#fengqing morning !!!! they kith and hug and bicker !!!!
fqrot · 1 year
mu qing would never admit it out loud but he loves the slow mornings when he gets to wake up in feng xin’s embrace and just listen to the steady beating of his heart and look at his (infuriatingly handsome) face until feng xin, too, wakes up.
they lay in bed for at least half an hour, just talking about their plans for the day and kissing, before feng xin eventually gets up to make breakfast for mu qing and himself. mq gets ready in the meantime; sometimes he asks feng xin to help him pick out an outfit, and sometimes he wears a piece of clothing that makes feng xin suck in a sharp breath and blush like crazy the moment mq steps into the kitchen—like a shirt with an open back, a crop top or ripped jeans. mu qing knows exactly what kind of thoughts go through feng xin’s head at that moment, and he loves that he’s the only person who can make feng xin feel so flustered.
later they eat breakfast together—usually one of mu qing’s favorite foods—and easily slip into banter, teasing each other and arguing about small, unimportant things.
their cat wakes up and starts begging for pets at that point—one of mu qing’s favorite activities is petting the kitty, listening to its content purrs and carding his fingers through the soft fur. and if his full attention wasn’t on the animal, he would notice feng xin watching him with nothing short of adoration in his eyes.
they can only have a slow, unhurried morning like this on weekends, which means that after getting ready they have the rest of the day for themselves, and they usually go on an impromptu date to one of their favorite cafes, or to the park, or the mall to buy some new clothes (feng xin is perfectly fine with his two pairs of jeans and six t-shirts, but he loves watching mu qing try on different tops, skirts and jumpsuits and complimenting mq every chance he gets).
it doesn’t really matter where they choose to go as long as they can spend the day together, far away from their work responsibilities. and even if mu qing refuses to say it out loud, his happiness and gratitude are evident in the way he reaches for feng xin’s hand, immediately interlacing their fingers, and in the passion behind the kisses he occasionally gives feng xin on the lips (mu qing thinks pda is embarrassing, but sometimes he’s willing to make an exception, just for feng xin).
mu qing loves feng xin, and he loves spending time with him.
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