#feminists were proponents but so were eugenicists its like touchy
vaas · 1 year
so victorian medical care is like. well its dicey on the one hand they were doing their best on the other basic hygiene was kind of touchy. but abortion and birth control are like Very Old medicine like as long as people have been doing sex recreationally theyve been trying to limit pregnancy. ancient egyptians were doing contraception. anyway condoms made of animal intestine are classic but post 1839 (invention of vulcanised rubber) there were also rubber condoms available especially like 1870s onwards (you start seeing latex condoms around the 1920s but thats also after marie stopes and the first contraceptive pills) also internal blockers (cervical caps/diaphragms) like little cups that you shove up in there. same they were big on douching but thats obviously not 100% effective. chemical/herbal/ingested contraceptives are more difficult to find information about like a lot of herbal abortificants are just. straight up poison. mugwort and pennyroyal are toxic. theyll kill a fetus tho!
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