taki118 · 5 years
Fenabela the looked over ship (a DA2 meta)
~~slight TW: mentions of abuse~~
Fenabela is one of those things often pushed to the side in the Dragon Age fandom, I find. Despite being a cannon ship there aren’t many fics or art dedicated to the pair. This is especially noted when compared to Adoribull (and the fact that the personalities of Dorian and Bull parallel Fenris and Isabela)
Now part of this is of course taste, most people having dubbed Isabela their wife or Fenris their husband and disliking pairing them with anyone other than Hawke or shipping with other npcs. To each their own I realize not everyone can multiship.
However I have noted a few general misconceptions or certain readings that get passed around and a few critics on the narrative that really need to addressed.
And I will display and counter these things here so strap in. (Obligatory sex joke)
Before that I want to state it is not my intention to tell anyone what they can and can’t ship. However I have found a good deal of unwarranted hate towards this ship and wish to defend it and explain why one might ship it. I do greatly enjoy this pair but I will do my best to remain objective.
I don’t like the characters
Of course if you don’t like characters involved in a ship you won’t like it. But Fenris and Isabela are often misunderstood or misread so I’ll go over some things for each quickly.
Generally speaking Fenris is the fan favorite of DA2 (and I think a surprise one to the BioWare crew as I’m fairly certain they thought Anders would be the most popular).
However if you aren’t a fan of the broody archetype you likely won’t like him at least for half the game, towards the end he grows to be more relaxed and open.
Another general issue with him is his hatred of mages and support of the Chantry. While his feelings are understandable it can get grating. But again this softens as the game goes on if you weren’t an ass to him by the end he is willing to put his own issues to the back to protect mages and even stating he respects Mage Hawke or Bethany indicating mages who prove themselves to be humble and strong willed are able to earn his trust.
Now Isabela is, at least I’ve found to be, one of the more polarizing and misunderstood characters in Dragon Age, and as such I’ll do a more in-depth meta on her at a later date. But here are some common things noted in regards to this ship.
People often think Isabela is a selfish bitch who doesn’t care about anyone but herself. However this is only if you don’t learn about her. The best quote I can give is from Act 3 between her and Anders.
Anders: I always knew you had a heart of gold
Isabela: shush don’t tell anyone.
Isabela has lived a life where she was shown that no good deed goes unpunished and as such tries to hide this aspect of herself. You gotta remember the whole reason she did the Qunari job is because she couldn’t go through with bringing slaves to Tevinter and was forced to steal the tome as compensation.
It wasn’t built up/rushed
Now I can’t be certain on this as I obviously don’t work for BioWare but it should be noted that:
1- this was the first time BioWare had a Love Interest romance and likely wasn’t sure about how much they should do. The next one was Talibrations in Mass Effect 3 that had around the same level build up followed by Adoribull that was given more time to develop naturally.
2- It seems like they wanted to do more but with the notorious 2 year time crunch by EA couldn’t. You can see this in the purposely added dialogue for them in dlc
Of course I am only guessing here but given this it sort of makes sense why it is the way it is. they were likely trying to find a balance between believable and non intrusive that was later utilized better in DAI but you gotta start somewhere.
Fenris doesn’t like Isabela or her flirting
I just um ok this is just so wrong I’m sorry I’m trying to be objective and shit but like come on.
So I know the line most go to, to prove this it’s
Fenris: From what I gather, you like a lot of things.
Isabela: Nonsense. But when I see something I like, I go after it.
Fenris: I suggest keeping your distance.
BUT that’s only if Fenris is romancing Hawke if he isn’t the banter is instead
Fenris: From what I gather, you like a lot of things.
Isabela: Nonsense. But when I see something I like, I go after it.
Fenris: Do you intend to go after me, then?
Isabela: Will you take off all that spiky armor you're wearing?
Fenris: It's been known to happen.
That’s a big tone difference isn’t it. In the first version he pushes her away as he’s interested in Hawke currently but in the second he’s flirting right back.
While yes in Act 1 he’s unsure and unused to her flirting but by Act 2 he’s willingly playing along. I mean he wouldn’t offer to play “Guess the color of my underclothes” with her if he didn’t enjoy it. It’s a safe way for Fenris to explore his sexuality and the only reason he tells her to back off at that time is because he’s serious about pursuing Hawke.
And no matter what Fenris respects her if only for one thing
Fenris: So you freed a group of slaves?
Isabela: Would-be slaves. They weren't slaves yet.
Fenris: Still, you did the right thing. Many would turn a blind eye.
Isabela: Don't read too much into it, all right? It just seemed a good idea at the time.
Like fundamentally I don’t think Fenris can hate someone who freed slaves.
It’s toxic/just about sex
I feel like this is more a jab at Isabela but again it’s over simplifying her character. Because here’s the thing most people over look when saying this ship is toxic for Fenris cause he’s a sexual abuse survivor ISABELA IS ONE TOO.
Isabela doesn’t really talk of her past much but from the dialogue given in game and tie in material we do know that
- her husband Louis purchased her from her mother young in the 10-13 age range
- he likely intended to groom her to be his perfect bride what with the lessons, gifts and such
- he forced himself on her and when isabela rebelled against him it’s implied he either did or was going to allow his friends to do so as well. To again let me reiterate a girl young enough to be his daughter.
Regardless of what exactly happened this did effect Isabela just in a different way. Isabela took autonomy of her body back once he was dead. Look some survivors of traumatic experiences are terrified of ever encountering it again but others continuously face the action head on to refuse it power, both are valid ways to deal with it. One is just less noticeable/sympathetic.
This line of thinking also ignores that literally the first intimate thing Fenris does when he enters a relationship with Hawke is have sex. They don’t ease into it just bam sex, but I have yet to see a Fenhawke is toxic hot take. which I mean I could make easily. Don’t believe me?
In the act 2 romance scene Fenris is angry, raw and emotional and taking it out on Hawke verbally before psychically pushing Hawke against a wall. when Fenris realizes what he’s done and pulls back Hawke immediately kisses him and they have sex. I could say Hawke took advantage of Fenris in his emotional state for their own sexual gratification. I don’t actually believe that but I could claim it. if you’re thinking that’s insane, you are correct but that’s the point it is very easy to twist things to fit a narrative if you really want to.
Now you might be thinking “Well it’s different Isabela just wants to use Fenris for sex” and if you think sex is just sex with Isabela you haven’t been paying attention.
Again I’ll go more into this with my isabela meta but to her sex is safe, it can’t hurt her but people can so she keeps them at arms length. With sex she can get the pyshical closeness she craves while keeping her feelings locked away in one night stands/flings. So the fact that she WANTS to continue seeing Fenris almost immediately after their first tour below deck is telling. And the fact he wants to continue just as much shows the relationship is as much his choice as it is hers.
And speaking of sex...
the memory plot hole
The main confusion I see people have with this ship is the Fenris gets memories after sex bit. And I get why it’s kinda vague but let me assure you it’s not a plot hole.
When you romance Fenris in Act 2 he leaves after having sex with Hawke due to memories returning and being unable to handle them. The confusion I see is often “so what sex with Hawke was so good it gave Fenris memories but not Isabela?” Or “why is it only Hawke?” The answer, it’s just a matter of timing.
The scene in question with Hawke only takes place in Act 2 but Fenris and Isabela don’t hook up until Act 3 and those three years in between make all the difference.
Act 2 Fenris has been free from Danarious(I will not spell his name right sorry) for at least 6 years but he’s still controlled by the man. He’s pissed at the lack of leads and when he gets one demands you go after it immediately and will straight up leave the party if you take too long. The reason is twofold he wants revenge and he’s afraid.
Fenris has only just started to carve out a life for himself in Kirkwall but he’s terrified that whatever life he has there will be torn away by Darnarious. Cause it’s happened before. So when he engages with Hawke and he’s flooded with these mostly happy memories it’s too much. He can’t handle it, at that time.
In just three years Fenris becomes a much more open and relaxed person. by Act 3 he has weekly card nights with Varric and Donnic, willingly helps Aveline and is even more relaxed about mages. The idea that he once had a life and a family before Danarious and that he can have one now isn’t as daunting or impossible to him as it was in Act 2.
It’s not that he doesn’t get the memories when sleeping with Isabela it’s only that he’s now in a place where he can handle them. Had Hawke the option to tell Fenris to take things slow in Act 2 the pair likely would not have separated. However that’s not what happened Fenris thought that he could handle it but couldn’t as he was in Act 2.
Don’t believe well Fenris himself says so to Hawke in Act 3 when asked why he left.
Fenris: the pain, the memories it brought up... it was too much. I was coward. If I could go back I would stay.
I’m not surprised people either missed or didn’t pick on this bit it happens late in the game and it is entirely possible to miss this branch of dialogue but it’s there and confirms what I stated. It’s not a plot hole only a matter of timing. Hawke had bad timing Isabela didn’t.
By Act 3 he’s in a better place mentally and is able to feel okay with the memories, with intimacy and with the idea of having a life. Whether or not Fenris and Isabela are serious about the relationship is irrelevant (though I head cannon they tell themselves it’s just a fling only to still be together years later) it’s the fact that he feels he can engage in this fashion with someone that’s important.
It should have been Isabela x Merrill
Now I can’t argue with people’s taste that’s ridiculous and I can see the appeal they’re cute. However it’s not something they could simply put in the game like Fenabela.
Let me explain. The reason it works in DA2 is cause it’s a light, flirty and fun type relationship and even if you don’t ship it, the idea is easy to chew off. If you play through their romances the idea that the two characters with huge trusts issues hooking up for fun isn’t that hard to buy.
Merrill however would require more than a couple teasing lines of dialogue. The reason being her romance plot.
The first thing Merrill says after having sex with Hawke is “I love you” if you don’t think Isabela would freak out at that and jump on the first boat she could find I don’t know but I’d like to hear your reasoning.
It takes Isabela a long ass time to be ok with saying and being told that with Hawke. It’s a big part of her romance arc.
Sooooo if one were to play through both their romances then play a game where they got together off screen it would require more dialogue than what Fenabela got otherwise it’d be a far bigger plot hole issue as the pair do not move at the same emotional speed.
Like I can’t see Merrill being into having a casual fling even by Act 3 and I can’t see Isabela being ok with a serious relationship either without a good deal of added dialogue and scenes.
Now this one is the most subjective part of the meta, I’m well aware, but with how BioWare handles their side romances Isabela x Merrill just could not be folded into the narrative as easily as Fenabela and likely would have been too intrusive for those uninterested in side romances.
So we’ve covered the main misconceptions and complaints on the ship. now to get into why Fenabela does work, and why people like this ship.
Their romances parallel each other
Something I noticed about the Kirkwall crew (and I might make a meta on it damn I got so many things to write) is that they each parallel and reflect each other (which is one of the reasons I dislike the Sebastian addition cause he kinda screws it up)
Aveline and Varric:
- Both are non romanceable
- Need Hawkes help to sort out their personal lives
- Both thrive in the friendship Hawke gives them
Merrill and Anders:
- both thirsty AF for Hawke and immediately move in
- both have blinders on in regards to their goals and ideals, Merrill with the mirror and Anders with well you know
- this also causes problems for both in their relationships with Hawke
So then we have Fenris and Isabela
- both wear a mask of indifference in Act 1 that is peeled away by Hawke in Act 3
- both runaway/try to distance themselves from Hawke and their relationship in Act 2 only to renew it in Act 3
- and both NEED to feel they can trust Hawke in order to move forward
Now unlike Merrill and Anders who’s conflict with Hawke is mostly situational (ie were it not for the mirror and being in Kirkwall aka mage torture capital of the free marches, there would be no problem) Fenris and Isabela’s conflicts are purely emotional and an emotion they share
Leading us to
They are damaged in similar ways
The main conflicts in their romances is fear.
A fear of happiness and a fear of love.
They both think that if they were to get that which they desire most they’d lose it or it’d be used against them or most of all they aren’t deserving of it and will never receive it.
And this is entirely because of what happened to them in life prior to arriving in Kirkwall.
They lived lives where love and happiness were things that could be used against them. A weakness to exploit or a reward to be taken away. So it makes sense that for their romance arcs they have to have trust to believe this love and happiness with Hawke is worth the risk.
So it’s safe to say that we’re they not romanced by Hawke it’s only natural they’d be drawn to one another. We often look for similarities in our partners sometimes it’s in appearance, others it’s values but for them it’d be their shared pain and fear.
Hawke: you’re not afraid of being hurt you’re afraid of hurting someone else
Isabela: no I look it isn’t like that it’s just easier this way
Isabela: you were right. I wasn’t afraid of love I was afraid of being loved.
Fenris: I killed them all
Hawke: why would you do such a thing?
Fenris: I felt it inevitable. My master had returned and this...this fantasy life was over.
Fenris: I’m sorry. All I ever wanted was to be happy...just for a little while. Forgive me.
Its why they are implied to have a more casual relationship in Act 3 than they would with Hawke. Hawke doesn’t have the same issues with intimacy as they do thus would take longer. And there is an appeal to the idea of two people finding comfort and support in one another even if it’s only temporary.
Isabela = fog warriors
So this is something I literally just noticed as I was working on this meta but um the Fog Warriors who helped Fenris after he first was free of Danarious whom he speaks of fondly greatly resemble Isabela at least in the traits he describes that he seems to find the most appealing.
Fenris: I had grown fond of the rebels. They bowed to no master and fought for their freedom.
Fenris: I had only been with them a few months but in that time I had felt I truly lived. They were bold, strong, free with their affections. I was in awe of them.
Like let’s take what he says here out of context for a second.
He says he was in awe and felt truly alive with someone who was
- bold - strong - free with affection - rebellious
- defiant - strong sense of freedom
That kinda describes Isabelas base personality perfectly. I can’t state that this was intentional or even if Fenris was aware but it’s not a long shot to say that Fenris would be drawn and attracted to people like this for this reason.
Their banter is cute
I mean I know it’s subjective but they do have some great back and forth and if you enjoy flirty snarky people it opens up some great opportunities in fan fiction and such. Characters who play well off each other are always more desirable and they got a great wise guy/straight man thing going.
They spend more time than we know together
A thing that can be overlooked easily it that each act has about 3 years in between them making the total run in the game about 9 years. We know from banter that the various characters interact with each other regularly regardless of whether or not Hawke is there. (Something I wish they could do more if EA got their heads out of their asses and gave us re release!)
Anyway we know from these brief moments that
- Fenris lets isabela visit the mansion
- isabela helps him out from time to time
- she’s one of the few people who’s opinion on mages he considers
- they play cards and/or make bets with each other
- they interact enough that Varric takes notice in the MOA dlc
it’s again something that’s fun to play with in fiction.
To summarize
- it’s not toxic
- they like interacting with one another
- there is no plot hole
- it’s not just about sex
- they were the easiest to pair up on the side
- they parallel each other
- share similar fears and traumas
- their personalities are fun to play with for fans
Fenabela really does not deserve the hate or lack of care it gets from the fandom. It’s the story of two damaged people finding support in one another if only for a short time and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying that.
Again I’m not saying this ship is better than any other, I’m not trying to get you to jump ship all this meta is here for is to clear up some misconceptions and unwarranted hate, and bring some much needed spot light to this ship that is often overlooked.
Anyway I want to thank anyone who read through this whole thing for their time and if you’d like to discuss any points here with me please reblog with “makers breath” first and I’ll 100% be up for talking (if you didn’t bother to read and just want to rant at me I will ignore it) I plan on making more of these as well as finishing fics but this topic has weighed on me for some time.
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I enjoy fenabela and I respect a person's right to not enjoy it. I've always tagged my posts accordingly. I've never discussed it with the people who don't enjoy it. Why is that NOT enough for some of the fans? If people don't try to force Fenebela onto the ones who don't like it, they have the right to enjoy the pairing in peace with the others who do enjoy it in the fandom. ITS CALLED BEING FAIR. Why do we have to be the ones to censored? Theres stuff I don't like and I don't censor people that do. I hate how there is barely any middle ground in this fandom
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breadedsinner · 7 years
Jaal: I catch Peebee looking at me. Frequently.
Vetra: She likes new shiny things. An uh, why not? You’re genuinely interesting.
Okay if this is your way of trying to get me to ship Jaal and Peebes, it’s not working, game. If anything, I’m now low-key shipping him and Vetra.
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breadedsinner · 6 years
Bioware has a terrible record of “canon” relationships between party members.
I guess. It’s a good thing I can pick my own love interests since I seldom like the ones that pair off if not romanced themselves, the exception being fenebela. 
Despite my disinterest in Jaal/Peebs, I thought Andromeda did pretty well with party relations. Much closer to the found family thing than people pretend DA2 had. But, you know. 
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