#fenlen lavellan
mossyarts · 2 years
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Rinaya + Fenlen
momma n papa to my Inquisitor Lavellan Adahlen
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moss-flesh · 2 years
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i felt compelled to talk about these two because idk my brain loves them. but yeah heres Rinaya and Fenlen parents of my Inquisitor Adahlen Lavellan.
Their backstory is sorta convoluted and i dont have it all mapped out but so far what i have is-
They grew up in the lavellan clan together were basically childhood sweethearts and fell in love. Both hunters, Rin likes arrows Fen likes blades.
Rinaya is extremely rambunctious, impulsive, and kind of an asshole sometimes <3 while Fenlen is quiet, careful, and reserved usually. They love to hunt together. Fenlen tries to get her to sit still and learn elven history but he ends up reading aloud to her while she lovingly harasses him or does target practice.
The two of em tried to have a baby together for a while buttt it wasnt happening. Fenlen gets killed on a hunt she just happened not to go on for once and she’s utterly ruined over it. She starts trying to research demons and blood magic and goes a little crazy over it. Keeper Deshanna sends her with some other members of the clan that were going to visit the kirkwall alienage to keep her mind off of things hopefully…lol.
Surprise! She finds a despair demon and begs it for Fenlen back and the demons like “lol no but i can give you a child, you guys wanted one of those right” and shes like “yes please please give me a child thats just like him, it will be made from us right?” n the demons like “yup but youre totally gonna die later” and shes like “whatever do it”. One of her best friends tries to convince her not to, he dies coz demon gets annoyed. Eventually she returns with like a month to go on her pregnancy, people are really confused. Shes extremely sick and thin and kinda losing it a bit but is so excited for her baby. some thought she got pregnant by some rando and some were suspicious coz of the death of her friend and things said by others who went with her. She gives birth to Adahlen and dies but not before giving her kisses and a name. As a last sorta fuck you from the demon the baby looks almost exactly like herself, but she says she can feel that she will be like Fen in her heart. Adahlen has super red hair and eyes and the circumstances around the whole thing made some clan members suspicious and weary, but Keeper Deshanna raises her personally. SO UH YEAH… poor babies i love em.
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sunshinemage · 8 years
💞💞💞💞💞💞 "what is this... Beating in my chest? It hasn't happened before. It's heavy, but I don't dislike it. I don't understand, but when I look at him it won't stop. I've killed men, beasts, and demons without blinking an eye, but to him my breath seizes up and my legs threaten to give. I don't understand this and it's infuriating, but it's also… it makes me… indescribably happy." -Fenlen Lavellan, thoughts on Nin.
[💞: Feels attracted to them, but can’t work out if it’s platonic, sexual, or romantic attraction they’re feeling.]
Oh my, ah...
I don’t quite know what to say, I... well... I- [Nin starts talking very fast and stumbles on his words]
I mean. I’m sorry. Let me rephrase that.
Fenlen has stunning eyes and I could look at them for hours.
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onceuponaprime · 8 years
Fenlen is a really skilled tracker and hunter. They're the kind of person that can sneak up on you unintentionally and then feel really bad when they scare the shit out of you.
Fenlen omg
Fain is also a skilled tracker and hunter, the sweet children. His hunting mentor taught him a number of old tracking techniques of various origin, and his skill with with a bow has refined over the years to a deadly quick precision. Though even with his skill as a hunter it took a while for him to apply that to actual battle, and his first couple skirmishes ended with wounds and guilt. 
send me a fact about your oc and i’ll reply with a somewhat related fact about mine 
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onceuponaprime · 8 years
Fenlen is suuuuper competitive. If anyone challenges them to anything they are 1000% on board and ready to kick ass.
Ha incredible!
Fain is actually a bit reckless, while he does plan and strategize he often throws himself into things in the heat of the moment without really thinking about his own wellbeing.
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