#tricule analyze
triglycercule · 20 days
me when the mtt's right eyes (ermmm isnt it their left eyes technically) because they show how much theyve changed ftom being sans
horror's right eye is quite literally a physical change because thats eyes not even biologically his. there is no going back from what he's become and that's very very apparent with his appearance. classic sans doesn't have a gaping fucking hole in his head and his eyes aren't that big. even if horror takes out the eye he won't just magically gain his old eye lights back and he can't fix the crack in his head with paper mache or something. he is forever going to be stuck with what happened those past 7 years even if he tries his hardest to recover (the hardest part about the recovery is knowing that he'll never be the fully the same ever again)
dusts left eye is warped and changed. he still has his normal eyes but he'll never be the same after what he knows and what he did. but in some way, he's the most similar to classic sans with his outfit and his personality and stuff and he still has the blue in his eye because he is still patient even with all thats going on (one day hes gonna get that damn human to quit and if he has to wait years then thats okay with him)
killer doesn't even HAVE his eyes. well yes he does but he doesn't have them visually. but they only appear when he's stressed or being serious or something like that (we aren't gonna talk about stage one rn.) but that's literally the exact opposite as clasic. killer has deviated SO DAMN FAR from being classic that his eyelights work the literal opposite as sans's does
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triglycercule · 1 month
me when murder time trio and their relationship with light and the sun
horror fucking loves the sun bro he lays in that shit constantly. he is BASKING in its light so much that he's gonna get bone cancer. i doubt that in any situation in current horrortale the monsters are gonna get out (or if they even WANT to get out. what will happen when they leave?? humans will kill them?? theyll die from sudden changes in atmosphere?? also horror probably doesn't even think escaping the underground hell is possible or if he even WANTS to see it anymore. it's just wasted hope) but once horrortake progresses, horror gets character development to be a better person and alize frees the monsters somehow i think bro would love the sun. he EARNED the right to feel the light after being trapped in the underground all his life commit atrocities. he feels like he deserves to feel the sun after carrying the underground for 7+ years with an empty stomach and crippling depression.
dust also wants to see the sun and be free from the underground but with all the stuff going on in dusttale with the genos and stopping the human and gaining lv i doubt that he even thinks about being free from the underground. it's probably at the bottom of his mind like a needle in a haystack. but if he even somehow does be freed i don't think he would let himself enjoy it like how horror does. bc dust doesn't think he deserves to enjoy the sun after he took away all those lives ESP ones who wanted to be free. he get the chance to enjoy the sun and the monsters he killed doesn't and he feels guilty for that so he doesn't let himself enjoy it. but occasionally he lets himself stare at a sunset here and there. because he does still really like the sun. he just doesn't do it often at all (why is there so much guilt around here? is this guilt city or something.)
killer never got the chance to actually see the sun in his au bc in literally every ending of something new killer isn't there to escape. he either gets kidnapped or kills himself or just in general doesn't stick around in the au. so when he DOES actually see the sun in other aus it's kinda like a big big fuck you to him. he doesn't like it at all because it reminds him of his previous life and what he missed out on. he goes out of his way to avoid enjoying light and he swears on his mamas grave (what mama) that he likes nighttime better. and he does like night a lot because it's just cool and chill but even though he swears he doesn't like the sun he still does. because hes still sans and hes glad he gets to see the light of day even though hes the most hypocritical denier of his own identity of all time
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triglycercule · 2 months
i would LIKE to think that horror is an egotistical prick who thinks his actions to tell people to eat humans and all his other horrortale shenanigan manipulations are totally valid and that he was in the right for that. but ALSO horrortale chapter 120-123 (i think??) literally disproves that because he says he wants to stop being thanked for his ideas
so which is it little man?? you hate that you suggested that?? (probably) you think it's okay just because it kept people alive???? you wanna go back and stop yourself from saying that but you really can't because then people would die faster BUT being alive in his current situation is depressing SO WHAT IS IT HORROR. DO YOU THINK YOUR ACTIONS ARE VALID OR NOT!!! (he probably does think that his actions were justified and valid in the moment but he hates that he did those things like killing humans and feeding them to the underground. that's why he doesn't wanna be thanked for doing things like that and why he won't eat humans himself)
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triglycercule · 2 months
dust hates himself for not giving a shit when he kills his underground but he also DOES give a shit but more in the principal of "my actions suck and i'm a self righteous bastard who's wasting his time on this but i have to do this"
so like he cares about the CONCEPT of killing his friends and family. but when it comes to actually killing them he doesn't give two shits and he hates himself for that
i love hypocrisy dust is so hypocritical he's such a oxymoron
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triglycercule · 2 months
see i WOULD like to depict dust with his normal relaxed eye lights. but then if i put him in literally ANY OTHER OUTFIT aside from that hood (the scarf aint even canon brooo 😭😭😭) he just looks like any NORMAL ASS SANS. HOW IS MY LITTLE SPECIAL GOOBER SUPPOSED TO BE SPECIAL AND DIFFERENT FROM THE OTHERS IF HE JUST LOOKS LIKE ANY NORMAL SANS. at least horror and killer have permanent features to them... :3
but on the bright note i think that it would give for a lot of unique situations involving dust. killer hates seeing dust when he's relaxed because it's like looking into a mirror even if he doesn't wanna think of himself. horror thinks it's off putting because it reminds him that dust was also sans like himself and it's easier to cope with the fact that an alternate version of you did what you hate when you don't consider them an alternate version of yourself.
also that makes dust really good for stealth missions 4 nightmare. he'd be a decent actor (but killer's probably better. cus yk.. no emotions n all to get in the way of his act. horror's probably a decent actor too but the issue is that his appearance and voice is too unique)
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triglycercule · 2 months
funny how the mtt's names are DEFINITELY not their original names. name analysis :3
killer probably gave himself his name because he didn't wanna be called sans anymore after everything he's done. issue is that he's around chara and chara still calls him sans and he STILL responds to it and it bothers killer a lot that he still thinks of himself as sans. he keeps reminding chara to call him killer and even though chara likes the name they still keep calling him killer just to bother him. he doesn't particularly care when the other monsters call him sans bc he's become numb but it does ache a bit when papyrus calls him sans before he dies
dust probably gave himself that name too and he also has the same issue of being reminded that dust isn't his og name like killer. all the monsters keep calling his og name before they die, and phantom paps doesn't make it any better that he alternates between using dust and sans depending on which one will hurt him more. at least frisk doesn't talk and he doesn't have to deal with hearing either one of the names from their mouth but it still hurts when he wants to desperately cling onto being sans but he knows he's not anymore after all he's done
horror (like usual) is an oddball because he's totally chill with the name sans. horror actually wasn't even a name he gave himself, it's what people in the multiverse call him and he HATES IT. he really hates being called horror because he still thinks he's sans. he doesn't want to be called a multiversal name because he doesn't think he deserves to be called that. he'd prefer it if he could just stay in his own universe and keep being called sans instead of being reminded that he's done some bad shit like a ton of other sanses out there with just his name. he does think the name's a pretty fitting name though with everything he's done and where he lives
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triglycercule · 2 months
despite the fact that killer and dust have similar backstories dust is more similar to horror because they both would have the same or similar skills.
(i saw this one tweet saying that dust would be good at everything because after he kills the human he would do things to pass the time so he's a master at everything and that's PERMANENTLY been engraved into my mind. i have NEVER forgotten it)
anyways but both dust and horror would have hunting skills. actually NGL DUST WOULD HAVE MORE. because for horror he's dealing with random kids that have no idea what's going on, 70% of them probably don't even leave the ruins, and they'd probably die to papyrus's traps like aliza did MULTIPLE TIMES. also he has no need to hide his identity because he doesn't hunt kids down unless they try to run or something (which is probably rare and they'd just die to ANOTHER trap or monster) so despite the fact that horror would have some hunting experience it's actually dust who has more
compared to horror dealing with inexperienced kids, dust has to deal with a kid who has experienced EVERYTHING and knows literally EVERYTHING. dust is fighting against god in a game of persistence. dust CANONICALLY (i think i haven't read the dusttale blog in a while) sets up traps for the player to fall for, i would assume that he's more of a sneak attacker when killing monsters so that a. he can get lv faster and b. it's a faster death for those he kills.
yeaaaah i get that it's cool to depict horror as the hunter butcher lumberjack sneaky feral axe guy but guys guys that's not him. it's not him it's dust. dust is the sneaky silent hunter depressed bones and blasters guy (he should have a gun because i think it would fit him. dust with a gun what will he do. no but srsly a gun is dusts style although he can't really throw it. but what i think would be funny is when the human starts being annoying he just starts using the gun as a goddamn bat or sm. dust would do that he'd do anything to kill that little bitch (i love him))
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triglycercule · 4 months
underverse killer is the most depressed, nightmare dependent killer i've ever seen
this man would DIE the minute he steps away from nightmare i cant. underverse horror and dust when AT LEAST GIVE THEM CAMEOSSSSS
no because they're alive. they're definitely alive because classic adjacent timelines are the only ones left after error's purge. sooooo
what are they doing rn. ngl it would be sickkkk if nightmare and dream had a final battle and he pulled up with the full mtt and the reason nightmare loses is because A) horror and dust are not loyal and B) they cannot cooperate with each other. killer would go off to do his own thing while horror doesn't do jack shit except appear for a quick 2 seconds because bro really doesn't wanna be involved and dust would park his ass in one spot and blast gasters. he'd get a sickton of cool camera pan shot but he would NOT move his ass
nightmare would lose due to the fact that killer's the only one trying. and then killer gets shot by dust and he's left incapacitated because god knows that skeleton is the worlds weakest porcelain doll (or he goes stage 3 but uhhhh) and then nightmare has to deal with dream and his whatevers on his own because lord knows dust and horror and gonna help him LMAOOOOO
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triglycercule · 5 months
one thing that i noticed while writing my fic is killer's motivations. two big plot points in this fic are fights between dust and killer over killer's actions. horror ofc is in these fights as well but he gets over it better than dust.
ANYWAYS there's a scene with phatom paps tries to get dust to try and kill and unconscious killer and one of his main points is that killer killed everyone in his au for "fun"
and i just thought about that. because he didn't really. killer didn't kill everyone in his au for fun, he did it to feel something new. entertainment and joy might be some of those things he feels but guilt and anger and sadness are probably more of what he felt. and to keep doing what chara wanted he forced those emotions down to only have the "good" emotions surface since it's th only way he could keep going with what he was doing.
i just think its interesting. side note i think it's really interesting that killer's actions are dubbed as selfish. BECAUSE THEY ARE but it's not the first thing that strikes out to me. and also..... couldn't dust also be called selfish?? nobody remembered the resets and the genos except for him and the human so it's not like th people's opinions on the killings really mattered when it just gets reset in the end. dust deciding to stop the human is selfish because he didn't want to see the people he loved die over and over again, which is sparing himself from the grief of loss.
i would say that his actions are selfless too but he did end up doing the exact same thing as the human which,,,, its not really selfless at that point if youre killing the people you're supposed to be protecting.
god i love kist parallels so much because they're quite literally the exact same concept but with different motivations
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triglycercule · 6 months
my favorite part of writing my silly little fan fiction aside from mtt poly which is obviously #1 is writing the star sanses. since this au takes place post underverse the star sanses would technically be cross and dream (i snuck blue in there because he did not deserve to die. he got resurrected and we all cheered for his return)
but it's not like ink hates the stars. no no no infact he's trying VERY HARD to be forgiven by them. i love cross and ink's relationship broooo its so real. this person hurt you but they were there for you during a hard time and you know they're not a bad person but you still can't find it in yourself to forgive you. i just think they're really neat and dream and blue are the right positive influences for cross and ink to fix their friendship
despite how much i prefer the mtt to the stars i will always love them because they're just so sweet and pure. i love the star sanses and they're so nice to write. dream is awesome and blue is inspiring and cross is relatable and ink is determined and they're all trying to do the best they can I LOVE THEM UAHSGFKAUAIBEOSBD?SU
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triglycercule · 2 months
hi. so uhhhhhhaha ya
you found my page (no way???) uhhhh i really don't expect people to find this page but i just post stuff to braindump and get my thoughts out there into the world!!!!! so here's an introduction to ME
(●´∀`)ノ🧡 some basic stuff!
- hi!! my name is uhhhh.. actually i don't really have a name for myself on this blog so you can just call me whatever. triglycercule, tri, cule, tricule, mtt freak. I DON'T CARE!!! call me anything :3
- i don't care what pronouns you use for me, anything is ok!!! i also don't care what you refer to me as (sir, ma'am, pal, friend) I DON'T CARE TOOOO!!! i'm very open to being called anything + helps me to figure out what i like/am
- i am a minor (beware OLD people...) and i'm asexual. just thought people should know because im cool like that
- my boundaries... obviously the obvious stuff (no homophobia racism sexism ableism prejudiced stuff etc etc etc!!!) but overall i'm pretty lax about whatever (unless you call me several curses and hex me or something but by then i'll have contacted the authorities /j)
o(*≧▽≦)ツ 🧡 my page!!
so obviously what you're here for... what is this tumblr page even ABOUT??? well the answer's pretty damn obvious
(really undertale and it's aus but this trio is the one that i focus on the most)
brief explanation... the murder time trio (abbrviated as the mtt) are a trio of sanses (killer, dust, and horror) who are edgy and stuff. i really like to think about them a lot because i think they're really interesting and they get my gears thinking. i usually post my art, writing, headcanons, character analysises, rants, questions (all mostly about the mtt) and then other random stuff in my life that i need to get out :3
i really like it when people talk about them so feel free 2 comment on my posts about them and send me asks and stuff like that and we can chat about these 3 GOOBERS!!!
(¬ω¬。) 🧡 other stuff
i have other socials where i post things on ALSO about the mtt sooo here they are!!
- ao3: micromacuole (i put my oneshots and stuff that i write on here. keep in mind i don't write that often but i try my damn hardest to)
(*^o^)人(^o^*) 🧡 tagggggs!!!!
tags that i use 4 my posts...
- #tricule art (obviously 4 my art hahaha)
- #tricule write (again for my writing)
- #tricule hc (headcanons. there are A LOT)
- #tricule analyze (character analysises :333)
- #tricule rant (rants; this includes short questions 2... really most miscellaneous stuff will be here)
- #tricule rb (REBLOGS!!!)
- #real tricule (other stuff like things going on in my life and random thoughts that don't fit anything else)
- #continuous group recovery (what i'll be tagging my comic posts as. LINK 2 MASTERPOST HERE!!!)
SO YA!!! THAT'S ME!!! THANKS 4 READING THISSSS pls enjoy this page teehee :3 (ps the mtt r the best trio ever no doubt)
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