#feyre you really are turning into an abusive tyrannical ruler for your sister who has no choice but to be your subject because she was force
lectophile · 4 years
* Sorry I have to go, I just need to focus on work so I can get it out of the way prior to getting the book and I already fell a little behind by getting consumed on all the stuff being released.
I really don’t understand the meaning or purpose behind what Feyre did. Like it’s supposedly an intervention, but interventions are supposed to be a space where the people who care about the individual for whom it is for are all there ready to make a decisive move—but who was there?
Feyre, okay, she’s a sister and she clearly loves Nesta no matter the difficulties in their relationship.
Rhys….what the fuck is he doing there. Either (1) he didn’t respect Feyre’s request for him to not come (which I feel is unlikely because he seems to respect her requests); (2) he is there because this is not a family intervention but a matter of the Night Court and Nesta is being treated like a punished citizen for behaving criminally; (3) Feyre asked him to be there to support her (which, okay you can talk to him afterwards, you don’t need a hype man to deal with your sister).
Amren, even though Amren has just had a fight with Nesta, the fact that she would be petty enough to ignore her means she cares for her no matter what happened between the two of them. I know others may not believe so, but I think Amren is extremely mature and doesn’t view the Nesta situation in the same light as the others; I think she’s petty but cares for her so she wants to be there to help, but she’s herself through and through and won’t be soft for anyone, even if it’s for their sakes.
Cassian, okay, um, why?? Cassian cares for her, but from what everyone can tell, he has not been respectful or forward enough in that respect that he’s basically a boy who has a crush, not a faithful friend or anything. He should not be there. Feyre should not be playing matchmaker while having an intervention, at this moment in time he is not very important in Nesta’s life because he has decided to, and made it obvious that, he is not part of her life.
--------> Also, I feel like he asked to be there and Feyre let him. And idk how to elaborate on that but that’s just wrong, not on Cassian’s part bc anyone’s welcome to ask things, but on Feyre’s. If this was the case, she obviously was throwing a “Let’s get Nesta ‘fixed’ so we can stop having a reminder of what all the war cost us” party and not an intervention. Smh Feyre and Rhys, what was ACOMAF? Did we learn nothing in ACOMAF????
Okay, so we see. Only 2 out of the 4 people there should be there. But there is one person missing: Elain. Why isn’t Elain there? Why wouldn’t she be there? Maybe she didn’t want to go (which I doubt because she stabbed Hybern for Nesta), so I have a feeling Feyre didn’t really let Elain know. That’s just cowardly, because she knows Elain would object the unfair treatment of Nesta.
Also, idk if you guys remember but Nesta and Elain fought, actually fought, in the cabin. So while Elain is sweet and whatever, she isn’t spineless. She’s just not. To say so is to force Elain into a mono-faceted role and that’s internalized misogyny my friends.
Then, Feyre allows for Rhys to behave as he does. Not only the words and his “cruel smile,” but his body language. Wearing his high lord clothes, standing up as if he’s on guard—as if Nesta is a threat he has to protect Feyre from—and such.
Rhys should not be there. Rhys should not be there. Feyre, just because you are extremely co-dependent doesn’t mean your co-dependency should interfere with your relationships with others.
I feel this is hard for her to understand because only 3 out of her many relationships with people she cares about in Prythian (Lucien, Elain, and Nesta) are exclusive from that of hers with Rhys. So she doesn’t realize that while other relationships are of mutual importance to Rhys, the one between her and Nesta is not—if only because Feyre is a part of it does he care about it at all. Even then though, he doesn’t care about Nesta, he just wants his mate to get whatever she wants in the world.
Either ways, long rant I want to get out of the way prior to me reading because I feel this might be covered and I don’t want it to be irrelevant.
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