#ferdinand sohn ehrenfest
aubdrewanchel · 1 month
One question. Is this a low quality Zahm or am I hallucinating?
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(He stood close to Arno and Fran so I kinda assumed it)
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transdimensional-void · 8 months
what do you think could make ferdinand cry?
this is an interesting thought experiment! for one thing, we know of exactly one instance in the story so far in which ferdinand cried: when he looked at myne's memories. he told myne that it happened because he synced too closely with her, and her emotions about seeing her mother again infected him.
we do also know that he got a little choked up at the duchy border gate when he said good-bye to sylvester.
we know as well that nobles are supposed to use their hidden rooms to express the emotions they must hide in their public lives. so it's very possible that he's cried several times throughout the story that we simply don't know about. for example, we have seen elvira cry exactly one time in the entire story, and it was when she was in the hidden room with myne.
however, ferdinand does seem to be pretty emotionally constipated, so i wouldn't be surprised if he refused to let himself cry even within the safety of his hidden room. he'd probably tell himself that his time would be better spent creating a solution to whatever situation was making him want to cry. that doesn't mean that there haven't been plenty of times throughout the course of the story when he felt terrible enough to want to cry, though... especially since the end of part 4.
my guess is that what could make ferdinand cry would be being given the opportunity to do so. he would have to feel safe enough to express that level of vulnerability. he would need a stable home environment where he felt secure rather than constantly in danger. he would need a steady source of love and affirmation to reassure him that even his weakness will be accepted rather than ridiculed or exploited. to cry, ferdinand would need to heal a little more than he has up to this point.
he was almost there in that scene saying good-bye to sylvester, and i think that's a sign of how much healing he has already done up to that point in the story. he let himself feel, in the moment, just how important his relationship with his brother was to him and how little he wanted it to change. how great his loss was. i think if the parting had happened back before he met myne, he would have repressed his feelings much more in that moment. veronica conditioned him to avoid the things he loved, and it took several years free of veronica for him to relax enough even to admit his feelings to himself, much less express them externally.
thank you for the ask, anon! i enjoyed it <3
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luinfanel · 1 year
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Cómo cuando estás tan obsesionada con una serie que además de escribirle fanfics les haces hijos. Si. Hijos.
Estos de aquí son mi idea extraña de los hijos de Rozemyne Tochter Linkberg Adotie Ehrenfest Aub Alexandria y su esposo Ferdinand Sohn Ehrenfest, protagonistas de "Honzuki no Gekokujou" o "Ascendance of a Bookworm"... Entre la parejita que hacen esos dos y el worldbuilding de las novelas... Lo admito, estoy enamorada 🥰🥰
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aubdrewanchel · 1 month
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His expression right here is something, that lives rent free in my heart
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aubdrewanchel · 1 month
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aubdrewanchel · 1 month
Another version of this
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aubdrewanchel · 1 month
I have a question for this little Rozemyne related idea I had (and also saw people mentioning).
An AU/fanfic where Ferdinand, after he peacefully dies, gets reincarnated to a modern world academy for wealthy kids. He'll slowly meet everyone he knew.
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