feifood · 3 years
hello^_^ could i request hcs for chrollo and meruem with s/o that likes them to pet her head?? i’m not sure if you would be ok with doing franklin too i didn’t see him on the masterlist. but thank you~
S/o who Enjoys Head Pats
Chrollo, Meruem, Franklin
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hello anon hehe how are you todayyy ofc I’ll do these hcs for you they such a cute concept and I’m lowkey so glad to see Franklin being requested he is so underrated -- anyways have a great rest of your day lovely <33
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Head pats are very very personal to him !!
One of his favourite ways to show affection to you because he pets very gently and he likes how you look up at him when he does it
Also you’re so cute so how could he not aksdjhkfj
Chrollo probably wouldn’t pat your head in front of others simply because he sees it as something that should only be done when you two are alone
But if you ask he could never say no ofc
You’d always ask him to pet your head whenever you two are cuddling/watching a movie and slowly overtime he’d gotten used to that routine
So now he feels a little off when he doesn’t get to hold you and pat your head
ALWAYS ALWAYS when he pats your head his expression is like :3 and he’s just going ‘awe’ in his head the whole time
You make him so soft like this I swear
It’s going to take a while for Meruem to understand what the perks of head patting even are
He thinks it’s a weird request when you first ask him to do it -- assumes that you just needed him to scratch the top of your head or something
But then you have to explain that it can be a form of affection or just for fun sometimes
And then he starts to see it as a mission -- if his s/o enjoys head pats then head pats you will get (at this time he still doesn’t really get the hype askdhfsskdf give him some time to learn)
And then one day it just hits him,, HEAD PATS ARE ACTUALLY REALLY NICE
That’s also the day he decided to try it out and have you pat his head as well
And that is how he fell in love with the concept of head pats LOLOL
LISTEN LISTEN LISTEN: do y’all remember in the York New arc Shizuku was talking about how she hand wrestled Gon and Franklin just randomly put his hand on her head
That scene was so wholesome omg anyways that’s basically why I think Franklin already really likes the idea of head pats
He’s got BIG BIG hands and said hands can be very dangerous depending on how he uses it but at the same time he can be very gentle as well
Especially when he’s giving you head pats
Franklin would be the one to ask YOU if he can pet your head before you even as him
Not as reserved like Chrollo when it comes to this -- he will pat your head randomly during any conversation regardless of who’s there
And on top of that he just rests his hand on your head as well
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feifood · 3 years
Hi :) I really enjoy your works and wanted to request hcs about the phantom troupe members with an s/o who dances and tries to pull them into dancing when they’re chilling together?
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no but fr this was so fun to write (it’s also kinda short sorry) -- I hope you enjoy !!
*I wrote it for the og troupe that we meet in the beginning of the York New arc, I hope that’s okay 
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pulled into dancing
Chrollo Lucilfer:
I imagine that he was reading with like classical music in the background
And you suddenly come in and change the music
He looks at you like ?? What’s going on here
And you just straight up pull him out of his chair and start dancing 
Like without a word
He’s still kinda lost but he smirks and he’s like oh so this what we doing right now huh
Put his book down and starts joining you
I think his style of dancing has very minimal movement but he still be busting some moves
Nobunaga Hazama:
You’re gonna need to convince Nobu a bit before he actually agrees to dance with you
He’s gonna think it’s silly at first
Do you know his occupation? And you’re asking him to dance with you?
But don’t worry he eventually comes around and joins you
SORRY NOBU STANS but I don’t think he can dance very well
Don’t tell him though !! He thinks he’s like the dance god 
A+ for effort that’s all that matters at the end of the day
Feitan Portor:
You two were just quietly hanging out, doing your own things in the same room
And you suddenly get up, dragging him to the open space in the room and start to dance
He has the same reaction as Nobu where he doesn’t really budge at first
But you insist you keep trying to push him to do it
He’s all like ugh fine since you keep annoying me about it
But we all know it’s actually because he wanted to join in on the fun
I think his dancing style is like Chrollo’s with very minimal movements
Maybe a bit too lacking of movements 
Lil guy might be kinda stiff at first you’re gonna have to ease him into dancing freely
But he nails it in the end
Machi Komacine:
Hear me out okay: we all know Machi has a very cold demeanor but you can’t convince me that she wouldn’t be an ABSOLUTE softy when she’s with her s/o
Like you’d think she wouldn’t agree to dance with you but let me tell you she’s not even gonna hesitate to agree
Minimal movement when she’s dancing but only because she’s watching you the whole time
You just seem so in your element she can’t help but stare 
Will 1000% cheer you on
Praise you about how good you’re doing 
Machi’s just your #1 fan without a doubt
Hisoka Morow:
Hisoka’s on board like RIGHT away
He’s been waiting for this moment his whole life
Y’all he can dance TRUST ME
He’s probably gonna start doing some partner dances with you
And he’s gonna lead of course
A lot of teasing hehe
Even if your a pro at dancing he’s gonna poke at you and talk about how you seem to be a bit slower than usual
Playful bickering back and forth is guaranteed to happen
Phinks Magcub:
Phinks probably loves dancing 
And he’s like cocky about his dance skills but in reality he’s not much better than Nobu AHJDF SORRY PHINKS
But his positive attitude is what matters !!
He’s gonna be like look at my moves and you’re gonna be watching him trying not to laugh
Gonna tease you as well like Hisoka
ALSO going to hype you up so much
You’re his s/o ofc he’s gonna love watching you do anything
He is going to cheer like YELLING even though it’s only you two around
Phinks probably loves parties so why wouldn’t he love a mini dance party with his favorite person? 
Shalnark is so good at dancing I just know it
He isn’t even aware of it though
He’s gonna be like okay I’ll join you to dance but I’m not that skilled
And he’s gonna have his cute lil smile
So when he does start dancing with you you’re like HUH?? NOT SKILLED WDYM??
He’s like what? I’m just dancing
And you’re still kinda in shock like Shal you talented talented bro
He just kinda laughs it off and continues to compliment you
The type to cheer you on as well yes yes 
Franklin Bordeau:  
Hesitant to dance with you
Franklin seems like someone that knows how to dance but he hasn’t done it in a long time
So he’s going to warn you a lil about how he’s rusty
He’s not going to put much effort into it because he wants to focus on you the entire time
Minimal movements yet again 
But that doesn’t mean he’s a buzzkill !!
It’s still going to be fun as hell trust me
The entire time you gotta remind him that he has to dance too !! But he keeps losing focus because of how happy you look
Shizuku Murasaki: 
Although she’s usually emotionless you can bet she smiles a lot around you
I think she’s a little stiff when she dances as well
She just doesn’t ever really dance
But it’s fine you can always teach her 
Not difficult to convince her to dance with you though so that’s a big plus
DONT underestimate her though Shizuku will always be on beat
She’s got the potential 
Paku looks straight up ELEGANT when she dances change my mind
You ask her to dance with you and she gives you the softest smile + a giggle and she’s like aight let’s do this
Paku’s movements are minimal but they make a BIG impact
You can tell that she can turn into an intense dancer if she really wanted to
The way she sways to the music is just so calming
Tends to check in on you from time to time to ensure that you’re having a good time
She’s just a really well rounded dancer what can I say
Bonolenov Ndongo: 
Bonolenov is a professional dancer basically
I have 0 evidence to back it up but that’s what I live by
He’s gonna gonna seem uninterested at first though
He’s gonna be like dancing? Really? You really wanna do that?
And you’ll insist and he’ll be like alright sure then if you really want to
And he completely surprises you and you’re like since when??? Since when did you learn how to dance like that
And he’s like idk I’ve just always been this good at it
That’s the day you realized this man is full of surprises
Straight up yes the first time you ask
Totally down and totally into it
His way of dancing you can’t really describe it but it’s really just a bunch of random moves that he’s somehow able to pull off
He’s does it ALL he cheers for you, he cheers for himself, he teases you, he watches you dance sometimes, he just is everywhere at once 
Probably going to ask to record it to
Just something he can look back to when he has the time for it
Kortopi might seem a bit hard to convince into dancing but I don’t think so
He’ll do whatever makes you happy !! And if it’s dancing then he’ll do it
I think he’s gonna be quite good at dancing
VERY humble about it though
If you compliment him he’s going to just brush it off 
Will watch you most of the time I feel
You’re going to have to keep pulling him back to stand up and dance with you
A good time overall though !! Don’t get it twisted
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