#female byleth x sadayo
blackhakumen · 5 years
Mini Fanfic #302: Casual Conversation (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Byleth: (Smiles Softly) Thank you again for coming by the Smash Academy and agreeing to become the Math Teacher to these kids.
Sadayo: (Smiles Brightly) It's no trouble at all. I'm just glad I'm able to see my old students again....
Byleth: "Your Old Students"? You're referring to the Phantom Thieves, yes?
Sadayo: That's right. (Frowns a little) I know each of them are capable to fight for themselves and all, but....('Sigh') I dunno...I guess I couldn't help but to worry about them sometimes, you know?
Byleth: It's natural for a teacher to worry about their students. You just need to have a little more faith in them and their safety sometimes.
Sadayo: (Smiles Softly) Yeah....I think you're right on this, Byleth. I'll have more faith in those knuckleheads this time around. Though, I'm not sure if I'll ever stop worrying about them.
Byleth: (Gently Place a hand on top of Sadayo's hand with a Sincere Smile) And that's perfectly fine. It's shows how much you truly care for them.
Sadayo: (Smiles back at Byleth) Yeah. So tell me, Byleth....How long have you been a teacher for?
Byleth: Not too long I'm afraid. If I'm being honest...(Giggles Lightly) I'm still a bit new to the teaching aspects...
Sadayo: Understandable. Teaching can be pretty challenging at times, but it's not too bad once you truly get the hang of it. Just know that if you ever need any help or advice for anything, feel free to come to me or anyone else here, 'kay?
Byleth: You would go as far as to help me?
Sadayo: (Smiles Brightly) Of course! Us teachers has to stick together, am I right?
Byleth: (Smiles Softly) Yes. Thank you so much, Ms. Kawakami.
Sadayo: Please. Ms. Kawakami is my mother's name. Feel free to call me Sadayo as much as you like.
Byleth: Of course. It's such a lovely name by the way.
Sadayo: (Blushes a little while Giggling) Thank you. You're too kind~
Byleth: You are very welcome. And speaking of which, would you mind telling me a little about yourself?
Sadayo: Well.....Other than the fact that I teach at a High School from my world, I was also a housemaid there as well.
Byleth: Really?
Sadayo: Yeah. But it was only a Part-time job. (Pulls out her phone and shows Byleth a picture of her in a maid outfit) See?
Byleth: (Genuinely Surprised by the picture) Oh my.....
Sadayo: (Chuckles Lightly while looking away and rubbing the back of her head back and forth) Yeah....I know it's not really Professional for a woman to wear a maid outfit or anything....
Byleth: Actually....I for one think you look lovely.
Sadayo: (Starts Blushing Again) Oh! I Uhh...Wow....I-I mean.... Y-You're just saying that to make me feel better, huh?
Byleth: (Gives Sadayo a Sincere and Serious look) Not at all. I meant every word I said. I believe you look wonderful regardless if you're a Housemaid or not.
Sadayo: W-Wow....I-I honestly don't know what to say but....(Smiles Softly) Thanks, Byleth. And hey, if you ask me, I think you look great too~ I especially love the look of your hair and it's color~
Byleth: (Starts Blushing herself) Oh my....Why, Thank you. (Gently Playing with her Dark Teal Hair) A-Although, I'm not really sure my hair is that special in hindsight....
Sadayo: Are you kidding? It looks beautiful. Just like yourself, of course~ (Gave Byleth a Wink)
Byleth: (Giggles Softly while Blushing some more) You're too kind, Sadayo~....
Sadayo: (Smiles Brightly) I tried to be sometimes.
Byleth: But I believe that you are. I'm honestly thankful to have met someone like you.
Sadayo: Likewise. So....If you're not too busy..... Would you like to umm....Go out for coffee together sometime?
Byleth: (Smiles Softly) Yes. I would love that very much.
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