feyseoyun · 3 years
fast on their feet; gnashing teeth
tw: blood, npc death, mentions of suicidal thoughts
the snarl that echoed off of dark buildings made his blood turn to ice, freezing him in place. it’s the sound of seoyun’s nightmares, those horrible growls, screams, wet muscle and cracking bone sounds that have haunted him so many years later. in that moment, he forgets everything that isn’t raw, uncompromising fear. 
he knows the feeling of a silver blade in his hand, a tool that was taught to him as a child. but it wasn’t the one that was drilled until it became instinctive. no, the kangs studied the needle and scalpel more diligently. seoyun had been a fair hunter, competent enough when he’s prepared and focused. but this is an ambush. no time to build up his courage, to decide what weapon is best for the enemy at hand, to brush up on skills that he doesn’t practice nearly as much as he should. this is a test of improvisation and seoyun has never been very good at working on the fly.
heavy footsteps pace around him, a slow circular arc. werewolf. he knew it already, but seeing the massive furred body out of the corner of his eye brings a new panic to his chest. this isn’t the full moon, the werewolf shouldn’t be so aggro on a normal human. but it still circles him slowly, hackles raised and lips curled back in a savage snarl. seoyun’s brain starts allowing him to think coherently again just for a moment to realize that the beast is sizing him up, testing just what he is. it should have occurred to him that letting a couple of werewolves live in his home would get their scent all over him. he never thought that he’d be mixed up in the middle of the so called werewolf war.
carefully, he reaches behind him, fingers finding the knife he wears on the back of his belt. even if he hasn’t seen live combat in months, his father’s voice echoes in his head, never leave home without it. it’s silver. it will do against this monster.
he’s slower than a werewolf. he’ll never be as strong. but when the beast finally lunges at him he forgets how powerful they really are, how it only takes a blink of the eye before he can feel the beast’s breath against him. seoyun only gets half a moment to act; old training comes back to him, protect the chest, face, throat, arms up in guard, left arm in front to save his dominant arm from the worst of the attack. he feels teeth on his forearm and seoyun strikes, letting the blade flash against the thick skin of the werewolf’s shoulder.
it makes the beast back off, if only for a moment, but he can feel the punctures in his arm. the wolf must’ve tasted his blood the same way the blade did. they eye each other, size each other up. the creature lunges again, and again seoyun is too slow. it feints, what he thought was going to be another lunge for his neck goes to his leg instead, teeth tearing through his jeans and into the flesh below. he panics. the blade flashes again, this time only glancing off the maw in a shallow cut. the wolf snarls his pain but doesn’t let go. he shakes and seoyun can feel his flesh being ripped from muscle, teeth sinking deeper into his limb. he screams, agonized.
the creature doesn’t let go for more than a moment. it finds another place on  his leg to bury its teeth and shakes again, tearing seoyun apart like a dog toy. he can’t breathe through the pain, through his own screams. seoyun realizes he could die like this, in the jaws of a monster. maybe it’s because it’s a werewolf, or because the pain is too intense to let him go quietly, peacefully. he realizes, despite everything, he doesn’t want to die. at least not like this. he reaches for the werewolf, his blood staining the beast’s fur as he wraps his fingers around the creature’s ear. with a mighty effort, he rides the next great shake, the force rattling the teeth in his head as he wrestles with his own strength to hang onto the monster. with a pained cry, he drives the knife into a yellow-gold eye. the painful howl hasn’t left the werewolf’s lips as the light in the remaining eye goes dark, the brain of the beast irreplaceably damaged by a silver blade.
seoyun can only lay there, his blood mixing with the monster’s as he tries to catch his breath. the wolf still has its mouth around his leg, no life left in those jaws to bite down again. but the last of seoyun’s strength had gone into that final blow, a lifesaving measure that he wasn’t sure he had in him. 
he realizes then that no one is coming for him. no one will look for him if he’s not home for dinner in an hour. not even daeyong or the new werewolf he keeps bringing around. no one answered his screams, made to stop the savage animal attack on the college kid just trying to take a shortcut home. he could die here, he realizes, bleed out before anyone even knows he’s gone. the thought terrifies him in a way that it hasn’t in a long time.
with his good arm, he fishes through his pocket. by some miracle, his phone is still there, albeit with the screen shattered at some point in the skirmish. at least it turns on. location, he thinks first, unsure if he’ll be able to give directions even if someone picks up his call. he shares it. and then mashes the call button. he can feel the cold setting in, his heartrate picking up. shock. this isn’t good.
“jae?” he doesn’t wait for a voice on the other end, speaking as soon as the ringing stops, “i need- i need- help-”
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yujinfey · 3 years
yet again, he doesn’t wait for a response, tossing the keys to yujin instead, counting on him to catch them (and to not take this opportunity to steal his car.)
tw: blood
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ —
this is already a little surreal, but listening to jaeyong start to talk about vampires is something that he hadn’t expected to be a conversation between them, when they first met, through all of the things that they talked about. he eyes the ring when jaeyong shows it to him, listening quietly and watching it gently glow in the presence of himself, effectively giving him away. he’s seen objects like it before, even had experience with jewelry and imbuing it with certain properties, thinks of the necklace he gave sunkyu on his birthday— and it’s all very different than this.
walking alongside him, he tries to think of all of the things that he’s put into the world, wonders if any of them are used in the ways that jaeyong uses his ring, swallows and feels a wave of nausea run through him, and tries to effectively push that thought down and away and out of his mind, feels the shake in his hands start and so he shoves them into his pockets instead to find some kind of semblance of control.
he tells him that he probably wouldn’t want to know, and he’s right. he doesn’t. he doesn’t think he could handle it.
jaeyong’s humor proves to pull him out of his mind effectively, garnering him a small chuckle past his lips. yujin thinks he would be least convincing vampire ever, and when he mentions that he could be a werewolf, he only starts laughing more. enough for him to bend over with it, hand pulled from his pocket to splay against his stomach as it echoes into the night. “well.. i guess you’ve got your intel, then,” he says, eyes catching back on that ring again, and then back up to jaeyong, smiling with all teeth.
“i think my only mistake was possibly running into you when you were wearing the ring, but i couldn’t of really seen that coming, so. i guess it’s mostly coincidence, otherwise i might’ve just continued to fly right under your radar,” yujin reasons, and he feels like usually he does tend to be hard to pick out unless someone knows or they’re looking, just because he doesn’t use his magic often, and he doesn’t really.. think he looks like a witch. he’s not sure if there’s anything identifiable that way, since they’re so close to humans that there really isn’t much of a notable difference. though it makes yujin wonder if there’s a certain way witches just tend to present themselves.
yujin continues to listen to him quietly, shrugging his shoulders. “i’ll probably forget by tomorrow, if that’s any consolation,” he says, and his memory does tend to be pretty bad, nothing that he tries to do on his own. “i don’t interact with.. vampires and werewolves often, but even then i can’t usually tell. i’m used to mostly just.. assuming everyone is human, because how.. likely would it be that i run into others when there’s so many people in seoul? but..” he trails off, and thinks about how all of this seems to be more closely connected then he ever thinks. maybe it’s a part of him trying to think that it’s more spread out, that maybe everything that his parents sell don’t stay in the vicinity of the city, like if they go farther away somehow yujin is able to pretend it doesn’t exist easier.
it’s here that yujin spots a difference between them— thinks if he was given the option to quit working for his parent’s business, if he could quit having to take it over, then he would. in a moment. he doesn’t think he has any attachments to any of this any longer, doesn’t see himself ever having a moment he’d regret it. the only reason he hasn’t left yet is because he doesn’t want to spend the rest of his life running from them, doesn’t want to subject sunkyu to that, either, and doesn’t know any other possible way out. yujin knows he doesn’t know the whole story with jaeyong, and so he lets it settle in the air between them. “then if you do— i know one day, you’ll be able to,” he tells him, because he does believe that. if jaeyong really wants it.
at his car, yujin is listening to him ask him for a favor and then reaching up to catch his keys a moment later. “yeah—” is what he gets out as he does, and he’s just grinning at him a moment later, keys in his hand, at the fact that he’d managed to get them. he unlocks the car and pulls open the door, retrieving the towel as he’d asked for and bringing it out. while he’s got both in his hands, he wipes off any remnants on the keys and on his hands and tries not to think about it— thinks about the night that he’d come home to sunkyu covered in his own blood and the way that they had both held each other, shaking. remembers falling asleep to the steady rise and fall of sunkyu’s chest, anchoring himself in that moment to that singular pinpoint, to keep his thoughts from wandering, to calm himself down enough to sleep.
he offers the towel to jaeyong once he’s finished. “i wish i knew more how to.. help you so you could get home without it getting all over your car, at least,” yujin says with his eyebrows furrowed, and he isn’t sure he knows any spells he could do quickly enough to help aid him. he lets his hands fall to his sides, still holding his keys so he can at least wipe everything off without them getting dirty again.
he’s dragged back to that night again. the blood he had gotten all over his car seats, scrubbing it out the next morning. taking back that velvet pouch of potions to his parents and only returning later that night with barely any energy left— the way he had gotten as far as their couch before he had let himself crumble, which was at least farther than the night before, when he had slid down to his knees in the doorway. yujin’s not sure if it won’t ever stop lingering in his mind, the way that sunkyu had looked at him, the way that he had wiped away his blood with his hands like it was something they were meant to share, like yujin wasn’t supposed to handle it all on his own.
“do you.. live with anyone?” he mumbles, curious if jaeyong has someone to go home to, as well. “i know you’ve mentioned someone before, but i didn’t know if you lived together,” yujin mentions, and it’s all mostly just been talked about inbetween all that they’ve said, but never anything in detail enough compared to everything else.
even with how much he wishes that sunkyu never had to deal with the things that he does, that they do, he thinks of how grateful he is to have him right there with him, kneeling down on the ground with shaking hands and the smell of blood and to not have him run away. he knows that somehow he could’ve figured out a way to do it on his own— maybe, maybe, but sunkyu makes it so much more easier to pick himself back up, to remind him, to hold him close and convince him maybe this isn’t what he deserves, to not wallow so long in the darkness.
he’s not sure how he’ll ever make sure that sunkyu knows just how much— and so he vows to stay with him as long that he can, to protect him, to keep him safe, to make sure that he’s happy, as the only way that he thinks he could ever repay him for all that he means to yujin. he hopes that it’s enough.
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feyxareum · 3 years
“I don’t like vampires. I’m gonna take a stand and say they’re not good.”
areum has lived for quite a few years now, at this point she really just didn't keep up with exactly how many years she's lived, and with this she's managed to gain quite a few enemies and has even heard many things that humans have said to her directly or even about her own kind. she would admit even herself that the supernatural beings like her really weren't the kindest, well there were some vampires out there who were too soft but she just considered them to be weak, for her though she knew that she was one who didn't claim to have the slightest bit of niceness about her. it was something she purposefully made herself known for among the others in this world.
she can't help but give a small satisfied smile at the hunter upon hearing his words, though she's quite amused by them. "well of course you wouldn't think so, you're a hunter after all. it's programmed into your mind since day one that vampires are nothing more than blood sucking monsters." her tone as she speaks is relaxed, humming softly as she crosses her arms over her chest and looks at the male for a moment.
areum had heard about jaeyong, hearing how he was so young yet so skilled when it came to hunting creatures such as herself, and even though she could care less about some mere hunter she still found him slightly interesting in a way. he seemed a little different than most hunters she had encountered over the years, hearing the stories of his hunts within the supernatural world here and there even made her want to see just how great of a hunter he really was. when she would hear how he was able to take down even some of the strongest supernatural creatures, areum at some point found herself thinking that they would eventually meet when fate decided to allow them, and now here they were.
"you aren't wrong though, my kind usually aren't good, though you occasionally get the little weaklings who are soft and actually care for others." she scoffs at the thought. "those are the ones that really shouldn't be able to even live really, they allow their softness towards humans get in the way and it's rather sad to watch really."
she lets out a dramatic, yet fake, sigh as she shakes her head slowly, acting as if she almost feels bad for those that do have some sort of humanity. though, she's quick to return to her usual self, smirking as she steps closer to the young hunter. "you know, usually i would actually take this moment to eliminate hunters such as yourself, however, i've heard some things about you and based off of what i've heard, i wouldn't mind letting you live a little longer. you might be able to give me some sort of entertainment when i'm feeling a little bored." she pauses for a moment, gaze still on him as her head tilts just slightly towards the side. "how much pain can you handle? surely as a hunter you have a bit of pain tolerance?"
her tone is now laced with something entirely different than how she was speaking only moments ago, her words she speaks are now more in a sadistic sort of way. knowing her, she loved causing physical pain to others as her own way of enjoyment, something she did either when she was actually bored or even just because she loved the sounds of her victims' agonizing screams and pleas for help.
this was why others tended to stay away from her, why others feared her, because she felt absolutely nothing for those around her. the sounds of their pains gave her pleasure. she was truly a twisted monster and she enjoyed every moment of being just that.
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feysuji-blog · 4 years
tall orders
suji is used to the daily, sometimes twice daily slew of regulars that come through on her shift; business types hoping for a jolt of energy, teens seeking to create the trendiest, sugariest drink to go viral. it’s predictable, low energy, and easy pocket change that suji doesn’t necessarily need but always collects.
and recently, there’s another predictable patron, who sometimes seems more interested in her than any orders he places. it’s harmless, she thinks at first, the fun banter brightening her day and maybe looking forward to the familiar face as a breath of fresh air in the monotony. he’s kind of cute, in a conventionally attractive sort of way, and there’s a certain air of mystery to him that piques her curiosity.
she clocks out early today, pastry box filled with perfectly good snacks that the policy time has declared stale tucked under her arm as suji strides across the cafe to jaeyong’s small table, plunking them down and taking the seat across him. “so,” she begins, propping her head up with her hand. “what brings you here today?” 
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feyjisung · 4 years
the only place jisung feels at peace, as of late, has been his band’s practice room. it’s where his creativity flows, the place where he can breathe and just pour everything into music, instead of having to pretend he’s incapable of emotions, of feeling. and as much as he knows he can’t fully trust at least two of his band members, simply because he doesn’t know whether they’d turn on him with a knife or not, it’s easy to set that aside and focus on the music instead whenever they’re in this room.
there’s really no set practice session for the day, so it’s no surprise that the room is more empty than usual. what’s surprising, is that ( @feyjaeyong ) is here—they don’t usually share the room when there’s no one else there. jisung doesn’t actively avoid the older, they’re bandmates after all, but he doesn’t let himself stay around jaeyong’s presence for too long either, especially if he’s on his own. walking out would be suspicious though, and jisung doesn’t feel like leaving yet, so here he remains.
he’s eyeing the shelf that looms over him, frowning when he realises the music sheets he needs were left up there. who put them there? whoever it was, jisung isn’t in the mood to ask jaeyong for help, not that he’s ever in the mood to do so. he stands on his tiptoes, reaching out for the sheets, grumbling a little to himself. why isn’t he taller?
jisung’s luck just keeps running out, it seems, because the next thing he knows, he accidentally stepped on a dent on the floor—and he trips, like the cursed bastard he is. of course he has to slip in front of jaeyong of all people. “seriously,” he mumbles from the ground, still unaware of the scar that showed itself because jisung conveniently decided not to wear an oversized sweater today of all days. typical.
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feytaeyoon · 4 years
are you afraid of getting turned into a werewolf or a vampire? if you were turned, what would you do?
“yes and no.” taeyoon starts with a sigh. this is something he has actually sat and thought about before. many times before in fact ever since he la=earned of the supernatural his mind drifts to the simple thought of ‘what is’. it’s hard to not think about it, honestly? when you know how saturated the world is with things that aren’t human and the idea of being something else is actually possible. who wouldn’t think on that? 
it took a while for him to be able to think about it without panicking though as for some time he was mostly just terrified with the idea of being around anything less than human. even the idea of hunters scared him.
other than jaeyong--though he’ll admit on good days jaeyong can be a little intimidating. not that taeyoon thinks jaeyong would ever hurt him. 
“i’m not so much afraid of becoming one of them as i would be dying in the process or even after.” again jaeyong comes to mind, and huangjun. knowing people that skills exist and are specifically training to get rid of anything not human. “i don’t want to die.” he’s had to come face to face with his own mortality far to many times in his short life already. the cold feeling that starts taking over at the mere idea of dying. 
“i don’t want to die and being one of those things would prolong my life--maybe even save it. if i survive the process that is. then there’s the whole hunter thing id’ be worried about. i would like to hope jaeyong hyung wouldn’t kill me if he found me as a vampire but.” the odds are not good on that one. 
he sighs again. “being a werewolf would put me on the same level as jisung though.” 
@feyjisung @feyjaeyong
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feysebin · 4 years
if you were given the choice, would you still choose vampirism over death?
[ trigger warnings: mention of death ] please note that sebin is an unreliable narrator!
if sebin’s heart could still beat, perhaps it would have stuttered a moment at that. would he choose vampirism over death? vampirism hurts and it’s difficult to keep under control. he feels like a child more than ever, but would he have preferred to be dead over the second chance that someone had snuck upon him? he honestly isn’t sure. vampirism isn’t all that bad, he thinks, he has sungha and it hurts sometimes, but not as much as when he was human. he heals faster now, and the pain usually passes more quickly. 
sebin is used to a life of pain, after all. it’s never been easy for him, and it’s normal, now. he misses his family, but they think he’s dead. he hadn’t understood for so long what was going on, until sungha had finally explained it to him — he had died and had been turned into a vampire. 
he thinks that he would choose vampirism over death. even though it still hurts, it’s still more of a chance than he had with an early death sentence hanging over his head. he has eternity to learn new things now, doesn’t he? 
( he doesn’t want to think about what will happen when sungha ages and leaves him alone. )
he never questions the perfect timing of the witch. he never suspects that the person responsible for his fate now is the very person he views as his saviour. maybe if sebin knew his situation more, he wouldn’t pick vampirism again. 
mentioned: @feysungha
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eflurescence · 4 years
trial and error.
      “Complain as much as you’d like.” Her insistence is a facetious challenge she laughingly imposes, the rest of her arranges a chair on the edge of his proximity. She upholds a certain determination as she scours loaded shelves, enough to sharpen a meticulous sort of scrutiny. “It won’t change anything and I especially will not be deterred, whatsoever.” Her fingers graze the leather spine of stocked tomes. Each title the source of a momentary, internal rumination, until its words coincide with what she’d memorized. She picks her discoveries promptly, books settled atop the table she’d bade him stay at and she’s settled into her seat, eyes on him.
      Academia had become an ascendant priority, pedestaled now by the same maternal absence that had momentarily outweighed it. Their professor had proposed one way to salvage her dwindling grade and she’d pursued it eagerly, not yet arrogant enough to dismiss what she’d considered a surefire boon. Tutorship was something she’d had no experience in, though that was an admittance she’d personally retain, her gaze seemingly expectant despite the thickening silence. The moments persist that way. She’s staring, unabashed. The silence perpetuates. Her open hands meet at the wrist, propping her chin therewithin. The persistent moments are still spent in perpetual silence. She’s disassembled her supportive perch, index and middle finger pushing a book towards him, slowly. The silence returns. 
      “Ask me a question!” The quiet shatters. Her plea then is a complex fusion of glee and vexation, voice emulating whatever the library’s rendition of yelling was, hoarse whispering and all. “Seriously! Ask me one question.” She’s pushed the book closer to him, now. “Read this entirely and then ask me the first thing that comes to mind. It’s that simple, no?” She doesn’t see why it wouldn’t be, tapping the hardback enough to beckon the attention of nearby librarian whose own frustration she shyly shrinks away from, voice lowering too. 
      “Please!” She’s folded her hands against each other, straightened as she shakes them, begging. “I’ve asked like five times! Yes, there really is absolutely no one else!” There are. “I’ve asked everyone.” She hasn’t. There’s no actual reason constituting her decision, though he needn’t know that either. “Jaeyong, you have to help me help you! Look at this way, without you ... I’ll be stuck here!” Her pitch heightens. The librarian hisses venomously again and she’s cowered once more. “I’ll be stuck here!” She repeats, shrinking with her voice. “I’ll be stuck here and everyone else will graduate. I’ll be too old to be here another year,” she wouldn’t, “which means I’ll be outcast and then that means I’ll die alone. Elderly. My education? Incomplete. Please!” The librarian, again. She’s diminished herself enough to surface upon her own sincerity, finally, gaze softer in a way that still voices her imploring.
      “Please. It’s important to me that I see this through. I want to make my family proud.” Not an exact untruth, though the specification of her mother brings about an uncomfortable pain she’d physically shift to relieve. “Can we at least try it once?”
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feysohye · 3 years
—☆☽ hello stranger, it’s been a while
sohye decides not to open the shop today. it’s been busy as of late, and she could use a day to clean and restock. the constant flow of people coming and going has the unfortunate side effect of clogging up the shop’s aura and every so often, it needs a cleanse. the peace and solitude is welcome—if she’s honest, her own aura needs a cleanse too—and she sets her record player up in the corner of the shop to play her favourite vinyls, singing along unabashedly as she works. 
it takes the better part of the day, but with the selves restocked, every surface thoroughly dusted, and the scent of white sage and palo santo hanging in the air, the store (and sohye) feels refreshed and renewed. with a smile, and the flush of a job well done on her cheeks, sohye turns off her music and heads towards the backroom and the stairs that lead up to her apartment. she has every intention of retiring for the rest of the day, rewarding herself with a fresh iced tea and putting her feet up, certain that nothing was going disturb the clean tranquillity of the shop until the morning. 
and then someone walks in. 
“we’re clo—” she begins to speak, turning around, but the words die on her lips when her eyes land on the figure in the doorway. “jaeyong...?” his name escapes her lips in a gasp of surprise. jaeyong is the last person sohye expected to see, especially not on a day like today, clear skies and a lightness in her heart. it’s been months since sohye had last seen this boy, since the last time he’d walked in here, bruised and bleeding, asking her to heal him and remaining tight lipped about the source of his wounds. she’d long given up expecting him to show up again, figuring he’d decided to stop asking a witch for help. she’s still convinced he’s a hunter, and she’d been sure that the next time she saw him, he’d be coming to try and kill her. 
but, as she takes him in now, something seems ...different. his vibe has changed, and the store, so reluctant to let him in before, hadn’t so much as shuddered at his entrance. she’s still tense, cautious, ready if he’s going to try anything, but she resists the urge to immediately start defending herself. “long time, no see.”
————starter for @feyjaeyong. 
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feyminho · 3 years
bloody justice.
His legs strain as he kicks off the concrete roof. He hurls himself off the side, into the dark crevice of an alleyway, and falls three stories down.
Minho transforms in-and-out of his human body. He’s a boy jumping off a ramyun factory, then he’s a city bird, and a boy again. He touches down on the wet cement but misses his footing, and goes careening into bags of garbage head first. It’s soft, sticky, but luckily not leaking liquid death. This happens more often than he’d like to admit.
Fear pangs in his chest. His heart is speeding, and he can’t feel anything other than the hot blood rushing through his veins and the bite of the wind. Minho stands and looks ups, looking for that villainous face that chased after him. Jaeyong. His arch nemesis - maybe. When he takes a step forward, pain bites at his ankles. 
This type of action was, is, unusual for him. Comic books and movies made it look so easy to be a superhero. Like having a supernatural quirk delivered destiny to its host, making them a hero or a villain, and the rest fell into place. It was natural for them. In real life, he twisted his ankle and landed in literal garbage.
But he, sometimes, could dip in and save someone. When he flew high in the sky, he could watch the entire city. When a werewolf, a witch, or a hunter chased down an innocent to kill, he could be there. Like earlier, hardly ten minutes ago, when he helped a young vampire slip away while he dealt with Jaeyong.
Minho curls his hands around his face, and uses all the air left in his chest. “Catch me now, eviler doer!” He yells, grinning into it.
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feyseoyun · 3 years
do you know?
content warning: drug mentions, not really a hospital but might seem like it, injury
he wakes up in an unfamiliar bed. the angle hue of the lights aren’t the same as what he expects in his own bedroom. he studies a ceiling of which he doesn’t know how to read any of the cracks, as if in another country in a language he doesn’t understand. seoyun is confused every time he drags himself back into consciousness, prescription-grade painkillers and a general weariness slowing a normally sharp mind. he’ll remember soon enough, from the feeling of sheets that don’t belong to him, to the faint herbal scent that doesn’t belong to his own home but is familiar all the same. he’s in huangjun’s apartment, this time as the patient. and in the same moment he remembers where he is, he recalls why he’s there. he feels like he’s been hit by a semi truck. maybe being mauled by a werewolf is a comparable experience.
the medicine makes his mouth feel dry. he turns, looking for a water cup, and finds company at his bedside instead. looking at jaeyong hurts in a way too. a dull ache, not nearly as painful as the slow to heal gashes in his limbs, but heavy and present all the same. he’s quiet, like he’s trying not to be noticed, as he reaches for his water. the cup is heavier than he remembers, either refilled while he slept or what’s left of his limbs yet to find their strength now that he’s awake, or some combination of both.
his head is fuzzy from the medication; he probably told his caretakers to give him too large of a dose. seoyun can’t blame himself; he’s only halfway to being a doctor and he’s missing clinicals while bound to this sickbed. he’ll be behind when he’s finally able to return to classes. he’ll have to repeat the semester. but maybe that’s not too bad; maybe he’ll end up in clinicals with kyuhwan if recovery takes long enough. he wouldn’t mind it too much as long as he had a friend there with him. maybe he’d know how to prescribe the right dose of medication to himself if he was able to attend his classes, though.
far-away eyes finally focus in on jaeyong, trying to figure out what exactly he’s doing there. tending to the injured seoyun, obviously, but why right now? why not stuck to huangjun’s side where he so clearly belongs? even that thought sends a painful ache through seoyun’s chest. has he ever belonged by anyone’s side? will he ever? the sigh he breathes is long, sending painful shudders through him where aching ribs expand and contract.
“do you know why?” he speaks without thinking, without first checking if jaeyong is awake, or listening, or even cares about anything he has to say. no, he’s numb to everything. there’s nothing left in this world that can hurt him any worse than he already has been, even if he makes a fool of himself while high as a kite in his ex-boyfriend’s new lover’s apartment. “i loved you. and i like you now.” 
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yujinfey · 3 years
answers only/for monsters
“would you mind walking with me? thanks,” jaeyong doesn’t give yujin a chance to answer before he starts walking, simply expects him to follow or maybe run from him. jaeyong’s number one mission now, however, is to make sure yujin is the only one that catches him. they’re friends, after all. what secrets is yujin willing to keep for him? that may be the most interesting answer of all.
tw: blood
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ —
yujin had gone to the bar on a whim.
it was another late night, and maybe he was walking for awhile, now, losing track of the hours with his hands jammed in his pockets. he hadn’t expected to run into anyone. he hadn’t expected to run into jaeyong, either. he had seen the sign for the bar and decided to give it a try, but as soon as he passes an alleyway right before it, there he is, stepping out from the shadows. there’s a flash of recognition over his features, then. he sees the blood.
he thinks about monsters, about a night filled with smoke in an entirely different place, in another alleyway, and thinks about how all of that led to here. he remembers the tightness of his throat, he remembers the heat in his hands, he remembers going home and washing them clean over and over to try and get rid of the feeling to be met with no remedy.
he finds himself devoid of words, so he listens, instead. it slowly all slides into place. it makes him think how small the world must be, that the two of themselves find each other in this position, knowing how this world is composed of a lot more than meets the eye. yujin reminds himself he doesn’t know the whole story here, but he also tells himself that it’s probably exactly what he thinks. it’s not a hard thing to piece together— he’s a hunter.
yujin wonders if he knew, this whole time, that he was a witch. figures for all of his monster that he barely let reveal to him in the times that they’ve talked wasn’t enough to come in the way of their friendship. his resulting question makes laughter bubble up out his chest, filling up the space between them and leaking out into the night. “no. if anything, i’d be just as insane as you,” he answers, means, yes, i do know about all of this, and maybe he laughed to break the tension here, maybe because he’s a little nervous, maybe because he hadn’t expected any of this, always has had a hand in things but never saw the results. to be standing in front of jaeyong like this, it’s all a little too visceral.
all he can smell is copper, heavy in the air. it fills up his senses and makes every inch of him feel like he’s standing on an edge, slipping his hands from his pockets just so he can flex his fingers, curl them into fists in the cool night air.
he asks him to follow him. it’s a moment later that he traces right after his footsteps and falls into place beside him.
“so.. small world, huh?” yujin mumbles, and maybe now isn’t the time for him to try and joke, but maybe he also has a penchant for trying to make light in situations when he isn’t sure what else to do. “did you.. know about me before this, or are you just finding out right now like i am?” he asks, because he’s curious, and it has never come up before this. yujin didn’t even have a clue that jaeyong could’ve.. known about all of this. he thinks back to their conversation that night and more of the pieces fall into place. he wonders if jaeyong is thinking the same.
“i guess, then, the question could be— who’s the bigger monster? born or made, maybe it’s really about which one is more. though.. that feels. hard to measure. and a question i don’t know if i really want the answer to, between us,” he muses, and his boots feel heavy on his feet, sound loud against the pavement as he follows jaeyong, unsure on where they’ll end up. probably somewhere to hide all of the red, out of the light. yujin wonders how many nights jaeyong has ended up like this.
wonders how many nights he had come home himself weary from his parents, covered in chalk and charcoal with lines of spells echoing in his mind, fingertips meticulously following line by line, piece by piece, finally collapsing at his apartment with no energy left, simply an echo of the man he had woken up the day as. maybe he doesn’t have blood on his hands, but he still handed over the perfectly bottled potions, he still read out the spells.
he doesn’t really know all of the protocols for this. in the face of danger, he usually found himself running, as the type of magic that he could do quickly usually lended to that sort of scenario, if he absolutely had to. it wasn’t often, but he knew he could do it, if it was necessary. not for himself, no, but if anyone else needed it, if he could save somebody else, protect them, then in those moments, he tries to swallow any ounce of anxiety that wells up inside of him— he could not just sit to the side and hope for the best. it’s not the type of person that he could be. funny, how he chooses this willingly yet still causes these situations in other places, between other people, chooses the ignorance that he never sees what happens, lets his parents make the deals and know the details and he just answers to their will. it’s another thing he tries not to think about.
yujin fiddles with his lip ring. a nervous habit. “do you.. know what i am then?” he asks quietly, and wonders if jaeyong would even want to know, at this point. he guesses it might be fair, though he doesn’t have much in the way of proving it, having never been the type to showcase his magic even with the smallest of spells.
something his parents would probably object to, but it’s another thing yujin lets cross his mind and fade away.
he’s messing with his rings, too, and tries to calm himself down, doesn’t know why he’s having this sort of reaction. it’s not like he doesn’t always have it in the back of his mind, that someone else he meets could know about this world, know about him and who he really is, but he does usually tend to operate like whoever he meets is human, and unaware of it. having all of it revealed to him so quickly is probably what is making him like this, the fact that he had been so completely thrown off by the fact. there’s a smaller part of him, too, that wonders if they’ll still be able to be friends, if jaeyong would even still want him involved in his life, in some way, wonders how all of this will work.
he takes a moment to look up at the stars. the same as the other night, twinkling quietly against an inky backdrop, and yujin holds his breath. lets it go. decides to let things happen as they may, even if he has no clue how they’re going to play out.
all of this talk about monsters, and yujin can only think about what even makes someone human in the first place.
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feysujin · 4 years
the webs we weave,
    ( tw blood, gore, violence )                + @feyjaeyong
the poor thing had been injured by the time sujin had arrived.
she's frowning, staring down at the injured wolf in thought. they're sputtering out some sort of reason, gesturing to their mangled mess of a leg; bitemarks and claw marks, littered down the length of their legs. their clothes look messy, unkempt, like they were just thrown on messily. sujin hums, and she lifts her gaze in the direction the wolf gestures in. mentally, she tries to think of how far they could have gotten-- maybe too far to follow if they've shifted.
she takes a step forward, and then another. there's still a pensive look on her face, and her hand drifts to the crossbow hitched at her side. her fingers wrap around the stock of the weapon, and she hums, slowing to a stop near the creature.
it's something she sees often. desperation and fear piled into one; even if she's not outwardly doing anything to the shifter-- the discomfort is there. it's in the way the wolf trembles and backs away, dragging it's mess of a leg back to create some distance. it's in the way sujin can practically feel the tension in the air. her finger curls around the trigger, eyes never leaving the mouth of the alley corner they were in.
sujin expects the wolf to run, but the wolf doesn't expect the cocked arrow hitting them right in their already injured leg. the howl of pain that erupts. goosebumps cover her skin, her stomach shifting uncomfortably. "don't worry," she murmurs softly. it's low, a faux cover of comfort curled over her tone. her eyes slowly travel back to the injured creature. an empty smile tugs over her mouth.  "it'll be all over soon."
it's a blur from there. like she's watching something but not really watching. the shifter is injured, but it hobbles around in defense-- scuttering away and growling. her movements are precise as she's quick to dock another arrow, silver tipped and gleaming in the night. when she fires it's quick, aimed at their other leg. effectively stalled by the two silver arrows in their leg-- sujin acts. she shifts forward, one hand leaving her pistol to reach for the knife in her jacket.
the growling gets louder. she sees the shred of clothing and skin to turn to fur. sujin's breath catches in her throat for a moment, hand holding her crossbow lifting to protect herself once she feels jaws and teeth bite into her arm. the pain is instant, skin tearing and shredding; her free hand tugs the knife from her jacket, and jabs it right into the throat of the wolf biting into her arm.
a growl mixed with a whine, and the tightening of their jaw. sujin's jaw grits and she jerks the knife, tearing through flesh and putting the blade further into the neck of the beast. the scent of blood is fresh, stronger-- and the liquid is warm against her fist. she tugs and she pulls and she tears until the jaws go lax-- and the body of the creature flops back to the cement.
the silence is back, and with it comes the settling back-- the haze over her brain clears: and here she is left with the body of a wolf and her own arm, scraped with teeth throbbing with pain. sujin stares at the body for a long moment. it couldn't be helped. it's robotic in her brain. a mantra to tell her tense body and discomfort in her gut to quiet itself.
she pockets her knife and moves to kneel by the corpse, fingering the ends of her arrows as they stick out awkwardly from the legs of the beast. she stares at the mess of the body, brows beginning to furrow and pinch. her breathing shallows, and she's quick to shut her eyes and count to five in her head.
what would they think they'll never know. they'll find out. i won't let them.
it's the mess of thoughts in her head that causes her to tremble, and she shakes her head sharply as if to dispel the fight-- and grabs at the arrows to tug them from the corpse. the flesh makes a squelching noise that she grimaces at, pocketing them away. sujin lifts her gaze to the muzzle of the beast, her blood coating the mouth of the beast. it makes her gut rise and fall-- like the feeling of being on a rollercoaster.
a chill runs down her spine, and she stiffens. her fingers tighten around her pistol, and she twists-- raising the weapon in defense.
she isn't alone.
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minjunfey · 4 years
rip minjunfey
hi!! so, this is just a message to say that i’ll be dropping minjun (for now!) i just haven’t really wanted to write for him lately, and i’m not really sure of a direction for him. i don’t really want to hang onto him if i’m not having fun, so!! he will return to the muse dungeon once more. i think it would be nice if i could bring him back one day, this time with actual PAGES and as more of a concrete character. we’ll see if that happens, or i may end up with someone entirely new, or just stick to two muses! the possibilities are endless.
thanks so much to everyone that loved minjun, too. sorry to those i had threads with or was plotting with, but i’ll still be here @feykijung and @feyjaeyong and i’d be happy to plot stuff with you over there on muses i’m enjoying a lot 💕
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feyjisung · 4 years
so, what do you think? in another, simpler life, could we be real friends?
it’d be a lie if jisung had never thought of this question before, he spent a lot of time around jaeyong and there are moments when he would forget what the older was—what he was, for a peaceful moment in time. jisung always longed for the past. it wasn’t perfect, there are still hardships that he had to go through, but everything made sense. just another human, trying to survive living, without having to worry about the full moon or hunters who want to do more than kill.
a simpler life, where he doesn’t need to raise his guards up so high around jaeyong whenever they’re in the same room, where he can talk to jaeyong naturally, without having to pick out every word and figuring out whether he’d be setting himself up or not. it doesn’t feel real, feeding a delusion that will only hurt him in the long run. but no matter what jaeyong is, human or hunter, jisung had been genuine when he found the older cool, strumming his guitar among a crowd of fans as he did way back then.
he still does now, as exuberant and rowdy as jaeyong can be. the complete opposite of who jisung is, encouraging the bloom of what could have been an unlikely friendship.
it’s nice.
“i don’t know.” it’s not a world he wants to dwell on for too long, seeming too good to be true—maybe a little boring to some, but it’d be like salvation to jisung. there are too many wrongs that he wants to correct in that other world, too many possibilities that he couldn’t explore in this one. but in a world where the both of them are edgy band kids with a contrasting dynamic—could they have been friends?
the answer isn’t difficult to come by. “i’d like us to be,” jisung says, a sigh he wasn’t aware he was holding leaving him. there’s no use fantasising, such a dream will never come true in this lifetime. he’s the one pulling himself away from jaeyong, putting up a wall of defence because if he were to die, he wants to be the one to choose how it’ll happen—not have jaeyong, a hunter, decide for him. still, he’s not happy about it. at the end of the day, jaeyong is a valuable member of his band, someone he would have liked to befriend, if he could. 
“after all... i don’t hate you,” jisung adds, his voice a little softer this time. “not even in this life.”
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mentioned: @feyjaeyong
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feyminho · 3 years
hello there! here’s a tracker and update. i’ll be gradually answering my messages after work, sorry for the wait! in the meantime, if we’re not already plotting, feel free to hmu and we can get something set up!
in progress
reply for @feymina
reply for @yujinfey​ reply for @feyjunghwa  london fog @arafey
+ meme replies!
waiting for replies
supernatural disco @feyxuilan  bird watching @feysangki  bloody justice @feyjaeyong​  you’re a witch @feydojun  how i met your mother @feyxsiwoo ​
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