#fecto flora was new
midnights-rebloops · 5 months
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Some doodles I diddd
Tagging 😁
Starstruck Dee belongs to @starflungwaddledee
Prisma Knight belongs to @startistdoodles
Nebula Knight belongs to @miniiieevee
Fecto Flora belongs to @ceoofmetagala
(Fecto Flora is the last one, I didn't realise I didn't leave space to write his name 😔)
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ceoofmetagala · 5 months
"FOUL DEMON BEAST!!!" -Sir Uther
I don't even know what this demon beast thing is..., but I can assure you I'm not one...
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corvidpaws · 6 months
🪻🦋 GENESIS. 🔮📋
kirby oc tournament entry.
“Lucky is she, who lives unaware, who doesn’t get bothered by all that’s unfair…”
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Genesis is a kind, caring figure haunted by a past only they remember- and it doesn’t matter too much in the grand scheme of things, anyway. They have taken on the role of a therapist, and their personality generally fits the stereotypical view of a therapist. Of course, they aren’t without their flaws- often trying too hard to reach a goal or blaming everything on themselves.
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Genesis is from the Forgotten Land. Or, as the residents prefer to call it, the New World.
Their origins are mostly hidden. I mean, you don’t really want to tell people that- well. I’m not going to tell you their secrets. That’s just rude. They’ll tell you when they’re ready.
All I can tell you is that they have a strange connection to Fecto Forgo.
Oh, well, I’ll tell you a bit more.
Let’s see… I’m sure it was written down somewhere around here.
“Since it’s capture, ID-F85 has only shown activity once- it’s brain patterns seem to suggest that it is dreaming. But that is a fanciful observation, and we are not fanciful people. A monster cannot dream.” — Retired Lab Discovera Tour, Year Unknown
The creature known as Fecto Elfilis had split into two- Fecto Forgo and Elfilin. The Ancients had long abandoned the planet, taking off to Shiver Star. Imprisoned, alone, unable to move and lost in a world without any creatures capable of thought- yet, they drifted. They dreamed. And in their dreams surfaced memories.
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A land of dust and fire. A trickster magician.
A world of flora. A sorrowful spindler.
And their own great form, lost to the cruel experiments of the people who lived here, so desperate to leave.
From those dreams, came Genesis. A creation of stardust and love. They wandered throughout the abandoned land, watching as the beasts gained intelligence, and talking with them. When trapped in a collapsing tunnel, they met Elfilin, who saved them. The two then became friends.
They also met Gamma Knight, who landed in the forgotten land after [REDACTED]. Genesis helped them flee to [REDACTED].
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When the Beast Pack was formed, Genesis stayed out of the way, recognising the work of their progenitor. But when Elfilin was captured, they followed Kirby from a distance, leaving behind Maxim Tomatoes and vanishing without a trace.
When Elfilis was defeated, Elfilin and Genesis reunited, and the former took the latter to Dreamland, where they both settled.
And they decided to settle on a rather successful career.
It had been a solid five hours since Kirby had started telling Genesis about the 'monsters' they'd fought, with Dedede and Meta Knight himself chipping in when needed; sometimes to explain their actions while the puffball had been defeating the newest threat to Popstar, sometimes to correct him or add a detail. But instead of getting frustrated or tired, Genesis had only listened politely, nodding as they talked. […] "Those monsters you fought... I'd be terrified, honestly. But you've survived all of it, and you're still here, ready to face the next battle, and that means you're exceptionally resilient. But life isn't all about battles." Genesis continued. "It's pretty late, so I'll end the session here, but think about it. Come back if you need to." — Chapter Two, Session One, These Creatures I’ve Seen
Well, that wasn’t a bit more, that was a lot more. But there are still some mysteries. Will you uncover them? Let’s find out.
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The Dream Discoveries Tour Juliet - Cavetown Blow My Brains Out - Tikkle Me Gilded Lily - Cults Meteor Shower - Cavetown Treehouse - Alex G
Toyhou.se Page: https://toyhou.se/22030569.genesis Ginjka Design: Here
“Unlucky me, who knows way too much, and fights to make changes through music and such, unlucky me, aware of the pain, all ‘cause I happen to have some brain…”
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@kirbyoctournament sorry about the lore dump! It will happen again
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ceoofmetagala · 1 month
I awnseed this on discord since there was a silly little put ur OC on valfys honor thingy....
Valfrey knight by @gethoce
One must live their life for a purpose such as serving a shogun or protecting one's people.
Fecto flora as a hero of yore was littelry fighting to protect all his loved ones, he atucally mostly fights for his friends and 1 family member (citrine)
If left without a purpose one must make it their mission to find one.
Flora I don't think was left without one. He for a moment in his life did not search for one given the uhh.... Dream dimeson stuff but after that while he was all jumbled on what was real or not he mainly wanted to figure out what the fuck is real or not. After that he returned to helping his loved ones. Hell he even gained new ones. Oh and also he wants to help heal the physical wounds of victims of Mirri since he feels extremely guilty about it. Mirri was because of his inability to cope well after all
Be the Master of one's emotions, yet Do not rob yourself of your whimsy for it'd poison your mind.
I'd say he's whimsical. That's a silly old man. He loves gardening flowers. Also I don't think he's really a master of emotions. He's fairly like. Reactive.
Always be honest
Dreamer flora lied to himself but he's honest to himself now💖!
Do not steal unless it is to protect the weak
I don't think he would ever steal anything atucally so he's good here as well
Do not sneak attack when a fair battle is possible
I don't think he's one for sneak attacks, also he's the support he tends to stay back away from the heat of battle and only gets closer to help friends
There is no honour in being outnumbered, use usually unfair tactics to even the playing field
He's good here as well I think
Respect yourself, keep yourself healthy and well groomed
Most well groomed boy. Expect dreamer flora. Ik that fur wasnt doing good either. Not fluffy!!!
Stay true to your principles
Flora may have strayed from these thanks to dreamer flora but I think to some extent even when lying to himself he kept his principals
Do not slaughter your own kin unless they strike first
Stellar is the closet to his kin being his friend and stellar was littelry trying to kill him. But uh he didn't have the chance I think to atuclly attempt anything after yapping his ass off about his entire plans and flora just threw a giant rock at him
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ceoofmetagala · 5 months
DOLT #30
Fecto flora has ~romantic~ feelings for galacta knight. Always has (since childhood) he's never really gotten to try because somehow when he gets the courage or he thinks it's the right time galacta is already making out with someone new LOL younger galacta used to get into tons of short lived relationships,, nothing serious at all.
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ceoofmetagala · 4 months
Fecto Flora, what's your favorite thing to eat?
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you probably knew that already, but I also enjoy cheese.
// big news! He also likes cheese.
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ceoofmetagala · 9 months
@drewmwalker you asked for it(my OCS) I decided to only take photos of a few to avoid that much rambling 👍(I have a ton but I selected some of my favorites)
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Veritas(Normally known as veri.) He/it/my other prns here
- somehow a complicated mix of just OC and self insert. (His more wild aspects are OC and anything like prns name and personality are mostly me. I got attached and connected to it while making it)
- OC x cannon👍👍👍👍(morpho knight)
-immortal. At first just wanted to die but ironically bonding with a grim reaper made it want to live 😚😚
-my personal punching bag and by that I mean saddled with anything. Poor dragonfly. He has silly disease ( I will throw anything random at him positive or negative)
- sis knight does NOT like him. Mostly because veri makes out with his boss. Like rude. /J
Also there's an evil fucked up version of veri running around (Taffy and no that's not atucally what she is about but I find it funny to refer to him as such)
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Chocomonio+ Cherri (Choco is it/it's, cherri is she/her)
-both escaped from the abusive church they were in, well Chocomonio didn't practice in it but was instead tied up in the basement and tortured 👍👍👍
- Chocomonio was the one to help Cherri transition and realize her sister was a piece of shit
- they are spaphic 2gethedr.
-also Chocomonio name is a pun. Choco= chocolate and monio refers to the spansih word for bow and demon at the same time (deMONIO and monio for bow, my mom refers to it like that. and so that's the word I know for bow it seems it's not that commom to refer to as such though? )
- fun fact chocomonio was instead to be my OC but I connected with and was more attached to veri so made Chocomonio just an OC
-Cherri used to be a villan. Also she changed species going from puff to spider!!!
-veri knows both of them and HATES Chocomonio. Who knows what happened between them but they will start fistfighting if they see evsh other
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Valerie and Audrey (both she / her)
- ignore how they're the same size. Valerie is older by like 3 years I just see valerie as my baby still so she's tiny
- my two metagala ship children, they were cinnoected in an evil lab by me (in cannon they were born out of love between metagala . I hate these cheesy fucks./lh )
- Valerie is my favorite but that's just because she's been aorund MUCH longer.
- Valerie becomes a knight when she grows older (bright knight. Was intended to be a place holder but I think bright knights a cute name) Audrey just becomes a florist and chills while her sister is out doing knight things. You know.
-both are ridiculously strong. But like. They're parents are metagala. Come on. Audery is more magically packed then Valerie but she's doenst enjoy fighting
- I need you to know fbariote foods are macarons (Valerie) and churros(audery) okay. Thanks(I make this silly fun fact known often. )
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Techno knight+ Blacknoise (she/her for tech and he/it for blacknoise)
- SIBS!!!!. Blacknoise is older
- both built by an ancient called Adwin (long dead but not for the reasons you may think)
- Blacknoise was built for combat and techno knight was made a cleaning robot but Adwin figures Blacknoise needed a friend to socialize with
-anwyyas Adwin was killed by Blacknoise himself while he was in a fit of rage at what she tried to do techno knight (he doesn't regret it at all and tech doesn't know what happened to Adwin or the incident at all(
They were separated after this and techno knight was sleepy ass for ages and balcknosie eventually found his way to a museum
Tech evuntally wakes up and goes on a quest to find blacknoise, well after she cleans off any vegetation that grew on her.
- they get reunited and run off out of the msueum. While security chases them and techno 2 new betsies Midnight nad Rue awgo helped in this break out misson and now all 4 are on the run
- anwyas there's also the mirri incident which is fectos floras fault but no one knows that..not even flora and trauma I think but who cares it's long and a whole other story on its own point is techno knight meets Kirby, Meta and Susie. This incident is how she meets them and gets their help to save the place she and the others were hiding in
- anwyas techno knight wants to be a knight just like meta knight but Blacknoise is heasitant to let that happens but allows her to go train and now they are still on the run but one is off training else where and they decide yeah let's just hop off the planet
- balcknosie follows with techno and midnight goes to ripple star while rue goes to popstar. They will reurinte at some point but they separate for now 👍👍👍 okay yeah.
Also fecto flora is seen below them. I have a lot of thoughts about them but I am tried doc typing lmao
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ceoofmetagala · 4 months
It has come to me attention that fecto flora is nit degisned well, as no one seems to refer to him be his proper he/they glory. So this is his new dgeisn! So sorry. I made him "femmine' /j /j /j
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ceoofmetagala · 2 years
I'm nomral abt fecto elflfis(writes entire hc list on what i think it's relatshil with everyone is part 1, next part of elflfin)
Meta knight-
Thinks of him as strong and respects him a lil for being able to ressit it's control
Also Hates meta knight because he won't stop staring!! The fuck you looking at?
Meta knight himslef is very cautious of fecto and on gaurd contstantly with fecto
King dedede-
Real akward being sorund this guy now. Can I leave .
Dedede himself does not give a shit at this point because he's used to bieing possed by now. So no hard feelings
A cute pesky ball. Very powerful. How does so much power fit in a ball? Wonder if he tardes like bubblegum....
Kirby themselves thinks of fecto as a new friend and hopes it cahnged for the better now
A small bandana wearer. He has a spear as well! Can we duel soemtime? That word be fun spear user against spear user . Wiat what are you doing with that. IS HE USING IT LIKE A HELICOPTER?!?
Bandee himself is alightly terrified of fecto but thinks it being a spear user is cool . Fecto is extemrly intrsted in his unconventiol uses of the spear
My dear old other half . Yummy.
Elffin himself is scared and also at the same time adimires fecto. Very happy to help it grow and get better
Carol (clawroline)-
You also like to do your nails? Let's paint our nails togther sometime mom! I mean miss carol!
Carol herself is pretty scared of the one who kinda ha know . Did all that but thinks it's a good kid either way . (I hc carol orbky aodpted fecto and elffin )
Sorry not my fault you're a flop , L + ratio
Leon idk i don't think of him in my brain ever
Galacta knight-
Gk regards fecto as existing for now. Until he heard of what they did then they atucly sctvely threatjen fecto (they he never met until tater forgi land orbly) or somewaht reminded of flora by fecto prurely because they jsut look vaugkey simaler.
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