#ff jinhua ham
blakeandaffairs · 2 months
Back at it again 🤩🥳
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And I’ll see yall in another few years LMAOOO
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ff-ringo · 4 years
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Jinhua Ham Skin- Shining Lantern Night
"Come here. Why are you still standing so far away when we agreed to attend the Lantern Festival together? If you get lost, I won't be able to find you."
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scolki · 4 years
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red-lobster-man · 4 years
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cakerollk · 4 years
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Heaven Society’s mercenary + Broken Sky’s leader 
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fuckyeahfoodfantasy · 5 years
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BaBEY we’re back!
Once again, please open this doc on desktop for higher quality images and scroll down to candied birds nest to see new additions!
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rainberrydrops · 4 years
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Sad, I thought we will get Longxi Cured Ham in Global for this Halloween :(((
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But on side note I'm still happy Bird's Nest Soup and Jinhua Ham came home today 😭❤️ (also Osechi finally came home, she has been snobbing me since anniversary event huhuhu yaay welcome to my team my adorable tsundere Waifood ❤️)
Also, I'm gonna skip Junmai's ranking event. It's too expensive ☹️ plus I saw a guide about it from CN Server and his boss stages are too difficult even if you have OP team so no thanks
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misterpoofin · 4 years
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Why hasn't anyone noticed that Jinhua kinda looks like a Steak and Red Wine fusion?? ..Well really anyone can point this out, but I haven't really found someone saying something about this yet ://
..I should look more harder
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ff-chizuruleech · 5 years
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Me some day ago: "nah the fact that Cassata and Minestrone are both one eyed red heads it's merely a coincidence"
Funtoy: "here's Jinhua Ham, have fun"
Oh damn. I MIGHT actually have a problem.
Bonus: Unadon. But he's on thin Ice just because he has still both his eyes 🔪🔪
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souseisekiamazing · 4 years
I didn’t want to do homework so here’s why Steakwine have 3 kids
SteakWine has three kids; Longxi Cured Ham, Jinhua Ham, and Roast Lamb Chops. Why? WELL, I’ll tell you why!
Longxi Cured Ham is first. She’s an Ultra Rare with red hair and goldish eyes. The eyes may not be enough to convince you, but the hair the HAIR. Who else has red hair??? STEAK THAT’S RIGHT. ‘Okay, but that’s appearances, just a coincidence.’ Okay, let’s get into bios then. “She enjoys studying the stories of ancient corpses. She despises garlic, sunlight, and fire, though she refuses to explain why and others dare not ask,” (Longxi Cured Ham’s Bio). Despises garlic, sunlight, and fire. Hmmm, that sunlight line seems kinda familiar. “He hates being in places where the sun shines,” (Red Wine’s Bio). Different wording, same meaning. Hate and despise are different, true, but emotions can differ for everyone. Since her backstory is not yet out (that I know of), then perhaps she saw Red Wine and his hatred towards it, and in turn, started to hate it, then something happened in her life, and she grew to despise it. Monkey see monkey do situation but it escalates. Red Wine is also portrayed as a vampire, or at least referenced or based off one, which is where garlic can come in. The fire part can make for some great angst between her and Steak I see you. 
Jinhua Ham is next. He is a Super Rare with darker red hair and goldish eyes, like Longxi. If science taught me anything, then it taught me that this is completely possible because genes. Don’t quote me on that though I suck at science. “A battle-ready youth, he looks for the excitement of life,” (Jinhua Ham’s Bio). Battle-ready, huh? “He has incredible fighting strength and was born to battle,” (Steak’s Bio). “Okay, so they both like to fight? With that, you could say he’s Boston’s kid as well.’ That is true, but that’s where fire comes in. Steak is shown with fire, as well as Jinhua. Boston seems to be more steam than fire, from my understanding.
Last but not least is Roast Lamb Chops. My argument? I can’t find a wiki on him so my argument is the hair, eyes, and the ears. I would say horns, but I once heard that he was like half turned into a fallen angel or something? But if he wasn’t, then Steak finally got a horned kid like himself.
In conclusion, there is evidence that these are their kids. Thank you.
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ff-translations · 5 years
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FF translations: Lion’s Head Fondness Story V
Lion’s Head
  Lion’s Head never thought that there would come a day where he would be “bait” in order to save someone.
  In order to rescue the captured food souls, Lion’s Head followed WuChang Fish and JinHua Ham’s plans and infiltrated the place where they are kept.
  WuChang Fish and JinHua Ham has already planned intricately before the infiltration started, but it all depends on Lion’s Head to see whether the mission succeeds or not.
  Luckily, Lion’s Head didn’t slip during the important times. Not only did he rescue Mandarin Squirrel Fish, he also rescued all the other food souls with the help of JinHua Ham.
  Of course, when the good guys are saving people from the bad guys, there will always be a debt to pay.
  In order to protect JinHua Ham’s status as a spy, all of the trails had to be led towards Lion’s Head, and they even left the little lantern that Lion’s Head always carries around in Mandarin Squirrel Fish’s cell.
  Steamed WuChang Fish would definitely not let Lion’s Head be captured by the bad guys, so he sent Lion’s Head and all the food souls that he rescued to Buddha’s Temptation.
  At this time, Buddha’s Temptation already has a huge merchant ship with enough space to fit every food soul that was rescued.
  During the time where Lion’s Head was in Buddha’s Temptation’s merchant ship, there were some food souls who requested to be sent to certain places, and there were others who chose to stay on Buddha’s Temptation’s ship, becoming Buddha’s Temptation’s workers.
  Lion’s Head felt like Buddha’s Temptation was someone who was hard to get along at first, until one day he saw Buddha’s Temptation giving a wounded Mandarin Squirrel Fish a travel journal of Sakurajima to help pass the time, causing Lion’s Head to see him in a different perspective. He even took the initiative to go ask Buddha’s Temptation regarding the situation of the Royal Capitol and Steamed WuChang Fish.
  「……You wish to return to the Royal Capitol to look for WuChang Fish?」
  Buddha’s Temptation keenly observed Lion’s Head’s intention, and Lion’s Head did not deny.
  He raised his head to look at the sails while asking Buddha’s Temptation.
  「Have you seen those people who lost their homes and had to wander around?」
  Buddha’s Temptation has been on the sea for very long, and for people who make a living on the sea, they have definitely seen many people who lost their homes and turned to the sea. There is also a portion of people who are desperate to live and had to run towards the sea, so everyone would be wary to not mention about their pasts.
  Buddha’s Temptation initially guessed that Lion’s Head might have heard stories from someone on board, making him understand.
  「I have never been to the Royal Capitol before, and I’d always assumed that it represented brilliance and splendour. The Royal Capitol was peaceful and had dance and song, and it really was flourishing. But I never expected, there were many refugees that were gathered around the Royal Capitol. Because of natural disasters, these people lost their farms, their houses, and they had no choice but to leave the home in which they have been living in for generations. Natural Disasters are unavoidable, but man-made disasters are always caused by the people in the royal court in the Royal Capitol. The refugees were running to the capitol in search of some food, but the Royal Capitol wouldn’t let them in, and they’ve never given out any rations to them either.」
  「When I said my goodbyes to Master, I was still under the assumption that everywhere in this country was just as harmonious and peaceful as the place where I lived, so I didn’t understand the meaning of WuChang Fish’s actions…...but now I understand why he wants to do what he does, I want to join WuChang Fish’s cause, to change all of these unfair situations along with him, and to help those poor, innocent people.」
  After listening to Lion’s Head talk about what he’s seen and felt in the Royal Capitol, Buddha’s Temptation raised his hand and patted his head.
  「If you have already made up your mind, then I can send you back. Besides, I also have an idea, maybe it could help you…...」
  Hald a year later, a merchant who came from overseas entered the royal court.
  This merchant brought a food soul who was adept in machinery to the young emperor, and this food soul offered a human-shaped lantern that can move on its own to the emperor.
  Seeing the human lantern that was carrying treasures from across the seas, the emperor was immensely delighted. Not only did the emperor reward the merchant greatly, but he also kept the food soul in the royal courts.  
  In the days that come, this food soul would help the young emperor retake the power that is rightfully his, and heightened it to its maximum capacity.
(T/N: there’s a play on words here because the original text says “关键”, which means crucial, but it can also mean “hinge”, a nod at Lion’s Head mechanic side.)
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blakeandaffairs · 4 years
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Food Fantasy Monocolored Series 9/9
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red-lobster-man · 4 years
I spent way more than i shud have cuz here i am being a s i m p yet Jinhua Ham is still not home
I am now sad and miserable
And cuz im a s i m p i just want to say i love him so much, his character design, esp the smirk and the emo-looking fringe with the dark red aesthetics
And most importantly, the fact that he uses a crossbow
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ff-translations · 5 years
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FF translations: Bhudda’s Temptation Fondness Story V
Buddha’s Temptation   Once Buddha’s Temptation left the country, his Master was punished for assisting wanted criminals.   Even before Buddha’s Temptation chose to leave, he had already predicted this ending for his master. To Buddha’s Temptation, this is the well deserved ending of someone who discards his friends.   When Buddha’s Temptation found out that Master was going to give his only son to ChengTian Association, he had already started planning ahead for his future. Rather than travelling through land which can be easily followed, Buddha’s Temptation chose to go through the dangerous but hard to track ocean.   Through the savings he earned when he was helping Master with his business, he requested for help from some of his reliable acquaintances to obtain access to a merchant ship, so that he can leave and set sail whenever.   Just like this, Buddha’s Temptation brought Steamed WuChang Fish to the safehouse that JinHua Ham had prepared, and Steamed WuChang Fish received careful treatment from Cloud Tea.   Buddha’s Temptation told Steamed WuChang Fish about the fact that JinHua Ham helped them escape but didn’t leave with them.   Steamed WuChang Fish was quiet for a moment, then let out a soft sigh but didn’t say anything else.   Buddha’s Temptation didn’t ask any further questions, he just took out his pocket watch to look at the time, then went to the back kitchen to get the medicine that was being boiled for Steamed WuChang Fish.   Buddha’s Temptation didn’t wait until Steamed WuChang Fish’s injuries to completely heal and left; he knew that WuChang fish would return to the country of which they were born from, to gain revenge on that organisation that controls the nation and killed his master.   Buddha’s Temptation has no interest in ChengTian Association, and his intentions do not belong here.   He had already known early on that outside of this country, there are far broader skies,  enough power for him to expend at his whims, letting more people know of his name, allowing for more wealth to accumulate under his name. All he needs to do is think, and he will be able to obtain all that he wanted.   Buddha’s Temptation chose to leave; a single person, a single boat, from the simple transport and escort, until he reached land to build his shop, he went through many troubles.   On this journey, he got to know many brothers whom he could trust, found a partner who was dependable enough, formed a tough team and grew his business.   While Buddha’s Temptation was focused on managing his business, he never once forgot about the friend who returned to his origin country for revenge, and was always paying close attention to the news, and even lent a bit of help when it was needed most.   For example, when Steamed WuChang Fish had his identity exposed and was chased down by the enemy, Buddha’s Temptation brought him on to the boat, allowing him to temporarily hide.   Every time, Buddha’s Temptation would remind Steamed WuChang Fish that he owed him an extra favour and that he would want to ask for it back one day, telling him that Steamed WuChang Fish should just do his best, he shouldn’t lose his life for revenge.   The thing is, Buddha’s Temptation never asked for these favours back from Steamed WuChang Fish, he would just joke like this to Steamed WuChang Fish every time.   「One day, I will take it all back from you.」
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