sillymickel · 2 months
“Finally, we behold a worldwide global awakening” ... How to acquire my book, *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations*, free, to help a Democratic win
. .…  *Culture War, Class War 2022: Truth & Generations* by Michael Adzema (2022)   ✌️✊💙🙏 we’re prepping for our lives’ biggest battle: the 2024 election. with everything—our freedom, our lives, & all life on Earth—at stake. https://x.com/John_Hudson/status/1810827239639924980 . . . “Finally, we behold a worldwide global awakening.” . . We’re building a WORLDWIDE RESISTANCE against an…
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aoifereal · 10 months
Considering putting #fbpe in my Tumblr header would this be as funny as I think it is y/n
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eddy25960 · 1 month
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Enrique Bejarano Vidal (21, México) - Soloist with Birmingham Royal Ballet
photo © Frps Mpagb Fbpe Fipf
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Apr 18, 2024
“Why do you think the giraffe has a long neck?” says the naturalist Philip Henry Gosse to his son Edmund while he tucks him up into bed. “Does it have a long neck so that it can eat the leaves at the top of the tree? Or does it eat the leaves at the top of the tree because it has a long neck?”
“Does it matter?” says Edmund.
“A great deal, my son.”
This exchange is taken from Dennis Potter’s wonderful television play Where Adam Stood (1976), a loose adaptation of Edmund Gosse’s Father and Son (1907). Gosse’s book must rank among the very best of autobiographies. It is his account of being raised by his father Philip, one of Darwin’s close contemporaries, a man whose faith in the Bible was so fervent that the revelations of natural selection almost destroyed him.
The question about the giraffes is Potter’s invention, but it adroitly captures the profound inner struggle of this scientist who had devoted his life to a belief-system that was suddenly falling apart. It wasn’t just a matter of changing his mind as new evidence emerged, because the proposition that the earth’s age could be numbered in the billions rather than the thousands was not something that his faith could accommodate. The stumbling block was the Bible, a point that Edmund is quick to acknowledge in his book:
“My Father’s attitude towards the theory of natural selection was critical in his career, and oddly enough, it exercised an immense influence on my own experience as a child. Let it be admitted at once, mournful as the admission is, that every instinct in his intelligence went out at first to greet the new light. It had hardly done so, when a recollection of the opening chapter of Genesis checked it at the outset. He consulted with Carpenter, a great investigator, but one who was fully as incapable as himself of remodelling his ideas with regard to the old, accepted hypotheses. They both determined, on various grounds, to have nothing to do with the terrible theory, but to hold steadily to the law of the fixity of species.”
Philip Gosse had an instinct for scientific enquiry, but the new discoveries simply could not be reconciled with his holy text. His whole being was invested in the Biblical truth, and to cast that in doubt would be to undermine the crux of his being. To admit that he might have been wrong, in this particular instance, would be a form of spiritual death.
Both Gosse’s memoir and Potter’s dramatisation grapple with what Peter Boghossian and James Lindsay (in their book How to Have Impossible Conversations) call an “identity quake”, the “emotional reaction that follows from having one’s core values disrupted”. Their point is that when arguing with those who see the world in an entirely different way, we must be sensitive to the ways in which certain ideas constitute an aspect of our sense of self. In such circumstances, to dispense with a cherished viewpoint can be as traumatic as losing a limb.
The concept of identity quakes helps us to understand the extreme political tribalism of our times. It isn’t simply that the left disagrees with the right, but that to be “left-wing” has become integral to self-conceptualisation. How often have we seen “#FBPE” or “anti-Tory” in social media bios? These aren’t simply political affiliations; they are defining aspects of these people’s lives. This is also why so many online disputes seem to be untethered from reason; many are following a set of rules established by their “side”, not thinking for themselves. When it comes to fealty to the cause, truth becomes irrelevant. We are no longer dealing with disputants in an argument, but individuals who occupy entirely different epistemological frameworks.
Since the publication of the Cass Review, we have seen countless examples of this kind of phenomena. Even faced with the evidence that “gender-affirming” care is unsafe for children, those whose identity has been cultivated in the gender wars will find it almost impossible to accept the truth. Trans rights activists have insisted that “gender identity” is a reality, and their “allies” have been the most strident of all on this point. As an essentially supernatural belief, it should come as no surprise that it has been insisted on with such vigour, and that those who have attempted to challenge this view have been bullied and demonised as heretics.
Consider the reaction from Novara Media, a left-wing independent media company, which once published some tips on how to deceive a doctor into prescribing cross-sex hormones. Novara has claimed that “within hours of publication” the Cass Review had been “torn to shreds”. Like all ideologues, they are invested in a creed, and it just so happens that the conviction that “gender identity” is innate and fixed (and simultaneously infinitely fluid) has become a firm dogma of the identity-obsessed intersectional cult.
Identity quakes will be all the more seismic within a movement whose members have elevated “identity” itself to hallowed status. When tax expert Maya Forstater sued her former employers for discrimination due to her gender-critical beliefs in 2019, one of the company’s representatives, Luke Easley, made a revealing declaration during the hearing. “Identity is reality,” he said, “without identity there’s just a corpse”.
This sentiment encapsulates the kind of magical thinking that lies at the core of the creed. So while it becomes increasingly obvious that gender identity ideology is a reactionary force that represents a direct threat to the rights of women and gay people, there will be many who simply will not be able to admit it. In Easley’s terms, if their entire identity is based on a lie, only “a corpse” remains. From this perspective, to abandon one’s worldview is tantamount to suicide.
This determination to hold fast to one’s views, even when the evidence mounts up against them, is known as “belief perseverance”. It is a natural form of psychological self-defence. After all, there is a lot at stake for those who have supported and enabled the Tavistock Clinic and groups like Mermaids and Stonewall. Many of the cheerleaders have encouraged the transitioning of children, sometimes their own. What we have known for years has now been confirmed: many of these young people will have been autistic, or will have simply grown up to be gay. For people to admit that they supported the sterilisation of some of the most vulnerable in society would be to face a terrible reality.
This idea was summarised in parliament on Monday by Victoria Atkins, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care. Addressing Labour MP Wes Streeting, she said:
“I welcome all those who have changed their minds about this critical issue. In order to move forward and get on with the vital work that Dr Cass recommends, we need more people to face up to the truth, no matter how uncomfortable that makes them feel. I hope the honourable gentleman has the humility to understand that the ideology that he and his colleagues espoused was part of the problem. He talked about the culture and the toxicity of the debate. Does he understand the hurt that he caused to people when he told them to ‘just get over it’? Does he know that when he and his friends on the left spent the last decade crying ‘culture wars’ when legitimate concerns were raised created an atmosphere of intimidation, with the impact on the workforce that he rightly described?”
It remains to be seen whether those politicians who failed to grapple with the implications of gender identity ideology, and who mindlessly accepted the misleading rhetoric of Stonewall and its allies, will have the humility to admit that they were wrong. Many culpable celebrities have been choosing to remain silent in recent days, while others have opted for outright denial. On the question of puberty blockers and their harm to children, television presenter Kirstie Allsop has made the remarkable claim that “it is, and always has been possible to debate these things and those saying there was no debate are wrong”. The concept of “no debate” was official Stonewall policy for many years, and has been a mantra for many within the trans activist movement. To suggest that there have been no attempts to stifle discussion on this subject can only be ignorance, mendacity or a remarkably acute form of amnesia.
Of course, the stakes could hardly be higher. We are dealing with complacency and ideological capture that had resulted in the sterilisation and castration of healthy young people. It is, without a doubt, one of the biggest medical scandals of our time. It is entirely understandable that those who have supported such terrible actions would enter a state of denial. And so we must also be sensitive to those who are now strong enough to admit that they were mistaken.
But we also need to prepare ourselves for the inevitable doubling down. There are those whose psyche cannot withstand the kind of identity quake that Philip Henry Gosse once suffered. His solution was to write a book explaining why God had left evidence of natural selection. It was called Omphalos (1857) – the Greek word for “navel” – and his thesis was that since Adam had no mother, his navel was merely an addition to generate the illusion of past that did not exist. The fossils that were being discovered in the ground were therefore no different than the rings in the first trees in the Garden of Eden. They weren’t evidence of age, but rather part of God’s poetical vision.
Some of the revisionism and excuses from gender ideologues are likely to be even more elaborate. They have invested too much in their fantasies to give up without a fight.
As gender identity ideology falls apart, we need to pay attention to who is working to fix the mistakes they made, who is doubling down, and who is remaining silent.
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abattoirstars · 1 month
i'm like the fbpe megan childs
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kyreniacommentator · 7 months
Thank you for Buying me a Coffee JulySep53 on Twitter
#RejoinEU#Ind Palestine/Ind TRNC#FBPE is a British-Turkish Cypriot Happily married mother of 4, passionate for independent TRNC – free Palestine – FPBE Remainer who has been following our CyprusScene posts on Twitter and sharing some and to our great surprise she showed her appreciation for our efforts as a non-commercial media supporter of the TRNC, by Buying a Coffee so thank you JulySep53 for…
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28dayslater · 7 months
Gale my communist king. Peeta was a lib. Serious FBPE guy vibes
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1whimsicalgal · 1 year
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politicalsci · 4 years
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mattanzamfedora · 4 years
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Well said, @mikecollinsfreakhousegraphics. It's a shame that an election is so far away from now. We need to #EndToryRule. #FBPE #EnglandForEurope #England #Wales/#Cymru #Scotland/#Alba #EnglishDevoRef #WalesForEurope #ScotlandForEurope #Remain #EnglishANDEuropean #ComicsForEurope (at United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFHonYpDNHD/?igshid=1k7dcx8gg60f5
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silver-whistle · 5 years
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Channelling Anne Lister…
On our anti-Brexit stall at Pride today.
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sillymickel · 2 months
Intel drop: Trump rape victims, age 10-13, paid off by Michael Cohen.
"In addition to Stephanie Clifford, aka porn actress “Stormy Daniels,” and former Playboy model Karen McDougal, [Michael] Cohen reportedly helped settle a number of rape cases involving Trump." The ones in this article are only the ones that were children, ages 10 to 12.
Check out this article by intel experts: Trump Settlements for 10 Child Rapes -
"WMR received a list from a reputable Republican source of these settlement claims, all of which involve male and female minors:
(1) Michael Parker, 10 years old, oral rape, Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1992. Trump paid his parents a  $3  million settlement.
(2) Kelly Feuer, 12 years old,  $1  million settlement paid in 1989, allegations of forced intercourse, Trump Tower, NY, NY.
(3) Charles Bacon, 11 years old,  $3  million, allegations of oral and anal intercourse, 1994, Trump Tower, NY, NY.
(4) Rebecca Conway, 13 years old, intercourse and oral sex. Trump Vineyard Estates, Charlottesville, VA, 2012,  $5 million settlement.
(5) Maria Olivera, 12 years old. Her family was paid  $16  million to settle allegations of forcible intercourse occurring in Mar-a-Lago, Palm Beach, FL, 1993.
(6) Kevin Noll, 11 years old, anal rape, Trump Tower, NY, NY. 1998. Settlement details unknown.
Five of the six alleged incidents took place at two of Trump’s best-known properties — Trump Tower in New York City and Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, FL. The exception is incident No. 4, which is the most recent (2012) and took place at Albemarle Estate at Trump Winery. Donald and Eric Trump opened the facility as a bed-and-breakfast in May 2015
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Liberal Democrats: *Gets criticized.*
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If you’ve already signed the petition, please do not constantly check to see the counter as the site is breaking under the load.
Give other people a chance to sign as well!
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bioniccat · 5 years
Cheering from 1 million people on the streets of #london #peoplesvotemarch #fbpe #bollockstobrexit #finalsay @bestforbritain (at Trafalgar Square, London, UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3zdrKTge05/?igshid=qx76s8vha9e2
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toddatticus · 6 years
I'm proud to finally unveil the official logo for Britain's departure from the EU.
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