#fc: cailee spaeny
rubycrvz · 9 months
⸺ by clicking the source link below you’ll be able to access #195 medium sized gifs of american actress cailee spaeny (1998) in her role as priscilla presley in PRISCILLA (2023). she is of white descent, so please cast accordingly. all gifs were made from scratch by me for roleplaying purposes only, don’t claim them as your own. feel free to like or reblog if you found this pack useful!
use in taboo, slave or celebrity rps / to roleplay minors or smut.
repost or use for edits / manips without credit.
⸺ interested in my work? click here for my commission info.
content warnings: kissing.
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euphoriclusts · 8 months
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hear me out
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ecstaticruby · 13 days
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hollowcreekfm · 1 day
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mainsvein · 3 months
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¿Viste a CAILEE SPAENY frecuentando Main Vein? Oh, no, te equivocas: se trata de NELLIE WILLOUGHBY. Este residente de Arcadia Bay es originario de ESTADOS UNIDOS y, al igual que otres HUMANOS, se gana la vida como MESERA EN LUGOSI'S.
¡Bienvenide a Arcadia Bay, TONYA! A partir de este momento, tienes VEINTICUATRO (24) HORAS para enviar la cuenta de tu personaje. De precisar más tiempo, no dudes en acercarte. ¡Gracias!
fuera de personaje —
❦ Apodo: Tonya. ❦ Pronombres: ella/elle. ❦ Edad: +21 ❦ Zona horaria: gmt-4 ❦ Triggers: tca. ❦ En caso de unfollow, ¿estás de acuerdo con el uso de tu personaje como PNJ por la administración?: sí.
dentro del personaje —
❦ Nombre completo: Nellie Willoughby. ❦ Pronombres: ella/suya. ❦ Nacionalidad: estadounidense. ❦ Ocupación: mesera en Lugosi’s.  ❦ Fecha de nacimiento: 5 de julio, 1998.
❦ ¿Cuál es su historia de vida? ¿Quiénes eran antes de llegar a Arcadia Bay? ¿Siempre vivieron aquí? Cuéntanos un poco quién es.
A simple vista, Nellie Willoughby es la personificación de la perfecta niña americana, con varios concursos de belleza bajo el brazo y portadora de la dulce ignorancia esperada de su arquetipo; sus sueños e ilusiones empiezan y terminan en Arcadia Bay.  Fue criada por sus abuelos en la parte más pobre de la ciudad, mas procuraron que nunca le faltase nada. Sin embargo, y a pesar del esfuerzo de su familia por paliar las carencias materiales, Nellie no tardó en darse cuenta de su posición aparentemente inescapable: sus compañeros de la escuela fueron raudos en hacérselo saber. No era la única proveniente de una familia obrera, pero ella era ingenua y un blanco fácil — los niños pueden ser crueles con su franqueza, y en especial cuando repiten lo que escuchan de los adultos en casa. Sus compañeros de mejor pasar sacaban a colación su ropa de segunda mano, los cupones de alimentos y el hecho de que los Willoughby fueran white trash de tomo y lomo; además, les gustaba tratarla de huérfana, aunque Nellie se empeñara en insistir que no era el caso, que sus abuelos eran sus padres. Los niños con su mismo pasar—sus propios vecinos—no hacían mucho para ayudarla, bajo el tácito entendimiento de que si no era Nellie, serían ellos.  Nellie aprendió desde muy chica que lo único tangible que tenía, lo único que la sacaba de aprietos mayores, era su belleza. Sus abuelos siempre habían presumido de la niña de sus ojos, y los comentarios de sus compañeros amainaron a medida que la herencia de su desaparecida madre se le fue haciendo evidente en el rostro y porte. En la pubertad se adentró en el circuito de concursos de belleza, comenzando por competencias en Arcadia Bay hasta llegar a certámenes estatales. A Nellie le gustaba arreglarse, el vitoreo del público, sonreírle a los jueces y que estos le sonrieran de regreso. Le gustaba la corona de plástico y lucir la cinta como una medalla de honor. Mas esa fracción de su vida llegó a su fin cuando se dio cuenta de que el bolsillo importaba más que el carisma y la apariencia. Las señales siempre estuvieron ahí, pero Nellie hizo todo por ignorarlas: sus adversarias tenían tutores privados, vestían de gala y ensayaban en jardines amplios o en salones de baile, mientras que a Nellie le quedaba practicar en su habitación o en las calles del vecindario. Para peor, sus abuelos empezaban a envejecer y con las crisis económicas el dinero escaseaba. Así, no le quedó más alternativa que la de desistir del circuito en su último año de secundaria. Con su mundo reducido a Arcadia Bay, las aspiraciones de Nellie también se limitaron a sus confines y rápidamente se convirtió en lo que estaba destinada a ser: una chica común y corriente, de esas a las que conocen por su simpatía pero no por algún talento o ingenio. Sería, inevitablemente, otra de las caras bonitas atendiendo el diner — fácilmente olvidable, tremendamente promedio. Nellie, como casi todos los Willoughby antes que ella, viviría y moriría en Arcadia Bay.  
❦ ¿Por qué decidieron acercarse a Main Vein? ¿Cuál es su opinión sobre la salida de los vampiros al mundo, más conocida como mainstreaming*? 
No frecuenta Main Vein por ninguna razón en particular más allá de la conveniencia; está junto a su lugar de trabajo y, además, los precios son buenos. Lo que le pone los nervios de punta son los vampiros que también se refugian en el lugar, porque desde la Gran Revelación que ella y su familia los prefieren ver de lejos. Nellie lo oculta y, aunque tampoco está de acuerdo con las voces más contrarias a los vampiros, teme que sean un peligro para la ciudad.
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guthooked · 8 days
hey hi! 27nb (he/they) in search of more (21+) discord rp partners! i write queer pairings with a preference for f/f and f/nb. smut, dead dove, and dark themes always a plus! here are a couple things i'm looking for:
a smutty oc x oc bodyguard plot. give me an heiress whose overbearing paranoid parents insist upon hiring live-in muscle, an out of control actor who's started one too many bar fights and is assigned a bodyguard (cough: chaperone) by their manager, or something in a similar vein. give me all the resentment, drama, hate sex, and slow burn codependency pls.
if writing the bodyguard i'd lean towards a katy o'brian, michelle rodriguez, or lesley-ann brandt type. if writing the heiress/actor/what have you i would probably go with someone like olivia cooke, daisy edgar-jones, or chloe bennet.
this plot right here. do revenge. saltburn. the secret history. fucky academia bullshit, heavy on the obsession, emotional manipulation, corruption, and sexual experimentation.
a million dollars to anyone who gives me this one with modern rhaenyra and alicent, or just emma d'arcy and olivia cooke fcs. open to other fcs though! if writing muse b i'd maybe go with daniela melchior or melissa barrera. maybe cailee spaeny or kaylee kaneshiro if i'm writing muse a. fcs are always up for discussion though, just let me know!
like this post if you're interested and i'll send you a message!
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misaligncdarchive · 7 months
This is a starter call for the muses listed below. Please like this and put which muse(s) you'd like one from in the comments! Otherwise I'll be using a random generator!
Alicia Cardenas. 20-25. bicurious. film student. jenna ortega fc.
Jameson Overs. 30-35. heterosexual. freelance photographer. jeremy allen white fc.
Navy Swinley. 25-30. bisexual. escort. sabrina carpenter fc.
Elijah Holt. 30-35. heterosexual. horror author. bill skarsgard fc.
Charlotte King. 20-25. heteroflexible. caterer. emily alyn lind fc.
Abel Walker. 40-45. heterosexual. professional dom. chris evans fc.
Alma Serrano. 20-25. bicurious. waitress. rachel zegler fc.
Kai Hale. 40-45. heterosexual. bouncer. jason momoa fc.
Vera Spencer. 20-25. heterosexual. vet tech. cailee spaeny fc.
Tristan Winchester. 35-40. heterosexual. truck driver. adam driver fc.
Dakota Bishop. 25-30. bisexual. tattoo artist. courtney eaton fc.
Silas Mallette. 40-45. heterosexual. mechanic. jared padalecki fc.
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chloewcldron · 6 months
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Era Uma Vez… Uma pessoa comum, de um lugar sem graça nenhuma! HÁ, sim, estou falando de você CHLOE WALDRON. Você veio de NOVA IORQUE, EUA e costumava ser ATENDENTE por lá antes de ser enviado para o Mundo das Histórias. Se eu fosse você, teria vergonha de contar isso por aí, porque enquanto você estava DESENHANDO, tem gente aqui que estava salvando princesas das garras malignas de uma bruxa má! Tem gente aqui que estava montando em dragões. Tá vendo só? Você pode até ser DETERMINADA, mas você não deixa de ser uma baita de uma TEIMOSA… Se, infelizmente, você tiver que ficar por aqui para estragar tudo, e acabar assumindo mesmo o papel de TÍBIA na história COMO TREINAR SEU DRAGÃO… Bom, eu desejo boa sorte. Porque você VAI precisar!
conexões desejadas !
RESUMO: Toda vez que Chloe estava perto de uma conquista, algo acontecia e não foi diferente quando o livro desconhecido brilhou, a tirando de sua realidade. Após anos com coisas boas sendo ofuscadas por outras mais preocupantes, finalmente estava conseguindo alcançar a vida que sempre quis. Estava conquistando sua independência financeira, longe dos dramas familiares, com algumas amizades novas — e até mais do que isso —, além de estar começando criar seu graphic novel. Era bom demais para ser verdade e, mesmo que estivesse um tanto desconfiada e alerta com isso, nunca imaginou que seu maior inimigo seria um livro. Quando o recebeu, de imediato o abriu, querendo ver sobre o que se tratava, encontrando finalmente o grande "problema" da vez.
— 25 anos, ela/dela, fc: Cailee Spaeny.
Com uma infância pouco estável, Chloe decidiu na adolescência que precisava sair de casa e se afastar da família. Não sabia se era algo proposital, mas todas as vezes em que tentou comemorar algo, esse momento foi ofuscado por algo pior. Crise financeira, crise no casamento, divórcio seguido de mudança de cidade, má adaptação na escola nova, seus pais não levando a sério suas reclamações; tudo contribuiu para que colocasse na cabeça que estava só.
Inicialmente, apenas queria voltar para Nova Iorque, independente do que fosse fazer por lá. Depois, se tornou parte do seu plano tentar algo voltado para as coisas que gostava — como desenhar e escrever. Motivada pelos seus planos, fez o possível para conseguir o mais rápido possível seu dinheiro, e mesmo que tenha demorado mais do que gostaria, ainda estava feliz com o resultado.
Passou por perrengues na cidade grande, mas ainda assim não trocaria nada disso pelo "conforto" na casa de qualquer um dos seus pais. A distância melhorou a relação deles, mas não o suficiente para que ela quisesse visitá-los ou contasse com eles. Graças ao seu emprego como atendente, conseguiu alguns contatos que se tornaram amizades a longo prazo. Enfim, sua vida parecia estar se estabilizando, finalmente.
O problema veio com o tal livro. Curiosa como era, não hesitou em estranhar e já abri-lo, perdendo todo seu progresso. A única dúvida que ficou para si era se essa mudança de realidade se tratava de mais uma mudança drástica e não agradável ou, quem sabe, dessa vez tenha sido algo bom.
Tem mania de rabiscar em qualquer canto possível. Tendo espaço e uma caneta na mão, o que poderia a impedir?
Acha super esquisito esse negócio de "Tíbia" e não entende como alguém poderia ser chamada assim.
Tem um histórico desastroso com romances, além de uma tendência a preferir se relacionar com mulheres.
Sua altura é 1,55 m.
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thursdaygrl · 8 months
to make this comeback a little easier on myself i'd love to do some one liners! as always feeling some muses more so than others so under the cut is a list of who you can choose from for this starter call. some are new and have only vague ideas so forgive me for that but i'm excited to get some new things going!
alexandria hernandez, 21, lesbian, she/they, lizeth selene fc
edward ‘dawson’ dawson ii, 22, bisexual, he/him, spencer house fc
ellis jiang, 26, bisexual, he/they, derek luh fc
jackie buckley, 22, lesbian, she/her, grace van patten fc
jacob welch, 21, straight, he/him, milo manheim fc
letha barclay, 26, bisexual, she/her, jaz sinclair fc
liberty king, 20, bisexual, she/her, cailee spaeny fc
mariposa ‘posie’ huertas, 21, bisexual, she/her, cierra ramirez fc
mathias curbelo, 26, straight, he/him, enzo vogrincic fc
moira abernathy, 45, bisexual, she/her, kelly reilly fc
niamh bradshaw, 23, lesbian, she/her, erin kellyman fc
peggy kumari, 25, bisexual, she/her, geraldine viswanathan fc
raquel luna, 21, bisexual, she/her, nicole wallace fc
renata ornellas, 25, lesbian, she/her, alba baptista fc
river im, 24, lesbian, she/they, london thor fc
rowan butler, 24, straight, he/him, thomas weatherall fc
fantasy muses
morgana cromwell, lesbian, she/her, tabrett bethell fc
revan varakrum, straight, he/him, amar chadha-patel fc
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blueharborhq · 2 months
hey whichever admin is on! i am about to peruse the wanted fcs tag but also thought i’d ask if cailee spaeny would be wanted here
Hello lovely! At the minute, we're currently capped as far as mun spots go, but in the future she would definitely be wanted here! Members are more than welcome to drop some wanted connections in the replies below if they have any for their characters that haven't been posted yet as well.
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egotistival · 7 hours
new muses alert;;
i'm bringing in some new muses and overhauling my muse page to include pictures and just making it more agreeable to the eyes. the page isn't done yet but was too excited to wait to unveil the new muses. they're below the cut! i've included supernatural muses in this release! if you'd like to plot with any, please like this and i'll come to you! CRAVING SUPERNATURAL PLOTS RN AS YOU CAN SEE.
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grace van patten fc. meredith sharpe. perpetually the person who was always looking to impress others and her own parents, which led to not truly living her life for herself. as such, she has a lot of regrets but you'll probably never hear her admit that. is a lawyer specializing mostly in family law right now. closeted lesbian living a double life. doesn't realize she's a literal nephilim - child of an angel/demon pairing. can be used in supernatural or other plots at this moment.
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alba baptista fc. raquel silva. erotica novelist but also a supernatural hunter/slayer. very sex positive, she's a popular bestseller and releases a book once every two years or so. has a really good outlook on life, is a jokester and open about most aspects of her life. on the flip side, she keeps the slaying a secret from most everyone in her life but might have a designated scooby gang who help her out with slaying. lesbian. can be used in supernatural or other plots atm.
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cailee spaeny fc. casey chapman. free spirited witch who specializes typically in speaking with dead people. bumbling, typically a little awkward in conversation but genuine. keeps the secret of the supernatural from the mundane and prefers to hide behind her camera. works for the local paper as a photojournalist. lesbian. can be used for supernatural plots.
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melissa barrera fc. carmen. vampire, turned earlier on in the twentieth century and lives for a good time. just trying not to get herself slain in the process of maiming and violently killing men who do wrong to women. would love to not go into her backstory at every opportunity and will probably ice you out if you ask questions related to her own death, thanks. supernatural plots only atm.
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danny ramirez fc. rodrigo baptista. bar owner and bartender but also a werewolf who tries to keep his temper in check. is overprotective of his loved ones after losing his father to a vampire years ago and now doesn't let his younger sisters out of his sight. self assured, genuinely nice and lovely... unless you get on his bad side. heterosexual. open for supernatural plots.
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boyd holbrook fc. aamon. a literal demon who lives for destruction, hatred, and corrupting the innocent. definitely a criminal, will do anything for a good time. admittedly, the least developed of these muses so far. pansexual. supernatural plots only atm.
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mideums · 2 days
still looking for someone to write against my muse (manny jacinto fc) for this plot:
muse a is a talented violinist that moved to new york without much of a plan besides becoming the best at her craft. without much financial support she finds herself waiting tables and praying that something will come out of the small gigs she takes. there, she is scouted by muse b: a multi-faceted musician that sees promise in her. (mentor x mentee / whiplash inspired… lots of emotions and intensity and competitiveness (no longer looking for this plot)
OR something supernatural and gothic for my overly devoted angel muse (myoui mina fc).
more info under the cut!!
i am 20+ and only want to write with muns that are also over 20.
discord only for now.
for these two plots i’m looking for mxf or fxf.
some of the fcs i’d like to write against (my favorites are bolded): lee felix, amandla stenberg, emilio sakraya, jeffrey dean morgan, madelaine pestch, cailee spaeny, mia goth, kim mingyu, alisha boe, sabrina carpenter, jung somin, lee dong wook, etc
i enjoy lots of plotting to help build the vibes before we dive in.
i typically write 2-3 paras in third person plus texts if the verse allows it.
i am open to doing single para replies or just matching your length, too!
overall i am very laid back when it comes to writing. open to writing smut but also willing to fade to black if you prefer.
i typically reply 2-3x per week depending on my availability and how long our threads are.
like this if you’re interested, also check my banned fcs and rules before interacting pls and thank you!!
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rainkays · 3 months
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In a distant galaxy, a group of 8 young individuals were assembled to track and observe the extraterrestrial life forms given the name THE REVENANT. Given its name by American special forces in cooperation with NASA, the revenant life forms are an alien species found on the planet CALYPSO. Project Revenant was created by special forces in the year 2500 in connection to over 45 deaths on the ship ROMULUS, sent to the planet Calypso to study the alien life forms. All documents of their expedition were erased from public records, until 6 years later in which a new expedition was formed. Project revenant. The project covered a ship, containing 35 passengers, 8 of which would be the future team to detail the highly sought after Revenant species. When all members of the team reached 18 years old, their ship was disconnected from the NOSTRADAMUS mother ship and sent on a path to Calypso. All team members were trained in individual specialties by the NASA special forces for all needs to be met during the ship’s travel away from the mother ship. Once the Calypso team reached the outer rings of the planet, all communications to the Nostradamus were severed due to satellite interference in connection to the Revenant.
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CAPTAIN TESSA “white wolf” KANE is the leader of the revenant and assigned pilot of the ship. Her parents were once well known physicists on the ROMULUS expedition, and were killed in action 6 years prior to the formation of the revenant. Tessa was assigned her position after years of extensive training for the mission, and dedication in leading her closest friends that would soon become her crew. Tessa is 24 years old, born on July 21st, 2509. (fc: cailee spaeny)
LAYLA “reaper” CARTERS is second in command to tessa, and is the captain’s closest friend. After being orphaned shortly after the disaster on the ROMULUS expedition, she bonded with tessa and found herself growing closer with the kane family. Layla had training in aviation prior to the formation of project revenant and worked alongside Tessa’s older brother in learning cartography skills. Layla is 24, born on March 7th, 2509. (fc: ella purnell)
JASON “indiana” KANE is the older brother of Tessa and the lead tracker and cartographer of the revenant. Jason studied alongside his father in his teenage years learning chemistry before his passing, and trained his younger sister in basic training. Jason faced his struggles after the death of his parents, but stayed strong in order to lead alongside his sister and secure his place on the revenant expedition. Jason is 27, born on September 17th, 2506. (fc: kyle gallner)
ELAINE “hawkeye” WILSON is the weapons and tech expert on the revenant. Elaine was trained in weaponry by her father, and found an interest in technology on the ship as she grew older. While on the revenant, she receives transmissions from home base and is in charge of any repairs needed on the ship. Elaine’s closest friend, CLARISSA, also shares similar interests and the two work together on the ship. Elaine is 24, born on December 9, 2509. (fc: sophie thatcher)
CLARISSA “monarch” PALMER is the weather tracker and repairs expert on the revenant, alongside elaine. Clarissa was hesitant to join the revenant team, leaving her mother behind alone at base, but was ultimately persuaded to for the sake of the research they were setting out for. Her close relationship with Elaine kept her going during the long time spent on the revenant, as she even sent messages to Clarissa’s mother during their time on the ship. Clarissa is 24, born on June 24th, 2509. (fc: amandla stenberg)
RYAN “ronin” MICHEALS is the extraterrestrial life expert on the revenant and training specialist for the team alongside Jason. Ryan was a lone wolf for most of his teenage years after the passing of his parents when he was 6, but grew close with Jason during their training for project revenant. The two work closely together while on the ship and Ryan has also grown close with Tessa. Ryan is 25, born on February 12, 2508. (fc: rohan campbell)
NOTE ! (hi hi guys <33 since the alien romulus trailer dropped i have not been able to stop thinking about it so i decided to write my own standalone verse + characters inspired by it and im so excited so share them with u!! i’ll be posting the first chapter soon <3)
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mainsvein · 3 months
CAILEE SPAENY ha sido confirmade a nombre de TONYA.
¡Bienvenide a Main Vein! El sitio abre sus puertas para ti y te recibe cálidamente… o no tanto si tu corazón no late. Cuentas con CUARENTA Y OCHO (48) HORAS para completar y enviar tu formulario. De precisar más tiempo, no dudes en acercarte al staff para pedirlo. ¡Agradecemos tu interés!
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ssvperboy · 13 days
really wanted to bring in malina weissman as esther kiel (younger sister of the triplets) but she only has gifs of when she wasw underaged so thats a NO i do wonder if anyone has any fc suggestions that look similar enough to either sabrina carpenter or odessa a'zion to be a sibling atp djhkskahj if anything, i might change esther's story up and bring in an older esther with a hannah dodd fc but i wanna hear your opinions akjhdsa
ALSO looking at cailee spaeny, ruby cruz & emma darcy for tatum ford... gimme ur opinions please babes 😭😭😭
and i might change toulouse's fc for someone with more resources (idk who yet) AND i might change leo's fc bc i just finished de volta aos 15 this morning and i think i should've gone with my initial choice of bruno montaleone when i changed his fc from vini uehara :/
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hollywoodfamerp · 18 days
most wanted fc's ?
Some names I've seen tossed out recently are Cailee Spaeny, Manny Jacinto, Olivia Wilde, Calum Hood, Ayo Edebiri, Ebon Moss-Bachrach (complete the Fantastic Four cast!), Winston Duke, Laura Harrier, Danny Ramirez, and Sadie Sink.
Famers, who else would you like to see?
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