#feel free to prompt me w these for dadwc!
lumienyx · 4 years
Dragon Age-Inspired Dialogue Prompts
A dialogue prompt list heavily inspired by Dragon Age👀 If you’d like more vague DA-themed & fic trope prompts, venture here.
Choose the first letter of the prompt section + the prompt # (e.g. C2 is “"Honestly? Fuck the Chantry,” and F11 is "My robes suit you,” etc.) + the pairing (here are the ones I write for) — and prompt me any time :3 
Feel free to use and reblog!💕
😁 Comedy Central
"This is why the Maker left."
"Honestly? Fuck the Chantry."
“You did not just compare me to a cat / mabari / nug / [Thedosian animal of your choice].”
“There’s no problem a well-aimed fireball can’t fix.”
"There's no problem magic can't fix." "Or create."
“If we don’t make it out alive, I’ll see you at the Maker’s side.” “Bold of you to assume you’re going there.”
“[Character of your choice] is a bit of a dimwit.” “Hey!” “That was affectionate.”
"If it bleeds, it can be killed." "Well, it doesn't."
"Magic does not work like that." "Maybe. But have you ever tried it?" “No, because I’m not bloody insane!”
"You probably shouldn’t touch that.” “What harm could this trinket possibly do?"
"I hate the Deep Roads." "You're the one who dragged us here." "Doesn't make what I said any less true."
"No idea what's going on, eh? Would a fireball to the face jog your memory?"
“I saw you cheat!" “Yes. And?” “That’s unfair.” “Life is unfair, and I'm playing by its lack of rules.”
“I accidentally punched a Templar. A few times. At least ten.”
“Time for my favorite pastime.” “Which is?” “Drowning my problems in ridiculous amounts booze!”
“[Dangerous activity of your choice] will go fine! Come on, I’ve seriously been lacking fun lately.” “I’m fairly sure what you’re lacking is brain matter.”
"No! Dragon-hunting is not a way to kill time, it's a way to kill us."
"Don't worry. Everybody's afraid of something." "Even you?" "No."
"There's something strange going on with my head." "You may be unfamiliar with these things—they're called thoughts."
“I think I did okay!” “Another building just collapsed.” “Well, it’s the building’s fucking fault not mine!”
“I’m too young to die.” “You have a low-grade fever and a mild infection.” “I can see a spark of light in the dark... this is the end, is it not?”
“Who do you take me for?” “An idiot.”
“We shouldn’t have smoked so much elfroot.”
“Can I have breakfast in bed?” “Sure. Just sleep in the kitchen.”
"Void! Did I say that out loud?"
🥰 Floof & Feels
“I wish we’d stay like this forever.”
“You’re everything I’ve ever wanted, everything I need, and I’m going to cherish you until my dying day.”
“There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you.”
“Can you hold me? Please?”
"I thought you'd never ask."
“I believe in you.”
“Would you ever consider... marriage?” “Why do you ask?” “Oh. I’m—for a friend.”
"I'll protect you."
“You always look beautiful. Tonight, you look divine.”
"You developed a whole new spell... for me?"
"My robes suit you."
“Kiss it better?”
“Sing for me?”
“Tell me more about your people.”
"Your magic makes me feel safe.”
"They will never tear us apart."
“It’s just a hug, it won’t kill you.”
“I didn’t expect you to be into cuddling.” “I’m not!” “Then what is this?” “Just... close skin-to-skin contact.” “Uh-huh.”
“You’re being far too adorable.” “Is that a complaint?” “No. By all means, continue.”
“You’re being overly affectionate.” “Sorry.” “I never told you to stop.”
“That’s the kindest thing anyone has ever done for me.”
“You’re so warm.”
"You smell nice."
"Why are you smiling?" "Because you're here."
"Have I told you that I love you today?"
💔 Anguish & Apprehension
"I don't believe you."
“I wish we’d never met. I only bring you pain.”
“I feel like I don’t know you anymore.”
"We won't be able to hide in time."
“You can’t keep risking your life like this.”
“I was so scared I’d lost you.”
"Everything here feels wrong. The Veil is... far too thin."
“I don’t deserve you. I know a day will come when you realize it. I selfishly hope it never comes to pass.”
“I ruined your life.” “You've ruined nothing. You are my life.”
“Was that... blood magic?”
"The demons won't leave me alone."
“Why can’t you see that I love you?”
"There has to be a way to fix this."
"Why do you insist on taking care of everyone but yourself?"
"I think I'm going mad."
“Leave. I can’t right now. I can’t.”
"I never meant for this to happen!"
“You can’t die on me! I won't allow it!"
"I don't know how to save myself."
"Please, stop. You’re hurting me.”
"This place is cursed." "Is there a way out?" "I doubt it."
"It was just a dream." "I... I don't think so."
“Why does it hurt so much?”
“You said you trusted me. What changed?”
"Please tell me you're lying."
🔞 NSFW Prompts Below ⤵
😏 Porn & Pleasure
"I bet I can make you come just from this."
“How many times can I make you come, I wonder?”
“I’m going to make you feel so good you won’t remember your name once I’m done with you.”
“Get on with it. Fuck me!” “You’re in no position to make demands.”
“Tsk, who’s been a naughty apostate tonight?”
“Want to get the toys out?”
“You can beg better than this.”
“You’re so pretty all tied up for me.”
“You look beautiful covered in my cum.”
“Fuck me harder.” “Ask nicely.”
"Scream for me. I want them to hear you."
“Please don’t stop.”
"Do that again."
"I don't think you're desperate enough yet."
"Prepare yourself for me."
“You deserve a reward, I think. I’ll let you fuck me tonight.”
“Choke me.” “With pleasure.”
“Too much?” “Not enough.”
“What do you think of lyrium play?” “I think I don’t understand why we’re still dressed.”
“I don’t need to ‘talk about my feeling’ or whatever bullshit, I need to get fucked senseless.”
“I’ll fuck you with my magic until you’re shaking with it.”
“Don’t tease.”
"Fuck me like you own me."
"Make me."
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rosella-writes · 2 years
feel free to save this prompt for dadwc but from the codex prompt list, "a note/letter found in your oc's pocket" for any character you'd like!!
Thank you for this one!! I stole another chance to indulge my new hyperfixation on this Arlathan AU idea that @dreadfutures' Sunbird AU spawned. In which Solas is femme!Pride and Virelan Lavellan is Valor, Falon'Din's champion.
Pairing: Pride/Valor (solavellan)
Rating: T
Words: 1130
“Yet another one of these?”
Pride glanced over her shoulder towards the door. Valor leaned against the jamb, her dark eyes twinkling in a smile that didn’t touch her broad mouth. Pride scoffed and turned back to the wall before her.
“Sylaise wished an event immortalised,” she murmured, pressing ochre into the wet plaster with her brush. “Who am I to refuse an appeal to my talent?”
When Valor spoke again, her voice was close. “A wheat harvest is worthy of a fresco? Of your work? Your brushes should see only the most magnificent of pieces.”
Pride couldn’t contain the surge of her defining trait — it coloured the air around them a vivid blue, ringing of delight and giddy acknowledgement of praise. She reigned it in at the sensation of Valor’s hand on her waist.
“No no, bring it back,” Valor whispered in her ear. “Your pride lifts my spirits. Or will I have to praise you again?”
Pride chuckled and traced the ochre of her first line with a dark swipe of blue. “I will not turn down well-deserved comments.”
“And how many must I whisper in your ear before you let me kiss you?”
Longing flavoured the space around them now — like warmth, like reaching, like the bated breath from Valor's lips. Pride pulled away.
"If I begin," she murmured, "I would be hard pressed to stop. And I cannot let my plaster dry before I finish."
Valor leaned on the table that held her pigments and tools, her collarbone standing out from her dark flesh. The muscled line of her arm tensed clear from her wrist to her shoulder, and its tension bled into her neck and jaw. Pride let her sense just a taste of the self-satisfaction she felt at the sight.
"None are so gifted in artful magic as you, vhenan," Valor rasped through clenched teeth. "The plaster will not dry so long as you don't wish it to."
A prideful surge once again — really, her heart laid it on thick when she wanted something. She shrugged her braids off her bared shoulder and revelled in the sight of Valor's gaze following the motion. She raised her brush to the plaster.
"It would not," she finally said, "but I would need to be prevailed upon to work such magic. I paint by hand for a reason."
"You could finish this art in the blink of an eye, should you try."
"I could, but I would miss the enjoyment of it. The scent of lime, the sight of pigment bonding with plaster, the rasp of my brush as it runs dry — and besides, once I have done the work, it is all the more satisfying to bring it to life. Watch."
She could feel Valor's eyes on her skin as she finished the final corner of her fresco with confident strokes of her brush. She set her pigment and tools away, leaving her ringless hands — an unusual sight, in Arlathan — to spread wide, inches above the still-wet surface of the wall.
Pride took a deep breath, taking sky into the great bellows of her lungs, and sighed out magic through her hands. She moved along the length of the wall, her bare footsteps sure and steady and practised, and where the sigh of her will touched the work of her hands, it came alive.
The great field of wheat, golden in the streaming sunlight, began to undulate as if guided by soft winds. Clouds scudded across the white sky, nearly as real as those outside the small window she had painted around, and what green there was in the fresco brought the remaining colours into vibrant relief. Valor made a soft sound behind her.
Exultation filled the final breath of her magic, sealing the fresco with the mimicry of its concrete counterpart, and she spun on one heel to reach for Valor with both hands. Valor was already there, eyes wide and full of wonder, and Pride crowed in her heart of hearts at the sight.
"She will love it," Valor gasped, her hands landing on Pride's forearms. "She will love it."
Pride reached for her face and took it between her ochre-dusted palms. Valor did not seem to mind the stain on her cheeks — she spared no concern for that, her attention concentrated on Pride. Pride stroked her broad, high cheekbones with her thumbs.
"Enough praise," she breathed. "Your sight on it as I finished was pleasure enough."
Valor's smile was broad and toothy and creased the corners of her sparkling eyes, and she made a happy sound in her throat as Pride leaned down to lunge for her mouth.
The kiss was sunshine. Pride overlapped with joy overlapped with wonder overlapped with yearning, and Valor stepped into it with her whole self. Pride could feel her wholly against her — both the form that she touched and the form she could feel. She slid one hand down from her cheek, over her arm, to her waist. Pride tugged her closer by the hip with an insistent, possessive grunt into her mouth.
Paper crinkled in Valor's pocket.
Valor broke the kiss with a gasp. The two froze, mouths moments away from the next touch, but neither moved. Valor finally sighed and pulled away, reaching into her trouser pocket.
"The summons," she sighed. "The reason I'm here."
Pride laughed mirthlessly. She tucked her emotions away once again behind her impenetrable guard. "And here I thought you missed me."
"I did!" Valor insisted, hurt flashing in her eyes and tinging the air. "This was my excuse."
It was no use — Pride's core was bruised, her ego crumpled like the paper in Valor's outstretched hand. She knew she should be more resilient, but it was easy to be fragile with the one who held her heart. She took the note with nary a sound.
"Ah," Pride finally said when her eyes finished scanning the flowery contents of the summons, "Andruil wishes to conduct a hunt. Wonderful. We will both be expected to attend her, will we not?"
Valor shook her head. "Mythal will be there, and so I guess will you. Falon'Din will not go. I'll remain with him."
Malcontent fluttered around Valor — she was so free with her expressed emotions here, so lax with their containment that it was almost rude. Pride leaned into the sensation of it.
"I will hunt for the both of us, then," she said, stepping closer. She tucked the note inside the front of her bodice, and smiled when Valor followed the path of her hand with a glint in her eye. "Try not to have too much fun while I'm gone."
"Impossible, vhenan," Valor said with a mere twist of her lip.
Pride merely reached out, smiling slightly at the flash of hope in Valor's eyes, and brushed ochre away from her cheek with her thumb. There was nothing left to say.
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lumienyx · 4 years
Dragon Age-Inspired Prompt List
A prompt list with DA-specific prompts👀 If you’d like DA-themed dialogue starters, venture here.
Choose one (or several!) of the prompts + a pairing (here are the ones I write for) — and prompt me any time :3
Feel free to use and reblog!💕
📑 Fanfiction Tropes
General fic tropes with some DA-specific stuff thrown in at the end ~
Tooth-rotting fluff
Domestic fluff
Angst with a happy ending
Mutual pining
Idiots in love
Friends to lovers
Enemies (to friends) to lovers
There was only one bed
Sharing body heat
Snowed in/trapped
Unresolved sexual tension
Reunion fic
Sick fic
5 + 1 fic
Fake/secret dating
Getting together
First date/kiss
First time
Game/drinking night at the Hanged Man
Inquisitor!Hawke OR Inquisitor!Anders OR [any alternate Inquisitor of your choice]
[Character] needs a hug
🎶 Chant of Light
Totally random quotes from the Chant that seemed vaguely cool. Can be read as a sort of poem/story ~
Left to wander the drifting roads of the Fade
Calling out for justice
Lost to night
By cruel magic taken, ice, lightning, and flame
Steel my heart against the temptations of the wicked
Let the blade pass through the flesh, Let my blood touch the ground, Let my cries touch their hearts
And the stars stood still, the winds did quiet
Magic born of mingled blood and lyrium
What hath man’s sin wrought?
They shall be named Maleficar, accursed ones. They shall find no rest in this world Or beyond
Magic exists to serve man, and never to rule over him
Blessed are the peacekeepers, the champions of the just
Trembling, I step forward
The deep dark before dawn’s first light seems eternal
Perhaps there is only abyss
In hushed whispers
Prickling pangs of dread
With passion’d breath does the darkness creep... it is the whisper in the night, the lie upon your sleep
Dream and idea, hope and fear, endless possibilities
Let chaos be undone
Unshaken by the darkness of the world
I shall weather the storm, I shall endure
Marvel at perfection, for it is fleeting
With my eyes closed, yet I see The Light is here
In your heart shall burn An unquenchable flame All-consuming, and never satisfied
🔥 Thedas
Random stuff to do/experience in Thedas ~
Shared dreaming in the Fade
Fun with magic (making ice slides with ice magic, dodge fireball, weaving abstract lightning art in the night sky, making caricature statues with earth magic, etc.)
Wounds from magical friendly fire
The feel of healing magic
The smell of lyrium (~ the air after a lightning strike — or your own hc)
The song of red lyrium
Lyrium high
Crippling numbness after magic overuse
The smell of fresh elfroot
Smoking blood lotus
Shivering in a place where the Veil is thin
Wounds after using blood magic
Sensing darkspawn
Hearing the Calling
Getting lost  in the Deep Roads
Napping in the Brecilian Forest
Watching the stars from the window of a Circle
Festivities in Orzammar
Winter in Ferelden
Dragon hunting in the Free Marches
Masquerade ball in Orlais / Orgy if a ball seems too boring
Sunbathing in Minrathous
Strip Wicked Grace
Mage vs. mage sparring
Warrior/rogue vs. mage sparring
💕 Affection
Kiss Prompts ~
In the rain
By a campfire
In a tavern
At a ball
In the middle of a fight
In an alley to hide from pursuers
Lazy morning kisses
Rough kisses
"I love you" kiss
"Shut up" kiss
"Happy you're alive" kiss
"I missed you" kiss
Touch Prompts ~
Gentle touches
Accidental touches
Holding hands
Healing touch
Spirit touches
Magic touches
Touching scars/wounds
Playing with hair
🔞 NSWF Prompts Below ⤵
😏 Smut Prompts
Thedas stands for THE DA Smut ~
Oral sex
Rough sex
Orgasm delay/denial
Multiple orgasm/overstimulation
Sensory deprivation
With toys (...magic toys)
Electricity play
Temperature play
Lyrium play
Magic in bed
Against the wall
On the floor
In front of a mirror
In a chantry
In the Fade
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