#femshep clone
sky-scribbles · 11 months
Shepard holds a funeral for her clone.
The paperwork is almost harder than the ceremony. Turns out it’s tricky to register the death of someone whose birth - creation? Decanting-from-vat? - was never recorded to begin with. Then there’s some kind of question about whether the clone needs to be retroactively registered as a Council space citizen to have her death put on the official record, and if so, whether she counts as a member of the Systems Alliance or as an ‘undocumented alien’. Which is pretty fucking ironic, considering how utterly she’d have loathed having the word alien attached to her.
And once Shepard’s ground her teeth through a dozen calls and bludgeoned through the first layer of formwork - a death certificate still needs a name.
‘I have to put something,’ she says. She’s aware that her voice is ragged, and that Kaidan is watching her as he brews her fourth coffee of the evening with concern heavy on his face. She must look barely alive, up near midnight in a kitchen that was Anderson’s and still feels nothing like hers, hair falling forward, eyes shadowed grey. Datapads and empty mugs strewn around her. Fine. She’s felt barely alive ever since she woke up in a Cerberus lab.
‘You could choose one for her,’ Kaidan says gently. A lot of people speak to her gently, these days.
‘She’d hate that. A name makes you individual. She didn’t want to be an individual; she wanted to be me.’
The cofee machine whirrs softly, sounding louder than it is in the open space of the apartment. It still doesn’t feel right, all this space for one person. Someone could drown in this much space.
‘She didn’t want to be you, though. Not really.’ Kaidan pours out the coffee, his eyes only leaving her face for a moment. ‘What she wanted was to be the symbol. The face on the vids.’
He carries the mug over and sets it down beside her hand. Shepard grips it tight. The unfinished form blinks up at her from the datapad screen, and she looks away.
‘I’m not asking this because I don’t support you doing it, or to judge you for it, or anything,’ Kaidan says, after a moment. ‘I just want to understand. Can you tell me why this is so important to you? I mean - I get that you were trying to save her, and she... she let go. But...’
He hesitates, and in his silence Shepard hears, she tried to kill you. She tried to take you away from me, and everyone who cares about you, for a second time - because she was jealous.
Shepard sips her coffee. It hasn’t had time to cool down, and her lips smart. She ignores it. She thinks.
‘What you said about... being the symbol,’ she says at last. ‘I get why she wanted it, or thought she did. I understand feeling that Commander Shepard is someone bigger than you are.’
Kaidan breathes out slowly, and takes a seat beside her.
‘I get feeling that you’re so small, so nothing, next to everyone’s idea of what Commander Shepard is. And when I fall short -’ She sees him prepare to protest, and cuts across him. ‘I do, I do all the time - I feel like it’d be easier if I were the symbol. Not...’ She waves a hand, indicating all the sleep-starved mess of her. ‘This. I don’t even know when what would Shepard do and what will I do stopped feeling like the same question.’
She lets her hand fall back onto the table. Kaidan takes it and holds it tight.
‘And I think of her, the clone, waking up in some Cerberus med bay. Confused. And Brooks - Brooks was there, feeding her things to believe, manipulating her, turning her into the symbol she wanted. And I get it.’ Shepard bites her burned lip. ‘Because I woke up in a Cerberus lab. And I was scared. And they used me, and I let them.’
What she does not add is, and sometimes I don’t feel any more real than her. I don’t have any way to prove that I’m the woman who died in the wreckage of her broken ship. They wiped away that woman’s scars. There could be all kinds of tech in my head, feeding me a lie, telling me I’m real.
She swallows. Her throat feels raw. ‘And now the clone’s dead, and no one cares. We’re planning a fucking party. If I don’t push for a funeral, she’ll just go unregistered and undocumented and everyone will keep joking about how crazy this whole mess has been, how I fell through a fish tank and a mad clone tried to steal my life, and it’d be like she never existed at all. I don’t have to fill in these forms. I could take the easy road and let her be a ghost. But I can’t do that, Kaidan. I can’t.’
He looks at her, his eyes steady and patient and full of worry. Then he slips an arm over her shoulder and pulls her in, and Shepard leans into him, needing the surety of his touch, his warmth. Anything that tells her she’s something more than a force piloting a set of N7 armour.
Kaidan presses a slow kiss to the top of her head. He holds her until she stops feeling ready to howl. Then he sits with her and helps her fill in the forms, helps her choose a name for the clone, one that fits. When morning comes, he calls C-Sec and stays on the line until they agree to release the body to the Normandy, into the custody of the only person who could be considered the dead woman’s relative. 
He doesn’t ask Shepard any more questions as to why she needs this done.
In the end, they bury her in space, as Shepard would a crewmate. And no one has stories to tell of what she meant to them. They have nothing to say about the achievements of her angry little life. But they wear their dress blues, and speak softly, and they turn the lights down low.
Shepard doesn’t know if this is what her clone would have wanted. Maybe she never learned to want anything for herself at all. It doesn’t matter. A funeral doesn’t help her clone; it helps her.
They lift the casket into the airlock. EDI opens the outer door. And the casket leaps away into space in a blur of silver-grey, like the body within is hungry for the stars.
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elfcollector · 1 year
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“She said ‘I should go.’  Do I sound like that?” “Ah...yeah, kinda.” “May I suggest we concern ourselves with this iridium vault, inside which we have been permanently sealed?” “How come nobody told me about this before?  I’m open to feedback here!” “I’m not really one to talk.  I’ve been told that I say ‘calibrating’ more than a Turian should.” “At most we have an hour’s worth of air remaining.” “Maybe it’s...I should go. Hm.  I should go.  Hm...I should go.”
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ferindencadash · 2 months
@spectre-requisitions-exchange is officially over for 2024! Not gonna lie, I'm a little sad. It was so much fun!!
BUT! Authors have been revealed, which means I can start hyping all the incredible people who took part this year! (And my own stories, but that will be a separate post.)
My gifts this year were PHENOMENAL. And I swear I am not just saying that to be nice. I got SPOILED ROTTEN this year. Like holy shit. 🥰
First up is my official gift! Mimicry by @keriweird featuring Kaidan and MShep's Clone.
First of all, I almost lost my mind when I saw the length. 25k?? That someone would write that much for a gift blew me away. Impossibly generous. Then I started reading and GODDAMN. This is, legitimately, one of the best Mass Effect fanfics I have ever read. Easily in my top ten now. They took my prompt and ran with it in the most creative and mind bending ways.
The DETAILS in this story. Holy crap. Talk about world building. And the way they turn a phrase?? 🥲Beautiful. I cried. A few times. And also laughed out loud. There is some top notch humour in here. GO READ THIS STORY!
On top of the masterpiece that I got for a gift, I got a treat!! (Seriously. Spoiled.) And I nearly peed myself (sorry) when I saw which prompt they had picked!
We have: Mother****ing Dragons!! By @thedaselcor featuring FemShep and The Iron Bull!!!
I didn't think anyone would jump on board with my crack fic pairing but I really hoped they would. You KNOW Shep and Bull would hit it off!! Come on! And holy shit did they ever deliver!!
This has got to be the most FUN I have ever had reading a fic. I was literally BOUNCING while I read this!! Giggling like an idiot the whole time. It is everything I could have possibly hoped for when I dreamt this up, and then some.
You have to go check this out! You will not regret it. What an absolute blast!
Honestly. I am so beside myself with joy. The biggest thank you possible to both my authors. I utterly adore you both. ❤️❤️
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hardcore-like-eezo · 1 year
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Citadel -- Identity Theft
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rpking99 · 1 month
RPG Games
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Because of the actual story/plot of the game, Kaine is intersex and has both sexual organs. It is genuinly important to her character and arc, as well as the fact she is... rather large.
NiER Automatica
Commander White
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The Commander of YoRHA. The woman in chagre, hiding the dark secret of their mission as they fight against the machines
YoRHA Unit 2B
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A Type 2 Model B, a Battler Model with the Type 2 personality and apperance. A skilled warrior with blades and guns, very serious and by the mission
YorHA Unit 2P
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A Paladin Model. Skilled in defence and mele weapons, 2P is a counterpart to 2B. More of a tank than the jack of all trades that 2B is. Like her inverted colour scheme, 2P is also an inversed personality. Happy, excitable, joyful and teasing.
YoRHA Unit A2
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A2 is a much older Unit than 2B is. While they share the same apperance and starting personality, A2 is a bit more cynical and has little skill with a gun as an Attacker Type her full capabilities lies with Mele weapons
YoRHA Unit 9S
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9S is a super curious and excitable femboy. Super submissive and curious to learn anything about humanity, also deeply loyal to 2B.
YoRHA Operative 6O
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A gentle, free spirited soul. 6O is the operative charged with helping 2B. Acting like a little sister, but also potentially being in love with the warrior, she is vastly curious and excitable about Earth.
YoRHA Operative 21O
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21O is the Operative in charge of 9S. Acting as a big sister/mother figure she tries to stop him from getting too caught up in his curiosity.
Mass Effect
Commander Jane 'FemShep' Sheppard
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Jane Shepard is a no-nonsense military woman. Captain of the Normandy, she is a Spectre. Above the law, dealing with the galaxy's deadliest threats. A mix of paragon and renegade, she will kick your ass if you are racist to one of her crew but also be more than happy to joke over some drinks at an Asari stirp club
Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy
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Tali is a Quarian. A race of Space nomads forced from their home from the AI known as the Geth, and intergalactic law screwing them over. She is so sweet and kind, a brilliant engineer and more than deadly with a shotgun
Miranda Laweson
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Miranda Lawson, made/cloned to be genetically perfect by her father. She escaped his clutches to try and live her own life. Confident in her sex appeal, she is a powerful biotic (basically space wizard/psychic) and takes no one's shit
Kasumi Goto
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Kasumi is the galaxy's greatest thief. With tech to make her almost completely invisible to sight, sound and any type of vision imaginable. She is basically a space ninja. She is a fun playful tease who does what she wants as she pleases, because why not?
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Final Fantasy
Cloud (Genderbent)
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Kingdom Hearts
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Total Muses: 27
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dragonflight203 · 2 months
Mass Effect 2 replay, squad post Mordin:
-Jacob gets the armor upgrade for the Normandy by pulling favors with the Alliance. And now we know why TIM recruited him.
-Talking to Jacob as femshep is hard. Any line can be a flirtation – paragon, renegade, neutral.
The worst part is that Jacob doesn’t seem interested. Any time you flirt, he shuts you down. At least in ME1 Ashley and Kaidan returned the interest.
-I find it interesting people dislike Jacob because he doesn’t open up. As someone who normally remains professional myself at work, that’s never bothered me.
That’s the same vibe I get from Jacob – friendly, attempting to be helpful, but maintaining boundaries to keep personal and professional life separate.
-I do disagree with Jacob’s stance on politics and bureaucracy. He seems convinced in every conversation for the Alliance to do good because it engages them.
Dude was a corsair working for the Alliance unofficially and still complained that there was too much red tape.
Meanwhile, I’m looking at Omega and remembering the “rogue cells” of Cerberus from ME1 and wondering how he can not see the value in oversight and power checks.
-Why was Jacob sidelined after Eden Prime? He says this like it’s an obvious fact and I can’t recall if he ever told me what he had to do with the colony.
-If you go renegade, one of Jacob’s line is that the “General public never knew you were dead”. What?
There are news announcements on the Citadel dead about how the deceased Commander Shepard has been seen on Omega. There’s a memorial on Akuze to Shepard.
I’m going to credit this as a left over line when the plot of ME2 was different, but it’s very weird.
-If you go paragon, one of Shepard’s lines is “Couldn’t hurt to keep some spare parts handy.”
Given that we learn Ceberus had a clone for that exact purpose in ME3… Oof.
-Mordin tells you all about how he found bugs all over the labs. Another reminder that Shepard is constantly being watched.
-He tells you to find more collector data and tissue samples.
I think at one point there would be a main mission related to that.
As others have noted, an insect from a collector swarm miraculously appears on the ship when Mordin tells you he found a cure. This line was probably supposed to be foreshadowing of the mission that would have collected the insect.
-Mordin really enjoys a challenge. Describing the limitations he had to work with on Omega reminds me of devs describing the challenges they had in developing a program.
-At this point Mordin only speaks about krogans hypothetically overcoming the genophage, and that his work with the STG was just to prepare militarily for it. He doesn’t trust Shepard enough yet to describe his real work.
-He is very insistent that the genophage is not a sterility plague. It just restores the krogan growth rate to what it was pre industry.
-As opposed to Jacob, as soon as Miranda gets the slightest hint of friendliness she opens up.
I think this has more to do with their backgrounds than their characters. Jacob’s spent time in the Alliance where professionalism is expected. He knows he’s working with a sketchy group and is accordingly wary.
Miranda’s accustomed to being treated poorly. She whole heartedly believes in Cerberus and its cause. She tells Shepard her past almost as if she feels the need to make sure Shepard knows what she really is before she can accept Shepard’s friendship. She wants Shepard’s respect, but doesn’t think she deserves it.
Ironically, I suppose the reason Jacob’s more closed off is because he has a higher sense of self worth than Miranda does. He doesn’t feel the need to be validated by Shepard.
-As others have said: One successful mission and Miranda is saying that this is the best Cerberus operation she’s been part of.
That does not speak well of Cerberus.
-Whether you go paragon or renegade, Miranda doesn’t hesitate to remind you that TIM’s in charge. She has quite a journey to go before she’ll be ready to tell him to fuck off.
-Why did Miranda’s father want a daughter for dynasty?
Usually that type specifically want sons.
Every reason I can think of makes the man worse and explains why Miranda is so careful in how she speaks about him and insistent on why she had to get her sister away.
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tealenko · 1 month
Ooh, can I ask about Golden Hour and Shore Leave from your WIPs?
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks!!!! Like A LOT!!! Really love talking about all this 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Golden Hour
This is (or will be) the first chapter (I think) of a post Dragon Age Inquisition fic (because I really want to do a massive saga, like I'm doing for Mass Effect)
It's a femMageHumanInquisitor x Cullen Fic, of course, and just covers how Ferelden (and all of Thedas) is after de events of DAI
This chapter is about Sybil (my inquisitor... well, ex-inquisitor) on her way to meet with Cullen after work. All very soft and warm, enjoying the sun as she walks there.
She travels with her eyes nearly closed, taking this opportunity the Maker rarely gives her to sunbathe, as she keeps her slow but steady pace. No bag, no luggage. The only thing Sybil is carrying with her is the thin cape she was wearing until the temperature of this early scenery started rising, now folded and resting on one of her arms. The beams of he sun embrace her from every angle, tinting of honey her light brown hair and accentuating its natural golden highlights as the wavy waterfall spreads through her shoulders and back, almost reaching her waist.
Shore Leave
Continuation of my "Didn't Have the Heart" fic (Mass Effect - femShep x Kaidan)
This is going to be my main take on the Citadel dlc + leviathan (which I always do near the end of ME3)
I'm gonna add tons of things and fix a bit of cannon stuff too (I said it before, I do not like the clone plot, at all)
It's going to start with my Shep depressed after Legion's death and I'll go from there. This fic will be my way of having her deal with some of her trauma, and answer some of the things I left opened in previous fics and set future ones. Also will increasily have more and more fluff, of course, that's a given.
Here are some of my notes:
Fix the shenko date -> gives her back the ring -> Flashback to tell how she gave her to him when the 1st Normandy is destroyed
Mention the apartment was in part paid thanks to Shepard (all the betting Anderson did back on her training days) and when she tells him he’s like: I already knew that… and I also know about this too (gives her back the ring)
Slow dancing at the citadel party
Garrus teasing her about Kaidan and she getting him back about Tali
She tells Garrus about Van and her ptsd with the bff thing.
Add a conversation with Javik, kinda apologizing after reading about akuze
Talk about Legion (and maybe Thane because funeral) -> this can be a good thing to join Steve story and tell him about Van 
Definitely neglect the clone thing ever happened, like she doesn’t go to the sushi place or something like that -> Brooks is the main villain, no some stupid clone (yeah, I'm still mad about this lol)
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elfcollector · 1 year
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cassandra-pentughasst · 6 months
Hmm how about top 5 video game characters? 👀
Shhheeeeeeet look at me forgetting every video game character I know right now 🤦🏼‍♀️
1- BioShock 1&2 man
2- Femshep, but my FemShep specifically
3- Kratos & Freya (they are a package deal in my head)
4- Cassandra Pentaghast
5- Elisabet Sobek and all her clone daughters
6- Mister Chief and Cortana (iconic duo and also I like even numbers)
Bonus: Ellana Stamatina Grace Lavellan
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femshep-fatships · 6 months
"The fucked up Pizza Porno of a life you lead when you're the clone of the greatest space hero ever seen, a zillion miles away in the wrong Galaxy."
[AU Femshep x Andromeda OC Asari]
Contains: stuffing. Asari Pizza girl. Improvized Bondage. Transfem Shep
"You're the mystery girl huh?" The Asari asked, putting an unneccessary wiggle in her hips as she parked her butt against the apartment door frame. She was tall chubby, had kind eyes. And was making extremely suggestive faces at scrawny little redhead. Shepard. Went. Pink. Gay. She was gay. Big ol gay. Gay for fat ladies. Gay for fat aliens. Gay for anyone with a pizza. And as she'd just ordered two large pizzas and said curvy asari was her delivery girl. Son of a bitch was Shepard feeling incredibly gay and horny all of the sudden.
"You're Sarah and Suvi's little secret." The Asari woman said knowingly she reached out and booped Shep's nose. The clone shivered, her eyes closed, and she inhaled. Chewing her lower lip. When she opened her eyes: her pupils were massively dialated into big, bioluminescent pink hearts. Brainlessly, breathlessly, Shepard went: "Yeaaaaah.~" The way subs always do when a top tells them they're a "good girl, aren't you?" With a flump. Shepard collapsed to her knees. sitting on her ankles, slouched, staring up at the Asari pizza girl. "I hear, you have a secret of your own." The Asari purred. Tickling under Shep's jaw with her fat pudgy fingers. Then her fingers crawled down Shep's throat, the woman swallowing reflexively before the thick blue sausages hooked themselves in the top of a THICK, HEAVY, Ergonomically locked metal collar. No one, but Suvi, and Sarah Ryder's thumbs could open it. Shepard blinked, and looked away. Her eyes completely normal again. "Y-Yeah. I have a...uh...condition." "I heard rumors. But I know, of course they couldn't possibly be true." The Asari purred. "A scrawny little thing like you? You're just skin and bones compared to me." The Asari, slapped her fat blue gut grabbing and jiggling it in her "Pathfinder Pizza" jumpsuit. Mesmerizing the easily submissive redhead. Her eyes became hearts again. Mouth open. Tongue out. Brain gone. "Yeaaaaaaah.~" She breathed stupidly again. "Rumors." "I heard." The Asari said, squatting down and opening a box of the Pizza she was holding, taking out a slice and dangling it over Shep's now drooling lips. Shepard eating right out of her hands, nearly swallowing the slice whole, before the tight collar around her throat seized blocking the Pizza sized bulge from vanishing down her greedy gullet. Shepard choked her eyes watered, and she reluctantly began to chew. breaking the pizza down into smaller bites in order to eat it "properly." "Fuck me. You...You nearly swallowed it whole. It's true!" The Asari seemed delighted. Fawning over shep as she sat with big cheeks full of pizza chewing the entire mass, unable to respond. "And this thing..." She tugged at the Collar. "This...it..." The Asari turned much bluer, blushing. "...it keeps you from swallowing people." Shepard stopped chewing. Her eyes wide. "...nwo?" She lied, badly, and with a mouth full of Pizza. "That. Is. So. Fucking. Hot." The Asari stuffed her face with a slice, nearly snorting like a pig in her haste to shove it in. She'd always been fat since puberty, something about getting turned on and horny always made her want to eat. The sight of big round bellies making her Azure wet and tender, and the thought of this scrawny little bimbo gobbling someone up, and being pinned under a massive squirming belly...the thought of her own fat gut, her soft jiggly hips, her plump juicy thighs, sliding down that freak of a human's cute little throat. The Asari shoved a second and third, and fourth slice into her face, trying to control her horny levels. Shepard finally swallowed the last of her slice. "It is? I can just swallow big bites, and my stomach stretches a lot." "I'm Rimera." The Asari said excitedly. "I'm with catering. How much can you fucking eat?" She asked pushing another Slice of pizza into Shepard's mouth. "Uhm. I fink we mweasured me at" Shepard swallowed. Her mouth free to speak again. "A little over 3000 liquid Liters?"
Rimera balked. That was about the average size of a fucking farming water tank. This? THIS Tiny human could fit enough food to feed 1/4 the Andromeda Initiative! "Do you like to eat?" Rimera asked breathelessly. "I love it." "Can I feed you?" Rimera asked pinning Shepard to the ground and mounting her. Shepard looked left, then right. Everyone fed her. She didn't see why this cute, horny Asari couldn't. "Everyone feeds me. OOOMPH!"
"I want to see you get round. I fucking need it. Do you understand? Ever since I was a young girl about 100 years old, I saw cartoons of a Turian with a big round belly and I fucking…I need it, do you understand?" Shepard held the slice in her lips, chewing, swallowing and working more of it into her mouth with her teeth and tongue. The crust bobbing cutely outside her lips as Rimera grabbed her scrawny wrists and pinned them above her head with one hand. She pressed a palm against Shep's tum. "Show me? Please? If you eat for me. I'll…I'll…I'll fuck your brains out, do you understand?"
Shepard nodded slowly, starting to grip her thighs together. Her girl dick getting hard against the skintight suit. With Rimera putting her knee between Shep's thighs she was bound to notice.
"Hmm? Oh shit! You have one of those?" Rimera was a little taken aback. but it was the gazillionth Century after all. It wasn't like Asari didn't fuck…well anyone and anything. "Oh shit, that makes it so much easier. They're so much less complicated." And with that Rimera grabbed Shepard by the hips, picked her up by the butt, and planted her crotch against the soft, fat Asari thigh, making her moan into her pizza. Her dick smooshed against plump chub, her back at a 110 degree angle as she lay on the floor, but sat pressed against the Asari looming over her.
"You didn't move your hands…" Ramira said, taking off her id card and stretching out the retractable lanyard. "…Good girl." The Asari whispered, kissing her on the cheek. Shepard melted as Ramira wound her badge string around and around and around her wrists tying them up tight "You gonna eat for me?"
"Mmmfffhmmm." Shep nodded her eyes struggling to stay open as her brain sank deeper and deeper into subspace. Her words muffled by more pizza.
"You gonna get big and round for me, little human girl?"
Shepard moaned so loud, Rameria pushed a little more pizza in her jaws trying to shut her up.
"Shhh. You don't want the whole fucking ship to hear me stuffing you up do you?" She worked her thigh against Shep's throbbing dick, feeding herself a bit more pizza as she finally fufilled a 120 year old dream: her first human feedee.
Hours later, Shepard was laying panting her shirt hiked up to her little tits. A huge glob of a gut spilling over the sides of her ribs, smooshing against her half hard thrice milked cock in her lap. The beach ball sized blob of flesh, a mass of digesting pizza (and chinese, and donuts, and cookies, and pad thai they'd ordered after) groaned and gurgled angrily.
Rimera next to her masturbating furiously at the size of her new gluttonous girlfriend's gut. The both of them, too fat and bloated to make any real motion or effort at sex, and their big stuffed guts making it impossible to reach each other to fuck anyway, Rimera settled for fingering herself and playing with the redhead's big greedy belly.
"It's so…fucking…big!" The Asari panted. "And you're still not full? For real?"
"I…I can eat a lot more…if you want ….me too BUHWAAARRRP ooohh…"
"Fuck that's hot. You understand that right? You fucking understand I just want to keep feeding you, and feeding you, and feeding you. Make you a big squishy ball I can hump and snuggle and play with."
"I'm so hungry…." Shepard admitted. "All the time."
"Then we'll just have to stuff that big belly until you aren't." Rimera grunted. Trying to roll over, but her own (by comparison PITIFUL but by normal people standards stuffed) gut getting in the way. Her chubby blue cheeks let out a fart. Trying to go toe to toe with the Cloned Commander without being a genetically engineered belly freak was wreaking havoc on her digestive system. She burped, grunted, and came, one hand still squeezing Shep's big round tummy.
"Good girl. Good girl. Good fucking girl. You're such a good girl. I'll feed you whatever you want." The Asari moaned.
"Just what the FUCK is going on here?" Came a thick scottish accent that made them both jump. Looking at the doorway, they saw the round 300 pound cinnabun mom herself, glaring at them. "Dinnea just fucking lay there eating and farting and fucking with the front door wide open ya greedy little sluts!" Suvi roared.
"She always gets more scottish when she's pissed. Or Horny." Shepard whispered.
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hardcore-like-eezo · 1 year
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Citadel -- Identity Theft
Shepard v. Shepard
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forlornmelody · 2 years
Mass Effect Trilogy Tag
With all the discourse on Mass Effect: Legendary Edition, let’s spread some positive vibes by remembering what we love about the trilogy. Fill in and tag your friends. Feel free to add your own categories to this survey.
Tagged by @bronzeagelove and @alyssalenko, thanks friends!
I am a fan since… 2015, I think? I know I finished it the first time the day before Trump got elected. I just don’t remember when exactly I started it.
Favorite game of the series: Mass Effect 2 or 3. 
MaleShep or FemShep?
Earthborn, Colonist or Spacer?
Paragon or Renegade? Paragrade, baby.
Biotics or Tech? SPACE MAGIC.
Favorite class: Vanguard goes zoom zoom. But I also am a softie for Infiltrator. It’s fun sneaking up on people.
Favorite companions: Kaidan Alenko, Jack, James Vega, Tali Zorah Vas Normandy, Urdnot Grunt, Urdot Wrex, Legion
Least favorite companions: Liara T'Soni, Samara
My squad selection: Ash/Tali, later Kaidan/Tali (ME1), Jack/Tali (ME2), James/Kaidan (ME3) though I will say I tend to switch up squad mates based on the mission. Like I love taking Miranda to Pragia with me and Jack cause I headcanon it’s a real eye-opener.
Favorite in-game romance: Kaidan Alenko, duh.
Other pairings I like: Name a non-canon queer Femshep romance and I probably like it. I’m especially salty that I can’t romance Jack. I also think James and Steve would make a great couple.
Favorite NPC: Rolan Quarn, that one salarian at the construction site, CLONE SHEP CLONE SHEP CLONE SHEP, “Maya Brooks”, (I really like the Citadel DLC, okay)
Favorite antagonist: Clone Shep
Favorite mission: The Citadel Archives, Priority: Tuchanka, Priority: Rannoch, Priority: Mars, Purgatory, 
Favorite loyalty mission: I don’t really have one? Unless you count Morinth’s.
Favorite DLC: Citadel <--
Control, Synthesis or Destroy?
Favorite weapon: Widow sniper rifle
Favorite place: Omega, Virmire, Rannoch, Thessia
A quote I like:
tagging…. @1esk19 and @pigeontheoneandonly if you want to play.
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rpking99 · 11 months
Here we go, next one. Video Game muses!
Next we have the lovely, and sexy, ladies of Persona 5
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Female/Genderbent Joker, AKA Rin Amamiya
So, I always thought that Joker should have got a FeMC equivilant with Royal. And when Violet was revealed, I thought it was her. Now, I am not a big fan of her in Royal so I am using her as the 'face' for Female Joker. Partially because there is more fanart of her so more options
Joker is the leader of the Phantom Thieves. Arrested for a crime she didn't commit, she and her fellow thieves use the Metaverse to combat the manipulations of those who distort the world and change leilkes hearts. Joker is a bit self conscious, but hides it behind her confident smirk and what could only be described unironically as 'swag'
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Ann Takamaki, Panther
Panther is a model. Having been abused by her gym coach, Ann slowly grew into herself again after an incident with her best friend. Planning on becoming an actress the sex confident blonde is ready to face the world
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Makoto Nijima, Queen
Queenis the teams strategist and leader of the team. A year older than the ithere. She use to be nothing but a doormat for authority, now she is ready to do what is right. A bit socially awkward, Makoto is confident in growing as a person. And she knows how to kick your ass
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Futaba Sakurai, Oracle
Oracle, Futaba, is a big nerd and a year younger than Joked. Her mother died in front of her at a young age, and the guilt and lies that filled Futaba made her deeply repressed. She can best be described as a cinnamon bun chaotic gremlin highbrid. She is also Joker's little sister figure as Joker is staying with Futaba's adopted dad Sojiro, the man acting as Rin's guardian, and Rin and Futaba have formed a sibling-like bond
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Haru Okumura, Noir
Haru Okumara, Noir, is the same age as Makoto. Big into gardening, she is the heir (slash is the CEO) of Okumara Foods after her father died. While having a sadistic side in combat, she is the 'team mother' and the sweetest thing around
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Sadayo Kawakami/ Becky
Ms Kawakami is a teacher at Shujin Academy, the school Joker and her friends attended during their first year as a team. Ms Kawakami is a very calm, kind, teacher who has to act as a maid in order to get extra money
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Tae Takemi
Tae is a doctor who lives close to the Sakura family owned cafe, Lè Blanc, and is a regular customer. Her license was revoced because another doctor faked a patient's death, a patient who was given an experimental drug by Tae to the and cure a deadly disease. She is sex on legs and she knows it, confident and sassy with a dry wit
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Sae Nijima
Sae is Makoto's big sister. She was a prosecuter, but after Persona 5 became a Defence Attorney. Confident, calm and collected. She basically raised Makoto. And she do what she can for her family to be safe
Next we have the Mass Effect muses
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The boss bitch herself, Commander Jane 'FemShep' Sheppard
Jane Shepard is a no-nonsense military woman. Captain of the Normandy, she is a Spectre. Above the law, dealing with the galaxy's deadliest threats. A mix of paragon and renegade, she will kick your ass if you are racist to one of her crew but also be more than happy to joke over some drinks at an Asari stirp club
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Tali'Zorah Vas Normandy
Tali is a Quarian. A race of Space nomads forced from their home from the AI known as the Geth, and intergalactic law screwing them over. She is so sweet and kind, a brilliant engineer and more than deadly with a shotgun
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Miranda Laweson
Miranda Lawson, made/cloned to be genetically perfect by her father. She escaped his clutches to try and live her own life. Confident in her sex appeal, she is a powerful biotic (basically space wizard/psychic) and takes no one's shit
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Kasumi Goto
Kasumi is the galaxy's greatest thief. With tech to make her almost completely invisible to sight, sound and any type of vision imaginable. She is basically a space ninja. She is a fun playful tease who does what she wants as she pleases, because why not?
Now, on to the next lovely game girls.
Megaman Battle Network Muses
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Mayl Sakurai
Mayl is a music student in DenTown. A bit of a Tsundere she is very kind, gentle but with a quick temper
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Roll is the Navi of Maylu, a high tech program that acts as a friend and assistant. She is excels in data management and analysis. A kind, bubbly, data being who lives in the Cyber World
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Empress Roll.exe/Devil Roll.exe
Empress Roll is a corrupted version of Roll. When influinced by something like the Devil Chip, this form of Roll is born. Gone is the sweet innocent Navi, replaced by a Virus in Navi form. Sadistic, cold and cruel. You bow to her feet your face her whip~!
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Medi.exe/Meddy.exe/Meddi.exe (why does she have three official dub names, Capcom?!)
Medi is a nurse type Navi partnered with a NetOp called Jasmine, but I just write Medi. She is very hard headed despite her job as a nurse. Dedicated to helping people, this nurse of the cyber world is very focused on making new medicine
Now we go over to Nintendo for two characters, from two different games!
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Samus Aran from Metroid
Samus is a galactic bounty hunter. Dealing with the deadly Metroids and Space Pirates, she is a badass bitch and she knows it.
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Blaze the Cat from Sonic
Blaze is a counterpart of the titular hero. The princess of the Sol dimension being a hyper fast cat with the power of fire added on. Cool, confident and a bit of a loner that she is trying to grow out of
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Bowsette from Mario... technically. More the fandom
Bowsette is the form of Bowser taken when he dones the Super Crown. Preferring this female form, the New Koopa Queen is still searching for a wife. But now she is considering a husband~
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imperatoralicia · 3 years
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Someone’s gonna have to go home to change weapons, and it’s not going to be me.
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dragonflight203 · 3 months
Mass Effect 2 replay, part 1 of the Citadel:
-As others have noted, it’s odd Shepard is even allowed to dock a Cerberus ship. Let’s put that down as Anderson’s influence.
-Even Kasumi is insisting this must be the real Shepard. She can tell by Shepard’s presence.
The game is really pushing that Shepard is real; was this in the original script or did play testers assume Shepard would turn out to be a clone or the like and these scattered insistences about Shepard were attempts at damage control?
-Femshep’s voice acting at the start of ME2 is much weaker than it was in ME1. I always notice this. It gets better at some point, but the difference between the end of ME1 and the start of ME2 is jarring.
C-Sec guard: sorry, but I can’t let you a board a shuttle with that
Turian: But this is a ceremonial item of my people!
C-Sec guard; Sir, it’s a 15 centimeter serrated blade.
That probably is a ceremonial item for turians. Which is still regularly used as a weapon.
-Increased security, and C-Sec still lets the dead in. Because no one’s ever tried to pass themself off as a dead person before.
-I’m not fond of Bailey. Odd because I love Garrus and they’re both corrupt cops, but Bailey feels higher on the sleaze factor.
Maybe it’s because Garrus is introduced investigating Saren and saving Dr. Michel and Bailey is introduced encouraging fellow cops to beat up prisoners.
Pretty sure Executor Pallin wouldn’t approve of Bailey.
-And here is Bailey also insisting that Shepard is real. Because the DNA scanners say so. Because cloning hasn’t been established to be real in Mass Effect.
Did the writers just forget about Dr. Saleon? And how he cloned organs inside of living people?
All this insistence that Shepard is real just feels very out of place when nothing comes of it. I’d have preferred if the game just glossed over it completely, instead of reassurances with no weight behind them.
-And Bailey has zero concern about Shepard because they’re hero. And as we know, heroes are above suspicion and never need to be investigated.
Let’s just ignore Saren, who was one of the council’s most trusted agents and recently tried to murder them.
Was Bailey seriously the only choice available for captain?
-Hmm. Renegade Shepard complains that the Council made no effort to confirm their death.
Shepard, you were spaced. Assuming you were dead is reasonable. One of the few points the game is consistent on is that you were, for all practical, purposes dead when Cerberus got their hands on you. There’s a reason the project was called the Lazarus project.
-Bailey, paraphrased: I’m with them [formalities] until they keep people from doing their jobs.
Bailey, formalities normally exist for good reasons. Like, for example, ensuring that cops don’t torture people. Or to verify that a person who comes back from the “dead” is really that person.
-And he calls the Council “scaly asses”. Let’s just add racism to the bingo board.
-Bailey, paraphrased: Policing a ward is like policing New York City. Sometimes you have to work outside the Council’s rulebook.
Did the writers not know the reputation of New York City police? Or the police in most major cities, for that matter?
It’s not hard to understand why a turian politician later runs on an anti-human platform in the Zakera ward. Bailey, and by extension his force, is not a shining example of humanity.
-Zakera ward is the minority ward. The other wards are dominated by asari, turians, and salarians. Interesting. Good justification for the all the humans seen in it and why Shepard docked there.
-There are human captains in C-Sec because of the Battle of the Citadel.
Bailey, paraphrased: We had the most experienced bodies.
Humans have been in the galactic community for less than 30 years, but they have the most experienced C-Sec personnel to promote? Really?
Not the asari that live a millennia, the turians who created C-Sec, the salarians that have been here near the start, or the hanar or volus that have been around for much longer than humanity?
That humans were promoted after the officers lost in the Battle of the Citadel and their role in stopping Saren, I can believe. That they were promoted because they were the most experienced I doubt.
-The transient dialogue on the Citadel is a joy. ME2’s and ME3’s writing tends to shine in these kind of conversations.
Love the krogans debating if there are fish on the presidium, and how they should kill turians for believing that all krogans are dangerous.
And the turian refusing to have the lifespan talk with his asari partner.
-The Zakara Cafe turian shopkeeper knows about Ardat-Yakshi. They’re not as much of a secret as the asari like to believable – and that’s to be expected, considering the asari have been part of a multi species society for over a millennia. You’re not going to keep something like that a secret for that long.
-I enjoy the News Reports by Emily Wong and the Galactic News, and I’m happy I can now cycle through all of them. No more RNG based on elevator rides.
However, I wish I could either read them or listen to them as I move. Needing to stay nearby as they play is annoying.
-The Galactic News mentions Toombs, the Cerberus scientist that he wanted to kill, and that Cerberus may have been involved in killing Admiral Kohaku. Good to see this at least mentioned, after all off Cerberus’ activities in ME1 have been downplayed so far.
-The Galactic News says that the combai VI on Luna was not intentionally upgraded to full AI status, so the Alliance will not likely be prosecuted. Interesting – Hackett insisted in ME1 that it was just a VI. When was it determined that it was a full AI?
-The Galactic News says that Kate Bowman – rescued in Bring Down the Sky – will read a thank you for the Alliance soldiers who rescued her.
No mention that it was Shepard who rescued her? And interesting that it specifies Alliance soldiers, when Shepard is a spectre.
-Rachni vessels have been spotted. Where did these go in ME3?
I suppose they could be the ships the rachni used to get to the Crucible, but the Breeder gets there too and couldn’t have built the ships mentioned here.
-Interesting how ads list key words to find a website by, rather than provide a URL
-I want to see the awful movie made about the Battle of the Citadel.
-Avina says the only shop on the dock level is the souvenir shop. So much for Zakera Cafe, which has the high quality ingredients you need for a side quest.
-The Council might not like Udina, but they prefer him to Anderson. Not surprising – Udina understands how to play the game.
-Anderson says there’s no evidence for the Reapers outside of Shepard’s reports. Good to see someone acknowledge eyewitness reports aren’t the most reliable evidence.
-If you go paragon, Sparatus points out that the Terminus systems are beyond the Council’s authority and humanity colonizes it at their own risk.
Again: When did humanity start colonizing the Terminus systems?
I’m just going to assume this started after Shepard died.
Regardless, Sparatus is right here. And this is consistent with ME1 – the Council wants nothing to do with the Terminus Systems.
-Shepard says the geth would never have followed Saren, since Saren is organic.
I’m not certain about that. The geth don’t do emotions the way other species do; they may follow an organic if they believe it to be logical. They’re just extremely skeptical that it would ever be in their interests to do so.
However, this is a reasonable assumption for Shepard to make at this point.
-Tevos: You are working with Cerberus – an avowed enemy of the Council. This treason, a capitol offense.
She’s not wrong. The Council offering to reinstate Shepard as a spectre is quite an olive branch, considering – and one made by Sparatus. Usually it would be Tevos offering such a compromise.
-Anderson is very quick to defend Shepard. He’s definitely the reason why the Normandy could even dock.
-Everyone’s very blunt that the title is just ceremonial, however. No need for Shepard to even bother filing reports. Ah, well. Still get the privileges of the title.
-Udina’s right that Shepard is a political nightmare, especially if Shepard went renegade in the conversation with the Council.
The first human spectre working for a human supremacist group cannot be good for pr.
-From what Anderson says, Udina is doing the real work. Probably why the Council wants to work with him. Udina knows who to speak to to get things done, Udina’s attending the various functions…
-The Citadel is still dependent on the keepers for rebuilding. Please tell me someone is now officially researching them, at least.
-Sovereign’s wreckage is everywhere, and you just know people made off with as much of it as they could.
No wonder Cerberus was able to make a coup attempt in ME3. There must be so many indoctrinated people on the Citadel by that point, and destabilizing the central government is part of the Reaper’s modus operandi.
-And when asked about Kaidan, Anderson says that while Shepard is with Cerberus they can’t be told everything.
And warns Shepard not to trust Cerberus when the conversation ends.
After the Cerberus apologism through the first part of the game, hearing them treated with suspicion on the Citadel is a huge relief.
-Hmm. On a surface level, the Council does appear to not believe in the Reapers at this point.
And I’m not certain they do – the Reapers are quite a lot to swallow without hard evidence.
However, I do think it’s reasonable to take away from the meeting that the Council was stonewalling Shepard due to their Cerberus connections. They were never going to trust Shepard with anything they considered important while they were with Cerberus.
The Council very reasonably could be preparing for a war and not disclose any of that to Shepard. After all – the geth came from the Perseus Veil. If they really believe the geth created Sovereign, what’s to say there aren’t more Sovereigns beyond the Veil?
They could be quietly moving to get on war footing to prepare to go to war with the geth. I find it very odd that there are no mentions of the Veil – no mentions if ships have been coming or going from it, no mentions of sending in a survey team to confirm if there are more geth there. You expect me to believe that after the geth attacked the Citadel the STG did not scramble to gather every scrap of information possible on the geth?
And as we confirm in this game, there are a shitton of geth behind the veil. If they were hostile and capable of creating Sovereigns, C-Space would be fucked. Assuming the STG confirmed their existence, the Council is probably preparing to take them on.
From their perspective, the human colonies in the Terminus systems aren’t their problem. That’s out of their jurisdiction. If Shepard wants to pursue them, fine – it gets them out of C-Space. If Shepard saves them while being a spectre, even better; good publicity for the Council.
So if Shepard’s reinstated as a spectre, I think the conversation with the Council went about as well as it could at this point. Both sides are annoyed at each other for ignoring the real issue at hand, and want the other out of their hair while they focus on the important problems.
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dyonomnomgod · 2 years
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