#felix is gonna have a heartattack
cheeriointhevent · 8 months
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He's not doing that great right now
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Plus a fun bonus
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anbubisibuna · 2 years
DHA S3 E73
Der Unbekannte " The Stranger"
So it doesn't work Trabas has no access to the Tear which almost gives him a heartattack. The doctor still sees Magnus there and Mara begs him to stay until she fell asleep. Magnus has no intentions of leaving and Mara says she likes it. Nina has flashbacks about her time with Daniel. For some reason Felix appears wrapped up in bandages and a nurse is running after him. The doctor comes out and tells them that Daniel won't react to anything. Felix asks Magnus to come home with him. But Magnus tells him is gonna stay because she wasn't even safe at home and he blames the Club and him what happened. Nina, Delia and Luzy check on Daniel again. Trabas is still dying and he asks Morten to get in contact with Luzy. Nina is alone with Daniel telling him he needs to get better soon, etc etc....Nina then tells the other Clubmembers that they have to find the Tear for Daniel. They then go home. Morten tries to call Luzy but she's not picking up her phone. Some guy appears in Mara's room looking like he wants to kidnap her or strangle her.
Do I like the episode?
Favourite moment:
Mara telling Magnus that she's glad that he is staying.
Least Favourite Moment:
The talk Nina gives to Daniel while she's alone with him. Felt nothing. She doesn't even touch him or kiss his face once. She doesn't say that she misses him or that she loves him. I don't feel in that scene that she loves him deeply.
Favourite Character:
Magnus Mara
What I would have done differently:
Telling Mara and Magnus now about the vision. Because now they should know.
Unpopular opinion:
Magnus was reasonable for wanting to stay. She just got kidnapped and she can't remember anything. As if he's gonna leave. If he didn't stay she would have gotten kidnapped or killed.
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prankprincess123 · 2 years
Encanto Parents Headcanons:
Abuela never had the chance to really do any matchmaking, like she tried with Isabella and Mariano, with her girls - although she definitely wanted to - because long before romance became even the vaguest idea in anyones mind it was rare to see either of them without their 'shadows'.
Augustin genuinely doesn't remember a time before he fell in love with Julieta. He was brought to her for healing at 4yo shortly after she got her gift, and just never left, or at least never wandered too far. Every time she heals him for the first few years he just stares in awe, and the emotion never does fade, although he gets better at toning it down and snapping out of it. By the time they were 8&9yo it was acknowledged by even them that without her he'd be dead. Because he was so young when he fell for her though, it takes him forever to realize that his love far exceeds even both best friends and 'she saves my life on an hourly basis'. And even once he realizes this the idea of telling her and being rejected is so terrifying that he stays silent on the matter till she just pulls this gangly boy down and kisses the heck out of him.
Julieta on the other hand found him (and still does to a degree) endlessly exasperating and is convinced that he's going to give her a heartattack someday. The first few times she healed him with the same concern she had for everyone else. But then he kept coming back. And then just not leaving. And she's really grateful for the second because it means he gets better almost as soon as he’s hurt. Because they're just little of course they become almost instant best friends. But his tendency to somehow manage get stung by an enture beehive or both climb and fall out of a tree in the time her back is turned to heal someone else is the most irritating thing in the world. If you ask who her best friend is she doesn't even hesitate to say his name, but she's also just so done with everything he does. And then he actually almost dies one time. And the level of 'NO!' at that prospect makes her realize that somewhere amidst the annoyance she's fallen in love.
Augustin's love starts with the fact that he literally wouldn't be alive without her, and snowballs from there. Julieta's starts with the realization that she couldn't live without this dork no matter how frequently she has to heal him.
Felix and Pepa are another story. There is hardly any time between them meeting and her declaring she's gonna marry him. He's 6yo when the triplets get their gifts, and thinks controlling the weather is the coolest thing ever. So he tells her the first chance he has, which between school and chores and such happens to be a year or so later. And she beams. Full on double rainbow and everyone needs sunglasses. Because she's still just a kid so no one yells at her yet, but she's not oblivious and she can feel the glares when her tantrums accidentally destroy the crops. That alone is enough to cement his place as her best friend for life.
The fact that later that day Felix makes her laugh so hard she cries rather than having to be sad to water the crops makes Pepa drag him to her mama and declare they're getting married someday. Of course Alma just laughs at her little girl and her new best friend, because kids make such claims all the time, but never follow through. Pepa however is stubborn, and Felix is smitten. And as years pass it becomes increasingly obvious that getting married someday wasn't simply a childish claim, but stating a fact.
People almost wonder if Pepa knew she'd marry Felix because Bruno had a vision.
Bruno did indeed have plenty of visions that included the fact that his sisters would both marry their childhood sweethearts, but he never told them. Both Augustin and Felix were such facts of life by the time he realized they'd be his brothers-in-law rather than just all of their best friends that he figured it went without saying.
And all five of them very much were best friends. When one of your triplets comes home with a heart-eyed shadow at such a young age, and announces he's their best friend, there's really no other option than to accept that he's one of your best friends now too.
As soon as they start learning their instruments Felix and Augustin become the musical accompaniment for Bruno's rat puppet shows. It definitely disturbs the adults a little, but the younger kids think it's endlessly amusing. (For a few years at least. As Bruno's visions grow darker and his reputation diminishes, so do their audiences)
Felix is actually Julieta's second most frequent patient, just from lightning zaps alone. She frequently wonders if her sister permanently fried some of his braincells, because he never seems to learn to get out of the blast zone, but also is so glad that he runs towards Pepa to calm her down rather than the other way like everyone else.
Once the triplets are adults Alma does briefly consider attempting to set up an arranged marriage for one or both of her girls. Its not that she disapproves of either young man, merely that on paper they seem not to be the 'best' options. Those musings are quickly shot down however when she finds and questions one of Bruno's vision tablets and he merely shrugs and comments that it's "Augustin teaching our neice piano." Alma merely sighs in exasperation and gives up such silly ideas. She has both the physical evidence in front of her, and her clairvoyant son acting as if such marriages are already a fact of life. She really can't fight that.
Instead she just tries to set Bruno up with someone, with hilariously bad results every time, until she ultimately gives up.
There's one particularly bad date that if mentioned will cause him to turn beet red, look like he wants to die, and attempt to hide in a hole. Meanwhile Pepa, Felix and Agustin will all start cackling, so hard they can't talk, and even years later Julieta has no clue what she missed other than that she had to heal everyone involved afterwards.
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raph8sblog · 4 years
🖤Dreaming of You🖤 Part III.
Confusion filled your head, but you couldn’t move just stare at him, like a dead fish in the pond, after the strom. You will highlight this day with red marker in your diary, because one thing for sure, it wasn’t ordinary at all. After the burglary you thought nothing will suprise you, but the simple fact, that Hyunjin wanted to say something to you, made your heart sink:
- I’m listening, what is on your mind? – you asked, when silence stood between the two of you again. Hyunjin avoided the eye contact with you, there was a hint of pinkish color on his cheek from embarrassment and it was absolutely matching with his cute headband.
- I think, I made a huge mistake and maybe this mistake is connected to the burglary… - he admited and when he looked at you, you could see the pure quilt in his eyes. Woah, you were more than amazed, what he is trying to tell you?
- Mistake? What did you mean by that?
- Look… First of all, I’m truly sorry what I did! – it’s started to become even more brutal, than it was before! You were really trembling at this point.
-Couple of days ago, Felix missed an important practise, no one could reach him. He turned off his cellphone. Of course, he said he was with you… But, isn’t it strange? Friends are usually not spending every single day together! This is what lovers, not friends do! I thought you two are secretly dating and for some reason, maybe because of his career, he decided not to tell us. – he stopped here and avoided your eyes again:
- I was at a bar,  with my friends, after a long and busy day. We met some of our fans there, they were so excited to see me.. I mean, I don’t blame them, I’m extraordinary from every prespective! But still, they acted a little bit crazy, especially one of them. She was aking me about Felix and she was very fierce…
- I’m sure she was gettin on your nerves. – you said, with an understanding tone. Hyunjin simply nodded and he continued like that:
- She really wanted to find out, who is Felix currently dating with. At first I simply said that I don’t know. However, she still asked me the same question over and over again and then I lost my remaining patient. Without even realizing it I told her about you! – if you are guessing it right, Hyunjin thinks that this crazy fangirl is the responsible for the burglary? Well, it’s maybe gave explanation for that oddity that she didn’t take anything from your flat. Mabye, she was searching for evidences, that you two are dating? In that case… and then it crossed your mind, you had a photoalbum in the drawer! It was full with your best memories, of course it’s included some picture with Felix and you together as well. You didn’t check your drawer, maybe she took the album? You need to know! But one thing, really made you angry:
- Why did you talk about me? Even, if I’m Felix’s girlfriend you shouldn’t expose your friend like that!
- I WAS MAD AT HIM! He skipped the practise for Double Knot and it was an important perfomance! Also, I don’t like your so called “friendship” with him!
- Can’t you tell me why are you hate me so much?! I never did anything against you! – Hyunjin furrowed his brows, like a wise and old sensei, who drowned in his own world of thinking. You waited patiently for the answer, which never came, he quickly changed the topic:
- I just wanted to say sorry for this, I’m not here for chatting with you anyway! Because of the quilt, I couldn’t get my beauty sleep but now I’m getting sleepy from your boring attitude!
- What „attitude”’ are you talking about?! You just told me, that maybe an insane sasaeng broke into my house because your tongue is slipped! You are really able to sleep after this?!
- Exactly, because it’s none of my business I just helped you and gave you a direction, where you can start investigating for the culprit! You should thank me! You are so ungrateful Y/N! - this arrogant jerk, you just wanted to scream in his face!!
Next morning, to be more precise, the next afternoon you woke up with a headache but at least you felt yourself more reposeful. You looked around, the dorm seemed quite and empty. “Where did everyone go?” - you asked yourself, while yawning. Your hair was a sure mess, and the fluffly blanket was rolled up on your body, you wanted to stand up, when Jeongin showed up from one of the bedrooms:
- Good morning Y/N! - he greeted you sweetly.
- Morning? - you stared out and the sun was already setting.
- What’s the time?! - you asked. You didn’t finish your university project, also you missed all of your class. How can you pass the exams like that?
- It’s almost 6pm. - Jeongin replied.
- You slept a lot Noona, hope you are feel yourself refreshed now! - he said with a genuine smile, still you felt like an lazy troublemaker, who relied too much on other people’s generosity.
- Where is Felix?
- He went out, he has some important business at the JYP building. The rest of the members practising a new choreo. I stayed here with you Noona... - he was blushing like a little kid.
- Oh, you are so sweet but you shouldn’t skip a dance practise because of me!
- No... It’s okay, since I was worried about you. I even brought you bagels but I guess they are not that crunchy and fresh now! - you were overwhelmed with his kindness.
- It means a lot to me, thanks Jeongin... Sincerely. - he carried the bagels to you and you slowly started your breakfast on the couch, while the sun was setting.
- I look terrible now, right? Ahh and now everyone knows how hideous I look while I’m sleeping! - Jeongin chuckled:
- Well, Changbin Hyung took several pictures of you! But don’t worry, he only sent the photos to our groupchat! - NO WAY! A REAL NIGHTMARE AGAIN!
- Excuse me? - you froze.
- Sorry! But they aren’t bad.. see? - he held his phone up, right infront of your face... Oh man! Those pictures, where you cuddled with that damn fluffy blanket just because it has Felix’s scent on it!
- I’m officaly a dead person! - you declared.
- Noona, why?! You look so pretty... I think I’ve never seen such a pretty girl, like you before! - he blushed again on his own words but you couldn’t take it seriously:
- Are joking now?
- NO! Noona, you are so beautiful, I meant that! - you just rolled your eyes:
- Thank your for the bagels, also I’m grateful that I could spend the night here. But now, I should go back to my rent. - Jeongin immediately panicked:
- Noona please... Let me... Let me walk you home! Please! I’m afraid that the person, who broke into your flat is still there! What if, someone will hurt you? Maybe it’s better if you spend another night here! You can sleep in my bed.... Next to me... Or, alone! I gladly sleep on the couch!! - you laughed, he was so adorable.
- No, I can’t stay here, I have to go now Jeongin be a good boy and don’t you dare follow me home!  - he was so stubborn, at the end you had to let him walk you home. When you arrived, he was hesitately reached after your hand:
- Noona, if you sense something strange, okay? I will come here as fast I can. - you really wanted to thank him, all the efforts he made, to cheer you up. You were so awkward first, but you felt like, this is the right thing to do now so you locked him in a tight embrace:
- Thank you again... - you whispered and poor Jeongin almost fainted at that blessed moment, when you were hugging him.
So, there you were, right at the place, where all this craziness started. You have to investigate all by yourself now, if Hyunjin is right, this girl was searching for an evidence that you and Felix are in a relationship. In that case, the only thing, which was interesting for her was your old photoalbum.
It was already dark outside, the rain was streaming down on your windows and the drops were lighted by the faintly, yellowish street lamps. The air felt cold around you, your breath caught up in your chest and your heart felt like a bomb, which can explode in any minute. Chill ran down and up on your spine and you couldn’t concentrate on everyhing else just the fact that you are maybe not alone and someone is watching you. You almost regretted not to say yes to Jeongin and spend another night at the dorm. But you coulnd’t bear this thought with pride, you didn’t want to be a burden to the boys.
You slowly reached out to the switch and turn the lights on, the lamps above your head shined brightly at the room. The footprints were still visible on the white carpet, your breath’s space became faster everytime you looked down.
“I should check the drawer” - you carefully pulled out the drawer and your blood froze in your veins, your face were so pale like a freshly whitewashed wall. The album... It was gone! Hyunjin was right all along! Someone really took your album and there is only one person, who was able to do that and had the reason to done this with you! That crazy sasaeng, whom he was talking about. You wanted to call Felix and tell him, but then the lights flickered above your head, you looked up, and suddenly everyting went dark around you!
In that minute, you thought you are gonna have a heartattack because how fast your heart was beating, you tried to keep calm and grabbed your phone and  turn on the flashlight but then you heard soft steps from your door, it’s loudly opened up with a crack and the steps became closer and closer to you. You coulnd’t help but scream out loud when someone covered your mouth, he was wearing leather glowes and in the dark you couldn’t figure it was it a boy or a girl?  You wanted get out from the tightening grip but you were way too weak compared to your attacker, the fear made your body numb. The only thing you could do was whimpering.
- I found you, finally... - you clearly heard it! Your attacker is a woman as well!
- Can you give a honest explanation about those pictures? Are they real?! Just wait and see, I will wreck your pretty face, Felix won’t be able to recognize you anymore! - you felt a sharp and cool tool near to your face, it was a knife! You started shouting but it was muffled by her hands, also there is not a chance that someone will hear you. The lights are really went out, but they won’t come  near to your flat since the fuse was downstairs. You started praying, it was all because of him, why you are the one, who always suffer? 
Always just you...
Felix used to get on well with the popular ones in high school, he was invited to all the fancy parties. He was always in love with the prettiest girls and never acknowledged you as a potential one. Why on Earth he became your friend back then? Of course he had a sweet soul and you were a comfortable company, never got in trouble, never talked back, always agreed and nodded to his ideas and opinion. Why are you still loving him, why are you loved him in the first place? Just because he pitied you? It’s a fake love, it’s shouldn’t be real... He never done anything to you, which can caused this big affection inside your heart towards him! And now, you have to suffer again, because of him? No way!!!! No fucking way!!!
You knicked your attacker in the stomach with a fast movement and her grip is weakend around you. Quickly you rushed out from the room, then someone downstairs switched the fuel on and the lights flashed up again. You wanted to rush down from the stairs in the hope of escape from your attacker, but for a moment you looked back: you saw her face, it was covered with a black mask, she was wearing a hood on her head but you could see her piercing and hateful stare. You didn’t waste more time, you wanted to run but she pushed you and you felt down from the stairs with a big thud.
She managed to run out through the top floor and you hit your head in the tiled walls of the staircase. You hardly opened your eyes and tapped your aching head you saw blood everywhere on your fingers and also on the floor. With your shaking hands you pulled out your phone from the back of your jeans, your vision become more and more blurry with every passing minute. The first name, which popped up on your phone, was Jeongin’s name. You quickly called him, but instead of Jeongin, Hyunjin picked up his phone:
- Y/N why are you calling the maknae all of sudden? Do you want to seduce him as well?! - it wasn’t the right time for joking.
- Hyunjin, please.... Save.... Me... - you said with a shaking voice and then the darkness enveloped your sight and mind as well.
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