fdimilethzine · 1 year
Hi, everyone. We have an unfortunate announcement to make.
A lot has been going on behind the scenes for a while now. The status of our former finance & shipping Mod, Soulimagines, is currently unknown. She is also the one that is holding all the money from pre-orders. We are currently taking steps to exhaust all means of communication in an attempt to contact her.
As our issue involves finances, we may not be able to keep you updated about the situation until it's been resolved. While I cannot divulge everything, for transparency's sake I do want to share our current situation as well as the things I found out when Soulimagines finally filled out the finance sheet on Dec. 29th - Jan. 2nd(Our last reply from her).
I've written it in this Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FRb4ay-Yr3ASNAKqjeHenuvz-PKTV-VEZ9kh-QQXc5s/edit?usp=sharing… It explains why some of the pre-orders may have taken so long to ship out aside from the reasons we were told. I do sincerely apologize and I'm very thankful to everyone who was patient with us. I know it was frustrating for many supporters. It was frustrating for us as well when we weren't able to give you accurate updates because we just didn't have the information
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magicalsketchy · 2 years
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This is a sticker sheet I made for the @fdimilethzine that was originally meant to be a stretch goal. However, due to my health failing me last year, it wasn't able to be used because I hadn't uploaded it before becoming sick. We did use it as a freebie thank you to everyone who pre-ordered the zine and was very patient with the delays in shipping pre-orders, but it can also be purchased right now as the leftover sale is ongoing. The theme was Yes/No Pillow Dimileth!
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reneerosenqueen · 2 years
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This is the 4 page comic I made for @fdimilethzine but I reasonably can only post page 1 in full on Tumblr. This was meant to but silly and cute/sexy. The full comic is on Twitter with light censorship, or you can get the uncensored comic by buying the zine from the leftover sale currently going on at Fdimilethzine.bigcartel.com
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kalycoris · 2 years
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The Dimileth standee design I did for @FDimilethZine ! The leftover sale just opened!
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polygon-draws · 2 years
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Dimitri/f!Byleth -  Desperately in Love + Mesmerize my Heart: Dimileth Zine
Finally able to post my entire work for @fdimilethzine. This was such a fun zine to work on, kudos to all the Mods and participants for making it happen! 
The inspiration behind this piece is sth close to home for me: Vietnamese street café. A simple yet so much fun way to spend for date, hehe [wink wink]
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kumeko · 1 year
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A/N: For the @fdimilethzine! I wanted a little compare and contrast of their relationship pre-skip, post-skip, and post-canon, like a slow burn in snippets.
Byleth was close, close enough to touch. Standing in front of the goddess tower, with no one to witness their conversation, it was hard for Dimitri to focus on anything else. Her hand brushed his when she shifted, her breath a roar in his ears, and all he could think about was breaking the distance between them and grabbing her rough palm.
That distance always existed between them. He was attuned to it, like a flower to the sun, and whether it was the classroom or his missions, he couldn’t help but be aware of the gap between them. Propriety dictated he step to the side. His heart demanded he stepped closer.
It would be easy. There was a dance. It was dark. Tonight was a full moon, big and bright and more than enough to give a case of lunacy. A dozen excuses rushed through Dimitri’s mind as they both gazed upon the goddess. Any one of them was a decent enough reason.
He had said something. He couldn’t remember what, but he had to have said something for Byleth was looking at him. Her expression was as unreadable as ever. She turned to the tower, head tilting back slightly as she glanced at the top. Quietly, she murmured, “That’s a good wish. I don’t have any of my own, maybe I should wish for that too.”
“I…” Dimitri muttered, tongue-tied and nervous. What had he wished for again? Somehow, it felt insignificant to this moment, this distance, this gravity that pulled him to her. His suit felt too tight, his collar too stiff. Sylvain had always teased him, telling him to loosen his top button, and for once he wished he’d listened.
“Yes?” Byleth cocked her head as she turned to him, her blue eyes glittered like sapphires in the gloom. She had dressed up for the ball, her hair pinned back after Mercedes’ and Dorothea’s careful tutelage. Ingrid had complained about how the two of them had gotten kidnapped, but it had been worth it to see Byleth in her dress, her toned arms peeking out of her gauzy sleeves. Her dress swayed like a flower’s petals with every step. Her neckline was just barely respectable.
It also made it harder for Dimitri to think.
He was glad it was dark. None of Sylvain’s courting ‘lessons’ covered what to do at a time like this, when Dimitri felt too much, when the back of his neck burned and every thought fled his mind as he grasped for something to say.  He was keenly aware of her gaze, of the weight of it, and he tugged his sleeves as he tried to calm down.
“Dimitri?” Byleth asked again.
It was impossible she couldn’t see how red his ears were or hear how fast his heart beat. Maybe she did know, and was just teasing him, hoping he’d take that first step. Squaring his shoulders, Dimitri gathered his courage. “If you don’t have one, then perhaps we should wish we were together forever.”
Byleth’s eyes widened, her lips parting softly. Dimitri fought the urge to run when she didn’t say anything, just stared at him as though she were seeing him for the first time. It had been a mistake to say that. It had been a mistake to think that. It had all been in his imagination, his hopes given life in the midnight hour.
He kept his arm firmly to his side, his fingers digging into his thigh. Forcing a laugh, he added, “You must admit I’ve improved in the art of joke telling.”
Byleth was close, close enough to grab.  Crouching, Dimitri froze and stared at the apparition in front of him. His former professor looked just as she had five years ago, just as she had before war ravaged the continent and the earth had swallowed her whole.
It was impossible, of course. Even as Byleth offered her hand, her worried green eyes watching him, Dimitri knew better than to accept. She was a ghost. There was no further shore than that of death, and this was just another trick his mind played, another memory coming to haunt him.
Another regret lamenting his weakness.
Byleth cocked her head and he remembered another night, so long ago, when he had been a naïve child thinking of love and other fleeting things. It felt like a lifetime ago. Back then, he still had hopes for Edelgard. Back then, he still thought he could answer his family’s ghostly cries on his own.
Now? He knew better. Dimitri laughed bitterly, lowering his head. “I should have known...”
Of course her ghost would appear here, in the ruins of the monastery. What had he been thinking, hiding like this in the shadows of the past?
Byleth didn’t speak. He wasn’t sure if it was better that way. Dimitri didn’t want to hear her admonishments or laments, her cries for help or grief. Didn’t want his heart to ache anymore than it did at the sight of her.
He looked up at her outstretched hand again, at her furrowed brow. That kindness cut deeper than any scowl. Dimitri curled his hand into a fist as he forced himself to his feet, careful to keep a safe distance from her ghost. “…that one day you would be haunting me too.”
Byleth was close, close enough to hold. Dimitri wasn’t sure when the distance between them started to shrink, when their shoulders started to bump and thighs brushed with every movement. Whether it was at the daily strategy discussions, trivial meal conversations, or even times like right now, when they were merely patrolling the ruined monastery. There was barely any gap between them now. He could feel her heat radiating off her skin, hear her breath like it was his own.
Despite it all, Byleth didn’t seem to notice. She didn’t flinch when their arms touched, didn’t react when his fingers flitted through her hair, pulling out a stray leaf. Dimitri wasn’t sure what was worse: that she didn’t care or that his touch was like the wind to her, easily forgotten.
He could never forget hers. Each set a tremor through his body, an earthquake threatening to overturn everything he knew.
If he were smart, he’d switch patrol partners.
If he were smart, he would have kissed her years ago.
For now, though, he’d keep this small indulgence. From the corner of his eye, Dimitri watched as Byleth considered their tactics for their next move. She rubbed her chin lightly. “We need to shore up supplies for the next battle. It’ll be a siege as opposed to a quick attack.”
“Ingrid is organizing the supply chain as we speak,” Dimitri replied. Her shoulder bumped against his and he hoped his poker face had improved since their academy days.
“She’s always on top of things.” Byleth paused, looking up as they passed by the Goddess Tower. The building still stood, somehow, unravaged by the test of time and war. Only its scorched bricks indicated how close the fires had gotten to it. She murmured, “It’s been a while since we last stood here.”
Dimitri stopped beside her, keenly aware of the distance between them. Just like back then, they were alone. Just like back then, they were close, close enough to touch. He was taller now, older, but not wiser. Next to her, he felt lacking.
He was always lacking when it came to her.
“A lifetime,” Dimitri breathed.
“Perhaps.” Byleth brushed a stray lock behind her ear. “For me, it feels like just yesterday.” She glanced at him, her lips quirking as she added, “Though you’ve changed much.”
“And you, not at all.”
Her hand brushed against his once again. Dimitri couldn’t read her expression as she stared at him, her eyes fathomless. Did Byleth know about the desire she kindled in him with each touch, how the embers she’d sparked five years ago were now a wildfire?
“I have changed,” she replied softly.
“My apologies,” he murmured, swallowing thickly. “I suppose with all that’s happened, it would be hard to stay the same.” Remembering their last conversation here, he asked, “Do you know what you’d wish for now?”
Byleth smiled mysteriously. “Perhaps.”
Byleth was close, close enough to kiss. Dimitri wasn’t sure what to do as she stood in front of him, looking at him expectantly. The newly rebuilt goddess tower penned him in, keeping him frozen in place as she took a small step closer. Her white robes fluttered in the wind. He could smell her rainwater scent.
It took all of his strength to keep his chin firmly up, to not bend to her like a willow in the wind. Carefully controlling his voice, he carefully managed a “Byleth?”
“Yes?” she asked blithely, as though they were in the strategy room separated by a table, as though they were in public with Dedue between them, as though they were not standing so damned close, alone in the night.
It was a full moon again. He remembered old wives’ tales of werewolves, of how the moonlight could change someone, of the energy it gave. Maybe he could blame it for tonight’s lunacy. Or maybe it was just how Byleth saw the world—she never seemed to mind the distance between them, the carefully wrought inches that he tended to like a gardener. For every step he took away, she took one closer. For every wall he put up, she broke through it like a ram.
Wetting his lips, Dimitri tried a more direct question. “Aren’t you a little too close?”
“Not close enough,” she replied. Dimitri couldn’t read the emotion in her eyes as she took yet another step closer, her body all but in his arms. “I have been patient, but enough is enough.”
There was a roar in his ears. He could feel her breath ghosting on his neck, feel her soft mounds on his chest. Every part of him felt aflame as their knees bumped, as her gaze threatened to swallow him whole. His voice lowered a notch, almost afraid to ask the question. Almost afraid to hear the answer. “For what?”
“I found my wish,” Byleth murmured huskily.
One of her hands slipped into his, clasping it tightly as though to keep him in place. Not that she needed to, he couldn’t—didn’t want to move. A jolt ran up his spine. Her other arm curled around his neck, pulling him down. Her breath warmed his lips and Dimitri suddenly recognized the naked desire in her expression, the same that he saw in the mirror when he thought of her.
Then her lips were on his and he stopped thinking and just let himself feel.
She had been right. She wasn’t nearly close enough.
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mxmearcstapa · 3 years
A sneak peek of my piece for @fdimilethzine!! A little Academy Phase SFW pining. 🥺💖 please check out the project, and I hope you look forward to the zine!!
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moonbunnycos · 3 years
ughhh been a while, Tumblr. Once I'm done with this term, I'm gonna actually make some fan content. For now, I'm in an nsfw dimileth zine and an fe3h OC zine. Support if y'all would like :3
Nsfw dimileth zine: https://twitter.com/FDimilethZine?s=09
Fe3h OC zine: https://twitter.com/BrnzRvnsZine?s=09
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reneerosenqueen · 2 years
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One of the illustrations I did for @fdimilethzine The leftover sale is currently ongoing. You can check out the leftover sale at Fdimilethzine(.)bigcartel(.)com ! The uncensored illustration is on Twitter. I drew the Illustration in July 2021.
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reneerosenqueen · 2 years
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My Previews for the @fdimilethzine. I was very sick during the preorder period, so I didn’t get to post my previews at the time. I did 1 Illust and a 4 page comic. Currently the zine is getting prepared to ship out preorders, after that is complete there will be a left over sale for physical copies OR you can order a digital copy right now. 
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fdimilethzine · 3 years
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We're thrilled to announce our new guest artist, the talented @emcgame! We love the way they draw Dimileth, and are so happy to have them join us.  ゲストとして迎えることができて光栄に思ってます!
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fdimilethzine · 3 years
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Happy Halloween! We're working behind the scenes to finish some things up before our next announcement. In the meantime, please check out the twitter @/DimilethFever's #DimilethTrickorTreat event to get your spooky Dimileth fix! Our mod @Kalycoris drew some DragonxWerewolf Dimileth!
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fdimilethzine · 3 years
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Today we introduce guest artist @kariniarts! Her hyperfixation on Dimileth has inspired her to create many beautiful sexy and wholesome illustrations of our favorite couple. She will be contributing to our NSFW zine, with a piece that is sure to get all of our hearts racing!
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fdimilethzine · 3 years
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Another thrilling announcement - the wonderful 3H_Aria has joined the zine! They have drawn some beautiful Dimileth drawings in the past and we're excited to see what they come up with. ゲストとして迎えることができて光栄に思ってます!
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fdimilethzine · 3 years
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As promised, here's a sneak peek at the cover of Mesmerize My Heart by the talented Raine! Can you feel the silent pining taking place between these two as they seek shelter from the rain? 
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fdimilethzine · 3 years
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Today we're spotlighting one of our talented artist contributors, @roxyryokoart! Roxy is a highly-skilled writer and artist who has contributed lots of amazing work to the Fire Emblem fandom, particularly for rare pairs. We're thrilled to have her on board!
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