#feral and too smart/cocky for his own fuckin good!!!
evilmortys · 4 years
Have you ever talked about/drawn/ have head among about c-136’s rick? His relationship w/ his family and morty? Is her better than other ricks or worse? Etc!
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i’ve  never  talked  about  rick  c-136  much  extensively  come  to  think  of  it!  so  i  hope  you  don’t  mind  if  i  use  this  ask  as  an  opportunity  to  ramble  about  him  and  their  dynamic  and  their  dimension  in  general  a  little.  it’s  quite  divergent  from  what’s  typical  for  a  rick  and  morty  dynamic  in  places,  i  think.
first  off  i  wanna  lead  with:  morty  c-136  is  sixteen!  so  his  summer  is  of  course  older  too,  and  is  now  living  away  from  home  and  attending  college.  he  misses  her  a  lot,  but  they  still  call  a  few  times  a  week  and  bitch  about  their  parents  and  what’s  going  on  in  their  lives  and  bully  each  other  a  lot.  she  comes  home  sometimes,  usually  for  holidays  such  as  thanksgiving  or  whatever.  they’re  overly  sappy  for  a  minute  max  upon  reuniting,  then  she’s  kicking  him  in  the  balls  and  he’s  calling  her  a  dumb  bitch.
his  mom  and  dad  are  divorced,  and  have  been  since  he  was  ten,  so  jerry  is  not  really  in  the  picture.  rick  is  very  relieved  about  this  and  hates  jerry  about  as  much  as  is  typical  for  bastard  grandpas.  morty  was  sad  about  their  messy  break  up,  but  very  quickly  came  to  understand  it  was  for  the  best.  there’s  a  security  system  rick  set  up  to  kick  jerry  to  the  curb  if  he  ever  comes  around,  much  to  morty’s  aggravation,  but  it’s  not  put  to  much  use  anyway.  (usually  he  walks  over  to  his  dad’s  sad  studio  apartment  of  his  own  volition  for  custody  weekend  instead  of  being  picked  up,  because  his  dad  sleeps  until  late  noon,  so.  not  exactly  a  dependable  ride.  if  he  goes  himself  he  can  shake  jerry  awake  at  a  reasonable  hour  and ...  try  to  shake  some  sense  into  him  too.  so  he  doesn’t  come  to  the  house  much.)
c-136′s rick has a complex relationship with his beth.  she’s  still  very  much  wrapped  up  in  his  opinion  of  her  and  works  to  please,  impress  and  ultimately  attain  his  attention  whenever  she  can.  an  easy  way  to  do  this  is  back  rick  up  when  morty  backtalks  him.  if  morty  angrily  says  “shut  the  fuck  up,  rick”  within  earshot  of  his  mother,  she’s  very  quick  to  fly  to  her  father’s  defence  as  apposed  to  her  son’s-  “morty,  don’t  speak  to  my  dad  like  that!”  rick  plays  off  this,  recognizing  an  opportunity  to  make  beth  feel  like  it’s  them  versus  morty,  and  says  “thank  you,  sweetie.”  the  two  then  delve  into  conversation  about  how  morty  is  “out  of  hand”  as  if  he’s  not  even  there,  which  understandably  infuriates  him  further.  
it  hurts  him  a  lot  that  his  mom  is  so  desperate  to  feel  like  her  and  her  dad  get  along,  and  for  him  to  acknowledge  her  existence,  that  she’ll  invalidate  his  feelings  and  bitch  about  his  behavior  with  rick  to  get  it.  he  very  much  feels  like  his  mom  values  having  a  positive  relationship  with  her  dad  over  him  as  a  result.  morty  continues  to  love  and  care  about  her  even  in  spite  of  the  fact  that  it  feels  largely  nonreciprocal  at  the  best  of  times,  but  can  come  across  quite  cold,  dismissive  and  clearly  subconsciously  angry  with  beth  when  talking  about  her  at  times  as  a  result.  don’t  get  me  wrong,  they  go  see  the  occasional  movie  together  and  morty  helps  her  out  preparing  dinner  very  often.  he  cares  deeply  about  his  mom  and  he  loves  her,  of  course  he  does,  but  he's  also  felt  incredibly  estranged  from  her  for  most  of  his  life.  if  nothing  else,  they  can  always  at  least  bond  over  an  eyeroll  at  one  of  his  dad's  latest  fuck  ups  or  stupid  statuses  on  facebook.  there’s  some  stuff  about  his  childhood  i  could  tack  in  here  that’s  relevant,  but  i’m  very  conscious  of  how  long  this  is  and  i  haven’t  even  talked  about  rick  and  morty’s  dynamic  yet ...  adjaskjdfaksf  sorry!
her  alcoholism  worries  morty  whereas  rick  seems  a  little  indifferent  to  it,  or  considers  it  not  a  big  deal.  likely  because  he  knows  it  invites  accusations  of  hypocrisy  if  he  calls  out  her  self  destruction  via  these  vices.  
in  the  past,  morty’s  tried  talking  with  her,  watering  down  and  pouring  out  her  alcohol  stashes,  and  even  pleaded  for  rick  try  and  make  her  see  reason-  to  no  avail.  (his  grandpa  ended  up  cracking  a  joke  about  what  a  fucking  buzzkill  morty  is,  they  laughed  it  off  together,  and  they  both  went  out  for,  you  guessed  it,  a  fucking  drink,  or  more  likely  ten  of  them,  directly  after  the  fact.)
right  now,  beth  c-136  has  been  seeing  a  bartender  for  eleven  months.  rick  seems  to  idly  approve  of  him-  at  the  very  least,  doesn’t  hate  him  like  he  did  jerry,  which  delights  beth.  her  father  deeming  anything  in  her  life  a  good  choice  means  everything  to  her  because  she  fights  so  hard  to  impress  him  while  also  trying  not  to  look  overtly  clingy  and  needy,  because  that  seems  to  repel  him.  also,  he’s  her  genius  father  who  doesn’t  like  anyone,  so  how  the  hell  can  his  judgement  be  wrong,  right?  him  approving  of  this  guy  has  locked  him  into  her  life  for  the  forseeable  future.  again,  this  pisses  morty  off,  because  this  bartender  guy  encourages  his  mom’s  worst  vice  of  daydrinking  with  his  job  and  lifestyle.  he  makes  her  happy,  but  he’s  the  fucking  worst,  and  it  makes  morty  want  to  tear  his  hair  out.  him  and  summer  frequently  snipe  about  the  guy  in  private.  sharing  distaste  for  their  parents’  prospective  partners  is  very  valid  bonding  they  think.
c-136  rick  and  morty's  relationship  is  emotionally  flexible  at  the  best  of  times.  some  days,  so  very  rarely,  they  get  along  just  great.
to  name  one  wholesome  headcanon  before  we  Get  Into  It.  occasionally,  rick  will  pretend  to  know  absolutely  jack  shit  about  one  of  the  plants  in  morty’s  greenhouse  just  to  let  him  go  off  about  it  and  suddenly  seem  excitably  sure  of  himself  for  about  twenty  minutes  of  nonstop  infodumping.  95%  of  the  time  he  knows  absolutely  everything  about  the  plant  he’s  asking  about,  actually,  and  on  some  level  morty  is  absolutely  aware  of  it.  the  smartest  man  in  the  universe  apparently  doesn’t  know  what  a  flaxtius  olcum  is?  right.  but ...  he  still  appreciates  the  gesture  a  lot,  and  it  cheers  him  up  after  a  shitshow  adventure.
it's  not  too  clear  what  allows  these  occasions  of  treating  one  another  with  basic  respect  and  almost  fondness  to  arise-  maybe  his  grandfather's  in  an  uncommonly  gracious  mood,  maybe  they're  playing  minecraft  or  bashing  animal  crossing  together,  maybe  they're  snickering  and  exchanging  incredulous  glances  during  some  cartoonishly  evil  alien's  monologue  of  a  plan  as  it's  dictated  to  them  in  painstaking  detail …  regardless,  those  come  around  less  and  less  often,  these  days.
rick  secretly  considers  morty  to  be  very  capable  and  alarmingly  more  competent  as  of  late,  and  he's  not  sure  whether  to  feel  almost  proud  or  work  to  scramble  to  unravel  all  this progress  lest  morty  start  pulling  away  from  him  and  revelling  in  his  own  independence.  
they're  a  kickass duo  when  adventuring, very  in  sync.  morty's  less  of  a  whiny  burden  or  wide-eyed,  unremarkable  sidekick,  and  more  of  a  borderline  asset  at  this  point.  which  again,  makes  rick  feel  very  conflicted  over  how  that  skews  their  dynamic  in  a  way  that's  less  favorable  for  him,  because  morty  doesn't  need  to  lean  on  him  as  heavily  or  stick  as  close  anymore.  but  at  the  same  time,  there’s  less  inherent  risk  of  him  dying  while  they  adventure,  because  he  handles  himself  so  well.  they  can  split  up  as  needed  to  get  shit  done  faster.  morty  frequently  solo  adventures,  or  as  he  calls  it,  “runs  rick’s  goddamn  errands,  actually.”  he’s  outgrown  the  concept  of  getting  to  choose  an  adventure  and  instead  claims  the  portal  gun  every  twelve  adventures  they  have  together,  and  goes  off  for  one  of  his  own.
morty  speaks  his  mind  very  bluntly  with  rick  and  isn't  really  afraid  to  tell  him  to  get  fucked  when  he's  being  an  unreasonable  dick.  he  resents  rick  immensely  for  putting  him  down  and  pushing  him  around  all  the  time.
morty's  more  assertive,  yet  still  very  much  resigned  to  their  irrefutably  imbalanced  companionship ;  there  are  countless  factors  as  to  why.  but  primarily,  it  tends  to  boil  down  to  feeling  like  he  owes  a  lot  to  rick.  were  it  not  for  his  presence  in  his  life,  morty  knows  deep  down  that  he  wouldn't  be  half  as  interesting  or  even  marginally  as  intelligent  as  he's  capable  of  being  now.  he’d  still  be  stupid,  and  mediocre,  and  uninteresting.  unremarkable.  unworthy  of  anyone’s  attention  or  time  because  of  how  dull  he  is.
he's  at  a  point  where  (to  an  extent)  he  feels  distant  from  his  life  on  earth  at  the  best  of  times,  because  space  and  the  infinite  multiverse  has  encompassed  his  daily  life  for  so  long  and  on  some  level,  he  handles  himself  far  better  fighting  for  his  life  on  the  edge  of  the  universe  than  trapped  in  a  school  full  of  sweaty  teenagers  and  material  he  either  blitzes  through  or  can  barely  grasp.  plus,  rick  was  the  closest  thing  he  ever  had  to  a  friend  while  he  was  growing  up.  morty  cares  about  rick,  even  if  the  older  constantly  cites  reasons  as  to  why  attachment  is  moronic  and  sentiment  is  stupid,  and  he's  aware  that  rick  has  come  to  care  for  him  too-  even  if  all  his  pointed  jabs  about  not  giving  a  shit  and  aloof  front  makes  it  hard  to  believe  that  all  the  time.
the  issue  is,  once  morty  seems  to  waver  in  feeling  that  he  has  to  constantly  acquiesce  to  rick  and  falters  in  tolerating  rick  as  an  result  of  this  obligated  feeling  of  familial  love,  no  matter  how  slightly,  rick  then  begins  to  exert  control  over  their  relationship  by  other  means,  such  as  emotionally  manipulating,  gaslighting  and  outright  blackmailing  him  to  keep  him  in  line  with  what  he  wants  out  of  their  dynamic:  rick  and  morty,  a  hundred  years,  the  only  two  people  in  the  infinite  multiverse  that  truly  matter-  theretofore,  they  should  both  solely  consider  one  another  as  important,  and  worthwhile.  he's  willing  to  tarnish  any  other  connections  morty  might  form  beyond  their  duo  for  fear  of  losing  him.
he  grows  out  of  this  irrational  attachment  a  little  more  each  time  his  grandfather  lets  him  down,  disillusions  him  ever  further,  hurts  him  or  traumatizes  him  or  actively  fucking  experiments  on  him-  slowly  but  surely.  he'll  snap,  in  some  sense,  sometime.  when  exactly  can't  be  known.  what  precise  actions  he  might  take  to  pry  himself  free  of  their  codependent  dynamic  is  unclear.  but  the  way  things  are  headed,  the  two  of  them  splintering  apart  is  inevitable,  and  it's  unlikely  to  be  an  amicable  thing  at  all.  rick  often  actively  renounces  and  appears  repulsed  by  the  very  concept  of  familial  love  and  basic  attachment,  constantly  rants  and  raves  in  his  drunken  stupors  about  how  replaceable  everyone  in  his  life  is,  and  it's  hard  for  morty  to  bite  his  tongue  when  he's  behaving  like  that.
he  just  hates  that  he  feels  badly  about  himself  and  second  guesses  himself  around  rick.  strangely  enough,  when  he’s  having  to  push  through  crazy  shit  alone,  he  does  fine.  great,  even.  sure,  he’s  freaking  out,  making  everything  up  as  he  goes  along,  and  secretly  wishing  rick  was  around  to  guide  him  out  of  the  chaos  because  he  knows  in  his  heart  rick  would  probably  do  it  smarter.  but  once  he’s  with  rick,  he  feels  incapable  and  stupid  beside  him.  like,  being  apart  from  him  makes  him  feel  so  much  lighter,  allows  him  to  lean  on  the  intelligence  he  very  much  does  possess,  without  being  berated,  second  guessing  it,  and  reminded  it’ll  never  match  up  to  rick’s,  so  there’s  really  no  point  in  even  trying.
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continuouscalamity · 5 years
Ding! Ding! Dong!
Monoboar clears his throat hoarsely to get everyone's attention directed towards the monitor.
"Oi! Yer all pretty gutshoed up for this investigation, wouldn't ya say? Now head to the foyer and to the elevator! Same procedure as last time!"
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[4:00 PM] Monoboar!: As you all crowd into the elevator and the doors shut behind you, the noise of the elevator slowly descending down rings in your ears, the low, ominous hum of everything moving around you.
The more you descend, the more it dawns on you-- more people had died in such a short span of time... Akihiko... Aderyn... Akemi... and now Wallace was a victim of another murder, done by one of your hands.
It's another deadly class trial...!
The elevator finally stops to it's destination, revealing a large trial room, with stands all in a circle. Four stands now bear the mark of the fallen, four portraits pertaining to Akihiko, Aderyn, Akemi, and Wallace.
And... another person was missing? But she doesn't have a portrait... you wonder where she is.
@Alive (You may walk to your stands.) [4:01 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo walks to his stand. He doesn't wanna be here. [4:01 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko walks to her stand as if on autopilot. This sucks, man. [4:01 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy is at his stand. [4:01 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Atemis stiffly walks over to her stand. [4:02 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is not at her stand. [4:02 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: Rayne is at their stand hello. [4:02 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "...Has anyone seen Hazeldine-san?" [4:02 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel headed to his stand, doll in arms. He didn't like this. [4:02 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: "W-wait! Where's Ms. Hazeldine?!" [4:02 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥: Renzo walks in front of their stand, turns around, and hoists themselves up to sit on the edge. "Nope!" [4:02 PM] Eri [origami time]: Eri goes to her stand. [4:02 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "...That's... Not good..." [4:02 PM] Monoboar!: "Bah, don't worry 'bout it!" Monoboar snorts. [4:03 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: "No I WILL worry about it! Where is she?!" [4:03 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie looks at the empty stand beside him.
"Uh, what do you mean, don't worry about it?" [4:03 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "What the fuck- Where is she you stupid tub of lard?!" [4:03 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar rolls his beady little eyes, resting a pudgy chin on his hoof. "It means ya don't gotta worry 'bout her!" [4:04 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: She pales once more. "I-is she...?”
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[4:04 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo is ANGRY but he knows better. He just bears his fangs like a feral animal and hisses. [4:04 PM] Monoboar!: The boar shakes his head. "Not what yer thinkin'." [4:04 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Where. The fuck. Is she?" Wilma says softly, though her voice is laced with danger. "If she ain't hurt you ain't got no reason to be keeping her from us."
She stares real fucking hard at Monoboar. [4:06 PM] Monoboar!: "I got every reason, Missy! Now shut up and figure it out on yer own!"
Monoboar slams his familiar gavel down loudly, marking the beginning of a new class trial.
"Let the trial for Wallace Callaghan and missin' Hazel Hazeldine commence!"
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[4:06 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "I...we can't just start the trial without her, can we?" [4:06 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: W-what did you do to her? Kubo thinks, but stays quiet. [4:07 PM] Monoboar!: "Course ya can! That's why I started it!" [4:07 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "I'd love to find out where Princess is, but we have to focus on this first." [4:07 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥: "Why not? We have the clues and things, so we can start now!" They say, kicking their feet. [4:08 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Alright...I suppose that's true." [4:09 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma grits her teeth.
"...I don't reckon Monoboar's gonna tell us shit til we figure it out ourselves, so...we might as well get started."
She is not happy about it. [4:10 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy glances around. "So... How about that note?" [4:10 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Alright, so...how're we gonna start this-Oh." Well, there we go. "What note?" [4:11 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥: "You know, the note!" Yes Renzo. Shh. [4:12 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma gives them a Look. Elaborate, please. [4:12 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: :cluebullet: "The one that said 'meet me in the lounge to talk about the boar' or whatever. It was right next to the body." [4:12 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥: "That note!" [4:13 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma blinks.
"Well...So that's what got 'im in the lounge then, I reckon?" Duh. [4:13 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: :consentbullet: "Ah yes...it seemed as if it was written in a very hasty manner..." [4:13 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Probably had to get it to someone fast, but why would it be by his body?" [4:13 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: "Mhm mhm.... I saw that note too!" [4:13 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Maybe he was holding on to it?" Wilma suggests in response to Packie's question. [4:14 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥: "Perhaps our friend Wallace brought it in with him, yes yes!" [4:14 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Thanks for backing her up, Renzo. [4:15 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Speaking of the body...
"Y'all saw those ugly bruises on his neck, right?" [4:17 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Th' file said he died of a sir-vee-cal fracture," She says, enlongating the unfamiliar word. "But it looked like a plain old broken neck to me." [4:18 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "Yeesh. What a way to go." } [4:19 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "So what you're saying is somebody got him where they wanted him then BAM, got him in one go!" [4:20 PM] 🔥 ZOZO! 🔥: { "OOoooo, so fast....!" } [4:20 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: :counterbullet: "Not quite...there were clear signs of a struggle all over the lounge. In fact, it was a complete wreck." [4:20 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: {"He's... not as smart as I thought, then."} [4:20 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar is tapping his hoof a bit impatiently. [4:21 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Ok, hog. Fuck off. [4:21 PM] Monoboar!: Kay. [4:21 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Oh. Huh." [4:22 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Why's he only got injuries on his neck then? That don't seem like much of a struggle." [4:22 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar snorts in amusement. [4:22 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "I 'unno how this would help out, but.."
:cluebullet:  Packie takes out a nice, fancy fountain pen. "This was in his pocket."
"Don't ask how I got it from him." Sorry Wilma. [4:22 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "Stealing off a corpse? Really?" } [4:22 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: {"Hayai-san...you stole from Callaghan-san's corpse?!"} [4:23 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel gave Monoboar the best glare he could while still in tears. [4:23 PM] Monoboar!: "Oooh, gutsy! i like it!" [4:23 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma's frown deepens. [4:23 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "I won't fucking steal it, I'll return it to his room afterwards. Besides, it might help out or something." [4:24 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: {She's still frowning, but has no further comments on the subject.} [4:24 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Alright, he had a pen on him. Now what?" [4:24 PM] Monoboar!: {"Snrf..."} [4:25 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "I have...a theory I'd like to share. If no one objects." [4:25 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Huh? Go ahead."
[4:27 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: :testitheorybullet: "The state of the lounge suggests a large struggle took place there, but Callaghan-san's body is...well, you know. What if someone other than him took part in said struggle?" [4:27 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar's piggy ears perk up. [4:28 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Like, somebody besides the killer and Wallace?" [4:29 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Someone could've saw what happened and tried to interfere?" [4:29 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: :consentbullet: "Yes. I believe that might've been the case."
"Which brings me to another clue I found..." she clears her throat, regaining some of her composure, "There was a pale-blue ribbon crumpled on the ground in the library. Which gives me reason to think Hazeldine-san might've been attacked by someone." [4:30 PM] Monoboar!: {"Snrf, how spicy!"} [4:31 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: :consentbullet: "Yeah, yeah, I saw that ribbon too!"
"But something still ain't right..." [4:33 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "If Princess Peanut was caught up in it, why wouldn't she be here now?" He taps against hisstand. "I don't think she's dead or anything, but I don't get why she'd hide." [4:33 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar looks amused. [4:33 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "I was gonna say that..." } [4:33 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma looks even more agitated at the reminder that Hazel is still missing.
"I ain't sure she's hiding..." She says slowly. "Otherwise I think the hog over there woulda dragged her out." [4:34 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis glances to the portrait standing beside her. "Uh. Missing Hazels aside, anyone else notice lounge doors?" [4:35 PM] Rayne Maelstrom 👹 Demon Time: "Yeah!!! They were open yes?" [4:36 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "Mhm. Which is really fucking weird because the lounge is locked and off-limits during the night." [4:36 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Ain't that place sposed to be locked down at night?" [4:36 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: {"You guys sync up."} [4:36 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma doesn't look happy about that. [4:37 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "...Well, it wouldn't be the first time Callaghan-san has tried to test the nighttime rules." [4:37 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Was he fucking out of his mind?" [4:38 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "He got fuckin' cocky is what happened." [4:38 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar snorts, speaking up. "Oh, gyeheheh, I helped out with that. Unlocked it m'self!" [4:38 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: {Keiko glares at Artemis. Please don't talk shit about the dead man.} [4:38 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "You helped? Is that allowed?" [4:39 PM] Monoboar!: "My damn  mansion, ain't it? My rules!" Monoboar cackles. [4:39 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy can't argue with that, as much as he wants to. [4:39 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "That's kinda unfair isn't it?!" [4:39 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "You knew what the killer was up to?" [4:40 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Well, then...maybe he wanted to investigate why the door was open?"
"Did anyone hear anything at night? Surely such a big struggle must've caused some noise."
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[4:41 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "You did?" [4:41 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: {"You really gotta sleeve shot doves to get our attention?"} [4:41 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma's staring at Willy, waiting impatiently for the explanation. [4:42 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: :testitheorybullet: "At two in the morning I heard something go clink clink in the halls outside my room. I'm a light sleeper, so it was easy to hear." [4:43 PM] Monoboar!: {"Clink clink! Clinkin' and clackin' and..." The boar is making various sound effects in the background.} [4:43 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: {"Something go clink clink?" she's so confused.} [4:44 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "A kind of jingling, maybe." } [4:44 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: {"Glass? Maybe?"} [4:44 PM] Monoboar!: {"Stop yer damn whispering."} [4:44 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Shut the hell up, hog." Wilma says reproachfully. She looks closely at Willy. "Two in the mornin', huh...that's just a little bit before the time of death, ain't it?" [4:44 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "That's right!" [4:46 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar taps his hoof in anticipation. [4:47 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "That's...odd. And you didn't hear the struggle?" [4:47 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Nope." [4:47 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "It was on the second floor." Wilma points out. Second floor is different from in the hall. [4:48 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy points to his nose and a Wilma. [4:48 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "So someone left their room close to the time of death...and they made a jingling sound."
"What could possibly make a sound like that?" [4:48 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Clown hat." [4:48 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: No one here has one of those, I think. [4:49 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "...Do clowns wear hats?" } [4:49 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "...I meant what in here could've caused it, Ortega-san." [4:49 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar appears annoyed. [4:49 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Okay. Well, fuck you too. [4:50 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I ain't sure 'bout all that right now, but were there any other clues we ain't discussed yet?" [4:52 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Her eyes widen. "There is one thing I investigated that hasn't been spoken of yet."
"One of the books was put back in the wrong place in the library, and it seemed to be sticking out a bit." [4:52 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "If it was a heavy book, it could've been used as a weapon." [4:53 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma nods.
"Ah, yeah, I saw that too...you didn't happen to open it up, didja?" [4:53 PM] Eri [origami time]: "I also found some stuff that wasn't mentioned" [4:53 PM] Monoboar!: {Monoboar is beginning to clack his gavel on his throne. He looks bored, and waiting for juicy action.} [4:54 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "No...I should've probably done that, now that I think of it. I'm sorry, Ortega-san." [4:54 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I did." She says, shifting uncomfortably. "It were a book about cults 'n shit." [4:55 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis cringed lightly. "That's not creepy at all. Anyone into scult shit?" [4:55 PM] Eri [origami time]: Eri twirls around a strand of her hair. [4:55 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Not that I'm aware of...though I doubt anyone would admit to it now that it'd incriminate them." [4:56 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "There was also a paper fulla notes stuck in the book...like someone was studying er something." [4:57 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar is impatiently staring at the ice skater. [4:57 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko frowns. "That's even more odd."
"But...what about those things you mentioned, Eri-san? The ones we haven't spoken about?" [4:59 PM] Eri [origami time]: "The drawers in the kitchen were ransacked, someone was probably looking for something. And there was a slighty scuffed and damaged marble rolling pin in the lounge's trash can." [5:00 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Well, I think we know where the rolling pin came from then." [5:01 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "..."
"You think they were lookin' for knives?" [5:01 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "...Maybe that pin was used to hit someone? [5:02 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "And where would those knives be?" Willy glances at Artemis." } [5:03 PM] Eri [origami time]: "It was probably used to kill Wallace?" Eri shrugged. [5:03 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: {"Hey. I almost saved him from getting fucking murdered."} [5:03 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: :counterbullet: "He had a broken neck...can a rolling pin cause such damage?" [5:03 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "Almost." } [5:03 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Maybe with enough force behind it...?" [5:04 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma shakes her head. [5:04 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar seems doubtful about some of these hunches, but which ones? [5:04 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "You can break a neck with a lot less."
[5:04 PM] Eri [origami time]: "Marble is pretty heavy isn't it?" [5:04 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Wallace woulda had to be glued to the ground to create 'nough force to break his neck like that, I think." ...That's how physics works right? [5:04 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Probably." [5:05 PM] Monoboar!: "Glued t' tha ground? What kinda hypothesis is that?" Monoboar snorts in amusement. [5:05 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma would literally murder Monoboar right now if she could. [5:07 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis has a little lightbulb. "Uh... Hm. Say, do you all think he died on that couch?" [5:07 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko's eyes widen yet again.
"We have no way to confirm it. The couch was the only spotless thing about the lounge, after all." [5:08 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "I don't know enough about furniture to back this up, but I doubt it would be easy to snap a neck on a couch." [5:08 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "So what? Y'all suggesting he was placed there?" Wilma tilts her head. [5:09 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "If the boot fuckin' fits. Wallace kinda big and really fucking heacy. It'd take some strength to get him on the couch, right?" [5:10 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar looks intrigued. [5:12 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Y'know what's botherin' me..." Wilma speaks up, trying to ignore Monoboar, because she hates him and so do I. "That whole mess in the lounge looked pretty violent....but Walleye was barely touched. 'Cept for the uh, well, you know." [5:13 PM] Eri [origami time]: "Weird" [5:13 PM] Monoboar!: "Sure is!" Monoboar looks ecstatic. [5:13 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "It's got me wondering if Wallace was the intended target at all." [5:14 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar's snorts at that. [5:14 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "...That's a good point, actually... Maybe it's the culprit who was beaten up rather than Wallace-kun?" [5:14 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar snorts again. [5:14 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma looks around the room.
"...Do any of yall got obvious injuries?" [5:15 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "I don't believe Callaghan-san could do something like this, but we must consider all possibilites, so..."
"It's possible that Callaghan-san tried to murder someone, and that person was defended by the culprit, who then went on to kill Callaghan-san himself." [5:16 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "...Welp I'm lost." } [5:17 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I ain't sure 'bout that..." Wilma says hesitantly. "Why the note addressing Wallace himself, then? It don't add up." [5:18 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma looks thoughtful again. [5:18 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Ah, you're right..." [5:19 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I didn't wanna mention it at first, 'cause it didn't appear to be used in this murder...I think. But my gun's been missing since last night." [5:19 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Is it possible that the note was forged? Is that the word?" [5:19 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "...Oh, no." [5:19 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: ...
"Ah." [5:19 PM] Eri [origami time]: "Geez" [5:19 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Where was it last?" [5:19 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "At least. You didn't have any bullets." [5:19 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Well..." [5:20 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "That ain't quite true." [5:20 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "There were bullets inside???"
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[5:20 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy's eyes narrow. "Hm?" [5:20 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "..." [5:20 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "Oh my fucking god-" [5:20 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma shrugs. "Wouldn't be much of a gun if there wasn't." [5:21 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Y'all never had to worry anyways. The bullets weren't real, so anyone hopin' to use them wouldn't a got far." [5:21 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar cackles underneath his hooves. [5:21 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: She lets out a sigh of relief. "Oh...good." [5:21 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Hog gave me a nerf gun." [5:21 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Still, it's been missin'." [5:22 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "...What were we worrying about, then?!" [5:22 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "." [5:22 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: { "Could have started off with the 'fake gun, fake bullets' thing..." } [5:23 PM] Monoboar!: "Pshh, just look atcha, Sheriff, up n' down! Yer wieldin' a gun that can't even help ya. Sad." [5:23 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma doesn't look impressed. It takes more than that to rile her up. [5:24 PM] Monoboar!: "No wonder that catty lady died so young. I would'a thought it interesting to see you try pumpin' me full of lead over that ordeal, but nope." [5:24 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "Will you shut the fuck up?" [5:24 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar snorts with laughter. [5:24 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Don't speak of Akemi-san like that!" [5:24 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Okay, now she's getting pissed. [5:24 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Calm down before this gets outta hand." [5:25 PM] Monoboar!: "Hazel, too! She's off missin' somewhere cuz you don't got the weaponry to threaten me! Ahhh, lovin' this power... just like back at the wild..." There is no wild. He's just an asshole. [5:26 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "You better shut the hell up." [5:26 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma is quickly losing her composure. [5:26 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Ortega-san, please. We can't afford to lose our composure right now." [5:26 PM] Monoboar!: "Ugh, and Wally. Got his head turned 360 all cuz your guys' little president ain't shit!" [5:26 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy silently makes a talking mouth motion with his hand whenever Monoboar speaks. [5:26 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "Block him out! Movin' the fuck on! What else hasn't been vleared up?" She's trying to difuse the ticking time-bomb that is Wilma. [5:26 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar snorts once more. [5:27 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Ghhh...!!!" Lake clawed at her head in irritation before shaking it, trying to focus on the task at hand. [5:28 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar just huffs at everyone. [5:28 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: It's honestly just muscle memory. Nothing more than that. Monoboar reminded her of her failures, and well- She isn't having it. She doesn't need to hear this from him.
It's so quick it's barely even perceptible until she has it out.
Wilma pulls out her gun and points it at Monoboar. [5:29 PM] Monoboar!: "Oh?" [5:29 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "..." [5:29 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Ortega-san!! Please stop this instant!"
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[5:29 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "I thought you didn't have your fucking gun, Wilma!" [5:29 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Wilma-san?! I thought you just said you didn't--" [5:29 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Guys, can we fucking not have an extra dead guy." [5:30 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "It doesn't have real bullets." Wilma reminds Packie quietly.
She's shaking with anger. [5:30 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "But...you said it was missing. Why did you lie, Ortega-san?" [5:30 PM] Monoboar!: "Yeah? What's a dirty little liar gonna do shootin' me with nerf bullets!? Gwahahahaahar!" [5:31 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "...Wait... Why did she lie about her gun?" [5:32 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma takes a few deep, shuddering breaths and lowers the gun.
She pulls the brim of her hat down. Her eyes aren't visible.
"...Had to." Is all she says. [5:32 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Why were you lying?" Willy repeat. [5:32 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "You had to?" [5:32 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Y'aint getting more of an answer than that til I know-" She cuts herself off and glares at Monoboar. [5:33 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis has a bigger light buld. "Wilma. Did you... try to stop Wallace from doing the shit he did before? Trying to bypass the rules?" [5:33 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar snorts in Wilma's general direction. [5:33 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "..." Wilma doesn't answer Artemis's question. [5:34 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: She's still staring at Monoboar, apparently waiting for something. [5:34 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "...Give her back." [5:35 PM] Monoboar!: ...and with a puff of smoke and a flash of sparkles, there's an explosion (not literally) where Hazel's stand is.
The smoke dissipates, and Hazel stands there, shaken, covered in glitter. The poet looks extremely unhappy, for good reason. [5:35 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Wh-" [5:35 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "U-Uuuuuu....!?" [5:35 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Hazeldine-san! Are you alright?!" [5:35 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "What the fuck-" [5:35 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma nearly collapses in relief.
"Oh thank the fuckin' stars." [5:35 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel squinted. [5:36 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "I-I'm, I..." Hazel regains her balance, clutching on the stand. "...." [5:36 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Hey, appearing in a puff of smoke is my thing! Stay in your lane, pig!" [5:36 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar sticks his tongue out at Willy. [5:36 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma, for a second, looks so painfully happy to see Hazel's okay...and then her expression shuts down completely. [5:37 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel looks around hastily at the others, and back at Wilma.
"I-I know...!" [5:37 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie brushes some of the glitter off of him since he was near the blast. [5:37 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Lake did the same. [5:37 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "..." Keiko places both her hands on top of her cane.
"Can you both tell us what happened last night?" [5:37 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I reckon they know too, Miss Basil." Wilma says quietly. [5:37 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel clutches at her head, looking upset at the lack of her hair ribbon, before her mouth hangs open in shock, staring at Wilma.
"they know...? Truly?" [5:38 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "You wouldn't be back here if they don't got some sort of inklin'." [5:38 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: She bites her lip, tears welling in her eyes as she looks at everyone in fear.
"...tell me what you all know, then." [5:39 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko is so confused. "C-Callaghan-san died. And Ortega-san lied about her gun being stolen, for some reason..." [5:39 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Th-That's not what I meant! Ugh!" Hazel stamps her foot. "I mean... do you know who did it all?" [5:40 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "It's...between you two, really." [5:42 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Were you held, like, as a hostage? If Ortega, if she really did it, didn't, y'know, then..? Or did you both work together." [5:43 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "I... was held as a hostage, yes." Hazel nods. [5:44 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma is silent. [5:44 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Also, Auz is afk for a second. Oops. [5:45 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "Wilma killed Wallace, you walked in," Willy is attempting to put it together. "Boar didn't want you to make it one sided and he took you out of the picture for a little bit? Something like that?" [5:45 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: There's a dry, humorless chuckle from Wilma.
"Knew you were one of the smarter candidates." She says, sighing. [5:45 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is wringing her hands together, and weakly nods. [5:46 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Since if you were here, it would've been too simple. And that damn boar doesn't like that." [5:46 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "..." [5:46 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "So... You were the one jingling." He glances at Wilma. [5:46 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "...Lady Wilma," She chokes out, but is unable to speak any further. She nods once more at Packie. [5:47 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "...So you're..." Shaking. Fists balled up, "You're saying Wilma-san is..." [5:48 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Am I 'llowed to speak now, your royal fuckhead?" Wilma hisses, glaring at Monoboar. "Or ain't I off the hook yet." [5:48 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar huffs, rolling his beady little eyes once more, and waves a hoof boredly. "Uhhhh, doy, they basically got it down, sheriff!" [5:49 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Fine." Wilma tips her hat back up, looking at everyone around the trial room. "Yeah, I did it. I killed Walleye." [5:50 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Why? Why did you do it, Ortega-san?"
"You said...you said you would protect us all!"
[5:51 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "She probabl ywas trying to protect us-" She gave Wilma a sideglance. She stands by her ealier question. [5:51 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "Was it because of what you said earlier?" He leans against his stand. "Where you were suspicious that Wallace would try to test the nighttime rules again." [5:51 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Her teeth were clenched along with her fists as she fought the temptation to yell at either Wilma or the boar in favor of letting Wilma speak. [5:52 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel's crying has started back up again. He covered his mouth to avoid making any noise to interrupt. [5:52 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is clutching her arms, holding herself as she attempts to maintain her composure.
"I had gotten into an argument the day he did that, and... well, he seemed completely unresponsive to my worries about that situation. I-I just didn't expect it to lead to... 'getting rid of him.'" She winces. [5:53 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Wallace didn't just try the nighttime rules again." Wilma states, sighing. "He outright broke 'em. Again." [5:54 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: "You still protected us, in a way." [5:54 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Fffffucking idiot..." Lake murmured through her teeth, "Idiots... Idiots... I...!" [5:55 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "No, that's not true. You didn't...you didn't protect us."
"Protecting us includes all of us, it included Callaghan-san too!! You didn't--You couldn't have just killed him!!" [5:55 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "So I was right. You tried to stop him so he wouldn't get us all killed." [5:55 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "Lady Wilma... wasn't justified in her murder, but... she had a reason, and she took it to the extreme." Hazel says nervously. [5:55 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel let out a shaky breath. "Mister Callaghan was a good friend. He didn't deserve that. It wasn't the right way to go." He hugged his doll tighter. [5:56 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy is just glancing around the room, taking all of the different opinions. "...Of course..." He whispers under his breath. [5:57 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel huffs, looking at everyone else.
"...what good does it do in the end? We'd either risked all our lives, or have two of them taken away, and... it's... horrid." [5:57 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Wallace didn't die in the lounge. He went to the library. I was on my nighttime watch as always, and I followed 'im, and I wasn't gonna take a chance that was gonna get all of us killed." She says this easily, but her expression is grim. "Two's better than all of us, I 'spose. Walleye was there...readin' that book," She looks very tired. "And I just came up behind him and..."
She does an odd hand movement which you realize is the way you can physically break someone's neck, just using your arms! Awesome. [5:57 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel flinches. [5:58 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma looks at her apologetically. [5:58 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I had no intention of hidin' it. Miss B-Hazel...wasn't 'sposed to be there, but either way, I wasn't gonna hide it." [5:58 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "But." [5:58 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko shakes her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. "No...it's not fair. You could've talked to him, you could've--!!"
"You didn't have to kill him!!" [5:59 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: He was trying very hard not to get mad, but that was his friend! Holy shit! "Miss Ortega, there's no justifying this. I think.. you're not going to become an angel." [5:59 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel scoffs, glaring at Cerviel. [6:00 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Monoboar didn't quite think that was interestin' enough," Wilma hisses, ignoring the people that are interrupting her motive speech. "So he took Hazel and told me I had to make it fun, or else..." [6:02 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Took a rollin' pin, fucked up the lounge a bit, then I moved 'im there so it'd be more confusin', I guess. Wrote that note, too. With his own pen." Wow, she really...truly...planned this horribly. Well, she didn't really plan it in the first place. "It all didn't add up real well 'cause I was just doing whatever it took to make it a case, I guess." [6:05 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "But y'all figured it out...I knew you would." Well, actually, Wilma just fucked up real bad, but let's not focus on that. "I know I failed y'all. I ain't fit to be a leader. Ain't sure I ever was."
She grabs the brim of her hat, pulling it down. "There ain't nothin' I can do to make up fer this. 'Cept dyin' I guess, but that ain't real useful in the long run."
She's...remarkably calm for someone who just admitted she's going to die. [6:06 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel whimpers, and feels like she's about to uproot the stand from the floor and destroy it with her bare hands. [6:06 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "This is...you could've talked to him!! You could've dragged him out of there, for God's sake! If you're strong enough to break his neck you could've done that instead!!"
"But...You didn't have to..." she trails off, looking down. [6:07 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: He looked away. "At least you've accepted your fate, Miss Ortega. I'm sorry you thought there was no better way, but this is probably for the best now." [6:07 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis pursed her lips, shaking her head. "Sometimes that's the only way you can deal with insubordination..." That's terrifying, thanks Artemis. [6:07 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Maybe." Wilma admits. "But he'd been talked to. I ain't sayin' that justifies it, but sometimes...sometimes the law's gotta take things into their own hands. At the time, I did what I thought would protect y'all. I hope it still does."
"...But that don't mean my soul's going to salvation 'er nothin'." [6:08 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: "I-IT'S NOT FOR THE BEST!" Hazel cries. "N-Not for Lady Aderyn, and not for Wilma either... it's horrid...!?" The poet looks hysterical, near tears. [6:08 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "Bullshit... I-It's all bullshit," Hot tears began to stream down Lake's cheeks as she shouted, banging her fists on her podium in anger, "It's BULLSHIT!! W-We... W-We shouldn't even be fucking doing all this stupid detective shit!! W-We should b-be in class or something, n-not f-fucking having all these m-moral dilemmas because some FREAK p-practically held us at gun point to fucking K-KILL our classmates!! F-Fuck it all!!! FUCK IT ALL!!!" [6:08 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Would you have done it if it was Hazeldine-san? Or any one of us besides Callaghan-san????" [6:08 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel agrees with Lake, and shows this by crying and stamping her foot. [6:09 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma nods in response to Keiko's question. "If it woulda been them, breaking rules multiple times and showin' no signs of stoppin'. But it wasn't." [6:09 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: He held onto that doll, shaking. "There isn't much salvation out there. Not outside of this place. Not even if you die. I truly am sorry, Miss Ortega." [6:09 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "SHUT THE FUCK UP, CERVIEL!!" [6:09 PM] Monoboar!: ....
"Yeeeeesh, you maggots done here? I grow tired of all the wailin' really fast! D'ya think it's votin' time?" [6:10 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: "YOU SHUT THE FUCK UP, TOO!!!" [6:10 PM] Monoboar!: "That a yes?" [6:10 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I'm mighty sorry ya had to be part of this, Miss Basil." Wilma says, taking her hat off as she looks towards the poet. "And that ya had to see that side of me. I'm glad I could make ya feel safe fer a little while, anyways." [6:10 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: ".... We should vote now." [6:10 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is clearly trying to hold back tears, and is only able to nod, lip quivering. [6:11 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Alright, go on 'n vote now." She says before Monoboar can, because fuck Monoboar, she will take every chance to steal his thunder.
[6:11 PM] Monoboar!: "Hmf ...Aaaaaalright, it's votin' time then!"
Same procedure as last trial, voting screens power on your stands, and there's a selection of students to choose from.
@Alive [6:11 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Haha beat you to it. [6:12 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma votes for herself. [6:12 PM] Eri [origami time]: Eri votes for Wilma. [6:12 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo votes for Wilma [6:12 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel quickly voted for Wilma. [6:12 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis votes for Wilma. "...I'm sorry, Woody. We fuckni' butted heads in the past but you were... an alright leader." [6:12 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Lake brought her fist down onto Wilma's (voting screen) face for her vote. [6:12 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko votes for Wilma. "I'm...truly sorry you felt like that was the only way, Ortega-san. Now we have lost not one, but two of us yet again..."
"I hope you're able to reflect on what you have done, wherever you go." [6:12 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy votes for Wilma. [6:13 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Kicking her podium in rage, Lake managed to leave a crack in the wood. [6:14 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar seems excited, and is close to pressing the complete button, but eyes Hazel impatiently. [6:15 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "...Who ain't voted yet?" Wilma looks confused. "It ain't real hard, folks." [6:15 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie votes for Wilma. Sorry. [6:15 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: No need to 'pologize. [6:16 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is teary-eyed, hand hovering over the voting screen as she glances over at the sheriff.
"I-I'm sorry, Wilma." She dropped the 'Lady', just as she's done with Akihiko before. "I hadn't.. I... what you did is bad, but I truly looked up to you. Please rest easy..."
She votes for Wilma, teary-eyed. [6:18 PM] Monoboar!: "...Everyone done votin'? If that's the case, let's get this show on the rooooooad!"
After everyone had voted, the screens flicker black, and proceed to light up in anticipation for each profile.
"Well then, worms, who's it gonna be this time? I know I'm real damn excited!"
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A victory tune chimes out as the light lands on Wilma Ortega.
"Looks like it's the truth, gwahaha! Wilma Ortega killed Wallace Callaghan!"
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[6:20 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma nods.
"Alright then...that's it, I 'spose. I don't mind dyin'....Sure don't want to, but I wasn't 'sposed to live this long anyways. The whole world weren't." [6:20 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko sighs deeply. "We will remember you, Ortega-san." [6:21 PM] Monoboar!: Hazel feels ready to collapse. [6:21 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar is snorting. [6:22 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "HOLD UP-"\ [6:22 PM] Monoboar!: "Gyehehehe-- huh?" [6:22 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "What the fuck you mean you weren't supposed to?" [6:22 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel turned away completely, hugging that doll. He didn't even wanna look anymore. [6:22 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma shrugs.
"Just what I said."
"Why'd you think Wallace had that book out on cults, anyways?" [6:22 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel tilts her head, confused. [6:22 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: "...Huh?" [6:23 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "He was into goat sacrifice-?" [6:23 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Absolutely not." WAY off base. [6:23 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "...What do you mean, Ortega-san?" [6:26 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "Y'all don't really think I got good at shootin' just from a Wild West show, do ya?" She smiles, but it's bitter. "Callaghan figured out where I grew up. Little place called Solomon's Grove. Y'all mighta heard of 'em, mighta not. Crazy little cult preparin' for the end of the world. 'Sposed to happen when I was thirteen." She snorts. "When it didn't, I realized it all was a buncha baloney and left. Got myself a job, put my skills to use. I lived a lot longer than I thought I was gonna. I've been livin' on borrowed time."
The rueful smile fades from her face. "Maybe this was what they meant all 'long 'bout me meeting my end in the 'outside world.' They weren't wrong, in the end. But I got to meet y'all, so I think it's worth it anyways." [6:28 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel is curling her hands into her hair anxiously, staring apprehensively at Wilma as she attempts to process this information.
"So... a cult? A whole cult..." The poet isn't sure what to say... [6:28 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "Ortega-san...a-a cult??" [6:28 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma dismissively waves a hand. "It ain't that serious. No sacrifices 'er none of that weird shit. Just farms and no fuckin' tech anywhere. 'Cept for guns, 'course." [6:28 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: "...That's really cool, Ortega-san..." [6:29 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma doesn't respond to that. [6:29 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel glances at Kubo a bit oddly, but shrugs it off. [6:29 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: "Jesus... At least you didn't do fucked up shit." [6:29 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "I'm sorry you had to grow up in such a place, Ortega-san..." [6:30 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "...Anyways, none of that's the point. I'm just sayin'...I'm okay with my world ending like this." Her serious expression cracks a bit. "I'm okay 'long as y'all promise to do better than I could. No more leaders 'er any of that...work together. Keep each other in line. In a safe way." [6:31 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel was quiet as he listened, feeling the guilt start to seep in for having been mean. "I'm sorry about what I said, Miss Ortega. Maybe you will be an angel." [6:31 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: "We...we'll do better, Ortega-san. We won't let this happen again."
"Do you...do you have anything you want me to say to anyone outside? Anything you want to pass on?" she offers, just as she did with Aderyn. [6:34 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "...If y'all get to the Saco Wild West show, tell Leone I said hi." She says after a moment. "That's all. Tell 'im I'm doing fine, okay? And my parents..." She looks a bit pained. "They ain't too smart but they ain't bad people. Wouldn't recommend you go checkin' out Solomon's place, though. Maybe just send 'em a letter. Tell 'im I passed." She nods at Keiko, grateful. [6:34 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: She smiles sadly. "I will...I promise, Ortega-san."
"Please...tell Callaghan-san he will be missed as well, if you see him again." [6:35 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: "I got some 'pologies for him, and...everyone else that passed, so I'll be sure to." [6:35 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel disregards everything else and rushes over to give Wilma one last goodbye in the form of a hug.
"My apologies... Wilma..." Hazel says shakily. [6:36 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis gives Wilma a solem nod, she feels a very heavy pit of guilt in her gut. "I hope ya find peace.' [6:37 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko nods at Wilma's words. She hates Wilma's actions...but she doesn't deserve to die, either. [6:37 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Lake stomped off her podium and towards Wilma before she joined Hazel.
"God, fuck..." Lake sniffled as she tightened her grip, "You deserved so much fucking better than this hellhole, Wilma-san..." [6:39 PM] Hana Minami! | ART Room: Hana was horrified. Absolutely, positively horrified. She could only hug Wilma one last time before she...well, ugh.
Hana slowly walked towards her, avoiding eye contact as she did. She didn't want Wilma to see her cry. She wrapped her arms around her tightly. She wanted to say something, anything to send Wilma off.
"Don't go...!" [6:42 PM] swiss cheese cowboy: Wilma looks surprised that anyone would get near her after that, let alone the girl who witnessed her murder. She blinks rapidly, as if trying to stop tears, and returns Hazel's hug. She flinches as two more people join the hug, and tries (and fails) to stop her body from shaking.
"I gotta go, Princess." She says softly. "I...No matter where I end up, I'm gonna be watchin' over y'all and protecting ya best I can anyways. I'll never stop."
She closes her eyes. The world is ending for her. She said she didn't mind, but...
"Thank y'all. I wanted to make y'all feel safe, but the truth is...I always felt like the world was on the verge of ending 'til I met y'all."
"Take care of yerselves now, okay? I'm countin' on yall."
"Goodbye." [6:42 PM] Hana Minami! | ART Room: Hana sobbed loudly.
[6:43 PM] Monoboar!: "Oh... boohoo, I'm almost touched by the affection you've got! Too bad I gotta rip her away from ya!"
Monoboar slams a gavel onto a big red button, and Wilma is promptly whisked away from the others by a metal clamp attached to a chain snapping around her neck, and she's off...
Wilma Ortega has been found guilty. Time for the punishment.
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[Done by @spiiderboiii]
[Done by @pitoumugis]
[6:44 PM] Hana Minami! | ART Room: Hana stared at the execution for a moment before covering her eyes and dipping her head, hoping her hair would cover her face a little. [6:45 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko doesn't look. She can't do it. [6:45 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo watches intently. That was horrible... [6:45 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel didn't even watch. It didn't feel right even if it was the one who'd killed his friend. [6:45 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Keeping her eyes closed tight and her hands clamped down on her ears didn't stop the shots from giving her an idea of what happened. [6:46 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy frowns as he sees what unfolds. [6:46 PM] Hana Minami! | ART Room: Hana flinched every time the shots happened. [6:46 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hana shrieks, unable to watch after the horses arrive, and clamps her hands over her ears. [6:47 PM] Monoboar!: Why i say hana :frowning: i tired. Anyways [6:47 PM] Hana Minami! | ART Room: Hana hugs Hazel really hard. [6:48 PM] Monoboar!: Monoboar cackles once again.
"Well then! Another trial is off my hands, gwahahahar!" The boar laughs, and the elevator dings melodically, sliding open.
"Now scram, go cry in your rooms or somethin', ya grubs!"
The boar vanishes promptly, leaving you all to exit yourselves. [6:48 PM] Lake Kawaguchi | Fuck: Lake joined and wrapped her arms around Hazel and Hana both for a little while. [6:49 PM] Hazel Hazeldine | 🔖: Hazel does the same... but leads them in a small pack with shaky legs, into the elevator. Heh. Help. [6:49 PM] Hana Minami! | ART Room: Hana was still sobbing loudly. [6:50 PM] Monoboar!: @Alive Walk into the elevator. [6:50 PM] Keekoo Taisei | Terrible choices: Keiko leaves silently. It's not her place to try to comfort any of them. She can only hope Wilma can find peace, wherever she is. [6:50 PM] Kubo Tachibana | BLEHEHEH: Kubo walks into the elevator silently [6:50 PM] Willy Wonder | Room: Willy heads to the elevator. [6:50 PM] packie hayai 🌾 💤: Packie makes his way into the elevator, slumping against one of the walls. [6:51 PM] Cerviel Winter | Nest: Cerviel walked into the elevator with his doll, choking back more tears. He's a wreck. [6:51 PM] 🔫Artemis🔫| AAAAAAAAAAAAA: Artemis walks into the elevator, the pit in her stomach getting heavily. Shit's awful! [6:52 PM] Monoboar!: Once everyone is inside, whether you roleplayed that or not, the elevator shuts behind you and takes you back to the foyer...
Now Five people are gone, and it seems like your numbers are only going to continue dwindling...
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0 notes