#feel like manwe and melkor are paired as my favorites
chiliadicorum · 7 months
For the Ainur asks: 1, 3 and 4!😊
Which Ainu is your favourite? Used to be Tulkas but became Manwe after I started learning everything about him
Who are you siding with in the cosmic conflict of good and evil (the Valar, Melkor, neutral, other)? Good
Which Vala(r) would you serve? This is a tough call, so I'll make it multi-answer bc I can. Manwe's a given I think. Tulkas and Nessa too, bc Nessa loves to dance and Tulkas loves to laugh so I imagine being in their service would be a rather joyous experience. But then I'd also love to serve Ulmo because I LOVE THE SEA
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Varda and Anakin for the character meme❤
- I love Anakin. He’s baby.- I ship Anakin with Padme. Team Anidala for life. - Anakin & Obi Wan, of course. - I don’t exactly have an unpopular opinion about Anakin, God knows that I’ve roasted him so thoroughly in the past in the past that an unpopular opinion is moot, but I will say that I disliked some aspects of his CW characterization. In the CW he’s sometimes more brash and masochistic than his movie counterpart, and I feel that that’s not in keeping with his true character. - Well, besides Anakin not turning to the dark side, I wish he could have understood and believed that Obi Wan did truly care for him as much as he did for Obi Wan. So many of Anakin’s problem’s hinged on the fact that he thought Obi Wan cared more for the Order, duty, tradition and the greater good than him, and perhaps if he had understood how much Obi loved him, than his story would have been different.   - She’s a godess, a star, one of my favorite queens. She wasn’t a favorite of mine when I first read about her, but I’ve really come to love her now. - I ship Varda with Manwe and Melkor, plus I have few crack ships for her with characters outside of Tolkien’s works. - I like Varda & Feanor as a rare non-romantic pairing, I see the potential for much in common between them, she fashions stars, and Feanor fashions jewels, they are both craftsmen.   - I used to wonder why the elves held Varda in such high esteem when I was barely coming into Tolkien’s works. I used to puzzle over it, I couldn’t figure out why they revered her so much. Of course, I figured it out later, but for I while I didn’t get it. I suppose that can count as unpopular opinion. - I would have really, really liked to see an interaction between her and Melkor in canon.
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