#festus cause i mean his death is kinda. i mean idk how u save someone from that.
hircinesring · 1 year
i'll figure out my canon for the dbh quest and how peri handles it when i actually play it, but im thinking like
peri is on astrid's side for the most part. despite being named listener, he's of the opinion that the old ways clearly didn't do shit for them if the brotherhood nearly totally died. and astrid has managed to keep her sanctuary and family running, so she HAS to be doing something right.
that said peri also recognises the usefulness of a big 'sacrament receiver' to hell them gain contracts that they would otherwise not be able to get: the whole kill the emperor thing is too secretive to be 'heard of eventually' and is only found out via the night mother, so there's bound to be other ones like that as well. though, he also doesn't like the idea of something in his head that he didn't invite, and stays well away from the night mother as much as he can. he and astrid came to the agreement that they would try and get a single contract from the night mother every now and then for if contracts dried up or they needed money, and essentially treat the night mother as a kind of tool.
they were a little concerned thst might piss her off though, and so they did some tests via the tenets: mainly the 'invoke the wrath of sithis' parts. they also just wonder if not following the tenets while the night mother is in their sanctuary might be dangerous. and so they conspire between them to have peri break the tenets in various ways to 'see what happens'. like, what, is the night mother gonna kill her listener? after nothing happens apart from making some of the others mad, they loop veezara into it to see if it's 'listener immunity', and learn that it's not. the tenets don't mean shit any more, there's no power behind them at all.
and since 'don't diss the night mother' is the first tenet and nothing happened when it was broken repeatedly, peri and astrid figure that using the night mother as a once ee ery few months fancy contract dispenser would be OK.
peri pretty gleefully kills cicero and chases him through the dawnstar sanctuary like a cat hunting a fucked up mouse. they keep the hat and out it on the night mother for a laugh.
obvs since peri is on astrid's side, she doesn't try to sell him out, and what happens is due to maro just being a vindictive shit. idk how many of the family peri saves, but he does save a few of them.
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