feifood · 3 years
may I request for shalnark, feitan and phinks with a sociopath s/o? usually they separate from the group in missions because they manipulate their targets looking like a civilian, apologies if you've already done this <3
S/o w/ a Mind Manipulation Ability
Shalnark, Feitan, Phinks
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hey cutie,, I changed up the request a little bit and called it “mind manipulation ability” so I hope that’s okay -- I just couldn’t really think of anything for the original request asdhfj I’m sorry but please take these hcs instead as compensation <333
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Shalnark is not afraid of your ability at all
He has DEFINITELY asked you to use it on him before to which you kindly said no to
ALSO I think if you two are just randomly walking down the street he’ll be like ‘hey manipulate that person into buying us some food’ out of nowhere (and idk about you but I would do it )
In the beginning of your journey with the troupe he’d always try his hardest for them to let him go with you whenever you have to split up with the group
But you walking around alone is part of the facade of making you look like a normal civilian so he wasn’t let every single time :((
Don’t worry though !! That makes the reunion 1000% more wholesome heuheuheu
Shalnark would very much sit you down after every mission and ask you to tell him everything that happened
Partially because he needs to keep track of what happened for the mission but also because he wants to hear you talk about your ability and it gives him time to admire you :))
It’s a rough start with this man,, he was quite threatened by your ability at first because that would mean that you can easily turn your back against the troupe
But overtime he finally worked up to you and you two got together which leads to currently where he’d usually tail behind you whenever you go off on your own
Everyone tells him not to but he don’t listen aksdhfjks he just wants to admire you from afar !!!! And make sure you’re doing okay
But no one is allowed to tell you that he tails after you -- just some kinda pride thing he has no one knows why even
Also he DEFINITELY uses your ability to threaten people
Like if they ever make him irritated he’ll just  be like ‘i’m about to call my s/o over and they’ll use their ability so you better cut that out’
Works everytime 
Despite the fact that Phinks is dating you he’s going to be the one that’s staying the FURTHEST away from you when you use your ability
Because here’s the thing right -- I’m very convinced that Phinks is VERY gullible so Feitan and Shalnark probably told him something about your ability that’s just so far from the truth like “you’ll start balding if you’re too close to y/n when they use their ability” and it scared the life out of Phinks
He’s still cheering for you dw !! Just,, from a far distance
Also he thinks your ability is so so cool, would brag about it to others and then emphasize how it’s just so powerful that you can’t even demonstrate because it would be too risky
No but every time you have to split from the group during a mission he’ll give you a big gesture as goodbye and then just scream as you’re going you’re own way
This dude is literally about to expose your locations by how loud he’s yelling ‘YEAH GO GET EM BABE’ it’s just a mess Shalnark is so so close to taping his mouth shut
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feifood · 3 years
Can I request for Feitan having a crush on y/n but since the troupe knows he have a crush on her and he isn't confessing yet even when they tried to help him shalnark maybe even phinks just flirts with y/n to make feitan jealous thinking it will encourage him to confess?of course y/n will be oblivious to whats going on haha , thanks.
Phinks and Shalnark Flirting w/ Feitan’s Crush
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hello anon !!!! I think I wrote something similar to this before and it was so fun + I love the entire concept of Phinks and Shal messing w/ Feitan so how could I say no hehe --  I hope you like these hcs and have a great day/night love <33
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It’s been quite a while now since Feitan’s admitted to having a crush on you and believe me when I tell you THAT was an entire struggle within itself
But now progress has been made and at least Feitan’s admitted that he is crushing -- the next step is to having him confess which Phinks and Shalnark lowkey thought was going to be an easy task because of how straight forward and blunt Feitan always is
Turns out that was NOT true at all
This man cannot flirt for the life of him and what’s worse is that everyone else knows about his crush so whenever he talks to you it’s pretty clear that he’s trying to flirt and he draws in others’ attentions when he talks to you
The amount of times Phinks and Shalnark tried to get him to confess you can’t even imagine
And then the two suddenly take matters into their own hands and they came up with the plan to try and make Feitan jealous
Suddenly Shalnark is getting a little too touchy with you whenever he hugs you to welcome you back into the room 
And Phinks is spitting out these very funny jokes that no one’s ever heard him say before but it makes you laugh until your stomach hurts
Feitan is NOT having it at all this man is just 24/7 like >:(( now
Everyone else can tell that you’re oblivious to what Phinks and Shalnark are doing,, you don’t understand that they’re technically trying to flirt with you because to you it just seems like they’re being nicer to you than usual
But Feitan doesn’t know that you don’t realize it so he genuinely thinks that you’re playing along with their flirting and that you enjoy it
This pushes him to a point where he literally can’t stand seeing Shalnark and Phinks making advances at you and he literally blurts out a confession out of nowhere when you were in the middle of a conversation with Phinks and Shalnark
*Cue Phinks and Shalnark quietly leaving the room so you two can talk alone*
Right after the leave the room you hear giggling right away form the two men who just left because they’re excited for Feitan LOLOL
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feifood · 3 years
Hello new follower here and it's going to be my first time requesting to you☺️ Can I request Headcannons of the trouble trio with a s/o who is part of a famous family of samurais/assassins? Thanks!
S/o who’s From a Family of Assassins 
Trouble Trio
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hello new follower :)) Thank you for following love, I really appreciate the support !! Also I chose assassins instead of samurais I hope that’s alright, I hope you like this and have a great rest of your day lovely <33
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Feitan thinks it’s so so so cool because um you’re whole family kills for money ???? It’s basically his dream job
LOVES visiting your house and talking to your family members
Also always tries to get a job there ajdshfkjhs even though you’ve told him a bunch of times that this is a family business
At this point he might as well already be considered family considering how close you two are
DEFINITELY tried to pay you to kill someone for him once and you declined because he was just trying to push his troupe duties on you LOLOL
If you’re not already in the troupe, this man will try and get you to join ASAP 
He will literally sit you and Chrollo down at a meeting table and try to figure out some kind of deal so Chrollo will let you in 
Shalnark wants to learn ALLLL about it
Mostly just how your family even got into this type of business because he finds it so fascinating
Tries to get your family to be business partners with the troupe akdshfjhdf
Don’t blame him he just wants to spend more time with you :((
I think Shalnark would be extra worried for you whenever you go to do jobs -- he knows you’re skilled and you’ve got it all under control but there’s just a part of his brain that doesn’t let that thought go
Every time you come back from a job he treats it as if he hasn’t seen you in years
MAYBE sheds a tear .... depends on if he woke up in a good mood or not
Doesn’t try to get you to join the troupe like Feitan does though, he just thinks that you already got your owns stuff going on so he doesn’t want to intrude 
Phinks is ... he’s a lil bit scared I’m not going to lie
He’s dealt with assassins before (I assume), but a WHOLE FAMILY ?? nOT TO MENTION HE’S DATING SOMEONE IN A FAMLIY OF ASSASSINS
The first few weeks of the relationship this man plans his every move VERY carefully
He was so convinced that if he made a mistake you’re entire family was going to go after him
And then you caught on and explained to him how he didn’t have to be so tense all the time LOLOL
Big improvement after that
He still watches himself though, there’s still that tiny bit of fear left
When he MEETS your family for the first time oh my
He’s a mess -- stutters a lot, makes bad jokes, he’s just everywhere and you can’t help but laugh a bit from how cute it all is 
Just give him some time and let him warm up to your family, he’ll get there one day 
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feifood · 3 years
can i request the trouble trio with an s/o who's like reaaaaaally clumsy? always bumping into glass doors, walking into tables, etc please? ty in advance!
Clumsy S/o
Feitan, Shalnark, Phinks
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ahhh yes yes ofc anon this request is so funny hehe -- okay I hope you like them because I enjoyed writing them very much,, have a great day/night cutie <3
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He laughs at you KAJSDHFKJDH 
Sometimes when you’re lucky he’ll give you a ‘tch’ instead of laughing at you
If you tell him any part of your body hurts because you accidentally bumped into an object he’ll jokingly scold you and tell you to be more careful
This man is all talk but we all know he stocks up with medical supplies for in case your clumsiness gets you seriously hurt
He also has a habit now of keeping a very close eye on you whenever you’re on the move because he’s always scared that you’re going to get seriously hurt one day
Shal will only laugh if you laugh because he really can’t tell if you’re in pain from bumping into that table for the nth time that day
Definitely asks if you’re okay every time you hurt yourself (which is quite often)
Maybe tries to start putting some soft padding onto the corners of furniture so you can be in a safer environment LOLOL but he’ll take them off if you insist that you don’t need them
Honestly is quite worried about you a lot and shows it more than Feitan, this man is always pulling you aside and asking if you’ve ran into anything on multiple occasions throughout the day
If he sees a bruise forming he WILL patch it up -- I don’t think patching up a bruise would even help much BUT HE WILL DO IT NONETHELESS
Tries his best to be a decent person to not laugh but he is trying to hard to hold it back
This man covers his mouth with his hands and you can literally see his cheeks puff up from how hard he’s trying to hold in that laugh
Definitely asks if you’re okay but it comes out really rushed and he fake coughs at the end of the sentence to hide the chuckle
The first few times he grins a little bit after that you start to see a frown form on his face
This man goes from laughing to worried real fast
Starts to lecture you after a while on how you need to be more careful (he knows that you can’t really control it but he needs to feel helpful somehow LOLOL)
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feifood · 3 years
if its a request u want its a request you'll get >:o maybe hc's for feitan + phinks reacting to a shy reader confessing to them ? thank you <33
Shyly Confessing to him
Feitan, Phinks
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AHH HI LOVE YOU’RE BACK missed you :))
YES I love this idea it’s so so cute I’m just akjdhfkhaf okay I’m good I’m good hehe I hope you enjoy <333 And stay safe cutie
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He knows. He already knows babes.
How? I have no idea, no one really knows HOW he found out, he’s got a sixth sense for these things or something
Even if you’ve never had a conversation with him, he just KNOWS SOMEHOW IT’S SCARY
If you ask him how he knew he’ll just shrug and be like ‘dunno, I was just able to tell’
And with a shy reader, he’d let them finished their confession before actually bluntly telling them that he already knew their secret
You’d bc almost tripping over your words, trying to get this confession out from under his VERY intense gaze and after you’re done you look at him with a cute lil smile and he’s just like ‘yeah, I knew’
You’re kind of just standing there trying to process what he just said and he just walks away with a smirk asdkfhkjhf
Shalnark makes him talk to you after and clear things out because his way of accepting your confession was confusing as hell
Someone help this man read between the lines
Unless you specifically say ‘I like you’ in all capitals, he’s not going to get it
I think as someone shy, you’re not going to be able to actually say those words to him
So maybe, write a little cute letter, or describe how you feel about him rather than ‘I like you’
I just imagine you write this very wholesome letter, decorated and all that good stuff and he reads it and he’s all blushy blushy because your words were so cute
After he’s done reading he’s like ‘cool! I’m glad to know I’m one of your favourite pals!’
Feitan’s just watching this all go down from afar and he has to physically restrain himself from not going over and beating Phinks up for being so clueless
You’re just going to have to keep telling him that you like him tell it gets in his head babes
But he gets it in the end !!! After an embarrassingly long time but he get’s there in the end !!!
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feifood · 3 years
Could I get some hc of petnames/nicknames the adultrio, trouble trio, and main four, would call their s/o? Also I wanna know your favorites! I’ll share mine: kitten, doll, and baby ok that’s all remember to stay hydrated babes! 🌸
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Cute Nicknames for their s/o
Adult Trio, Trouble Trio, Main Four
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THESE PHOTOS ARE SO CUTE *hold on lemme just -saves- * THANK YOU SO MUCH you’re so kind babe <333
I hope you like this little list !! Sorry it’s really short :(( but anyways I’d say my faves are bunny, doll, and/or my pretty little thing (anything with ‘my’ gets me every time without fail)
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Pumpkin/Sweetie/Sweetie Pie/Baby: Gon, maybe Shalnark as well
Darling/Love/Precious/Honey: Leorio, Kurapika, Illumi, Chrollo
Bunny/Kitten/Doll: Shalnark, Hisoka, also possibly Chrollo
Babe/Dude/Bro (someone teach them the concept of nicknames please): Killua, Feitan, Phinks (but only for a little while in the beginning of the relationship)
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feifood · 3 years
sorry for requesting again (can u even tell i'm requesting over and over again?? idk) but i just had a random idea. if u aren't too busy, the trouble trio with an s/o who's obsessed with eating a bunch of snacks and sweets? like for example a bag of chips after lunch, than a bag of candy in the afternoon, and than a bowl of ice cream at night? tysm!!! have a great day/night! :3
S/o who Loves Snacks
Feitan, Shalnark, Phinks
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LOLOL I HONESTLY COULDN’T TELL IT WAS THE SAME PERSON ANON but I really do like this random idea and I’m so glad you told me hehe Here they areee and I hope you enjoy okay take care !! <333
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VERY confused at first
Very very confused because I think Feitan is someone that has quite a small appetite
This man just doesn’t each much in general, so seeing you eat a bunch of snacks every single day makes him just a lil confused and also amazed
Like damn you ate ALL OF THAT?? He’s a little bit jealous because he gets full so easily and he can’t eat all the goodies like you can
Sometimes (emphasis on the sometimes) asks you for some snacks BUT JUST A LITTLE BIT because he wouldn’t be able to finish it if you gave him a lot anyways
Would also buy you snacks but not like Phinks akjsdhfkjfh
Feitan would buy you the snacks he KNOWS are your fav and he won’t buy as much as Phinks as once because he doesn’t want you to eat so much of one brand that you get tired of it
Babes it’s going to be a COMPETITION
If Shalnark finds out where you hide your snack stash GOOD LUCK HONESTLY
Because he will 10000% steal and he will 100000% eat them all before you can even get to it
Btw he already has his own snack stash so at this point you two are just stealing snacks from each other and it all cancels out LOL
He always “apologizes” after stealing your snacks (quotations because he has THAT grin on his face as he says sorry)
Would also buy you snacks but you buy snacks for him anyways so it all cancels out
As you can tell THERE IS A LOT OF BALANCE in the snack wars you have
And honestly? It’s fun as hell PLUS now you have a buddy to eat snacks with hehe
This man becomes your snack supplier LOLOL
At first he thinks ‘oh cool they likes snacks,, yeah I mean how doesn’t’
And then he sees just HOW MUCH snacks you consume in a day and he starts to think ‘THAT is very impressive’
Lowkey starts buying you these snacks no ones ever heard of JUST SO you can give him a review of it 
But aside from him asking you to review everything he just loves the way your face lights up when you see him pull out a bunch of snacks
You will NEVER EVER go out of snacks when Phinks is around and you can trust me on that
He’ll really only eat your snacks if you ask him to join you, but most times he won’t take your things because he simply just wants you to have them all
ALSO he’ll probably get into the habit of packing a few bags of your fav chips or cookies whenever you two go out -- he’s so used to it that sometimes he packs some even though he’s going out alone
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feifood · 3 years
Hiiiii 💕imma be dumping some ideas in your ask box cause I saw you saying that you don’t like how empty it was sooo heres my idea!
could I get some good ol platonic crack/fluff of reader helping feitan and shalnark pull a prank on phinks like maybe just subtly messing things up through out the day and getting him more and more pissed off till he just cracks when everyone’s sat down to eat some dinner and then the three just laughing their asses off at him LMAO it can be hc or drabbles one shot whatever you feel like babes!
Have fun with this one 😈
Pranking Phinks w/ Feitan + Shalnark
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hiiii welcome back to my inbox hehe so nice seeing you back here
This idea is literally so funny like how can I say no to it adfhkjf I hope you like these hcs and take care cutie <33
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At first Phinks was kind of laughing along
Some of the harmless little pranks were funny to him !! Giving him the wrong address, hiding his things and making them pop up out of nowhere the next day, messing with the contacts in his phone
He was handling the teasing like a champ
But then y’all didn’t stop ....... like it kept going for MONTHS
And Phinks started to get tired tired from all this
He had to start being so careful with everything he did because what if it was a prank?
But you and Shal were partially responsible he was aware of that
Whenever Phinks talks to Feitan about how he keeps getting pranked Feitan just nods and pretend like he wasn’t the one that came up with the latest prank idea
Sometimes Phinks will tell Shal to cut it ou but Shal just acts like he has no idea what’s going on and Phinks gives up LOLOL
When he asks you about it you just tell him to go talk to Shal because you’re not in charge of all the planning adjhfkjhf
Poor baby just deals with it for now until one day y’all were eating dinner together and Phinks was just trying to pour some salt but the top of the salt shaker was unscrewed and it just all dumped out onto his plate akdjfjhf
You three were ROLLING ON THE FLOOR like laughing so hard you couldn’t even breathe
Phinks didn’t talk to y’all for days 
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feifood · 3 years
Hii :D so I was thinking, how bout a day where the reader + the trouble trio all go to beach together? who knows what they'd all stir up 💀 ty kade :)
Going to the Beach w/ the Trouble Trio
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Np !! Don’t need to thank me hehe take care of yourself babes <33
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SO SO chaotic just SO chaotic
Feitan will NOT participate in any type of beach activities no matter what you say to him
While Shlanark on the other hand will NOT take a break regardless of what’s happening around him
And Phinks is just socializing -- talking to strangers on the beach
He’s more of a ‘going to the beach to meet new people’ type of person compared to Shalnark who actually goes for the activities
And Feitan would just rather NOT go 
You don’t really need to worry about Feitan because he’ll sit in the same spot for hours and he can watch over your stuff LOLOL
Shalnark you’re going to have to keep an eye on him because this man WILL accidentally swim too far into the ocean if someone doesn’t call him to swim closer to the shore
And Phinks is just distracted 24/7 if you tell him to come over and help you set up this umbrella in the sand the words are just going to go in from one ear and come out of the other
Eating a meal is just a nightmare as well
Feitan refuses to eat (don’t even reach your arm too close to him because he WILL swat it away)
Phinks brings uninvited guests over that will take the food (which you’ve only packed enough for you 4)
Shalnark REFUSES to come and eat -- he’s too busy playing beach volleyball !!
‘Never again,’ you tell yourself after that beach trip but not even a week later Phinks is begging you to bring them to the beach again
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feifood · 3 years
hihi so i got this random suggeation last night when i was playing mario kart (cart??) i forgt if it was k or c. anyways can i request the trouble trio w an s/o whos like a pro race car driver pls? is that what theyre called idk. also r u getting tired of writing for them? if u r, just tell me n ipl gladly request fir someone else :)
Pro Race Car Driver S/o
Feitan, Shalnark, Phinks
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hihi anon :)) uhh I THINK it’s kart?? just looks more familiar but I have no clue aksdfskj I think this request is so creative !!! I’m not getting tired of writing them yet thankfully hehe they’re very fun characters to write about so that’s good, and i’m already very familiar with them (with that being said that doesn’t mean i’m not taking requests with other lesser-written characters !!) I got your second ask after this one and dw I get what you were trying to say, no miscommunication here so I hope you like these hcs and stay safe lovely <33
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The quiet supporting one
Wouldn’t boast about your job a lot, but definitely enjoys doing it every once in a while
He’ll be in the crowd cheering you on, but won’t be the one making the most noise
And honestly it doesn’t matter if he isn’t outwardly supportive because Fei always makes sure that his presence is enough to give you the emotional support you need
Would probably learn the components of a race car so he can repair/enhance yours
You don’t even need to ask him to do it, he’s already very interested in all of it so why not learn and help you at the same time?
 And of course this should be quite obvious but he thinks your one of the coolest people in the world for going into race car driving :))
Please this man is so fascinated in your occupation
It’s just such an uncommon type of job to have and like the fact that you’re so skilled at it ???
He’s astonished really
Out of the three, Shalnark is the one that’s most likely to ask you to teach him how to race and he’d be the one that actually makes it as far as to ACTUALLY START RACING WITH YOU
If you just give him a few months I absolutely believe that this man would gain enough skill to race side by side with you -- even maybe against you !!!!
But he probably won’t make it his full time job, it’s your thing and as much as he likes to spend time doing something with you that you both love, he still understands how a lifetime commitment to this isn’t as easy as you make it seem
But regardless of that fact, he will be supporting you every step of the way and may or may not get back to your opponents who defeated you in a race 
Regardless if your someone that tends to show off or not, Phinks sure is someone who DOES NOT STOP FLEXING
He just thinks the entire concept of race car driving is so so sick and he loves causally mentioning it when he meets someone new and seeing the interest spark in their eyes
VERY OFTEN Phinks forgets that he’s not a pro race car driver himself LOLOL 
He just gets very very immersed in the conversation and you often talk to him about your job, so he’s already very familiar with the terminology and all that
Would not miss your race for the world
Between getting a million dollars or watching you race, he’d pick watching you race
And you BET he’s the loudest one in the crowd that’s always cheering you on
Even if you don’t win, he’s still going to be cheering his head off because he’s so proud of you
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feifood · 3 years
I saw your post of Chrollo’s s/o wearing his coat. So I was wondering if I could send in a request of Phinks’s s/o borrowing and wearing his clothes? Feeling soft right now and I just want to wear Phinks’s tracksuit jacket or one of his shirts and nothing else 💕
Phinks’ S/o Borrowing his Clothes
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SOFT PHINKS HOURS ??? Sign me up Phinks deserves more love also he’s HELLA buff we need to talk about that more akdshkfjs thank you for requesting this lovely !! <33
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LISTEN -- I think Phinks takes VERY good care of his clothes
This man’s clothes are probably very very expensive and a bunch of them are probably custom made 
So he’s always very cautious to keep them as clean as possible and not get them ruined
Obviously he wouldn’t be a big fan of sharing his clothes with someone but that’s an exception for you :))
When he first passes you his jacket that thing feels GOOD AS NEW
Like you had to check if the tag was till on it or something because there is not ONE stray thread or patch of stretched out fabric
And he loves seeing you in his clothes,, the fact that his clothes are already such a big deal to him and his favourite person is wearing them ??
Priceless view right here in front of him with you wearing his clothes
He also loves it when you wear one of his old T-shirts or something like that
Just the domestic feeling very gets him and it always reminds him that you’re someone he can really trust whether that be just with his clothes or with his life 
If you’re the same pants size then go for it babes wear his pants -- do whatever you want because Phinks is not going to say no to you TRUST ME this man is the biggest simp for you
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feifood · 3 years
Hello can I ask that you do Chrollo and Phinks having feelings for the reader but the reader already has feelings for someone else
Their Crush has Feelings for Someone Else
Chrollo, Phinks
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hihi anon yes ofc you can :)) Here you go lovely, stay safe <3
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Respectful AS HELL
Immediately backs off
I think he’s very good at controlling his emotions so he’ll get over it easily
And he won’t hold a grudge at all, he might still have a lil bit of a thing for you (feelings are hard to suppress okay), but he’s got the situation under control really
When he says he wishes the best for you and your crush, he really means it genuinely
Is still able to be your good friend after, nothing really changes and nothing really ever feels weird or different either
ALSO I think he’s going to be able to get friendly with you crush
Because in he associates your crush with someone who makes you happy, and because you make him happy he wants to make sure your crush is happy so then YOU’LL be happy
Would FOR SURE try to swoon you over
Oh your crush is nice to people? Phinks is suddenly doing community work, your crush works out? Phinks lives at the gym now, your crush has a pet? Say less Phinks is on his way to the animal shelter
This man is a MAJOR SIMP. And you bet Shalnark and Feitan make fun of him for it
He is just so blinded by his crush for you
If you tell him to maybe back off a little bc it’s all overwhelming then he definitely will, so don’t worry about him being too pushy
He’ll never actually sabotage anything between you and your crush though, he thinks of this as a competition to win you over and this man doesn’t cheat 
Phinks is just down bad the entire time please be patient with him and let him down gently LOLOL
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feifood · 3 years
+— « phinks magcub
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+ = headcanons // -- = longer works
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+ Shyly Confessing to Him
+ Pranking Phinks w/ Feitan & Shalnark
+ Nicknames for S/o
+ Clumsy S/o
+ S/o who Loves Snacks
+ Going to the Beach w/ the Trouble Trio
+ His Crush has Feelings for Someone Else
+ Having an Asexual Friend
+ S/o From a Family of Assassins
+ S/o Wearing his Clothes
+ Pro Race Car Driver S/o
+ S/o w/ Mind Manipulation Abilities
+ Phinks and Shalnark Flirting w/ Feitan’s Crush
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42 notes · View notes
feifood · 3 years
hcs for gon, phinks, and shalnark with an asexual reader please? (if you are not comfortable with this, feel free to ignore)
Having an Asexual Friend
Phinks, Shalnark
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Hi anon !! I took Gon out -- just wasn’t able to come up with any hcs for him, sorry babes :(( But I still hope you like this post !! Thank you for being so considerate, have a great day/night <33
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Poor Phinks has no clue what’s going on
He knows the broad meaning of what asexuality is, but only barely and he’s really not knowledgable enough to talk to you about it
Please help him out or just give him some resources so he can learn on his own
After he learns what it means he’s going to strut around his new knowledge 
Doesn’t go around talking about your sexuality though, that’s not his place to tell people and he knows that
But regardless he’s still very proud of you !! Thinks it’s so cool how you’ve found and accepted that part of yourself and he’s going to keep cheering you on cutie :))
Shalnark already knows everything !!
Right when you came out to him and told him you were asexual, he’s like ‘OOP- I know all about that’
And he wasn’t someone that was showing off his knowledge; HE ACTUALLY KNEW EVERYTHING (I don’t even know how, this man is just wise like that)
I don’t think he’d really talk to you much about it unless you initiate the conversation because he doesn’t make you uncomfortable
Also wouldn’t talk to people about how you’re asexual simply because he doesn’t know if you’re comfortable with him sharing that information about you or not, be he won’t hesitate to put someone in place if they ever talk smack about your sexuality
DEFINITELY teaches poor Phinks, try and change my mind
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feifood · 3 years
Hi :) I really enjoy your works and wanted to request hcs about the phantom troupe members with an s/o who dances and tries to pull them into dancing when they’re chilling together?
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no but fr this was so fun to write (it’s also kinda short sorry) -- I hope you enjoy !!
*I wrote it for the og troupe that we meet in the beginning of the York New arc, I hope that’s okay 
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pulled into dancing
Chrollo Lucilfer:
I imagine that he was reading with like classical music in the background
And you suddenly come in and change the music
He looks at you like ?? What’s going on here
And you just straight up pull him out of his chair and start dancing 
Like without a word
He’s still kinda lost but he smirks and he’s like oh so this what we doing right now huh
Put his book down and starts joining you
I think his style of dancing has very minimal movement but he still be busting some moves
Nobunaga Hazama:
You’re gonna need to convince Nobu a bit before he actually agrees to dance with you
He’s gonna think it’s silly at first
Do you know his occupation? And you’re asking him to dance with you?
But don’t worry he eventually comes around and joins you
SORRY NOBU STANS but I don’t think he can dance very well
Don’t tell him though !! He thinks he’s like the dance god 
A+ for effort that’s all that matters at the end of the day
Feitan Portor:
You two were just quietly hanging out, doing your own things in the same room
And you suddenly get up, dragging him to the open space in the room and start to dance
He has the same reaction as Nobu where he doesn’t really budge at first
But you insist you keep trying to push him to do it
He’s all like ugh fine since you keep annoying me about it
But we all know it’s actually because he wanted to join in on the fun
I think his dancing style is like Chrollo’s with very minimal movements
Maybe a bit too lacking of movements 
Lil guy might be kinda stiff at first you’re gonna have to ease him into dancing freely
But he nails it in the end
Machi Komacine:
Hear me out okay: we all know Machi has a very cold demeanor but you can’t convince me that she wouldn’t be an ABSOLUTE softy when she’s with her s/o
Like you’d think she wouldn’t agree to dance with you but let me tell you she’s not even gonna hesitate to agree
Minimal movement when she’s dancing but only because she’s watching you the whole time
You just seem so in your element she can’t help but stare 
Will 1000% cheer you on
Praise you about how good you’re doing 
Machi’s just your #1 fan without a doubt
Hisoka Morow:
Hisoka’s on board like RIGHT away
He’s been waiting for this moment his whole life
Y’all he can dance TRUST ME
He’s probably gonna start doing some partner dances with you
And he’s gonna lead of course
A lot of teasing hehe
Even if your a pro at dancing he’s gonna poke at you and talk about how you seem to be a bit slower than usual
Playful bickering back and forth is guaranteed to happen
Phinks Magcub:
Phinks probably loves dancing 
And he’s like cocky about his dance skills but in reality he’s not much better than Nobu AHJDF SORRY PHINKS
But his positive attitude is what matters !!
He’s gonna be like look at my moves and you’re gonna be watching him trying not to laugh
Gonna tease you as well like Hisoka
ALSO going to hype you up so much
You’re his s/o ofc he’s gonna love watching you do anything
He is going to cheer like YELLING even though it’s only you two around
Phinks probably loves parties so why wouldn’t he love a mini dance party with his favorite person? 
Shalnark is so good at dancing I just know it
He isn’t even aware of it though
He’s gonna be like okay I’ll join you to dance but I’m not that skilled
And he’s gonna have his cute lil smile
So when he does start dancing with you you’re like HUH?? NOT SKILLED WDYM??
He’s like what? I’m just dancing
And you’re still kinda in shock like Shal you talented talented bro
He just kinda laughs it off and continues to compliment you
The type to cheer you on as well yes yes 
Franklin Bordeau:  
Hesitant to dance with you
Franklin seems like someone that knows how to dance but he hasn’t done it in a long time
So he’s going to warn you a lil about how he’s rusty
He’s not going to put much effort into it because he wants to focus on you the entire time
Minimal movements yet again 
But that doesn’t mean he’s a buzzkill !!
It’s still going to be fun as hell trust me
The entire time you gotta remind him that he has to dance too !! But he keeps losing focus because of how happy you look
Shizuku Murasaki: 
Although she’s usually emotionless you can bet she smiles a lot around you
I think she’s a little stiff when she dances as well
She just doesn’t ever really dance
But it’s fine you can always teach her 
Not difficult to convince her to dance with you though so that’s a big plus
DONT underestimate her though Shizuku will always be on beat
She’s got the potential 
Paku looks straight up ELEGANT when she dances change my mind
You ask her to dance with you and she gives you the softest smile + a giggle and she’s like aight let’s do this
Paku’s movements are minimal but they make a BIG impact
You can tell that she can turn into an intense dancer if she really wanted to
The way she sways to the music is just so calming
Tends to check in on you from time to time to ensure that you’re having a good time
She’s just a really well rounded dancer what can I say
Bonolenov Ndongo: 
Bonolenov is a professional dancer basically
I have 0 evidence to back it up but that’s what I live by
He’s gonna gonna seem uninterested at first though
He’s gonna be like dancing? Really? You really wanna do that?
And you’ll insist and he’ll be like alright sure then if you really want to
And he completely surprises you and you’re like since when??? Since when did you learn how to dance like that
And he’s like idk I’ve just always been this good at it
That’s the day you realized this man is full of surprises
Straight up yes the first time you ask
Totally down and totally into it
His way of dancing you can’t really describe it but it’s really just a bunch of random moves that he’s somehow able to pull off
He’s does it ALL he cheers for you, he cheers for himself, he teases you, he watches you dance sometimes, he just is everywhere at once 
Probably going to ask to record it to
Just something he can look back to when he has the time for it
Kortopi might seem a bit hard to convince into dancing but I don’t think so
He’ll do whatever makes you happy !! And if it’s dancing then he’ll do it
I think he’s gonna be quite good at dancing
VERY humble about it though
If you compliment him he’s going to just brush it off 
Will watch you most of the time I feel
You’re going to have to keep pulling him back to stand up and dance with you
A good time overall though !! Don’t get it twisted
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