomped his foot before snapping "Shut up!" at him.
"Make room!" he demanded as he rejoined the three-way cuddle. "You can't have Y/n all to yourself!" he repeated yet again, making Tenya raise his eyebrow. "I'm afraid Y/n belongs to neither of us," he said, though he selfishly wished the opposite were true.
"However, I am not opposed to them seeking warmth from me," he said, noticing that you had leaned closer to him when Neito had gotten up. A few minutes passed before your stomach growled, causing both of their heads to turn.
"Are you hungry?" Tenya questioned before he got up. Neito huffed, "Of course they're hungry! " he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Does Class A not recognize when a stomach growls?" how dreadful. Moments like this made him wish that you had been placed in Class B with him.
Tenya chose to ignore his words and pondered what supplies were in the kitchen. "I believe I can create a hot dish that would increase the temperature of your body momentarily," he commented as he covered you with the blanket.
"As if you Class A wannabes know anything about cooking!" Neito stated, jumping up from the couch. "I'll see if I can make them a proper meal in your less than organized kitchen," he said, brushing past Tenya who yelled, "Excuse me!" in response before following after him.
Half an hour passed as you heard them struggle in the kitchen, then a sweet and savory scent filled the air. "Here," Neito said as he walked over to the couch and laid a rather large bowl of noodles on the table in front of you. "Luckily I was able to find pleasant ingredients, what a miracle," he commented with a smirk.
Your mouth watered as you looked at the noodles before turning your attention to the kitchen. "Where's Iida?" you questioned, making Neito's smirk widen. "Seems that know-it-all doesn't have any culinary talent," he stated, it was amusing to see someone so intelligent struggle with simple ingredients and vegetables.
"I believe you are due back in your own designated dorm room," Tenya stated when nightfall came. "As if I'd listen to a poor excuse of a hero student like yourself," Neito replied as he wrapped his arm around your hip and pulled you closer to him.
Tenya frowned. "Pardon," he said before grasping your hand and gently guiding you back towards him. "I do believe the only 'poor excuse' at this moment is the lack of manners in which you display," he noted before you felt yourself being yanked back to Neito.
"How dare you!" he snapped at Tenya and once again you found yourself being pulled back and forth between the two. 'Maybe Uraraka and Izuku were onto something when they cuddled Shoto...' you thought with a long sigh.
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faulty-writes · 2 years
Faulty-san :D Do you know those cliche confessions in shoujo anime where boy meets with girl at the back of the school and confesses?
That but it's F!reader that confesses to Iida 👀 She says good things about him and what she likes about his personality and ends it with a bow(like how iida bows, arms on sides and proper angle) and "-Please date me!"
Take ur time :] and have a series of cat memes🐱 cause i love you
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[ These cat pictures are both interesting and terrifying. But uh, thanks, I appreciate the love. Haha. So I do recall seeing and reading this in anime and manga. So let's see what we can do about this. ]
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As you stood in front of him, you recalled the events that led up to this point. 'You have to confess to him now!' Ashido said, pointing a finger at your face. 'What?' you replied before shaking your head and pushing her finger aside.
In retaliation, she grabbed your shoulders firmly. 'Come on! You can't just let him slip through your fingers!' you sucked in a breath and glanced to the side, thinking over her words. But before you could respond, she took a step back.
'I'll tell him to meet you in the back of the school!' she exclaimed excitedly and before you had the chance to stop her, she was out of sight. A sigh escaped before you brought your hand up to press against your forehead in a frustrated manner.
Part of you had hoped that Tenya wouldn't follow through, but you should have known better. If anyone, especially a classmate requested his help he'd be there and as you stared at him and those beautiful red eyes of his, you found that your mind was blank.
Now that you were face to face with him, all those feelings, all those loving and romantic thoughts you had about him wouldn't surface. Was it because you were so nervous? The rapid beating of your heart and the butterflies in your stomach certainly indicated exactly that.
But surely you could push past your nervousness and actually confess to him, right? You opened your mouth to speak, but just as quickly shut it. Your throat suddenly felt tight and dry, forcing you to swallow the little saliva you could gather on your tongue.
Tenya raised one of his unusual eyebrows and leaned forward. "Are you feeling unwell?" he questioned, having noted your odd behavior and failed attempt at speaking. You opened your mouth yet again, but much like before no words came.
This caused him to feel more concerned about you, but after he cleared his throat he proceeded to address the problem. "Forgive me," he began as he lifted his hand into the air and proceeded to move it frantically as per usual.
"Mina stated that you wished to speak with me, but you appear rather timid or perhaps hesitant in regards to the topic or situation you desire to speak about," granted he knew assuming was rude and impolite, but this was not like your usual behavior.
So what is it that could be bothering you? Was it serious? "I would be honored if there was a way I could assist you," he wanted to ask if you needed medical attention but also thought it best to hear a verbal response from you first.
"Mm..." you glanced away, feeling your cheeks heat up. 'Okay take a deep breath and just say whatever comes to mind' most would think this was bad advice, but nonetheless, you closed your eyes and took a deep breath through your nose and out of your mouth.
Then you focused your attention on Tenya and took a step forward, somewhat startling him. "I like you, Iida!" his eyes widened and he looked dumbfounded, blinking once or twice before adjusting his glasses so they were once again balanced perfectly on the bridge of his nose.
"I...pardon?" he replied and you dropped your head with a sigh. "I..." the temptation to give up or turn around and run was strong. But you knew if you did that then you'd never hear the end of it from Ashido. So instead, you took another deep breath to regain your composure.
Picking your head back up, you took a step toward Tenya and while he continued to look confused, you blurted out, "I have...f-feelings for you Iida! I've liked you since...well since I saw you at the entrance exam a-and..." you glanced away which was probably best. You didn't exactly want to see what expression he was wearing right now.
"I...y-you're smart and helpful and honorable and c-cute when you're angry," or at least you thought so. "Oh, and y-your hand c-chopping thing...is...is c-cute too um..." you weakly copied the movement though it wasn't nearly as intense as when he did it.
"Y-you're just really great and considerate...I love your passion, i-it's well...d-different," you explained nervously before covering your mouth. What else could you say? There were so many other qualities that made you like him.
His appearance, his way of speaking, that slightly sexy tone he got in his voice when he barked out commands. "Y-Y/n I..." he was in disbelief, feeling an unusual heat rise in his cheeks at the series of compliments you had just delivered him.
However, he had no prior experience when it came to romance and though he knew it was courteous to acknowledge someone else's feelings, he didn't get the chance to do so because you proceeded to bow. Your posture was straight and your hands firmly pressed against your sides.
"P-please..." you said as the wind came to gently ruffle your hair, "d-date me..." you could barely believe what you were asking. There was no way Tenya would agree to date you, would he? Then again, you didn't want to be rejected.
'Damn it!' you felt your heart sink and your anxiety begin to get the better of you. "I...I'm rather flattered that you feel such a way, however-" he reached out but ended up recoiling when you suddenly turned and ran.
He looked shocked before calling after you, but it was too late. Maybe it was silly to let your emotions get the better of you. But you didn't want to be rejected so soon after confessing. Tomorrow maybe, but not today.
A frown came to his face before he lowered his hand to his side. "Perhaps Y/n was seeking immediate clarification," he stated out loud, continuing to feel the rapid pace of his heart and the heat of his slightly flushed face.
The feeling of guilt then came, but he quickly shook his head. "I'll speak with her tomorrow," he said, grasping his chin in thought. "However, it would be beneficial to conduct a search on the proper etiquettes of a date," then again, he could ask his friends for advice on this particular situation.
More than likely he'd be speaking about it to them regardless, but perhaps they weren't the best source to seek romantic knowledge from. He trusted them, and he knew they only sought his best interest. Yet, it would be more appropriate to keep this a secret between the two of you for now.
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