buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
hello!! congrats on 800:) my name's vanessa, bday is 28 feb and i love bubble tea
hiya!! thank you so much!! sorry I got to this so late I’ve been super busy but you’ve been added to the page ♡
I’ll definitely be looking into that book cause atm I’m reading everything everything by Nicola Yoon and I’m liking it!! so thank you xxx
join my bday page!!
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olivierwoods · 7 years
hellu!! for the fandom family; name: vanessa (she/her), bday: 28 feb 4 charas: alec lightwood, scorpius malfoy, james potter, salazar slytherin and quote: "it takes guts to be gentle and kind" :))
alec for you. thanks for joining (:
join my fandom family!
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firestorm2343 · 5 years
INew Book
In case anyone's interested. I wrote a mental health awareness book that is now available on Amazon. It's intended to show the ongoing debate that depression forces you to endure.
It would mean the world to me if you read it and left a review❤️
Candace Feirchild finds herself in the middle of another uphill battle against the depression she's spent years struggling to control. But as the journey gets steeper, the voices get louder and louder. She wants to fight it, but with no one around to help her, she's left to shoulder the weight on her own. But is she strong enough to hold it?
#depression #sad #depressingquotes #sadquotes #pain #dark #depressing #hope #create #dream #writersofinstagram #writer #writerslife #starvingartist #poetsofinstagram #nostigma #notaboo #thecultivatedfool #authorsofinstagram #mirakee #writersnetwork #youtube #video #mentalhealth #WIP #comingsoon #cominginapril #newbook
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mhokday · 6 years
Tumblr media
it’s the end of the year friends! i usually do a follow forever every year, and i wasn’t really sure about doing it this year. but on the last day of 2017 i thought it’d be a good idea to shoutout everyone who made my 2017 amazing! thank u thank u so much for being apart of my life, i hope 2018 will treat us well. this is like, every single blog i follow because y’all are amazing, and i hope we can continue into the next year together! it’s been a wild ride.
mutuals are bolded! 
@aizawashoutah @alluraas @alteanlance​ @asexual-tohbio @asuitzuyu @beinglaci​​  @bestlance @blaineandkurt @blulions @broqanes @carazami​ @catdiary @chanelviktor @chinatsuhiyama @coffeeequaltolife​ @cuddlylance @damervn @darklance @darkslord @devpetel @elenaalverez ​ @fabaesuaves @featherboawing @feirchilds @fierykeith @ftsiyeon @ghoul @glibertblythe @girlgrouphoe​ @hedalexah​ @henryshart​​ @hinamie​ @honeyuuri @icecastle @inyourareuh @iwaizyumi  @jenniferpierced @jiminjaes @jollytothecore​ @kaiyochins @kamuisyato @karlenah​ @katyharts  @keithkoqane @kidpidge @kogayyned  @kristmaskeith  @kvgane  @lance-mcclains @lancemcclains @leethompkins @looselippedships @lucayagifs​ ​ 
@madelime @magejane @matthewholts @mdmitryevna @mertaes @mikewheler   @mikajiji @mikltea @nakimiso @nihinoya @niki-fforov @nikidon @oceanmaturo  @ochacolate @orbitlance @ormatias @pedri  @phichitchulanonts @pliestsky   @polaroidpidge @princevitya @quiznakle @rileymathhews @rileymayas @sanasnooras @sawamuras @shayemitchell   @shirogahne @sithbisexual @stancys @starco-co@starlightklance @starsbutterflie @superishs @synnyl @tanume @tcmhollcnds @tcrtarus @thaleias @thaycerix @topanga @trophyhusbandvictor @valtersins @vicchan  @vicsnikiforov @w-byers @winoncryder  @wlwvoltron @youngkuyns 
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I was tagged by the lovely @hufflepuff-xx (thank you) and I don’t think I’ve ever done one of these so here we go….
1ST RULE: tag 9 users you would like to know better: @freddiemercuryforever1946 @lostlunarheir @lekawaiiiunicorn @the-ravenclaw-boys @emiblogsbooks @wallacewellls @yonasterin @feirchilds @desolation5row  (obviously you don't have to, you can just ignore me)
 2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
·         I am 5'7" or taller
·         I wear glasses
·         I have at least one tattoo
·         I have at least one piercing
·         I have blonde hair
·         I have brown eyes
·         I have short hair
·         My abs are at least somewhat defined
·         I have or have had braces
·         I love meeting new people
·         People tell me that I’m funny
·         Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
·         I enjoy physical challenges
·         I enjoy mental challenges
·         I’m playfully rude with people I know well
·         I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it
·         There is something I would change about my personality
·         I can sing well
·         I can play an instrument
·         I can do over 30 pushups without stopping
·         I’m a fast runner
·         I can draw well
·         I have a good memory (i’m good at remembering events)
·         I’m good at doing math in my head  
·         I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute
·         I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
·         I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch
·         I know how to throw a proper punch
·         I enjoy playing sports
·         I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else
·         I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
·         I have learned a new song in the past week
·         I work out at least once a week
·         I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
·         I have drawn something in the past month
·         I enjoy writing
·         I do or have done martial arts
·         I have had my first kiss
·         I have had alcohol
·         I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
·         I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
·         I have been at an overnight event
·         I have been in a taxi
·         I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
·         I have beaten a video game in one day
·         I have visited another country
·         I have been to one of my favourite band’s concerts
·         I’m in a relationship
·         I have a crush on a celebrity
·         I have a crush on someone I know
·         I have been in at least 3 relationships
·         I have never been in a relationship
·         I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them
·         I get crushes easily
·         I have had a crush on someone for over a year
·         I have been in a relationship for at least a year
·         I have had feelings for a friend
·         I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
·         I live close to my school
·         My parents are still together
·         I have at least one sibling
·         I live in the United States
·         There is snow right now where I live
·         I have hung out with a friend in the past month
·         I have a smartphone
·         I have at least 15 CDs
·         I share my room with someone
·         I have breakdanced
·         I know a person named Jamie
·         I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
·         I have dyed my hair
·         I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
·         I have punched someone in the past week
·         I know someone who has gone to jail
·         I have broken a bone
·         I have eaten a waffle today
·         I know what I want to do with my life
·         I speak at least 2 languages
·         I have made at least a new friend in the past year
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
hellu!! congrats on 300!!:3 for the blog rate; 💗 (but maybe not the for navi bc mine's half finished ehehe) ty
Hui! Thank you lovely ♡
URL: 8.5/10 - okay so you’re blog is multifandom so I’m kinda sorta thinking your url has something to do with one of those? If it does I don’t recognise it I’m sorry, but either way ya know it’s a really clever play on spelling on fairchilds which is cool enough on it’s ownicon: 9/10 - very simple, very elegant, matches your mobile theme incredibly well, I’m a big fanmobile theme: 10/10 - I’m in literal love, it’s so peaceful and calming and the colours work so well, even your description is beautifully written, and the way you incorporated your about me and creations links into it is greatdesktop theme: 9/10 - again!!?? It’s amazing! The colours you’ve picked are great, your theme is one I haven’t seen a lot of which makes it unique hehcontent: 9/10 - I mean even though you’re multifandom and I’m only harry potter so you post some things that I don’t, the posts you do reblog are still so aesthetically pleasing  navigation: x/5 updates tab: x/5 following: sorry no / I am now! / yes duh - where have you been all my life
want one?if there are any of you getting fed up of seeing these, just blacklist ‘hollyhas300′
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
I was tagged by these lovelies: @clbuspotter and @nevvilleslongbottom ♡♡♡
reposting as my tags didn’t work hahahah nice one holly
Rules: tell me your favourite character from 10 fictional works (shows, movies, novels, etc.) and tag 10 people!
1. Harry Potter: Hermione and Luna, I always toss up between the two. 2. Star Wars: Padme Amidala, cause she’s so strong and goes through so much. 3. Avatar, The Last Airbender: I love everyone so much but if I had to pick it would be Katara and/or Suki. 4. Gilmore Girls: LUKE. I flipping love Luke. 5. One Tree Hill: Brooke Davis is and always will be my fave. 6. Pretty Little Liars: I don’t even know why I’m still watching this show, not to mention my favourite character changes pretty much every season, but I’ve always had a soft spot for Spencer. 7. Shameless US: Kev. And sometimes Lip. But mainly Kev, cause he’s just the best. 8. Orange is the New Black: POUSSEY. :( 9. The Mentalist: How can anyone watch The Mentalist and not love Patrick Jane?? 10. The Closer: DEPUTY CHIEF BRENDA LEIGH JOHNSON. And Fritz Howard. And Detective Gabriel. And I love them all.
I tag: @wild-lavenders , @ravenclawquirk , @lumostar , @howlingremus , @feirchilds , @credency , @the-hufflepuff-life , @weasleysquibbler , @txmriddlx & @silancio (sorry S I’m tagging you in literally everything)
Sorry if you’ve already been tagged!! And if you watch any of the same shows as me pls feel free to message me I could go on for days about some of these shows ♡♡
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buttahbeer-archive · 7 years
tag game woo
I was tagged by the lovely @liquidlvck!! (thank you ♡)
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 20 blogs you would like to get to know better
changed into australian spelling hahaaaa soz
a - age: 18 b - birthplace: australia c- current time: 5:28pm d - drink you last had: water hahha e - easiest person to talk to: my mum actually f - favourite song: my favourite songs last about a week cause I overplay them and then get sick of them, so I can never really pick, but all songs from The Script I absolutely love so g- grossest memory: during primary school, we were on the bus to camp and it was like a 3 hour bus ride and the toilet at the back of the bus for some reason was locked or wasn't working or something so some poor kid who I was friends with literally had to shit in a bucket at the back of the bus, and I just remember the awkward silence cause everyone knew what was going on   h - horror yes or horror no: noooooo i - in love?: unfortunately not j - jealous of people?: yesssss k - killed someone?: hmm nah l - love at first sight or should I walk by again: walk by again lol m - middle name: Katherine n - number of siblings: 2 half sisters o - one wish: to find love p - person you called last: I called my ex boyfriend HAHA, but that's cause we're friends now and I had to borrow something from him q - question you’re always asked: “How are you?" r - reason to smile: I know that I'm loved and that I matter s - song you sang last: was with my bff last night and we were singing to the Jonas brothers all night, idk which song was the last one we sang though t - time you woke up: like 11:00am woops u - underwear colour: light purple v - vacation: hahaha vague question but I'd love to go on a vacation around Europe, which I think I'm doing next year actually w - worst habit: chewing my lip and picking at my nails, but hurt like a bitch if done for too long x - x-rays: broke my wrist a few years back, and ya know the standard dental x-rays y - your favourite food: chocolate, any kind z - zodiac sign: virgo!
sooo imma tag my 20 most recent mutuals! if you’ve already been tagged in this I’m sorry: @lucidraco , @potterevanss , @wingardiun , @buxbeak , @harrypcttrs , @feirchilds , @rbilliusweasley , @gentleginny , @lovegoocl , @ohsugarhoneyicedtea , @herniones , @jamespottuh , @dcemons , @regulussirius , @dementvr , @helgvhufflepuff , @roxanncweasley , @weasleyz , @infamous-wizard ,  @nevvilleslongbottom
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