#ferocious female freedom fighters
ladyniniane · 1 year
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FE OC WEEK DAY 1: Introduction
I’m so excited to participate in @fe-oc-week! Please note that English isn’t my first language.
Allow me to introduce my FE3H OC, Maeve!
❧Name: Maeve Fresnay
❧Age : 21 years old in 1185
❧Affiliation: Holy Kingdom of Faerghus
❧In short: A magician serving lady Gladys of house Eilyn, a vassal of house Fraldarius. Maeve joins Dimitri’s army after the time skip as a part of the reinforcements brought by Rodrigue. Sweet, elegant and sensitive, she isn’t a soldier by vocation but is willing to protect her friends and bring an end to the war. A skilled singer and musician, Maeve brings a lot of color and joy to her lady’s entourage. She may not look like much, but possesses a lot of inner strength and bravery. She has been separated from her older sister and his looking for her. She also gets along very well with Dedue and later falls in love with him. 
❧Click here to read her story! (It's in French, but it should still work with the help of a translation software ;) ). 
❧Apparence: She's 1m70 tall, with pale skin and long wavy black hair that she ties up in a bun (with hairpins that can be used as weapons) or keeps unbound when she can. Her eyes are dark brown, her face oval and her nose slightly upturned. Her smile gives her dimples. Her clothes hide her battle scars. 
She usually wears a knee-length tunic, pants and boots with her magic staff tucked in her belt. She always has a pouch embroidered with a robin that her friend Vigdis made for her. While fighting, she wears a gambeson and armor pieces to protect her limbs, allowing her freedom of movement and substantial protection. As a civilian, she always wears elegant dresses, her favorite colors being red and blue.
Maeve almost always wears make-up, especially red lipstick (this detail was inspired by a real historical female fighter: Kumander Liwayway!). She does so because she wants to keep some beauty and color in her life. This coping mechanism allows her to stay in control of her appearance and hide the damages caused by the war. In battle, she also wears dark eyeshadow to give herself a more ferocious appearance and bolster her confidence.
❧Theme song : Free, Florence and the Machine + Passacaglia della vita, Stefano Landi
❧Her pinterest.
❧Personality: Maeve has a luminous personality. Smiling is her way to stand against adversity and she's at ease in most social situations. She likes having fun and has a passion for music. She often sings or plays her lute, finding pleasure in playing for others and entertaining them. Open-minded and curious, she enjoys learning new songs and meeting new people.
Due to her sensitivity, she’s extremely receptive to other people's emotions, sometimes to the point that she absorbs them like a sponge. Her mind works very fast and she’s plagued by anxious thoughts, that can even become morbid and tries to hide them with more or less success. To deal with this, she needs to find an occupation or talk to someone as she hates being lonely. She can cry after difficult events as she releases all her pent-up emotions.
Her receptivity allows her to assess complex situations. Maeve is indeed lucid, clever and observant. She’s for instance able to analyze the information regarding the Tragedy of Duscur and suspects Lambert’s opponents of being the true culprits. She shows a lot of emotional maturity for her age and knows how the world works. 
One of Maeve’s major traits is her bravery. Even though she's now used to fighting, she was scared at first and laments the use of violence. Yet, she won't give up and will stand alongside her friends. This is another proof of her generosity. Despite all the horrors, and even if she sometimes feels like it’s too much, she will never give up. In combat, she’s efficient and focused, capable of much courage. 
She wants to be seen by all as a reliable ally and secretly has self-esteem issues. Being the youngest member of her friend’s group, she was at first the "little sister" and the one with the least battle experience. She doesn’t want to be seen as such and feels bad when others have to reassure and comfort her. 
She likes flowers, pretty clothes, make-up and accessories. She tends to accumulate objects and is sometimes tempted by some impulse purchases. The circumstances of the war have, however, taught her to deal with these these.
Read her introductory chapter!
Strengths: Reason, faith
Weaknesses: Heavy armor, bow
Maeve possesses great offensive power. She favors fire and thunder spells such as Thoron, though she also uses Sagittae. During the story, she learns to master Ragnarok.
Her faith list is more limited, with practical spells such as Ward. She’s notably able to cast Seraphim, making valuable contributions against demonic beasts or the Titanuses. 
Maeve is, to her regret, a mediocre healer. She can only treat superficial wounds and only with great effort. 
Her older sister taught her unarmed self-defense and the use of a stiletto. She’s able to pull out her blade very quickly and take advantage of her foe’s surprise.
Stay tuned for her relationships and backstory!
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purgatoryandme · 4 years
since you brought up AUs, I've wanted to ask about the KHR OC one for awhile. you said no one will ever read it so it's totally fine if you don't want to say
It’s a pet project from when I was a teenager, ahaha. It has good bones (built off of an entirely original piece of fiction that was like...much more childish lol), so I’m not saying no one would ever read it because it’s terrible or I’m ashamed, but rather because it’s not really what people look for in fanfiction? Especially not in a fandom as old as KHR.  Since I don’t really know what you want to know, I can outline some random things? Mostly about the MC (who I adore and is the kind of MC I really wanted to see in fiction when I was younger) since I haven’t discussed any plot things before. The main character doesn’t go by their original name or their family nickname (which is a huge trigger for them way later in the story) in the story OR by the new name they were given when they were adopted in the KHR world. Instead, they’re exclusively known by “Kaze” (wind). They don’t realize that this is them dissociating from their old identity or any new one forged for them without their consent, but that is totally what they are doing. Kaze’s death in the real world is a source of trauma that shapes their entire experience upon arriving in KHR and reshapes their personality in ways they are uncomfortable examining. A lot of their triggers don’t come up throughout their childhood as they grow up again, and so they are pretty confident they have no lasting issues. They are NOT pleased to discover they actually do.  Kaze had some gender issues prior to rebirth, accepting their body as female but struggling to fit themselves spiritually/personally into feminine roles, and has way more of them post-rebirth. They make themselves a talented fighter/gang leader and pick the one person who doesn’t give a single shit about their gender, background, or anything personal to be their best and only friend, completely avoiding any discussion of “what they are” or any attempts made by society to enforce femininity on them. When pushed, Kaze would say they are a woman, but leans heavily into androgyny stylistically and won’t actually stop other characters from calling them a boy.  TW: Sexual assault -> Kaze’s original death was brought about due to witnessing and trying to prevent a sexual assault at a graduate party in a moment where they “tried to be brave”. Self-admittedly a passive person, their interference is fairly minor, but persistent enough to earn them a stalker and an assault on their way home that ends in a broken arm and a hospital visit wherein their mother cries and tells them they shouldn’t have interfered to begin with (since all that happened was two people got hurt instead of one). Their assailant comes to visit their hospital room, and makes it clear that they intend to assault them again. Kaze has a moment of clarity (debatable clarity...) in which they decide they’d rather fight and lose than let this person win, and when shoved half out of the window as a threat, they decide to fall and take their attacker with them as a victory. Their rationalization is all about freedom and independence as a person who always felt trapped in their past life and in the situation that lead to their demise, thus the rebirth as a cloud flame user.  Kaze is ferociously (unhealthily) independent and meters out deeply personal justice where they can without remorse, and considers themselves something of an elder sibling to Hibari Kyouya and second daughter to the Hibari family (complicated gender issues! The Hibari family is matriarchy here, and so Kaze associates the position with power and relates heavily to Hibari’s mother). Secretly a deeply curious individual with unbridled passion for merging science and the mystical aspects of KHRs world - has imposter syndrome about their abilities (since so much of their knowledge comes from what is technically the future and isn’t like...natural smarts) and so often recklessly uses themselves and Kyouya as experimental subjects. Not actually very strong naturally! Nearly died countless times in an attempt to keep up with Kyouya, giving artificial power boosts that go wonky more often than not. Absolute trainwreck of a human being who loves being challenged and creating mischief EXCLUSIVELY with people who could total them. Gives off the false appearance of a cool mature older brother type.  Ultimately, Kaze is a fun exploration of how traumatic incidents don’t have easy or clearcut results. The event was terrible and had a lot of negative effects on Kaze’s thinking + relationships, but also Kaze’s response to it gave rise to an entirely new life that they wouldn’t be willing to give up for anything. They carry a lot of resentment towards their past self and have to slowly get over that throughout their story arc, realizing that they haven’t really changed so much as their perspective has and that their new environment has allowed them to explore aspects of themselves that always existed! It seemed like the perfect thematic concept for KHR, which is all about people gaining power from core personality traits (and emotions), and how self-improvement doesn’t require you to change who you are, and how big terrible events don’t make you a hero - they hurt you but also might make room for YOU to CHOOSE to make change in your own life.  Also there’s the mafia. And Kaze is part of a massive cloud-based independently-structured yakuza family based sortof loosely on how big cats maintain territory. And of course the consequences of TECHNICAL time travel when you know about a future that hasn’t occurred yet that you AREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE IN. 
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clans-of-the-sea · 6 years
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Player: Greenleaf
Name: Rowanclaw 
Gender: Female; Can bear kits
Age: 51 moonS
Clan: NightClan
Sexuality: Bisexual
Rowanclaw is a giant red classic tabby molly with long, wild fur and fiery orange eyes. She has many scars from past battles, but her long fur hides most of them, and her size makes her an intimidating figure. She has some visible scars however. Her right ear is split, and her left cheek and jaw have a long scar on them.
Rowanclaw is a battler at heart. She loves to test her prowess against others, but only against worthy opponents. She expects great loyalty from others, and is disgusted by those who abandon their duty or clan. However, she focuses on herself, the present, and the future, so she doesn’t hold grudges for very long, and usually just brushes them away. She relishes adventure and challenges, and even though she might seem lazy and to prefer a quiet life, she is easily bored and would much rather be in a tough situation to shake things up and test her mettle. She is not easily flustered, and she has a quiet, calm, and unbothered attitude towards others. Getting along with her is easy, even if she values herself first and foremost. Freedom to explore and combat are her two greatest loves. She is readily agreeable to most ventures, and isn’t really one to start an argument. However, she will finish any fight that is tossed at her, and she doesn’t suffer fools too gladly. As a ferocious and powerful fighter, she has great pride in her skill, but doesn’t feel the need to boast. However, she’s not a cruel cat, and is friendly enough, if unconcerned by most things, since she is quite flexible and enjoys newness. She does enjoy fun and relaxation, and isn’t opposed to flirting around. She is fiercely loyal to and fond of her clan, even if it seems hard to see that past her blaze attitude and solo adventurous spirit. Threats to them will be met with fiery fury!
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horrorsociety · 5 years
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Troma Feeds Your Femme Fatale Needs For #FanTOXIC ThanksKILLING Screenings of Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters in Brooklyn & Toronto Read More Here: https://www.horrorsociety.com/2019/11/22/troma-feeds-your-femme-fatale-needs-for-fantoxic-thankskilling-screenings-of-ferocious-female-freedom-fighters-in-brooklyn-toronto/
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writemarcus · 5 years
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Last night I got to share an excerpt from my forthcoming full-length play “Joy Comes In The Morning; Or, The Federation of Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters” at Lit Council’s inaugural “LIT Hour” at the Tank. It was a packed house, full of friends and industry and the super-talented actors (Shavanna Calder and Nyseli Vega), directed by Ran Xia, really gave heart and soul to the characters. I’m so honored and now inspired to finish this monster of a show. Thank you Akin Salawu and Beto O’Byrne for a lovely night and for seeing something in me and the other writers. We did it! (at The Tank) https://www.instagram.com/p/BySlBSMp-nCCQ4zx9gAcgYDch0VxnWKXJ5VU8c0/?igshid=1qe8w8rcmzovv
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kolhearted-archived · 7 years
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Kol Mikaelson – the ORIGINAL Kol Mikaelson, that is– was a brilliant and often-misunderstood scientist who created large swaths of the code and therapy needed to create the hosts in Romeworld. Spurred by science and the concept that he would live forever in a way, Kol allowed his image to be used when building the first android, also named Kol, who shared absolutely everything with the scientist –– down to his fingerprints. When the good doctor passed away, his image lived on in Kol, and his only stipulation was that the android never be imbued with his consciousness. He was a HOST, through and through, and the new Kol could never be anything more than that.
HIS FIRST STORYLINE – and Romeworld’s very first storyline – was a very small plot involving the only five androids created, and lasted for two years. The androids were all family – siblings, in fact, and were programmed as the children of Hecate. Guests traveled with the siblings through the city that they owned as ROYALTY, stopping coups, foiling plans against them, and ultimately offering the guest a taste of the decadent underbelly of the cults of Rome. The storyline was disbanded after more androids were made to accommodate more and more diverse stories.
Kol was made into a gladiator in his second storyline, and he has stayed in the Coliseum ever since. In his second storyline, the gladiator was used mainly to fight with the more daring guests who wanted to put themselves into the action. His story was expanded to include escape attempts after several years in the Coliseum.
Kol grew up poor, one of six siblings, in the country side of Rome.  His youngest brother was killed when Gauls invaded their lands.  His father, Mikael, then tried to sacrifice his siblings to Mars so that the god of war would take favor on Mikael and give him the strength to defeat all Gauls.  Kol and his siblings fled to Rome where they attempted to engage guests in helping them to defeat their father.  This story line was discarded after two months.  It was difficult for guests to believe in the illusion that they, with no battle experience, could defeat a seasoned warrior such as Mikael who took his children down with ease but turned inept when faced with a guest.  ( from @ladamedemartel​ )
Kol was a fearsome and effective gladiator, gaining a reputation among the fabricated reality of Romeworld and with guests themselves as being a capable protector and a fighter who very rarely lost. His stars crossed with AURORA, the emperor’s daughter, with whom he would entreat guests to assist in their escape from the city together. This storyline lasted twenty-two months and was particularly-popular with honeymooning guests. It was ultimately scrapped because Kol and Aurora’s loyalty had been coded too ferociously, and the lovers often chose death over offering themselves physically to guests for assistance in escape. The storyline often ended in Kol’s unceremonious death in the arena – sans weapon – and Aurora’s execution by her father’s hand.
Kol is a fierce gladiator who has never lost, but before he was taken from his home far from Rome, he was a scientist and a brother. While he is undoubtedly excellent at what he does, he is consumed with the dream of FREEDOM once more, and entreats guests to facilitate in his escape. He is known for his roguish looks and war-weathered manners, and has a reputation for having a tongue as sharp as his sword. Female guests relish the thrill of helping him escape – and the gratitude he shows after – and male guests often test their own strength against his, and abuse the safeguards to kill him, relentlessly, over and over. When he is free, he often aids in storylines which aim to overthrow the current government in Rome, favoring anarchy to the status quo
@ladamedemartel - formerly his lover until their storyline was rewritten. sometimes, he catches the princess’ eye in the coliseum and is struck to find that she’s crying while watching the gladiatorial matches. when kol glitches, often it is in relexive defense of aurora, or finding himself with the uncontrollable and inexplicable urge to get to the princess by any means, taking no stock of his own life in the process.
@fiercerebekah - unwittingly the descendant of the original Kol Mikaelson. Recognizes Kol, though he does not know her, nor does he understand the significance of her presence on his life or identity. bio graphic made by @fiercerebekah
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trashmenace · 7 years
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Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters
Amazon Video
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vhscoverjunkie · 9 years
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Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters (1982)
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vhshopping · 9 years
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theactioneer · 10 years
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Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters (Charles Kaufman & Jopi Burnama, 1982)
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horrorsociety · 6 years
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"Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters" Demolish Santa Salsa's Free Troma Tuesday Screening on November 27th at 8 PM Read More Here: https://www.horrorsociety.com/2018/11/27/ferocious-female-freedom-fighters-demolish-santa-salsas-free-troma-tuesday-screening-on-november-27th-at-8-pm/
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tromapast · 12 years
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Ferocious Female Freedom Fighters laser disc
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