yujinfey · 3 years
tentatively, he crouches down, careful not to get too close and spook the dog. him feeling comfortable enough to drink is important. as for eating the whipped cream...well, kijung wouldn’t mind scaring him out of that nearly as much. he carefully extends a hand toward the puppy and lingers there, testing the waters, giving the animal time to adjust and either accept or reject his approach. there’s no whimpering or cowering, so kijung reaches further, and lightly pets the puppy’s fluffy fur. his lips curve up in the slightest smile.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ —
yujin is pleasantly surprised when the man follows him outside— though he knows he wouldn't be able to deny petting a puppy when it was offered to him, either. he keeps holding up the water cup for the dog to drink, retracting his hand petting his fur as he settles back in his boots and allows him to get his fill.
he watches, quietly, as the man pets the puppy and a smile stretches over his features. yujin supposes puppy petting is a certain type of healing.
once it seems the puppy is finished, yujin sets the cup down on the concrete and roots around in the cardboard container for a straw, in which he shucks the wrapping and sticks it into his own coffee. he goes back to petting the puppy as he drinks from it, thinking about how, possibly, he could insert this puppy into his life.
it's not like he hadn't talked about getting pets before with sunkyu— whenever he goes to visit him at the shelter, it takes an extraordinary amount of effort from them both to not adopt every single dog in the vicinity of the building. usually he goes to bring him lunch, which devolves into the both of them petting puppies until he has to go back to helping, and yujin tried to placate himself with that being enough puppy interaction.. but.
looking at this puppy, yujin isn't sure he’s going to be able to leave it. even if he did turn it into a shelter, he thinks that he wouldn't be able to sleep, thinking about if he's okay, when he gets adopted, if he just ends up back on the streets.
so it's not like sunkyu will get mad. and he thinks they probably could take care of a dog, if they wanted to. and when sunkyu shifts, he can help them acclimate to each other slowly. he's sure he's seen videos of dogs and ferrets being best friends before.
he’s maybe sat there five minutes and already convinced himself. thinks about arriving at their apartment tonight with a puppy in his arms and imagines how, hopefully, happy sunkyu will be to see such an adorable puppy.
he looks over to the man, a considering expression on his face. “do you have a pet? it seems you like dogs. though you mentioned homework.. are you in college? maybe you're not allowed to have dogs if you live in a dorm,” yujin mumbles, reasoning to him aloud instead of in his thoughts.
he hadn't continued after he graduated high school— his parents placing more importance on him learning how to run the business and no time for really anything else. they considered it more of a waste of his time, when he already had an opportunity to make money and a name with himself in his family’s work, then try and chase something else. yujin didn't really try to argue it.
“i think dogs are created from pure joy,” he murmurs, carding his fingers through the soft fur. “they're so sweet and pure, and they love so unconditionally. just petting them brings people peace. i can't believe this little guy was left all alone when he’s capable of being so kind like this. i was thinking of taking him to a shelter but.. maybe i might just take him home,” yujin rambles, and he thinks about kindness, he thinks about how much he wished he was extended an ounce from the people who were supposed to love him throughout his life and feels his heart grow heavy at the prospect of him not extending it even in this small way, through this dog.
there's a part of him that always hopes— thinks about how— he never wants to become his parents. in any form. some nights he lays awake, unable to sleep and thinking about it.
he morphs his thoughts into taking him home, into seeing sunkyu and making him happy. of the both of them being able to love this small little puppy, give him a home. one in a space that they have both finally found a small pocket of comfort. there's a small smile gracing his features as he thinks— it sounds lovely, just the kind of home he’d want to come back to, even if it already was one with just sunkyu waiting for him these days.
he extends his smile to the man kneeling down petting the puppy with him.
“you should get one, maybe. if you don't have one. it seems to make you happy. if you could have one around, that is,” he tells him, just because the smile on his face when he was petting the dog seemed to be quite telling, in yujin’s eyes.
“my—,” he furrows his eyebrows. what had he.. almost called sunkyu? he pauses even longer. how does he describe sunkyu to someone else? every single word he thinks of doesn't even seem to encompass how he feels towards him properly— feels like stopping short in his mouth because it's not enough. “my best friend volunteers at an animal shelter, sometimes,” yujin mentions, and even.. that doesn't feel accurate enough. sunkyu is so much more than that. he swallows down the feeling for later.
“maybe if you ever decide to get a pet, he could help you there! or. if you can't, you can always just go and pet puppies. that’s what we do all of the time,”
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feyminho · 3 years
“I’m feeling a tad…dead.”
He choked on his extra cheese, deluxe double-fried corndog.
“What?” Minho said, gaping at him. Staring intently, he got closer, looking at the boy critically. Suddenly, he reached forward, grabbed Kijung by the shoulders and slapped a greasy hand on his forehead. Quiet, he waited to feel the tell-tale sign of deadly fever. Instead, Kijung felt clammy and cold, like a corpse..
A lump jumped into his throat. He gasped, dropped the corndog, and pinched Kijung’s squishy cheeks. “What’s wrong? Does it hurt? How can I-” Minho stuttered, panicking, afraid that any second he could just go limp, and like a doll, collapse onto the floor. “Kijung! Don’t die!” he smooshed his cheeks harder, desperate to find any sign of life...
Oh. He frowned, released his face, and flicked the boy’s forehead. For the sake of staying alive himself, Minho resisted an urge to ruffle his hair. “Ha-hah” he huffed, eyes narrowed at the nasty, terrible vampire. “Very funny. Where’d you learn that one? At dumb-joke academy?” he twisted his lips, and vindictive, broke out into a grin. 
“You owe me a corndog.”
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feyxareum · 3 years
“I know something about evil. You’re not evil.“
for as long as areum had roamed this planet, watching as others died off while she continued to live on and not age ( physically that is ), she had heard and seen quite a bit of different things. she had also been called many things as well such as a monster, murderer, sadistic, and many other words that would probably make those with emotions end up shedding some tears and even get hurt by such things, though for her she didn't mind them, in fact she rather enjoyed hearing such words.
this was the sort of image she had set for herself and continued to make it known no matter where she moved around to or even who she met, though to hear someone tell her otherwise, to tell her that she wasn't evil, it made her want to just laugh. she had known kijung for a few hundred years now, she had shown him the worst side of her over and over again, but for him to tell her out of the blue that she wasn't evil was actually amusing to her in a way.
she allows the corner of her mouth to turn up, smirking as she swirls the wine in her glass a few times before taking a sip. even if she were to deny it many times that she didn't have at least some sort of 'soft spot' for him, there was definitely some sort of liking to him that she had. it seemed as if, no matter what she did and no matter what horrible deeds she showed him over the years, he never once actually feared her and it was somewhat interesting to her to see this.
there were very few around her who would even have some sort of courage to speak such words to her, or even still come around her after knowing how much blood was on her hands, but kijung was different.
she sets the wine glass down, humming softly for a short moment, before she finally allows her gaze to meet his. "i don't get you, kijung. many tend to keep their distance from me, even running in the other direction when they see me, but you don't." her tone laced with amusement as she speaks, her head tilting just slightly towards the side as she keeps her eyes locked on him. "would you still claim that i'm not evil even if i were to kill off those that you care about the most? if i made you watch as i give them the most agonizing deaths, would you still believe that about me?"
of course she wouldn't exactly do such a thing, or maybe she would if she had to, but she was curious as to whether or not he would still believe in his own words he had just spoken. was she becoming a bit soft for him after all of these years? she didn't believe so, though she did have to admit that there were times when it was somewhat bearable to have him around, he at least was someone she didn't have thoughts about killing like how she had with most others she had met over the years.
it could be due to the fact that he never really pushed to try and figure her out, he never once really attempted to question her or her actions. there was something she never understood about him, never really knowing why he even bothered to stick around her after all this time, though she never really bothered to question him on this subject either. she didn't really care, figuring that he was really just one of the very few who actually didn't fear her, and it was most likely because of this fact that she even kept him around. she found him interesting in a way that she couldn't really put her finger on quite yet.
maybe she would never understand someone such as him, or even care to, but in the end she had yet to even attempt killing him so that counted for something right? maybe he believed she wasn't evil based off of this one thing or he could have another reason for believing so.
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feyxzhixin · 4 years
Pivotal || LZH +HKJ
@feykijung 8 months and twelve days ago... Sometimes loss for a hunter isn’t as valiant and colored in red as one would expect. In reality it could be a variety of things that could take down someone with the respected mantel on their name and Zhixin was always aware of this; in the swirling miasma of his past he’s captured the teachings and the stories of people disappearing into the night without a trace, sometimes even becoming a part of the night. However the tales wanted to paint over the grief they managed to, and like a child, he devoured every line and committed it to memory. Like a child, he walked on the earth thinking he wouldn’t have to come face to face with the biggest threat to their pathetically mortal lives: loss in its unrelenting authenticity, its bare bones, it’s shattering simplicity. 
It happens fast and reality doesn’t yield to it. Time doesn’t stop. The rest of the world remains utterly untouched through every agonizing second he experiences and when he chokes one the sound of their name, he can clearly hear bustle of the city just outside their reach. His only friend is depleted into the pavement and no one cares in that instant but him, no one notices the loss but him. The loneliness of this moment makes his head fill with helium, even the sound of his own heartbeat ricocheting inside his ears feels disconnected, taunting.  Instinct is what brings him to his feet faster than his emotions wanted to allow, it’s what scoops the warmth of his only friend into his arms and forces him to not think about all of the times he’s been held or nudged or supported by theirs. Years upon years in his psyche of survival tactics forced him to logically think about how no unknowing doctor or emergency service could save or explain the the narrowing of a soul within a body, the transcendent magic that could leave them physically unscathed and still beyond repair. Were the being in their arms to just be some unlucky and innocent victim to the abnormalities of this world, this would mean an inevitable end — but he knows now, as devastatingly clear as day, this wasn’t the case. Just like him, they were shackled to the formalities of a life they tried so hard to suppress.  So as if by nature, Zhixin takes them home.
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feysebin · 4 years
what do you miss most about life before you "died?"
sebin doesn’t remember a lot about the life he had before he died. it feels like they’re locked behind hazy gates, barriers that block off access to his clear thoughts, and it constantly feels like he’s swimming through a pool of clouds — insubstantial and yet so stifling. 
but he remembers the warmth of bodies pressed up against him, the cooing of voices in his ears, the press of lips against his forehead. and he aches for that, from time to time. it’s okay for the most part, his memories buried behind all the other things that call at his attention, distracting him from ruminating on the things he misses. 
if he had to verbalize it now, he probably wouldn’t be able to. he can’t quite put his tongue to the word that would encompass the feeling that he misses, distantly though it is. he misses the warmth in his mother’s hugs, the feeling of his father’s hand ruffling his hair. he misses jisung’s hand in his, a silent squeeze saying more than he needs to know.
a third party would say that what he’s missing is affection. 
mentioned: @feyjisung
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jinwoofey · 4 years
you wanna go for a ride?
with @feykijung
[ tw: intoxication ]
the scent on him is unmistakable.
for the creatures of the night, he reeks of intoxication by werewolf blood in that supernatural, almost sacrilegious way. even for the humans passing him by there’s an unnatural smell oozing off of him that gives away just how far gone his mind is. the week before his birthday is one of the worst times out of the whole year, as he is even more out of control at the prospect of celebrating his immortality once more. immortality which was given to him by his moonlight that is no longer shining near him. immortality that does nothing but remind him of how utterly useless life really is.
he stumbles around, relying solely on heightened senses and muscle memory to arrive at the party. there are a few master vampires out there who still pity him enough to feed him every now and then, but sadly he’s too far up his own issues to be thankful or kind.. or anything but a crybaby, really.
as he reaches the building, though, a different smell hits his clogged nose, and he perks up. he knows this trail. it’s a glittery one. he laughs. “hey, if it isn’t my favorite little barbie doll!”, he shouts to the empty street, barely making the vulture of kijung out of the shadows. “going somewhere fun? to your barbie world, maybe?” his index fingers dance in the air. “life in plastic, it’s fantastic...”
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feyharin · 4 years
↳ @feykijung
It’s fitting that the coffee shop has a playlist of rhythmic dance music to keep up its ambience, because it feels a little like they’re operating by a set of choreographed moves each time they end up in here at the same time. Well—Harin can speak for himself on that, at least. Harder to say when it comes to the kid, and that’s exactly the problem, the reason why it feels like tiptoeing around broken glass all the time. What he knows about vampires, the collected facts, can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and further distilled to this: they’re old, and they’re dangerous.
Kijung appears to be neither.
Harin has spent enough time frowning over this detail at the coffee shop that the barista has even told him he should smile more. Feels kind of objectifying, but the coffee’s still good and the shop is conveniently located between the subway station and the office building where he’s obliged to spend a certain number of hours every week, so he hasn’t stopped visiting on account of the local vampire or the barista just yet.
But it’s generally without the concession of a smile.
The shop’s neither especially large nor especially crowded this afternoon, which is to say that there’s plenty of other places Harin could go with his iced Americano that don’t involve pulling up a chair right next to Kijung and his books. It’d be more ideal, under other circumstances, to take up a spot in the opposite corner out of wariness, but the fact of the matter is that today he’s come here with the specific purpose of talking to him, and it’s somewhere between lucky guess and happy coincidence to see he’s timed it right. It’s about warning him, rather, but shapeshifting tendencies aside, Harin isn’t an animal—he’s not going to walk up to someone he’s only ever exchanged a handful of words with before and start with a statement like I heard some strangers saying they’d like to kill you.
It’s the kind of thing he’d rather be eased into himself, anyway.
“Did you make some kind of deal with the shop owner so you could sit here without buying coffees?” It’s not a greeting, but it is a question that Harin has wondered about. Why not start there?
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feyhawon · 4 years
pay up.
a person with a better sense of self preservation would make themself scarce around the vampire who punched them in the face. a smart person would stay away from vampires in general, even if they were a witch and their blood wasn’t as appetizing as their human counterparts. but a witch who chooses to live in the same space as a hunter is neither an expert in self preservation nor can be considered all that smart. hawon is just that.
“hey,” he calls after the baby faced vampire despite knowing he really doesn’t have to in order for his presence to be known to the other. “hey, baby fangs! notice anything different?”
it’s almost like rubbing a puppy’s nose in the mess its made, except hawon’s all too giddy about it, and it’s his own nose that probably needs the rubbing. after antagonizing his vampire neighbor into punching him in the face, one would think that he would have learned better.
his cousin is really a great surgeon. there’s hardly a noticeable bump anymore, smoothed out without the tell-tale broken nose crook. if hawon got what he asked for, then there shouldn’t be a difference between then and now, at least this time. maybe next time he’ll use it as an opportunity for a new nose.
“you owe me, like, two million won. the family discount only went so far, and witches don’t heal like you bloodsuckers do.”
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feyweixin · 4 years
it’s not exactly a code, not entirely a ritual, but whenever cai yizhen visits his mother and his adopted brother, he always knocks twice on the door before letting himself in. he’s always invited, they’ve made that very clear in the past. and it’s always like coming home as if hardly any time has passed at all, kissing his mother’s cheek and wrapping kijung in a kind half-hug as good brothers do. this time there was someone new, someone unexpected who yizhen did not account for. he’s not mad that no one told him, just a bit guilty that he doesn’t have anything to give him on this visit.
his love language is giving gifts. he picks things up as he travels, from novelty items to expensive antiques, whatever happens to catch his eye at the time. the last several decades were spent in china, his first home. to mei, his mother, he gave a delicate jade tea set. they can’t really drink water and leaves the way they used to, but he knows they both try anyways. for kijung, it’s a stack of postcards from the various cities he’s visited, a panda-shaped thermos, and an ornate knife etched with the same animal. nothing for kyuhwan, who he didn’t know existed let alone joined the family since the last time he’s been here.
“you’ll have to share with him,” he apologizes to kijung, who was probably already counting on it. already yizhen has noticed the tender interactions between the pair. he says nothing about it, but he watches with interest regardless. it’s good for a vampire to have a companion; eternity gets quite lonely. “i’ll bring something for him next time i come. what does he like?” of course yizhen will get to know him before he moves onto his next destination again, but it’s not a bad idea to start somewhere.
he thinks about asking kijung about his sword. he doesn’t ask if he still has it, he already knows that answer, but has he practiced? has he taught his fledgling anything? yizhen likes to believe that they are not beasts, not monsters. if they’re going to defend themselves, they can do it with human tools and not their fangs. of course, blades are such a dated weapon in modern standards. but they’re much harder to master than a gun, much more elegant. he’ll offer to spar with kijung later, just to see if he’s practiced at all in the decades that they’ve been apart. but for now, it’s best they get reacquainted, introduced to the new member of the family.
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feyzihuan · 4 years
door close.
          the only thing zihuan enjoys more than a good hunt is bullying unsuspecting children.  except @feykijung​ isn’t exactly a child, nor should he be unsuspecting, considering they’ve been playing this little game for the past couple of weeks.
          what is this game exactly?  it’s easy, rules are simple.  it starts with him waiting for the elevator, and if he happens to see his dear neighbor down the hall, preferably heading in his direction, then the game commences.  he gives a quick salute, his lips stretching into a cheeky grin before he too-da-loos and steps onto the platform.
          now here’s the real test of patience:  there are five seconds between him repeatedly hitting DOOR CLOSE and the doors actually closing.  will kijung make it this time?  the anticipation drums on.  tick tock. 
          five . . .
          four . . .
          three . . .
          two . . .
          “quick one, aren’t ya.”  nothing too impressive, though.  he reaches over to the panel and hits the level below them.  “main floor for you?”  except he doesn’t choose the M button, oh no, that’s giving this kid what he wants.  so what he does instead is hit every other floor on the way down.  y’know, just for fun.
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feyhana · 4 years
    it’s hard for her to think straight. adrenaline pulses through every vein, and her heart threatens to beat out of her chest. fear is not in the equation. rage is always the answer. but hana is calculating, observing her prey from a distance. her gaze follows every move, as it had for almost an hour now, and her nails tap impatiently on the metal of her chair. finally, she had sight of him and she wasn’t letting him go. 
    she had to admit, this one was hard to track down. hana had been trailing him for weeks now. vampires were annoyingly difficult to deal with, especially regarding any lethal matters. and master vampires at that? let’s just say the wolf wasn’t just doing this for fun, although she certainly loved the challenge. 
    hyunwoo was nothing short of an idiot, hana could say that much about the other wolf. god, was he fucking stupid. the whole pack knew it, he knew it, but the dumb pup failed to realize it would be his downfall. her pulse skyrockets every time she thinks of the boy, young, dumb and dead. thanks to their little vampy friend across the street. 
    revenge was sweet, and hana planned to savor every little moment. the scenario had only run through her mind at least a hundred times since she laid eyes on the culprit. how satisfying it would be to feel his life slip away slowly at her perfectly manicured hands. the thought almost made her snicker, but she suited for taking a long sip of her drink - eyes falling just for a moment to watch the liquid dance as the glass settled back on the table.      ┈┈   【  KIJUNG  】
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yujinfey · 3 years
kijung suspects turning the man in won’t be necessary, and that he’s already found out. what’s an employee to do, however, other than ask him to leave? and kijung doesn’t think that’s a bad option. he’d probably prefer it, actually. “you aren’t helping him having him around so many people.” he won’t turn them in, though. that much is probably obvious; if he wanted to he would’ve already. well, he still could if this guy gets on his nerves.
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚ —
yujin’s eyeing the expanse of the counter where the baristas slide the finished drinks as the man talks to him, intending fully to snatch them up and leave before he’s asked to— and he looks over to him with a bit of a smile on his mouth, a slight shrug of his shoulder.
“the little guy seemed thirsty, and i got him a tiny treat, too, to tide him over while i buy him some dog food because i don’t have any at home. and.. how can i come to a cafe and not get myself a coffee while i’m here? it’ll give me more energy, anyways,” he explains, and it’s mostly with a convinced tone, like he had devised this plan and settled it being on the best course of action that he could take. something he had done on the way down the street after gathering the puppy in his arms and spotted the sign for coffee a moment later— quick, but efficient.
he purses his lips together a bit when he mentions he’s not really helping the dog, but he had felt a little lost at what to do, mainly found himself focusing more on how to take care of the dog’s basic needs on his own. “we won’t be here much longer. i guess i thought getting him some water and whipped cream to cheer up might make him feel a little better. plus, he was cold, and it’s warmest against my chest, and the jacket keeps it all in,” yujin says, and notices his order coming up on the counter.
wordlessly, he steps forward and smiles brightly at the barista. “can i get a to-go carrier?” he asks, dimples prominent in his cheeks, and thanks them once they slide it across to him. with one hand, he slots all of the cups into the cardboard and carries it by the handle back over to the man he had spoken to earlier.
“see? easy!” yujin pipes up, and frowns a little as he looks the man over. “you didn’t get anything? you can have a bit of the whipped cream if you want! maybe before the dog has some of it,” he says, nose wrinkling, and motions towards the door.
“you wanna come with us? then you can pet the dog if you want, but it’s probably better if we go outside. since you know about him, now you’re an assistant.. if you want to be,” yujin offers, but there’s a bright grin on his face— then the puppy starts whimpering against his chest, again, and maybe he can smell the water he’s carrying.
“i won’t take it personal if you don’t come, but! who turns down petting a puppy?” he says with a giggle, and starts walking towards the door, not wanting to make the dog wait any longer to receive what yujin had bought him.
outside, he finds a clear part of the sidewalk to shift him out of his jacket and set him on the ground, crouching down to a tiny siberian husky sitting down on the pavement as he gets out the water, first, and holds it out for him to drink— a gentle smile on his lips, piercings glinting in the light as he reaches out with a free hand, freshly painted nails running slowly through his fur as the dog happily laps it up.
“there you go, sweetheart,” he coos quietly, quite the picture with his leather jacket and boots and purple hair, leaning over to feed the puppy some water with a grin bright in his features.
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meixfey · 3 years
hello dearest ones! after much consideration (and general longing, lbr) i have decided to bring back the loveliest person ever miss zhao li hua, aka miss han mei, aka mom is a master vampire with memory manipulation (you can read a little more about how it works here). currently she works as a therapist specializing in traumatic events, and has her own practice in seoul that works with mundane and supernatural alike. (she has deals with some of the hunter clans that keep her and her ‘family’ just a little bit safer than others)
before she was turned, however, mei was a witch! and even though her practices have been lost over time, she is fully capable of tutoring or aiding young ones in their journey.
a little more info- @feykijung (and kijung’s own fledgling, @feykyuhwan ) are her ‘adopted’ kiddos, kijung having given to her by her own sire when he found him. (have you ever sired any yourself, mei? we just don’t know)
though she does come across as quite a motherly figure (i mean... she was already married and had 4 kids by the time she was turned so it’s only natural), mei is a very stern person and doesn’t take kindly to any disrespect or hint of it. (my pea brain: she is beauty, she is grace, she will punch you in the face)
while she doesn’t regularly associate outside of her own circle, mei does attend every social function and donates often to charitable causes, even if it means having a more quiet and observing, passive type of presence than actively partaking. she knows much more than you would think she does, and many, many people.
so if you think you’d like to plot with the mildly scary mother vamp SDJDSFJ you are welcome to reply or like this and i will find you! i can also be found on discord at rovingsky#2488
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feyxareum · 4 years
what's your weak spot?
Areum scoffs at the question. Did others really believe that someone such as her even had a weak spot? The idea made her want to laugh, to just roll her eyes and walk away, however she figured she might as well just answer the question honestly. “Do you really believe I would have a weak spot? That’s funny really.” She smirks a bit as she slightly tilts her head to the side. “I don’t have one. Maybe long ago I did, though I've learned over the years to not show any weakness, to not feel such things.”
She looks amused as she continues speaking. “Also, if I did have a weak spot, do you really believe I would even allow myself to tell you what it was?” This time she actually laughs, it’s more of a spine chilling laugh, though she quickly becomes serious once again. No, she didn’t have a weak spot and she didn’t want to have one either. She believed that having such a thing would only weigh her down, that if she were to have a weak spot then it would only cause trouble for her at some point.
Though there still was the thought of how lately there were both old and new ‘acquaintances’ she was running into, those that she either had grown to tolerate or wish she could have some ‘fun’ with. There was always Kijung, who she had known for quite some time now, someone she thought she only tolerated due to the fact that she didn’t want to put up with Mei, though truthfully ( she wouldn’t admit this out loud to anyone, not even him ) maybe she had actually started growing somewhat of a soft spot for him over the years without even realizing it.
She had killed a few werewolves for him a few months ago, though did that really mean that she actually thought of him as some sort of ‘friend’? He had shown up in her life not long after her sire had left her, had been there over the past few hundred years even when she didn’t want him to be. Would she consider him as a ‘weak spot’? No, though she did feel as if she had to help keep him safe at times when he got into some sort of trouble, she definitely couldn’t have Mei coming to her if something were to happen to him and she could have done something to prevent it. Right?
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feyjaeyong · 3 years
time to get organized!!
hi! so i feel super behind and like i haven’t written in forever even though it’s only been about two weeks, but!! i haven’t been feeling the best lately so i’ve been slacking. that’s cool and all but i really want to start getting back on track. i’ve kind of just followed where the muse has taken me which has resulted in me going on and off hiatus with kijung and mina and. usually posting on jaeyong, sometimes not asdfsdgdgd and definitely not doing replies i’ve owed the longest. but i want to get on top of it all 😤 some of you have been waiting on me for a very long time and i’m so sorry. everything happens so much.
i figured it would be helpful, at least for me, to write out everything i owe that i intend to get to, so y’all can see what i have and haven’t forgotten about. if i need to write you anything that’s not on this list please let me know!! (on @feykijung​ preferably, or my discord if u have it hehe) very high chance that i’ll forget something. i’ll put it all under the cut!
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bloody justice - @feyminho too many memories getting in the way of me - @feydaeyong all you are is a weapon - @feyhoon in hiding - @arafey sucker punch - @feyxuilan you the monster, i the monster - @yujinfey answers only for monsters - @yujinfey
memes for (yes i will do these eventually asdfasdg): hoon, areum, minho
reply to sentence starter meme for @yujinfey
memes for areum, yujin and junghwa
partners in crimefighting - @feyminho hide the fear/seek the shadows - @yujinfey​ reply to sentence starter meme for @arafey​​​
memes for siwoo and minho
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minjunfey · 4 years
rip minjunfey
hi!! so, this is just a message to say that i’ll be dropping minjun (for now!) i just haven’t really wanted to write for him lately, and i’m not really sure of a direction for him. i don’t really want to hang onto him if i’m not having fun, so!! he will return to the muse dungeon once more. i think it would be nice if i could bring him back one day, this time with actual PAGES and as more of a concrete character. we’ll see if that happens, or i may end up with someone entirely new, or just stick to two muses! the possibilities are endless.
thanks so much to everyone that loved minjun, too. sorry to those i had threads with or was plotting with, but i’ll still be here @feykijung and @feyjaeyong and i’d be happy to plot stuff with you over there on muses i’m enjoying a lot 💕
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