#fc: cheryl ladd
eddysocs 3 months
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OC Wedding Board: Cynthia Swanson x Max Klinger
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Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @baubeautyandthegeek, @atjsgf, @kmc1989, @curious-kittens-ocs, @fanficanatic-tw, @kissykissymouth
Cynthia Swanson: @themercuryqueen
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eddysocs 2 years
Home Sweet Toledo (Max Klinger x OC)
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Summary: Klinger is feeling particularly homesick, and Cynthia comes up with an idea that may be just the remedy he needs.
Word Count: 1,334
Warnings: None
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Homesick was a word anyone would use to describe Klinger. It seemed to be his defining personality trait at times, and usually he dealt with it well, one crazy scheme after the next. But sometimes it really showed in a far more serious and somber manner. And Cynthia understood it. Hell, she felt that way herself every now and again. Who wouldn鈥檛 in a war torn country like Korea? But for as long as she鈥檇 been with the 4077th, she鈥檇 never seen him quite like this.
He was quiet, keeping to himself, and didn鈥檛 do much more than kick rocks around with the toe of his high heels unless something was asked of him, and even then his task wasn鈥檛 done with its usual muster. Cynthia couldn鈥檛 see him go on like that any longer. Maybe he鈥檇 given up trying to go home on a Section 8, but that didn鈥檛 mean a bit of home couldn鈥檛 come here to him.
Naturally, as her plan started to form, she saw no better option than to recruit Hawkeye and Trapper to help make it happen. "So, it鈥檚 like this," Cynthia began, barging into the Swamp.
"Oh no, Bugs, what鈥檚 Daffy gonna get us into this time," Trapper cracked, making Hawkeye laugh.
"Very funny," Cynthia deadpanned, clearly not amused. "I'm trying to do something nice, and if anyone can help me convince everyone to buck up and join, it鈥檚 the two of you."
Seeing the serious look on her face, Hawkeye replied, "Alright, what鈥檚 the plan?"
Cynthia outlined her idea to the two of them, telling them how she wanted to make a sort of mock Mud Hens game for Klinger to make him feel like he鈥檚 back in Toledo.
"Sounds fun," Trapper said when Cynthia finished explaining.
"A lot better than sitting here knitting," Hawkeye agreed.
"Then you鈥檙e in? I can count on you?"
"Can鈥檛 say we can whip a professional baseball team into shape overnight, but yeah, we'll get you your players. Just as long as you promise us that you get some of the nurses to be our cheerleaders," Hawkeye bargained.
"Cheerleaders? In baseball," Cynthia questioned.
"It'll boost morale," Trapper reasoned, with an impish grin on his face.
"Fine. Cheerleaders. Got it. Shouldn鈥檛 be too hard."
So Cynthia began her recruitment for cheerleaders, stopping off first at the nurses tent. There was a good few of them that were on board as soon as she鈥檇 pitched the idea. The ones who weren鈥檛 so keen agreed to be spectators, so all in all, she fared pretty well with her end of the deal. It鈥檇 be a bonus if she could get Margaret as well.
To her utter shock, her visit to Margaret's tent went surprisingly well. Cynthia figured a game of baseball was hardly military enough for her to approve of, but she got on board with the idea rather quickly. "I haven鈥檛 worn a skirt in what feels like ages. Sure, I鈥檒l be a cheerleader." With such a satisfactory reply, Cynthia had merely thanked her and went on her way.
The following morning Cynthia checked in with Hawkeye and Trapper. "Got me my teams yet?"
"Still working on it. A few people are being rather stubborn about playing their role." Hawkeye shot a sidelong glance over to Frank, making sure that he knew he was talking about him. Frank only harrumphed.
"We got a lot of spectators though," supplied Trapper. "And Radar offered to be the announcer. We're participating, of course, and we got Henry and a few other guys to fill the field. We just need a catcher."
"Frank, you mean," Cynthia surmised.
"That鈥檚 what we were hoping," Trapper confirmed.
"I think I can persuade him." Cynthia gave a knowing wink, having just the ace up her sleeve to get Major Burns in on the game, whether he wanted to or not. And with that it was back to Margaret.
"Game's set for Friday afternoon, bearing in mind we don鈥檛 get a surge of casualties. We鈥檝e got enough cheerleaders and almost two whole teams. We just need one catcher. Any chance you can convince Major Burns?"
"Like you even have to ask. I鈥檒l have him suited up and on the field before you can say 鈥榟ome run'."
"Thank you, Major."
Finally, with everything in order, Friday afternoon had arrived. Cynthia made sure everyone was in position, save for Colonel Blake, who was set on his task of keeping Klinger busy and unaware of the surprise that awaited him. It was Radar's announcement to kick off the game that was Henry's cue to take Klinger back outside.
"What鈥檚 all this, sir," he asked, taking in the makeshift baseball diamond drawn in the dirt.
"It鈥檚 a little taste of home. A certain nurse noticed how much you were missing old Ohio and set this whole thing up just for you."
"You mean鈥ynthia did all this?"
"She had a little help, but yeah. All her idea. Now if you鈥檒l excuse me, I have to get on the field. And I think there鈥檚 a front row seat with your name on it."
Klinger went over and grabbed the empty chair in the front as he took in the spectacle of the game. There were the 'Indianapolis Indians', which were just white shirts with the lettering written on with black markers. And then his team, the Toledo Mud Hens. Only one real jersey was on the field. Cynthia, who stood at the pitcher's mound, was wearing it, and had probably taken it from his tent earlier. The rest of the team was in gray, again with the team name handwritten, in red this time. Messy as it was, he had to admire the effort.
As the game played on, Klinger found himself as caught up in the action as if he were at a real Mud Hens game. It was far from professional, as the strength of Cynthia's pitches sometimes knocked Frank over or made him scream in fear as he attempted to play his role of catcher. But the rest of the participants proved to be adequate at the game.
Cynthia found herself thankful that they鈥檇 made it a whole nine innings without interruption from choppers. She really couldn鈥檛 have asked for anything better when she鈥檇 envisioned her plan coming together. And one last swing was going to determine if the 'Mud Hens' won or not. Cynthia sent the pitch flying towards Frank, counting on Hawkeye striking out. God love him, but he wasn鈥檛 the most athletic. Though that worked out in her favor as the pitch sailed into Frank's glove.
Cynthia cheered, as did the rest of her makeshift team as they claimed the win. After a moment of celebration, Cynthia locked eyes with Klinger and waved him over. As the team disbanded after a group hug, Cynthia and Klinger were left alone in the middle of the improvised baseball diamond. "You pulled all of this together for me?"
"Of course I did," Cynthia replied, as if it were obvious that she鈥檇 do such a thing, and Klinger supposed that it actually was. "I know it鈥檚 not really Toledo, or the Mud Hens, but I hope it brought you a little taste of home."
"Oh, it did, but uh, I鈥檓 not sure I've ever wanted to kiss a Mud Hens player before?"
"First time for everything," Cynthia teased, before enveloping Klinger in her arms, dipping him low and kissing him. The rest of the 4077th that had stuck around whooped and hollered, egging them on. Klinger had to hold onto his hat to keep it from falling off his head. Cynthia kept him balanced by grabbing onto his thigh before she eventually let him up on his own two feet again.
"Next time you鈥檙e feeling homesick, just talk to me, okay? I don鈥檛 think I can get everyone to do this again."
Klinger grinned and Cynthia smiled back at him, happy to see the cheerful look return to his face. "You got yourself a deal."
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Cynthia Swanson: @borg-queer, @sicktember
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eddysocs 2 years
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My Cynthia x Klinger commission by the incomparable @misterrtelevision! I will never be able to put into words how much just a glance at this marvelous artwork fills me with the utmost joy. I will be squealing in delight at this for the rest of my days.
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eddysocs 2 years
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Introducing: Cynthia Swanson
Fandom: M*A*S*H
Face Claim: Cheryl Ladd
Full Name: Cynthia Ann Swanson
Age: 26
Myers Briggs Type: ENFJ
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor
Love Interest: Max Klinger
Occupation: Nurse
Collections: Sports Memorabilia
Style/Clothing: She prefers a more masculine style, so the army uniforms suit her well enough. She can doll herself up when the situation calls for it, but she prefers a nicely tailored suit to a skirt or dress.
Signature Quote: "Why should I be seen as any different than other women if I show up to a dance in a suit instead of a dress?"
Plot Summary: Nurse Swanson is the girl everyone wants. She鈥檚 beautiful, she鈥檚 kind and good at her job. She鈥檚 had more than her fair share of offers while with the 4077th, but despite how handsome or charming some of the men may be, she only has eyes for Klinger. No one can quite understand what she sees in him, and maybe she doesn鈥檛 quite understand it either, but what is it people say? Love is blind.
Forever Tag: @arrthurpendragon, @borg-queer, @sunlitscrib, @antonybridgertons, @foxesandmagic, @villain-connoisseur, @fiercefray, @misshiraeth98, @bravelittleflower, @raith-way, @farrradays, @eleanorstulip, @starklore, @hiddenqveendom, @xxfanenbyanonymousxx, @trash0saurus
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eddysocs 2 years
Cynthia Swanson Masterlist
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Cynthia x Max Commission Piece by @misterrtelevision
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Incorrect Quotes
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Intro Aesthetic
Cynthia x Max Wedding Board
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Home Sweet Toledo 馃Ц
Klinger is feeling particularly homesick, and Cynthia comes up with an idea that may be just the remedy he needs.
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Angst = 馃挧 Fluff = 馃Ц Suggestive = 馃 Explicit = 馃敒 Dark = 馃槇 Humor = 馃儚 Pregnancy = 馃ぐ馃徏
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