#feyre is an icon and you just hate her because you’re miserable people
highladyofterrasen7 · 7 months
(Some of the) Most iconic feyre scenes:
- killing a faerie
- trapping a suriel
- leaving the manor during calanmai
- lying to a mind reader
- sneaking back into the spring court after being explicitly told not to
- sneaking into the worst possible place for her to be
- making a deal with the very dangerous faerie queen to save the male she loves (ugh) and people who would kill her
- defeating the middengard wyrm with a trap
- flipping off the most powerful high lord in prythian
- throwing a bone at that very dangerous faerie queen
- making a deal with the most powerful high lord in prythian
- almost dying because she can’t read
- comforting the most powerful high lord in prythian because he’s doing it for his family
- figuring that the guy she loves has a heart of stone and that the riddle is love (I would never have done that)
- becoming high fae
- mating with the most powerful high lord in prythian (even tho she doesn’t know it)
- becoming loved by the fae
- being dubbed feyre cursebreaker
- having to wear a really ugly dress
- throwing a shoe at the most powerful high lord in prythian
- throwing another shoe at him
- being taught to read by her sworn enemy
- telling her abusive bf that she’s depressed and he’s really not helping
- befriending two really powerful illyrians, a literal demon, and the morrigan
- single handedly fighting the weaver
- having to fight to get her own wedding ring
- seducing the high lord of summer
- impersonating the high lord of summer
- stealing a book from the high lord of summer
- convincing her pathetic sisters to help the faeries
- yelling at the most powerful high lord in prythian because he used her as a trap
- going into the hewn city
- being the high lords whore
- practically orgasming on his lap as he gets hard
- ✨wingspan sweetheart✨
- mastering how to use the high lords’ powers
- sprouting wings to intimidate her old friend when he tries to take her back
- telling the most powerful high lord in prythian she wants a “distraction” (she doesn’t) as she comes on his fingers
- hunting down the people who shot him out of the sky
- killing them
- taking the arrows out of his wings
- trapping a suriel again who tells her they’re mates
- making him winnow them back when she’s pissed
- leaving the most powerful high lord in history in the mud
- painting his 500 year old cabin
- making him practically grovel
- fighting off an attempted attack on her city
- water wolves
- stabbing the attor three times
- telling it she’d see it in hell
- leaving it to splatter on the ground
- feyre cursebreaker, defender of the rainbow
- breaking into hybern
- becoming prythians first high lady in secret
- making the king of hybern believe he shattered their mating bond
- going undercover in the spring court with her ex dick-friend
- making them believe she’s back for good
- slightly moving the altar so the sun shines on her
- hunting down the twins and setting the bogge on them with Jurien
- making her ex believe she’s interested in his best friend
- making ianthe smash her own hand in with a rock
- killing the twins
- running away from the spring court
- making it to winter and her besties make a really dramatic entrance
- “I am the high lady of the night court”
- seeing her rhysie darling
- defending the home of the people she stole from
- holding her own at a meeting with a bunch of really old guys and her dickhead of an ex
- helping convince them to join her and her friends
- making a deal with both bryaxis and the bone carver so they’ll fight in the war
- trapping the suriel again
- sending ianthe into the weavers cottage
- breaking the cauldron and then fixing it agian
- saving prythian yet again
If any of these are in the wrong order or there’s something I’ve forgot comment
And I’ll add this because I love it
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ephemeralsx · 1 year
they hate on feyre because they wish nesta and elain had the relevance in the series that feyre has as the heroine, it’s not even in the characters the fans are just immature and so because people self insert they do that with the sisters and have to be either to soft girl like elain or the bitchy one like nesta no grey area personality like feyre where she’s a mix of both, they need to be either the “cold girl boss” or “the princess type” character, because this series isn’t that complex and feyre hasn’t done much wrong at all to warrant the fanbases dramatics but this is just an immature petty fanbase that self inserts onto the sisters so they trash on feyre with whatever made up nonsense they come up with all while wishing their characters had what feyre has. her storyline, man, powers and title.
they lie and claim they don’t think she’s interesting of course just to seem superior all while elain and nesta are less impressive than feyre. they don’t have her powers of each court, they aren’t the first and only high lady like she is, they aren’t mated to the most powerful fae to ever exist, the lord of night, they aren’t lady of the night court, they aren’t as important to the inner circle as feyre is having met them all first giving them their first nephew, they don’t have cass or az as a high lord who calls all the shots with BDE, they don’t have the most popular love story of sjm’s, they don’t have the beautiful storyline that feyre has nor do they have a glow up story like hers (from neglected, bullied, manipulated, beaten, starved and killed to strong happy powerful wealthy first high lady, rhys’ only ever lover we know of (az and cass have histories which nesta and elain stan’s hate) she’s come a long way, is known as their country’s savior for freeing them all as cleverly as she did. what did nesta and elain ever do? i like elain! i don’t even hate nesta. but it’s easy to clear a nesta or elain stan when they’ve barely got anything going for them compared to their younger sister. don’t self insert too much guys to where you lose sight of how uninteresting your faves really are…feyre stan’s can at least say we aren’t deluded, jealous or miserable as hell 😂 at least we got three books dedicated to us and a novella. what do nesta and elain get? one book each? a less iconic love story than feysand? don’t piss a feysand off yall, bc it’s so easy to shit on her sisters and we’ll all happily do it. we win because the sisters stan’s will always have to deal with feysand being the more important and popular in the series regardless of them getting books sjm will always involve them and make them important as leaders of their family.
i mostly agree with you! its insane to me how someone can absolutely hate a main character eho has 3 books completely in her pov, like if you dislike it so much stop reading it and stop bitching about it.
i actually love nesta, but i can admit that the abuse towards feyre in their childhood is very much real, and honestly makes me sick when i think about it. feyre deserves all the apologies from them. and nesta did apologise, thats why i love her, she grew as a character and found her true self. i won’t share my opinion about elain for the sake of my sanity bc i don’t want elain stans attacking me, plus my opinion about her is pretty irrelevant for this topic.
anyways, i wouldn’t say nesta is less impressive than feyre. of course, over the course of 4 books, feyre had more history since nesta hasn’t really been a main character since lately. i love feysand, to be honest, even more than nessian, but i think the reason for that is just because we know them the best. if nesta was the main character from the start, things would look way different. even tho acosf was like a bible long book, i feel like nessian was rushed and a bit of a disappointment (too centered on lust instead of love in my opinion).
but anyways, you’re right, *some* nesta or elain stans lose themselves in the role of the icy bitch or the flowery princess and often overlook or even hate on feyre. which makes me incredibly sad because i relate with feyre the most. the kid who always got overlooked but was still faced with the burden if responsibility.
calling feyre boring or irrelevant just because she settled down and just wants to be happy is so incredibly wrong. think about her whatever you want, but some hate is out of pocket and just unnecessary
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theladyofdeath · 4 years
The Joker {Nessian}
31 Days of Halloween: Day 17.
All installments co-written with @snelbz​
Based on a prompt sent in by anon : “Well, one of us has to change and it’s not going to be me.”
Warning: language, alcohol.
Autumn/Halloween 2020 {Collection}
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Nesta looked in the mirror at her ripped fishnets, her shorts, her shirt that read Daddy’s Little Monster, and her red and blue pig tails. At first, she always thought that Harley Quinn was overly done on Halloween, but this year, she was feeling sexy in her costume. 
Her sisters would be there soon to pick her up, and although Nesta didn’t typically do the whole Halloween party thing, she was grateful for the break this year. 
Her work schedule had been grueling, every day leaving her exhausted, and she was grateful to finally have a day off. 
A night to drink, when she didn’t have to be up early the next day.
After one final look in the mirror, Nesta made sure her small, crossbody purse was appropriately packed for the night, with her mints, her lipstick, cash, ID, and one condom….just in case. After tossing her apartment keys inside of the bag, too, she was waiting, patiently, for the knock on the door to come. 
And when it did, Nesta was completely thrown off guard, because when she opened the door, she was met with the Joker. 
Cassian dressed as the Joker, to be more specific.
Nesta said nothing when she threw open the door and found Cassian’s shaggy hair dyed green, and his red suit, and yellow vest. His face was painted, and his grin was rimmed in red face paint.
Nesta blinked. “Where the hell are my sisters?”
“At the club,” he said, shrugging. “I told them I’d pick you up since your apartment is on the way.”
Nesta’s mouth opened, but was quickly snapped shut, before it opened, once again. “You have to change.”
He arched an eyebrow. “What?”
“You have to change,” he said, again, gesturing to her costume. “I’m Harley Quinn. You have to change.”
He chuckled. “And why is that?” 
She gestured again at her costume, and when he shrugged, she said, exasperated, “We’re a couples costume, and we’re not a couple! You have to change.”
Cassian snorted. “I’m not changing.”
“Well, one of us has to change and it’s not going to be me,” Nesta said, crossing her arms.
Cassian sighed. “Well, considering we’re at your house, and you insist that one of us must change, it has to be you.” 
Nesta’s lips formed a straight line. “I’m not changing, Cassian.”
“Well, neither am I,” he said, shrugging. “Now, we can go to this party, or you can stay here all alone, pissed off that we match. So. You ready?” 
Nesta scoffed. “You really know how to talk to a lady, you know.”
“Oh, I know,” Cassian grinned. “Come on. Everyone’s waiting. The party has started. Let’s go.”
Nesta hesitated. “No.”
Cassian looked at her for a moment before slowly shaking his head. “You’re so fucking stubborn.”
Nesta was taken aback, offended. “What?”
“You’re stubborn,” he repeated. “You’re stubborn, and it gets in the way of you having a good time.”
“I am not stubborn,” Nesta fought.
Cassian rolled his eyes. “You’re literally the most stubborn person that I know.”
“You’re so full of shit!” Nesta said, her offense growing. 
Cassian laughed as his head fell back, his hands shoved into his pockets. “Just come to the party, Nesta. I promise to keep my distance from you, if that’s what you wish. No one will even know that we’re together.”
“We’re not together,” she said, deadpan. 
Cassian blew out a breath. “Just come on, will ya? The truck is on, the heat is on, your sisters are waiting-”
“Please?” he begged, and when she said nothing more, he took that as a good sign. “If you don’t show up, Elain will-.”
“Alright, alright,” Nesta sighed. “Back up.” 
Cassian took a step back and Nesta stepped into the hall, locking the door behind her. Without a word, she followed Cassian down the flight of stairs and to his truck, where she helped herself inside.
The ride was quiet, aside from the soft music playing in the background. It was so low that there were moments it got lost in the sound of the heater, blowing out toasty air.
Nesta picked up on the tension just a few minutes before they arrived, and once she did, she wasn’t sure how she had missed it. In the few glances she snuck at him, she could see how tight his grip on the wheel was, how tightly his jaw was clenched. His teeth must have been singing as they locked together.
But the most telling sign, the way she knew something was off, was the way he refused to look at her.
She wasn’t inclined to ask what it was.
When they arrived at the club, the line was around the building and Nesta nearly groaned, until she remembered who her younger sister was. Elain had bought VIP tickets the day they’d gone on sale, allowing them to bypass the line and enter exclusive areas that Rita only allowed a select few.
Hopping out of the truck, Nesta didn’t bother to wait for Cassian as she made her way towards the front of the line, popping a pink wad of chewing gum into her mouth. She’d wanted to go all out with the baseball bat, but knew it would get lost somewhere halfway through the night. Better to save her money for booze.
She retrieved the lanyard attached to the VIP pass from her clutch and held it up to the bouncer. Wordlessly, he let her through.
Nesta didn’t wait to see if Cassian was behind her. 
Maybe she should have, or maybe she should have at least thanked him for the ride that saved her from public transportation, but she didn’t. Even as the thought crossed her mind, her feet just kept moving into the club. 
She spotted her sisters and their boyfriends, along with Mor and Amren and their dates, in a booth along the far wall, close to the bar. They all cheered as Nesta approached.
“Where’s Cass?” Elain asked, beaming, after complimenting her sister’s costume. 
“Yeah, thanks for sending the ride, by the way,” Nesta muttered. “I hate the bus and I nearly almost took it anyway. Why’d you send him, anyway? Didn’t he have better things to do? Like, I don’t know, pick up his girlfriend?” 
Elain’s smile faltered. “You don’t know?”
Nesta arched a brow. “I don’t know, what?”
“They broke up,” Feyre said, shrugging. “A couple days ago, I’m surprised that you hadn't heard. Or, at least, saw it on Facebook.” 
“I’m taking a break from Facebook, it just pisses me off,” Nesta mumbled. 
She stared down at her hands, which were folded on the table. Cassian was single for the first time in years.
No wonder he had been so tense in the car.
The man himself appeared, a crooked grin that matched the gruesome one painted on his face, sliding into the booth, next to Rhys. Nesta looked at him for the first time, really looked at him, beneath the costume.
Those hazel eyes that she knew all too well, they were...hollow and empty. And she didn’t like it.
“Nice of you two to finally join us,” Amren said, shooting them both an impatient glare.
Nesta just raised an eyebrow at her friend, but Cassian said, “My apologies, ma’am. First round is on me.”
No one was arguing with that.
Drinks were ordered and as Nesta sipped on a tropical beverage, she kept glancing at the disheveled Joker across the booth. 
“Come on, Rhys, let’s dance!” Rhysand was dragged onto the dance floor, leaving Nesta and Cassian alone as the other couples followed, enjoying their time together.
Nesta cleared her throat, but Cassian continued to stare at his half-full glass of whiskey. 
She cleared her throat again.
Cassian’s eyes shot up and met hers. He blinked a few times as if he had completely forgotten she was there. “Sorry, what?”
Nesta hesitated. She really hadn’t thought of what to say, only that she hated seeing him so miserable. “Your costume looks good,” she said, deciding small talk was safe. “I’m glad you went with this version of the Joker.”
“I thought I needed to change.” His words were meant to bite, she could tell. But they didn’t. They were empty.
She didn’t like that. 
She’d never liked Cassian’s girlfriend. She was a haughty bitch, who constantly judged people and-.
Nesta stopped her thoughts before she let them follow that particular rabbit hole. But she had to admit she wasn’t upset at the news that Cassian wasn’t with her anymore.
Cassian definitely seemed upset, though. 
“I changed my mind,” she said, at last. “Who’s Harley Quinn without the Joker?” 
Cassian chuckled, even though the light didn’t reach his eyes. “You’re known to say that Harley is much better without the Joker.”
She had walked right into that one. But, for the sake of making him feel better, she’d push her personal beliefs of DC villains aside. 
“Just because you dressed up like Joaquin Phoenix instead of Heath Ledger, who was clearly the best Joker to date, doesn’t mean that I think your effort is a total waste,” Nesta went on.
He rolled his eyes, the first thing she’d seen that was anything similar to his normal self. “Please. Ledger’s interpretation may have been iconic, but it only blew up as big as it did because of his untimely death right after,” he said, bringing the glass to his lips and taking a drink. “But you’re not ready to talk about that.”
“It was a tragedy that added to the element of chaos that were his final years,” she defended, sipping down the rest of her drink.
Cassian raised a hand, looking over his shoulder at the bartender, who had two new drinks heading their way shortly after. They discussed the aesthetic differences in the different adaptations of characters, from the Joker and Harley, to Batman and even over to Marvel, getting into a heated debate over who was the superior Spiderman.
Cassian narrowed his eyes at Nesta, who had somehow ended up next to him in the booth - or did he end up next to her? - and said, a slight slur to his words, “Look, just admit it, you like Heath Ledger better because he’s prettier.”
Nesta snorted, something she thought was decidedly unladylike, but she didn’t care. “I mean, yeah, that’s obvious, but that’s not the only reason. It is the reason you should have been him though.”
“Because I’m pretty?” Cassian asked, with a crooked grin.
“I walked right into that one,” Nesta mumbled, downing her drink before setting it down on the table with a clunk. 
“So you do think I’m pretty,” Cassian said, his grin remaining. 
“Everyone thinks you’re pretty,” Nesta argued, snatching a full glass and not hesitating to take a drink. 
Cassian’s grin widened, and with the Joker makeup, Nesta was caught between thinking it was cute or terrifying. “Even you?”
Nesta didn’t answer. Her lips pressed together in a straight line. “Let’s dance, Nazari.”
She was already up on her feet when Cassian stared at her, dumbfounded. “What?”
She shrugged. “Let’s dance.” 
Cassian looked at her for a moment before saying, “I’m not really in the mood to dance, Nesta.”
“Why?” she asked. “Because you were dumped?”
Cassian’s shoulders tensed. “You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Nesta shook her head, rubbing her temples. “It’s Halloween, Cass. You deserve to have a good night, and I’m going to make sure you have a good night.” 
Cassian took a deep breath as he looked up at Nesta, through his dark lashes. “Why do you care so much?”
Nesta wanted to grab him by the shoulders and shake him. “We’re friends, right?”
Cassian snorted. “We are?”
Nesta rolled her eyes. “Come on, Cass. Let’s dance.” 
Once again, Cassian stared at her for a long moment. “If I dance with you, will you admit that Joaquin is a better Joker?” 
Nesta slowly shook her head as she crossed her arms. “Never.”
Cassian’s eyes narrowed. “Can we at least agree that Jared Leto was the worst?”
Nesta grinned. “Oh, absolutely.”
“I’ll take it.” Cassian stood, and took Nesta’s hand. She led him onto the dance floor and wasted no time trying to take his mind off his breakup.
They had come together, after all. Even though they weren’t a couple.
Not yet, anyways.
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