#fenrys moonbeam tog
bubbles-for-all-of-us · 6 months
Dou you still write for fenrys? If you do, can we get some fluff? Everything you wrote about him is absolutely PERFECT!! But ofc, take your time❤️❤️
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Hard days
warning: some tog spoilers, loss of a family member, grief.
You had taken shelter in one of the rebuilt cities once Aelin had rightfully claimed her throne. The court was filling up way quicker than expected. The city growing and expanding every day. You had come there with hopes of a better future as well. Full of hope. Full of longing for something better. You had a little shop of your own. Kindly gifted by the queen herself. It wasn't anything big, you just loved sowing. Dresses, tunics, suits you name it. It was an honor to be able to bring your queen's wishes to life.
But it wasn't only the queen who had taken a liking to you. Fenrys had been a regular visitor to your shop. You only knew a couple of things about him. And those too were only from the gossip floating around town. He had a brother. Had. He had been killed by Maeve and he had never truly recovered. Most said that he only walked through the city in his wolf form. Rarely in any of the gatherings as a male. So the white wolf had because quite a regular visitor.
He sat outside for almost all the time. Until it had started snowing and your heart simply couldn't take it any longer. Dropping the fabric and needles you reached for the door. Your heart suddenly started beating fast. In the wolf form, he was huge. No average wild wolf. His head turned to you as you stepped outside. You swallowed quickly. Slightly regret your choice but there was no backing out now.
"It's snowing", you muttered, "You should come inside, the fire is blazing", you nodded towards the fireplace. Fanrys glanced through the window. "I bet wet fur ain't too pleasant either", you giggled slightly. The wolf let out a huff but still got up. Slowly stepping inside. "Is it okay if I close the door, i'll get it open for you the moment you want to go", you said softly, truly to make as little noise as possible. He nodded, continuing to sniff around.
You had continued to talk to him the whole night as you got back to work. Occasionally asking for his opinion on draping and color choices. He responded with blinks nods or growls at times. But you could tell that soon his anxiety eased, his fur getting all fluffy and smooth as he drifted off to sleep. That had been a useful norm for weeks now. Almost every night he was there waiting for the moment the last customer left. You had also started making more food, offering him a pot of his dinner.
Until almost a couple of months down the line when Fenrys hadn't shown up and your anxiety had peaked straight away. You had sat for hours waiting for him but there had been no sign of him coming any time soon. So you did the first thing that came to your mind. "Your grace", you bowed deeply as Aelin opened her cabin door. Dinner sounds falling through the open door. "Yn, what a pleasant surprise", she had smiled, "come in".
But you shook your head, "Have you seen Fenrys, is he here by any chance?". Her face changed instantly as she looked over her shoulder, "No, dear, he doesn't spend time with us that often. Is something wrong?". You swallowed thickly, "He spends nights in my shop but... he didn't show up tonight and I just have this bad feeling", you said, worry lacing your words. A large male with dark features stepped up, "Today marks a year since his brother had been killed, it's better if you leave him alone, girl", the male snarled at you. "Lorcan", another female called out in your defense.
But you only held yourself higher, "I'm telling you that I need to find him. I need to make sure he's okay", your hands twisted into fists, "With or without your help", you said firmly. Lorcan narrowed his eyes at you but something in his eyes had shifted. "Gavriel, you mind", he turned towards the table where a male with long blond hair sat. He simply nodded before getting up, "This won't be pretty", he said in a much calmer tone. "Does it look to you like I care if it's pretty?", you grumbled back.
The woods were dark and maker, you would never step into them on your own. You bad no idea how Gavriel and Lorcan even saw anything. "He might be in a mood", Lorcan warned you. "He's been going through it, our boy", Gavriel added, "But I'm glad that he found a friend in you". You smiled at them your mind still racing. Till your eye fell on a heaving figure. Labored breathing, pained cries. Your steps picked up instantly as you rushed before the two males.
"Fenrys", you called out, pushing through the branches. The wolf only howled in pain. "Fen", you said once more making his head twirl to the side. Fangs out as he gets ready to attack. You stopped instantly and within a beat of a heart two fea soldiers were right in front of you but that only made Fenrys grow more. "Let me", you muttered, stepping from between them. "I got worried", you muttered, "Was waiting for you all night", you said softly, extending your hand towards him. Fenrys's eyes softened as a pained whine left his lips. You simply nodded along, "I know, but you don't have to go through this alone". Almost at the last sound of your words a warm light flashed and a male almost twisted your size and sagged forward. You had reached to catch him your Fenrys as you two sunk to the floor. His hair was all matted and dirty, the scars on his face in desperate need of cleaning and some soothing salve. Yet he was still so beautiful. "Oh, Fenrys", you said softly, guiding his face to your shoulder as you pulled your cloak over him.
The two males had helped you carry him back to your shop, where you had ushered him into a warm bath filled with soothing oil mixtures. Humming to yourself as you carefully detangled his hair section by section. A satisfied growl left the wolf's lips from time to time. "I can give it a little trim, just the tips though", you said after a moment, "Braid it for you as well". Fenrys turned to you slightly, "You should be disgusted by this", his voice was raspy and shaky almost no doubt from the lack of using it. "Nothing about you can be disgusting", you said with a smile, "You are going through a rough period in your life and if I can help even a little, I will", you said firmly, making sure he understood that you truly meant it. "But you've already done so much. You've given me hope", his eyes trailed down and you instantly cupped his cheek, wanting to look him in the eyes, "and I am willing to give you so much more, my white wolf", you leaned in brushing your lips over Fenrys's cheek.
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sydneymack · 6 months
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Elide and Lorcan (featuring Fenrys and Aelin) - Throne of Glass
Artist: @book_s150
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rainingriversofyou · 3 months
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Throne Of Glass characters & couples 🤍 Artist: inkfaeart
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elvhendis · 5 months
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Fenrys Moonbeam
(requested by somebody on instagram 😊)
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Kidnapper: We have your kids.
Aelin: ...I don't have any kids?
Kidnapper: We have something. They call themselves the cadre.
Aelin: Oh, okay. Can you keep them for a bit? I haven't slept in, like, five months.
Kidnapper: Sure. Just pick them up by six. The blond one won't stop talking.
Fenrys, faintly in the background: I AM A FORCE OF NATURE! *crashing noises*
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summerbummin · 2 months
The citizens of Adralan trying to figure out who King Dorian is dating
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Is it Queen Manon? Lord Chaol? Queen Aelin? Ambassador Fenrys? Who knows? Not them
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manonslayme · 9 months
I’m will never stop thinking about how if rhysand and the IC were in TOG universe they would all be antagonists and hated by Aelin and her court
The whole plot would be about Aelin trying to save Feyre, Nesta and Elain from Rhysand and his bat bros and fix the Hewn City up
Manon would kill the bat bastard for not doing anything for the women Illyria
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thehighladywrites · 6 months
Throne of glass characters x reader, sending them lingerie pics
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summary: you send them pics of your new lingerie
warnings: suggestiveness, mdni
amara’s note: this is my first throne of glass related post, i’m gonna start making more I hope
for my wife: @rowaelinsdaughter 💗
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314 notes · View notes
Across the Universe-ch.2 (Fenrys x Reader)
Summary: Y/n has everything she needs in life. A family, friends, a safe place she calls home and most importantly a male whom she loves. What happens when it all changes when Y/n finds out about the betrayal of her lover and her so called family? Well, ending up in Terassen and in queen Aelin's court was not what she expected but what she will need to start her new journey full of surprises.
See masterlist
A/n: Hey everyone! I am so happy that you guys liked the first chapter of this series which is why I have decided to continue it yayy!! Anywaysss, enjoy this second chapter <3
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Y/n could not move, could not think or feel properly as her mind tried to come up with ways to escape whoever the male behind her is. The knife was placed in a way that, if she even dared to move her head an inch, it would slice right through her throat. She was wearing a simple white shirt with black pants and did not have any weapons, except a small knife hidden in her pants pocket, because in a perfect world, she was expecting to still be at home, preparing for bed, not fighting with Azriel and certainly not ending up wherever this place is.
As if he could hear her thoughts, the male slowly lowered the knife but still kept his hold on her as he turned y/n around. The second she turned around, y/n felt weak in the knees as she beheld the male in front of her.
Lucious, wavy and golden blond hair, beautiful sun kissed, golden brown skin and most importantly, those hypnotizing onyx eyes that look darker than a night devoid of stars. Whoever this male is, he was definetly a warrior or atleast a skilled fighter if his broad chest and shoulders that had multiple different kinds of weapons strapped to them were any indicator.
"You are coming with me."
This dragged y/n back into reality as she realized that she has been creepily staring at him. However, she did not have the time to feel embarassed as she noticed his slightly loose hold on her arms as an opening to her escape. With a quick move that the male did not see coming, y/n threw a punch to the strangers nose. This caused his hold on her to loosen completely and so, y/n gathered all her remaining strength and shot to the sky.
From above, she started searching for any clues as to where she might be. This site looks nothing like Velaris or even the Night Court. Open grassy fields, lakes, mountains...what is this place? not even the Spring court was this beautiful. Definetly not the other courts either. Maybe the mortal lands? But no, the male who threatened her was a fae. Definetly not Hybern either. Well, she has never been to Hybern, especially not after the war, but still, y/n did not imagine for that place to look this breathtaking.
Y/n's wings started slowing down as she realized how tired she was and that is when she spotted a small open area in the middle of a forest and decided to land there. The stranger is a good distance away so getting some rest and then exploring some more is the only good plan.
But before she could even sit down for a second, a giant white wolf leapt on her and pinned her to the ground, baring its teeth to her with a low growl. Y/n knew then and there that this was it, that she was about to be killed by this beast when suddenly, she got blinded by a bright light and the next thing she knew, the white beast was replaced by that stranger from before. He left her no time to ask questions or fight him back as his skillfull hands did a quick work of chaining her arms to his belt.
"You think that just because you have wings you can escape me? Get up." The stranger said, as he stood up from his position over her body.
Y/n bared her teeth at him before she replied, "Unchain me, I am not going anywhere with you."
The male, still looking down at her, only said, "Now."
"How did you find me? I thought my punch would have made you go home crying."
He gave her a cruel smirk as he said, "The next time you try to punch someone, try to aim properly."
"I was panicked! I did not care where I aimed as long as it got me far away from you!"
His face became cold and hardened again as he said, "Get up. This will be the last time I say it."
When y/n refused to oblige, she saw him turn around and start walking but before she could yell after him to unchain her, she was being dragged through the grassy ground by the chain. He was dragging her? He was dragging her!
"Hey! what are you doing?!"
He ignored her.
"Stop! your'e hurting me!"
He ignored her
"My wings! They will rip apart if you keep this up!"
He ignored her.
"You bastard! You are dragging me through the ground, stop!"
He kept on ignoring her.
With no options left, y/n sighed and shouted, "Fine! I will follow you, but please stop for a moment the back of my shirt is about to rip open! I will get up and follow you!"
At that, he stopped and turned around, still looking expectantly at her with cold, unflinching eyes that made her shiver.
To say y/n was furious, would be an understatement; however, looking at him made her realize something. She would rather die than admit it but y/n found it very impressive (and attractive) how he could walk so casually while dragging her weight with the chain linked to his body. Not wanting to gather all the dirt on the ground, y/n got up to her feet and started hesitantly following him.
As they kept walking, y/n decided to get some information out of her captor that could potentially be helpful when she escapes. So, changing her expression to the most indifferent and nonchalant one like she was trained to do, y/n asked the male, "What is this place?"
The male did not look back as he replied, "Don't act so foolishly by asking me such a meaningless question."
"I am not being foolish, I have no clue as to where am I and what this place is."
When she saw how the stranger scoffed but said nothing, y/n knew that she had to use a different strategy and so, she stayed silent because she knew she could not trust this male to tell him anything about where she comes from and it seemed he wouldn't tell her anything either. So her next best plan would be to wait and see where he takes her. But as if curiosity got the best of her, y/n asked, "What is your name?"
"That does not concern you."
"So I am to call you stranger then? As you wish stranger."
He sighed but then said, "Fenrys, call me Fenrys."
Fenrys. Such a unique name and yet, something about it felt so comforting that as y/n tested out his name on her tounge silently, she could not help but feel as if the name had something that made it feel special to her. And maybe it was that momentary comfort that made her slip up and reveal her name to him.
"My name is Y/n"
Fenrys did not turn around but she saw just a slight nod of his head in acknowledgment and that was enough.
When they reached the clearing of the forest, Fenrys turned around and told her, "Come closer to me."
"Why, I don-"
"Do not waste my time. You are a captive here so do as I say and come closer to me."
Y/n hesitantly came closer as Fenrys held out his hand. When she gave him a questioning look, he sighed and said, "Trust me, I won't kill you, atleast not until my queen commands me to."
Y/n took his hand, gave him a puzzling look and asked, "Your queen? Is she one of the mortal queens? There is no fae queen in Pryth-"
She did not get to finish her sentence as suddenly y/n felt this strong yet comforting power course around them. That is when she realized that Fenrys was winnowing them.
One second y/n was clinging to his arms as he winnowed them, and the next she was standing in the center of what looked like a large palace room. White, gold and hints of silver with green were everywhere, from the tall pillars to the designs on the ceiling. Everywhere she looked was a masterpiece, even the small but comfortable lounge chairs had green intricate designs on them. The large windows brought in the sunlight that made the room look very heavenly and peaceful. There was also a medium sized flag that carried the image of a white stag with a crown on its head hanging from the large window in the back. Y/n guessed it to be their house crest.
But, the fae in the room were what brought y/n back from her daydream. There were four of them. Sitting on one of the lounge chairs, was a a stunning female with pale skin, long voluminous brown hair that cascaded down her back and eyes of the most beautiful shade of green ever. Standing next to her, was a very tall, tan and muscled male with long blond hair and blue eyes. Then, right infront of y/n, in the center of the room, was a handsome, tan male with silver hair that was cut short to his scalp, emerald green eyes and broad shoulder's that made him look dominating. But what caught her attention the most, was the tattoo that started from his left temple and continued all the way through his throat where it disappeared under his clothes. Finally, next to him was a beautiful female with long blond locks and eyes that seem to be the brightest shade of blue. In fact, it seems like this female and the other male are twins or atleast related because they are the spitting image of one another.
The brown haired female spoke first, "Took you long enough."
Fenrys sighed and replied with, "She was not easy to catch."
The blond female gave a cool assesing stare at y/n and especially at her wings before asking, "What part of Erilea are you from?"
"What? I know of no such place."
"Do you consider us to be fools?"
This question came from the blonde haired male who was now stalking closer to her.
"Do I look like one? I do not know who you are, let alone where I am!"
Y/n suddenly felt as if all the air was drained out of her body which caused her to fall on her knees. She was suffocating, she could not think or say anything but choke and gasp for air. Just when she felt like dying, the air returned back to her body. Y/n, still in shock, did not care about her image as she kept kneeling on the ground and greedily inhaling air while still coughing.
That is when she felt a pair of arms hold her by her waist as she tried to get up again. The comforting scent of vanilla and sandalwood hit her nose and as she turned her head sideways...Fenrys was the one holding her and even though he was't looking at her, she could feel from his tight grip on her waist how unnerved he was.
"Let this be a warning for you if you lie again." That cold voice brought her back to reality as Fenrys let go of y/n, still staying behind her, and she turned around to see the silver haired male now standing before the blond female, protecting her.
The female pushed past him and came closer to y/n and asked her, although slightly less aggressively than before, "Who sent you here? Who do you work for?"
At that moment, y/n felt all sorts of emotions. Disbelief, confusion, frustration but most importantly, anger. Who do they think they are? Judging her like she came here on purpose. Trying to kill her with their...impressive powers. Since when does Prythian have fae who can take the air of of your body?
With a frustrated sigh, she says, "I do not know what this place is OR who you are. I know of no place named Eri-what was it? I come from the Night Court in Prythian so either you are the ones acting like fools or you simply have lost your minds because to think that I would come here of my own will? I mean, have you seen what I am wearing? This certainly does not look like something I would wear if I were to be sent off on a mission."
"You have wings. No one in Erilea has ever had wings before. At least not anyone we know."
Y/n was slightly startled when she heard the voice from behind her, sounding too close for her comfort. The green eyed female was no longer on her lounge chair but right behind y/n, as if preparing to attack her should y/n attempt something.
A gasp made y/n turn her head back around to see what was going on. The blond female was looking at her with wide eyes and then at the silver haired male beside her. They stared like that at one another, which made y/n believe that they were conversing mentally. The males eyes widened for a split second before he turned his head at her and asked, "Where did you say you were from?"
"Night Court in Prythian. Why?"
The blond female looked at her look alike, then at the green eyed female and lastly, at Fenrys who was behind y/n as well. Then, with a slightly shaky voice, she asked no one in particular, "The Wyrdgates. Could it be? Is it possible?"
The other blond one says, "No, you closed it. It can't be."
At that, the room grew silent as some sort of an unnerving tension fell over everyone. Confused and annoyed, y/n asked, "What is that? Where am I? I don't understand. Explain. Now."
The brown hair female came around to face y/n as she said, "We don't know what Prythian is. There is no place named the Night Court in here."
Seeing y/n's shocked yet confused face, it was Fenrys who spoke up, "Do you remember how you ended up here?"
Y/n started recounting what happened more to herself than to anyone else, "I had an argument with Azriel, then the voice led me to the House of Wind and then...the book of Breathings. Oh Mother above." Realization dawned upon her as she realized that she had just ended up in a completely different world.
"Well, we will pretend like we understood what you just said." The blond male said which earned him a glare from his look a like.
The blue eyed female sighed as she looked at everyone and then said to y/n, "We...we need to have a talk. There is a lot that you need to be told and a lot that you need to tell us."
"I-I am not telling you anything. You can torture me all you like but you won't get any information out of me."
"You need to. We need to know if what we believe is happening is true." The silver haired male speaks as he slowly motions for everyone else to spread around and sort of cage her in the room.
But y/n wasn't hearing anyone as her mind went completely silent and all she heard were murmurs as she felt like she was underwater. She started pacing around as her eyes were wide with disbelief, "T-th-that stupid book....Oh Cauldron boil me...I-I...home..need to g-"
"Keep your eyes on her." Silver hair says.
Y/n did not see how around her, everyone was just as shocked by her. How they were watching her every move, ready to attack her if she dares to try something. She did not care because she felt like she was hyperventilating, loosing her mind.
"Aedion call a heale-"
The only thing she saw was Fenrys's concerned face reaching out to hold her as she descended into darkness.
Taglist: @ladespedidas @mis-lil-red @going-through-shit @kaitttttttt @blackgirlmagicforever
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queentala · 10 months
Fenrys bedroom headcanons
Fenrys Moonbeam x reader
Oh gods I finally wrote something!!!! 🥳 Ugh, it feels so good. You can see the variety of my emotions while writing those headcanons, going from poetic, through obsessed, to being absolutely done, and then to feeling cute. And also great shout out to @juulle987 that gave me some ideas, kept me motivated and entertained today. This post is dedicated to you, baby ❤️ Anyway, I hope you enjoy this 🥰
Words: slightly over 3k
Warnings: no spoilers wanted so just be aware of a lot of nsfw content
Even though the smart mouth, charming smile, effortless way of being, or simply the pretty face, might cause various spicy inklings and rumors about the White Wolf's abilities in bedroom, (which, pretty much always are at least partially accurate), there is a lot more than just youngish yearning and playfulness underneath his skin. After all, many might know that the beautiful warrior had his persistent spot in Queen Maeve's bed, only few, however, that he did not cherish this "privilege", as she called it.
There is just… so much darkness in Fenrys' soul, that it is impossible to save any aspect of his life from the pain it brings, especially when the said aspect is directly connected to the source of his trauma. 
So no, Fenrys is not the always horny and kinky sex god we make him out to be. 
Okay he is. 
But at least not at the beginning, or even the halfway of the long journey of trying to overcome the demons that haunt him. 
It's going to take a while for him to open up. To trust you. 
Now, most of sa victims are not fond of touch, which is understandable as it triggers the bad memories. But I do think Fenrys would very much need and crave physical contact with his mate/beloved. Especially the soft and comforting type, the one that resumes him that he is loved and sets his skin on fire at the same time. 
It's just that with Maeve he didn't get to experience the featherlike softness which every lover's fingers should have, nor the addicting feeling of trying to grasp as much of each other as possible. And when he finally does, it's like a painkiller for his soul. 
Believe me when I say that Fenrys cannot get enough of your hands in his hair, chests pressed against each other, legs tangled under the sheets… It's not the verbal yes that he gives you when you take off his shirt, but the way he's pressing his cheek into your palm as you caress his face that keeps you going. He's not good with words. How could he when there's a lump in his throat as emotion overtake his ability to make a sound? So instead he lets his body speak. 
At first the sex is soft and intense, full of small gasps, long kisses and sweet words whispered against each other's skin. It's more about just being close to each other than the actual pleasure; the beautiful feeling of getting lost in each other, feeling of security sugared with the bliss caused and boosted by every stroke against the most intimate parts belonging only to the two of you. 
Holding hands also appears to be an important deal for Fenrys; a physical visualization of the trust and safety he feels while in your presence. It definitely adds intimacy, which he very much craves, to the moment and overall is a really sweet gesture that just naturally feels right. 
He always finds a way to connect your palms, no matter the position he has you in, and not even once it failed to work as the motion always turns out sweet, sexy or goofy and either way it's just amazing. 
And even decades into your relationship, when his trauma is just a blurry memory appearing in his nightmares from time to time, holding hands is as important as it was at the beginning of your shared journey. 
Another form of intimacy that Fenrys adores, is morning, cuddly sex. Or in general just cuddly, sleepy sex as we know this guy likes to take a nap during the day. 
It's slow and sloppy, with eyes still closed and face buried in each other's chest or neck, warm covers enveloping and keeping you safe in the small bubble of just you two, free from all the worries of the day. 
It is such a wholesome moment that lets you be close even in the most vulnerable state, plus the atmosphere is so sweet and cozy… Oh and I just know that Fenrys gets all sensitive then, too lost in the feeling to even care and keep the veneer of having some control over his body. 
He. Is. Such. A. Moaner.
Fenrys is vocal, never even trying to muffle the sounds YOU'RE pulling out of him. It feels so divine, so why would he keep it to himself? 
At first it's low grunts and hisses, slipping out of his mouth mindlessly as you clutch him so tightly and good, slowly turning into moans, each louder than the previous one, more desperate, as he's nearing his release. The sweet noises falling right into your ear, broken from time to time by a curse when the pleasure gets overwhelming. 
Now keep in mind that all this happens when he's the one on top, so when he's trying to keep himself together. 
I don't think Fenrys would be into the dom/sub dynamics due to his trauma; neither being at someone's mercy nor having someone absolutely helpless underneath really appeals to him. However, the top/bottom thing absolutely does appear in your bedroom. 
Being under Maeve's command for a century, it's rather reasonable that Fenrys would like to be a top and have control over the situation. (I even had a discussion with someone about this on my blog if you'd like to read more into it.) So while neither of you have more or less power over the other during sex, most of the time it's Fenrys that initiate, choose and control things. 
However, I'm a firm believer that Fenrys is a switch.
So with the right person and after the right amount of time, he would give up the control without any worries. And that's when you meet his absolutely new side. 
Like I already hinted, Fenrys gets sensitive and it doesn't take much for him to fall apart. Whether you're riding him, or working your hand or mouth along his length, his moans always somehow get louder and more desperate. 
And oh boy, try to edge him a little bit, and you get two outcomes.
One: you just turned on his playful mode and now he's going to pay you back with twice as much.
Two: he's falling into total submission and gets all whiny, begging you to let him cum because your hand on him feels so good and he can't take it anymore, but you keep teasing him, telling him that only good puppies get to cum and I'm jqhwjhwj 🥴😩
But anyway, back to playful Fenrys.
Of course having so many bad memories with sex, he tries his best to make it as pleasurable and comfortable experience as possible, both for you and him. 
And you know Fenrys, always with mischief in his eye and snarky comments ready for any occasion… I'm afraid his attitude in the bedroom doesn't differ too much. 
He is definitely the type of person to crack the most random joke in the middle of the fun, or stop and collapse into giggles at the weird sound either of you made or when the new position doesn't work quite like it should. 
Do I even have to mention all the dirty jokes he'd come up with? And you know it's not only you that hears them but the whole court. I swear everybody is so effin fed up with them yet it seems like Fenrys, the unbothered king of annoying his decayed ex comrades, comes up with a new joke every time he cums. 
(which is a lot cause the boy's sensitive as fuck but about that later)
He calls you his muse at this point as you're the reason behind most of them.
And if you can imagine Fenrys being playful during sex, then imagine what happens before. Because half of the time it's the tickling sessions that get you into the bedroom, starting as harmless fun and ending up with clothes scattered on the floor and sheets that definitely need to be changed after you're done. 
However I would be surprised hadn't it worked the other way around as well, as if you don't see lighthearted sex with Fenrys turning into a tickling fight then you clearly don't know him. 
Since we're talking about getting started… Fenrys loves you and sex with you, and ya know, you're not just some lover but his beloved, a person truly dear to him. So most of the time he'd want to do everything properly. That's why I dare say he is the king of foreplay. 
Fenrys knows perfectly how to get you into the mood, whether it be more giggly or sexy. He knows all your sensitive places, knows where to kiss and where to bite, what turns you on. 
Of course he enjoys quickies as well, every moment with (in) you is priceless. But why would he narrow himself to doing the bare minimum before entering you when he could have you squirting and begging for his cock?
I already said it in my previous headcanons, and Fenrys said it himself; his tongue is his best feature. So who am I to argue with him? 
This man. Is so fucking amazing at oral, that there's no enough words in the world to describe it. 
He just loves eating you out; love your taste, love the way you're arching and love the sound of your moans. He can spend hours, (and I really do believe I'm not overreacting), slowly drawing his tongue up and down your entrance, eyes closed in pleasure at the way your arousal feels on his lips. 
He absolutely outdoes himself in those moments, making sure no inch of yours is left without his attention. Kissing the soft flesh of your thighs, palms exploring the well known shape of your hips and waist as he fucks you little cunt; switching between your hole and clit, treating one with his lips while his fingers take care of the other. 
Start pulling at his hair and it only keeps him going. 
Just the sight of you falling apart under his touch is enough to leave him hard and ready. (Although, am I the only one that thinks he could cum by just eating you out…? He defo could, couldn't he?)
And just as much as he loves giving, he loves receiving. I already said that Fenrys gets whiny and sensitive when you're on your knees. He'd definitely fist your hair and watch in awe with mouth slightly open how you take his length, too hipnotised by the sight to be aware of the way his body reacts or the sounds slipping from between his lips.
He can hold himself for a pretty long time, but I do believe he wouldn't have any problems with cumming within minutes, especially when you're the one working on him. 
Fenrys might not be the horniest person at the beginning. Like I already said, demons of the past do take a toll on him. But as the years pass by, and with your love that makes him stronger with each day, I think I can say this guy is very much able to find any excuse to have sex. 
Whether it be a few minutes break before one meeting and another, an especially colder day, or just a very beautiful night, Fenrys can and will try to get you to bed as often as possible. 
Oh and I bet he wakes up with a boner almost every morning. Don't ask me why because I don't know, it's just a feeling that he does. What I know, though, is that there's no way he'd handle it himself when you're laying by his side 😏. 
There are three ways to solve this and he's not going to complain either way. 
Feeling comfortable, Fenrys is the first one to experiment and try new things. As long as it doesn't harm either of you, and doesn't trigger any bad memories, he's down for whatever you propose. 
After all, sex is all about fun and pleasure, so why not find as many ways to do so as possible? 
Actually the only things that he is strongly against would be degrading and bondage, besides that he's willing to give everything else a try.
Those that read my previous headcanons will most likely recall the fabulous white, fluffy tail plug and wolf/dog ears to match. 
And as much as I consider my previous hcs a disaster, this is something I stand my ground on. What's more, I do believe Fenrys would be absolutely and thoroughly into roleplays and dressing ups. AND I DARE YOU TO TELL ME I'M WRONG. You can't. 
It's sexy and goofy at the same time, and given that these two adjectives are literally Fenrys' life motto…
He'd love to have you in doggy as you wear the plug, or even more, pressed against the kitchen counter as you decided to wear it (only it) while making him breakfast. Or when you ride him wearing a sexy cowgirl outfit, bouncing on his cock with tits falling out of the tight unbuttoned shirt, tied under your breast. Would he chase you with a lasso through the house before that? You already know the answer. 
And do I even have to mention Fenrys in the play boy or maid costume?
This man is such a teaser. It goes all the way from leaving small kisses and little touches all over your body for the whole day, to purposely slowing down the peace of his thrusts. 
He'd also strip for you. Painfully slowly taking off each piece of clothing as you watch him with lips watering (I'm talking about both types 👀). And had you shown any type of impatience, he would turn it against you and call you desperate for him, as if he's not taking so long for this exact purpose. 
But when Fenrys finally does crawl his naked frame over you, he makes sure to make all this waiting worth it. He worships you like no one else ever could, touching and kissing every inch of skin he can find, devouring the sight below him with eyes blown with desire, words of admiration slipping out of his mouth like sparks out of bonfire. 
Words might not hold such powerful meaning as actions, but it doesn't make them any less important for Fenrys. Not only does he use every chance he gets to compliment you, more than once not even realizing it, smothering you with praises and pet names whether it be in lovesick awe or overwhelmed with pleasure, but craves to hear those sweet words fall from your mouth directed to him.
He seeks your attention and admiration like a puppy, melting in your palms as you pamper him with love. 
My man is not big on sharing. Even though I'd love to believe that he agrees to bring another person to your bedroom from time to time, especially a man as I whole believe that he is bisexual, I think it would be rather a rarity. Well, he's not interested in other women when you're the only one he needs and wants, and also it would take a lot of time and reassurance for him to share you with another man. But once you talk it through… Dorian would be more than willing, that's for sure. 
Oh, I had some trouble deciding whether he is a boobs or ass guy, and Julle solved within seconds saying that he's both. And yeah, I do see that. 
Fenrys would love sleeping with his face in your breasts, or play with them as you're laying in bed with a book, not paying attention to him so he has to entertain himself. And he loves sucking at your titties, trying to get you to orgasm just by that. 
But at the same time he would waste no opportunity to slap your butt as he walks past or fucking you from behind. Nor would he complain as you sit on his face with full weight. 
Ah and how could I forget? What's a better way to worship your pussy than filling it with cum? Watching his cock slide out white from how full of him you are, seeing his seed leak out and drip down your thighs? 
You know he's trying to put as many puppies in you as he can. 
And as a cherry on top I can offer you naked domestic Fenrys. It is a good thing that he's comfortable, of course it is, however, once he does, he doesn't differ much from a toddler. Run after him with pants all you want, he's not going to put them on, parading through the whole house in all the glory. 
But honestly? Is it so bad? I mean, people pay big money for less effective views, so I wouldn't complain and feast my eyes all I can. 
In this long as toilet paper essay, we came to the conclusion that sex with Fenrys can be sexy, funny, intense, loving and hundreds of other kinds. But what is one thing that they all have in common? ✨ Aftercare ✨ (you can see I'm losing my shit here? Sorry, I'm just tired, maybe I'll rewrite this part tomorrow)
After the fun is over, no matter how long or hard it was, Fenrys will always make sure you're okay before doing anything else. It is his priority to help you come down after your high, asking if you need anything whether it be water, a helpful hand in getting cleaned, a bath or simply snuggles. 
And though he'd never expect from you anything you cannot give, it makes his heart flutter when you do the same thing for him. So maybe ask if he's okay, or play with his hair as he's falling asleep, whispering praises against his forehead, and it would definitely make him happier. 
Fenrys is an amazing lover, thoughtful and passionate, open minded and big on boundaries. He can offer you the whole world and crawl out of his skin to bring you pleasure, and still stop without a second thought when you say no. And he does expect the same thing from you.
Because at the end of the day, consent is the sexiest thing you can give him.
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 9 months
Send out an army to find you
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request: can i please request a lorcan x reader where maeve kidnaps reader who is pregnant. She wants lorcans child because he left her service snd she wants someone sith his powers so she tries to keep reader until she gives birth but she is saved by him.
warnings: blood, implications of death, capture, pregnancy. The good stuff.
In other words your girl got carried away....
Lorcan felt as if the ground had cracked beneath his feet. He fell as if he was freefalling as if he knew that the only fate that awaited him was painful death. He sensed the panic through the bond while he and the rest of the cadre had been training in the woods. The sheer amount of it had made Lorcan's knees buckle. And then he ran. He ran like he had never run before. Body moving on its own, fully trusting his instincts. He didn't care that the house might be crawling with whatever creatures had managed to get inside. The sight of the door barely hanging on its hinges was enough to make bile rise in his throat, yet he strode inside.
"Y/N", he called, going from room to room. There was broken glass everywhere, the chairs in the dining room were broken to pieces, and the utensil drawer was open. All Lorcan could smell was panic. Pain. Fear. His heart was beating so fast, he could feel it all over his body. "Y/N", he shrieked once more. He smelled you still. And that could mean two things: either he was just a heartbeat too late, or you were still here. He prayed for the second. But when Lorcan darted upstairs to see handprints of blood all over the nursery, everything around him froze for a second. The worst fears dance freely in his mind. He didn't even realize when he had started roaring. Or when all of the darkness possessed by him manifested. Drowning out all the light, making all the greenery wilt.
Lorcan felt firm hands holding onto him, trying to pick up the mess. "Let go of me", the male roared. But that wish wasn't granted to him as other sets of hands gripped his face. "I'm going to kill...", Lorcan stated. "Who will you kill? Who, Lorcan?", it was Gavriel who stood right in front of him. Paler than before. Worry laced his features as well. "You need to think", Fenrys added from the side of him, making Lorcan grit his teeth as he spat, "I'm thinking! She's gone, she's...and the baby, that's...", Lorcan felt another wave of panic rush through him. Fear when he realized that he couldn't hold onto the bond that connected you both.
"Breathe", it was Rowan, whose cold wind twirled around Lorcan now, the male trashed in the grip of his friends. "No, you don't...", Lorcan's voice broke. "Breath, Lorcan", Rowan said softly again. Lorcan knew that Rowan, of all the males, knew how painful this felt. He had lost his pregnant partner. They had all watched him fight the demons that clouded his will to live after that. Lorcan sank to his knees, ripping at his chest in hopes of feeling at least any sense of warmth from your side.
The cadre had never seen Lorcan like this. Sure, you had cracked the deepest parts of the male. You had made his presence a lot more bearable. Maker, he smiled even. Smiled from his heart during the family dinner. His prickly side was pushed aside almost fully. Saved only for scaring people away and inflicting panic on the enemy. You were his everything, and to miss that would have been impossible. Rowan clasped Lorcan's shoulders. Yet no one dared to say a single word about what this could truly mean.
You slowly drifted back to consciousness. Frowning slightly once the unfamiliar surroundings began to emerge. Your hand immediately went to your bump as you looked around the stone cell. The sound of the metal shackles made you look down; your hands and ankles were chained. You instantly tried to pull on your mating bond. To call for Lorcan... But a pained cry left your mouth as you found it lifeless. No, you thought to yourself, they wouldn't have managed to kill Lorcan.
"Oh, how lovely to see you awake", the voice dripped venom, and your wild eyes looked at the queen you hoped you'd never have to see again. "What did you do?", You moved to sit up slowly. "I just wanted to see you. You have someone I want", the way she whispered made your body shiver. "What did you do to Lorcan, Maeve", you hissed, hands wrapped around your bump. The motherly instinct was on high alert. The queen smirked, "He used to be my best. You do know what an attentive lover in bed Lorcan was to me". You shook your head. You knew how she treated them all. How she played with them. She twisted her powers to make puppets out of them. Lorcan had never loved her. He had never cared for her.
"It was so hard for me to do this to him", Maeve purred. The panic swirled within you. She wouldn't; you told yourself, she wouldn't have. "I'll make sure the wound of losing him will heal", her voice pierced right through you. "No," you breathed out, "He's not dead. You're lying, bitch". The sympathetic look on her face made you sick. "No, what did you do? What did you do?", you launched forward, chains ringing as you pulled at them. "Now, now... You can't be doing all that. You're pregnant", the queen stepped forward. Her cold hand moved to touch the round swell forming. You tried to move your hands so you could claw at her face, but her magic kept you at bay. "The babe growing within you is like no other, dear", she said, slowly sweeping your tangled hair away from your face. Silent tears that rolled down your cheeks were the only indication of your real emotions that bubbled within. "I'll raise a one-of-a-kind worrier out of that, babe", her nails dug into your face, "You took Lorcan away from me; now your debts will be paid." You tried to scream, but she seized your consciousness, sending you into the dark, oblivious.
Every moment that passed was a moment too long for Lorcan. A heartbeat was wasted. He still didn't know if you were alive. He hoped for it. You had to. Rowan had explained the power that Maeve had when it came to twisting bonds between mates. Maeve. To think that his beautiful, sweet, pregnant wife was in the hands of that sadist. Lorcan knew that you could stand your ground, but he knew that Maeve would not hold back.
He let Gavriel and Rowan plot the plan. His brain was everywhere at the moment. Lorcan clutched the baby blanket you had knitted in his hand. He had been holding onto it for the past two weeks. Only managing to slip into restless sleep if the scent of you was close. "Do you agree, Lorcan?", Gavriel's voice made Lorcan stiffen. But the lion knew that he wasn't listening. "Let us handle Maeve. I know that you want to kill her", Gavriel's voice was calm, but Lorcan let out a bitter laugh, "Want? Want doesn't even come close to it". The lion nodded. "I know, we know, but it's best if you find Y/N in the castle and get the hell away from it". As sweet as revenge tasted, Lorcan knew that this plan was the only one. Because even he didn't trust himself to not get carried away.
You had no way to tell how many days had passed. You had tried to refuse all food and water, but your baby needed it. And as much as you had no will to carry on, the little kicks and squirms within you were the only things making you feel anything other than the void that painted your chest black. You were curled into a ball at the furthest corner of the cell. Holding onto your bump as you hummed slightly.
You hoped the rest of the family would come looking for you. You hoped that this void was just one of many twisted things that Maeve loved. But at this moment, you knew that it was only you. Only you could protect your unborn child from that sadist. She had told you all about it. How the baby would be hers. How she would take it under her wing and raise it as if it was her baby. You gritted your teeth.
The cell door cracked open. You stilled, gripping the metal plate you had filed against the stones, turning it into a somewhat makeshift weapon. You doubted it would be enough to kill her. But you were prepared to try anything by now. You counted the steps, bracing yourself for the blow.
Your hit, however, was met by a strong grip. You were ready to swing one more time as the warmth flooded your heart. "Y/N", you had never loved the sound of your name more than now. Your eyes met the familiar dark orbs. A breath hitched in your throat. Lorcan was standing right in front of you. Your mate was standing right in front of you. You couldn't help but let out a cry.
Lorcan's strong arms wrapped around you instantly. He wasn't expecting to find you here. He was about to turn around when his ears caught on to that familiar heartbeat. Your baby's heartbeat. Steady and strong. And so he leaped down the stairs into the dungeon. Only to find you in this damp, forgotten place.
"Look at me, does anything hurt?", his voice was sharp and calculated. Lorcan looked over your face at the scab on your cheek, yet you shook your head. "She told me...", you muttered. "Listen to me. Is the baby okay? You're feeling okay?", he was close to shaking; you had been dead in his mind for weeks now. He had mentally prepared to find your lifeless body. "Lorcan...", you choked out, sinking into his arms.
"I've got you, dove. I'll take you home. I will never let anyone take you or our baby away from me", he wasn't sure at this point if he was saying this to soothe you or himself more. You barely nodded as Lorcan leaned to scoop you up into his arms. You heard him mutter something else, something about staying awake, but your body was too tired. Your mind was too fried from all the lies that Maeve had told you. So you let yourself drift away.
The crackling sound of the fire woke you up. The room was dim, but in a comfortable way. It was warm, and it smelled of freshly made food. You blinked a couple of times. Your gaze followed the pressure on your thigh. A messy set of black hair met you. Lorcan was holding your hand, his head resting on your thigh as he slept, his free palm resting on your round stomach. You doubted the position was comfortable, and his shoulders, without doubt, would kill him once he woke up.
You reached down to brush his hair away from his face. You smothered the lively bond in your chest. Soaking in the warmth of it. "You have no idea how nice it is to feel you through the bond", Lorcan's voice was groggy, his eyes still closed. You gave him a sad smile, "I'm afraid I do... She told me that she killed you", you muttered. Lorcan rose slowly. His face looked grim. There was a sign of anger still there.
"I'm going to take my time when I...", Lorcan growled but you quickly clasped his hand, "Lorcan... promise me you won't go after her alone", you pleaded. You could tell that he wanted to argue back but his shoulders slumped as he let out a sigh. "How are feeling? The healer looked you over but... You can...", he broke out into yet another rant, and you reached out to him, cupping his cheek, "I'm okay, we're okay. Happy to have daddy back with us", you muttered, feeling your eyes filling up with tears.
Lorcan leaned into your touch before he clasped your hand in his, kissing it a couple of times. "I would raise armies for you and fight gods if I had to", he said, and you knew he meant all of it as he leaned closer, pressing his forehead against yours. "And I will always find you, both of you. I'll look till my very last breath", Lorcan's voice was barely a whisper as tears rolled down his cheeks. "I know, my love, I'd fight for our family with bare hands if I had to", you muttered, leaning into your mate so you could kiss him lovingly.
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sydneymack · 22 days
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Throne of Glass Characters
Artist: @shayndl_art
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ennawrite · 1 month
Lucien truly is the Fenrys of ACOTAR. No one can ever shut up about their stupid beautiful faces 😭
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bookwxrmish · 7 months
The Throne of Glass series is just a group of powerful orphans trying to save the world
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fanwarriorfictions · 1 month
Help Me, Help You - Part One
Fenrys x F!Reader
Summary- In his search for the missing member of the cadre, Fenrys stumbles upon Vaughan’s little sister, who is also searching for her brother. They strike a deal, and set of to find the slippery male.
Warnings- tiny bit of angst if you squint
Based on this ask
Series Masterlist
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Part One
There was a cat following him.
It had been for several days now, ever since he’d shown up in the small village just north of Verese. He wouldn’t have paid the creature any mind if it hadn’t been for the keen eyes that tracked his every step to the small inn that first night. And again, when it showed up that morning as soon as Fenrys stepped into the village market.
Fenrys had been searching for Vaughan for months now, since the end of the war, since he’d driven Goldryn into Maeve’s black heart and watched as Aelin burned her to ash, since her death hadn’t fixed any of the broken pieces of him.
He’d set off soon after that, to look for the final member of the cadre, to offer him a place in Terrasen, to distract his mind from the memories.
In the time Fenrys had searched, he’d only been able to find small signs that the male even existed. Picking rumors from towns and villages, but Vaughan was smart, he didn’t leave a trail if he could get away with it.
Sometimes Fenrys would follow a lead only to hit a dead end, turning back to find that the male had went the complete opposite direction.
He’d heard rumors of a to large osprey flying north from Wendlyn’s capital. So he’d followed them to this tiny little spec of a village. Full of humans who were to hesitant or downright to terrified to speak to him, even when Fenrys flashed his charming smile.
Though he understood that the effect was diminished by the scars that now adorned one side of his face. His eye just barely spared from the damage.
He’d refused to heal the wounds, had refused to tell anyone why he’d let them scar, only telling Aelin once that he wanted to remember. She hadn’t pried, he almost wished she had.
The only thing that didn’t seem to mind the scars in this village was the damned cat. It simply watched him as he struck out with every single vendor in the market, those keen eyes examining him from head to toe. Day after day, it watched.
Now, Fenrys openly glares back at the creature, larger than a usual house cat, more like one of the forest cats that hunted in Oakwald, the dark grey and white fur perfect for blending into the shadows, striking at prey fast and disappearing even quicker.
The cat simply stares back, its head tilting in that predatory way, like he was nothing more than a mouse it had marked for dinner.
“I don’t suppose you’ve seen the bastard I’m looking for?”
The poor woman at the spice stand beside Fenrys balks at him, eyes wide and scared as he talked to the cat. Gods, he was talking to a damned cat. He was surely going crazy, maybe he should give up on this useless search and go back to Terrasen.
Fenrys smiles at the woman, his mask of cool charm in place, “Sorry, you wouldn’t happen to have seen a large bird flying through here have you?”
That’s all that charm was nowadays, a mask. It felt like a preformance, and Fenrys was the poor fool forced to act.
He could scent her fear but the woman opened her mouth, voice pitched, “I have actually.”
The cat seemed to perk from its spot on the window seat across from them.
Fenrys raised a brow at the creature, turning back to the woman, “Did you see where he was headed?”
“He was flying north,” the woman swallows nervously, “I thought it odd considering winter is already setting in up near the port. It didn’t stick around long.”
The first real clue he’d gotten in the week he’d been there, and it would seem the male was well on his way. Hopefully he wasn’t already on a damned boat back across the ocean.
“Thank you.” Fenrys pulls a few gold pieces from his pocket, watching the woman’s eyes go wide as he sets them on the counter between them.
He turns, finding that cat still watching him, almost expectantly, “Are you coming?”
Unsurprisingly, the cat follows him as he walks back to the run down inn, keeping a healthy distance between them.
He left it on the street in front of the inn, climbing the rickety steps that groaned beneath his weight. The tiny room feels claustrophobic, the bed barely big enough to hold him, the only light is the sun through a single window and a candle he’d scavenged from the bar room on the first floor.
Fenrys didn’t have much to pack, just a few clothes and his weapons. He didn’t even bother to close the door behind him, he’d be out in less than a minute.
“Are you leaving?”
He whirled towards the voice, dagger poised to strike. Fenrys found a beautiful female, familiar keen eyes watching him with curiosity, like she had for the past week. The damned cat, he was almost annoyed with himself for not realizing she was fae.
“Tired of watching from a far?” Fenrys asks, giving the female a lazy smirk.
He keeps that dagger level with her throat, laying the charm on thick to hide the way his heart had leapt in his chest. Not many could sneak up on him, he never let his guard down, especially now.
Her eyes still have a feline look to them, a shine in the light that left Fenrys feeling uneasy.
She steps further into the room, like she didn’t care about that blade aimed for her throat, “Are you going to find him?”
“Find who?”
That glare is near lethal and Fenrys feels his invisible hackles raise, ready to fight.
“Don’t play dumb with me, pup.”
“So you know who I am,” he states, a scarred brow raised, “How do you know who I’m looking for?”
“Because I’ve been looking for him too,” she says, arms crossing over her chest. “Now that your bitch of a Queen is dead, he’s finally free to come home.”
Even after her death, very few fae, especially this close to Doranelle, were brave enough to speak against Maeve. Even the ones who’d fought with them against her and Erawan’s forces, she was like a ghost, still haunting them all.
“I hate to break it to you, sweetheart, but he’s been a free male for months now. I doubt your dear Vaughan is coming home to you.” Fenrys can’t help the smirk that came to his lips as he looks her up and down, “Which is a mistake on his part.”
The look of disgust on her face is near comical, “I’m not some desperate old flame.”
He raises a brow, “Sorry to assume. If not a vengeful past lover, then who are you?”
“His sister,” she snarls.
Fenrys felt like the carpet was pulled out from beneath his feet. The shock is enough to have him lowering his dagger.
“He has a sister?”
He didn’t see much resemblance, Vaughan was an imposing male, tall, nearly as tall as Lorcan with dark hair and eyes, and he was quiet, rarely speaking more than he had to, never joining in on celebrations or nights spent at pubs.
Now that Fenrys thought about it, he didn’t know all that much about the male, beside his time in Maeve’s cadre. An excellent warrior, they’d fought side by side many times, had fought for Mistward. He’d been blood sworn to the valg queen long before Connall and Fenrys had taken their oaths. Other than that, Vaughan was a mystery.
“I’m not surprised my brother never told you of me.” The female perches on the edge of the small wooden desk by the door, “Vaughan is an over protective bastard when he cares enough to show his face.”
There’s an edge to her voice, she was very angry at her brother, and he could understand why. The elusive male could have gone home at any time, yet he was still traveling the world.
He’d traced him through Erilea, and all the way across the ocean back to Wendlyn, yet not Doranelle. He’d kept his distance from the fae cities, like he was hiding from something, maybe someone.
Fenrys examines the female, just as she examines the tiny room around them, her eyes flitting over his weapons with little interest. She holds herself with feline grace, like her other form lingered in this one. No wonder she was able to sneak up on him without a sound.
“What’s your name?” Fenrys asks.
She’s clad in form fitting leathers, similar to the suit Aelin had worn in her time as an assassin. Fenrys, a full blooded fae male, noted that she was absolutely gorgeous, the type of female that would have males and females alike crawling for her.
Maybe in another life, before the events in the past year, Fenrys would have crawled for her too.
“Y/n,” she says simply, turning that gaze back on him, “And I already know who you are.”
“I hope your brother only told you the good stories,” he grins.
She gives him an unimpressed look, “He told me enough.”
Given his own reputation, Fenrys wasn’t really surprised by the lack luster response. He wasn’t the type many would want their sisters around.
“Ouch.” Fenrys raises a hand to his heart, pouting, “That bad-“
“I’m not here for small talk,” she interrupts, pushing off that desk, “You’ve been asking around for my brother for months now, why?”
The room was truly to small, the few steps she takes places her directly in front of him. She’s either really brave, or incredibly stupid to put herself in easy striking distance.
“Straight to the point,” Fenrys nods, “I like that, it’s quite refreshing.”
Her glare could set him ablaze, “Do you know where he’s going? Why he hasn’t come home?”
“You’ve been following me around,” he shrugs, “I’m sure you know as much as I do at this point. Which is a whole lot of nothing.”
“Why are you looking for him?” She asks again, “From what I hear you’re serving a new queen, is Aelin Galathynius so desperate to fill her court with Maeve’s old one?”
Fenrys can’t stop the flare of anger. The condescending tone, the obvious distaste of his queen, his friend.
“She wishes to offer him the same courtesy she offered me and mine,” he snarls, closing that small gap between them.
Fenrys wasn’t as tall and foreboding as Lorcan or even Rowan, but he wasn’t small by any means. Y/n had to crane her neck back to keep her glare locked on his own. She somehow makes it seem like she’s looking down her nose at him.
“And what’s that?” She asks, rolling her eyes at him, “A blood oath or death?”
“A better world,” Fenrys snaps, “It’s his choice if he wants to join her court, there’s no consequence if he doesn’t, simply an offer.”
She hums, “Isn’t that amicable.”
Fenrys took a deep breath through his nose, forcing himself to calm down, “Was there something you wanted, kitty cat? Or are you just here for the view?”
The nickname has its desired effect, she bristles, and Fenrys mockingly smirks at her. That seems to get under her skin even more.
“I have a proposition,” she grounds out, “I think we can help each other.”
“Oh?” Fenrys lets his smirk turn into a lazy grin, that mask of male arrogance, “How so?”
“My brother isn’t an idiot,” she hisses, taking a large step away from him, a look of pure disgust on her face, “He’s no doubt heard of you asking around for him, just like I did. You’ll never catch up to him.”
Fenrys keeps his distance, “Oh really? And you think you can? If you could, you wouldn’t be here asking me for help.”
He turns back to his bag, throwing the last few shirts into it before slinging the leather pack over his shoulder. She stands directly in the doorway, blocking his only exit out of the room.
“Now if you’ll excuse me.” He nods to the open hall behind her, “I should-“
“He’s leaving for the southern continent,” Y/n interrupts, “Their was a naval ship sent by King Glaston himself, a gift for the Khagan, it left a few days ago, and I’m willing to bet my brother is stowed away on it.”
That’s exactly what Fenrys had been nervous of. And of course he was going to the southern continent, the massive expanse of land where the male could quite literally go anywhere.
Fenrys raises a brow at her, “If you know where he’s going, why ask for my help at all?”
Her eyes shift, just barely, and it’s enough to tell Fenrys that she’s nervous.
“You know my brother,” she says, “You were his friend-”
“In the loosest sense of the word,” Fenrys cuts in.
He raises his hands in mock surrender when she glares at his interruption. After a moment, the scathing heat leaves her eyes and she sighs.
“I haven’t seen my brother in nearly two decades, the last time we saw each other.” She stops, frowning down at the ground, “You aren’t the only one he’s trying to shake off his tail.”
Sibling fights, Fenrys feels his heart squeeze painfully in his chest, he knew those all to well.
Onyx eyes, blankly staring at him, the life bleeding out of them onto the floor.
“We have a common goal.” Her voice brings him back to the present, “If we work together, we may be able to find him, and we both get what we want.”
Y/n sticks her hand out between them. Fenrys sees the smallest waver in her, the shaking she tries to hide. Behind the glares and grace, was simply a girl, desperate to find her brother, to make amends.
And maybe it was that, the fact that Fenrys would never have that chance, that made him take her hand in his.
“Help me, Help you.” Fenrys shakes her hand once, noting how incredibly soft her palms are compared to his calloused one, “You’ve got a deal.”
And when she smiles, Fenrys find it in him to smile back.
“So when do we leave?” Y/n asks.
Fenrys gestures towards the hall behind her, “Right now, kitten.”
“Don’t call me that,” she hisses.
And Fenrys laughs, and for the first time in many many months, it feels almost genuine.
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