perzikemoji-jetset · 4 years
How To Make Him BEG For Your Attention - School of affluence
Hello my beautiful ladies. Today Anna Bey creator of the online finishing school, School of Affluence, created a video. The subject is quiet interesting and here are the notes I've taken. In the meantime if you haven't signed a petition to support #BlackLivesMatter take the time to do that now.
So yes as a young lady slowly becoming an elegant woman you and I want a high quality man. Now-a-days it may be harder to have one go after us. Lately it does feel like us women need to chase after men. In this video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNxhOdooQrg) It is all explained. 
In short:
Men have become very spoilt... #Fact
Us ladies have been lowering our boundaries. Men couldn't reach our level so we’ll level down or help them reach it. This is causing us to violate our boundaries most of the times. We’ve either become emotionally or physically desperate or even impatient. Especially with the society we live in “Women are worthless if they’re single”. Not only shouldn't we seek validation through a man but is it our job to show that we are women of class who don't need a man to show our worth.
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Men need us, we ladies don't need them.
We can start by developing and adapting to a “Hard To Get Lifestyle”. Get to know yourself, the real you. This will take some time, tears and a lot of studying. Learn to be selective and don't feel bad about being picky. Find out what your passions are. A passionate woman who is dedicated is the sexiest type of woman. The moment you have a life you’ll notice how you won't even have time to jump on every opportunity. 
And this lifestyle needs to be in you but also seen on you. Learn to dress yourself according to your style and to your body. Everyone has a personal style but don't forget who you are dressing for: Yourself and the men. Balance your dressing by accentuating your best feminine features. If you don't have any create them. Our attractiveness lies in our beautiful feminine energy and our style.
This is my take on the video. There are many more tips in Anna’s video, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QNxhOdooQrg, so make sure to watch it. 
See you soon xx
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