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liptonsbabe · 3 years
Chains of a family [B.W]
Bill Weasley x Grant! Reader
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4
Summary: The reader has left the burrow trying to hide from Molly’s harsh comments. Bill’s mom doesn’t want his son near you cause she thinks you’ll hurt him judging you for your family reputation. Arthur thinks differenly so he’ll try to make amends between you two
Word count: 3.4 k. Too long I’M SORRY
Warnings: none
English not my mother language so pleeeeese tell me if something’s wrong
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A/N: Hey! Another chapter for you’all. Thanks for keep reading this. The next part will be updated soon and yeah, hope you like it! If you want to be tagged just tell me and i’ll do so :D
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Chapter 3: Expectations
It was bitterly cold outside the burrow, and you wondered if winter had come early. Your icy hands clenched your sides, refusing to go back inside even if your knuckles burned and your bare feet began to crack from the hardness of the grass on your soles.
You walked on the grass feeling the dew wetting your fingertips. On the other side of the garden the gnomes were burying one of Molly's ornaments with what, you guessed, the woman would be very angry when she found out, but no more than she already was. Molly's words were harsh. Even if her intention was not to make you feel bad, she had managed to put a huge weight on your stomach after the fight.
You didn't blame her, it was almost certain that Molly would react that way, however, you hoped that within her there was a bit of empathy for the situation you were experiencing with your family. It wasn’t easy for anyone to go through a war that could have been avoided in one way or another, however, for the Grants it was an even more difficult challenge knowing that the trigger for such a war was grandpa Tim Grant's half brother.
You walked around the house, crossing the barnyard, watching the chickens peck at a rubber boot on a very rusty cauldron. The cornfield grasses moved with the wind at the same rate. From right to left, right to left, right to left and then they changed the rhythm from left to right, left to right, left to right ...
The barn was just behind the thick grass rising into an old stone sty, which had several crooked stories attached to it. Four or five chimneys dotted the roof of the cellar, and most likely the entire building was held up by magic due to its crazy bolt-on construction. You took a look back at the main entrance of the house where you could hear the voices of Bill's brothers next to Molly's, deciding to get away from the Weasleys before starting a new fight.
You crossed the cornfield finding a pond full of frogs that you dodged with a little scream and a ballerina jump. Then you came across an old broom shed that was half stowed and a pervasive smell. You headed there, thinking of helping out with the cleaning and wasting some time in the process until William came home from the ministry in the early afternoon.
The brooms were on top of each other in a corner of the shed where the garden gnomes used them to play with each other. One of the gnomes had gotten a match with which he had managed to light a couple of strands of the broom of one of the twins -You knew it because each of the brooms had the initials of Molly's children painted on the base. That one had a huge G in the center - which soon expanded into the rest of the broom's dark fibers. You immediately turned it off earning yourself a tiny kick from the gnome.
The smoke from the fire mixed with dust, and the foul smell of expired wax made your eyes water . You wondered vaguely when was the last time that place had been cleaned up, however, the density of the raised dust and the rottenness of the broom wax on the floor told you about the nonexistence maintenance of the shed. The orchard was contained within a paddock, so you assumed there would be no problem cleaning it up later.
You collected each thing by hand placing them where you thought they should go. You finished cleaning the shed earlier than expected, securing the door when exiting to prevent the gnomes from entering and destroying everything again.
You continued your way in a straight line until you reached the barn where a thick layer of dust hid the doorknob. You opened the warehouse with your wand finding the worst scenario ever imagined. The walls were hidden in ghastly cobwebs, the shelves were clothed in huge mountains of dust, and Muggle stuff were strewn everywhere. Mr. Weasley's old Ford Anglia was on the left side of the barn,  storing certain flying objects that you couldn't recognize from the cloud of dust that rose and entered to your eyes.
Well, that seemed like an even bigger challenge than the shed on the other side of the garden. You started by washing the car using your wand to launch several aguamentis causing a waterfall of mud falling from the roof to the fender. Then the car doors flapped open like a pair of wings, letting out the flying objects. You raised your wand by closing the barn door blockig them the exit and initiating a chase that lasted a couple of hours to catch each object, throw it inside the Ford Anglia and finish polishing the hood before the flying, spoiled car got upset.
You forgot the last time you helped your household servants clean a simple fireplace ornament. Years before, when you were little and your brothers liked to spend time together, you helped the butler to clean some objects in the house because it was more fun when you formed competitions between you, Anthon and Margaret to know which of you cleaned the house ¿faster . You had fun and old Alfred got less tired. But that was a long time ago and in the present you didn’t remember what was the proper order of cleaning.
You were lugging box after box for several hours getting a terrible allergy in the process. The last box was made of recyclable paper where you put Mr. Weasley's old newspapers and Molly's worn recipes. You carried them to the fourth shelf from the right, previously cleaned, raising it with both hands. A speck of dust flew across the room, stopping on your nose causing you to sneeze so hard you fell backwards with the box on your face. The papers flew around the corners causing a disaster worse than the initial one.
You stayed lying on the floor taking the box off your face staring at the ceiling. Undoubtedly that would be a difficult life without anyone to help you doing the things more than yourself, however you were willing to try ‘cause you didn’t want to return home where things were simple but with a high cost. You weren't sure you wanted to trade your freedom for a few extra comforts. You let out a sigh ready to stand up when a singular sheet of a recent newspaper flew towards you, stopping on your chest. You caught a glimpse of a fairly familiar photograph in the ink, so you took the paper and read:
"Dark Mark sparks panic." Muggle family murdered.  Death Eaters numbers grow”  Your hands trembled over the paper, caressing each of the words, reading them over and over again. The weight on your stomach grew and grew, as if it were suddenly going to explode. A huge picture of uncle Tom stood in the middle, with that toothless grin and throbbing nostrils “Merlin’s beard”
Your fingers tingled, and you couldn't help but run your touch over your uncle's face trying to think how he got to that point. Grandpa Tim never talked so much about his half brother and you never had the courage to ask him even if the curiosity was eating your insides. There were few times where Tom Riddle's presence was in the family conversations and if that happened, then your father changed the topic from one second to another. It was annoying living in the shadows, but it was even more to be tied to a cause that no one sympathized with, not even his own brother. But Tim Grant was reserved, perhaps too reserved. Maybe that was the reason why he allowed the actions of his little brother to escalate to those levels and allowed too that his only son had choose the wrong side. However, you didn’t understand - or support - Voldemort's ambitions, neither did your grandpa and that cost you to be rejected by the rest of your family.
Your eyes watered and you didn't know if it was because of guilt or if the damn dirt had entered your eyelids. You looked at the ceiling in the haze. You searched your mind and realized that the situation affected you too much. You weren't welcome with the Weasleys, nor with the Grants. You felt desolate, as if the barn walls were closing in on you.
Molly's reaction was valid, you repeated yourself as many times as you could, because anyone who had lost a large part of it’s family to a member of another's would have done the same thing or something so much worse. You shook your head, once again feeling the rejection you were used to.
The barn door opened suddenly, letting in a gust of wind hitting your body directly on the ground. Your skin prickled from the cold causing the newcomer to laugh.
You looked up to find yourself face to face with the distorted figure of Arthur Weasley who was holding a couple of drinks along with a weird smile that made you laugh. The man sat on the floor next to you leaving the glass next to your face.
"I'm sorry I scared you. it’s freezing cold out there and in my defense, nobody comes to this place”
“It’s okay, I wasn't expecting visitors”
"Fine, then" Arthur took a sip of his drink licking his chapped lips, but still showing you that smile so much like Bill's. You folded the newspaper on your lap, nervous. "So ... what are you doing lying in my barn?"
"I ... I was trying to clean this place up”
"Is that so? ‘cuz It seemed like you were about to take a nap."
“Yeah, i had a little mishap here”
"I see, do you want to get up?"
"Yes, thank you." Arthur held out his hand, slowly pulling you up to leave you sitting in front of him. He offered you the drink and you clinked glasses before drinking. It was hot chocolate, you guessed, made by Molly. Your stomach churned.
Mr. Weasley glanced around the barn, surprised to see more than half perfectly arranged
“This place hasn't been so clean since Bill was born”
"No, no, it's okay," he mentioned, waving to play it off, "Molly had been asking me for a long time to do it, so I think you just made my job easier."
"It's nothing, Mr. Weasley
"Did you see something you liked?"
"Uh, yeah," you answered wiping your lips. "Ignoring the fact that your car almost killed me, I noticed that you have a lot of muggle stuff."
“Ah, yes. They are fascinating, don't you think?”
"Certainly, but I also realized that most of them are useless, why do you still have them here?"
"I like to collect them," he replied, taking another sip of his drink. You mimicked his action “to be honest, I don't even have a clue how these things works, but I suppose I'll find out in time. Muggle devices are not as advanced as ours, much less functional, however, I find them entertaining and special somehow, did you know that they use a subway to transport themselves underground? And they must leave coins in a machine so that they give them a little ticket. A ticket! The first time I used one I was deadly excited!
You smiled, imagining how it would to see Mr. Weasley that happy
"I could help you understand how they work." You winced when Arthur looked at you with wide eyes. "My ... my grandfather lived with Muggles for a while and knows a lot about this artifacts. Several times he spoke of his usefulness to my brothers and me”
“Fantastic!” He replied cheerfully. You smiled “It's wonderful (Y/N), thank you”
“No problem”
Then a silence settled between you, being cut off only by the babble of the gnomes outside the barn kicking the timbers trying to get inside. Arthur cleared his throat as he ran his little blue eyes over each of the walls of his newly renovated barn. He smiled again placing one of his hands on your shoulder
"I found out what happened with Molly in the morning," he mentioned. You nodded “My children told me what you said to each other and ...”
"I'm sorry I spoke badly to your wife, Mr. Weasley" you interrupted, sipping your glass all at once, leaving it on the floor. "I know after this I'll have to talk to William and find another place to stay."
“She is not like that. She rarely has such behavior with the people and I can only think that my Molly has a lot of mixed feelings. The war has us all nervous and the fact that the memories of the past have arisen again ... they make her have reactions that are not very usual in Molly.”
"I'm not blaming her. I think she's right”
"What I did to my family ... running away, betray them..." You started playing with your fingers on your lap, embarrassed. "It's not something a trustworthy person would do."
“What are you talking about?”
“For the Grants, it’s very important to support the family in their endeavors without stopping to think if that could be harmful to the others. With uncle Tom becoming the most dangerous dark wizard of all times ... people would think that his relatives would follow his steps and they did “Mr. Weasley listened attentively, ignoring the screams of his wife announcing that the food was ready “At least most of them. Now all of us are tied to the He-who-must-not-be-named, whether we want it or not. It ruined our lives and I couldn't stay in that place forever
"Why aren't you on his side?"
"Because I can't see my brothers make a wrong decision" You crumpled the newspaper with your hands looking at how the pic of Lord Voldemort turned into a streaked stain "I have my own convictions, even if you don’t believe so”
"I don't believe anything of you, (Y/N)" Arthur's voice turned stoic as he stared at you harshly. "Neither the good nor the bad. I am a believer that you should judge someone by what demonstrates, not by what it’s said about them. Right now you aren’t showing me anything but that there is something in your family that you don’t like and that the dirt in my barn is intolerable to you”
You smiled
"We're all here waiting to see what are you capable of. Good or bad, you get to decide who (Y/N) Grant is from now on. Starting over. Forget that the Grants' actions make you worthy of the consequences”
Warmth attacked your chest. It was comforting to feel for the first time the acceptance of someone who wasn't doing it out of mere compassion or that it was Bill. That Arthur gave you the benefit of the doubt encouraged you to continue as before: trying, trying, trying.
"I think his wife doesn't think the same."
Arthur Weasley patted your shoulder.
"I'll talk to her, she'll understand. Meanwhile let's go home, it's time for lunch”
"Did Bill come back?"
"Yes, my son and I came back from the ministry a while ago.He wanted to find you, but I asked him to let me do it. You know, because sometimes it's good to have the daughters-in-law on your side”
Your cheeks heated up and then the rest of your face turned completely red. Arthur studied your reaction, smiling as he realized you were just a kid looking for approval. He patted your shoulder again, inviting you to leave the rest of the mess and accompany him to the burrow.
"These aren’t a good times to trust the Daily Prophet," Arthur mentioned, noticing the crumpled newspaper in your hands. You skipped the pond and skirted the cornfield until you reached the garden entrance where Bill's brothers and Bill himself had set up a long table near Molly's apple tree where they planned to spend the afternoon. One of the twins raised his wand putting the cuterly across the table, one set for each of the family members. You wondered if there would be a place for you at the table “Honestly, these are not good times to trust anything or anyone, so if you accept my advice, don't worry too much about reading the newspapers, they will leave you more questions than answers, Hey, you will break that!
Arthur scolded his twins when they fiddled with forks in a battle to find out which of them would wash the dishes after eating. Arthur ran towards them while Bill approached you greeting you with a kiss on the cheek. He frowned, watching you closely and then removed his coat, draping it over your shoulders.
"What the hell were you doing outside without a sweater?" It's freezing!”
"You worry way too much," you told him, pressing the faux fur against your shivering body. The truth was that, after the exchange of words with Bill's mother, you didn’t have the time to get a sweater before leaving and of course your wounded pride wouldn’t let you get dressed again before going to hide in the barn. Bill clicked his tongue rubbing your arms. "I'm fine, I just lost track of the time cleaning your father's barn and I didn't feel the cold until now”
"You're bad at lying, did you know that?"
"You should stop asking so many questions." You smiled at the grimace on the older Weasley's face. "Nothing happened."
"That's not what the twins told me," he suddenly mentioned. You felt the tension in Bill's body when Molly passed by him giving you a dangerous look, however you decided to ignore it for the good of both of you “ What my mom said ...”
"It’s okay, it doesn't matter I discussed it with your father and we worked it out”
“Are you sure?” You nodded “I hope so. Not because she’s my mother I will let her offend you in any way”
Your smile widened. You couldn't possibly love that man more than you already did. You approached his body, throwing your arms around Bill's neck, having to stand on your tiptoes to reach only to kiss his chin. He lowered his head, managing to bring his lips together.
“Help your brothers set the table, I'll go take a bath”
"Don't you prefer i help you instead?" You laughed
"I can do it by myself, thanks”
"Hmm ... you sure?”
"William ...”
"Okay, okay, okay," he urged you leaving a couple of kisses on the corner of your lips. "Don't be gone too long. i’ll miss you, love."
“I will not. Wait for me just here, yeah?”
You went upstairs to the room you shared with Bill and jumped into the shower enjoying the warmth of the water above your head. You leaned against the tiles thinking that your first day in the burrow had turned out very bad, but better than you had thought. Even if Molly didn't believe your words, you would do your best to fullfil the expectations of the others members of the Order. You would be loyal to them, to the Aurors, and you would fight whoever you had to to prove that your actions were worth more than the rumors surrounding the Grants did.
You were going to prove how wrong they were with you and, incidentally, you would forge a reputation of your own, one of which you would proud of
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ellyoloo · 4 years
Best Cruiser Bicycle for Tall Riders Reviews and Buying Guide
Tall people have one major problem when it comes to buying bicycles, finding the right size. For a very long time, tall bicycle riders have been neglected when it comes to designing these cruiser bicycles. Thanks to technological advancement, getting a custom made bicycle for you. However, it is costly than getting a ready-made bicycle from the stores.
Alternatively, you can look for the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders on the internet. You will find a wide variety of choices to go with. When getting your bicycle, always make sure that you are buying a legit product always. For you to get the right cruiser bicycle, there are several factors that you will need to consider. That way, you will avoid buying the wrong item. A counterfeit cruiser bicycle can be a threat to your life. That is since they are prone to malfunction and unexpected breakdowns.
Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike
The Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike is the perfect kind of ride for tall men. From its ridged nature and shape, any tall man in the 21st century deserves to have one. This cruiser bicycle is perfect for running errands or strolling around for some adventure.
What makes Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike the perfect ride?
The Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike is equipped with several features that have made it win many riders' hearts. Some include
Seven speeds for different kinds of terrain
Rigid brakes o front and rear wheels for extra security
Hard aluminium body to for durability
High performance and high-quality bike
These, among other factors like the perfect balance, shape, and more features, are the reason why any tall male should consider getting this ride. The best part is, you can use it for running errands or recreational purposes smoothly.
Why should you go for it?
For a cruiser bicycle with its features, Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike is one of the most affordable in the market. The best part is, you get to get more than the value of your money since the bicycle is of high quality and will serve you for a lifetime if taken care of properly. Other top features that have attracted buyers include;
An enclosed chain cover to protect the rider from dirt and     accident
Rust and corrosion resistant frame
Stylish design that allows for comfort and relaxed riding
Lightweight for easy portability
Relatively affordable
Some riders have, however, rejected the bicycle because;
No place to carry luggage
No water bottle holder
Huffy 26" Men's Cranbrook Cruiser Bike with Freebie If you are looking for some extra comfort with your ride, then you will be happy to know that the Huffy 26" Men's Cranbrook Cruiser Bike offers more. Perfectly designed for tall male riders, this cruiser bicycle will give you the right confidence to ride on any road. That is because it gives the riders the kind of control and balance they need.   What makes Huffy 26" Men's Cranbrook Cruiser Bike ideal From the word go, you will notice the following great features about this bike like;
Dual-density pedals and grips for extra comfort
Rigid and perfectly fit frame
Strategically positioned seat for a comfortable ride
Raised handlebars to prevent neck, leg, and wrist fatigue
Allowance for full leg extension
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Ride better with Huffy 26" Men's Cranbrook Cruiser Bike Unlike the usual bicycles, the Huffy 26" Men's Cranbrook Cruiser Bike allows you to keep both feet on the ground when you are not on the move. That means, in case you need an extra balance, all you need to do is drop your feet on the ground. Additionally, this bike uses easy coaster breaks; therefore, you don't need to engage your hands anymore.   Other factors that make Huffy 26" Men's Cranbrook Cruiser Bike the right bicycle for tall riders include;
Extra comfort from the shape and design
Enclosed chain cover
Heavily padded seat
No brake and gear cables 
On the other hand, some riders have despised this bike because
Doesn't come with a bottle holder
No place to carry extra load
Sixthreezero EVRYjourney Men's Single Speed Hybrid Cruiser Bicycle
If you are looking for a more outstanding type of men's bicycle, then this should be the perfect ride for you. Famous for its unique style and color, this ride will make you noticeable. That is because it is only stylish in a stylish and manly way. Some of its main features that have attracted many people to buy include;
Quality brakes for better safety
Detachable front wheel for easy replacement and secure     storage
Matching fender
Well-padded seat for extra comfort
Sturdy aluminium frame
It is good to know that there are two more models with three-speed and seven-speed systems other than this single-speed version. You will find these ideal if you need to use the bile on rocky and hilly terrains.
Is it all worth it?
For a bike with such features is safe so say it is the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders. The two-inch thick tires will keep you stable in bumpy roads and create more balance for the rider. The rims are made from durable and robust alloy, painted to give the bike its attractive look.
What makes it so likable?
The Sixthreezero EVRYjourney Men's Single Speed Hybrid Cruiser Bicycle is also designed to allow riders to keep both feet on the ground when they stop. Other benefits of this bike include;
The custom black dual-spring seat
Lightweight for easy maneuvering and portability
Leather stitched grips for extra comfort
Quick-release seat post clamp
 Some disadvantages, according to some rider, are
Fit for only tall men
Comes when it is 80% assembled, leaving you the rest of the     work
Sixthreezero Men's In The Barrel 7-Speed Beach Cruiser Bicycle
Rated as the best beach cruiser for tall man, Sixthreezero Men's In The Barrel 7-Speed Beach Cruiser Bicycle is a good option even for land. Designed for taller men, this is the kind of ride that will give you a delightful experience. It comes with a wide and well-padded seat for better comfort and balance when riding;
Top features;
Rubber block pedals for excellent grip
Leather grips for the handlebars for the comfort of the hand
Chain cover to block dirt and chain accidents
Wide tires for more support and cushioning on rough terrains
Seven speeds and three-speed cruising controls
Who needs this cruiser bicycle?
If you prefer a much simpler option of the Sixthreezero Men's In The Barrel 7-Speed Beach Cruiser Bicycle, you can consider the 1-speed version. It has an easy to use shifter plus the coaster brakes ensure extra safety in case of an event. Other benefits of owning the Sixthreezero Men's In The Barrel 7-Speed Beach Cruiser Bicycle include;
Made from aluminium alloy hence it's light and strong
Durable frame
Quality paint job for extra shielding of the frame from     corrosion
A comfortable ride on the beach and land
If you stay close to a beach and you have been looking for the right kind of bike that will not make you look funny because of your height, then this is it. However, some riders are not impressed by the bike because;
You get to assemble the bike hence more work for you
It is designed for only tall people
Fito Cruiser-Bicycles Fito Men's Modena gt 
For a more manly cruiser bicycle, then you will not get your interest off the Fito Cruiser-Bicycles Fito Men s Modena gt. This cruiser bike has a thick aluminium alloy frame that gives it a robust look. Added to the extra thick tires, it is one of the best cruiser bikes t ride on the beach and land. Some of its notable features include;
Its cranked forward design gives it a manly outlook
Customized front and rear fenders
Available in one and seven speeds
KMC chain
Oversized Vinyl saddle
How durable is it?
Since it is made from aluminium, the Fito Cruiser-Bicycles Fito Men s Modena gt is anti-rust; hence is more likely to serve you for a long time. Nevertheless, the frame is extended, making it the perfect ride for taller people. The rims, brake levers, and bolt stem are all made from an aluminium alloy as well. Some of the advantages of owning a Fito Cruiser-Bicycles Fito Men s Modena gt include;
Outstanding balance due to the wideness of the bike
Comfortable sitting and riding position thanks to the     oversized saddle
Comes with a freewheel
High quality, strong and durable cruiser bicycle
Is it a good option?
It is the right kind of cruiser bike for rough rides on rough roads, evident from its design and ability to withstand cruel terreins. While Fito Cruiser-Bicycles Fito Men s Modena gt sound like the perfect bike for any tall man, some people don't consider it their first choice because;
It is relatively heavy
It is too big for a cruiser bicycle
How to Select the Cruiser Bicycle for Tall Riders
However much there are many options to go with when looking for a cruiser bicycle for tall people, some buyers end up crying foul. To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, you will want to do the following before exchanging your mine for a new cruiser bicycle.
Identify     your height
Most cruiser bikes for tall people will specify the height that the user should have to enjoy a smooth ride. If you buy one randomly without considering this factor, you will have a huge problem, especially when you will be peddling. Your knees will become the main hindrance to your comfort, not forgetting your lousy sitting position.
2.      Look for legit dealers.
The worst thing about buying the wrong cruiser bike is losing money. Cruiser bikes are not cheap; hence, you deserve to get quality with every cent you spend for the cruiser bike. You can easily find genuine dealers online, plus, you can take advantage of the review platforms for information concerning dealers.
3.      Consider your environment
You need to understand the kind of terrain where you will be riding your bike. It will help you know if you should go for one with more than one speed or wide tires and so on. If you are staying near the beach and looking forward to cruise ride along the beach line regularly, you need to make sure that you pick a cruiser bike with the right specifications.
4.      Check the weight limit.
Although most cruiser bikes are built using string aluminium alloys, it does not mean that the bike can withstand a heavy load. If you are sure about the strength of the aluminium alloy frames, then consider the rims. They can get misshaped due to struggling with excess weight. As a result, your bike can feel imbalanced and difficult to pedal. Getting a cruiser bike that can withstand your weight will result in much comfortable riding experience.
5.      Compare what is available.
Generally, cruise bicycles are known to be expensive since they are built using quality material. However, it is good to know that there are different kinds of these bikes in the market. In many cases, they come in series, each built to perfection to make the rider comfortable on the terrain. If you take time to compare what is in the market, you are most likely to find what you need at a slightly lower price than you had imagined.
6.      Look out for reviews.
Because you are most likely to purchase a cruiser bicycle online, it is best if you can find out as much as possible about them. Luckily enough, there are reviews, including videos that can give you a better insight into the cruiser bicycle you are interested in. The research comes in handy before buying any product online. Through these reviews, you will be able to choose based on other people's authentic life experiences.
7.      Be keen about the names.
One of the most reported complaints about buying cruiser bicycles online is buyers not getting what they ordered. When followed up, the majority of these buyers got the name of the bikes wrong. This is a common problem with cruiser bikes that have different models. Usually, they differ in features and may inconvenience you if you knew exactly what you wanted to get.
Spending more time online before getting your cruiser bike is the best idea if you are buying online. If you are buying from the store, make sure to take a test ride to ensure that the bike is perfect. It is better to take time to own one cruiser bicycle rather than spend money on the wrong items.
Which is the     best cruiser bicycle for tall riders?
It entirely depends on the buyer's preference since there are so many models. You can, however, make the right choice if you know exactly what you are looking for. If you are a first-timer, you will need to make consultations from experienced riders. That way, you will have a better idea of the kind of cruiser bicycle to go for.
2.      Where can I find the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders?
The perfect place to start your search is online unless you have access to a bike store with a wide variety. Online, you will have a wider variety since you will be able to access several stores. You will also have access to all kinds of cruiser bicycles available in the world, and you can order at a push of a button.
3.      How can I identify the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders?
You will want to consider checking the specifications to see if they suit your height and other preferences. There are enough resources online to help you with this; plus, you can do a little research regarding your height, weight, environment, and other relevant factors.
4.      Is it safe to buy the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders online?
It is safe to buy a cruiser bicycle online provided that you are dealing with a legit dealer. To be on the safe side, do some research about the seller. The good news is, it should take you a few minutes to know if a dealer is legit or not, thanks to the several reviews and discussion forums.
5.      What is the benefit of buying the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders?
First of all, you will avoid the embarrassment of looking ridiculous on a small bicycle. Also, you will enjoy comfortable, which is vital, especially for long rides. By getting the perfect cruiser bicycle, you will not only enjoy a peaceful ride, but you will also be doing a great favor to your general health. Bicycle riding is listed as one of the healthiest physical workouts.
For a modern kind of cruiser bike designed for modern tall men, you may want to consider the Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike. This is the ultimate cruiser bicycle that is trending today for its style and simple design. It is safe to say that it is among the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders. You will also enjoy convenience due to its lightweight, especially if you have to pass through a place with no clear terrain. As we all know, men like to be on the move, and the Kent Oakwood Men's Cruiser Bike is one way to achieve this.
Ensure that you buy a genuine cruiser bike from a trusted dealer if you want to enjoy a riding experience like never before. There are so many ways of identifying the right seller near you.  When it comes to alternative commuting, tall men have a chance to take part in the revolution fully.
If you have been looking for the best cruiser bicycle for tall riders, then this two thousand word read should be able to point you in the right direction.
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madihatamadur · 5 years
Electric Scooter Mudguard Bracket Support With 3 Vibration Dampers For M365 Xiaomi Mijia Electric Scooter Modification Parts
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Made of high density Material material,with strong toughness and good wear resistance,good anti-oxidation performance,no fading for a long time, no deformation high practicability and durability. This fender fixing bracket is the shock absorbing bracket to prevent the fender from being jolted on the way,can keep the fender stationary in one position solve the fender sloshing problem and helps protect you from dirt and splashes. Have a groove for protective placement cable,it eliminates the possibility of the LED cable Contact ing the wheel,the cable protection point,located under the rear mudguard,protects the led light cable from wear. Easy to install,no additional screws just unscrew the rear warning light screw,fix the mudguard bracket on your Xiaomi M365 Electric Scooter with existing bolts. Suitable for Xiaomi m365 electric scooter,can prevent accidental stepping on the fender,Avoid fenders broken it would extend the life of your scooter's fender. Damper Thickness: 0.6mm / 0.8mm / 1.2mm color: red Material: ABS + rubber Package Content: 1* Fender bracket 3* damper Only the above package content, other products are not included. Note: Light shooting and different displays may cause the color of the item in the picture a little different from the real thing. The measurement allowed error is +/- 1-3cm.
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partscargo · 5 years
What Is The Difference Between Under Car Shield, Mud Flaps, And Inner Fender?
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There is one thing common between under-car shield, mud flaps, and inner fender, they protect your car from water and mud.
Every vehicle from its manufacturer comes with certain protection. For instance, splash guards, under-car shield and inner fender. Each of these has a role to play especially during wet seasons. Many times people tend to get confused while differentiating amongst them but there is no need to worry. This article has all the information you need regarding the above-mentioned components. Follow us as we discuss in detail.
1. Under Car Shield/Engine Splash Shield
Located on the underside of the car, the engine splash shields happen to be an important protective component for the engine. It protects your engine from potential bumps, water, and debris. Overtime while your car hits bumps and speed breakers etc. they can become loose or torn. However, there are certain considerations that should be valued when picking one.
Make-Specific Shields
Even though under-car shields are commonly available for almost every car type in the market, they happen to be different for every vehicle type. Each engine splash shield is fitted by using slots and grooves suited for a particular model in order to protect the engine and airflow. Therefore, it should always be made sure that the engine protection shield you are purchasing is the right one for your car.
Material Options
Most under-car shields happen to be made of high-density fiberglass or plastics. These shield types offer great protection and durability. Furthermore, these shields are designed keeping in mind the ideal conditions. Therefore, if you happen to accidentally hit a bump or go through intense floods, chances are that these shields will become damaged. If you want something better, you can opt for shields made up of metal or aluminum. As compared to the engine shields made up of plastic, aluminum shields offer better protection as they are tougher.
Air Flow
If you happen to completely seal the underside of your engine, it will increase the temperature of the engine to dangerous levels. Therefore, in order to combat this, the engine shields are designed and fitted in such a way that they ensure smooth airflow.
2. Mud Flaps
Used in combination with the vehicle fender in order to protect the vehicle, passengers, other vehicles and passengers from mud and debris flying in the air from rotating tires are mud flaps. Mudflaps are usually made up of material such as rubber that does not get easily damaged by contact with flying debris. In the United States, there are regulations regarding mud flaps as well that vary from state to state.
3. Inner Fender
Located between your vehicle’s fender and wheels, the inner fender or fender liner is supposed to protect the underhood of your vehicle from water and impurities such as dirt, debris, and mud, etc. Inner fenders happen to be usually made up of metal or plastic. While the outer fender prevents sand, mud, and water from being flung away by the rotating tires, the inner fender, on the other hand, acts as a dividing block between the outer fender and the engine. Since the fender liner is continuously exposed to dirt, debris, and moisture, it can wear out over time. Therefore, it is important that they are checked on a regular basis and replaced if required.
In the end, each of the components as already mentioned in the start are both necessary for your engine’s protection and people walking on the road and vehicles traveling as well. Therefore, whenever you observe that any of these have become damaged, replace them as soon as possible.
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The Guitar Pick - A Little Goes a Long Way
Usually, guitar picks are isosceles triangle-shaped ones made up of various products to play guitars. Guitar picks are made up of various products including, plastic, nylon, rubber, tortoiseshell, bone, wood, felt, stone, polycarbonate, Lexan and metal. Different manufacturers use various shapes, the most typical shape is the isosceles triangle with extremely rounded two equivalent corners and less rounded third corner. You can likewise opt for personalized guitar picks of your taste.
Custom-made Guitar Picks
The majority of the guitar picks have a sort of imprint. This may vary from inscribing makers' logos to totally personalized guitar picks for artists. In addition, guitar picks come with signatures and logos of popular bands and musicians. For example, Rick Nielson mass-distributed tailored guitar picks of "Inexpensive Technique," a prominent rock band. Custom-made guitar picks developed with time, as the printing technology progressed. Even lots of guitar lovers started gathering different kinds of customized guitar picks, as guitar picks have ended up being more colorful with attractive styles and look. You can get custom-made picks from music concerts because sometimes many guitar players throw their utilized guitar badger the crowd. You may even discover some celebrity guitarists selling their guitar picks.
Guitar Picks Made of Bone
Bone guitar picks in general and numerous in specific favor dinosaur bone guitar picks. These guitar picks made of bone come in natural colors and a few of them are even transparent. Dinosaur bone guitar picks are hand-made and fully fossilized or agatized. Bone guitar picks are perfect for rock guitar players. Nevertheless, these picks are fairly costlier than picks comprised of other materials.
Types of Picks and Music Styles
Guitar players utilize various kinds of picks of various thickness to produce their preferred sound. The density of the guitar also depends upon the kind of strings and playing designs. Electric guitar players who play rock and metal music prefer thicker picks to produce more controllable, fantastic and delicate music. Guitarist who play farthest genres, such as, black metal, death metal or punk rock choose soft guitar picks. Lots of Jazz guitar players prefer to utilize really thick guitar picks given that they like heavy gauge strings. However, there is no written rule on choosing a particular pick. It is simply based on individual choice. Steel guitar picks are believed to be producing much brighter sounds than that of plastic picks. Steel picks might damage the finish of the acoustic guitars.
Discovering the Thickness of the Guitar Picks
Numerous of the makers, including, Alice Jim, Dunlop, and Teckpick, imprint the thickness of their picks thousands or in mm on the pick itself. Popular guitar manufacturers like Fender, Gibson, Ibanez, and Peavey often used puzzling way of denoting the density of the picks.
Therefore, if guitarpickzone.com you have the passion for guitar picks and want a celeb signature, it is better to select customized guitar picks. You can declare you are a collector too.
The bad guitar tone and a sensation of instability in the pick hand while choosing are significant signs of an incorrect pick hand setup. You must feel that your pick hand is more steady and in control and that it is much simpler to find and pick the correct string without looking at your picking hand.
The primary focus of the downstroke choosing etude is to help you find out to preserve a pick hand position that will permit you to develop your selecting strategy so that you will be able to pick easily and with confidence without looking at your pick hand. Even many guitar lovers began gathering different types of customized guitar picks, as guitar picks have ended up being more colorful with appealing styles and look. If you have the passion for guitar picks and want a star signature, it is much better to decide for tailored guitar picks.
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itsworn · 6 years
Jean Aiton’s 1992 Fox-Body LX is Basically an 8-Second Renegade Street Car
The Mustang has been around for over five continuous decades, so when it comes to building that dream car, the possibilities are seemingly endless. For Jean Aiton, that dream car was built into an 8-second Fox-body street car. “I’ve been told it’s a Renegade car that I force on the street,” Jean says. “I built the car keeping the NMRA True Street class in mind, but more than anything I built it for my enjoyment and to remain a street car.
Jean, a Sergeant at the Huntsville Police Department, left no stone unturned in his search for his perfect Mustang build. Having owned different Mustangs along with several Fox-body Mustangs over the years, he researched many different generations and drivetrain combinations, but he kept coming back to that familiar Fox-body platform.
Jean stumbled across this 1992 Mustang LX on a local Craigslist ad back in 2011. The car was powered by a stock-block 347ci engine with a Vortech V-7 YS supercharger, Lunati Voodoo cam, 170cc Dart Pro 1 heads, a T5 transmission, and 3.73 gears. Exhaust flowed through 1-5/8 shorty headers, a 2.5-inch off-road mid-pipe, Dynomax mufflers and stock tailpipes.
He met the owner at Huntsville Dragway where he watched it make a 6.88-second run at 105 mph in the eighth-mile with easy launching and granny shifting. He knew the car made decent power and had potential despite its stock computer, Super FMU, heavy wheels, stock chassis and all factory suspension.
Jean Aiton, Sergeant at the Huntsville Police Department, built his dream car, a killer 8-second Fox-body street car. After searching different Mustang platforms and combinations for his build, he knew he had to build a mean Fox-body, and he left no stone unturned. Jeans says everyone tells him its a Renegade car he forces on the street. “To each their own, but for me, nothing delivers that feeling of a sledgehammer to the face like a nasty Fox-body.”
Originally the car was painted Deep Emerald Green but is now slathered in Jewel Green Metallic after the body shop used the wrong paint code for a 1993 Bronco. Heath Terry, owner of Southside Rods and Resto in Arab, Alabama, spent 50 hours wet-sanding and fixing the mistakes made by the previous painter.
Jean’s Fox is now powered by a Ford Racing A4 302-based 8.2-inch deck block bored and stroked to a 349ci with a compression ratio of 10:1. An Eagle 5.4 crank works in conjunction with Diamond pistons via Eagle H-rods and a custom grind on a Comp hydraulic-roller camshaft. The engine was built by Dale Meers Racing Engines in Buffalo, Kentucky.
Built by Ron Sharpe of Advanced Airflow Engineering, Trick Flow Specialties heads sit atop the engine with Twisted Wedge 225cc intake runners, and a Holley Systemax ported upper and lower manifold that was previously installed on Alton Clements’ championship NMRA Renegade car. Feeding the thirst are Holley 120 lb/hr fuel injectors. Titanium intake and exhaust valves that measure 2.08 and 1.60, and he installed Crower shaft mount rocker arms. Oil is pumped through a Melling oil pump, and a Milodon 7-quart rear sump pan seals the bottom end.
“The heads were ported for the NMRA Renegade class. They were formerly on Mike Post’s Renegade car,” Jean tells us. Extensive work on both the intake, exhaust ports and bowl work with a lot of attention paid to mid-lift flow. It features titanium retainers with 8-degree keepers and locks, 1.550-inch diameter dual springs on intake and exhaust with a damper. The Seat pressure is 150 lbs. and 440 lbs. open at .600-inch lift.
To really amp up the power, a Vortech V-7 YSi with a max of 28 psi is mated to a custom throttle-body and features a Vortech 50mm cog crank pulley; the upper cog pulley varies depending on running a street or race tune. A standalone Speed Density MAF helps keep things in check, and a Blowzilla blow off valve is mounted on the 4-inch intake pipe. With the Meziere 55gpm water pump, custom radiator and twin fans pushing 3,412 cfm, keeping cool in Alabama hasn’t been an issue.
“I stayed with a supercharger rather than a turbo for a couple of reasons. I have always enjoyed the sound of the supercharger and the exhaust with the more aggressive cam profile than a turbo combo. I enjoy the car being so aggressive sounding and that also fits the look of the car,” Jean explains.
Powering Jean’s Fox-body is a Vortech supercharged Ford Racing A4 302-based 8.2-inch deck bored and stroked to a 349ci with a compression ratio of 11:1. It also features Trick Flow Specialties heads (ported for Mike Post’s NMRA Renegade car) with Twisted Wedge 220cc intake runners, and a Holley Systemax ported upper and lower manifold that was previously installed on Alton Clements’ championship Renegade car. Eagle crank and H-rods and Diamond pistons help make up the rotating assembly with the help of a custom grind hydraulic-roller Comp cam. Holley 120 lb/hr fuel injectors help feed the fuel thirst.
Adding to the orchestra are 1 7/8-inch powder coated Hooker headers that flow down to a modified 3-inch X-pipe and Spintech Super Pro Street 9000 series mufflers.
Huges Performance from Phoenix, Arizona, built the Extreme Duty 4L80E with a fully manual valvebody and transbrake. It also features a PST steel driveshaft complete with a Stifflers safety loop, and a Derale cooler with a fan keeps everything at temp. The 4,000-stall helps launch the car along with a Custom PTC Billet lockable converter. “With the 4L80E I can enjoy even highway speeds because of the overdrive. With the ability to lock my converter, at 70mph in overdrive with the converter locked I’m only at 1,200 rpm’s,” Jean says. Shifting power is provided by a Kilduff Machine shifter with polished sticks, a powder coated knobs, and transbrake switch.
Ignition components consist of an MSD 7531 Digital 7 ignition box and billet low profile distributor with crank trigger, Ford Racing wires, HVC II race coil, and NGK plugs. The 200-amp one-wire alternator was previously used in Brian Mitchell’s championship NMRA Renegade car.
The suspension is backed Strange 10-way shocks in the front and rear, front 14-150 with coilovers, and rear QA1 10-350 springs. The Ford 8.8 rearend is stuffed with Ford Performance 3.73 gears and Moser 31-spline axles. Wolfe Racecraft adjustable rear upper and extensively modified lower control arms, with a Wolfe anti-roll bar and UPR k-member, and Wolfe travel limiters. The car also has Wolfe through the floor subframes, mini tubs, solid spherical bushings, and Wolfe adjustable spring perches welded in place to fine tune the ride height.
The H.O. Fibertrends 3-inch fiberglass cowl hood is held by MRT bolt-in hood struts. Scott Rod fab inner fender and frontend panels and strut tower panels are specially made in aluminum and smoked one-piece headlights grace the front.
Weld Magnum 15×3.5 wrapped with Mickey Thompson 26x6R15 Sportsman radial rubber grace the front, and 15×9.25-inch wheels sporting Mickey Thompson 275/60-15 ET Street Street Radial Pro’s on the rear used on both the street and track. Stopping power is provided by front Aerospace Components street brakes and rear Strange Race vented disc brakes.
The cabin features all the factory interior enjoyments except for air conditioning and power steering, but a Flaming River manual rack makes steering a breeze. It still has the factory LX seats, but the back seats have been narrowed to clear the Wolfe mini tubs while still retaining the rear folding function. For safety, an 8.50 certified Wolfe 10-point Chromoly cage is tig welded inside. Jean modified the center console to fit around the Kildruff Machine shifter while still featuring two cup holders. Because street car.
The interior features stock LX cloth seats but the back seats have been narrowed to clear the Wolfe mini tubs but still fold functionally. For safety, an 8.50 certified Wolfe 10-point Chromoly cage is tig welded inside. Other safety equipment includes a Simpson 5-point harness with quick release and Stroud window net. The interior also features a Scott Rod Fabrication center console that Jean modified to fit around the Kildruff Machine shifter. He also installed custom-made billet LED laser etched buttons for the engine fan, transmission fan, water pump, converter lockup, line lock and transbrake that were made in Australia. Let’s not forget the two cup holders in the center console, well, because street car. A Wolfe parachute mount with a Simpson parachute really help to halt things with a quickness.
“The main intention of this car is to remain a streetable 8-second car. The car has good street manners considering how extensive the modifications are,” Jean tells us. “Not many cars at this level anywhere can you reach in and turn the key to start it and it stays running. Chris Terry of CTR Race Cars has done an amazing job keeping the street manners in check without any surging or bucking.
A big thanks goes to Jean’s wife Emile, and his twins Hailey and Hunter, Chris Terry for all the tuning and suspension details, Heath Terry of Southside Resto and Rods for paint and body details, Pet Herron of Pro-Tech for chassis work, Scott Rod Fab, Jason Meador of Fastang Custom Fab, Dale Meers of Dale Meers Racing Engines, UPR, and Wolfe Racecraft. Another Thanks goes out to Alton Clements and Brian Mitchell.
The new setup has yet to be tested. “We are expecting four-digit power numbers and running at our 8.50 certification won’t be a problem.”
The post Jean Aiton’s 1992 Fox-Body LX is Basically an 8-Second Renegade Street Car appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/jean-aitons-1992-fox-body-lx-basically-8-second-renegade-street-car/ via IFTTT
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nathandanderson · 7 years
New Arrivals
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International Design: This Aircraft Wheel Chock are twin chocks that have the triangular design used by the aviation industry worldwide
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Practical: The ABN 3-Jaw Gear Puller removes slide gears, pulleys, and flywheels off of a shaft
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