#featuring eichan
hotpinklightning · 7 months
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i put my haurchefant retainer in the bunny outfit this is great
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withmyhonesty · 9 months
Ritsu Sakuma Birthday Story Campaign 2023
Ritsu's mini campaign birthday story 2023. Translation under the cut (best viewed on desktop)
"I don't chase butterflies. Is it really that much like me?"
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Ah, Anzu. Thank you for your hard work. I wanted to thank you for hosting the party today. It was a lot of fun. Many people came to the party, don't you think It's my birthday, so I want everyone to spoil me ♪ I begged Maa~kun and Aoba Oniichan a lot too
Anzu: I'm glad you're having fun
Nn. It was a good day thanks to Anzu. I wish today could continue, so it's a shame it'll be over soon.
Ah, that's right, look over here ♪ Eichan and everyone in Flavour gave me this cute tea cannister. I'm thinking of making some sweets to go with this the next time we have club activities.
Anzu: That'll be nice
Fufufu, isn't that so ♪ In order to do that, I'd need to make a prototype of the sweets first, so I'll specially appoint Anzu to be in charge of the taste testing "Can't you eat the finished product? Well of course, I'll invite Anzu to the tea party too. Let's all have fun whilst chatting ♪
The design of this tea cannister is very elaborate. It features illustrations of a black cat taking a relaxing nap, chasing butterflies, and playing tricks. But Secchan said to me "it looks just like Kuma-kun". I don't chase butterflies. Is it really that much like me?
Anzu: You don't chase, but...
You saw a butterfly in my hair whilst I was sleeping in the Hanging Gardens...? Ehh, that's what happened. I didn't notice it at all because I was sleeping.
Nn? What are you doing with the box? I see... you called me over to give me this. Aah, that's a beautiful brooch. You made it for me... thank you ♪
Anzu: Of course!
Fufu, I'm happy. Thank you. Anzu prepared such a wonderful gift for me, so as the receiver of this gift, I want to show the brooch off to everyone ♪
Mm? I put the brooch on. I didn't expect to receive such a wonderful present from Anzu at the end of the day. I said earlier I was sad that today would have to end, but I'm starting to feel it even more.
Anzu: It is a shame
Well then, keep talking to me until the night is over. A~h, I feel better at night, but Anzu will have to go home later. It's not good if I hold you back for too long.
I'm starting to feel more and more reluctant to let today end, so I guess I'll end the party now. Anzu, I'm glad you were with me today. Thank you for doing so much for me. Aah, that was fun. I think I'll sleep well today.. ♪
Anzu: Goodnight
Nn, goodnight... ♪ Oh yeah, don't forget about the sweets taste testing. If I make them, you'll be the first to try them.
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[Birdmen Drabble]
The human part is scared. The one that's still in the back of his mind, the one he'd never grown out of. But he gathers his splintering courage in the pit of his stomach where it can fight his anxieties. The birdman part can't lie to his friends and, well, the feelings been bubbling in his chest for a while now. Tsubame’s confession was the thing to make it overflow.
It's not just the warmth that overtakes him when they're near. It's not just the feeling of safety that makes him feel invincible--that's Kamoda's schtick. Hell, Karasuma's always been a little bit amazing. Tsubame's another level altogether and Irene is life itself. He’d have to ask Takayama the next time they met.
He loves them. Is that okay? He loves them so much.
Because it manifests in the strangest of ways. He'll answer a question and bite his tongue against a wayword peck of affection. His 'hellos' want to become 'im so glad you're here's. His 'goodbyes' are already 'please don't go away's. Not for Irene, not yet, but damn if he can't feel it coming.
So maybe it's a bad time for it, just after Karasuma's return from the Takayama home, but he’s blaming Tsubame and her damn smile. Her words rest comfortably on his heart, effortless and lovely and so sincere. They’re like a family. It’s not like there’s a pressure to say it--not like anything would change. But it’s in the air now, real and tangible and something he wants to let wash over him.
Maybe Tsubame connects birds as well as humans.
He waits till they’ve reached the tarmac outside Narita, then asks them to hold on a second, he’s got something to say. They're in a row staring at him, masks revealing curious red eyes. His better judgement--the one he’s been ignoring-- hisses at him, but it's absolutely important​ that they know he'd follow them to hell and back. Likely they already know, but he's the vocal sort and... Yeah. His eyes train to the sky and he is surprised everytime there isn't the physical manifestation of his heart screaming.
(he's kinda glad though, because that would kind of ruin the mood)
So, he tells them.
And the world doesn’t end.  
In fact, he peeks at the sky but the moon winks back at him as if informing him that he's not getting out of this one. There’s a beat of silence as Irene rights his fallen comrade--he hadn’t even noticed Kamoda falling. Rei steals a peek through the wisps of his fringe-- they’re grinning, like little ducks. Tsubame’s hand is crooked over her mouth. Karasuma’s set his jaw, as if he’s about to speak.  
But he doesn't want an answer, it's not that kind of confession. He's not even sure he would take it. Remember that human bit? It's loud, now, screaming that he's ruined the family he just realised he had. He digs his claws into his hand and waits for them to compose themselves and give him pained smiles and say 'thats nice, Sagisawa'.
(they'd never, he knows, but the issues run deep enough for them to manifest in black, so forgive him)
“Well,” Irene says first, and her grin looks just about to fly off and join the stars. She continues over the syllables Karasuma squeaks, barking a laugh, “Two in one night.”
Tsubame makes an affirmative noise, slipping his hands apart till they intertwine with hers. Her other hand quirks a cheeky thumbs up and he almost gasps in relief. Nice one, Rei! She tweets just before she assaults him with warmth that makes his throat dry.
Kamoda detaches from Irene’s side. His wings have released--just a little--as if mirroring the upturned edges of his cheeks. “Honestly, I’d have expected something flashier from you.”
Rei balks, his talons shifting on the loose grounds, “Like what?”
A second passes and Kamoda’s eyebrows quirk as he tries to think. Then he snaps in a flurry of movements. His arms frame his face as if doing a vogue. “You’ve stolen this gentleman’s heart and replaced it with a white-hot passion!”
Karasuma spits. “Disgusting.”
A grin from Tsubame, “Is the world on fire? Or is that just the way I feel about you?” she blew imaginary smoke from a finger-gun pistol.
“I’ve fa-la-la-la fallen for you.”
The wind picks up as they continue trading confessions. It feels light, so natural he wonders why it took him so long to do it. He relaxes.
“That’s from a greeting card,” Karasuma interjects after someone makes a comment about Birds of a Feather. But what it does is snap the attention back to him. His wings are still wrapped in the wingmass-parka. Though his features are mostly schooled to indifference, his cheek twitches an encylopedia of joy.
Kamoda clicks, crossing his arms. His brows are furrowed, but his stance is loose. Then he’s smiling, a grin from ear to ear. “Let’s hear yours, Eichan!”
“Me?” the bellwether stutters, to the audience of voices urging him on. “A-alright!”
He takes a breath, steadying himself. There’s a Death Tweet coming, the Karasuma brand that blends awkwardly reassuring with deeply concerned. It delivers, not quite as shocking as it has been known to be. Its a tremor in their chests that makes Rei’s wings vibrate.
“I can’t give you much. I don’t even know what the future holds,” the self-conscious words settle as he pauses, “But with you guys? It feels like I could take on anything.”
A unanimous blink, then an outpour of laughter.
“Be quiet!” Eishi demands, flushing. But there’s no weight to the words.
Rei laughs from deep in his belly. “So intense!” he says, feeling the comforting warmth of the thing settling on him. And he knows, he knows, they all feel the same.
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hotpinklightning · 7 months
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i've been wanting to do this for so long i love them. wolchefant baby
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hotpinklightning · 8 months
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im figuring out how the hell i draw him in my style
he looks a little like aymeric i think it might be his eye shape
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hotpinklightning · 8 months
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trying to figure out how to draw wol eichan JKDSFJK + a surprise normal eichan
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