#rinaya lavellan
mossyarts · 2 years
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Rinaya + Fenlen
momma n papa to my Inquisitor Lavellan Adahlen
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moss-flesh · 2 years
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i felt compelled to talk about these two because idk my brain loves them. but yeah heres Rinaya and Fenlen parents of my Inquisitor Adahlen Lavellan.
Their backstory is sorta convoluted and i dont have it all mapped out but so far what i have is-
They grew up in the lavellan clan together were basically childhood sweethearts and fell in love. Both hunters, Rin likes blades Fen likes arrows.
Rinaya is extremely rambunctious, impulsive, and kind of an asshole sometimes <3 while Fenlen is quiet, careful, and reserved usually. They love to hunt together. Fenlen tries to get her to sit still and learn elven history but he ends up reading aloud to her while she lovingly harasses him or does target practice.
The two of em tried to have a baby together for a while buttt it wasnt happening. Fenlen gets killed on a hunt she just happened not to go on for once and she’s utterly ruined over it. She starts trying to research demons and blood magic and goes a little crazy over it. Keeper Deshanna sends her with some other members of the clan that were going to visit the kirkwall alienage to keep her mind off of things hopefully…lol.
Surprise! She finds a despair demon and begs it for Fenlen back and the demons like “lol no but i can give you a child, you guys wanted one of those right” and shes like “yes please please give me a child thats just like him, it will be made from us right?” n the demons like “yup but youre totally gonna die later” and shes like “whatever do it”. One of her best friends tries to convince her not to, he dies coz demon gets annoyed. Eventually she returns with like a month to go on her pregnancy, people are really confused. Shes extremely sick and thin and kinda losing it a bit but is so excited for her baby. some thought she got pregnant by some rando and some were suspicious coz of the death of her friend and things said by others who went with her. She gives birth to Adahlen and dies but not before giving her kisses and a name. As a last sorta fuck you from the demon the baby looks almost exactly like herself, but she says she can feel that she will be like Fen in her heart. Adahlen has super red hair and eyes and the circumstances around the whole thing made some clan members suspicious and weary, but Keeper Deshanna raises her personally. SO UH YEAH… poor babies i love em.
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hexalt · 7 years
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surana / hawke / lavellan
this doll maker is seriously perfect for DA
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dalish-empress · 7 years
i still can't decide if rinaya lavellan or senah adaar should be my canon inquisitior ... like im still going w senah bcs her development is entangled w her becoming the inquisitor, while rinayas development isn't as much n would work fine w her being elvhen n arcane advisor ...
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syntiment · 7 years
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A quick warm up of Inquisitor Wyllanna Lavellan (right) and her siblings Rinaya (left) and Calassan (middle) before everything at the conclave went down.
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moss-flesh · 2 months
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moss-flesh · 1 year
i guess i have a desire demon oc now because adahlens mom had to make a deal with SOMEONE
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moss-flesh · 2 years
Oooh for the codex prompts - something written to your OC by an older member of their family
some context!! Adahlens mother Rinaya became pregnant after her husband Fenlen passed away. She was devastated she went a little bonkers, had some demon dealings, boom pregnant. A part of the deal was she dies after having the baby so she knows she wont be around. The pregnancy is really taking a toll on her because of the blood magic of it all. Shes just still grieving but also ecstatic and yeah theres a lot going on there. I did this pretty quick I feel like i want to rewrite this but for now i like this! So here is a letter Rinaya writes to her baby.
Little one,
We haven’t met yet, but the joy of carrying you is overwhelming. You are such a miracle after all. My miracle that i scraped and clawed my way to. The gift i stole for all my suffering. Im afraid I will never see you grow, but I knew this from the beginning.
Keeper Deshanna will protect you and train you just as she did for me. And Mariel too, she doesnt want to look at me, she cant speak to me. i know it hurts her. her loss is too recent and my hand in it too great. But i know when you are brought into the world she will care for you as she does her own little boy.
I have been carrying you now for eight months and everyday grows more overwhelming. I can feel my blood flowing inside me, I hear it rushing past my ears, I feel it under Deshannas skin when she holds me as I shake. The wind is deafening, the brooks gently screaming as they flow, the hallas heartbeats are like hundreds of drums. Sometimes my bones ache from within and my head feels like it will burst. But I dont care, its exhilarating. I was empty, but now with you, I feel everything.
I am so changed by you yet you havent even arrived. It told me you would be just like him. Your Father was the best of us, I think you would have liked him very much. He was kind and generous, his mind was brilliant, his skills were exceptional. My better half. My better everything. I cant believe my own stupidity, I still cant believe it.
I feel I should stop writing this, the words are getting away, I cant focus on them. I want you to remember me as your loving mommae, not a woman losing herself. I will write more for you. But right now I must stop.
You will arrive at the end of the month, I can hardly wait. A shame we will have so little time. But it will be everything ive dreamed.
Ar lath ma da’adahl
Ir abelas
- Mommae
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dalish-empress · 9 years
tbh I don’t understand ppl with lavellans who like .. forgive Solas and is like “we have to save him!!! I’m sure my love will change his mind!!!”??? like my kid is so fucking pissed. she’s hurt and she feel used. when the vidasala tells her it’s Solas who did all that shit, she’s like “I’m gonna fucking kill him myself”. when she finally meets Solas again she is so angry. like angry dialogues all the way. of course she tries to change his mind, but when that doesn’t work she is ready to kill him if that’s what it takes to stop him. like he might think he loves lavellan, but he is so fucking selfish. he might tell himself he loves them, but in the end he’s ready to fucking destroy them and their world? lmfao no-uh my kid is 100% done with him.
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