#fedcon 2024
cecilyacat · 1 month
Anthony Rapp was at FedCon last weekend and at the closing ceremony he sang a song from Rent for us and boy - it was amazing. I've been listening to this again and again since it was uploaded. What a voice, what emotion ♥
He was also a very kind and genuine person on stage, an absolute treasure!
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londonspirit · 1 month
a snippet more from the beautiful soul that is Anthony Rapp - this time his version of the I'll Cover You reprise... still very much deaded from it. Somebody asked whether there's the chance to bring Without You to Europe... not impossible but not very likely, sadly.
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londonspirit · 1 month
*sighs* I usually don't have FedCon blues but this year it's lingering a bit. What a weekend! So happy I got tickets for both days this year: worth every damn penny for Anthony Rapp alone - having him serenade us TWICE with two NON Mark songs was HEAVEN!! (still saying they need Saturday night concerts like other cons have; especially when they have HIM there!)
Anyhow, he was my absolute highlight and the main reason I went! Both his panels were fantastic and well worth attending!
Also: the SNW cast - Melissa Navia is such a delight (despite being jetlagged as HELL!) and I REALLY hope she comes back soon, I need more of her (and possibly a photo because she's amazing!).
Surprisingly (because I didn't really plan on going to it), Todd Stashwick's panel was the first on Sunday morning and it was hilarious! That man was on fire, got gifted THREE Titan's and I've never anyone being happier about (fan)gifts in a while! Such a great start into the day!
Of course it was great seeing MY crew again even though it was rather brief this year! But there's always next year!!!
What else? AR loved my rainbow earrings and said so before our photo which makes me grin just a bit more! Then I got gifted a Tribble from a stranger just because they had them! How awesome is that! Met some lovely people in the queue on Saturday and we chatted away the waiting time.
Went star/polar lights gazing on Saturday night... (in Arthur voice) we failed! No auroras to be seen but we had a blast nevertheless!
Another fantastic weekend in the books!!!
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And since the OFMD con was happening at the same time, I naturally had to rep our pirates at a scifi con - as you do!
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