#fellas is is gay to be the day/twilight/night trio and also be murderers
triglycercule · 1 month
me when murder time trio and their relationship with light and the sun
horror fucking loves the sun bro he lays in that shit constantly. he is BASKING in its light so much that he's gonna get bone cancer. i doubt that in any situation in current horrortale the monsters are gonna get out (or if they even WANT to get out. what will happen when they leave?? humans will kill them?? theyll die from sudden changes in atmosphere?? also horror probably doesn't even think escaping the underground hell is possible or if he even WANTS to see it anymore. it's just wasted hope) but once horrortake progresses, horror gets character development to be a better person and alize frees the monsters somehow i think bro would love the sun. he EARNED the right to feel the light after being trapped in the underground all his life commit atrocities. he feels like he deserves to feel the sun after carrying the underground for 7+ years with an empty stomach and crippling depression.
dust also wants to see the sun and be free from the underground but with all the stuff going on in dusttale with the genos and stopping the human and gaining lv i doubt that he even thinks about being free from the underground. it's probably at the bottom of his mind like a needle in a haystack. but if he even somehow does be freed i don't think he would let himself enjoy it like how horror does. bc dust doesn't think he deserves to enjoy the sun after he took away all those lives ESP ones who wanted to be free. he get the chance to enjoy the sun and the monsters he killed doesn't and he feels guilty for that so he doesn't let himself enjoy it. but occasionally he lets himself stare at a sunset here and there. because he does still really like the sun. he just doesn't do it often at all (why is there so much guilt around here? is this guilt city or something.)
killer never got the chance to actually see the sun in his au bc in literally every ending of something new killer isn't there to escape. he either gets kidnapped or kills himself or just in general doesn't stick around in the au. so when he DOES actually see the sun in other aus it's kinda like a big big fuck you to him. he doesn't like it at all because it reminds him of his previous life and what he missed out on. he goes out of his way to avoid enjoying light and he swears on his mamas grave (what mama) that he likes nighttime better. and he does like night a lot because it's just cool and chill but even though he swears he doesn't like the sun he still does. because hes still sans and hes glad he gets to see the light of day even though hes the most hypocritical denier of his own identity of all time
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